View Full Version : End Result Of Helicopter Parenting . . .

09-30-15, 14:04
In case anyone is holding onto even a shred of hope for the future of our country . . . :suicide:

PROOF: Helicopter Parenting Has Created A Generation Of Traumatized, Risk-Averse WUSSES

The insight comes from Boston College research professor Peter Gray, writing last week at Psychology Today.

Gray explains that he has participated in discussions at Boston College with the head of counseling services and other faculty members about how to deal with a notable decrease in resilience among students.

In the last five years, for example, emergency calls to the counseling center have doubled. The reasons for the urgent calls are sometimes frivolous and stupid. One woman sought counseling, Gray said, because her roommate called her a “bitch.” Not one but two students wanted professional therapy because they spotted a mouse in their off-campus apartment. The same pair of students also actually called the cops about the rodent. The cops responded and installed a mousetrap.

It’s gotten so bad, Gray says, that many professors — particularly young ones — are hesitant to give students the bad grades they deserve out of fear that students will give them a scathing rating or have some emotional meltdown during office hours. Professors seriously worry that a bad grade could even lead to a student suicide.

“There has been an increase in diagnosable mental health problems, but there has also been a decrease in the ability of many young people to manage the everyday bumps in the road of life.”

According to Gray, students can’t cope with these experiences because their helicopter parents prevented them from developing any coping ability. As children, these now-college-aged adults had little chance “to play, explore, and pursue their own interests away from adults.” They have never had responsibility. Their parents solved their problems for them. They have never had to dig deep and persevere. They can’t solve any of their own problems because they have no experience at solving their own problems.


09-30-15, 14:26
All I remember from college is a four year blur. All I have to show for it is a degree and a black phone number book full of loopy girlish handwriting of various names and numbers. I was clearing out some old stuff and flipped through it going "Who the hell were those people?"

I was a moderate legend for showing up to public speaking class with a wrinkled untucked white collar shirt with lipstick smudges, reeking of last night's spirits and perfume, wearing shades indoors linda BSingy way through some topic. We were supposed to dress up nice and I planned to but woke up in some girls apartment and was 10 minutes late. Total chinese fire drill to get to campus.

I got a B+ and a standing ovation despite me uttering "aw you gotta be shitting me? This is a thing?" When reviewing my cue cards about some social issue.

Class chum said I looked like Steve Dallas all up in an Auditorium with black aviators on and a pack of Reds hanging out my shirt pocket.

Wish I had it on video.

09-30-15, 14:33
This past Sunday Morning show was about a related type whine: That being so-called "millennials" want all the pay and perks without the hard work.

They want instant and gushing gratitude from their bosses for simply being on time and doing their jobs.

One person in this episode expressed that, that type attitude probably emanates from constantly getting awards for just showing up when they were children or winning awards for simply participating in some event or athletic endeavor. (without competition being part of the learning equation) So, in some sense they were set up to have this 'I'm a special snowflake' outlook as their liberal parents and teachers forgot the adult world doesn't work like that....

Bosses aren't going to fall all over themselves praising these 'special snowflakes' for simply doing their jobs and in some instances doing mediocre quality work and still expect promotions, raises, and attaboys...

Liberal teaching for these folk is something I hope ultimately brings with it the law of unintended consequences for these "millennials" as they reject the unrealistic, feel good crap they were taught as it's not applicable in the real world.

Thus, they eventually become reality appreciating conservatives.

09-30-15, 14:36
Can't count the number of times I've seen things like this and worse. Being severely controlling and overprotective does more harm than good.

Thankfully as a young kid I had a lot of independence. I still remember being about 12 years old and somebody called in a "bomb scare" which was a common middle school prank and if done at the right time would get the entire school dismissed.

So there I was at about 10am and being told to go home. My parents were at work and I knew I didn't want to call them. The buses had left awhile ago and weren't going to come back to take us home. My house was about 4 miles away and I knew how to get there so that wasn't a problem. So I decided to take a Ferris day and walk to the mall and goof around on my way home.

It was one of my earliest moments of true independence and it made a profound impact on me. Most closest friends went to other schools so I truly had the day to myself. Got to the mall, went to the newsstand to get the latest martial arts magazines, got myself an egg creme and did the kid equivalent of what adults later did in stores like Borders / Barnes & Noble.

After window shopping my favorite mall stores (Musicland, Specs, Spencer Gifts, etc.) I grabbed a slice of pizza and a coke and then finished my walk home. Was kind of nice having the place to myself for a few extra hours.

Ironically enough within a year I was being trusted home alone for a weeks at a time. I even got a whole summer to myself when I was 14. My Dad was working in the keys and he'd come home every Friday to Saturday to take care of things and make sure I had money and groceries. At first it was a little intimidating and a bit lonely, but eventually I was handling things fine.

Now this independence did come at a cost. When I was expected to walk to school on my own, there were days I didn't get any farther than my girlfriends house. And of course I when I was making my own decisions, I sometimes made some really stupid ones. But even when it came to getting into trouble, if there was something I just wasn't into I had no problem being my own person. At parties when the drugs and alcohol came out, I usually found a different group or just left.

09-30-15, 14:43
The best education ain't always in a classroom.

I too was given some range. These kids now remind me of the Demolition Man people.

09-30-15, 15:20
This past Sunday Morning show was about a related type whine: That being so-called "millennials" want all the pay and perks without the hard work.

They want instant and gushing gratitude from their bosses for simply being on time and doing their jobs.

One person in this episode expressed that, that type attitude probably emanates from constantly getting awards for just showing up when they were children or winning awards for simply participating in some event or athletic endeavor. (without competition being part of the learning equation) So, in some sense they were set up to have this 'I'm a special snowflake' outlook as their liberal parents and teachers forgot the adult world doesn't work like that....

Bosses aren't going to fall all over themselves praising these 'special snowflakes' for simply doing their jobs and in some instances doing mediocre quality work and still expect promotions, raises, and attaboys...

Liberal teaching for these folk is something I hope ultimately brings with it the law of unintended consequences for these "millennials" as they reject the unrealistic, feel good crap they were taught as it's not applicable in the real world.

Thus, they eventually become reality appreciating conservatives.

Spot on.

I remember years ago when little league teams out in CA stopped keeping score, every kid got a ****'n trophy at the end of every game. No competition, no team building, building communication skills, nope notta. You cannot learn from that except the mentality of a lab rat where every time you kit the button you get a food pellet. They never had to work for that food pellet or solve problems to achieve the goal of sustenance.

But hey let's legalize weed so they can get even dumber . . . if that's even possible.

09-30-15, 15:33
Thankfully as a young kid I had a lot of independence.

Same here, but then again I grew up in a rural county in TX and it was a different time.

Being a father myself now I realize it's just not the same world. I currently live in the typical subdivision of a middle-class neighborhood. My wife and I see small children, under ten years of age all the time playing with absolutely no supervision in sight. Every time I see an unattended child I want to go find their parents and show them how many convicted pedophiles live in our zip code via our Sheriff Office's website app.

A little over a year ago we were pulling into the neighborhood when two guys who looked like they belonged to Lil' Wayne's posse were canvasing the neighborhood with "flyers". On the same block a young girl about five years of age was riding her bike by herself with no one in sight. In our city you have to have a permit to solicit business. So I called our PD's non-emergency number and reported them. Within about ten minutes three squads were on the scene with one of the dudes sitting on the curb in cuffs and the other guy bolted. Gee I wonder who had outstanding warrants???

Felons getting out of prison have to find some sort of employment per their parole. Typically they take jobs with contractors that put them up in cheap hotels in various cities and drive them around in rented vans dropping them off to walk through entire small towns soliciting flyers on people's front doors.

I will not be overbearing with my son, but I will not take up the mantel of free-range parenting.

09-30-15, 15:55
I remember if you lost a game coach made you run extra laps or do suicides. Meanwhile the winners got pizza and ice cream.

It was good to plant seeds of resentment. Hatred even.
You better win next time...

09-30-15, 15:57
A trend anyone with two functioning eyes and a working brain has seen developing for a long time now. So no surprises here really.

09-30-15, 16:07
Remember this guy? This generation needs a really big dose ...


09-30-15, 16:14
My fifth grade year in a small country school was interesting in the early 60s. The board was given for mis-spelling words on a spelling test given every friday. You would get a whack for each word missed over three. Whacked for talking was a given. Those were different times for sure.

09-30-15, 16:22
I remember smoke pits in High School....

09-30-15, 16:25
I had a very close friend who I asked to check in on my 17 year old while I worked out of State for six weeks.
I've been his sole parent for 15+ years and did my best to raise an independant straight thinking Son. I knew he wouldn't be in any trouble, he had food money and everything he needed to survive that summer without Dad, plus he had a job 5 days a week and eight hours a day.
So my freind agrees and then two days later explains he cannot do it because his Wife wont allow him to. She wanted my Son to live with them instead of living at our house. Later She introduced me to an Attorney from CPS.

I no longer have him as a friend and my Son stayed at home that summer without issue.

09-30-15, 16:29
Remember this guy? This generation needs a really big dose ...

Hah, great minds and all that . . .

This speech was the first thing that came to mind when I read that article.

09-30-15, 17:52
I remember if you lost a game coach made you run extra laps or do suicides. Meanwhile the winners got pizza and ice cream.

It was good to plant seeds of resentment. Hatred even.
You better win next time...

Loss is a statistical inevitability, especially in any team competition. This is one reason I always enjoyed martial arts, generally you progressed based upon your own talents, ability and there was room to "get it" on your own timetable.

By third grade you were either one of the first or one of the last chosen for baseball, football or other teams in school athletics. Because they held little interest for me, I was usually in the latter group. Would have been the same way if the practice of martial arts was a team event. Eventually I got over the "wow this takes a lot of work" hurdle and became exceptional for my age. This was a product of starting very young, having extremely knowledgeable teachers and a genuine interest.

But when it came to competition, eventually towards the end of the day you had to match against the "other" exceptional individuals and winning or losing was based upon considerations so minute they were almost completely beyond the control of either competitor. You certainly didn't win because you "trained harder" and you certainly didn't lose because you "didn't train hard enough." Those distinctions were taken care of in the first matches in the morning.

I'd hate to be punished by my teacher because I was beating by somebody who was either genuinely more skilled or somebody who was simply having a better day. During my time in competition it was always the same dozen guys finishing out my division. We seemed to take turns beating each other and it wasn't because anyone was training harder in October vs. July.

Additionally, and as is related to the topic, there were only three trophies on the table. So that meant if about a dozen exceptional martial artists dominated the event, nine of them were going home with nothing but experience. There was no 4th place trophy, there weren't even participation ribbons. And if there were, they would have been almost meaningless.

The most important thing I got from the experience, even if it had to be pointed out by my teacher, is that I fought against some of the most talented martial artists in my division and I held my own, and more often than not I found myself in the finals. Sometimes I won, sometimes I lost, but I was never beaten and neither was anyone else in that group.

The other nice thing was, there really wasn't winners and losers. A lot of times many of us would get together informally to train on our own time. We didn't bring egos or rivalries with us. While we may have held our "trump cards" close to the chest when it came to personal techniques, we were more than happy to share training methods, drills and other exercises with the group even though we understood it would sharpen their ability and improve their performance. Somehow it didn't seem to matter to most of us.

09-30-15, 19:43
I remember years ago when little league teams out in CA stopped keeping score, every kid got a ****'n trophy at the end of every game. No competition, no team building, building communication skills, nope notta.

I ran into this a few years ago when my wife and I attended one of our nephew's first "baseball" games. I was dumbfounded. I didn't believe they were telling me the truth. They did not keep score and nobody won since that might hurt the losing teams self-esteem. When I protested anyone within earshot looked at me like my hair was on fire. As if I was loudly spouting off Satanic remarks during a Catholic Mass… "What about incentive to work harder, try harder and achieve more?", I asked. "What the hell is the point?", I questioned...

I looked my wife right in the eye and told her our daughter will NEVER participate in this sort of non-sense. And she hasn't.

I have mixed feelings about this situation in our society. On one hand its pretty sad what is happening to our society. On the other hand, people like my daughter that have drive, a work ethic, a will to win, and just a little toughness, will be able to walk all over the competition when they reach the job market. My God, it will almost be an unfair advantage.

I wonder what percentage of kids raised this way eventually figure it out and snap out of this BS.

09-30-15, 20:20
Interesting perspective, Steyr.

I've always been a bit of a nerd, but once I got into adult life, I learned to better appreciate the 'dumb jock' mentality.

While a lot of the guys peaked in high school and aren't worth a damn these days; I learned that if you get your ass whipped you better figure out a way to flip the script come round 2.

There are winners and losers. You won't win all the time but you don't have to lose all the time either.
Uncivilized as it sounds, I think it is healthy to breed the killer instinct.

I read this book by G. Gordon Liddy where he was scared of rats. Horrified to the point of phobia. So, he goes to the barn, corners a rat, kills it and eats it raw to overcome his fear.

True or not, I admire the concept.

09-30-15, 20:34

09-30-15, 20:46
This immediately came to mind. Bob nails at 0:28.


09-30-15, 21:22
I remember if you lost a game coach made you run extra laps or do suicides. Meanwhile the winners got pizza and ice cream.

It was good to plant seeds of resentment. Hatred even.
You better win next time...

Most parents think my coaching suggestions are straight from the detainee program. I think of some of my parenting lessons as stress innoculation for my son. My son plays defense in soccer and he is actually pretty good at it. He was getting pushed around pretty bad in the last game. I offered him cash money if he played aggressively enough to get a yellow card. We raised him to be so polite, it actually hurts him in sports because he won't get 'rubbin'.

The funny thing is that he plays best last quarter of the game. He's tired, so he doesn't waste energy and plays smart positioning and he's mad by then and that turns it up a notch. He defeated a 3-1 breakaway last weekend thru just pure heart. I tell him to play like a Viking, the old ones, not the current Swedes.

09-30-15, 21:28
A trend anyone with two functioning eyes and a working brain has seen developing for a long time now. So no surprises here really.

Yep. But liberals/progressives don't WANT it to be that way.
They truly seem to think everyone should do want all their stupid stuff, and that the obvious result will not occur because of their wishful, magical thinking.

Womanly bunch of crap.

A bunch of feel good, esteem building education has ruined the school system. They don't want kids to get crappy educations.

They don't want people to die that can't be carried to safety. But let's make 100 pound women firefighters and ambulance crew.

They don't want patients to die, but let's get medicine under control of feel goody nurses instead of mean doctors and do feel good crap.

They don't want maladjusted adults, but god forbid someone plays Cowboys and Indians at recess or has a scuffle after a foul in gym class.

09-30-15, 21:36

I would have posted that around 3PM if I have not been at work. But yeah, pretty much sums up my thoughts. I even had the moral patch to show my further support. Because. HARDEN THE FUCCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, yeah, anyway, I was asked to leave from several classes while in college by professors because of my stance on certain subjects. Not because I would get loud of even profane. I prided myself on being calm, collected, and using fact and statistics, opposed to emotion, fear mongering, and threats that seems to be the norm of others. I mean I have had other college students threaten me in class. Not that it bothered me too much. My running response was to offer them the first shot, just understand I never learned how to fight, I was trained to kill. Not one of them, even when they had strength of numbers, ever tried anything.

If I ever become a college professor I will either be the most loved one there, or have the shortest tenure of any professor ever. Because I won't care if you show up or not, You'll have a midterm and final, and papers due. Just don't bitch to me if you come whining about needing extra credit and I don't know who the **** you are because you never show up. Also don't bitch if not everything on the tests are from the text book because I pull 15-20% of the material from class discussion.

09-30-15, 23:09
Interesting perspective, Steyr.

I've always been a bit of a nerd, but once I got into adult life, I learned to better appreciate the 'dumb jock' mentality.

While a lot of the guys peaked in high school and aren't worth a damn these days; I learned that if you get your ass whipped you better figure out a way to flip the script come round 2.

There are winners and losers. You won't win all the time but you don't have to lose all the time either.
Uncivilized as it sounds, I think it is healthy to breed the killer instinct.

I read this book by G. Gordon Liddy where he was scared of rats. Horrified to the point of phobia. So, he goes to the barn, corners a rat, kills it and eats it raw to overcome his fear.

True or not, I admire the concept.

For perspective this is me and my best friends training on the weekend.




On "any given sunday" we were knocking the crap out of each other for fun. This included regular black eyes, bloody noses and bruises so large they freaked out his mother who was a nurse. He has the pictures of me getting my ass handed to me.

Nobody really cared who won or on what day. What mattered was that we could fight and keep on fighting. Somebody was going to get dropped and we had no idea who it was going to be, we only knew it was going to happen several times before we were done. I still remember laying on the ground in incredible pain and laughing because I couldn't get myself off the ground. Good thing we weren't any bigger or we could have really hurt ourselves.

Didn't matter if we were pasting each other for fun in my yard or competing, there really was no opponent. We were defeating our own weakness, the person assisting us in that effort was almost irrelevant.

We even engaged in controlled weapons sparring. This was due to sheer overconfidence in our skill level and a shitload of luck. Lots and lots of impact injuries with stick weapons and a scary willingness to work with live blades.


Luckily we drilled sai regularly enough that we always caught the katana without a sliced thumb. In hindsight it was mostly luck that we didn't have a significant weapon related injury.

In some way we did the same as Liddy, we trained harder than most people actually fought so real fights became nothing to us.

26 Inf
09-30-15, 23:39
I ran into this a few years ago when my wife and I attended one of our nephew's first "baseball" games. I was dumbfounded. I didn't believe they were telling me the truth. They did not keep score and nobody won since that might hurt the losing teams self-esteem. When I protested anyone within earshot looked at me like my hair was on fire. As if I was loudly spouting off Satanic remarks during a Catholic Mass… "What about incentive to work harder, try harder and achieve more?", I asked. "What the hell is the point?", I questioned...

I looked my wife right in the eye and told her our daughter will NEVER participate in this sort of non-sense. And she hasn't.

I have mixed feelings about this situation in our society. On one hand its pretty sad what is happening to our society. On the other hand, people like my daughter that have drive, a work ethic, a will to win, and just a little toughness, will be able to walk all over the competition when they reach the job market. My God, it will almost be an unfair advantage.

I wonder what percentage of kids raised this way eventually figure it out and snap out of this BS.

I'm an old guy, I've been through t-ball, cub ball, rec league, and church softball with four kids now and I'm starting on grandkids. I've coached teams for everyone of my kids. I've had parents pissed at me, but you know, I'm coaching and they are watching, so it never really bugs me.

Different levels of play should involve different styles of coaching and management. Kids develop differently and if a youth coach wants to instill an appreciation for sports and social development in his charges he will keep that in mind.

Younger kids, unless their parents are complete douches and have already turned them into self-centered beings, are mostly okay with everyone playing, if they aren't they need to learn to get along. Every youth team I've coached had at least one kid that was several years ahead of everyone else, as often as not at younger ages it is a girl. Their coordination is advanced beyond their peers and they can excel. You need to groom that as a coach.

But in every group you will have a couple who are a little slower to develop. If you want them to grow to be a player, you have to let them play also, otherwise by the time their coordination catches up they've found something else to do, usually more sedentary.

At about age 10 I started playing the good players a little more, but made sure everyone got at least what the league required. Above age 12 the kids understand that it is a competitive sport and they are wanting to assemble a team that wins, so that is what you do, at least in my book.

Youth sports would be so much more enjoyable if some parents just stayed away. Folks that get all worried about pre-teens winning or losing games have my sympathy, they've either forgotten, or never had the joy of play.

I think my way works, I've got two daughters that live for sports, enough so that I am not going to have to pay for college.

10-01-15, 00:08
I think I might have a mouse. I'd better call 911. :laugh:

BTW, someone needs to tell G. Gordon that's a good way to get the plague. And it's freaking disgusting...

10-01-15, 00:16
When I was 8 years old, I went to a week-long basketball camp put on by one of the local high schools. At this camp, at the end of each day, the coach of each team announced in front of the camp his team's MVP of the day and the MVP was given a pack of basketball cards and a candy bar. Now, because of when my birthday fell in the year, I was put into the league with kids who were mostly 2 to 3 years older than me instead of with kids my age and younger. Makes no sense, but it is what it is. I was too short, slow, and weak to keep up with the kids from my league; I couldn't even hit the rim from the foul line! By the end of the week, I was the only kid in my age group who had not earned a MVP of the day award. I cried the whole way home on the last day.

So, what did my mother do? Did she call up the camp and yell at them for not declaring me the next Michael Jordan? Did she go and buy me trading cards and candy bars and tell me that I was the best basketball player ever? No, she smacked me across the face, told me to quit crying like a spoiled brat, and if I ever wanted her and Dad to pay for me to go this camp again, I'd suck it up, practice more, and try again next year. So I did. The next year, I went back to the camp, played a lot better...and still didn't get an MVP of the day award. I didn't cry this time, but I was still sad and ashamed; my parents took this opportunity to teach me that, sometimes, your best just isn't good enough. I needed to just accept that and keep getting better till my best was good enough. The next year I did finally win the award one day. And that's how I, LaBron James, got my start...;)

No, in truth, even after I hit puberty and was faster and stronger, I was never good enough to play at any competitive level beyond rec league. By age 14 when I tried out for the middle school basketball team, the coach, who was my pastor and a good family friend, still could not in good conscience put me on the team. At that point, my parents told me a harsh truth: Hard work and effort sometimes can't make up for a lack of talent. Sometimes you have to take that drive and put it towards where your talents lay. So as much as it sucked, I gave up on basketball and started running. I had very slow twitch fibers but a lot of stamina, so I tried out for track and cross country, and made the varsity.

Had my parents just kept insisting that I could do ANYTHING, and that it was the mean old coaches' faults that I wasn't being recognized for the future NBA MVP that I was, I would probably have just made a fool of myself. I would have spent my life hitting brick wall after brick wall, not learning from mistakes, and missing great opportunities. I would have been insufferable to be around, as I would be blaming everyone but myself for my shortcomings.

Sometimes, kids need to hear harsh truths. It never is fun to crush dreams, but sometimes it needs to be done before that dream becomes a problem.

10-01-15, 00:21
I wasn't implying that you weren't any good at kung fu, Steyr.

I was more thinking I was glad I was de-pussed before age 16 or so.
I wasn't able to do karate but you can kinda tell it's more soccer mom than maybe it was in the good ol' days. I remember seeing Karate Kid and begging to go to karate. Nope. Oh well....I got learned up a little on combatives as a young adult.

At least you got out and did stuff. Most kids now are wimps. I guess that's why the tattoos and the mimicry of ghetto behavior.

There was this movie I saw on late night TV about whiteboys trying to rap and be gangsters and they had a black friend who was eye rolling the whole time. Mimicry in place of worth. The Vanilla Ice Syndrome.

I get the whole zen Taoist conquer yourself before anyone else thing.

I was more waxing on how the stuff I did as a kid seems barbaric now and I sorta thought I was a bit of a nerdy type. Not really that sporty, nor into clothes, not really into this or that. Synth music and a .22 were more what I liked. Reading and art chicks.

Yet grown people today don't know what to do. Everything is "triggering", "homophobic", "sexist" blaaaah....

We all said some horrid things and meant nothing by it. Just being kids. We objectified girls because we liked them and wanted to be with them. Young guys don't do nuance so well.

We didn't care and nothing worried us. We took our lumps and carried on.

People now just can't cope. Like some of these morbid obese people claiming they ate up to 600 pounds due to PTSD because their mother was an actual bitch. Yeah. It sucks. But "keep living" as they say. Or any number of dumb excuses for dumb behavior.

Everybody, especially those of us who go a bit further like our fighting men, I would never besmirch for a lost weekend or being emo for a while. Like....I got a bad injury and have been running my mouth on M4C at all hours because I can't do anything right now.

But once I heal, I'm going to take it easy. Take better care. Enjoy full mobility again. Like a human. The circumstances of it pissed me off, made me emo, now I'm just PMA. Trying to stay positive. This too shall pass. I'm not dead. I'm the youngest now I'll ever be again.

I dunno. Is what it is. But I know people that should be grown men acting like they are on estrogen shots.

Maybe I lost my point. I dunno....I still say every kid needs one good ass whipping in life. It's not like Calladooody. Howdy Doody time.

Life is like Asteroids. It gets harder and faster until you can't keep up and you die. That's life. People crying about cigarettes and trans fats.

We all gotta die sometime. We all gotta accept the fact that we suck. That even if remembered 100 years from now it'll be some lame ass college kid citing instances how we were actually gay or bi or vegan or something we just weren't because they weren't there man. They weren't there.

I don't have any good answers. Just rancor. Possibly ennui.
Or maybe I'm old and understand why all the old guys sipping what I thought was lemonade but was really moonshine meant when they pointed, literally pointed, at me as I diddybopped by and said "there goes one of them dumbass kids again!"

10-01-15, 00:22
I think I might have a mouse. I'd better call 911. :laugh:

BTW, someone needs to tell G. Gordon that's a good way to get the plague. And it's freaking disgusting...

Well he's like almost 100 and was on Miami Vice so he did something right

10-01-15, 00:36
I wasn't implying that you weren't any good at kung fu, Steyr.

I knew that. But I also know we had somewhat unique mindsets so I offered a little more detail. End result is two different paths up the same mountain.

10-01-15, 00:38
I dig it. Don't matter how, but we here.

10-01-15, 02:36

I always wondered where the moral patch came from, spot f'n on!

Blunt Cards:



10-01-15, 02:43
This immediately came to mind. Bob nails at 0:28.


I love film references and this one fit to the proverbial "t".

10-03-15, 14:57
My 18 year old Granddaughter, who was asked to participate as a beauty contestant in her college's pageant by the dean of the school, could absolutely kick the crap out of many guys her age.

Why is she rather tough?

All her life she's participated in things like martial arts, (fighting me and me not sparing an ass kicking) clearing land with me, driving big ass tractors, doing hard, difficult work, knowing that alligators and snakes aren't to be feared, but respected, shooting a wide variety of guns and being excellent at doing so and generally not being a wimp - all done without sacrificing her femininity.

She wasn't helicopered- she was shown what it takes to do hard things without whining and the result is a person who's responsible and willing to do what it takes to succeed.

10-03-15, 21:32
My 18 year old Granddaughter, who was asked to participate as a beauty contestant in her college's pageant by the dean of the school, could absolutely kick the crap out of many guys her age.

Why is she rather tough?

All her life she's participated in things like martial arts, (fighting me and me not sparing an ass kicking) clearing land with me, driving big ass tractors, doing hard, difficult work, knowing that alligators and snakes aren't to be feared, but respected, shooting a wide variety of guns and being excellent at doing so and generally not being a wimp - all done without sacrificing her femininity.

She wasn't helicopered- she was shown what it takes to do hard things without whining and the result is a person who's responsible and willing to do what it takes to succeed.

That's my vote for Gramps of the Year. Not a joke at all.

10-03-15, 22:13
I can't read through all of this thread, and I'm sure a ton of you loath my presence on this forum.

But I recently quit my job in Academia as a Professor and moved to a farm 2800 miles away from the ass hole of the country (NY) because of how bad this has gotten. I use to get stalked by students who would have public meltdowns cry and screaming at me because I "hated" them since I gave them a C+ (which was a generous grade). One student stalked me for three years trying to get me fired.

This generation of kids, going back about 4 to 5 years is completed f-Ed.

I now work a lame 9-5 job for slightly less money and live on a 16 farm with my wife and child who is allowed to run free. And I'm much happier.

I'm sick of trying to help fix this society, cause it's totally screwed.

That's my two cents from someone who spent 15 years working in academia. These kids are lame!

Mauser KAR98K
10-04-15, 00:17
I can't read through all of this thread, and I'm sure a ton of you loath my presence on this forum.

But I recently quit my job in Academia as a Professor and moved to a farm 2800 miles away from the ass hole of the country (NY) because of how bad this has gotten. I use to get stalked by students who would have public meltdowns cry and screaming at me because I "hated" them since I gave them a C+ (which was a generous grade). One student stalked me for three years trying to get me fired.

This generation of kids, going back about 4 to 5 years is completed f-Ed.

I now work a lame 9-5 job for slightly less money and live on a 16 farm with my wife and child who is allowed to run free. And I'm much happier.

I'm sick of trying to help fix this society, cause it's totally screwed.

That's my two cents from someone who spent 15 years working in academia. These kids are lame!

Welcome to freedom and reality. I had thought of going the Professor route, but family and me see the smartest dumb people pontificating policy that would hurt more people than save, I said no.

10-04-15, 00:54
Heli-hog-hunting- Helicopter parenting done right....

It's the fact that people are having smaller families. My dad was one of 7, I was oldest of four, I have 2 kids.

I think my Dad graduated college with out my grandparents realizing it. I was making my own breakfast in kindergarten because I had three smaller siblings that my Mom was taking care of. My sister was talking about having my mother come take her high school freshmen to swim club practice and they live less than a mile from school and she didn't want him riding his bike. I pointed out that when we moved to the neighborhood 30 years ago, before we were in the house my mom would drop me off in the neighborhood with my bike so I could do two-a-days practice and get lunch wherever I could, and then pick me up in the evening. No cell phones and I really didn't know anyone within 30 miles. Thinking back, I didn't think anything of it. Now, if you dropped off a 14 year old kid like that someone would call CPS.

26 Inf
10-04-15, 11:09
Heli-hog-hunting- Helicopter parenting done right....

It's the fact that people are having smaller families. My dad was one of 7, I was oldest of four, I have 2 kids.

I think my Dad graduated college with out my grandparents realizing it. I was making my own breakfast in kindergarten because I had three smaller siblings that my Mom was taking care of. My sister was talking about having my mother come take her high school freshmen to swim club practice and they live less than a mile from school and she didn't want him riding his bike. I pointed out that when we moved to the neighborhood 30 years ago, before we were in the house my mom would drop me off in the neighborhood with my bike so I could do two-a-days practice and get lunch wherever I could, and then pick me up in the evening. No cell phones and I really didn't know anyone within 30 miles. Thinking back, I didn't think anything of it. Now, if you dropped off a 14 year old kid like that someone would call CPS.

Tell me about your swim career. We've been a slave to the sport for ten years now. We live less than a mile from the indoor pool and I still pick my daughters up as I don't want them walking past the junior college dorms at night.

10-04-15, 11:42
This is why we are completely doomed if we are ever attacked in full force inside our own country.

Most of these tards would cower in fear and cry like the little wusses they've become.

10-04-15, 13:06
This is why we are completely doomed if we are ever attacked in full force inside our own country.

Most of these tards would cower in fear and cry like the little wusses they've become.

That will still work. There are so many of them that the rest of us can use them for cover while we deal with the invaders. They will make good human shields and distractions as they run around screaming and flailing their hands in the air.

10-04-15, 13:20
Eh....it's mostly just city kids

10-04-15, 22:44
Welcome to freedom and reality. I had thought of going the Professor route, but family and me see the smartest dumb people pontificating policy that would hurt more people than save, I said no.

Good call. It was a serious amount of my life wasted on a career that ended up being everything I truly loath about society.

I'm enjoying freedom to be honest. I can't debate in committee why my tractor isn't working, and then schedule another meeting to hopefully figure it out before the end of the next budget cycle. Nope, I just have to fix it and move forward, which is how I've always been and it's good to be back!

10-05-15, 00:58
Eh....it's mostly just city kids

You probably meant to say suburban kids, with gated communities at the top. I know a lot of city kids who could outlast most suburban parents in a given survival situation. Lots of predators in the real cities, just like in rural areas.

10-05-15, 03:00
It was a serious amount of my life wasted on a career that ended up being everything I truly loath about society.

This is precisely why after twelve years I got out of LE. Well that and my son.

10-05-15, 10:18
You probably meant to say suburban kids, with gated communities at the top. I know a lot of city kids who could outlast most suburban parents in a given survival situation. Lots of predators in the real cities, just like in rural areas.

Yeah that. Soccer mom kids. Actual street kids rove in packs and can/will kill you for a dollar. They also spread disease.

10-05-15, 12:45
Yeah that. Soccer mom kids. Actual street kids rove in packs and can/will kill you for a dollar. They also spread disease.

I was mostly referring to the non criminal variety who have to live among the roving packs of urban killers you mentioned.

10-05-15, 16:03
I was mostly referring to the non criminal variety who have to live among the roving packs of urban killers you mentioned.

20 years ago, I'd have agreed but now eh....maybe.
I forget the thread but I posted up a war story about some hipster yuppie wannabes that bought a house in an all black area and found a dude that looked like Grady from Sanford and Sons sleeping it off in their backyard. They endured used rubbers in their bushes, 40 bottles in their yard, three destroyed ornamental mailboxes and it took a homeboy dying in their front yard after being stabbed up for 'dis'aspecting' some other shit for brains at the party house literally three houses up from them.

They were pretty naive, those two. Dudes smashing out their car windows and pissing on the door panels didn't help much.

I'll never forget it. "Why did they break the windows?! I keep it unlocked!"

Seriously, I was expecting Allen Funt to come outta nowhere and say you're on candid camera

10-05-15, 16:17
I read that. I almost feel bad for them. Like livestock in a slaughterhouse. They see what's happening, but they can't comprehend it.

10-06-15, 13:17
A Southern California mom who has yet to be identified was stunned after she was sent a nasty letter from a law firm threatening to slap her with a civil lawsuit. The reason for the suit? Her son told some of his fellow classmates that Santa Claus didn't exist.


10-06-15, 13:48
This is why we are completely doomed if we are ever attacked in full force inside our own country.

Most of these tards would cower in fear and cry like the little wusses they've become.

I rather suspect it would be more along the lines of them getting in the way due to lack of SA, blocking first responders and able-bodied defenders, and generally mucking things up. The problem with modern people is that they can't mind their own damned business.

02-21-16, 04:02
These are the exact ****tards that are voting for Bernie and want someone who is "more liberal than Obama" in the White House . . .

Rutger Students Melt Down After Listening to a Conservative Speaker on Campus

Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos made an appearance at Rutgers University, and his ideas and rhetoric so traumatized the delicate flowers who heard him that many of them attended a "group therapy" session afterward.

One student at the event told the Targum that they “broke down crying” after the event, while another reported that he felt “scared to walk around campus the next day.” According to the report, “many others” said they felt “unsafe” at the event and on campus afterwards.

A number of organizations were at the event to offer support to the poor, traumatised students. These included Psychiatric Services, the Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance, and the Rutgers University Police. However, as far as we know, none of the protesting students were institutionalized, arrested for vandalism, or for assaulting the peaceful attendees of Milo’s talk with red paint.

Rutgers students are displaying clear-cut signs of the crybully phenomenon, whereby the regressive left feels victimized, traumatized and attacked even while they are viciously attacking others. In the case of Milo’s talk at Rutgers, there is no question that their behaviour encompassed vandalism at the very least. Yet the students still believe themselves to be victims — so much so that they set up therapy sessions and complain about their mental health.


02-21-16, 04:22
Libtard progressive prof can't understand why his creation has turned on him . . .

The intolerant student Left has even turned on me – a lifelong civil rights campaigner

The race to be more Left-wing and politically correct than anyone else is resulting in an intimidating, excluding atmosphere on campuses

Free speech and enlightenment values are under attack in our universities. In the worthy name of defending the weak and marginalised, many student activists are now adopting the unworthy tactic of seeking to close down open debate. They want to censor people they disagree with.

Student leader Fran Cowling has denounced me as racist and transphobic, even though I’ve supported every anti-racist and pro-transgender campaign during my 49 years of human rights work.


02-21-16, 06:40
Or how about a parent calling the Police because their SEVEN year old "hit them". My first question was..."did you hit them back?". Of course a look of horror took over the liberal's face and they replied meekly.."of course not". My response was "maybe you should". Or how about the dozens of calls like "little johnny wont go to school", or "my kid is out of control"....all of these little leeches are under the age of 13, and need a serious attitude adjustment with a belt.

Yes gutless parents raise unruly and gutless children.

02-21-16, 08:38
These are the exact ****tards that are voting for Bernie and want someone who is "more liberal than Obama" in the White House . . .

Rutger Students Melt Down After Listening to a Conservative Speaker on Campus


I saw Milo on Fox News the other night...he is an interesting fellow to say the least.

It probably confused them to find such conservative ideals coming from a "flaming homosexual". Not sure if I'm allowed that language these days, but it puts forth the image I'm trying to convey about the guy.

Of course, I guess it could've been the Brit accent.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-21-16, 10:55
.....so you're telling me.
You are telling me that a total, flaming, hard bottom, Richard Simmons class Mk. 1 mod 1 weapons grade queer had a whole gaggle of college kids in tears?

Like a guy dudes would stomp back 20 years ago with Doc Martens or at least say "Damn you're a fag". Not even as an insult but just so gay that one couldn't help but MARVEL at the sight of almost unicorn level of faggotry. Like...like beyond Big Gay Al. Beyond Boy George.
Literally in a class of his own of prissiness and queen-ness. Like a guy that makes Freddie Mercury(peace be upon him) look like...like...like...super butch.

Him. He drove them to tears not in an inspirational, rainbow way but because he was too conservative and hard?

Wow. Really. F'ing wow.

Anybody ever read The Forever War?

I really think I hate young people.
Somewhere some 22 year old police is going "Jesus if I am forced to shoot a black I'll get crucified" or some 19 year old is walking a post in Battle rattle going "That recruiter is a goddamn liar. Cheap whores and free liquor my black ass!"

And these ASSHOLES are at a good school being f'ing HOPELESS.

I just dunno.....

02-21-16, 11:22
.....so you're telling me.
You are telling me that a total, flaming, hard bottom, Richard Simmons class Mk. 1 mod 1 weapons grade queer had a whole gaggle of college kids in tears?

Like a guy dudes would stomp back 20 years ago with Doc Martens or at least say "Damn you're a fag". Not even as an insult but just so gay that one couldn't help but MARVEL at the sight of almost unicorn level of faggotry. Like...like beyond Big Gay Al. Beyond Boy George.
Literally in a class of his own of prissiness and queen-ness. Like a guy that makes Freddie Mercury(peace be upon him) look like...like...like...super butch.

Him. He drove them to tears not in an inspirational, rainbow way but because he was too conservative and hard?

Wow. Really. F'ing wow.

Anybody ever read The Forever War?

I really think I hate young people.
Somewhere some 22 year old police is going "Jesus if I am forced to shoot a black I'll get crucified" or some 19 year old is walking a post in Battle rattle going "That recruiter is a goddamn liar. Cheap whores and free liquor my black ass!"

And these ASSHOLES are at a good school being f'ing HOPELESS.

I just dunno.....

Well, I'm not worried about my "language" anymore...LOL.

When I was in college back in the day, myself and a few friends drove by a black chick ON CAMPUS and lit her up with 5 or 6 water balloons. She proclaimed to the campus lawman that we did it because of her race. Fortunately for us, she was probably target number 20, and we had been quite indiscriminate (racially or otherwise) in our search bogeys.

I shudder to think how that might've gone down, had it been in today's times.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-21-16, 12:03
There was a time when people played Hitman. It was like that movie "Gotcha".
Only instead of paintballs, we used squirt guns. Anything from cheap convenience store Saturday night specials to camoed Super Soakers.

Before or after a certain time you were marked for DEATH. Unless you were in 'Church'. Computer lab, Science lab, Library, and the chow hall were Church. You could stay in Church for as long as they were open. (We stole the idea of Church from Highlander because there could be only One).

Any other place you were a had ass. Drive bys. Ambushes. And hits were put on people. But they were given cryptic notice.

I still had an old battery operated MAC-10 water gun that looked like a real gun stowed in my ruck. Nobody really won but it was shenanigans.

But nowadays the College SWAT team would probably M4 somebody engaging in such hijinks.

Hell...they didn't even have College SWAT teams.

02-21-16, 12:11
No shit on the SWAT.

We did similar stuff...my "weapon" of choice was called a waterdawg. It was about 15 inches of surgical tube, clamped on one end with a nozzle and pinch switch on the other. It filled with an attachment, and ended up looking like a giant rubber dildo when full. Buddy, it would HOSE a mf'er till their drawers were soaked.

And there were no "safe places".


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02-21-16, 13:45
I remember if you lost a game coach made you run extra laps or do suicides. Meanwhile the winners got pizza and ice cream.

It was good to plant seeds of resentment. Hatred even.
You better win next time...

I also remember if you were an asshole, dirty hits etc you got benched. The National Felon League doesn't care how much of a piece of shit you are.

02-21-16, 13:52
There was a time when people played Hitman. It was like that movie "Gotcha".
Only instead of paintballs, we used squirt guns. Anything from cheap convenience store Saturday night specials to camoed Super Soakers.

Before or after a certain time you were marked for DEATH. Unless you were in 'Church'. Computer lab, Science lab, Library, and the chow hall were Church. You could stay in Church for as long as they were open. (We stole the idea of Church from Highlander because there could be only One).

Any other place you were a had ass. Drive bys. Ambushes. And hits were put on people. But they were given cryptic notice.

I still had an old battery operated MAC-10 water gun that looked like a real gun stowed in my ruck. Nobody really won but it was shenanigans.

But nowadays the College SWAT team would probably M4 somebody engaging in such hijinks.

Hell...they didn't even have College SWAT teams.

We did that back around 81. I got most folks up close and dirty with a martial arts "training" blade.

02-21-16, 14:15
I also remember if you were an asshole, dirty hits etc you got benched. The National Felon League doesn't care how much of a piece of shit you are.

Not advocating dirty play, but football is a rough game. I never gave two shits if anybody thought I was an asshole.

Your coach would see it differently in the NFL if his seven figure job was at stake.

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02-21-16, 14:17
We did that back around 81. I got most folks up close and dirty with a martial arts "training" blade.

A special set of skills, eh?


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mauser KAR98K
02-21-16, 14:52
.....so you're telling me.
You are telling me that a total, flaming, hard bottom, Richard Simmons class Mk. 1 mod 1 weapons grade queer had a whole gaggle of college kids in tears?

Like a guy dudes would stomp back 20 years ago with Doc Martens or at least say "Damn you're a fag". Not even as an insult but just so gay that one couldn't help but MARVEL at the sight of almost unicorn level of faggotry. Like...like beyond Big Gay Al. Beyond Boy George.
Literally in a class of his own of prissiness and queen-ness. Like a guy that makes Freddie Mercury(peace be upon him) look like...like...like...super butch.

Him. He drove them to tears not in an inspirational, rainbow way but because he was too conservative and hard?

Wow. Really. F'ing wow.

Anybody ever read The Forever War?

I really think I hate young people.
Somewhere some 22 year old police is going "Jesus if I am forced to shoot a black I'll get crucified" or some 19 year old is walking a post in Battle rattle going "That recruiter is a goddamn liar. Cheap whores and free liquor my black ass!"

And these ASSHOLES are at a good school being f'ing HOPELESS.

I just dunno.....


...I love you man. No Mk 1. Mod 1 Homo.

I was born way too late. Sounds like we all could of had fun when laws were just guidelines, and Americans devolved with thin skins.

02-21-16, 15:09
.....so you're telling me.
You are telling me that a total, flaming, hard bottom, Richard Simmons class Mk. 1 mod 1 weapons grade queer had a whole gaggle of college kids in tears?

Like a guy dudes would stomp back 20 years ago with Doc Martens or at least say "Damn you're a fag". Not even as an insult but just so gay that one couldn't help but MARVEL at the sight of almost unicorn level of faggotry. Like...like beyond Big Gay Al. Beyond Boy George.
Literally in a class of his own of prissiness and queen-ness. Like a guy that makes Freddie Mercury(peace be upon him) look like...like...like...super butch.

Him. He drove them to tears not in an inspirational, rainbow way but because he was too conservative and hard?

Wow. Really. F'ing wow.

Anybody ever read The Forever War?

I really think I hate young people.
Somewhere some 22 year old police is going "Jesus if I am forced to shoot a black I'll get crucified" or some 19 year old is walking a post in Battle rattle going "That recruiter is a goddamn liar. Cheap whores and free liquor my black ass!"

And these ASSHOLES are at a good school being f'ing HOPELESS.

I just dunno.....

This post just made my Sunday that much better. I will be using the term "weapons grade queer" in the future.

02-21-16, 15:49
.....so you're telling me.
You are telling me that a total, flaming, hard bottom, Richard Simmons class Mk. 1 mod 1 weapons grade queer had a whole gaggle of college kids in tears?

Like a guy dudes would stomp back 20 years ago with Doc Martens or at least say "Damn you're a fag". Not even as an insult but just so gay that one couldn't help but MARVEL at the sight of almost unicorn level of faggotry. Like...like beyond Big Gay Al. Beyond Boy George.
Literally in a class of his own of prissiness and queen-ness. Like a guy that makes Freddie Mercury(peace be upon him) look like...like...like...super butch.

First: Weapons Grade Queer would be a good band name!

Second: People are too sensitive with the word "fag". It means a guy who is a whiny little bitch or who is annoyingly effeminate. They may or may not be gay. Louis CK said it perfectly: "I would never call a gay guy a faggot...unless he's being faggot."

Forget growing thicker skin; people need to at least grow SOME skin. Jerks and people saying mean things are the least of anyone's worries in this world. I don't believe in being mean-spirited prick who makes sure to say everything as insulting and tactlessly as possible; I always try not to hurt people's feelings if it doesn't need to happen and I believe in being diplomatic. But a person needs to being reasonable; we can't just blow sunshine up people's asses all day and expect to get anywhere.

Big A
02-21-16, 17:17
.....so you're telling me.
You are telling me that a total, flaming, hard bottom, Richard Simmons class Mk. 1 mod 1 weapons grade queer had a whole gaggle of college kids in tears?

Like a guy dudes would stomp back 20 years ago with Doc Martens or at least say "Damn you're a fag". Not even as an insult but just so gay that one couldn't help but MARVEL at the sight of almost unicorn level of faggotry. Like...like beyond Big Gay Al. Beyond Boy George.
Literally in a class of his own of prissiness and queen-ness. Like a guy that makes Freddie Mercury(peace be upon him) look like...like...like...super butch.

Him. He drove them to tears not in an inspirational, rainbow way but because he was too conservative and hard?

Wow. Really. F'ing wow.

Anybody ever read The Forever War?

I really think I hate young people.
Somewhere some 22 year old police is going "Jesus if I am forced to shoot a black I'll get crucified" or some 19 year old is walking a post in Battle rattle going "That recruiter is a goddamn liar. Cheap whores and free liquor my black ass!"

And these ASSHOLES are at a good school being f'ing HOPELESS.

I just dunno.....
A) That ^ is a fantastic post my friend.

B) Our ancient ancestors:http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160221/e4f0661d734801cb3cd59f399afe4c62.jpg

Anymore I feel I have more in common with them than my fellow modern human beings...

02-21-16, 17:43
That meme is legit. Good find

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

02-21-16, 17:53
I went off to a boys' boarding school at age 13. It wasn't Quantico, but it was foot locker, bunk, wall locker, and a desk; nada mas. All male teachers (Benedictine monks) some of whom were WWII vets. I took a few clouts to the head, but NEVER had a female teacher in high school. Thank God. I was homesick for a while, sucked it up and got over it. Hated math and sciences, bs'd my way through stuff I liked and found easy. Never a team player, learned how to amuse myself. On weekends, if we wanted to go to town 12 miles away, we got out on the road in the weather and stuck our thumbs out; got back the same way. In my jr. year I declined to spend Thanksgiving in a ghost town and hitchhiked 400 miles to visit my bachelor uncles (shades of Secondhand Lions). That same year I got picked up by a predatory queer, bailed out damn quick; a nonevent because I wouldn't stand for it. Nobody ever cared anyway... Now if I want to help out around kids I'M the one who needs to be scrutinized!!! Go figure. Saw my first 1911 in the study hall; one of the students was playing an AP in a play. For the sake of authenticity, he had the whole regulation uniform to include the .45. All the guys drooled over it like it was Annette Funicello in a bikini. Annette is gone (darn it!) but I still have my first .45 that I got a year later. I also remember a student with a 1934 Beretta .380, and I had a Ruger .22 in my desk for a while. (Got the picture to prove it...) About that time I got a copy of Jeff Cooper's first pistols book, "Fighting Handguns"; read it dogeared. (Now HE'S gone!)

When I went to college as a freshman, all my friends--who were all of 80 miles from home--had bouts of homesickness. Hell, I had never had it so good!

My son had it easier, but soloed and got his private pilot's license on his 16th birthday. He now has about 7000 hours and just got back from Afghanistan.

The Big Reset is going to be traumatic for some.

02-22-16, 03:05
B) Our ancient ancestors:

That meme might just be the most accurate portrayal I've seen of the predicament in which we find ourselves.

02-22-16, 03:06
The Big Reset is going to be traumatic for some.

Well that is one way of putting it lol.

Big A
02-22-16, 11:13
That meme might just be the most accurate portrayal I've seen of the predicament in which we find ourselves.

That meme is legit. Good find

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Make sure you pass it along, even to people you consider switched on.

02-22-16, 19:32
There was a time when people played Hitman. It was like that movie "Gotcha".
Only instead of paintballs, we used squirt guns. Anything from cheap convenience store Saturday night specials to camoed Super Soakers.

Before or after a certain time you were marked for DEATH. Unless you were in 'Church'. Computer lab, Science lab, Library, and the chow hall were Church. You could stay in Church for as long as they were open. (We stole the idea of Church from Highlander because there could be only One).

Any other place you were a had ass. Drive bys. Ambushes. And hits were put on people. But they were given cryptic notice.

I still had an old battery operated MAC-10 water gun that looked like a real gun stowed in my ruck. Nobody really won but it was shenanigans.

But nowadays the College SWAT team would probably M4 somebody engaging in such hijinks.

Hell...they didn't even have College SWAT teams.

We played a similar game in college. It was down to a few people and I was paranoid as shit... One night, while getting it on with my girlfriend, she shot me in the forehead with a compact little squirt gun. Heartless bitch :) She went on to win the whole thing.

02-22-16, 20:03
pointed sticks !!!!
and where are there shoes ! and why are they not wearing eye protection ?
why did there mother not put a jacket on them it looks chilly outside !!!
I think I see some water in that pic also they should stay 50 feet away from any river flash floods you know !!!!!

That meme might just be the most accurate portrayal I've seen of the predicament in which we find ourselves.

Mauser KAR98K
02-22-16, 21:04

My public, I must apologize. My forebears had invaded a village of her ancestor's and pillaged it. But it is a apparent my own ancestors were not very thorough as some of hers had escaped their doom.

02-22-16, 21:06
We've interfered too much in the gene pool. Pink bears must be taken into the mind trap for the waves.

Mauser KAR98K
02-22-16, 21:10

03-04-16, 03:45
PC Hysteria Claims Another Professor

Andrea Quenette, an assistant communications professor, was chased out of her own classroom—not because she was a bad teacher, but because her students said she wasn’t agreeing with them quickly enough.

Here was Quenette’s micro-aggressive remark—which she made during a discussion about how to talk about racial issues on campus—according to the students:
We students in the class began discussing possible ways to bring these issues up in our classes when COMS 930 instructor Dr. Andrea Quenette abruptly interjected with deeply disturbing remarks. Those remarks began with her admitted lack of knowledge of how to talk about racism with her students because she is white. “As a white woman I just never have seen the racism… It’s not like I see ‘Nigger’ spray-painted on walls…” she said.

Quenette later clarified in an email to Inside Higher Ed that “I did not call anyone this word, nor did I use it to refer to any individual or group. Rather, I was retelling a factual example about an issue elsewhere.”


03-04-16, 08:21
There is no racial bigotry here.
All are equally worthless

03-04-16, 11:54
There is no racial bigotry here.
All are equally worthless
"What are you trying to do to my beloved Corps?!"

03-07-16, 00:33
Should be mandatory that upon high school graduation you have to serve 3 years in the military.

03-07-16, 01:42
Not until we fix the UCMJ that allows wall-to-wall counselings to beat the inner-libtard out of the new recruits. Otherwise, they'll spend all of their time in medical/mental health or with the chaplain; not because they are religious, but because they'll quickly learn how to skate. As much as I like the sentiment, the idea wouldn't survive first contact with mommy and daddy's (or mommy/mommy, daddy/daddy) Congressman.

03-07-16, 02:38
Should be mandatory that upon high school graduation you have to serve 3 years in the military.

I disagree. I wouldn't want the men and women who serve proudly to be saddled down by the ****tards and losers who have no business being around anything important.

03-07-16, 02:39

I've gotten off task.

03-07-16, 13:03
My wife and I raised two gorgeous, blonde, daughters and we were determined not to raise airheads.

I had two standard answers since they were very young. " figure it out" and " sucks to be you".

My wife fully supported " toughening" them up mentally, she agreed a little suffering & mental anguish is healthy.

If they weren't in school, they worked on the farm and in HS & college they got jobs.

They were allowed to suffer from being broke in college. We paid books, tuition, and very basic living. The non essentials they got jobs to pay for ( waitressing, making pizza, admin Asst.).
Neither one failed a class, they knew failure meant moving home and getting a full time job.

Oldest daughter got back home after a year in China, planned & implemented her wedding in 4 weeks. Zero drama. She saved and pocketed $11K on her $25K weddingbudget, our deal was she kept under- runs, and would pay for over budget herself, just like in the business world.

Youngest girl is a bit concerned about her personal safety in the urban area she works. So she is in her 3rd month of Krav Maga fighting classes. If a thug attacks her, he better be ready to fight to live - if she can't run away.

They are both in their late twenties & doing very well. Last year they both thanked us for their upbringing.
Both see they live in a generation of whiners that can't manage failure.

26 Inf
03-07-16, 13:53
Should be mandatory that upon high school graduation you have to serve 3 years in the military.

Knock it down to two, no college deferments and don't limit it to military. You'd see results in a decade - more students would be successful in college, folks would be less biased......

03-07-16, 13:57
Service guarantees citizenship

03-07-16, 14:31
Service guarantees citizenship

Get ready for an exciting career in the Mobile Infantry!

03-07-16, 15:12
I'm totally against forced/required service.

I get that it could be a good thing in a lot of peoples lives, but I don't want idiots who DON'T WANT to fight for the country and don't understand such a desire in the military.

Do you really want a bunch of idiots who don't want to fight- fighting in a war FOR our side? That's one of the reasons our military is so great- people who see the value in defending us volunteer to do so. It has meaning, it is sacred. Just pulling joe-schmo off the street and thinking they will magically be a great person afterwards or during is naive and wrong.

Not even all the folks in the military who want to be there are good guys/gals. Some are total pieces of shit. They were pieces of shit before they joined, and are pieces of shit afterwards- not sure why people think the military is a cure-all for being an idiot or a piece of shit. It simply is not.

26 Inf
03-07-16, 15:35
THC: Thus you have other options aside form military service.

Here is my take, completely understand the U.S. is not a Monarchy, but damn, look at the House of Windsor - current male progeny have all served.

Fvck this - Hey, were all in this together, oh but wait, only when I want us to be, right now I have better things to do than serve the Nation.

I would also make honorable service for 4 years an instant pass to citizenship.

Unfortunately, I'll never be king for a day.

03-07-16, 15:42
THC: Thus you have other options aside form military service.

Here is my take, completely understand the U.S. is not a Monarchy, but damn, look at the House of Windsor - current male progeny have all served.

Fvck this - Hey, were all in this together, oh but wait, only when I want us to be, right now I have better things to do than serve the Nation.

I would also make honorable service for 4 years an instant pass to citizenship.

Unfortunately, I'll never be king for a day.

So what are the "other options" in this scenario you are laying out of mandatory service? I must have missed them listed in this thread?

There are many ways to "serve the nation". Why force people to do it in a specific way?

Also- just because someone isn't or never was in the military doesn't mean they wouldn't take up arms to defend the nation.

A lot (Read almost all of them since Vietnam) of wars are nothing more than banks and globalists playing chess on both both sides and profiting from both sides- it's not TRULY defending our nation.

If ever there was a war that we had to LITERALLY defend our nation- I think we would have the biggest standing militia/army of EVER with the most weaponry of EVER.

03-07-16, 15:49
I'm guessing with the current population and available positions in any type of "required" government service, the only thing that would be achieved is frustration.
The numbers of Fat Boys, Dysfunctional Idiots, Criminals and Malcontents in the 17-21 age bracket is simply astronomical and then there are the deferments.
If anything tighten the induction requirements, increase the pay and benefits and watch the quality rise.

Substitute Teaching should be like Jury Duty, everyone needs to get a close look at the Mopes we pay to educate. Of course then you would have to double the numbers of Folks working the Suicide Hotlines.

03-07-16, 22:12
I retired from teaching high school in 2002. During my 16 years in this large urban school, quite a few parents got teaching jobs there and resigned as soon as their kids graduated. Of course, they meddled in their kids' student experience and even harassed colleagues who might not treat their dick head kids "right". One fellow teacher's imbecile son was in my class and was required to write a research paper, a difficult task for an imbecile. I told his mama that she wrote the best paper in his class. I have myriad similar stories but wish not to bore you but will tell one more.

This past year I've been working as a direct care staff in a residential treatment center for emotionally disturbed male teens who are also criminal offenders. Some are sex offenders. In one case, I tired of hearing a young man justify screwing his sister because it was(he said)consensual. She was 9 at the time. I told him that he was full of shit. He filed a grievance on me.

In recent years I've had some jail house work experience, and, yes, some parents do contact the administration and complain about their children's food or some other silly stuff.

Actually, it's worse than you think, and I can't think of a solution because solutions that you and I would suggest won't fly in today's world.

26 Inf
03-07-16, 22:29
So what are the "other options" in this scenario you are laying out of mandatory service? I must have missed them listed in this thread?

There are many ways to "serve the nation". Why force people to do it in a specific way? Not A specific way, a group of options, think alternative service as in for CO's during VN. Several of the guys I go to church with worked in hospitals for instance.

Also- just because someone isn't or never was in the military doesn't mean they wouldn't take up arms to defend the nation.

A lot (Read almost all of them since Vietnam) of wars are nothing more than banks and globalists playing chess on both both sides and profiting from both sides- it's not TRULY defending our nation. And a lot of those wars took place because the folks who prosecuted them had no skin in the game.

If ever there was a war that we had to LITERALLY defend our nation- I think we would have the biggest standing militia/army of EVER with the most weaponry of EVER.

I'd like to say I agree, but too many people have opted out of any type of service, except to themselves.

03-08-16, 02:52
This past year I've been working as a direct care staff in a residential treatment center for emotionally disturbed male teens who are also criminal offenders. Some are sex offenders. In one case, I tired of hearing a young man justify screwing his sister because it was(he said)consensual. She was 9 at the time. I told him that he was full of shit. He filed a grievance on me.

In recent years I've had some jail house work experience, and, yes, some parents do contact the administration and complain about their children's food or some other silly stuff.

Actually, it's worse than you think, and I can't think of a solution because solutions that you and I would suggest won't fly in today's world.

One day society will re-discover the solutions needed to purge it's problems. Until then it's like that t-shirt; "Some people are alive simply because it's illegal to kill them."

03-08-16, 03:21
Show all the weenies, some discipline. Show them what hard work is. Teach them a trade they could use upon leaving. admin ,motor t, mechanic, etc. the pogue jobs.
Path to citizenship.
GI Bill, that would stop all the "no opportunities for the economically challenged".
Serve 3-4 years, do it honorably, get out with a skill, or at least have the GI Bill that every person, no matter your race, color, or creed, could have the opportunity to go to college.
Or give the option of either military service, or Peace Corps, or create some" American Service" program. Do one of those get your opportunity, no more b.s. if you leave, or get kicked out the path your life takes is your own, without an excuse.
No more crying about "no opportunities"

03-08-16, 03:22
I'd rather just put them on planes and drop them over N Korea.

03-08-16, 17:38
Show all the weenies, some discipline. Show them what hard work is. Teach them a trade they could use upon leaving. admin ,motor t, mechanic, etc. the pogue jobs.
Path to citizenship.
GI Bill, that would stop all the "no opportunities for the economically challenged".
Serve 3-4 years, do it honorably, get out with a skill, or at least have the GI Bill that every person, no matter your race, color, or creed, could have the opportunity to go to college.
Or give the option of either military service, or Peace Corps, or create some" American Service" program. Do one of those get your opportunity, no more b.s. if you leave, or get kicked out the path your life takes is your own, without an excuse.
No more crying about "no opportunities"

Between the military, Peace Corps and Americorps there is no good excuse. My little brother is currently in the Peace Corps. Graduated from college with two degrees and had no real direction. He didn't want to go into the military so he joined the Peace Corps. Currently in Ethiopia as a English teacher. Well right now he's in the capitol because he got sick enough they had to send a PC Land Cruiser and physicians assistant to evac him. At least it has given him the chance to travel, experience a very different culture, get very sick and give him some direction.

One big issue is people can't pass background checks or medical evals. One of my police academy classmates was an Army recruiter and couldn't get candidates to pass backgrounds or they were so out of shape it would have taken months to a year to get them in shape.

03-08-16, 18:29
Shit go make a kid go work in a soup kitchen for a year.
I know a guy who was a former Mormon. He did missionary work in a rough area and actually got beaten up for his trouble and bike stolen.

He said that despite not being a Mormon anymore, that was quite a real year