View Full Version : Gun ownership rate vs Murder rate

09-22-15, 19:15
So I made some things, which I'll try to post without commentary:


http://i.imgur.com/J427T62.png (http://imgur.com/J427T62)

09-22-15, 19:35
I like to think of a gun arsenal as like an SDI Peace Shield for the house.

If homies or Ese's or Tweakers know they will get M4'd to death by a bunch of pissed off residents, they tend to stay away.

Most people go after the liberal yuppie wusscakes that have been long advised to "just give them your money".

Well..no. It is my money. And yes, if robbed and they only wanted a mere penny, a pfennig, a Zimbabwean cent, even a pistooza; then they would likely get Mozambique drilled.

Because of the principle of the matter. I don't negotiate with terrorists or hoodlums.

Like these "home security" commercials where fat middle aged white guys break in and the mom and kids run to the bedroom and Chad from ADT says "We're calling the police right now"

Okay well....gee....that helps. NOT!

09-22-15, 19:44
Here's kind of a random one...
Brady Campaign Score (2013) vs Murder rate (2013)

Source: http://www.bradycampaign.org/sites/default/files/SCGLM-Final10-spreads-points.pdf

09-22-15, 19:50
Again, no appreciable causal link between restrictive gun laws and murder rate.

I think the only appreciable link is if people feel the murder rate is high, they tend to buy guns. But if somebody is intent on murder, they will find a way. Also if your murder rates aren't exclusive to firearms use, you need to adjust your numbers.

09-22-15, 19:55
I think the only appreciable link is if people feel the murder rate is high, they tend to buy guns. But if somebody is intent on murder, they will find a way. Also if your murder rates aren't exclusive to firearms use, you need to adjust your numbers.

I thought about adjusting the numbers based on firearm murders. But here was my argument against that:
If someone is intent on murder, they will likely find a weapon other than a firearm. You don't reduce/restrict firearms in hope of reducing firearm-related murders, you reduce/restrict firearms in hopes of reducing all murders. If, for example, a state or nation banned all firearms and reduced firearm-related murders to nearly zero, but overall murder rate stayed the same, looking at firearm-related murders is not useful and actually very misleading in gauging the real world effectiveness of that legislation.

09-22-15, 20:33
Needs an X-y scatter plot.

The other thing is that using states is incorrect- and that's why they use it. You need to do,it by zip, city, county to get anything really meaningful.

That way, you can get to the indelicate and un-PC reality of who is shooting whom.

09-22-15, 20:37
Needs an X-y scatter plot.

The other thing is that using states is incorrect- and that's why they use it. You need to do,it by zip, city, county to get anything really meaningful.

That way, you can get to the indelicate and in-PC reality of who is shooting whom.

I'm going to post the entire spreadsheet later, hopefully someone better at graphs and statistics than I can make some pretty charts.

Here's the international version... it's really wide.

http://i.imgur.com/J427T62.png (http://imgur.com/J427T62)

Here's the spreadsheet: