View Full Version : Stupid family Drama

09-26-15, 10:30
Back Story,
Mom passed from cancer 8 years ago, I inherited her house , 2 sisters 1 younger and 1 older than me neither wanted the house on paper so they signed quit claim on house. Legally I'm the sole owner of house.

Have 80 year old Uncle lived with mom forever, so I allowed him to stay and take care of house if/when he left, I'd sell house the split proceeds 3 ways.
Informal verbal agreement between 3 of us. Not a renter, no lease nada zip zero Old school handshake I'll take your word on it kinda deal.

I live 1,000 miles away, 8 years go by all is well.

Month or so ago, Get panicked phone call from older sister wanting me to evict Uncle. Huh?
According to her, 80 year old Uncle attacked 25 year old nephew with a baseball bat? What?
so I do some digging, She forgot to mention that said nephew aquired a pitbull that has bit my uncle 2 twice.
Did I mention Said nephew is a felon that my uncle allowed to move into house after he was kicked out of the State of Florida
(according to their website he's an absconded fugitive whereabouts unknown, I think they made him someone elses problem)

Local cops told Uncle since neither one is a Legal renter they could not do anything
Told Older sister anymore drama, nephew has to leave I'm legal owner of house..
she Gets Drama Qween award,,,
Screw this,, called Uncle He moving voluntary away, cool Selling house not going to let Felon nephew live there and trash it. Get cash offer for house less than week market, Sister Bitches out Real estate ranting about not being able to purchase house as now it has sentimental value to her, Huh? Tell agent to ignore her as i'm legal owner of house
Send Email that everyone must leave by Oct 2, Older sister clears out house of all common items without consulting me or little sister
Basically she's alienated everyone in the family due to her felon son, Even my dad has told her she's full of shit and disowned that grandson.

If everyone is still following the bouncy ball,,back track to last Dec.
Uncle goes to senior center.
Felon nephew invites felon friend over. Alcohol is introduced, Felons aquire firearm, firearm is discharged in my house resulting in the death of felon nephew felon friend. Murder or suicide? What does felon nephew do cleans up crime scene , stuffs body in trunk, drives to county park, stuff body in outhouse burns it down... For Some Strange Reason He gets Caught......
Mommy bails him out, Cause everyone out to get him, he can do no wrong and cops are evil, and her son is an angel...
This happened in Kansas City Mo . As soon as he get out, the State of Kansas (where he started his criminal career) arrests Him because, Apparently 1.assisting in a sucide/murder, 2. Cleaning a crime scene, 3. Transporting a dead body without a permit, 4. committing arson, 5. Being a Felon in possession of a firearm, IS a violation of your Probation/Parole! Who would have thought such a thing..

I HATE DRAMA.............

Stay tuned for more....I ain't making this shit up...

09-26-15, 10:47
In the words of the country song, "God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy."

09-26-15, 11:04
So did you sell the house?

09-26-15, 11:14
Back Story,
Mom passed from cancer 8 years ago, I inherited her house , 2 sisters 1 younger and 1 older than me neither wanted the house on paper so they signed quit claim on house. Legally I'm the sole owner of house.

Have 80 year old Uncle lived with mom forever, so I allowed him to stay and take care of house if/when he left, I'd sell house the split proceeds 3 ways.
Informal verbal agreement between 3 of us. Not a renter, no lease nada zip zero Old school handshake I'll take your word on it kinda deal.

I live 1,000 miles away, 8 years go by all is well.

Month or so ago, Get panicked phone call from older sister wanting me to evict Uncle. Huh?
According to her, 80 year old Uncle attacked 25 year old nephew with a baseball bat? What?
so I do some digging, She forgot to mention that said nephew aquired a pitbull that has bit my uncle 2 twice.
Did I mention Said nephew is a felon that my uncle allowed to move into house after he was kicked out of the State of Florida
(according to their website he's an absconded fugitive whereabouts unknown, I think they made him someone elses problem)

Local cops told Uncle since neither one is a Legal renter they could not do anything
Told Older sister anymore drama, nephew has to leave I'm legal owner of house..
she Gets Drama Qween award,,,
Screw this,, called Uncle He moving voluntary away, cool Selling house not going to let Felon nephew live there and trash it. Get cash offer for house less than week market, Sister Bitches out Real estate ranting about not being able to purchase house as now it has sentimental value to her, Huh? Tell agent to ignore her as i'm legal owner of house
Send Email that everyone must leave by Oct 2, Older sister clears out house of all common items without consulting me or little sister
Basically she's alienated everyone in the family due to her felon son, Even my dad has told her she's full of shit and disowned that grandson.

If everyone is still following the bouncy ball,,back track to last Dec.
Uncle goes to senior center.
Felon nephew invites felon friend over. Alcohol is introduced, Felons aquire firearm, firearm is discharged in my house resulting in the death of felon nephew felon friend. Murder or suicide? What does felon nephew do cleans up crime scene , stuffs body in trunk, drives to county park, stuff body in outhouse burns it down... For Some Strange Reason He gets Caught......
Mommy bails him out, Cause everyone out to get him, he can do no wrong and cops are evil, and her son is an angel...
This happened in Kansas City Mo . As soon as he get out, the State of Kansas (where he started his criminal career) arrests Him because, Apparently 1.assisting in a sucide/murder, 2. Cleaning a crime scene, 3. Transporting a dead body without a permit, 4. committing arson, 5. Being a Felon in possession of a firearm, IS a violation of your Probation/Parole! Who would have thought such a thing..

I HATE DRAMA.............

Stay tuned for more....I ain't making this shit up...

Bold was the point where nephew should have been told to leave the premises and if he refused, the appropriate legal steps for forced removal taken. Only going by the condensed version you supplied, that seems the key spot to have taken the needed action. But, hindsight is always 20/20 and all that.

Good luck!

09-26-15, 11:20
Why cops be hassling him?

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Outlander Systems
09-26-15, 11:25
Fo real. Yo sissies baby dindu nuffin.

Why cops be hassling him?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

In all seriousness, this is a piece of cake. Your share of the house just went from 33.33333% to fiddy.

26 Inf
09-26-15, 11:27
This doesn't make sense:

According to her, 80 year old Uncle attacked 25 year old nephew with a baseball bat? What?
so I do some digging, She forgot to mention that said nephew aquired a pitbull that has bit my uncle 2 twice.

Local cops told Uncle since neither one is a Legal renter they could not do anything

Seems to me we either have a case of agg battery (your uncle attacking nephew with a baseball bat) or some other charge against the nephew for taking the actions which resulted in your uncle defending himself with a baseball bat.

Or maybe I misunderstood and the assault with the bat was unreported and the police were involved because of the dog bite.

In which case they should have at least got animal control on it, at the least.

Either way, taken at face value, sounds like the officers in this case really didn't want to help solve any problem. To bad.

Edited to add: Even if this came to light because the uncle called when the nephew wouldn't leave, I can't believe the fight or the dog bite weren't mentioned. Your uncle is 80, your nephew is 25, do Missouri cops not get any training on elder abuse? At least cut a case so there is some record for on down the road.

09-26-15, 11:46
Morale of the Story;
When it comes to money or property mixed in with family, you're better off selling immediately and cutting a quick path out of the AO.

09-26-15, 15:28
Morale of the Story;
When it comes to money or property mixed in with family, you're better off selling immediately and cutting a quick path out of the AO.

My brothers wife mother died 25 years ago. The other two siblings didn't have any interest in 40 acres of rural property the mother owned so my brother had it appraised and bought them out. Now they claim my brother cheated them because the land is worth 10 times what he paid them for it 25 years ago.

09-26-15, 15:45
So yes house is sold, Older Sister's felon son is not my problem or my little sister's.( who actually is on the same page as me and the rest of the family)

Uncle didn't wish to press charges against my felon nephew, He's a retired priest only see's the good in everybody which is why he let felon nephew move in.

I'm a thousand miles away, to me it's all he's this vs what he said.

My involvement end's when house closes shortly, my moral ethical question should I honor our 3 way agreement about the proceeds of house sale or tell my older sister to frak off as she and her felon son caused this mess.
I'm not doing anything with the proceeds till after taxes are files next year. my little sister is okay with that, She and her husband are actually moving our uncle accross the country at their expense, he's taking a week off with no pay to do this.
I'm sure my older sister will go ballistic having to wait...


09-26-15, 15:50
Wow. Prayers for you and your family. Good luck with your decision.

09-26-15, 16:00
Yes, that is a big time crime.
Cheating family out of future money 25 years ago...

The 1969 Dodge Daytona my parents sold in 1976 and the ss454 1970 chevelle he sold in 1971 are each now worth about 100 times what they were sold for.

They were cheated!

As for Felon mamma, I say she can f o a d.

Other sister can get the 1/3 if you want.

09-26-15, 16:02
You win.

My family cannot top that.

09-26-15, 16:11
This is why I rarely speak to my family, even when they're in my home. We have never been close, never going to be close, there always seems to be marital problems or grown ass adult child problems for them.

I don't initiate visits, they do, with the knowledge that I'll throw them the hell out when I get tired of their asses. "Show up after breakfast, pack your self a lunch, leave before dinner..." is my motto. Except at Christmas, then I lay out saltines, mustard and ketchup packs and 8oz plastic cups with water... no ice.

I don't do drama...

09-26-15, 16:54
So yes house is sold, Older Sister's felon son is not my problem or my little sister's.( who actually is on the same page as me and the rest of the family)

Uncle didn't wish to press charges against my felon nephew, He's a retired priest only see's the good in everybody which is why he let felon nephew move in.

I'm a thousand miles away, to me it's all he's this vs what he said.

My involvement end's when house closes shortly, my moral ethical question should I honor our 3 way agreement about the proceeds of house sale or tell my older sister to frak off as she and her felon son caused this mess.
I'm not doing anything with the proceeds till after taxes are files next year. my little sister is okay with that, She and her husband are actually moving our uncle accross the country at their expense, he's taking a week off with no pay to do this.
I'm sure my older sister will go ballistic having to wait...


Way I see it, older sisters 33% will barely cover damages and items removed from home.

09-26-15, 17:14

I can't wait till the house closes,,,,

I'm so on the fence about splitting the proceeds, Told my little sister i'd help pay for uncle's move out of older sisters share( if i go that route) she said no.. just want's what we agree upon years ago, 1/3 after taxes etc. no special treatment,

26 Inf
09-26-15, 17:25
So, what would your Mom want you to do? That is the course I would take.

09-26-15, 17:49
So, what would your Mom want you to do? That is the course I would take.
That's the million dollar question.....Mom never saw what her daughter became...could only see the good in people just like my uncle....

Older sister wanting to evict Uncle so felon son could have free place to stay....
But at the same time claiming she was honoring mom's last wish by letting Uncle stay?
Can't get her story straight....

All our family and friends say that she instigated this so her felon son would have a place to stay..
Because when he started his criminal career as a teenager his mothers neighbors had restraining orders against him for breaking into their homes.. So i'm told...so he can't go live with mommy.. he's 25 now in out of juvie/jail/prison . Mom comes to his rescue....

09-26-15, 17:52
Sell home.

Spilt proceeds three ways as per original agreement.

Do what you can for the Uncle.

Go to sleep with clear conscience, knowing no one has anything they can complain about or fight over.

09-26-15, 18:23
Give felon momma sister her share minus value of items stolen from house and any damages from felon spawn. split remaining funds 50/50 between other sister. IMO

09-26-15, 18:41
Give felon baby momma nothing, drama is expensive.

Either give others per original agreement, keep the extra, because drama is expensive, or rework the split based on the new numbers.

But then, my opinion may be biased.

I very likely would trade my one sister for yours.............

But then, I just read about yours, you still don't know mine.

Sent from my SGP612 using Tapatalk

09-26-15, 18:54
Keep your agreement and split the proceeds 3 ways. This way nobody can claim they were "cheated" and you can sleep at night with a clear conscience, knowing you kept your word. Besides, it's probably what your mom would've wanted..

09-26-15, 19:38
Well, I feel pretty good about my screwed up family right about now.

That really sucks OP. Do what was originally talked about. Don't bother your conscious about your retard sister. Sleeping well is priceless.

Big A
09-26-15, 20:10
Give felon momma sister her share minus value of items stolen from house and any damages from felon spawn. split remaining funds 50/50 between other sister. IMO
This ^ FTW. You need to hire an attorney and have this done with a contract. No verbal agreements and a hanshake. Legal documentation is important. Make sure you hire an attorney that is well versed in civil law and that all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed. You don't want her dragging you back to court over some bs technicality in the documentation that you missed. Make sure you read all the document's throughly and ask questions of your attorney.

Once that's done file an injunction against her to keep her and her shit spawn from contacting you in any way (phone, mail, email, Facebook etc.) ever again and live the rest of your life in peace. And if she does contact you have her ass charged with violation of the injunction.

That's what I'd do.

09-26-15, 20:47
You win.

My family cannot top that.

I agree. :agree::agree:

Mr blasty
09-26-15, 21:15
What big a said. As much as you should tell her to piss up a rope, she can royaly mess your shit up if she feels screwed.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

09-26-15, 21:26
I very likely would trade my one sister for yours.............

I doubt it:
Older sister first husband ( of kids) drank listerine refuse to admit he was alcoholic, forgot kids were in truck stop restroom on road trip realized it 3 hours later when got phone call from cops at truck stop..
After that she walking in on boyfriend banging an guy...
Last husband she met in a bar, he was on work release from jail..He cleaned out her house, filed for divorce and wanted alimony....
Wonder where her felon son got his attitude on life....quit caring long time ago..

09-26-15, 21:35
What big a said. As much as you should tell her to piss up a rope, she can royaly mess your shit up if she feels screwed.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2How? I have two legal documents quit claims from both my sisters legally binding stating that

sisters each individual document, signed noterized and witness. that
"Does by theses presents, REMIS, RELEASE adn FOREVER QUIT CLAIM unto the grantee(thats me)the following described lots, tracts or parcels of and lying, to-wit:...".followed by lawyer legal speak description of property

Unless she claims she never signed these documents infront of the lawyers, witnesses, and notary...

Mr blasty
09-26-15, 22:01
How? I have two legal documents quit claims from both my sisters legally binding stating that

sisters each individual document, signed noterized and witness. that
"Does by theses presents, REMIS, RELEASE adn FOREVER QUIT CLAIM unto the grantee(thats me)the following described lots, tracts or parcels of and lying, to-wit:...".followed by lawyer legal speak description of property

Unless she claims she never signed these documents infront of the lawyers, witnesses, and notary...

In that case, I say screw her over as hard as you can.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

Big A
09-26-15, 22:09
How? I have two legal documents quit claims from both my sisters legally binding stating that

sisters each individual document, signed noterized and witness. that
"Does by theses presents, REMIS, RELEASE adn FOREVER QUIT CLAIM unto the grantee(thats me)the following described lots, tracts or parcels of and lying, to-wit:...".followed by lawyer legal speak description of property

Unless she claims she never signed these documents infront of the lawyers, witnesses, and notary...
Ask Tiger Woods how his prenup worked out for him...

She can still take you to court, claim she didn't understand what she was signing, was duped, any number of claims.(I've seen it happen more frequently than you'd believe) Make sure you consult with an attorney and determine what all your options are and what the best course action is. If you can get away with not giving here a damn dime then do that but be prepared to go to court because she can (and from the sounds of it, probably will) try to sue you. Doesn't mean she will win or get a damn dime but you're better off being prepared as opposed to blindsided.

I've been a bailiff for over a decade and seen all kinds of dumb cases involving family in civil court over the years.

09-26-15, 22:55
So yes house is sold, Older Sister's felon son is not my problem or my little sister's.( who actually is on the same page as me and the rest of the family)

Uncle didn't wish to press charges against my felon nephew, He's a retired priest only see's the good in everybody which is why he let felon nephew move in.

I'm a thousand miles away, to me it's all he's this vs what he said.

My involvement end's when house closes shortly, my moral ethical question should I honor our 3 way agreement about the proceeds of house sale or tell my older sister to frak off as she and her felon son caused this mess.
I'm not doing anything with the proceeds till after taxes are files next year. my little sister is okay with that, She and her husband are actually moving our uncle accross the country at their expense, he's taking a week off with no pay to do this.
I'm sure my older sister will go ballistic having to wait...


"Older sister wanting to evict Uncle so felon son could have free place to stay...."

Wanting to evict an 80 year old retired priest sealed the deal for me. Give little sis her third, keep your third and take the older sister's forfeit third and put it in escrow. If you give it to her, she'll use it to put her felon son back on the street to find his next victim. She signed a quit claim deed, so the law is on your side. Besides, you deserve compensation for all your time and trouble, most of which was made by her.

Either way, good luck!

09-27-15, 00:57
I'm sure he's a good kid trying to get his act together perhaps you are being a little hard on him. :p

09-27-15, 07:42
So the plot thickens,
Apparently another reason felon nephew can't live with mommy (besides alleged restraining order from neighbors) is that younger brother who graduated from college, lives at home, hates older felon brother....
As in they get in knock down drag out fights that involve the cops being called by neighbors, (or so I'm told)

Remember I'm a thousand miles away...Thank God!

09-27-15, 08:21
Distance is your friend.

On the sister trade, maybe. But, sounds like your sister became this way as an adult. Mine has been this way her entire life. I had an interesting childhood.

Nonetheless, I feel your pain. Know that you are not alone.
Hope it all works out, as best it can, anyway.

Sent from my SGP612 using Tapatalk

09-27-15, 09:04
This will end badly....this is almost exactly what happened to my mom and her drama with her mom's house in los angeles. Sell quick. ...or have a family meeting soon.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

09-27-15, 21:39
Nephew looks like Vincent in pulp fiction.

09-28-15, 10:59
Morale of the Story;
When it comes to money or property mixed in with family, you're better off selling immediately and cutting a quick path out of the AO.

This! Even if you were to lose some in the long run, the drama and stress ain't worth it.

09-28-15, 13:09
I would definitely consult my attorney if in a similar situation as you. Lots of stuff could go sideways if your big sis wants it to.

Sorry to hear about the family drama, it is never fun to deal with. I've had my share and always seem to be the voice of reason right in the middle of everyone acting like fools- it sucks.

I would honor the agreement- with the caveat that she has to pay for any damages and stolen property out of her 1/3 share.

Hope it all works out in the end and you don't have to deal with big sis again.

Take care!

09-29-15, 10:11
While I hate it...honor your Mother's dying wish. After expenses split three equal ways. Sounds like your other sister wishes same. Tell older sister you want no part of her drama. Karma's coming for the nephew anyway.

09-29-15, 10:29
My dream for my family was keeping the family house as a place to stay in.
Too greedy and stupid is my family that it can never happen.

My brother is the same way sometimes. I told him he can have all of my dad's guns and stuff but he got all suspicious and thinks I'm pulling his leg.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

09-29-15, 13:57
Big A is right. Whether she signed the quit claim, she can still make your life hell. Even if she doesn't win, is it worth it going to court and fighting? Older sister sounds like a piece of work that I would want out of my life. As long as you have documentation, I would still split the money 3 ways, less from the sister for damages and stolen property.

You could not give her anything, but it is not worth the headache and potential lawsuits. Look at it this way, the money you give her, is the price you pay to never have that person in your life anymore. Sounds like you got a good deal.

09-30-15, 08:54
Oh come on, you still havent figured it out?
Life hands you melons? Make coolaid! This has moviescript written all over it!
I see the next Tarentino all over this.
Pure gold.

09-30-15, 23:26
While I hate it...honor your Mother's dying wish. After expenses split three equal ways. Sounds like your other sister wishes same. Tell older sister you want no part of her drama. Karma's coming for the nephew anyway.

So this What I've decided to do..

Expenses off the top,

Pay Taxes as I'm the one the Check will be made to

Three way Split as Agreed on 8 Years ago....

As my older sister started this Drama for her kids and they Claim I'm just in it for the money...
Which is Why She Felt Entitled to take all the common goods in the house without consulting myself or other sister...

I'm Going to make Her portion of the house proceeds made out to:

Jointly to Her, Her felon kid(who has stolen from her) and his brother(who hates him)..

That way they know how much money mommy actually got...

Drama Queen Sister, Felon Nephew and Brother all in a Bank arguing about the money.....

And Being a Law Abiding Citizen I have to notify the IRS about the Whole Financial Transaction........

10-01-15, 00:22
So when will this be on Dateline?