View Full Version : Broken Safe handle

09-21-15, 18:09
OK this is weird.
I went to return two pistols to one of my safes. A Sentry Safe Model 1459E, dialed the combo (yes it was the correct combination) handle wont budge, so I wiggle it a bit, give up and do the combo again.
Now the handle moves but seems stuck, I twist a bit harder and the handle breaks off in my hand.
Okay now has anyone else done this and WTF is the next move?
It would seem by what is written on the Sentry web sight, they want me to ship the safe to them. Yes there are guns and papers and stuff in the safe that cannot be shipped.

09-21-15, 18:29
Professional Locksmith?

09-21-15, 18:32
Professional Locksmith?

Luckily I have a friend who is one.
I have a feeling I will, with him looking over my shoulder, drill a hole, tap it and thread a bolt in to it.
I just don't see another way at this point, he's a smart guy and could beat the lock, this is more mechanical than what I believe he is used to.

09-21-15, 19:33
Bummer. Use the professional locksmith to drill it. Then use the experience to upgrade your safe.

09-21-15, 20:09
If it left a stub when it broke; just put a pipe wrench on it.

If it broke off counter sunk; you're in for a challenge.

If handle turns shaft counter clockwise to unlock you may want to drill and tap a left hand thread. Something is already bound up so the bigger the bolt the better.

Handle guts are probably pot metal of questionable strength so it may just break off more.

Assuming safe isn't bolted to floor, I personally would just lay safe on side, break locking bolts and count my loses.

No telling what it will cost to fix correctly. You could just put that money towards another safe.

26 Inf
09-21-15, 20:31
It would seem by what is written on the Sentry web sight, they want me to ship the safe to them. Yes there are guns and papers and stuff in the safe that cannot be shipped.

I would call customer service rather than rely on the website. They may have a system of local locksmiths to assist.

I'd try a whole bunch of stuff before I trashed the safe.

09-21-15, 20:55
I would call customer service rather than rely on the website. They may have a system of local locksmiths to assist.

I'd try a whole bunch of stuff before I trashed the safe.

I'm not going to trash the safe.
I've taken the handle off and found the culprit. 1/4X24 Allen bolt snapped in the handle, this goes through the handle and in to the door locking mechanisms turning shaft that moves the internal bolts back and forth to lock and unlock.
Yes it is broken off flush and no it didn't look very substantial from that point of view.
The key will be to go down to the bolt depot and purchase the correct drill bit and cut a nice whole in the exact center without breaking the bit. Extracting the broken bolt and then tapping the whole back out and replacing it with a more substantial bolt.
It's easier to write than do.
This is of course my last resort, I will call customer service in the morning.

26 Inf
09-21-15, 20:57
Good luck!

I was commenting on the fact that leavemoreammoforme seemed to want to go all Dresden on the safe too early in the war. :)

09-21-15, 21:21
Good luck!

I was commenting on the fact that leavemoreammoforme seemed to want to go all Dresden on the safe too early in the war. :)

Well I've got some paperwork, a SBR in there, lots of guns with expensive to replace optics, so rather than go all out, I think I will break out the tools and some finesse first.
I actually used to remove a lot of broken bolts at work, so this isn't my first rodeo doing it.

09-21-15, 21:26
Good luck!

I was commenting on the fact that leavemoreammoforme seemed to want to go all Dresden on the safe too early in the war. :)

And that's why I can't have nice things. Do you even sledgehammer, Bro?

09-22-15, 18:08
And that's why I can't have nice things. Do you even sledgehammer, Bro?

Dude, I even have a ten pound hammer on and 18 inch handle for those special occasions. LOL going up under the Tank to tap some end connectors with all the loving care (and bad words) I could muster.

Yeah baby, it's open!
I bought three drill bit for the job and methodically drilled the old broken bolt out. Cleaned up the mess, checked the 6mm Tap (Yeah I thought it was 1/4 something last night, but I was tired last night and couldn't read my thread gauge right.) and with some oil began to re thread the hole. While working my Tap back and forth about ten times I met some serious resistance did the combination and very gently wiggled it back and forth and click, click, click, it came open.
I still have some work to do before the job is done, but I needed to stop and have a beer and let you know before moving forward.

09-22-15, 18:35
OK this is weird.
I went to return two pistols to one of my safes. A Sentry Safe Model 1459E, dialed the combo (yes it was the correct combination) handle wont budge, so I wiggle it a bit, give up and do the combo again.
Now the handle moves but seems stuck, I twist a bit harder and the handle breaks off in my hand.
Okay now has anyone else done this and WTF is the next move?
It would seem by what is written on the Sentry web sight, they want me to ship the safe to them. Yes there are guns and papers and stuff in the safe that cannot be shipped.

Looks like the others have you covered. My safe buying advice from a non expert, is here as it looks like you'll be getting something new:


I'll say, if you have even a half decent collection, put it in in something that's not so flimsy the hand can snap off bro!

26 Inf
09-22-15, 20:46
And that's why I can't have nice things. Do you even sledgehammer, Bro?

Not very good, I've had adventures.

09-23-15, 04:49
I know the handle on my Fort Knox safe is designed to shear the bolt holding it to the locking mechanism if it is locked and excessive force is applied to the handle. This is to prevent damage to the locking mechanism from someone trying to get in the safe. Glad you were able to get in it.

09-23-15, 11:21
I know the handle on my Fort Knox safe is designed to shear the bolt holding it to the locking mechanism if it is locked and excessive force is applied to the handle. This is to prevent damage to the locking mechanism from someone trying to get in the safe. Glad you were able to get in it.
That makes sense that the design would work that way.
I was a bit nervous getting that bolt drilled out, there isn't a lot of lee way for making a mistake with it.
I took the back off the door and inspected the lock mechanism while I had it this far apart. It was interesting to look at, I will put s bit of lube on the rails before a complete re installation.
I'm keeping the safe as it will go into the spare bedroom turned "Gun Room, Man Cave" and be fit in to a smaller closet and be bolted to the floor. As it isn't by far the best safe, it is however paid for and can be put to some use if placed correctly in the closet.
Thanks Again for all of the help Guys.