View Full Version : The Revenant

10-01-15, 02:57
Yeah old Jeremiah Johnson ain't got nuff'n on Hugh Glass . . .

Leo might finally get his Oscar and Tom Hardy just keeps pouring it on film after film.


These are the kind of stories my father told me when I was a lad growing up. He even had a painting in our living room of Mountain Men.

The story of the real Hugh Glass:

Big A
10-01-15, 06:40
When I first saw the preview in theaters for about the first minute thought it was a remake of Jeremiah Johnson then it got way more interesting.

10-01-15, 08:34
Damn, that looks really, really good. Love the old mountain man, fur trapper, western explorer days. It's gonna be a must see.

10-01-15, 10:49
Most folks only knowledge of Jeremiah Johnson is the cleaned up wussified pretty boy Redford story.

"Liver-eating Johnson" was one bad dude...

Big A
10-01-15, 11:55
Most folks only knowledge of Jeremiah Johnson is the cleaned up wussified pretty boy Redford story.

"Liver-eating Johnson" was one bad dude...
Books are almost always better than their movies.

One exception that comes to mind is No County for Old Men.

10-01-15, 12:01
Most folks only knowledge of Jeremiah Johnson is the cleaned up wussified pretty boy Redford story.

"Liver-eating Johnson" was one bad dude...

Yup, the Crow thought they couldn't enter the after life without their livers . . . so after they murdered his wife Jeremiah began collecting them lol.

10-01-15, 13:25
I remember reading a book or two about Johnson when I was a kid.
My favorite story was that his cabin was surrounded as he was making breakfast, so between firing out of loopholes in the cabin walls he added a can of strychnine he used to poison wolves to his flour. He escaped as the dough was baking and came back later and removed his dead enemies.
That's bad ass.

10-01-15, 17:17
I remember reading a book or two about Johnson when I was a kid.
My favorite story was that his cabin was surrounded as he was making breakfast, so between firing out of loopholes in the cabin walls he added a can of strychnine he used to poison wolves to his flour. He escaped as the dough was baking and came back later and removed his dead enemies.
That's bad ass.

Yeah, that is bad ass.

And to think we have metrosexual millennials who call 911 when they see a rodent in their dorms, see my thread about Helicopter Parenting.

10-01-15, 17:32
Ok, this looks pretty damn good.

10-01-15, 18:26
Saved on Netflix. Their description:

"Set in the 1820s American frontier, this snowy thriller follows fur trapper Hugh Glass as he relentlessly seeks retribution against the companions who left him for dead in the Missouri River's icy waters after he was mauled by a bear."

10-01-15, 18:37
I'll give it a try. Using the old Jeremiah Johnson movie as the bar is setting the bar pretty high.

10-02-15, 01:43
Saved on Netflix. Their description:

"Set in the 1820s American frontier, this snowy thriller follows fur trapper Hugh Glass as he relentlessly seeks retribution against the companions who left him for dead in the Missouri River's icy waters after he was mauled by a bear."

In the second trailer we find out that the reason Hugh Glass is seeking retribution against is former companions is that they murdered his son when they left him for dead.

The cinematography is absolutely stunning, I hope this gets an IMAX release.


10-02-15, 05:22
Nice find. Looks to be really promising.

10-02-15, 09:27
Check out Man in the Wilderness from 1971 with Richard Harris and John Huston...based "loosely" on the life of Hugh Glass.

10-03-15, 02:15
This looks really good. That bear attack cut was bada**. Hardy's character appears sinister.

11-22-15, 21:34
The cinematography is absolutely stunning, I hope this gets an IMAX release.

The amazing thing to me is that they used -zero- artificial lighting. Sunlight, firelight or pack it up and go home. They didn't even use kerosene lanterns because those were not available in this time period. I rarely go to the theater for a movie but an IMAX showing of this will get me through the door.

11-23-15, 00:34
The amazing thing to me is that they used -zero- artificial lighting. Sunlight, firelight or pack it up and go home. They didn't even use kerosene lanterns because those were not available in this time period. I rarely go to the theater for a movie but an IMAX showing of this will get me through the door.

I've been reading every thing I can on this film. Leonardo did an interview stating how absolutely brutal filming was and they experienced high turnover of personnel who just couldn't take the cold and isolation of the shoots.

In the interview he mentioned the kerosene lantern thing as well, it would appear the film makers were going for extreme authenticity which will pay off.

11-25-15, 02:12
This is just sounding better and better . . .

Wait, Why Did A Few People Walk Out Of Leonardo DiCaprio's New Movie The Revenant?

Alejandro Iñárritu’s The Revenant is poised to potentially make a serious impression this Oscar season. The film features an all-star cast – consisting of no less than Tom Hardy, Domnhall Gleeson, and Leonardo DiCaprio – beautiful cinematography, and a gripping, dark, yet straightforward story about revenge in the North American wilderness. However, not everyone who has attended advance screenings of the film enjoyed themselves. Early reports indicate that some people had to walk out of the theater for one reason: the overwhelming gore.


11-25-15, 02:53
ahhahaha AWESOME !!!!!!

11-25-15, 10:22
Win. Epic win

12-20-15, 04:18
I saw the 2 previews on-line. This looks like a great film. I definitely want to watch the movie in I-MAX too.

If you missed it another great frontier film made by Michael Mann was 'The Last of the Mohicans'. Excellent movie with Daniel Day Lewis and Madeline Stowe.

12-20-15, 05:12
It was really good. If this doesn't get Leo an Oscar, we KNOW someone has it in for him.

I'm constantly surprised at the versatility of Tom Hardy. Bane, Mad Max, a ranger in Black Hawk Down, Shinzon (young Picard) in Star Trek Nemesis, and now Revenant.

12-21-15, 02:13
I saw the 2 previews on-line. This looks like a great film. I definitely want to watch the movie in I-MAX too.

If you missed it another great frontier film made by Michael Mann was 'The Last of the Mohicans'. Excellent movie with Daniel Day Lewis and Madeline Stowe.

Mann's The Last of the Mochicans is my all time favorite film.

12-21-15, 02:16
It was really good. If this doesn't get Leo an Oscar, we KNOW someone has it in for him.

I'm constantly surprised at the versatility of Tom Hardy. Bane, Mad Max, a ranger in Black Hawk Down, Shinzon (young Picard) in Star Trek Nemesis, and now Revenant.

Not that I care about A-listers but yeah there is something to the anti Leo thing. I may not like guy but he is a great actor and most of his films I own.

Tom Hardy is without a doubt the greatest actor of his generation, been a huge fan of his since Layer Cake ('04). He was also in Band of Brothers.

12-21-15, 07:24
Not that I care about A-listers but yeah there is something to the anti Leo thing. I may not like guy but he is a great actor and most of his films I own.

Tom Hardy is without a doubt the greatest actor of his generation, been a huge fan of his since Layer Cake ('04). He was also in Band of Brothers.

There's another interesting actor in Revenant that I didn't actually figure out until I checked the cast.

Domhnall Gleeson.

He's the expedition captain in Revenant, the First Order General in The Force Awakens, the male lead in Ex Machina, and a bunch of smaller roles in other movies like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows 1&2, True Grit, and Dredd. Very impressive.

12-21-15, 08:20
I'll watch the movie at home even though I can't stand LEO.

12-21-15, 23:45
There's another interesting actor in Revenant that I didn't actually figure out until I checked the cast.

Domhnall Gleeson.

He's the expedition captain in Revenant, the First Order General in The Force Awakens, the male lead in Ex Machina, and a bunch of smaller roles in other movies like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows 1&2, True Grit, and Dredd. Very impressive.

I have been noticing him here of late, been in a bunch of stuff I've enjoyed. Didn't realize that he was in this!

01-16-16, 02:57
So I finally was afforded the opportunity to go and see this one in the theater, it wasn't being shown on iMAX in my area as all those are still showing Star Wars TFA on them. Too bad cause this would have been epic to see on an iMAX screen.

All I can say is A W E S O M E! Won't put any spoilers at this time. But I will say a couple of the scenes with him and his son just killed me, the acting is superb.

The entire film was shot on location in very remote parts of British Columbia.

01-16-16, 03:08
So I finally was afforded the opportunity to go and see this one in the theater, it wasn't beign shown on iMAX in my area as all those are still showing Star Wars TFA on them. Too bad cause this would have been epic to see on an iMAX screen.

All I can say is A W E S O M E! Won't put any spoilers at this time. But I will say a couple of the scenes with him and his son just killed me, the acting is superb.

The entire film was shot on location in very remote parts of British Columbia.

I concur. This movie would have been amazing to see in iMAX. Damn near breath-taking scenery, solid acting performances, great story.

01-16-16, 05:45
Really looking forward to this movie. One thing that hasn't been discussed is the director, Alejandro G. Iñárritu, who also directed Birdman, Babel, 21 Grams, and Biutiful. Looking forward to more of his movies.

01-16-16, 06:17
I saw it last weekend. Great movie. Leonardo and Tom are both excellent in the film.

Several of the scenes were both graphic and shot to be very realistic.

All I will say is that the bear encounter scene was intense. If I ever run into a large agrresive bear, I hope that I am carrying at least a .375 H&H rifle or a frag grenade.

I couldn't find an I-Max showing either, but the film still looked amazing on the regular screen.

Definitely worth watching in the theater vs on a regular tv screen. Recommend.

01-16-16, 08:06
Great movie. Actually thought Tom did a better job than Leo, but both were awesome. Great flick...

01-16-16, 08:14
An amazing film. Long, sometimes action-less, but beautifully filmed. Perhaps the most beautiful cinematic experience ever, just amazing camera work.

01-17-16, 02:43
Really looking forward to this movie. One thing that hasn't been discussed is the director, Alejandro G. Iñárritu, who also directed Birdman, Babel, 21 Grams, and Biutiful. Looking forward to more of his movies.

I generally follow a director after I've seen something from them I like. The only other film I've seen of his was Bable and I walked away from that film with a sense that it was an anti-gun hit piece. For those who haven't seen it, a well to do American couple (Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett) travel on vacation to Morocco (who the f does that?) and she is accidentally shot while on a bus by a local shepherd boy with a bolt action rifle that was given to his father by a wealthy Japanese business man. The Japanese man gave the expensive hunting rifle to his local Moroccan guide after a big horned sheep hunt as he could not take it back with him to Japan where they are banned. The guide's son likes to choke his chicken while watching his sister bathe, and it just gets worse from there as it shows how one gun effects different people from far away places.

With that said Iñárritu hit it out of the park with The Revenant so I'll be keeping an eye out for more of his films but this is probably his only venture into this genre.

Sean W.
01-17-16, 04:37

I'll just drop this here, a little about the muzzle loader Leo had.

01-17-16, 07:41
With that said Iñárritu hit it out of the park with The Revenant so I'll be keeping an eye out for more of his films but this is probably his only venture into this genre.

I thought he hit it out of the park with Birdman, but as for the others (Babel, 21 Grams, and Biutiful) only a meh. Haven't seen Revenant yet.

You raise an interesting question, however. Revenant is way different in terms of genre from his other films. Maybe a one-off, or maybe the start of something new?

01-17-16, 09:06
An amazing film. Long, sometimes action-less, but beautifully filmed. Perhaps the most beautiful cinematic experience ever, just amazing camera work.

I agree, really enjoyed the film.

01-18-16, 00:24
The wife and I just finished the movie, we both loved it, definitely going to pick it up when it comes out on blu ray. With that said, the wife said she'll likely never watch it again, said it was too intense and dark for her.

01-18-16, 01:42

I'll just drop this here, a little about the muzzle loader Leo had.

Excellent read, thanks for sharing! Wished I had the coin to to buy the third one, it would look handsome above the fireplace . . .

01-18-16, 02:08
With that said, the wife said she'll likely never watch it again, said it was too intense and dark for her.

Good observation.

This film adaptation is based upon the novel The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge by Michael Punke which itself is based upon the real life story of Mountain Man Hugh Glass. These men lived intensely and his story bears witness to life's harsh realities.

I walked away from this film as I did the film adaption of Cormac McCarthy's The Road . . . they are both stories about father's and their young sons.

02-29-16, 01:59
Leo might finally get his Oscar . . .

'The Revenant' Star Leonardo DiCaprio Finally Gets His Oscar

The 41-year-old actor chased down that dish of raw bison liver with a Best Actor trophy for his rugged performance in The Revenant, a win that was expected and yet still satisfying based on the miles DiCaprio has had to travel to get to the podium.

and . . .

Alejandro González Iñárritu wins best director Oscar for The Revenant

Mexican film-maker wins best director for second year in a row for frontier survival western starring Leonardo DiCaprio

Emmanuel Lubezki wins Best Cinematography for The Revenant

02-29-16, 02:40
Visually, the movie looks great, and I really like Tom Hardy. But, I will not pay to see this movie. Leo DiCaprio is Al Gore's and Hussein's fluffer, and a Progressive turdburgling hypocrite.
I hear he rambled on about "climate change" in his acceptance speech, and that Lady Gaga did her retard thing about the supposed epidemic of "campus sexual assault", and that the usual black race mafia did their things about no black actors being nominated.

What a cesspool of humanity.