View Full Version : Boehner Will Resign from Congress

09-25-15, 08:43
Boehner is leaving at the end of next month. Maybe we'll get a true Conservative as Speaker.

WASHINGTON — Speaker John A. Boehner will resign from Congress and give up his House seat at the end of October, according to aides in his office.

Boehner was under extreme pressure from the right wing of his conference over whether or not to defund Planned Parenthood in a bill to keep the government open.


Alex V
09-25-15, 08:48
As long as his OH seat goes to another Rep. I suppose.

Wonder who will step up to the plate...

09-25-15, 09:01
Well, bye... shouldn't have lasted this long.

09-25-15, 09:07
Something about the devil you know vs the devil you don't comes to mind.

Singlestack Wonder
09-25-15, 09:09
Boehner has accomplished nothing in his tenure as Speaker (other than keeping his tan while golfing). Just another career politician whose time in government needs to end.

09-25-15, 09:59

09-25-15, 10:34
It's hard to get excited. This is like Pro Wrestling. Some other lame thing is going to happen.

09-25-15, 10:43
In the end...BFD.

Chances are he will just be replaced with another establishment spineless moderate.

09-25-15, 11:52
Whut......bout time.

09-25-15, 12:19
How does Ohio fill vacancies?

Appointment or election?

26 Inf
09-25-15, 12:22
Yeah, so all you guys who were bad mouthing the Pope, well darn, looks like he done what ya wanted, got Boehner out. Say thank you Pope.

09-25-15, 12:49
What did he expect? The GOP won TWO elections on the PROMISE that the'd stem the liberal crap coming out of the WH...and they DIDN'T. Mitch McConnell needs to follow his lead....

09-25-15, 13:03

09-25-15, 13:38
In the end...BFD.

Chances are he will just be replaced with another establishment spineless moderate.

That's not the point. He isn't resigning because he was a good Speaker and leader of the GOP. He oversaw the fracturing and dilution of the GOP. He's responsible for the bickering and in-fighting, because he was a weak, pathetic excuse for a Speaker. Even if we wind up with a close copy in his place, the tacit admission is that you proceed with a liberal agenda at your peril. :nono:

Straight Shooter
09-25-15, 14:30
Meet the new boss....same as the old boss.

09-25-15, 15:23
Meet the new boss....same as the old boss.


09-25-15, 16:13
Meet the new boss....same as the old boss.

True....and though hard to fathom, the next one may be worse. You might get one that isn't drunk by noon...imagine the damage that he could have done sober? I have just about written the GOP off, the parties are gender neutral so to speak.