View Full Version : Real Men Of Genius...

09-29-15, 01:55
They ALWAYS put the Hershey bars in the refrigerator.


09-29-15, 02:28

09-29-15, 03:06
Coming to realize this is one of the greatest movies ever made. It has FALs, ARs, Uzis, MACs, MACs dressed up as Uzis. It has Tom Berringer, Al Bundy and Christopher Walken in the same film. And so many quotable lines I don't know where to start.

09-29-15, 09:18
Great movie!
The book is also excellent.

09-29-15, 09:28
I used to have a beretta 1934. Didn't keep it in the fridge, though.

That was a good movie, think I have it on dvd.

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09-29-15, 09:31
The one thing that upset me about that film...like really got to me, was that one chick who refused to make it work. That could've worked.

Otherwise Starlight scoped UZIs were hardcore

09-29-15, 09:51
Plus/minus this relative to 'Wild Geese'?

09-29-15, 09:56
That's a hard call. They are both different albeit similar in theme.
Christopher Walken however, this was his best movie ever aside from King of New York

09-29-15, 12:08
Coming to realize this is one of the greatest movies ever made. It has FALs, ARs, Uzis, MACs, MACs dressed up as Uzis. It has Tom Berringer, Al Bundy and Christopher Walken in the same film. And so many quotable lines I don't know where to start.

True on all accounts.

I used to have a beretta 1934. Didn't keep it in the fridge, though.

That was a good movie, think I have it on dvd.

My father has my grandfather's Beretta 1934, heavy little booger.

I bought it on DVD the day it was released 20 November 2001.

Plus/minus this relative to 'Wild Geese'?

They are both great films independent of each other, hell I even love and own a bootleg copy of The Wild Geese II!

09-29-15, 12:44
I remember watching it in the barracks on vcr with buddies in the 80s. And after work with buddies in the 90s. I recently re-watched it. Walken always delivers a performance I like to watch.

I was about to start a thread on movies that should be re-made,
Just because they did not get the budget they should have the first time around.

Some times it is done right, like captain America. Sometimes not so right, the punisher.
Terminator was genius in part because of its budget. The re-boot should have been awesome.

I think it was killed by casting and lack of chemistry, not the lines or story.

Dogs of war would be an interesting do over with the right budget.

Like the budget heat got instead of the TV version.

The world has changed so much a re make would probably not fit right. Maybe it would have been great pre gwot.

09-29-15, 13:04
Blazing Saddles should be remade...

09-29-15, 13:22
Blazing Saddles should be remade...

Ooooh maaasaaaaaaan it would be worth the riots if done properly

Mr blasty
09-29-15, 14:35
Blazing Saddles should be remade...

Screw that nonsense! Hollywood ain't got the balls!

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09-29-15, 15:27
Blazing Saddles should be remade...

Masterpieces should be left alone.

09-29-15, 15:28

"I didn't get a HaRumph out of you"

What a great film.

09-29-15, 15:55
Masterpieces should be left alone.

Mostly, I would agree... however, with use of selected editing and updated to include more recent events-- like a Zimmerman/Trayvon skit-- thrown in...

I mean think what Mel could do with that or Ferguson... "Hands up, don't shoot" Mongo like candy....

09-29-15, 15:58
Or Hillary Clinton as Frau Blucher... :lol:

09-29-15, 16:29
They ALWAYS put the Hershey bars in the refrigerator.


needs more cowbell

09-29-15, 16:40
Masterpieces should be left alone.


When I watch old movies, I often think about how a remake would look. Seven Samurai, when I watched it for the first time in college, I realized that there was nothing a remake could do but film the exact same scenes in the exact same way. The only thing that would change would be the actors and the movie being in color and maybe a more traditional Japanese soundtrack. And at that point, what's the point? The only things you might improve are so minute that the risk of screwing it up makes it an utterly and completely pointless endeavor.

09-29-15, 16:53

When I watch old movies, I often think about how a remake would look. Seven Samurai, when I watched it for the first time in college, I realized that there was nothing a remake could do but film the exact same scenes in the exact same way. The only thing that would change would be the actors and the movie being in color and maybe a more traditional Japanese soundtrack. And at that point, what's the point? The only things you might improve are so minute that the risk of screwing it up makes it an utterly and completely pointless endeavor.

The remake would have to have round eye Tom Cruise portray the protagonist . . .


09-29-15, 16:57
Have both "Dogs" and "Geese". Lots of great lines in the latter. Burton and Harris's drunk scene in the club was "convincing", to say the least. Maybe Burton was just being himself, who knows...Rosalind Lloyd as the dealer there was definitely cute. And she was quite the tigress in "Final Option" just before the SAS shooters came through the wall.

09-29-15, 18:33

When I watch old movies, I often think about how a remake would look. Seven Samurai, when I watched it for the first time in college, I realized that there was nothing a remake could do but film the exact same scenes in the exact same way. The only thing that would change would be the actors and the movie being in color and maybe a more traditional Japanese soundtrack. And at that point, what's the point? The only things you might improve are so minute that the risk of screwing it up makes it an utterly and completely pointless endeavor.

I always think about Hara Kiri (1962). Of course they remade it recently, missed the entire point of the original film and it was a disaster.

I can only think of a few remakes that were better than previous versions.

"Chushingura" (1962) and that is because the 1941 film was pure military propaganda with everyone wanting to die for the emperor. No version since then has been as good.

John Carpenter's "The Thing" was an amazing remake of "The Thing From Another World" however it should be easy to expand upon existing ideas and make them "as good" or "better" even if few people can actually do it.

And then there is "3:10 To Yuma" and "Man on Fire" and quite honestly the originals were so boring you would have never heard of them otherwise.

09-30-15, 02:16
I can only think of a few remakes that were better than previous versions.

"Chushingura" (1962) and that is because the 1941 film was pure military propaganda with everyone wanting to die for the emperor. No version since then has been as good.

John Carpenter's "The Thing" was an amazing remake of "The Thing From Another World" however it should be easy to expand upon existing ideas and make them "as good" or "better" even if few people can actually do it.

And then there is "3:10 To Yuma" and "Man on Fire" and quite honestly the originals were so boring you would have never heard of them otherwise.

To add to the above I'll throw in The Last Man on Earth, The Omega Man, I Am Legend. I actually like and own all three versions on DVD.

09-30-15, 11:08
I thought this thread, going by the title, was about the Budweiser commercials real men of genius, how awesome they were and need to be brought back. Some SJW would probably get their panties in a bunch so they're probably not PC enough these days. I'm sure there's a Bruce Jenner joke in there somewhere.

09-30-15, 13:15
I thought this thread, going by the title, was about the Budweiser commercials real men of genius, how awesome they were and need to be brought back. Some SJW would probably get their panties in a bunch so they're probably not PC enough these days. I'm sure there's a Bruce Jenner joke in there somewhere.

A buddy of mine use to work for Budweiser corporate office, he has tapes of a bunch of Real Men of Genius audio commercials that were never released to them being politically incorrect!

That marketing campaign was "genius".

09-30-15, 13:20
I remember when they were "Real American Heroes"

Big A
09-30-15, 13:22
I remember when they were "Real American Heroes"

Yup, They changed it after 9/11.

11-03-22, 00:04
Bump because I was actually able to replace the photo in the OP.

Btw...F...ImageSuck and Poopbucket for destroying the internet.