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09-28-15, 09:05
Will we end up being Mussolini or FDR?

Iraq announces ISIS deal with Russia, Syria and Iran:

Iraq is ready to open their airspace to Russian reconnaissance flights:

While we are sitting on the sidelines, it looks like Putin just put together a plan to save the world.

Are we ready to cut ties with the Jihadis and start killing them instead of "training-and-equipping" them?

Who is going to own the territory currently held by the Islamic State, under what flag?

2016 is going to be an inserting year.

Buy a paper map of the world so you can show your grandkids...

09-28-15, 09:16
Wouldn't that be something if the Russians seize Iraq.

Straight Shooter
09-28-15, 09:24
Everything is wack-a- doo. Just..plain..wack-a-doo.

09-28-15, 09:25
They can have it, and the rest of the M.E. We, as a country squandered our financial future, a hell of a lot of lives, and for what exactly? Nation building? That worked out well...

09-28-15, 09:52
That's what I admire about the Soviets. They play for keeps and don't care.

Us: Marshall Plan. Provisional Governments. Aid. Blah blah blah.
Soviets: Welcome to East Germany. Leave and we shoot you. *cha-chak*

They'll either do a better job or they'll go broke like last time.
If only we had like...I dunno....competent leadership in our government and foreign affairs things might be different

09-28-15, 09:55
This is our fault. The Left is all "let's try and understand and negotiate peace with ISIS," whereas the right is all "**** foreign relations. Unless they're landing a division on our shores, don't get involved." We messed up in Iraq, but we didn't fix it. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.

09-28-15, 10:08
The Left is all "let's try and understand and negotiate peace with ISIS," whereas the right is all "**** foreign relations.

It's not a partisan issue.

09-28-15, 10:44
Gotta admire the ruskies I suppose.

09-28-15, 12:00
I've always admired the Russians WRT their handling of Muslim extremists.

You take over a school? We invade your country...and bomb your kids with nerve gas.

09-28-15, 12:04
Putin has always been pretty harsh on the terrorists and anyone who supports them, especially anyone who has killed any RU-anyone.

I wish we, as a country, would have a leader that would be as harsh on terrorists for killing Americans...

09-28-15, 14:50
From today at the UN:

"Nowhere is our commitment to international order more tested than in Syria. When a dictator slaughters tens of thousands of his own people, that is not just a matter of one nation's internal affairs..."

These words are just too incredibly absurd for an American President to say... our "commitment to international order?"

At least say, "enforcement of our interests" and then we can all debate what's in our interest.

"The export of revolutions, this time so-called democratic ones, (has resulted in) violence and social disaster instead of democratic advances."

“I cannot help asking those who have forced this situation... do you realize now what you have done? Policies based on self-conceit and belief in one’s exceptionality and impunity have never been abandoned.”


Putin also went on to say that it was "an enormous mistake" and a violation of international law to back a Jihadi coup agaist Bashar al Assad, given the fact that the Syrian military is best prepared to defeat the Islamic State.

Obama also added jabs at Dick Cheney and Donald Trump.

This whole episode is hilarious.

09-28-15, 14:56
Well...Putin's resume reads like a Bond Villain's
and Obama's resume reads like a hippie college kid diversity hire minus the tour of duty in a Starbucks.

I dare say that there really is a New World Order. It's just not shaping up like Bush 41 thought some 24 years ago.

09-28-15, 15:09
Well...Putin's resume reads like a Bond Villain's

Brace yourself...


and Obama's resume reads like a hippie college kid diversity hire minus the tour of duty in a Starbucks.


(...awesome avatar, BTW. I love Patrick Nagel.)

09-28-15, 16:18
Mean time while everyone was watching football and seeing the pope on 24/7 news loops . . .

A Chinese aircraft carrier docks at Tartus to support Russian-Iranian military buildup

China’s military advisers ‘heading to Syria to help fight ISIS’

09-28-15, 16:21
This is our fault. The Left is all "let's try and understand and negotiate peace with ISIS," whereas the right is all "**** foreign relations. Unless they're landing a division on our shores, don't get involved." We messed up in Iraq, but we didn't fix it. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.

It's not a partisan issue.
Heck yeah, it is. Feuding between our two main political parties, and worldview differences between them, is very much a part of how foreign policy gets mangled.

09-28-15, 16:37
Heck yeah, it is. Feuding between our two main political parties, and worldview differences between them, is very much a part of how foreign policy gets mangled.

No, you're wrong.

McCain backs al Qaeda in Syria, Hillary backs al Qaeda in Libya... what's the difference?

Feuding between the political parties is actually a benefit, because it deadlocks our government from making things worse.

09-28-15, 16:57
Was listening to NPR this afternoon and heard that Russia is getting involved in Syria because he's bogged down in Ukraine and his support of Ukrainian rebels is no longer as popular on the home front, which threatens his power base. So he's making a new boogeyman for Russia to fight.

IOW, Putin is pulling a George W. Bush.

09-28-15, 17:33
Obama never ceases to amaze me.

First he made all the mistakes of Carter and Bush (43), and now he's adding the mistakes of LBJ to his list. It's almost impressive.

09-28-15, 19:40
I'm pondering as I'm drinking a Miller lite.......with my flame suit on.......

What if we had just taken iraq.... Like this is our 51st state now......

Would have solved a bunch of issues. We're there all of the time anyways in the last, oh, almost 30 years in one capacity or another.

Load that place up with snow birds and oil companies. Give the locals the choice of going the citizenship thing, speak little English, pass the test for too.

If they don't want, fine, your don't get to vote.

Thoughts? Maybe it's a retarded idea. Maybe not?

09-28-15, 20:08
Comrade Putin is the Bear. Obama is well Bath House Barry . I fear Comrade Putin. I loathe Obama.

09-28-15, 20:38
Don't we want Russia stuck in a sectarian war in the Middle East? Isn't he doing what everyone said was the huge mistake Bush made?

Glad to hear that Russia is going to take the refugees now..

09-28-15, 21:39
Don't really care what Putin does with the hajis except for one thing... we should have either stayed out of it or just moved in and took them over.... permanent. That and it's just plain old embarrassing how weak we look to the world. Current U.S. foreign policy, (obama, in Cartman's voice) "I'm taking my army, and going home." Only real reason Putin feels so safe flexing his muscles is he has no opposition. Our guy hasn't got the guts to go up against anyone... except the American people.

09-29-15, 00:45
Don't really care what Putin does with the hajis except for one thing... we should have either stayed out of it or just moved in and took them over.... permanent. That and it's just plain old embarrassing how weak we look to the world. Current U.S. foreign policy, (obama, in Cartman's voice) "I'm taking my army, and going home." Only real reason Putin feels so safe flexing his muscles is he has no opposition. Our guy hasn't got the guts to go up against anyone... except the American people.

Well Obama said there would be "dire consequences" if Assad used chemical weapons, then Assad used chemical weapons and Obama proved to be a paper tiger. That was when Putin learned he could take Ukraine if he wanted to as there would be nothing more than "sanctions." Now Putin is securing some cheap oil supplies, and unlike the US, he won't pay to rebuild countries he wrecks, he will just take free oil.

09-29-15, 01:51
Ask Russia and Gazprom how much it benefits them to circumvent the sanctioned Nordic Stream 1 gas lines through Ukraine via the planned Nordic Stream 2 gas lines through Turkey. This would only sweeten the pot.

Sent using Tapatalk for Android

09-29-15, 07:15
I've always admired the Russians WRT their handling of Muslim extremists.

You take over a school? We invade your country...and bomb your kids with nerve gas.

I am not the most learned in terms of Russia's handling of the Islamic problem, but from what I have read, they have corruption problems (supposedly at high levels) in terms of the military supplying the Jihadi's with arms on the side.
I know Moscow has made all sorts of deals with "reformed" Jihadis who are now their "allies". You simply cannot trust Muslims for long-term cooperation. You can only rent their "loyalty".

Well...Putin's resume reads like a Bond Villain's
and Obama's resume reads like a hippie college kid diversity hire minus the tour of duty in a Starbucks.

I dare say that there really is a New World Order. It's just not shaping up like Bush 41 thought some 24 years ago.

I think Obama's does too, but in a different way. He is a thug who lets others do his bidding, but doesn't like getting his hands dirty.

Obama never ceases to amaze me.

First he made all the mistakes of Carter and Bush (43), and now he's adding the mistakes of LBJ to his list. It's almost impressive.

Well, a media that covers for everything he "screws up", i.e. intentionally sabotages/orchestrates definitely enables him to keep outdoing himself.

Comrade Putin is the Bear. Obama is well Bath House Barry . I fear Comrade Putin. I loathe Obama.

Well said. Although I fear Obama too.

Don't we want Russia stuck in a sectarian war in the Middle East? Isn't he doing what everyone said was the huge mistake Bush made?

Glad to hear that Russia is going to take the refugees now..

I don't think Russia will be stuck. They don't bother with absurd ROEs (and rightly so) and playing nice with their enemies by fighting with both hands tied behind their back, for the most part.

09-29-15, 08:32
Russia may not get "stuck". They are pretty good at recovery after a lesson is learned. They got their nose bloodied in Afghanistan before messing with haji. I got the feeling if they decide to tangle with islam again the gloves will come off. Plus there's oil to be had.

Doc Safari
09-29-15, 09:30
Well, this is what happens when you elect a weak president. Putin would not be doing this if Reagan were still president.

09-29-15, 09:42

I respect Putin's willingness, resolve, and wherewithal.
I accept that Obama is inexperienced, reckless, stupid, and careless.

But I am not going to "fear" either one.

Mauser KAR98K
09-29-15, 10:03
So we lost a lot of blood and treasure for Russia to come in and finish what we should have done. Thank you, Liberals. This should be a very shining light that the American Left are ****ing idiots...unless they are wanting this!

Outlander Systems
09-29-15, 10:14
More importantly than anything being discussed:

1) What is Russia's stance on Transgender / BLT Soldiers?
2) Does Russia allow women in combat arms positions?
3) What social justice policies are in place, regarding the 45th Guards Spetsnaz Regiment?

I mean, just sayin'. Gotta consider the really important stuff instead of all this policy shmolicy shit.

09-29-15, 10:16
Heck yeah, it is. Feuding between our two main political parties, and worldview differences between them, is very much a part of how foreign policy gets mangled.

No, you're wrong.

McCain backs al Qaeda in Syria, Hillary backs al Qaeda in Libya... what's the difference?

Feuding between the political parties is actually a benefit, because it deadlocks our government from making things worse.
Nice theory. Except that in reality, our government manages to make things worse anyway, in spite of this supposedly beneficial deadlock.

Outlander Systems
09-29-15, 10:25
Nice theory. Except that in reality, our government manages to make things worse anyway, in spite of this supposedly beneficial deadlock.

At least we can all agree that the addition of Government makes things worse.

09-29-15, 13:25
Russia may not get "stuck". They are pretty good at recovery after a lesson is learned. They got their nose bloodied in Afghanistan before messing with haji. I got the feeling if they decide to tangle with islam again the gloves will come off. Plus there's oil to be had.

They wore gloves when they were in Afghanistan?

09-29-15, 15:13
They wore gloves when they were in Afghanistan?

No, but somebody gave the Muj "stingers" and that changed the game a bit.

09-29-15, 17:37
No, but somebody gave the Muj "stingers" and that changed the game a bit.

Eeyuup. They were getting annihilated until someone decided that since religious people were killing godless atheist Communists that we should give them small arms parity with the Russians and Stinger Missiles. Stinger Missiles were a pretty big deal back then. Still are. They also gave them Barretts, Milan rockets, and M72s.

I wonder....had we left them alone and let the Soviets have it. What would it do? It would not affect us. It's Karma for doing what the Russians did in Vietnam.

And people said "Well they believe in a god". Humph.

Sure would like to visit the WTC again. Can only do that in a movie theatre now.

The Soviets may not be as sharp as us or have our toys, but they know how to whip an ass. They also aren't as "PC" as we are. They'll bomb a mosque quicker than you can say Sim Sim Salabim.

And Putin does not care. He's like the kid who carries a gun yo school, smokes in the boys room, knocks up the Principals daughter and gets away with it. On the other hand, Obama is like Horshack, jamming his arm up to give wrong BS answers and run his mouth so nobody else in class has to learn and will also blue falcon folks by saying "Teacher, teacher you forgot to give us homework!"

And China is the quiet kid in back that you don't know but just know he isn't up to any good. I guess Germany is the fat kid who sat around eating and playing Nintendo during summer break when he used to be a jock.

09-29-15, 18:55
I didn't see this (http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/260269/obama-frees-20th-911-hijacker-matthew-vadum) posted anywhere else and it shows another example of the brilliant strategist occupying the White House...

The Obama administration quietly shipped Osama bin Laden's bodyguard back to the Wahhabist Kingdom of Saudi Arabia last week despite warnings that the Muslim terrorist remains a serious threat to the United States.

The newly released terrorist detainee is Abdul Shalabi, 39, who trained to be the 20th hijacker for the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Shalabi was set free even though military officials deemed him too dangerous to be unleashed on the world and too valuable as an intelligence asset to be released from U.S. custody...


09-29-15, 19:24
No, but somebody gave the Muj "stingers" and that changed the game a bit.

Yeah, that was a big damn mistake. Hell, I was OK with it at the time because we were training to fight the russian hoards. I have learned that when one bad guy attacks another, just let them fight it out.

09-29-15, 19:28
"The Obama administration quietly shipped Osama bin Laden's bodyguard back to the Wahhabist Kingdom of Saudi Arabia last week despite warnings that the Muslim terrorist remains a serious threat to the United States.

The newly released terrorist detainee is Abdul Shalabi, 39, who trained to be the 20th hijacker for the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Shalabi was set free even though military officials deemed him too dangerous to be unleashed on the world and too valuable as an intelligence asset to be released from U.S. custody..."

^^^^ Where was this at? I guess I'n not watching the right news or clicking on the right pages. First time I heard this.

09-29-15, 19:31
No, but somebody gave the Muj "stingers" and that changed the game a bit.


09-29-15, 19:47
^^^^ Where was this at? I guess I'n not watching the right news or clicking on the right pages. First time I heard this.

Here ya go: http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/260269/obama-frees-20th-911-hijacker-matthew-vadum

09-29-15, 20:38
Eeyuup. They were getting annihilated until someone decided that since religious people were killing godless atheist Communists that we should give them small arms parity with the Russians and Stinger Missiles. Stinger Missiles were a pretty big deal back then. Still are. They also gave them Barretts, Milan rockets, and M72s.

I wonder....had we left them alone and let the Soviets have it. What would it do? It would not affect us. It's Karma for doing what the Russians did in Vietnam.

And people said "Well they believe in a god". Humph.

Sure would like to visit the WTC again. Can only do that in a movie theatre now.

The Soviets may not be as sharp as us or have our toys, but they know how to whip an ass. They also aren't as "PC" as we are. They'll bomb a mosque quicker than you can say Sim Sim Salabim.

And Putin does not care. He's like the kid who carries a gun yo school, smokes in the boys room, knocks up the Principals daughter and gets away with it. On the other hand, Obama is like Horshack, jamming his arm up to give wrong BS answers and run his mouth so nobody else in class has to learn and will also blue falcon folks by saying "Teacher, teacher you forgot to give us homework!"

And China is the quiet kid in back that you don't know but just know he isn't up to any good. I guess Germany is the fat kid who sat around eating and playing Nintendo during summer break when he used to be a jock.

I don't think it was "religious people vs. godless communists" so much as an opportunity to screw them back for Vietnam as you alluded to. Sure that was part of it, and the religious right was a powerful contingent of the Reagan era, but mostly it was just another way to bring the bear down. Almost a shame it had to be Afghanistan, I would have preferred to have helped the Russians leave Poland.

Of course in 2001 I would have supported inviting them back to Afghanistan, sadly Bush chose to call Putin out on human rights issues in Chechnya instead. Big missed opportunity, I think we could have formed an actual "mutually beneficial" alliance with Russia in 2001 and we wouldn't be dealing with most of the Islamic violence that we have seen since 9-11.

I think between the two of us, we could (and should) have pacified most of the middle east and simply decided who was going to control which oil reserves.

09-29-15, 21:46
Cogent point. But I remember people supporting them using the sob story about 'people of faith' getting stepped on by 'godless Commies'.

They even made a Rambo movie about it. It was all propaganda.

I agree. It would've warmed my heart to see Hinds and Apaches. Sukhois and A-10s. Soviet Airborne and Ranger teams massacring the entire lot.

Hell, even their Chechnya sob story didn't make me care. It was Chechens who did Beslan, the Nord Ost, and the Boston Bombing.

The Soviets will never be our friends like ever but teaming up to destroy mutual foes isn't always so bad. When you are fighting loose affiliated religious wackadoos, it helps to have formal, secular professional militaries on your side.

Or...stay out of other people's fights and stop arming lesser countries with high speed gear.

I'm no expert but the whole deal still makes me bitter.

09-29-15, 23:15
Cogent point. But I remember people supporting them using the sob story about 'people of faith' getting stepped on by 'godless Commies'.

They even made a Rambo movie about it. It was all propaganda.

I agree. It would've warmed my heart to see Hinds and Apaches. Sukhois and A-10s. Soviet Airborne and Ranger teams massacring the entire lot.

Hell, even their Chechnya sob story didn't make me care. It was Chechens who did Beslan, the Nord Ost, and the Boston Bombing.

The Soviets will never be our friends like ever but teaming up to destroy mutual foes isn't always so bad. When you are fighting loose affiliated religious wackadoos, it helps to have formal, secular professional militaries on your side.

Or...stay out of other people's fights and stop arming lesser countries with high speed gear.

I'm no expert but the whole deal still makes me bitter.

Yeah, I fell for it too. I remember articles about Muj "freedom fighters" in Soldier of Fortune and then there was the movie "The Beast" in 1988. Funny how I now cheer for the Russians when I watch it.

And yeah, the Russians and the US will never be true allies like the US and the UK, but they could be better actual allies than Saudi Arabia for example. We'd never completely trust each other but I don't think they'd ever pull a stunt like 9-11. The KAL 007 shoot down and land grabs when everyone is watching the Olympics is more their style.

And so long as the oil was pumping in a more or less equitable fashion I think it would just come down to debates over influence in Eastern Europe. And really with no more "wall" so long as people are free to come and go, it wouldn't be the same big deal as say Hungary in the 50s.

I think in the long run, a stable, secure and powerful Russian Federation is really in our interests. At least somebody would be able to account for all their nukes. If we had been smart enough to realize Putin was their Reagan and let him get his house in order, we probably could have left Iraq a year after dropping Saddam.

Of course that is another alliance that we needlessly screwed up because we wanted to keep the cheap Kuwaiti oil flowing. The whole invasion of Iraq, and the cost, could have been avoided to begin with.

09-30-15, 01:16
So we lost a lot of blood and treasure for Russia to come in and finish what we should have done. Thank you, Liberals. This should be a very shining light that the American Left are ****ing idiots...unless they are wanting this!

Don't get your hopes up. The stranglehold the Left has on the media, and the power of the "blame it on Bush" mentality should never be underestimated.
They will always find a way to blame something either on Bush, slavery or capitalism.

More importantly than anything being discussed:

1) What is Russia's stance on Transgender / BLT Soldiers?
2) Does Russia allow women in combat arms positions?
3) What social justice policies are in place, regarding the 45th Guards Spetsnaz Regiment?

I mean, just sayin'. Gotta consider the really important stuff instead of all this policy shmolicy shit.

Lol, I wouldn't be surprised.

As much I despise Communism, and the evils of the USSR, I have always recognized that Islam is the greater evil. I've always been opposed to the US's assistance to the Muj, not to mention the Saudis, our mortal enemies.
Literally every time the West has assisted Muslims, it has been a mistake.
I respect Reagan as a man, but the aid to the Muj was wrong.
When Clinton helped the Bosnian Muslims, again, horrible mistake (and bin Laden was involved in the Bosnian Muslim's war against infidels).
Helping Saudis? See 9-11.
Helping "Syrian rebels"? See Islamic State.
Helping the "Arab Spring"? See Muslim Brotherhood, overthrow of Mubarak, and tie-ins to ISIS above.
Helping Libyan rebels? See Benghazi and see above.

The degree of blindness in helping Islam is staggering.

09-30-15, 01:27
Here ya go: http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/260269/obama-frees-20th-911-hijacker-matthew-vadum

How is this not treason???

09-30-15, 02:09
"The Obama administration quietly shipped Osama bin Laden's bodyguard back to the Wahhabist Kingdom of Saudi Arabia last week despite warnings that the Muslim terrorist remains a serious threat to the United States.

The newly released terrorist detainee is Abdul Shalabi, 39, who trained to be the 20th hijacker for the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Shalabi was set free even though military officials deemed him too dangerous to be unleashed on the world and too valuable as an intelligence asset to be released from U.S. custody..."

^^^^ Where was this at? I guess I'n not watching the right news or clicking on the right pages. First time I heard this.

I heard about it on AM radio, both Levin and Savage talked about it.

09-30-15, 02:11
They even made a Rambo movie about it. It was all propaganda.

Yeah but Rambo III introduced us to blue Chemlights!

09-30-15, 08:40

09-30-15, 08:41

Outlander Systems
09-30-15, 09:31
WWIII in 3...2...1....

First strike.


On a side note: American Ad-Hoc Groups Team up with the Kurds


09-30-15, 11:56
Good story on the westerners fighting ISIS. Hell, I wanna go back over there and put more of those bass turds down, but is seems that people (though not the general public) are starting to figure out the truth is it's hard to figure out who the good guys are (they are so few) over there.

09-30-15, 20:56
They can have it, and the rest of the M.E. We, as a country squandered our financial future, a hell of a lot of lives, and for what exactly? Nation building? That worked out well...

This. Exactly.

The objection to Putin's involvement in Syria is sophomoric at best. Our own solution, to fight both ISIS AND Assad in pursuit of a group of 'moderate' radicals to remake Syria in a fashion we prefer is the usual idiocy. We could have poured a lot of money and influence down that ratty hole to accomplish nothing.

And now we're going apeshit because Russia has jumped into the quagmire and is fighting against ISIS. We're even seeing maudlin, BS headlines that they're bombing 'our' rebels! Who buys into this crap? The disintegrating portions of the ME are tangential to our interests at best and we've proven adept at making small problems big and big problems huge!

10-01-15, 03:01
Thought this should be shared here (from another thread) . . .

Russian Airstrike in Syria Targeted CIA-Backed Rebels, U.S. Officials Say. (http://www.wsj.com/articles/russian-airstrike-in-syria-targeted-cia-backed-rebels-u-s-officials-say-1443663993)

A Russian airstrike Wednesday targeted an area in western Syria primarily held by rebel forces backed by the Central Intelligence Agency and allied spy services, U.S. officials said.

The direct targeting of U.S.-backed rebels by Russian aircraft could escalate tensions with Moscow, which said it deployed attack aircraft to Syria to help the regime of Bashar al-Assad in the fight against Islamic State. U.S. officials said...

10-01-15, 08:27
This. Exactly.

The objection to Putin's involvement in Syria is sophomoric at best. Our own solution, to fight both ISIS AND Assad in pursuit of a group of 'moderate' radicals to remake Syria in a fashion we prefer is the usual idiocy. We could have poured a lot of money and influence down that ratty hole to accomplish nothing.

And now we're going apeshit because Russia has jumped into the quagmire and is fighting against ISIS. We're even seeing maudlin, BS headlines that they're bombing 'our' rebels! Who buys into this crap? The disintegrating portions of the ME are tangential to our interests at best and we've proven adept at making small problems big and big problems huge!

I can't believe anyone in our government is THAT stupid to think toppling Assad is a good idea, after what we just went through next door. THAT is full retard.

10-01-15, 10:38
Thought this should be shared here (from another thread) . . .

I had to read this a couple of times to make sure I read it right.

"But Western leaders raised doubts about whether Russia really intended to take the fight to Islamic State, or merely broaden the Syrian regime’s offensive against a wide range of other opponents.

But with the exception of the area east of the town of Salamiyah in Hama province, none of the areas listed by the Syrian regime have a known presence of Islamic State fighters. They are largely dominated by relatively moderate rebel factions and Islamist groups like Ahrar al-Sham and the al Qaeda affiliate the Nusra Front."


"Relatively moderate Al Queda affiliates"?!

And would any of these be the ones who just turned over their US supplied weapons to ISIS last week?

So although one area known to have ISIS fighters was targeted, and another known to have Al Queda was targeted, "western leaders" are, after a single day, having a tantrum. :rolleyes:

Mauser KAR98K
10-01-15, 12:13
Well, since we are lifting sanctions, Iran is getting into the fight in Syria along with Hezbollah, anyone concerned for Israel now? We are about to release a lot of cash to the Mulahs, and they will be buying more weapons from Russia, not stimulating their economy that Kerry or FBHO think they will.

This has the potential to really spark WWIII with an incident involving Israel, and I don't think the West can win it.

I know some here are applauding for the Russians to take the heat, but I think they will learn a lot from this, gain tremendous experience, and not make the same mistakes they, or us have made in the ME. With Putin in, he WILL come out on top.

Former KGB> Community Organizer.

10-01-15, 12:53
This has the potential to really spark WWIII with an incident involving Israel, and I don't think the West can win it.

Former KGB> Community Organizer.

Exactly, maybe now some are starting to realize why Obama was selected to be POTUS and has done all that he has done up to now while in office it's not because he's just some inept libtard.

With the Middle East going pear shaped this is what the current administration concerns itself with . . .


The initiative was launched with the help of White House Chief Data Scientist DJ Patil, who expressed concern that there is very little data of what the transgender community needs from the government.


10-01-15, 12:59
We put Steve Urkel up against Ernst Blofeld.....

Big A
10-01-15, 13:19
Exactly, maybe now some are starting to realize why Obama was selected to be POTUS and has done all that he has done up to now while in office it's not because he's just some inept libtard.

With the Middle East going pear shaped this is what the current administration concerns itself with . . .




I want government funding for my Species Reassignment Surgery #Dolphinoplasty.

10-01-15, 13:59
Well, since we are lifting sanctions, Iran is getting into the fight in Syria along with Hezbollah, anyone concerned for Israel now? We are about to release a lot of cash to the Mulahs, and they will be buying more weapons from Russia, not stimulating their economy that Kerry or FBHO think they will.

This has the potential to really spark WWIII with an incident involving Israel, and I don't think the West can win it.

I know some here are applauding for the Russians to take the heat, but I think they will learn a lot from this, gain tremendous experience, and not make the same mistakes they, or us have made in the ME. With Putin in, he WILL come out on top.

Former KGB> Community Organizer.

Going after Israel WOULD start a war with the West, and not even Obama would be able to get around that. Putin is not stupid; he wouldn't try something like that. Plus, the IDF, while smaller, is still better equipped and better trained than this Russian-Syrian-Iranian coalition, as are pretty much all the major NATO powers. No, in an all out war, we would win. Obama would be under too much pressure to take the gloves off, and not doing so would doom the Democrats in 2016. Opinions can change overnight when people see that the writing is about to go up on the wall.

10-01-15, 15:02
Hoping and praying for no WWIII, but if it kicks off, I'm thinking obama will NOT do what needs to be done, and we would get our nose bloodied pretty good. May even lead to him being removed from office. That's a "breaking story" I'd pay to see.

Outlander Systems
10-01-15, 15:08
Four novel products to treat severe thermal burns will be developed and acquired under contracts with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR). The products are intended to enhance the available treatment options for disaster response and are being designed to find uses in routine clinical burn care.
ASPR’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) will leverage authority granted under the Project BioShield Act of 2004 to purchase one of the products currently available commercially and fund late-stage development and procurement of the other three. These products will be added to the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) or managed by vendors to help protect people from burn injuries resulting from radiological and nuclear threats.

The detonation of an improvised nuclear device would produce intense heat, resulting in many patients with severe burns. The treatments for such burns require complex procedures including surgical skin grafting that is resource-intensive and technically demanding. With only 127 burn centers nationwide, a mass casualty incident of this scale could easily overwhelm the nation’s burn care infrastructure.


Hoping and praying for no WWIII, but if it kicks off, I'm thinking obama will NOT do what needs to be done, and we would get our nose bloodied pretty good. May even lead to him being removed from office. That's a "breaking story" I'd pay to see.

10-01-15, 18:21
We are so ****ed.

Outlander Systems
10-01-15, 18:25
We are so ****ed.

Naw, man. The Nobel Peace Prize winner will stay in his lane, and do everything possible to ensure a calm, and amenable outcome.

10-01-15, 18:28
Naw, man. The Nobel Peace Prize winner will stay in his lane, and do everything possible to ensure a calm, and amenable outcome.
I think this guy nails it... (http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/09/putin_plays_mideast_chess_as_obama_looks_on.html)

It is sometimes said that in negotiations with foreigners, American leaders play checkers, while their wilier opponents play chess. There is perhaps some truth to this, as American leaders sometimes chase short-term political results, a consequence of democratic governance and constantly changing leadership. By contrast, despotic Persians are credited with inventing chess, and in modern times autocratic Russians have been its master, and so it is tempting to say of President Obama’s dealings with those two countries that the analogy holds.

But that is way too charitable. As Vladimir Putin skillfully reasserts Russian power and influence in the Middle East with Islamic Persian Iran as a willing partner, a more apt analogy might be that while the Russians and Iranians move their chessmen, isolating and threatening opposing pieces, Obama is not even at the table, but rather childishly looking on, as he pushes diplomatic dirt around the Middle East sandbox.

Outlander Systems
10-01-15, 18:32
The "Commander in Chief"


Mauser KAR98K
10-01-15, 19:48
Going after Israel WOULD start a war with the West, and not even Obama would be able to get around that. Putin is not stupid; he wouldn't try something like that. Plus, the IDF, while smaller, is still better equipped and better trained than this Russian-Syrian-Iranian coalition, as are pretty much all the major NATO powers. No, in an all out war, we would win. Obama would be under too much pressure to take the gloves off, and not doing so would doom the Democrats in 2016. Opinions can change overnight when people see that the writing is about to go up on the wall.

It's not Putin I worry about. It's Hezbollah or the Iranians doing something. Or even Israel responding to a rocket attack like a few months ago and firing at Syria, but hitting Russian nationals.

I hope your right on the other points, but I do not have much face much less in Obama by the rest of the core NATO nations.

10-01-15, 20:32
Goings on of biblical proportions.

10-01-15, 21:40
I remember being a kid and hearing those godawful Emergency Alert tones or actually getting a bit nervous about Special Reports.

Hate for it to be like that again

10-01-15, 23:03
If Putin gets his way, we will. I didn't have to grow up listening to aired sirens or the emergency alert tones, thankfully.

Putin is still an old school hardliner at heart. He misses his Soviet Union and would love to get it (the territory) back.

10-02-15, 03:04
I remember being a kid and hearing those godawful Emergency Alert tones or actually getting a bit nervous about Special Reports.

Hate for it to be like that again

It's amazing that one President could be so incompetent they actually managed to restart the Cold War, which was potentially the most dangerous time in human history. This actually puts Obama up there with Klaus Fuchs, who gave atomic bomb data to Stalin, as one of the worst humans in history.

Hitler actually killed millions, and so did Stalin, but Fuchs gave a madman the ability to kill hundreds of millions. If Obama actually gets us into a 1960s-1980s quality nuclear standoff with the Russian Federation, the potential to kill BILLIONS of humans will exist once again. We will, at that point, be relying on the sanity and reasonable intentions of Putin.

I too remember tests of the EBS being a part of daily life on the radio and TV. I remember when things got really dicey in 1983 (even though we didn't know the full implications of Able Archer) and then of course there was the movie "The Day After" which served as our generations "On The Beach." "Red Dawn" was scary but seemed like something we could handle, the reality is things would have been more like "The Day After" for most of us, and even that probably didn't represent what a committed nuclear exchange would look like.

Watching that movie now, as an adult, it's even a bit scarier. When the guys at SAC are confirming actual inbounds I always think what I would do if that ever happened. I realized that my imagined response as a high school kid was pure delusion and I probably wouldn't have lasted a week. Sadly as an adult, I can't say I have a much more effective plan.

In the 80s, despite all the "new wave" distractions, I probably spent a couple times a day wondering what I and my family would do if somebody pressed the button.

The doomsday clock this year reads THREE MINUTES to midnight. Last time we were that close was 1984. In 1991 we moved it all the way back to SEVENTEEN MINUTES to midnight. Keep in mind this isn't some arbitrary Homeland Security rating, this comes from the Journal of Atomic Scientists who probably have a better handle of how close things are to "Oh Shit!" than anyone in the Obama administration.

The amazing part isn't that Obama has done virtually NOTHING to improve anything, the amazing thing is what he has managed to completely undo that was already fixed. Race relations seem to be right back to where they were in the 1960s, we are looking at a restart of the Cold War with nuclear threats right back where they were in 1983, immigration might be worse than ever before, Iran is joining the nuclear family, we have squandered nearly everything we accomplished with blood in Iraq and handed it over to an enemy a hundred times worse than the Bath Party government, we have a cultural war on law enforcement with the kind of popular support that we haven't seen since the 1960s, Heroin addiction is back at epic proportions that make 70s Harlem look under control and the things that concern the average American most is that the Rebel Flag is a hate symbol and how we all need to admire the courage of Caitlyn Jenner. But thankfully even though Jenner crashed her SUV into another car pushing it into traffic which resulted in the death of that driver, Jenner won't be prosecuted.

A month-long investigation by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department found that Jenner — the reality show star who, as Bruce Jenner, won a gold medal in the decathlon at the 1976 Summer Olympics — was driving too fast for the prevailing conditions in February when her SUV, hauling a trailer, rear-ended a Lexus on the rain-slickened Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu.

The driver of the Lexus, Kim Howe, 69, died after her car was pushed into the southbound lane of the highway and was struck head-on by a Humvee.

10-02-15, 04:33
It's amazing that one President could be so incompetent they actually managed to restart the Cold War, which was potentially the most dangerous time in human history. This actually puts Obama up there with Klaus Fuchs, who gave atomic bomb data to Stalin, as one of the worst humans in history.

Hitler actually killed millions, and so did Stalin, but Fuchs gave a madman the ability to kill hundreds of millions. If Obama actually gets us into a 1960s-1980s quality nuclear standoff with the Russian Federation, the potential to kill BILLIONS of humans will exist once again. We will, at that point, be relying on the sanity and reasonable intentions of Putin.

I too remember tests of the EBS being a part of daily life on the radio and TV. I remember when things got really dicey in 1983 (even though we didn't know the full implications of Able Archer) and then of course there was the movie "The Day After" which served as our generations "On The Beach." "Red Dawn" was scary but seemed like something we could handle, the reality is things would have been more like "The Day After" for most of us, and even that probably didn't represent what a committed nuclear exchange would look like.

Watching that movie now, as an adult, it's even a bit scarier. When the guys at SAC are confirming actual inbounds I always think what I would do if that ever happened. I realized that my imagined response as a high school kid was pure delusion and I probably wouldn't have lasted a week. Sadly as an adult, I can't say I have a much more effective plan.

In the 80s, despite all the "new wave" distractions, I probably spent a couple times a day wondering what I and my family would do if somebody pressed the button.

The doomsday clock this year reads THREE MINUTES to midnight. Last time we were that close was 1984. In 1991 we moved it all the way back to SEVENTEEN MINUTES to midnight. Keep in mind this isn't some arbitrary Homeland Security rating, this comes from the Journal of Atomic Scientists who probably have a better handle of how close things are to "Oh Shit!" than anyone in the Obama administration.

The amazing part isn't that Obama has done virtually NOTHING to improve anything, the amazing thing is what he has managed to completely undo that was already fixed. Race relations seem to be right back to where they were in the 1960s, we are looking at a restart of the Cold War with nuclear threats right back where they were in 1983, immigration might be worse than ever before, Iran is joining the nuclear family, we have squandered nearly everything we accomplished with blood in Iraq and handed it over to an enemy a hundred times worse than the Bath Party government, we have a cultural war on law enforcement with the kind of popular support that we haven't seen since the 1960s, Heroin addiction is back at epic proportions that make 70s Harlem look under control and the things that concern the average American most is that the Rebel Flag is a hate symbol and how we all need to admire the courage of Caitlyn Jenner. But thankfully even though Jenner crashed her SUV into another car pushing it into traffic which resulted in the death of that driver, Jenner won't be prosecuted.

Another thing that is infuriating is that even when nuclear apocalypse is upon us, the media and the sheeple still wouldn't never admit or acknowledge that Obama, Progressivism, and their general soft approach to our enemies brought this on.
The will blame it on Bush, the neo-cons, the right, conservatives, war-mongerers, etc. These people are impervious to reason.

10-02-15, 07:02
We should work with the Russians not against. Let them have Syria. Let them use their military, their soldiers, their resources and have at it. If we aid the 10 rebels we've spent millions or billions on, we'll end up fighting them again later.

Outlander Systems
10-02-15, 07:18
Spot on with one little omission:

The country is in the red, to a mind-boggling degree.

It's amazing that one President could be so incompetent they actually managed to restart the Cold War, which was potentially the most dangerous time in human history. This actually puts Obama up there with Klaus Fuchs, who gave atomic bomb data to Stalin, as one of the worst humans in history.

Hitler actually killed millions, and so did Stalin, but Fuchs gave a madman the ability to kill hundreds of millions. If Obama actually gets us into a 1960s-1980s quality nuclear standoff with the Russian Federation, the potential to kill BILLIONS of humans will exist once again. We will, at that point, be relying on the sanity and reasonable intentions of Putin.

I too remember tests of the EBS being a part of daily life on the radio and TV. I remember when things got really dicey in 1983 (even though we didn't know the full implications of Able Archer) and then of course there was the movie "The Day After" which served as our generations "On The Beach." "Red Dawn" was scary but seemed like something we could handle, the reality is things would have been more like "The Day After" for most of us, and even that probably didn't represent what a committed nuclear exchange would look like.

Watching that movie now, as an adult, it's even a bit scarier. When the guys at SAC are confirming actual inbounds I always think what I would do if that ever happened. I realized that my imagined response as a high school kid was pure delusion and I probably wouldn't have lasted a week. Sadly as an adult, I can't say I have a much more effective plan.

In the 80s, despite all the "new wave" distractions, I probably spent a couple times a day wondering what I and my family would do if somebody pressed the button.

The doomsday clock this year reads THREE MINUTES to midnight. Last time we were that close was 1984. In 1991 we moved it all the way back to SEVENTEEN MINUTES to midnight. Keep in mind this isn't some arbitrary Homeland Security rating, this comes from the Journal of Atomic Scientists who probably have a better handle of how close things are to "Oh Shit!" than anyone in the Obama administration.

The amazing part isn't that Obama has done virtually NOTHING to improve anything, the amazing thing is what he has managed to completely undo that was already fixed. Race relations seem to be right back to where they were in the 1960s, we are looking at a restart of the Cold War with nuclear threats right back where they were in 1983, immigration might be worse than ever before, Iran is joining the nuclear family, we have squandered nearly everything we accomplished with blood in Iraq and handed it over to an enemy a hundred times worse than the Bath Party government, we have a cultural war on law enforcement with the kind of popular support that we haven't seen since the 1960s, Heroin addiction is back at epic proportions that make 70s Harlem look under control and the things that concern the average American most is that the Rebel Flag is a hate symbol and how we all need to admire the courage of Caitlyn Jenner. But thankfully even though Jenner crashed her SUV into another car pushing it into traffic which resulted in the death of that driver, Jenner won't be prosecuted.

10-02-15, 09:27
With the Bear on two sides, maybe Turkey will start acting like a NATO member again... The Kurds, the Turks, Persians, Sunnis, Shia's, islamic radicals, Russians, Americans and China wondering if they will have access to oil. What could go wrong?

I wonder when Barry is going to realize that he can't bribe the Russians with a govt program to support solar cells or racial injustice outreach programs....

10-02-15, 10:36
We have an incompetent president.

The Day After still sends a chill. As does Testament.
Don't watch Threads alone on a rare snowy day.

Red Dawn made it feel surmountable but once the Spetsnaz got involved it would've been game over. Like putting airsoft kids up against 75th Rangers.

It was in our music.....99 Luftballons, Ultravox Tears in my Eyes, Don't Dream its Over, It's a Mistake.

And now.....the Soviet Bear is making moves and their leader seems reasonable.

Look at THIS picture


Look at Obama. He looks absolutely horrified. Seeing other men doing the killing and all one can infer is that he's thinking "I need a grown up".

And Putin has probably garrote strangled a few bodies in West Germany as a young man.

Our Affirmative Action hire president is NOT doing very well of a job

10-02-15, 10:43
Hoping and praying for no WWIII, but if it kicks off, I'm thinking obama will NOT do what needs to be done, and we would get our nose bloodied pretty good. May even lead to him being removed from office. That's a "breaking story" I'd pay to see.

Why would he, his goal is to destroy America.

10-02-15, 11:26
The one thing he's good at.

10-03-15, 02:04
Why would he, his goal is to destroy America.

This is where I'm at, Barry is not incompetent he is a leftist radical doing the exact thing he was invented for.

10-03-15, 08:42
Obama said Soviet Airstrikes are a "sign of weakness".

Let that sink in

Outlander Systems
10-03-15, 09:07
As a child of the 80s, we used to have what is called, "Opposite Day."

If you look at everything coming out of D.C. for what it is, well...Opposite Day in perpetuity.

Obama said Soviet Airstrikes are a "sign of weakness".

Let that sink in

10-03-15, 09:20
I remember those days fondly.

See....There was this movie called Up the Academy. It was like a cross between Stripes and Meatballs. Well...when the coach berates that one kid, I think of Barry.

10-04-15, 06:47
With the Bear on two sides, maybe Turkey will start acting like a NATO member again... The Kurds, the Turks, Persians, Sunnis, Shia's, islamic radicals, Russians, Americans and China wondering if they will have access to oil. What could go wrong?

I wonder when Barry is going to realize that he can't bribe the Russians with a govt program to support solar cells or racial injustice outreach programs....

I consider Turkey a hostile enemy.

We have an incompetent president.

The Day After still sends a chill. As does Testament.
Don't watch Threads alone on a rare snowy day.

Red Dawn made it feel surmountable but once the Spetsnaz got involved it would've been game over. Like putting airsoft kids up against 75th Rangers.

It was in our music.....99 Luftballons, Ultravox Tears in my Eyes, Don't Dream its Over, It's a Mistake.

And now.....the Soviet Bear is making moves and their leader seems reasonable.

Look at THIS picture


Look at Obama. He looks absolutely horrified. Seeing other men doing the killing and all one can infer is that he's thinking "I need a grown up".

And Putin has probably garrote strangled a few bodies in West Germany as a young man.

Our Affirmative Action hire president is NOT doing very well of a job

That picture is priceless. Obama is shitting his pants, Hillary is mortified, Joe zoned out into LaLaLand, and might be in the middle of thinking "where am I again?"

This is where I'm at, Barry is not incompetent he is a leftist radical doing the exact thing he was invented for.

I've been saying this for years. People think I am insane.

Obama said Soviet Airstrikes are a "sign of weakness".

Let that sink in

Begging one enemies for mercy is strength, they would have us believe.

10-04-15, 07:47
Bombing hospitals (http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/10/03/3-doctors-without-borders-members-killed-in-us-airstrikes-in-afghanistan/) isn't gonna make us any friends.

U.S. officials have launched an investigation after 12 local staff members of Doctors Without Borders and at least seven patients, three of them children, were killed after an explosion near their hospital in the northern Afghan city of Kunduz that may have been caused by a nearby airstrike...

At least 37 other people were seriously injured--19 staff members and 18 patients and caretakers, the organization said. Dozens were missing, raising concerns the death toll could rise.

Outlander Systems
10-04-15, 09:56

10-04-15, 12:43

I hate it when the Soviets have a point. And he's right.
But Hussein Obama just isn't a Statesman or a strategist

Outlander Systems
10-04-15, 12:56
As do I.

He isn't a Statesman; he's a Statist.

He isn't a Strategist; he's a Sycophant.

I hate it when the Soviets have a point. And he's right.
But Hussein Obama just isn't a Statesman or a strategist

10-05-15, 02:42
It's pretty sad when a Communist tyrant is the reasonable, rational one, and actually more in line with American interests that the President of the United States, as well as his entire administration, party, as well as a significant portion of the opposition party.

10-05-15, 03:04
It's pretty sad when a Communist tyrant is the reasonable, rational one, and actually more in line with American interests that the President of the United States, as well as his entire administration, party, as well as a significant portion of the opposition party.

The Russian Federation has evolved to become something closer to our system than they once were, but sadly the United States has evolved to become something closer to their system than we once were. If we had any kind of real leadership we could find so much common ground and make so many actual accomplishments it would make Reagan / Gorbachev's "glasnost" seem like Carter politics in comparison.

We backed the Shah because it was in our interests. We backed Saddam because it was in our interests. Then some dumbass thought he could actually make things better by destabilizing a mostly modern, secular arab state simply because the leader was a brutal dictator. Then another dumbass has come along and repeated the mistake. The only thing possibly worse than destabilizing oil rich arab nations and leaving them up for grabs by religious extremists is making a country already run by religious extremists part of the nuclear family.

But we've been on a roll screwing up things in a big way since the Persian Gulf War.

10-05-15, 19:24
Had to share.


10-05-15, 19:58
Had to share.


Anyone know what that says on the poster?

10-05-15, 21:38
Putin: Be Prepared
Obama: You're strong Uncle Volodya (childish way of saying Vlad)

Bickety BAM Russian 1101 came in handy today

10-05-15, 22:33
http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc171/jeep4tw/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-09/barry.jpg (http://s219.photobucket.com/user/jeep4tw/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-09/barry.jpg.html)

10-06-15, 09:53
Putin: Be Prepared
Obama: You're strong Uncle Volodya (childish way of saying Vlad)

Bickety BAM Russian 1101 came in handy today

Thanks, I've always gotten a kick out of the old soviet style propaganda posters.. The message they conveyed was usually pure horeshit, but the art work was always great.

10-06-15, 13:20
Had to share.


It would be hilarious if it wasn't true.

10-06-15, 13:47
They call Obama "Maksimka" in Russia. From some movie, about a Russian ship that adopts a stupid African orphan. He's portrayed as an impish baboon. Like he's literally stupid. Like, full retard, I Am Sam stupid. It's like calling someone an Uncle Tom but worse.

It is also of note that Obama is wearing a Pioneer uniform which is like Communist Boyscouts.

Outlander Systems
10-06-15, 17:37

Oh snap. Shit just got real!

10-06-15, 17:43

Oh snap. Shit just got real!

Stevie Wonder saw that coming.

10-06-15, 17:48
If I were a Hostage, I want Delta Force.

As someone a continent away...oooh dis gunna be GOOD

Outlander Systems
10-06-15, 18:31
Microaggressing towards the vision-impaired...tsk tsk

Stevie Wonder saw that coming.

10-06-15, 18:36
Had to share.


Bang on

10-11-15, 20:34
Not verified with multiple sources but this is gonna step things up a notch if it's on point.

Turkey shoots down a Russian fighter and the Brits have been given the green light to engage Russian fighters.



10-11-15, 20:39
That's not good

10-11-15, 20:52
Not verified with multiple sources but this is gonna step things up a notch if it's on point.

Turkey shoots down a Russian fighter and the Brits have been given the green light to engage Russian fighters.



So far we are still at Defcon 5. Interesting stuff going on though.

During this time, Russia has made additional moves to support the government of Syria, sending boots on the ground, prompting a warning from the United States that such a move could lead to a confrontation with coalition forces. Russia has also finally agreed to deliver S-300 anti-aircraft weapons to Iran and is expanding its presence in the Baltic regions. NATO, on the other hand, plans to cut back patrols in the area and is United States is to removing Patriot missiles from Turkey.

Debate in the United States Congress over the Iranian deal seems to indicate that Congress will not block the measure, and the U.S. will follow through with its promises at least for the next year and a half, allowing Iran to continue nuclear research and development nearly unabated.

According to audits, the United States is suppressing information regarding Russian violations of weapons treaty.

26 Inf
10-11-15, 21:14
Not verified with multiple sources but this is gonna step things up a notch if it's on point.

Turkey shoots down a Russian fighter and the Brits have been given the green light to engage Russian fighters.



I would hope they already had permission to shoot back if fired upon, so what is new about this? I thought the hub bub was about something to the effect 'displays hostile intent, to include targeting radar activation' - shoot if shot at is going to get a good guy killed.


10-12-15, 14:50
I feel like we are living in a Tom Clancy novel, not the recent ones that sucked, but the old ones with twisted plots and a weak president badly advised by a twit female advisor.

This only ends as well as Valerie Jarret can screw it up.

10-14-15, 16:58
Top Cuban general, key forces in Syria to aid Assad, Russia, sources say

Cuban military operatives reportedly have been spotted in Syria, where sources believe they are advising President Bashar al-Assad’s soldiers and may be preparing to man Russian-made tanks to aid Damascus in fighting rebel forces backed by the U.S.

Gen. Leopoldo Cintra Frias, head of Cuba's Armed Forces, recently visited Syria to lead a group of Cuban military personnel joining forces with Russia in their support of Assad, according to information received by the University of Miami's Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies.

" ... it would indicate that General Raul Castro is more interested in supporting his allies, Russia and Syria, than in continuing to normalize relations with the U.S."


10-14-15, 17:17
The Soviets and the Cubans tearing it all up....

Thanks Obama

10-14-15, 19:04
The Soviets and the Cubans tearing it all up....

Thanks Obama

Doing what we should have done all along.

10-14-15, 19:31
An interesting list... (http://bastionofliberty.blogspot.com/2015/10/syria.html) Here's a few points.

Syria has committed no act of war against the United States. We have no business interfering in Syria.

Neither Obama nor any American politician has made a case for why it should be our business.

Obama and his handlers have no idea whatsoever about what a Syria without Assad would look like and any "plan" they have for Syria is no more elegant that "we will cross all bridges when we come to them."

A foreign power that arms and supports troops who are operating inside Syria and attacking the Syrian government is committing an act of war.

The U.S. arms and supports troops who are operating inside Syria and attacking the Syrian government...

10-14-15, 20:40
Doing what we should have done all along.


I was being extremely sarcastic. I mean.....I actually think Obama is literally the worst president ever. I think Carter would actually be doing better at this point.

10-14-15, 22:25
An interesting list... (http://bastionofliberty.blogspot.com/2015/10/syria.html) Here's a few points.

ISIS has killed Americans, that's a good enough rationale for whacking them wherever they lay.

Obama has made a case, it's just not a very good or coherent one.

If arming troops operating in another country is an act of war, why didn't we attack Iran for its support of attacks against US troops in Iraq?

10-15-15, 01:44
The Soviets and the Cubans tearing it all up....

Thanks Obama

Red Dawn 2.0? I wonder if instead the first wave being disguised as commercial charter flights we'll see cruise ships in major US ports filled with Cuban infiltrators. This would explain why Comrade Barry um "re-established" relations with the Castro regime. What was it that Comrade Barry told Russian President Dmitri Medvedev? Oh yeah that's right . . .


10-15-15, 02:58
I don't think Obama is "in" on anything.

I think he's a stupid son of a whore talking big to the Soviets to seem "worldly".

He is not well liked in Russia. He is called Maksimka. Thats worse than Uncle Tom or the ever dreaded "N" word that people just can't say because feelings.

The Soviets deal in brutality. They don't give a shit how black you are or what fellowships you have .

That clip PROVED Obama was not just an affirmative action hire but the most rank of amateurs

10-15-15, 06:58
ISIS has killed Americans, that's a good enough rationale for whacking them wherever they lay.

Obama has made a case, it's just not a very good or coherent one.

If arming troops operating in another country is an act of war, why didn't we attack Iran for its support of attacks against US troops in Iraq?
Americans have killed all sorts of people that shouldn't have been, we call it collateral damage. We just smoked a hospital a week ago, oops! Why do you think people dislike us?

Obama is training and arming ISIS in order to oust Assad. We are supporting terrorists.

10-15-15, 14:42
Barry is just pissed that Assad made him look like a bitch a few years ago over chemical weapons.

That was the catalyst event from taking Barrys presidency from holier than thou to one of shit sandwich.

10-15-15, 16:53
Americans have killed all sorts of people that shouldn't have been, we call it collateral damage. We just smoked a hospital a week ago, oops! Why do you think people dislike us?

Obama is training and arming ISIS in order to oust Assad. We are supporting terrorists.

And this is when we are trying to kill only bad guys. Everyone complains when we mistakenly kill civilians when the is exactly the other sides main strategy.

10-15-15, 18:18
I don't think Obama is "in" on anything.

I think he's a stupid son of a whore talking big to the Soviets to seem "worldly".

He is not well liked in Russia. He is called Maksimka. Thats worse than Uncle Tom or the ever dreaded "N" word that people just can't say because feelings.

The Soviets deal in brutality. They don't give a shit how black you are or what fellowships you have .

That clip PROVED Obama was not just an affirmative action hire but the most rank of amateurs

Yeah, pretty much.

10-16-15, 00:02
Man, this is so surreal.
Cubans and Russians teaming up to **** shit up. It's like the Cold War again, but this time I find myself cheering for the Russkies and Cubano's. Why are we fighting against Assad again? Why did we arm Syrian "rebels" when everybody knew they were Islamists linked to AQ???

10-16-15, 02:02
Why are we fighting against Assad again? Why did we arm Syrian "rebels" when everybody knew they were Islamists linked to AQ???

The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives (http://www.amazon.com/The-Grand-Chessboard-Geostrategic-Imperatives/dp/0465027261)

03-13-16, 19:20
Light'em up! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d13_1457884713

03-13-16, 19:32
They can have it, and the rest of the M.E. We, as a country squandered our financial future, a hell of a lot of lives, and for what exactly? Nation building? That worked out well...

Yeah, because we did not take anything like fools, they will take the land, the oil, and anything else as they should.

To the victor goes the spoils.