View Full Version : Militia Organizer Threatens to Arrest US Senator Stabenow (D-Mich.) Over Iran Deal

09-22-15, 19:48
A former marine is planning on arresting a sitting US senator. Who's joining their cause?? What can possibly go wrong?
All kidding aside, these guys aren't exactly doing the 2A movement any favors, and the backlash may include new gun control legislation. At a minimum, they may receive a visit from FBI HRT.

Capitol Police are investigating a man identifying himself as an “Oathkeeper” and an “American Patriot who has everything to lose” who has threatened to arrest Sen. Debbie Stabenow for treason because of her support for the Iran nuclear deal.

Jon Ritzheimer, the Arizona resident who reportedly attracted FBI attention when he organized an anti-Muslim protest rally and “draw Muhammad” cartoon contest at a Phoenix mosque, shared his plan to organize with fellow U.S. Marines in an open letter posted online Monday.

“We are planning on arresting Senator Debbie Stabenow, who voted yes to the Iran Nuke Deal. She will be arrested for treason under Article 3 Section 3 of the Constitution,” states the letter. “We have chosen her as our first target due to our strong ties with the Michigan State Militia and their lax gun laws that will allow us to operate in a manner necessary for an operation like this.”


09-22-15, 20:02
Reminds me of the guys going around pulling cops over trying to issue citations. I think this sort of thing has only successfully been done ONCE and it was back in the 40s.

Found it.


09-22-15, 20:44
“We have chosen her as our first target due to our strong ties with the Michigan State Militia and their lax gun laws that will allow us to operate in a manner necessary for an operation like this.”

Anyone else struck funny by the bolded part? I'm not a conspiracy guy, but if you are big bad patriot channeling a founder- what do you give a crap about gun laws that you supposedly would also find unconstitutional???

09-22-15, 20:44
Anyone else struck funny by the bolded part? I'm not a conspiracy guy, but if you are big bad patriot channeling a founder- what do you give a crap about gun laws that you supposedly would also find unconstitutional???

Nothing to see here. Move along.

09-22-15, 20:59
Well that's counterproductive

09-22-15, 21:07
Anyone else struck funny by the bolded part? I'm not a conspiracy guy, but if you are big bad patriot channeling a founder- what do you give a crap about gun laws that you supposedly would also find unconstitutional???

I'm not a tinfoil guy either, but wording like that almost suggests false flag type stuff. I have NEVER heard a gun owner describe any type of gun laws as "lax". If the gun laws are pro-ownership and/or carry, I always hear them called "good", but never "lax."

09-22-15, 21:09
A former marine is planning on arresting a sitting US senator. Who's joining their cause?? What can possibly go wrong?
All kidding aside, these guys aren't exactly doing the 2A movement any favors, and the backlash may include new gun control legislation. At a minimum, they may receive a visit from FBI HRT.

"“We have chosen her as our first target due to our strong ties with the Michigan State Militia and their lax gun laws that will allow us to operate in a manner necessary for an operation like this.” "

This sounds as phony as phony can get, for several reasons. First off, the "Michigan militia" is basically extinct, and has been for about 20 years. I don't remember it ever referring to itself as the "Michigan State Militia" either, only as the "Michigan militia." Second, Michigan's gun laws are middle of the road - far, far, far from Alaska, Idaho or Utah. And no one in their right mind ever refers to them as "lax". We have handgun registration for _ sakes.

Finally, while I'm no fan of Stabenow, she's nowhere close to the most liberal member of the Senate, probably not even in the top 10. With an advanced degree in waffling she's not particularly hostile to 2A (not a friend of it either). Unlike now-retired Levin she is not a strong-willed or independent figure, more of a career breeze follower. If these kooks were serious they would choose someone much more offensive, like Schumer or Franken.

I smell some vile mix of astroturf and false-flag.

09-22-15, 21:25
Is this the most legit newsource we can find?

Mr blasty
09-22-15, 23:22
Calling BS

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09-23-15, 00:00
Anyone else struck funny by the bolded part? I'm not a conspiracy guy, but if you are big bad patriot channeling a founder- what do you give a crap about gun laws that you supposedly would also find unconstitutional???

Yeah, I noticed that too.
I suppose it's possible that this guy just has inconsistent views, and inadvertently uses anti-Constitutional language, but given that we are dealing with people who came up with Fast and Furious to screw over gun owners, weaponized the IRS against political rivals, blamed the murders of an American ambassador and 3 SEALs on a Youtube video and generally wipe their ass with the Constitution, it is very reasonable to suspect that something else is afoot.

Outlander Systems
09-23-15, 05:05
Doesn't pass the sniff test.

Something ain't right here...

09-23-15, 09:14
Bolt force Michigan chapter maybe?

09-23-15, 14:19
Doesn't pass the sniff test.

Something ain't right here...

If Billary gets it in '16 I can honestly see them pull false flags blaming OK and the like. They can pick up right where they left off with Ruby Ridge and Waco.

09-23-15, 15:54
Doesn't pass the sniff test.

Something ain't right here...

Trolling for morons, cultivating leads.

Outlander Systems
09-23-15, 16:16
If Billary gets it in '16 I can honestly see them pull false flags blaming OK and the like.

The OKs are already demonized at every turn; they just haven't falsified any evidence against them yet, or activated any agents provocateur yet...Don't worry, someone with the OKs will get the "Bill Binney Treatment", and have the DOJ wave the magical wand of extrajudicial evidence-creation.

Outlander Systems
09-23-15, 16:17
Trolling for morons, cultivating leads.

Pretty much. "Calling all mouthbreathers"

09-23-15, 16:57
Pretty much. "Calling all mouthbreathers"

It's like me going on a website called "Modern Islam" and posting "Who wants to help me attack the Great Satan?"

Outlander Systems
09-23-15, 17:08
Ye Olde "Low-Hanging Fruit."

It's like me going on a website called "Modern Islam" and posting "Who wants to help me attack the Great Satan?"

09-23-15, 19:25
Has anyone been able to independently corroborate the claims made in the initial news report?

09-23-15, 19:42
Found it. The Michigan Militia and AO, however, are claiming they're not in on it. I predict Mr Ritzheimer will have a very bad day soon.

In an email to The Washington Times, Jason Van Tatenhove, media director for the Oath Keepers, stressed that Mr. Ritzheimer is “merely a new member of the Oath Keepers, having newly joined in July,” and holds no leadership role in the organization.

“He has now been suspended for his actions, and we are in the process of following our bylaws to kick him out entirely. We, in NO WAY condone his actions, and are in the process of putting out statements to our membership to inform them of such,” Mr. Van Tatenhove said.


This is wrong. It sounds like mob rule to me,” said Lou Vondette, of the Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia, one of the oldest active militias in the state. “We have no idea what this guy has on his mind,” Vondette said in a phone interview. The threats sound “just as terrifying to [us], as to anyone reading the story.”


09-23-15, 20:37

1- He wants to violate the Constitution to arrest someone for violating the Constitution.
2- I prefer the term, "liberal," to describe states with what he describes as having, "lax," gun laws. (This has the benefit of being both true and pissing off anti-gun liberal/progressives.)