View Full Version : First Perry, now Walker

09-21-15, 16:03

Who is next?

09-21-15, 16:14

Who is next?

Not surprised... some day these candidates will figure out that there are a few subject you should keep your mouth shut about or sidestep.

Abortion, Same-sex marriage being chief among those.

He came out swinging at both and imploded any chance he had.

09-21-15, 16:17
Good. He wasn't gonna win anyway & I want to keep him right where he is.

09-21-15, 16:19

Who is next?

Next is Carson, who will send his voters to Trump, giving him a mega-lead and sealing the nomination.

09-21-15, 16:48
The interesting part will be when support for establishment and outsider candidates starts to coalesce around two or three candidates.

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Outlander Systems
09-21-15, 18:02

The interesting part will be when support for establishment and outsider candidates starts to coalesce around two or three candidates.

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09-21-15, 18:59
He has too much money in his war chest to go away this early.

09-21-15, 19:05
Not surprised... some day these candidates will figure out that there are a few subject you should keep your mouth shut about or sidestep.

Abortion, Same-sex marriage being chief among those.

He came out swinging at both and imploded any chance he had.

It's telling of the times we live in when a man is lambasted for protesting the murder of children, and the unnatural state of homosexuality.

09-21-15, 19:14
Who thinks it might come down to a Fiorina-Rubio contest?

09-21-15, 19:21
It's telling of the times we live in when a man is lambasted for protesting the murder of children, and the unnatural state of homosexuality.

It is telling, it says he is out of touch with the majority of people.

09-21-15, 19:42
Who thinks it might come down to a Fiorina-Rubio contest?

They are splitting the logic vote. Trump will be hard to beat as long as this happens.

Having said that, I'd happily vote for some version of Rubio-Fiorina over Biden-Warren or Clinton-Warren.

09-21-15, 19:47
I'm sadly convinced Bush will get the nomination after all the dust settles. I hope I am wrong.

26 Inf
09-21-15, 20:48
It's telling of the times we live in when a man is lambasted for protesting the murder of children, and the unnatural state of homosexuality.

If we are going to accomplish anything, especially regarding abortion, the way to do it is not with a big hammer.

I have a friend, he is a very devout Christian, he witnesses everyplace he goes to everyone he meets. People who know who he is go the other way when they see him. He has lost several jobs because he wouldn't quit pestering people. I honestly believe he has driven more people further from Christ by his incessant witnessing, then he has brought closer.

It is the same thing with abortion rights. I have several friends who were on WPD during the 'Summer of Mercy' in 1991. None of them are pro-abortion, and the department was lauded by the DOJ, National Police Organizations, and the members of Operation Rescue themselves. They universally hate abortion protestors because of the shenanigans they pulled and the trouble they caused.

Maybe if we dialed back the rhetoric we could make some headway.

Homosexuals, I'll let them take it up with God. If they are Christians they know what the Bible says, if they are interpreting God's word incorrectly, they need to make amends. We all need to remember, Jesus didn't push sinners away, he pulled them closer.

Edited to add: I hope Carson didn't kill himself by being too candid about a Muslim Presidency.

09-21-15, 21:36
Candid or not... he's right.

09-21-15, 23:56
And then there were...... Still too many.

09-22-15, 00:06
I'm sadly convinced Bush will get the nomination after all the dust settles. I hope I am wrong.

Jeb is a Bush. They are an American NEOCON dynasty; members all of Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones. His grandfather Prescott Bush was a Wall Street executive and a US Senator who hatched the infamous Business Plot, a military coup to take over the US. His father of course was the Director of the CIA for a long time, a VP, and of course a POTUS, as well as his bro.

I'm pretty sure he's got this one in the bag.

09-22-15, 05:41
Candid or not... he's right.
It was still stupid for him to take the bait and answer a controversial question he didn't need to.

09-22-15, 06:06
Jeb is a Bush. They are an American NEOCON dynasty; members all of Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones. His grandfather Prescott Bush was a Wall Street executive and a US Senator who hatched the infamous Business Plot, a military coup to take over the US. His father of course was the Director of the CIA for a long time, a VP, and of course a POTUS, as well as his bro.

I'm pretty sure he's got this one in the bag.

But if he doesn't have it in the bag, it kind of ruins any conspiracy theories doesn't it?

Outlander Systems
09-22-15, 06:41

And it will be another wind-pissing affair, where the conservatives have to drag themselves to the polls, and begrudgingly crank the lever, because Bush is "less evil" than Hillary.

I'm sadly convinced Bush will get the nomination after all the dust settles. I hope I am wrong.

09-22-15, 08:00

And it will be another wind-pissing affair, where the conservatives have to drag themselves to the polls, and begrudgingly crank the lever, because Bush is "less evil" than Hillary.

If it comes to that, and it may, Then I'm not going to bother voting, I mean why? for what? Two Bush's and a Clinton wasn't enough?

09-22-15, 08:00
But if he doesn't have it in the bag, it kind of ruins any conspiracy theories doesn't it?

Not to mention that he is polling FIFTH in the latest post-debate poll. As it stands now, Bush is on-track to lose the Iowa Caucus, NH Primary, and SC Primary in spectacular fashion. If that is considered to be "in the bag" then I'm curious to see what they consider a shoe-in. When was the last time that someone lost the first three and went on to secure the nomination?

The only thing that Bush has going for him is money.

Outlander Systems
09-22-15, 08:05
If it comes to that, and it may, Then I'm not going to bother voting, I mean why? for what? Two Bush's and a Clinton wasn't enough?

Tell me about it. This dynastic bullshit has to stop.

09-22-15, 08:25
Been saying it all along, with a wager to back it up.
Its a long game. Attrition.
When its early let the other do the talking, put size 14 in pie-hole, create controversy.
They will drop like flies. The voter is fickle with the attention span of a fruit fly.
Bush has the money and stamina.
He's keeping his powder dry and nose clean. Simple.

09-22-15, 08:44
Not to mention that he is polling FIFTH in the latest post-debate poll.


Bush has been crashing since the middle of July.

Trump is still on blastoff- nearing 30%.

I expect Carson's comments to drive some of the protest voters into the Trumposphere, and after that he'll have an unrecoverable lead.

I predict a Trump-Cruz ticket.


09-22-15, 08:45
True wrt Bush vs Clinton. But one of the two publicly intends to damage our second amendment rights, the other doesn't.

I don't want to vote for Bush if he is the nominee, but will just because of that reason.

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09-22-15, 09:35
It is telling, it says he is out of touch with the majority of people.

Because the majoryity is always right? So the acceptable thing to do it lie and pander to the majority? He's a Republican, though, and actually most republicans poll the same way he feels.

There are still far too many, but I image most will fall by the wayside by Christmas.

Singlestack Wonder
09-22-15, 09:38
Bush is just another career politician, not what we need in Washington.

09-22-15, 09:42
Bush is just another career politician, not what we need in Washington.
Would be better than Billary, if that is the choice.

09-22-15, 10:32
Honestly, the only thing Walker had going for him was that he stood up to the unions in WI. He had little personality and otherwise was a ho hum candidate.

I do wonder if he got a "talking to" by the heads of the RNC who are trying to narrow the field for Jeb and get rid of Trump as well.

I am not really getting a warm and fuzzy feeling for the Presidential race this time around. Granted, Hillary's ride is more iffy than I thought it would be but we also have little or no direction from the GOP side of the race.

09-22-15, 11:40
I do wonder if he got a "talking to" by the heads of the RNC who are trying to narrow the field for Jeb and get rid of Trump as well.

Maybe, but he was also almost out of money and his doners started betting on other horses.

09-22-15, 11:57
At least another half dozen should follow suit.

09-22-15, 11:59
Yes, lets see Christie, Santorum, Huckabee, Graham, Pataki and Jeb drop out next....please!

09-22-15, 12:35
Yes, lets see Christie, Santorum, Huckabee, Graham, Pataki and Jeb drop out next....please!

All of the people that you mentioned except Bush and maybe Huckabee are polling at <3%. Their exit will only change the debate landscape - nothing else. Bush ain't leaving anytime soon since his treasure chest is the largest in the field except for Trump. We will not see a real challenge to Trump unless some other candidate polling more than 5% falls out.

09-22-15, 13:27
But if he doesn't have it in the bag, it kind of ruins any conspiracy theories doesn't it?

What conspiracy theories?

It is FACT that his grandfather hatched the Business Plot. As a Marine you know who Smedley Butler was? Google it.

Also, it is fact the Bush's are Skull & Bones members. During the Bush vs. Kerry election they both came out in the MSM that they are members.

Some of you guys can dismiss all of this as "tinfoil" but it doesn't change the fact that these groups exist and operate behind the scenes. Hell Cruz's wife is not only got her thumb in the Halliburton pie but also was also a term member of the CFR.

09-22-15, 13:41
True. Jeb does not HAVE to poll high to still have a very good chance of actually being the nominee.

Remember McCain and Romney....who the hell was voting for those guys in the primaries? I knew nobody that did this and I live in one of the most Republican places in America.

Powers that we do not see...behind the scenes...choose our candidates - don't kid yourselves.

09-22-15, 14:01
9,902,797 people voted for McCain in the 2008 GOP Primaries which was roughly 47% of the people who cast a ballot. The rest voted for Romney (22%), Huckabee (15%), and Paul (5%).

10,031,336 people, or 52% of GOP primary voters, voted for Romney in 2012. The rest were divided among Santorum, Gingrich, and Paul.

So, you can see that the GOP nominees had at least simple majorities, and Romney had an absolute majority, when they accepted the nomination. In addition, no candidate has lost all three early primaries and gone on to win the nomination. This bodes very bad for Bush.

09-22-15, 14:11
Nobody...I mean NOBODY I know wants Jeb and many I know said they will stay home on election day if Bush gets the nod.

This just might wind up being 2012 all over again.

Outlander Systems
09-22-15, 17:06

Nobody...I mean NOBODY I know wants Jeb and many I know said they will stay home on election day if Bush gets the nod.

This just might wind up being 2012 all over again.

If the Republicans can't get it together, I'll end up "wasting my vote" again voting third party.

I don't vote for evil, whether it's "lessor" or "greater."

09-22-15, 18:04

If the Republicans can't get it together, I'll end up "wasting my vote" again voting third party.

I don't vote for evil, whether it's "lessor" or "greater."
Then don't be surprised when billarry gets her gun control via executive order.

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Outlander Systems
09-22-15, 18:09
Ain't gonna happen. If the Chosen One couldn't do it...

Then don't be surprised when billarry gets her gun control via executive order.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

09-23-15, 10:04
Also, the 2016 election will give us yet another chance to rid some RINO seats and replace them with more conservative Ted Cruz types...making it even harder for Billary to pass such a thing.

09-23-15, 16:18
And it will be another wind-pissing affair, where the conservatives have to drag themselves to the polls, and begrudgingly crank the lever, because Bush is "less evil" than Hillary.

So. Perfectly. Stated.

Let's all hope it doesn't go this way.

09-23-15, 18:52

And it will be another wind-pissing affair, where the conservatives have to drag themselves to the polls, and begrudgingly crank the lever, because Bush is "less evil" than Hillary.

No it won't. Give me another RINO and I will skip the POTUS lever. I'm freaking done holding my nose. Republican primary voters better pull their heads out of their asses and nominate a conservative, because there are enough like me out there who won't hold their nose again (enough to sway the election), even if it means the Devil himself wins.

Choose VERY carefully in the primaries or you will enjoy Cuntlery for 4-8 years.

I haven't decided yet whether blowhard Trump will be acceptable to me or not. Gut instinct says "no", as his past record belies his current diatribe. However, you can forget Bush, Christie, Carson (gun comments), Rubio, or Kasich.

Outlander Systems
09-23-15, 19:04
Good man. I haven't and I won't.

Straight up no evil.

Eventually, the American people will wake up. One might argue that four years of another Clinton might do it.

Just to brighten everyone's day, we still have another 15 months of the current POTUS.

Can't wait to see the debt clock on 1 JAN, 2017.


No it won't. Give me another RINO and I will skip the POTUS lever. I'm freaking done holding my nose. Republican primary voters better pull their heads out of their asses and nominate a conservative, because there are enough like me out there who won't hold their nose again (enough to sway the election), even if it means the Devil himself wins.

Choose VERY carefully in the primaries or you will enjoy Cuntlery for 4-8 years.

I haven't decided yet whether blowhard Trump will be acceptable to me or not. Gut instinct says "no", as his past record belies his current diatribe. However, you can forget Bush, Christie, Carson (gun comments), Rubio, or Kasich.

09-23-15, 19:12
Good man. I haven't and I won't.

Straight up no evil.

Eventually, the American people will wake up. One might argue that four years of another Clinton might do it.

Just to brighten everyone's day, we still have another 15 months of the current POTUS.

Can't wait to see the debt clock on 1 JAN, 2017.


Unfortunately I have, but I'm done as of 2012. I remember the cries of "This is THE most important election EVER". Nope, no more. Forget that spineless, pussy notion of "electability" and vote for a true conservative.

Outlander Systems
09-23-15, 19:20
The one thing they can't take from us, is the ability for us to say, "**** You!"

First POTUS election I was old enough to vote in: yanked the crank for this fella:


And it's been a long line of "**** You" ever since. It hasn't gotten me anywhere, but my conscience is squeaky clean.

Unfortunately I have, but I'm done as of 2012. I remember the cries of "This is THE most important election EVER". Nope, no more. Forget that spineless, pussy notion of "electability" and vote for a true conservative.

09-23-15, 22:03
If it comes to that, and it may, Then I'm not going to bother voting, I mean why? for what? Two Bush's and a Clinton wasn't enough?

Vote for all the races EXCEPT the Presidential.
Democrats win a lot of House/Senate/Local elections when people stay home "to protest".

09-24-15, 10:48
They are splitting the logic vote. Trump will be hard to beat as long as this happens.

Having said that, I'd happily vote for some version of Rubio-Fiorina over Biden-Warren or Clinton-Warren.

If by "logic" you mean either running for office or holding office and either advocating for or pushing for RINO legislation then I guess you could say they are splitting that vote.

I'm open to voting for either but Fiorina's record when running for senate in 2010 is not pretty and it's clear Rubio is sucking from the tit of the establishment0, a big reason he was a major part of the "gang of 8." Trump is still the giant middle finger to the establishment but he is beatable only because he continually acts like he's 12. If I could hand pick 1 person to be president WITH a congress that would work with him it would be Ted Cruz. Rubio & Fiorina would go along to get along, something we can't really afford right now. With Trump in the big seat it will be real fun to see the establishment RINO leadership get continually pimp slapped publicly, I doubt Boehner & McConnell would last long with Trump holding the White House.

09-24-15, 10:52
Far too many people don't vote in the Primary except the zombie, party loyalists is why we've gotten RINOs for decades.

09-24-15, 11:29
If by "logic" you mean either running for office or holding office and either advocating for or pushing for RINO legislation then I guess you could say they are splitting that vote.

I'm open to voting for either but Fiorina's record when running for senate in 2010 is not pretty and it's clear Rubio is sucking from the tit of the establishment0, a big reason he was a major part of the "gang of 8." Trump is still the giant middle finger to the establishment but he is beatable only because he continually acts like he's 12. If I could hand pick 1 person to be president WITH a congress that would work with him it would be Ted Cruz. Rubio & Fiorina would go along to get along, something we can't really afford right now. With Trump in the big seat it will be real fun to see the establishment RINO leadership get continually pimp slapped publicly, I doubt Boehner & McConnell would last long with Trump holding the White House.

By logic I mean that they do not act like Trump, or as you would say, a 12 year old child. From a policy standpoint, Cruz is also my #1. However, he does not stand a chance as long as Trump sucking up the oxygen. Cruz would be a legit contender if Trump dropped out since much of Trump's support centers around the immigration issue, and both men are very similar on their stance when it comes to the border.

As for Rubio and Fiorina "going along," I can see that arguement with Rubio much more than Fiorina (although I do not think that Rubio is the sheep that you suggest). Most of the reports from AT&T, Lucent, and HP indicate that her management style is one of a disrupter. This was especially true at HP where she replaced profit sharing with performance bonuses, reduced operating units, consolidated back-office functions, and frequently clashed with a BOD that many consider dysfunctional. This was considered extreme and unpopular by a majority of employees at the time. Google the "HP Way" and you will see what I mean. I'd argue that this style is exactly what is needed when dealing with our Congress and trying to reduce the size of government.

As for her record on public policy, I find her positions far less offensive than those of Trump, Bush, Kasich, or Christie. Then again, I actually take the time to study her actual statements myself rather than be spoon fed from media pundits who use agenda-driven excerpts that do not describe the context of her policy positions.

09-24-15, 11:44
If Fiorina could not beat Barbara Boxer...how could she come close to taking down Hillary?

09-24-15, 12:27
Most of the reports from AT&T, Lucent, and HP indicate that her management style is one of a disrupter. This was especially true at HP where she replaced profit sharing with performance bonuses, reduced operating units, consolidated back-office functions, and frequently clashed with a BOD that many consider dysfunctional. This was considered extreme and unpopular by a majority of employees at the time. Google the "HP Way" and you will see what I mean. I'd argue that this style is exactly what is needed when dealing with our Congress and trying to reduce the size of government.
Exactly what is needed, either her or someone else with similar qualities, which is why I was sorry to see Walker flame out. Kasich has similar good qualities.

09-24-15, 14:14
By logic I mean that they do not act like Trump, or as you would say, a 12 year old child. From a policy standpoint, Cruz is also my #1. However, he does not stand a chance as long as Trump sucking up the oxygen. Cruz would be a legit contender if Trump dropped out since much of Trump's support centers around the immigration issue, and both men are very similar on their stance when it comes to the border.

As for Rubio and Fiorina "going along," I can see that arguement with Rubio much more than Fiorina (although I do not think that Rubio is the sheep that you suggest). Most of the reports from AT&T, Lucent, and HP indicate that her management style is one of a disrupter. This was especially true at HP where she replaced profit sharing with performance bonuses, reduced operating units, consolidated back-office functions, and frequently clashed with a BOD that many consider dysfunctional. This was considered extreme and unpopular by a majority of employees at the time. Google the "HP Way" and you will see what I mean. I'd argue that this style is exactly what is needed when dealing with our Congress and trying to reduce the size of government.

As for her record on public policy, I find her positions far less offensive than those of Trump, Bush, Kasich, or Christie. Then again, I actually take the time to study her actual statements myself rather than be spoon fed from media pundits who use agenda-driven excerpts that do not describe the context of her policy positions.

Sensei I mean this in no disrespectful way, you're obviously an intelligent guy as evidenced by many of your posts, I believe you are very much misguided regarding Fiorina. Make no mistake, she is not an "outsider", she is now the establishment (Karl Rove) wing of the Republican party's back up candidate to Jeb. Regarding the link I posted in the previous poll, it is not hard to find all the information you need regarding Carly being in support of the DREAM Act, raising the debt ceiling & trash talking Cruz for attempting to defund Obamacare, all of which are RINO positions espoused by Carly AFTER she decided to run for political office.

Lumping Trump in with Bush, fat bastard & Mr. Assault Weapons Ban Kasich is completely unfair. While Trump's previous stated positions are no bueno, keep in mind the fact he wasn't running for political office and was living & doing business in communis NYC. The group think in NYC is VERY strong, Trump may have actually bought into some of those positions & may have been bullshitting about his positions on others due to not wanting to be shunned in NYC. As Trump has previously explained, much of what he did was basically schmoozing and many of that schmoozing required support of ultra leftists for him to be successful. Imagine him trying to build in an ultra commie area where the powers that be despise him due to conservative views? Good luck getting those building permits! Trump's current positions are really Trump, it is him coming out of the closet so to speak. Fiorina's more recent RINO positions are much less acceptable to me than Trump's because they were espoused AFTER she decided to run for political office, that is the salient point.

If nothing that I've said thus far has resonated, explain to me why Fiorina decided to be an economic advisor to the Apex RINO John McCain in his 2008 run & why did virtually every conservative in the country back Chuck DeVore against the establishment Fiorina to run against Barbara Boxer in 2010?