View Full Version : The next bond?

09-26-15, 02:10
Who does everyone want to see as the next Bond?

I would like to see Tom Hardy.

09-26-15, 08:58
I think they should totally flip it... Angelina Jolie as Jane Bond

09-26-15, 10:18
I would rather see a,movie about Section 20

09-26-15, 10:23
I think Hardy would do a fine job.

09-26-15, 12:39
Idris Elba.

09-26-15, 13:06
Idris Elba.

I concur.

09-26-15, 13:22

09-26-15, 14:21
That's ridiculous. James Bond is white and Scottish, of which Idris Elba is neither.

For point B: James Bond hasn't been portrayed by a Scottish actor since Sean Connery. That's 30 years of non-Scottish actors portraying the secret agent in a 53 year old film franchise. (It's actually over 40 years, as Sean Connery's portrayal in 1983 was actually in the midst of Roger Moore's portrayal of the character and fell outside the Eon Production Bond movies.)

For point A:


Why can't James Bond be not Scottish? Why can't James Bond be not white? James Bond hasn't been born in the 1920s pretty much since the franchise began. He hasn't been Scottish since 1971. And none of the actors who have portrayed him have been half Swiss. If those parts of his background don't matter, why should his nationality or ethnicity beyond being British?

09-26-15, 14:30
If we can't have a Strike Back movie then, I want Richard Armitage as James Bond.

No homo, but it's hard not to have a boy crush on him. He's tall, dark, blue eyes. Like Jake Gyllenhall only more butch. He was John Porter in Series 1 Strike Back. He can be real aggro but deep down kinda sensitive. He could shoot you with a Walther but isn't above murdering you with a FAL. He's a total dreamboat. Seriously why hasn't this happened. I refused to watch any of Daniel Craig and that last Bond movie I liked was Goldeneye.

09-27-15, 02:25
Danile Craig is 47 years old and will be Bond until 2020 for at least one more feature film according to his agent and contract with Eon Productions.

Idris Elba is 43 years old.

Tom Hardy is 38 year old.

Depending on a lot of things it is currently taking Eon Productions three years to churn out a new Bond film.

As for non British citizens playing Bond, Clint Eastwood was offered the role after Sean Connery left the first time, Eastwood turned it down because the felt the actor who puts on the tuxedo should be British. After that George Lazenby was then given the chance to play Flemming's blunt instrument in On Her Majesty's Secret Service. Lazenby was born in Australia.

09-27-15, 07:24
Richard Armitage...or even Phillip Winchester.

Yes, they'd cast an American. Heck, they even gave the role to an Irishman (Brosnan).

09-27-15, 09:28
I liked Craig as Bond. He's the best Bond since Roger Moore

09-27-15, 10:39
Roger Moore? He was so boring. Seriously. He was great in the Wild Geese just don't watch the featurette where he openly says he loathes guns. IIRC he insisted a stuntman do all his weapon handling when it was time to fire blanks.

The only 80s Bond worth a flip was Tim Dalton. He was like a proto-Jack Bauer. Torture. Beatings. Killing up terrorists.

09-27-15, 11:19
I think they should totally flip it... Angelina Jolie as Jane Bond

+1 for Jane Bond, but Kate Beckinsale.

09-27-15, 11:56
I miss the whimsy that Connery, Moore and Brosnan brought. Even though Craig is a good actor, he doesn't have much of a sense of humor. The Bond movies are trying too much to be like current day action/drama flicks.

Hardy would be a good choice.

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09-27-15, 13:43
I miss the whimsy that Connery, Moore and Brosnan brought. Even though Craig is a good actor, he doesn't have much of a sense of humor. The Bond movies are trying too much to be like current day action/drama flicks.

Hardy would be a good choice.

Sent using Tapatalk for Android

According to an article I read earlier this year, the guys who make Bond movies have intentionally moved away from whimsy.

Because Austin Powers.

09-27-15, 14:06
Honestly what killed Bond was the fall of the Soviet Union.
Goldeneye touched on that brilliantly.

They tried going after Red China but a blue eyed white dude stood out as the 'actual' villain and Michelle Yeoh was in her prime and overdressed. They tried North Korea but....they can't keep the lights on. Russia is still an acceptable target but it's mostly mobsters and whatnot. Their SF is actively zapping terrorists and that's not a bad thing in and of itself.

They'll never go after radical Islam. SPECTRE is still an idea but without one liners and bizarre underwater lairs...meh.

Daniel Craig even openly pondered why Bond doesn't seduce other dudes.

No. They need Richard Armitage and have him go after some Abdullah somewhere. Have an epic team up with some cowboy Spetsnaz outfit and have an epic shootout in the middle of downtown Pakistan. The love interest should be some young bird with red hair and an impetuous nature. And he should carry a PPQ and at some point an MWS. And to set the tone he uses an MP7 on full auto during the gun barrel sequence.

I also think he needs to call Judi Dench a dried up old bitch to her face. I have nothing against her, but it would set the tone.

And he needs to chain smoke. Unfiltered. And if thete is the requisite rich blond evil white guy behind it all he needs to just Ninja Kick him into industrial fan blades or rocket launcher him to death.

Because not even the hot Russian chick got me to watch Craig's "Bond"

Mauser KAR98K
09-27-15, 14:15
Honestly what killed Bond was the fall of the Soviet Union.
Goldeneye touched on that brilliantly.

They tried going after Red China but a blue eyed white dude stood out as the 'actual' villain and Michelle Yeoh was in her prime and overdressed. They tried North Korea but....they can't keep the lights on. Russia is still an acceptable target but it's mostly mobsters and whatnot. Their SF is actively zapping terrorists and that's not a bad thing in and of itself.

They'll never go after radical Islam. SPECTRE is still an idea but without one liners and bizarre underwater lairs...meh.

Daniel Craig even openly pondered why Bond doesn't seduce other dudes.

No. They need Richard Armitage and have him go after some Abdullah somewhere. Have an epic team up with some cowboy Spetsnaz outfit and have an epic shootout in the middle of downtown Pakistan. The love interest should be some young bird with red hair and an impetuous nature. And he should carry a PPQ and at some point an MWS. And to set the tone he uses an MP7 on full auto during the gun barrel sequence.

I also think he needs to call Judi Dench a dried up old bitch to her face. I have nothing against her, but it would set the tone.

And he needs to chain smoke. Unfiltered. And if thete is the requisite rich blond evil white guy behind it all he needs to just Ninja Kick him into industrial fan blades or rocket launcher him to death.

Because not even the hot Russian chick got me to watch Craig's "Bond"

You've been watch way too much Strike Back.

09-27-15, 14:21
You can never watch enough Strike Back. This is the last series. They always do this. Everytime I like a Brit show they cancel it. Like the flapper detective lady or A Place to Call Home.
And Dr. Who is unbearable now.

09-27-15, 15:01
I always thought Clive Owen would be very good as Bond. But as he's 50 now...

Idris Elba would be awesome.

George Lazenby got a raw deal. I thought he did well in his one shot.

09-27-15, 15:45
Hugh Jackman ! !

09-27-15, 16:48

09-27-15, 19:33
Tom Hardy, no question.
Sorry, but casting a black guy as James Bond would be like casting a white guy as Shaft.

09-27-15, 22:33
He's the worst Bond since Roger Moore


09-27-15, 23:35
I grew up with Connery, then Moore playing Bond. All the Bonds since Moore sucked and the movies themselves lacked that panache that made me want to be a secret agent when I grew up. Whether you like Moore or not, I'll take him over every Bond since. Craig had his flaws and Quantum of Solace is one of the worst movies I've seen but the new Casino Royale and Skyfall are both a step in the right direction.

None of the Bonds after Connery can hold a candle to Robert Vaughn as Napoleon Solo or David McCullum as Illya Kuryakin, however

09-27-15, 23:36
Tom Hardy, no question.
Sorry, but casting a black guy as James Bond would be like casting a white guy as Shaft.

I don't think that being white is integral to James Bond's identity. Being a British gentleman is (which is much of why I don't think having Bond chew out M would work - it's not Bond's style, though it might suit Stonebridge (more Damien Scott than Stonebridge, IMHO) or Trevelyan).

Shaft's race, on the other hand, is pretty integral to the character's identity. Like being white is for the Lone Ranger, Mexican/Spanish nobility for Zorro, a former Australian cop is for Mad Max, &c.

You can make John McClane black or hispanic and he still works. You can make him 25 or 55 and he still works. You could probably even change John McClane to Jane McClane and things would likely still work. You make him active duty military or a car salesman instead of a regular cop and he doesn't. Give him a successful family life instead of a strained one and he doesn't. Have his SO be a housewife instead of a hardheaded, career-minded woman and he doesn't work.

Take Detective Vincent Hanna from Heat. Give him a happy home life, make him open with his spouse about his job, take away his bombastic attitude, give him a happy step-daughter... he stops being Detective Hanna. Make him black or hispanic or a woman and the character still works. (I don't think the character works as well as a woman, but could still work.)

James Bond is much the same. Make him black, he still works. You could probably make him Pakistani or Indian and he'll still work. Make him a woman and I'm not too sure. Give him a happy life at home with two still living parents and he doesn't work (his family is wealthy, but he is effectively raised by the state). Take away the Royal Navy/SBS background and he doesn't work as well. Take away the vodka martinis, the European supercars, make him vulgar and crass, take away the tuxedo and the Omega and Rolex watches and make him a teetotaler or PBR-swilling, American muscle car driving, mean old sonuvabitch in an Affliction shirt with blue jeans and a Wal-Mart special G-Shock... and he's not James Bond, he's a bad knock-off of Damien Scott.

09-27-15, 23:38
I think they should totally flip it... Angelina Jolie as Jane Bond

Too old.

09-28-15, 02:03
I think Idris Elba would make an excellent Bond character, his (Black race) aside. He ia an excellent actor and could carry the role.

As for Craig, I didn't like him as James Bond at first, but I think he has done an excellent job. I agree that SkyFall was good and the next one looks even better from the previews.

One of his better movies was 'Layer Cake' an excellent ****in movie. Worth watching if you missed it casted the whose who of UK actors. My favorite line; "Oy, you'd give an aspirin a head ache", so the criminal says to his girlfriend. I didn't even realize till now that Tom Hardy was in the movie.


09-28-15, 10:22
First of all.....I always subscribed to the idea that 'James Bond' is a new identity like John Clark or John Lynch or Stan Smith. They get military guys, seasoned with Intel and Infiltration experience and once they are at a groomed age and experience (late 30s, mid 40s) they get to be 007 James Bond. So a black dude could work. Not as good as Richard Armitage like ever, but he could.

I understand that 007 isn't a brute or whatever, but still. It can get pretty boring depending on who's portraying him.
All Connery Bonds were great. If only his bond didn't get captured and imprisoned in Alcatraz, we wouldn't have had to suffer under Roger Moore.

09-28-15, 15:15
By the time Craig hangs up the tuxedo Idris Elba will be too old. This is why Roger Moore stopped, he had to tell Albert Broccoli he was just too old and that they needed a younger actor. IMHO the worst Bond movies were the Roger Moore movies, he even admits this. They are cheesy. Best bond is no doubt Connery but I love Craig's Bond as well. Craig's Bond had to be more straight laced and physical due to the Austin Power movies and the re-birth of Jason Bourne film adaptions.

09-28-15, 15:16
One of his better movies was 'Layer Cake' an excellent ****in movie. Worth watching if you missed it casted the whose who of UK actors. My favorite line; "Oy, you'd give an aspirin a head ache", so the criminal says to his girlfriend. I didn't even realize till now that Tom Hardy was in the movie.


I have been following both Craig and Hardy since this film, I owned it on DVD since it was first released in the states.

09-28-15, 16:02
As much as I like Tom Hardy, I think he would not be a good bond. He is too ripped and powerful. Bond is a charming, unassuming secret agent. I just don't feel a guy like Hardy would pull it off right. I think he is much better fit to roles like Mad Max and Warrior.

09-29-15, 01:42
I think Idris could work but I want to see Hardy. He is a damn good actor and I cannot think of anyone better.

I have never been a big Bond fan but there have been ones I have liked, like GoldenEye. I did not like Craig until Skyfall; I thought he was a terrible Bond until that one.

09-30-15, 09:16

09-30-15, 09:16

09-30-15, 09:24
Hardy looks fantastic in the trailers for Legend. Gotta see that one.

09-30-15, 19:53
Peddle your liberal drivel elsewhere.

So you cede the debate? Excellent.

09-30-15, 20:16
Henry Ian Cusisk, He play "Desmond Hume" on the Lost series. I think the guy is a good actor and could totally pull it off.



10-01-15, 08:19

10-01-15, 09:42
There is nothing to debate. James Bond is, and has always been, a white British MI6 operative. Bond cannot be black, as Ian Fleming established him as a white agent. I am hopeful the film franchise stays true to the original concept, and remains literarily correct.

I am not sure why you're intent on having a black Bond. Perhaps you misguidedly seek some form of "social justice," and if this is the case, do pause and reflect on the fact that whites are the minority in the world. There is no justice in "social justice." Nor is it racist to state, "James Bond necessarily is, and must remain, white."

Ian Fleming also established James Bond as carrying an automatic in a holster that was only ever made for revolvers and whose defining characteristics would make it difficult to work with any firearm but a revolver. And Bond dropped the PPK for an Asp some time ago, but I don't see any complaining over Bond using the wrong holster or the wrong gun. What Ian Fleming wrote in 1950 is not hugely relevant to an intelligence agent in 2015. Further, Ian Fleming is dead.

I have no concern with regard to social justice: I enjoy Idris Elba as an actor and think he would make a good Bond and I would rather see him being issued a license to kill than Tom Hardy (not to say that Hardy wouldn't do a good job of it) or any other British actor I can think of.

You, however, remind me of the folks running around whining about a black guy playing Heimdall (another role given to Idris Elba - and another one I'm quite happy with him in).

You are correct that it is not racist in and of itself to believe that James Bond should be white.

However, when this opinion is combined with your recent race-baiting posts and posted opinion on the "objective" beauty of white people - repeatedly airing opinions that are objectively racist - I find it hard to imagine how anyone could come to any conclusion except that you are racist.

10-01-15, 11:08

Are you a white liberal or...?

10-01-15, 11:15

Are you a white liberal or...?

Have you never seen my sig line?

10-01-15, 14:11

10-02-15, 01:50
I enjoy Idris Elba as an actor and think he would make a good Bond and I would rather see him being issued a license to kill than Tom Hardy (not to say that Hardy wouldn't do a good job of it) or any other British actor I can think of.

He is a decent actor but he could not touch Hardy with a tent foot pole on acting chops.

10-02-15, 02:30
He is a decent actor but he could not touch Hardy with a tent foot pole on acting chops.

Tom Hardy is seriously the best actor of his generation. I've seen everything he's been in to date and own most of them.

10-02-15, 03:29
Tom Hardy is seriously the best actor of his generation. I've seen everything he's been in to date and own most of them.

I have, and do as well. He is my favorite actor, hands down.

I also like Gyllenhaal (Nightcrawler sealed it), Wahlberg (The Gambler proved he can act but he isn't a great), Josh Brolin (Gangster Squad, Old Boy; come on!), Christian Bale (who can argue)..

Some older favorites: Clint Eastwood, Mel Gibson, Gary Oldman, Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe, Kevin Spacey, Tommy Lee Jones, Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Robert Duvall, Robin Williams, Al Pacino, Harrison Ford, Tom Hanks...

Tom Hardy is proving to be my favorite of all time every new movie I see.

Hell that Deserter movie, he was not even the main character but he stole the whole movie.

10-02-15, 20:32

Are you a white liberal or...?

Liberal libertarian. I don't trust any large group of people. Not Big Government, not Big Business, not Big Labor, not Big Pharma, &c.

And everyone's a little bit racist.

Have you never seen my sig line?

I wrote a response that I tried to PM you, since that thread was closed. But your PM inbox is - or was - full.

In any case, if you are a hunter, enjoy your delicious murder. Sincerely, a fellow murderer of animals.

As per the liberal SOP, you pull out the race card. Not only am I not a racist, I vehemently oppose reverse racism, of which you seem to be a strong advocate.

I'm not an advocate of any such thing. I just don't see the problem with a black man portraying James Bond and I don't understand your very vehement position to the contrary.

Or an Indian or Pakistani or anyone who holds a British passport. I have made my arguments as to why, I haven't seen anything other than, "James Bond was written as a white Scotsman." Which lead to my counter points that James Bond was also originally written as being born in the 1920s, hasn't been portrayed by a Scottish actor in an Eon Production in 42-ish years, was written as being half-Swiss but has never been portrayed by a half-Swiss actor, was once written as carrying an automatic in a holster that was only ever designed to carry a revolver - and whose design only lent itself to carrying revolvers, was written as dropping the PPK for an Asp (and other firearms that James Bond has never been seen using on screen), &c.

He is a decent actor but he could not touch Hardy with a tent foot pole on acting chops.

I don't think I've seen enough works in which he has starred. I can only think of Mad Max: Fury Road and Dark Knight Rises. He was pretty quiet in the former (which I need to watch again) and I didn't get much of an impression of him from the latter (not his fault).

10-02-15, 21:59
I don't think I've seen enough works in which he has starred. I can only think of Mad Max: Fury Road and Dark Knight Rises. He was pretty quiet in the former (which I need to watch again) and I didn't get much of an impression of him from the latter (not his fault).

- Bronson (this is the movie that I discovered Hardy)
- Child 44 (savage Russian in this)
- Inception
- The Drop (brilliant)
- Locke (might not be your type of movie but he is excellent)
- Warrior (badass)
- Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
- RocknRolla
- Deserter
- Lawless

He also had small roles in:
- Black Hawk Down
- Band of Brothers (the guy who got killed after being chosen to get sent home in I believe the last or second to last episode)
- Star Trek: Nemesis (bad guy)

10-02-15, 23:58
One of his better movies was 'Layer Cake' an excellent ****in movie. Worth watching if you missed it casted the whose who of UK actors. My favorite line; "Oy, you'd give an aspirin a head ache", so the criminal says to his girlfriend. I didn't even realize till now that Tom Hardy was in the movie.


Thanks for the recommendation. Layer Cake is an excellent movie start to finish.

- Bronson (this is the movie that I discovered Hardy)
- Child 44 (savage Russian in this)
- Inception
- The Drop (brilliant)
- Locke (might not be your type of movie but he is excellent)
- Warrior (badass)
- Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
- RocknRolla
- Deserter
- Lawless

He also had small roles in:
- Black Hawk Down
- Band of Brothers (the guy who got killed after being chosen to get sent home in I believe the last or second to last episode)
- Star Trek: Nemesis (bad guy)

I like a lot of "different"' movies other people normally don't like but didn't care much for Locke.

Otherwise I agree with the rest in your list that I've seen. The most memorable are The Drop and Warrior.

10-03-15, 00:39
Thanks for the recommendation. Layer Cake is an excellent movie start to finish.

I like a lot of "different"' movies other people normally don't like but didn't care much for Locke.

Otherwise I agree with the rest in your list that I've seen. The most memorable are The Drop and Warrior.

Locke was different, yes, and it wasn't a magnificent movie or anything but he executed that role amazingly. I really like The Drop and Warrior as well but it is hard for me to pick a favorite. My favorite character role of his though, is definitely Bane. He was also the perfect person to take over as Mad Max.

If he doesn't get Bond, I will be mad as f*ck.

10-03-15, 01:44
Yeah Locke was a different kind of film. Only other actor/movie I can think of that has done this was Robert Redford in All is Lost but not a lot of dialogue there. I mean to drive and talk on a cell phone for two hours is a LOT of lines/dialogue for one guy to remember. It shows just how good he is.

And agree with your list (own most of them to date) Child 44, The Drop, and Lawless are some of my favorite films.

Edit to add: Endur be sure to check out Hardy's latest The Revenant . . .


10-03-15, 13:07

I haven't followed every post in this thread but how did it get from the next Bond to murderer/non murderer pictures? Let's keep it on track. I've cleaned up the off topic stuff, let's keep it clean.


10-03-15, 14:04

10-03-15, 16:02
Arctic Fox, you may be fooling some here, but many clearly see through your Marxist agenda - to eliminate incrementally true diversity through social engineering. First, JB is black. Next he's gay. Eventually he'll be transgender, the true measure of no identity or individuality, not to mention a fatal transgression against God. Further, your insistence on a black JB is an insult to all African Americans, who surely do not lack the ability to create their own blockbuster, starring a black protagonist hero.

I've already listed what I feel are the defining characteristics that make James Bond James Bond: A British womanizing, alcohol binging, SBS pipe hitter turned gentleman spy.

None of which has anything to do with race. And which pretty definitely rules out being gay, but not being bisexual or transgender/transsexual (I'm pretty sure that society and Hollywood isn't ready for a transman James Bond. Hell, I'm pretty sure I'm not ready for a bisexual James Bond, although I'm pretty sure that we'll be getting a bisexual Bond sooner rather than later).

And you have yet to do anything about it but take off the hood, douse the burning cross, and scream, "Marxist! Liberal!"

The only thing you haven't called me is what you really think: "N_____-loving Jew-boy". Go on ahead, you can call me that. I mean, it would kind of defeat the purpose of you hiding your hood and burned cross, but since you're not doing a good job of it, why don't you? I'm sure it will make you feel better.

10-03-15, 18:57
Either you converse like reasonable adults or leave GD. There are plenty of other sections to this site besides here. First and only warning.

10-04-15, 22:22
Leave the politics for the politic threads please.

Thanks Moose, I have not even seen that movie until you posted it.

I am looking forward to Legend.

PD Sgt.
10-04-15, 22:50
I do not think you can have a black James Bond. He would be constantly getting pulled over driving an Aston Martin....

10-05-15, 02:56
Thanks Moose, I have not even seen that movie until you posted it.

I am looking forward to Legend.

Hardy + English gangster flick . . . can't wait. Big fan of Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Layer Cake, Rock'n Rolla, The Bank Job, etc. Legend looks awesome in the trailers.

10-07-15, 00:02
+1 on Tom Hardy. He's a good actor and would fit the role quite well. His personality has the strong, quiet type while still able to fill the action roles and woo the ladies.

As far as not casting a non-white actor for the Bond character, I don't think its racist. Its just traditional. Simple as that.

I would not want to see a black or asian Batman or Superman, would you? I'm not being racist here, since I'm a non-white male. I just don't feel that casting a different race for these type of roles would fit the characters very well.

10-07-15, 00:06
+1 on Tom Hardy. He's a good actor and would fit the role quite well. His personality has the strong, quiet type while still able to fill the action roles and woo the ladies.

As far as not casting a non-white actor for the Bond character, I don't think its racist. Its just traditional. Simple as that.

I would not want to see a black or asian Batman or Superman, would you? I'm not being racist here, since I'm a non-white male. I just don't feel that casting a different race for these type of roles would fit the characters very well.

Not to start an argument or really directed specifically towards you, but why every time someone mentions not being racist and if they then say they are not white, like the only people who can be racist are white?

Anyway, I would have to agree with it being tradition.

10-07-15, 00:39
Not to start an argument or really directed specifically towards you, but why every time someone mentions not being racist and if they then say they are not white, like the only people who can be racist are white?

Anyway, I would have to agree with it being tradition.

I know what you mean.

The reason I said that is for clarification purposes. If I was caucasian/white, and said I don't want a black/colored/non-white person to play the role, then I would sound racist. And for the sake of discussion, we were specifically talking about a role that has always been portrayed by a white actor. Of course whites are not the only ones that can be racist, but I think that's a topic for another thread.

I don't have a problem with James Bond being played by a black (or any other non-white) actor--but it just wouldn't look right.

10-07-15, 00:43
I know what you mean.

The reason I said that is for clarification purposes. If I was caucasian/white, and said I don't want a black/colored/non-white person to play the role, then I would sound racist. And for the sake of discussion, we were specifically talking about a role that has always been portrayed by a white actor. Of course whites are not the only ones that can be racist, but I think that's a topic for another thread.

I don't have a problem with James Bond being played by a black (or any other non-white) actor--but it just wouldn't look right.


10-07-15, 10:09

10-07-15, 12:19
You clearly need to be sent to the re-education camp until you conform. Individuality, liberty, God, and freedom represent ideas that are bigoted, racist, feminist, and wrong.


Where do I sign up? :cool:

Back on topic, I think James Franco would be a decent candidate since he is still in the age range. I'd suggest Matt Damon too, but he seems to be getting older and less physically fit.