View Full Version : Is Barack Hussein Obama a Muslim?

09-23-15, 10:40
Obama's faith recently was brought up as a result of two events involving Republican Primary candidates. Donald Trump recently refused to refute a supporter's claim that Barack Hussein Obama (BHO) is a Muslim, and Dr. Ben Carson stated, "I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that." The MSM immediately, and predictably, came to the POTUS's defense.

Although BHO claims to be a Christian, and he has defended this view in the past, he certainly has spearheaded much policy-making that is contradictory to the faith and values of Christians, yet he has gone out of his way to appease Muslims, both domestically and abroad.

Is it fair to suggest that BHO may in fact be a Muslim, as he "erroneously" stated in an interview (see video below), or at the very least, sympathizes with Islam practitioners? This is a serious question, so please answer seriously.

Also, I recently came across an article suggesting that the POTUS is a Muslim, from which I obtained the following quotes:

How do we know President Obama is a Christian? Because he told us so, that’s how, and he never lies.

Besides, there’s no way he’d say something to trick millions of people into a false sense of security, including about the faith he allegedly shares with them, while he attacks the fundamental building blocks of America, including Christian law, teachings and values.

Yes indeed, Barack Hussein Obama is all Christian, because he says so. Only if you were a “radical” would you question what appears to be a predominant tendency to engage in ceaseless fraud and deception, not purely Christian values, while furthering a vision of the United States in which the term “freedom to worship” has been urged to replace “freedom of religion.” Similarly, only a nut would question the president’s Christian chops by pointing to his inclination to associate with Marxists in high school, college and law school. It’s probably just a coincidence that societies built on Marxism and Communism are atheistic, and at some point before assuming full power must crush organized religion in order to ensure that the all-powerful government has a dearth of competitors for the hopes or needs of its servants.

Likewise, it’s probably simple bad timing that we have witnessed for almost seven years the president’s increasing tendency, and that of his party, to bring the power of government to bear on those who foolishly believe that their right to freely practice their religion extends to public life, including within any organization affiliated with government. Thus, we cannot hold the president accountable for the overtly anti-Christian policies which have been implemented among the branches of the military, for instance, over whom the president is commander in chief.

I’ve noticed that Christians, who are being massacred for their faith in Syria and surrounding lands are pleading for refugee status in the United States, while Muslims who merely want to come in may do so in the tens of thousands, but that’s probably not fair to the president. He probably doesn’t know about all those fellow Christians being murdered, mutilated, and dismembered, because he skips so many daily security briefings.




09-23-15, 11:01
Who gives a shit? I wouldn't care if he prayed to rocks and sticks. Policy is what matters.

Posts like this make gun forums look stupid.

09-23-15, 11:07
In reading his books and analyzing his behavior, I'd say that he finds himself simply "above religion" and has no time for it. I am not saying he is a disbeliver; I am simply saying he is apathetic at best.

That said, he was raised muslim while Barry Soetero. Went to Islamic schools. I think that he does not at this point consider himself muslim, but rather is a strong sympathizer.

As far as being Christian? No. He went to the Rev Wright church, which is not very much Christian, but a black liberation theology "church." Obama states in his book that Alinsky said that an effective place to "organize" and gain support is at local churches. Since our community organizer in chief needed to build a coalition and gain numbers, he joined the Rev. Wright. Frankly, I fully believe he was there to elevate his own personal gain and agenda more than he was ever there to "worship." We do not see Obama even make more than basic token appearances to church now.

I think he worships himself more than anything.

09-23-15, 11:25
I think he worships himself more than anything.

I can't tell you what is in his heart, but by his actions; I would have to agree with this.
There is a way to address these questions when asked, I'm rather surprised that guy's as smart as Ben Carson can't articulate their opinion without walking through the progressive and media minefield and stepping in some shit.

09-23-15, 11:34
Ugh...this again?

I doubt he is an actual Muslim, as I also doubt he believes in God at all. He is most likely agnostic.

He most likely passed himself off as a Christian during the election cycles mostly for appearances sake. I seriously doubt he has many deep seated Christian beliefs at all.

He has shown us many times that he favors Muslims and is more than willing to give them a pass on their extremist views. That can be easily proven.

He has extreme sympathies for them and antipathy towards traditional America Christians...no doubt about it.

09-23-15, 11:49
I've known Muslims like him. They drink, smoke, fool around, don't go to religious service, but ya say ONE thing or do one thing they don't like they start blabbing like they are being persecuted as an entire group and blah blah blah

I don't care what other believe in. Some of the most moral, self restrained people I've known were hardened atheists and I've been effed over moneywise and personally by guys with fish logos on their signs or (mis)quote the Bible so.....

A BETTER question is, do you think Obama sympathizes with radicals and doesn't know how to be an impartial and decent president then yes, that I agree with.

I'm firmly in the separation of church and state camp

09-23-15, 12:03
He bows at the altar of Karl Marx and would likely find the Beatrice Webb House as more important religious site than Mecca these days. Perhaps the feudal aspects, subjugation, cronyism, and control of political Islam are an appealing means to an end.

09-23-15, 12:05
"Commodus is not a moral man."

Marcus Aurelius, "Gladiator"

09-23-15, 12:08
I'd say socialist with communist tendencies would almost* describe him more accurately than anything. He'll exploit Islam or anything else at his disposal to further his goals.

*Narcissist describes him better than anything.

09-23-15, 12:19
He most likely passed himself off as a Christian during the election cycles mostly for appearances sake. I seriously doubt he has many deep seated Christian beliefs at all.

It's basically a requirement to be a follower of Jesus to become President.

09-23-15, 12:21
Who gives a shit? I wouldn't care if he prayed to rocks and sticks. Policy is what matters.

Posts like this make gun forums look stupid.

Agreed. He says he's not a Muslim. There's no reason to be a closet Muslim and anyone who's actually religious wouldn't pretend to be another religion. I don't think he's Christian either but knew that one can't get elected in the US without claiming to be religious. That's true of most politicians I'd wager. What he is however is a Muslim sympathizer and likely much sympathetic to Muslims than prior POTUS. Depending on your perspective, that's a good thing or bad. Personally, I feel it can be either depending on the approach, but he's flubbed up pretty much all of it at this point making virtually no one happy on that score.

09-23-15, 12:54
I think the better question is why does he not talk more about the influence of Islam on his youth. His dad was a muslim, correct? His schooling was Islamic- why is he denying his muslim background?

I can't tell what religion people are, but I can tell what they are trying to deny something.

I do think that there is a 50:50 that he 'converts', 'reverts' or 'discovers his roots' at some point after he retires.

09-23-15, 13:03
I think it is more likely that Obama is a atheist although he does have strong Muslim sympathies. I do believe Obama is a Marxist who harbors a deep seated hatred towards traditional America and traditional American values and fundamentally he is a professional provocateur and tries to drive wedges between people.

09-23-15, 13:11
Who gives a shit? I wouldn't care if he prayed to rocks and sticks. Policy is what matters.

Posts like this make gun forums look stupid.

Would you feel the same way about a member of the Christian Identity church? Normally I wouldn't care, except secular Islam seems like a cultural impossibility and the values are inconsistent with the US Constitution and Islam takes a higher priority. This is what Carson was trying to say.

To clarify, I couldn't care less if we had a jewish President. But I sure wouldn't want a hacidic jewish President for the same reason.

Outlander Systems
09-23-15, 13:24
We derive upper bounds for the density of angels dancing on the point of a pin. It is dependent on the assumed mass of the angels, with a maximum number of 8.6766*10exp49 angels at the critical angel mass (3.8807*10exp-34 kg).

We have derived quantum gravity bounds on the number of angels that can dance on the tip of a needle as a function of the mass of the angels. The maximal number of angels -- 8.6766*10exp49 -- is achieved near the critical mass mcrit>1/kD �3.8807*10-34 kg, corresponding to the transition from the information-limited to the mass-limited regime. It is interesting to note that this is of the same order of magnitude as the Schewe bound.

Angel physics has until now mainly employed theological methods, but as this paper shows, modern information physics, quantum gravity and relativity theory provide powerful tools for exploring the dynamics and statics of angels.

These bounds are only upper bounds, and do not take into account the effects of a finite number of available angels, degeneracy pressures if angels obey the Pauli exclusion principle as suggested by Aquinas, or the theo-psychology of the angels themselves. The exact dance dynamics also clearly play a major role. A full relativistic treatment of the dance appears as a promising avenue for further tightening of the bounds.

09-23-15, 13:44
Who gives a shit? I wouldn't care if he prayed to rocks and sticks. Policy is what matters.

Posts like this make gun forums look stupid.

The whole country is in the middle of a burn cycle right now.

It's "White features are beautiful" and "Obama is a secret undercover Islamic Protestant Muslim" in some places and it's "Cop Hate" somewhere else and "1% Rich Hate" in another place... or maybe the same.

The right thing to do as an American is to make an on-the-spot correction every single time bigotry or ignorance raises it's head... but it damn sure can wear you out.

The 24 hour news cycle has driven people to the extremes, and fringe radicals communicating via the internet have convinced themselves that because they found someone else with the same backward worldview, that that worldview somehow is worthwhile, possesses merit, or should be heard.

It is EXACTLY the same for all fringe radical elements operating in the world today.

Outlander Systems
09-23-15, 13:48
The right thing to do as an American is to make an on-the-spot correction every single time bigotry or ignorance raises it's head... but it damn sure can wear you out.

Its = Possessive
It's = Contraction

Do you even on-the-spot-correction, bro?

09-23-15, 14:21
Its = Possessive
It's = Contraction

Do you even on-the-spot-correction, bro?

Its petty to point out his error since the problem is the spell checker and it's algorithm.

09-23-15, 14:25

09-23-15, 14:26
It's petty to point out his error since the problem is the spell checker and its algorithm.

Game of the day, fixing "its"

09-23-15, 14:32
Its petty to point out his error since the problem is the spell checker and it's algorithm.

He's correct.


The spell checker is in our brain, not our browser...

09-23-15, 14:33
When it's all said and done I think the following will come out about old Barry:

He was in fact born in the US and NOT Kenya.
His biological father is in fact Frank Marshall Davis and NOT Barrack Obama Sr. from Kenya.
He falsified ALL of his school forms stating that he was born in Kenya and a Muslim so he could gain admission and financial aid for his Ivy League education.
His entire existence was cooked up by leftest radicals and was literally bred to be their Manchurian Candidate / Trojan Horse.

The man is fraud through and through.

09-23-15, 14:39
It's "White features are beautiful" . . .

So is it safe to ass-u-me that it's now RACIST for someone to say white women are beautiful? :blink:

Let me guess, when a black supremacist/racist says "Black is Beautiful" it's somehow courageous?

The right thing to do as an American is to make an on-the-spot correction every single time bigotry or ignorance raises it's head...

Oh the irony.

09-23-15, 14:48
Not possible to tell if Obama's motivation is Muslim, Marxist or common sociopathic narcissism. All three could account for the lying and corruption so rampant in this administration.

09-23-15, 14:53
When we "spot check" bigotry, then we become bigots.

I have some strong opinions. Everyone else does. It's our actual right.

If someone says something I really find insulting I do one of two things:

1. I lol because what is life without whimsy
2. I say "Be blessed" or "God bless you".

They'll either re-ground themselves or they'll feel self conscious and realize that maybe they are outta line. Or they'll be ignorant elsewhere.

Now if someone puts hands on me it is game over. But otherwise I take a cue from Voltaire

09-23-15, 14:57
I strongly suspect he is Muslim. At the very least, he's a Muslim sympathizer, and a traitor.

Whether that makes him technically a Muslim is semantics.
He helped the Muslim Brotherhood into power in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, as well as ISIS in Syria.
He toppled Mubarak, Assad and Gaddafi, 3 secular dictators, to have them replaced by insane Muslim terrorists.

Wasn't this the reason why Bush was "bad" according to the Left? Obama can't even claim ignorance. It was literally only a few years after Iraq's descent into chaos.

At every step of the way, he has been a bitch to Islam.
e.g. ISIS terrorists have "legitimate economic grievances", we should "get off our high horse" because the Crusades, Iran is a partner in peace, etc.

09-23-15, 15:10
Honestly, I think he's probably apathetic about all religion, and invokes the one that is more likely to get him elected.

09-23-15, 15:12
With only a "yes" or "no" answer to choose from, I find I have to choose "yes". If he is a muslim, he's not devout enough to blow himself up, but he has done a great deal to further the muslim death cult here and around the world. Hell, he's probably done more damage that your typical islamist terrorist... you know, the ones we aren't suppose to call islamists.

09-23-15, 15:18
Not possible to tell if Obama's motivation is Muslim, Marxist or common sociopathic narcissism. All three could account for the lying and corruption so rampant in this administration.

I think he's all three, with a facist leaning. Is the government and military command a THAT inept in regards to Syria and Libya? Or was this all on purpose? I don't believe we are that inept.

09-23-15, 15:43
His entire existence was cooked up by leftest radicals and was literally bred to be their Manchurian Candidate / Trojan Horse.

I actually really want that to be true because I really want things in movies to happen in real life. I also kind of want a zombie apocalypse to happen, aliens to invade, and the Cubs to win the world series. Kind of.

09-23-15, 15:49
So is it safe to ass-u-me that it's now RACIST for someone to say white women are beautiful? :blink:

As much as you think it's cute to feign ignorance, I know you have more social awareness than that.

Is the government and military command a THAT inept in regards to Syria and Libya? Or was this all on purpose? I don't believe we are that inept.

We are truly that inept... and it spans administrations.

The evidence is in the number of counterproductive efforts we have poured blood and dollars into. There really are just too many to list.

There has been no strategy to the GWOT, because there is no desired endstate.

I literally plan my lazy Sunday afternoons better than the entire War.

09-23-15, 15:55
I actually really want that to be true because I really want things in movies to happen in real life.

So please explain to me why ALL of his records are sealed?

09-23-15, 15:55
As much as you think it's cute to feign ignorance, I know you have more social awareness than that.

And yet you posted it . . .

09-23-15, 15:59
So please explain to me why ALL of his records are sealed?

Privacy? Idk I'm not an Obama staffer. Don't people here fight for privacy all the time? Why are you asking me?

09-23-15, 16:01
I believe he leans toward Muslim sympathy, but isn't religious. If he is a practicing Muslim, then he is the worst ever with all of the weed, cigarettes and alcohol.


09-23-15, 16:04
And yet you posted it . . .

haha... I suppose I was wrong... you completely missed the point!

09-23-15, 16:11

When you are an elected official and the most "powerful man" on the planet you don't get to have privacy. My entire life was under a microscope for the better part of year when I went through the LE process and this clown gets to seal everything? I don't think so. What is he hiding? Bad grades lol?

Idk I'm not an Obama staffer

That's good to know, I was beginning to wonder.

Don't people here fight for privacy all the time?

Yeah, most of us consider it a basic right even though it's a bygone concept to our federal government.

Why are you asking me?

Because of your post where you quoted me equating my words to a fictional film. But you already knew that.

09-23-15, 16:12
haha... I suppose I was wrong... you completely missed the point!

No, your views are crystal clear around here.

09-23-15, 16:27
When you are an elected official and the most "powerful man" on the planet you don't get to have privacy. My entire life was under a microscope for the better part of year when I went through the LE process and this clown gets to seal everything? I don't think so. What is he hiding? Bad grades lol?

Was your entire life posted for the public to see, or just for LE officials to see? Do you see where I'm going with this?

Because of your post where you quoted me equating my words to a fictional film. But you already knew that.
You literally evoked a fictional film (or book, but I haven't read the book) in the quote! Of course I'm going to equate your words to a fictional film when you do it yourself.

His entire existence was cooked up by leftest radicals and was literally bred to be their Manchurian Candidate / Trojan Horse.

My original post quoting you was in fun and jest. You took it extremely personally. What the hell man.

09-23-15, 16:36
I'm sure he is Muslim and I hope it pains him to know that he's tied for having the most oaths of office sworn over a bible.

I also kind of want...
...the Cubs to win the world series. Kind of.

Ain't gonna happen. The AC/DC concert last week trashed Wrigley Field and ruined all chances.

...or so that'll be their excuse.

09-23-15, 16:53
Was your entire life posted for the public to see, or just for LE officials to see? Do you see where I'm going with this?

At the time, not that I'm aware of. But then again I was not an ELECTED PUBLIC official. If a LEO is involved in a sensationalized incident his/her entire life is on the MSM loop. When one becomes a public figure there is supposed to be some transparency. This guy is an enigma. No one involved with the student bodies of the schools he allegedly attended can recall him . . . AT ALL.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

You literally evoked a fictional film (or book, but I haven't read the book) in the quote! Of course I'm going to equate your words to a fictional film when you do it yourself.

Well we are reading type here so it's easy to misunderstand one another. I referenced the Machurian Candidate AND the Trojan Horse with attempt to imply Barry is a plant. Not a fictional character from a political thriller.

My original post quoting you was in fun and jest. You took it extremely personally. What the hell man.

Readjusting fire. I didn't take it personal and I did pick up on the fact that you were being facetious. Just having a convo bro. :)

09-23-15, 17:21
Well we are reading type here so it's easy to misunderstand one another. I referenced the Machurian Candidate AND the Trojan Horse with attempt to imply Barry is a plant. Not a fictional character from a political thriller.

Manchurian Candidate heavily involves involuntary brainwashing into an unwitting operative as a plot point. Being a plant (like a trojan horse, which would be completely willing and voluntary) is one thing, but the whole brainwashing thing would definitely be interesting to see in real life.

09-23-15, 18:50
I think he worships himself more than anything.

Drop the mic.


09-23-15, 19:05
Who gives a shit? I wouldn't care if he prayed to rocks and sticks. Policy is what matters.

Posts like this make gun forums look stupid.

There is nothing stupid about it. A Muslim faith certainly would, to a great extent, explain his policies, for Islam is completely incompatible with our Constitutional Republic.

09-23-15, 19:07
The whole country is in the middle of a burn cycle right now.

It's "White features are beautiful" and "Obama is a secret undercover Islamic Protestant Muslim" in some places and it's "Cop Hate" somewhere else and "1% Rich Hate" in another place... or maybe the same.

The right thing to do as an American is to make an on-the-spot correction every single time bigotry or ignorance raises it's head... but it damn sure can wear you out.

The 24 hour news cycle has driven people to the extremes, and fringe radicals communicating via the internet have convinced themselves that because they found someone else with the same backward worldview, that that worldview somehow is worthwhile, possesses merit, or should be heard.

It is EXACTLY the same for all fringe radical elements operating in the world today.

As requested, here's your on-the-spot correction: Recognizing white beauty is not bigotry, no matter how you try to twist it with your twisted PC ideology.

09-23-15, 19:19
I've known Muslims like him. They drink, smoke, fool around, don't go to religious service, but ya say ONE thing or do one thing they don't like they start blabbing like they are being persecuted as an entire group and blah blah blah

I don't care what other believe in. Some of the most moral, self restrained people I've known were hardened atheists and I've been effed over moneywise and personally by guys with fish logos on their signs or (mis)quote the Bible so.....

A BETTER question is, do you think Obama sympathizes with radicals and doesn't know how to be an impartial and decent president then yes, that I agree with.

I'm firmly in the separation of church and state camp

There is no greater defilement of the US Constitution than the notion that there is a "wall of separation" between our government and the Creator. Our Constitutional Republic was founded on the self-evident knowledge that our Rights, and Liberty itself, are endowed by our Creator. It was never the intent of our Founders to expel religious practice (i.e., worship) from the public forum. John Quincy Adams nailed it when he wrote, "Our political way of life is by the laws of nature and of nature’s God, and of course presupposes the existence of God, the moral ruler of the universe, and a rule of right and wrong, of just and unjust, binding upon man, preceding all institutions of human society and government.

If you deny the existence of God, there is no way but to turn to Relativism, of which many of you wrongly drink the kool-aid.

09-23-15, 19:20
Thank you to all that have voted in the poll. Great results thus far!

Straight Shooter
09-23-15, 19:27
I want to chime in with something Ive said for months now. Ill bet a RC & a Moon Pie to anybody here, that within 3 to 5 years after this dipshit leaves office...you'll hear about him announcing having some sort of religious experience..awakening..WHATEVER description he decides to use..and he is "leaving" Christianity and "becoming" Muslim. Yall wait and see. He will be "Christian" just long enough to achieve his goals. And BTW...THIS IS ALLOWED BY THE KORAN. Go read it yourselves. I did.
Im out.

09-23-15, 20:30

A lame duck President with a hostile Congress is totally going to not tell the truth about whether he is Muslim or not. He's got so much to lose: Fallout from the revelation might cost him a more cooperative Congress after the next elections and maybe even re-election!

Oh, wait.

And since we're doing the whole, "White people are beautiful," shindig:


09-23-15, 21:29

A lame duck President with a hostile Congress is totally going to not tell the truth about whether he is Muslim or not. He's got so much to lose: Fallout from the revelation might cost him a more cooperative Congress after the next elections and maybe even re-election!

Oh, wait.

And since we're doing the whole, "White people are beautiful," :shindig:


Keep drinkin' the kool-aid! :big_boss:

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-23-15, 21:46
I think he is a stone-cold atheist. He only started parroting God-talk when he started looking into public office.

09-23-15, 21:59
What if he is the anti-christ?




09-23-15, 22:16
Of course he's Muslim. He even said do him self. In that interview. Sorry, he didn't forget he was Christian and said Muslim on accident.

I'll take Freudian slips for 200.

09-23-15, 22:19
What if he is the anti-christ?


Holy Crap...He's MERCURY!

09-24-15, 01:46
Yeah he's a closet muslim.

09-24-15, 04:07
With only a "yes" or "no" answer to choose from, I find I have to choose "yes". If he is a muslim, he's not devout enough to blow himself up, but he has done a great deal to further the muslim death cult here and around the world. Hell, he's probably done more damage that your typical islamist terrorist... you know, the ones we aren't suppose to call islamists.

Probably?? No, certainly. Even Osama was not able to depose Mubarak and Assad, and replace them with Islamist psychopaths.

At the time, not that I'm aware of. But then again I was not an ELECTED PUBLIC official. If a LEO is involved in a sensationalized incident his/her entire life is on the MSM loop. When one becomes a public figure there is supposed to be some transparency. This guy is an enigma. No one involved with the student bodies of the schools he allegedly attended can recall him . . . AT ALL.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

Well we are reading type here so it's easy to misunderstand one another. I referenced the Machurian Candidate AND the Trojan Horse with attempt to imply Barry is a plant. Not a fictional character from a political thriller.

Readjusting fire. I didn't take it personal and I did pick up on the fact that you were being facetious. Just having a convo bro. :)

It is rather curious that Barry's records are all sealed and he just seems to have popped up out of nowhere.

As requested, here's your on-the-spot correction: Recognizing white beauty is not bigotry, no matter how you try to twist it with your twisted PC ideology.

There's some hotties among all skin colors. With that said, I don't think it's racist to express a preference for one color or another. To each their own. I have a date with a Nigerian hottie next week, as a matter of fact. I'm hoping to make a engage in some cross-cultural exchange, if you catch my drift, lol!

Yeah he's a closet muslim.

He's pretty out of the closet.

09-24-15, 05:41
There's some hotties among all skin colors. With that said, I don't think it's racist to express a preference for one color or another. To each their own. I have a date with a Nigerian hottie next week, as a matter of fact. I'm hoping to make a engage in some cross-cultural exchange, if you catch my drift, lol!

I agree, but remain partial to white women. Good luck with the cross-cultural exchange! :cool:

09-24-15, 18:34
Taqiyya (http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/quran/011-taqiyya.htm), or lying, is used to advance the cause of Islam. In some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

The Qur'an:

Qur'an (16:106) - Establishes that there are circumstances that can "compel" a Muslim to tell a lie.

Qur'an (3:28) - This verse tells Muslims not to take those outside the faith as friends, unless it is to "guard themselves" against danger, meaning that there are times when a Muslim may appear friendly to non-Muslims, though they should not feel that way..

Qur'an (9:3) - "...Allah and His Messenger are free from liability to the idolaters..." The dissolution of oaths with the pagans who remained at Mecca following its capture. They did nothing wrong, but were evicted anyway.

Qur'an (40:28) - A man is introduced as a believer, but one who must "hide his faith" among those who are not believers.

Qur'an (2:225) - "Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts" The context of this remark is marriage, which explains why Sharia allows spouses to lie to each other for the greater good.

Qur'an (3:54) - "And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers." The Arabic word used here for scheme (or plot) is makara, which literally means 'deceit'. If Allah is supremely deceitful toward unbelievers, then there is little basis for denying that Muslims are allowed to do the same. (See also 8:30 and 10:21)

Taken collectively these verses are interpreted to mean that there are circumstances when a Muslim may be "compelled" to deceive others for a greater purpose.

From the Hadith:

Bukhari (52:269) - "The Prophet said, 'War is deceit.'" The context of this is thought to be the murder of Usayr ibn Zarim and his thirty unarmed men by Muhammad's men after he "guaranteed" them safe passage (see Additional Notes below).

Bukhari (49:857) - "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar." Lying is permitted when the end justifies the means.

Bukhari (84:64-65) - Speaking from a position of power at the time, Ali confirms that lying is permissible in order to deceive an "enemy."

Muslim (32:6303) - "...he did not hear that exemption was granted in anything what the people speak as lie but in three cases: in battle, for bringing reconciliation amongst persons and the narration of the words of the husband to his wife, and the narration of the words of a wife to her husband (in a twisted form in order to bring reconciliation between them)."

Bukhari (50:369) - Recounts the murder of a poet, Ka'b bin al-Ashraf, at Muhammad's insistence. The men who volunteered for the assassination used dishonesty to gain Ka'b's trust, pretending that they had turned against Muhammad. This drew the victim out of his fortress, whereupon he was brutally slaughtered despite putting up a ferocious struggle for his life.

09-24-15, 20:33
Probably?? To each their own. I have a date with a Nigerian hottie next week, as a matter of fact. I'm hoping to make a engage in some cross-cultural exchange, if you catch my drift, lol!

Or she may inform you of your dearly departed relative that was a former oil minister that left you a substantial inheritance and just ask for a good faith sum up front and your banking info... (couldn't resist)

09-24-15, 20:35
Taqiyya (http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/quran/011-taqiyya.htm), or lying, is used to advance the cause of Islam. In some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

The Qur'an:

Qur'an (16:106) - Establishes that there are circumstances that can "compel" a Muslim to tell a lie.

Qur'an (3:28) - This verse tells Muslims not to take those outside the faith as friends, unless it is to "guard themselves" against danger, meaning that there are times when a Muslim may appear friendly to non-Muslims, though they should not feel that way..

Qur'an (9:3) - "...Allah and His Messenger are free from liability to the idolaters..." The dissolution of oaths with the pagans who remained at Mecca following its capture. They did nothing wrong, but were evicted anyway.

Qur'an (40:28) - A man is introduced as a believer, but one who must "hide his faith" among those who are not believers.

Qur'an (2:225) - "Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts" The context of this remark is marriage, which explains why Sharia allows spouses to lie to each other for the greater good.

Qur'an (3:54) - "And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers." The Arabic word used here for scheme (or plot) is makara, which literally means 'deceit'. If Allah is supremely deceitful toward unbelievers, then there is little basis for denying that Muslims are allowed to do the same. (See also 8:30 and 10:21)

Taken collectively these verses are interpreted to mean that there are circumstances when a Muslim may be "compelled" to deceive others for a greater purpose.

From the Hadith:

Bukhari (52:269) - "The Prophet said, 'War is deceit.'" The context of this is thought to be the murder of Usayr ibn Zarim and his thirty unarmed men by Muhammad's men after he "guaranteed" them safe passage (see Additional Notes below).

Bukhari (49:857) - "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar." Lying is permitted when the end justifies the means.

Bukhari (84:64-65) - Speaking from a position of power at the time, Ali confirms that lying is permissible in order to deceive an "enemy."

Muslim (32:6303) - "...he did not hear that exemption was granted in anything what the people speak as lie but in three cases: in battle, for bringing reconciliation amongst persons and the narration of the words of the husband to his wife, and the narration of the words of a wife to her husband (in a twisted form in order to bring reconciliation between them)."

Bukhari (50:369) - Recounts the murder of a poet, Ka'b bin al-Ashraf, at Muhammad's insistence. The men who volunteered for the assassination used dishonesty to gain Ka'b's trust, pretending that they had turned against Muhammad. This drew the victim out of his fortress, whereupon he was brutally slaughtered despite putting up a ferocious struggle for his life.

So this about covers why the "support and defend the Constitution of the United States..." thing hasn't worked out.

Bubba FAL
09-24-15, 20:57
I don't pretend to know what's in his heart, but...

He (Barry O.) was educated in a Muslim school - even admits studying the Koran. Part of said studies would include the profession about Allah and Muhammed (pig excrement be upon him). To a Muslim, making this profession makes you a fellow muzzie (just ask the Libyan Christians that chose death rather than confess Allah - oh wait, they can't answer, they're dead). If a Muslim renounces Allah and Muhammed (pig excrement be upon him), he is considered apostate.

So Obama must be considered a Muslim by the Muslim world, else we would hear the claims of apostasy coming from them. But we don't hear this, do we? Maybe Barry considers all religion a bunch of mumbo-jumbo and a means to an end, but his actions certainly indicate certain sympathies. Certainly, he's cynically anti-Christian, just look at the guest list for the Pope's visit to the WH.

09-24-15, 21:56
I agree, but remain partial to white women. Good luck with the cross-cultural exchange! :cool:

Thanks. In general I agree (although Asian women are up there too), but there's ugly ones and hot ones within all groups.

Or she may inform you of your dearly departed relative that was a former oil minister that left you a substantial inheritance and just ask for a good faith sum up front and your banking info... (couldn't resist)

Ha!! I will be on the lookout for any propositions that seem too good to be true.

I don't pretend to know what's in his heart, but...

He (Barry O.) was educated in a Muslim school - even admits studying the Koran. Part of said studies would include the profession about Allah and Muhammed (pig excrement be upon him). To a Muslim, making this profession makes you a fellow muzzie (just ask the Libyan Christians that chose death rather than confess Allah - oh wait, they can't answer, they're dead). If a Muslim renounces Allah and Muhammed (pig excrement be upon him), he is considered apostate.

So Obama must be considered a Muslim by the Muslim world, else we would hear the claims of apostasy coming from them. But we don't hear this, do we? Maybe Barry considers all religion a bunch of mumbo-jumbo and a means to an end, but his actions certainly indicate certain sympathies. Certainly, he's cynically anti-Christian, just look at the guest list for the Pope's visit to the WH.

I agree.
Most of the time I have brought this up even with people such as other atheists who are generally wary of Islam, the response is incredulity and mockery. The standard argument is something like: "he eats pork, smokes and drinks, so he can't be Muslim!!", or "but he goes to church - he's a Christian!!".
Nonsense. If a man's loyalties lie with Islam, it doesn't matter if he smokes, drinks or whatever.

09-24-15, 22:59
He's Muslim.

09-24-15, 23:18
He is, at minimum, a Muslim sympathizer and a complete piece of $%!#.

Boba Fett v2
09-25-15, 14:30
Who gives a shit? I wouldn't care if he prayed to rocks and sticks. Policy is what matters.

Posts like this make gun forums look stupid.


The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 5 characters.

09-25-15, 19:41
3:1 believe the POTUS is a jihadi Muslim.

09-27-15, 11:37


Outlander Systems
09-27-15, 12:22
Pretty much, mah brotha.

