View Full Version : Obama's "global police force" to fight "extremism" in the U.S., NOT satire...

10-05-15, 13:49

How long do you think it will be until conservative/libertarian/constitutionalists are considered extremists & targeted simply because you disagree with the far leftists? We are truly headed toward a dark future if we as a nation continue down this path. I honestly feel like I'm in the twilight zone or something.

10-05-15, 13:54
Thats unbelievable.

10-05-15, 14:14
Ooooohh......Barry, Barry.....muh nickel. Just try not to let the Soviets make a TOTAL Britney out of you, ride out your last year, collect your pension, give your bullshit speeches at hippie colleges and move on with ya life.

Creating a homegrown Rainbow Six to mess with people who just want to be left alone would not only be universally stupid but would cause a lot of unnecessary BS that nobody needs.

10-05-15, 14:17
We've been the proverbial frog in a pot of lukewarm water . . .

There was a reason when I was a kid growing up people thought we would be shooting blue helmets in the streets one day. If we revisit the mission creep of our Federal Government they have been establishing a path towards a totalitarian Police State for a good while now. We already live in a Surveillance State. The language in the NDAA is very clear who terrorist are. I always felt Ruby Ridge and Waco were test runs to see just how far they could go before public out cry and or blow back. Anyone remember those questionnaires given to select US military personnel back in the 90's asking if given an order to would they fire upon US citizens? They were simply testing the water.

Time is on their side, they plant an idea and let it bloom and a decade or two later it's accepted. This is what their doing with disarmament aka "gun control". Criminalizing firearms and demonizing gun owners.

IIRC the DOJ currently controls and or "advices" 25 municipal and county LEAs across CONUS, Ferguson and Baltimore come to mind. The "Federalization" of US law enforcement is well underway.

I have maintained for sometime now that the UN will one day have boots on the ground in CONUS as a guise to intervene on behalf of poor mistreated illegals AND OR Muslim fugees as they are "victims" of human rights violations when in reality a sitting US president will use them in an attempt to disarm segmented populations within CONUS.

"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force."

- Ayn Rand

10-05-15, 18:47
This is truly a frightening and turbulent time in the world. It's sad to see our liberties that were established over 230 years ago being thrown into the wind if favor of the oxymoronic ideas of the far left. In order for everyone to have more rights, we need to take them away first. Liberalism is a disease, much like cancer. There's no cure, you can only fight the growth. I think it's time to get more people educated on how things really are. We're not living in Mayberry anymore.

10-05-15, 18:55
And by extremists he will mean gun owners, Patriots, veterans, etc. and not Islamic terrorists and murderers.

10-05-15, 19:18
So he is going to bring the UN in to police the United States and in the next breath call for Executive Action on Gun Control?
Yup, that's a winning recipe for disaster.

10-05-15, 20:10
Ever read Patriots or Founders?

I can just see the UN "deploying" African soldiers to America.

It would make Waterloo look like a comedy of manners. Homeboys, Cops, Soldiers, Marines, Basement Dwellers, old VFW types, and every brand of Redneck would have a total and absolute field day. Not even the planned Invasion of Japan would be as suicidal or Foolhardy.

10-05-15, 20:17
Hasn't this conspiracy theory nonsense been around since the early 90s?

10-06-15, 02:12
Hasn't this conspiracy theory nonsense been around since the early 90s?

I take it you didn't read Attorney General Loretta Lynch's comments at the UN last week . . .

10-06-15, 06:19
Hasn't this conspiracy theory nonsense been around since the early 90s?


Conspiracy nonsense?

Outlander Systems
10-06-15, 06:20
Molon Labe

I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!

Outlander Systems
10-06-15, 06:21
No Conspiracy "Theory" brah, just Conspiracy.

Hasn't this conspiracy theory nonsense been around since the early 90s?

10-06-15, 08:04
The UN......really? Yawn....
And they give us reason for concern because? Talk about an utterly ineffective boondoggle of idiocracy.
Lets revisit how well they funcioned (amongs others) on the African continent, standing by with their hands on they peckers while thousands got slaughtered in front of them!

Like..Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein From Jordan being the 'high commissione of human rights', talk about oxymoronic!
Howsabout making Putin and Assad directors of the 'commission for democratic advancement'.
Bunch of idiots.

10-06-15, 08:25
Well, although the US is in the midst of a low-intensity race war, that's nothing compared to all of that hate being focused against outsiders forced to participate in any UN/US-backed initiative on US soil. The American citizenry-at-large doesn't particularly trust foreigners anyway so I wouldn't see this go so well.

10-06-15, 09:29
I take it you didn't read Attorney General Loretta Lynch's comments at the UN last week . . .

I did. It's still a stretch, and if you look at how the article was written, you'll see that the author doesn't have any actual evidence of this "Global Police Force". There's only an inference that the Strong Cities Network is potentially going to include foreign cities, and that must be bad because Obama, Lynch, DeBlasio. It strikes me as shock value, especially so given that the author pimps her book in the middle of the article.

I'm not an Obama fan, and I'm often skeptical of anything that the administration puts out. However, some people honestly take it too far. If POTUS broke wind on the South Lawn of the White House, some folks would accuse him of trying to destroy the ozone layer in DC so he could use the EPA and FEMA to declare martial law.

Besides, given what other countries know or even *think* about us and our culture, do you think they'd pony up fighting men to put on the ground here?

As it's been mentioned in other discussions, stuff like this gives gun forums a bad name.

10-06-15, 10:09
I personally don't see it happening in my life time, but I can say this, if it ever did happen, Simo Hayha's record would be eclipsed by numerous individuals.

10-06-15, 10:26
The UN......really? Yawn....
And they give us reason for concern because? Talk about an utterly ineffective boondoggle of idiocracy.
Lets revisit how well they funcioned (amongs others) on the African continent, standing by with their hands on they peckers while thousands got slaughtered in front of them!

Like..Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein From Jordan being the 'high commissione of human rights', talk about oxymoronic!
Howsabout making Putin and Assad directors of the 'commission for democratic advancement'.
Bunch of idiots.

Do not underestimate the far left, Obama is very intelligent. These people are playing chess while we are playing checkers, they see checkmate 20-40 years from now and are putting in place the moves to make it happen. One small change at a time, some people complain, most eventually acquiesce and eventually accept it. Moving toward a system of "global cooperation" is moving towards a system that disregards our sovereignty & constitution... Couple this with a constant push towards gun control, even small victories by the left will eventually make the 2nd amendment irrelevant, their end game is confiscation and we all know it. The "political correctness" movement is also geared at completely destroying the 1st amendment, making any resistance futile and silencing any opposition.

So in short, today the UN is no threat to the US constituents or sovereignty, but if we continue down this path it sure as hell will be a very real threat. This is why we need to go on the offense and take the country back. If our side continues to play defense by merely slowing down the left, they win and your children and grandchildren will live in a very dystopian nation & world. I posted this story to make people aware of what is going on under the radar.

10-06-15, 12:21
If we lived in a world where something like this was possible, let alone probable, I don't think we'd even be "allowed" to have this conversation.

I'm not saying Obama doesn't want to throw our sovereignty to the wolves, but I am asserting that it's a non-starter, even in today's screwed-up, morally bankrupt, political environment.

10-06-15, 12:37
If we lived in a world where something like this was possible, let alone probable, I don't think we'd even be "allowed" to have this conversation.

I'm not saying Obama doesn't want to throw our sovereignty to the wolves, but I am asserting that it's a non-starter, even in today's screwed-up, morally bankrupt, political environment.

Death by a thousand paper cuts, Obama and his ilk know full well this cannot be implimented overnight. They need to do it slowly, along with brainwashing & weakening the nation to pull it off. Do not think for a second this move is not part of the bigger picture. The way the left defines "extremism", every member on this board qualifies as an "extremist" in their warped world view.... Just listen to Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail, in so many words she called anyone who owns a gun and isn't a hunter an extremist just the other day. Words matter to these people, pay attention.

Outlander Systems
10-06-15, 13:07

Death by a thousand paper cuts, Obama and his ilk know full well this cannot be implimented overnight. They need to do it slowly, along with brainwashing & weakening the nation to pull it off. Do not think for a second this move is not part of the bigger picture. The way the left defines "extremism", every member on this board qualifies as an "extremist" in their warped world view.... Just listen to Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail, in so many words she called anyone who owns a gun and isn't a hunter an extremist just the other day. Words matter to these people, pay attention.

10-06-15, 13:33
I did. It's still a stretch, and if you look at how the article was written, you'll see that the author doesn't have any actual evidence of this "Global Police Force". There's only an inference that the Strong Cities Network is potentially going to include foreign cities, and that must be bad because Obama, Lynch, DeBlasio. It strikes me as shock value, especially so given that the author pimps her book in the middle of the article.

I'm not an Obama fan, and I'm often skeptical of anything that the administration puts out. However, some people honestly take it too far. If POTUS broke wind on the South Lawn of the White House, some folks would accuse him of trying to destroy the ozone layer in DC so he could use the EPA and FEMA to declare martial law.

"Most time, a man will tell you his bad intentions if you listen, let yourself hear."

The intent is there, the enemy is always probing to see just how far they can go.

Besides, given what other countries know or even *think* about us and our culture, do you think they'd pony up fighting men to put on the ground here?

Yes, much of the world sees us as a paper tiger and they hate our guts. Many would relish the idea to occupy/rape/pillage CONUS.

As it's been mentioned in other discussions, stuff like this gives gun forums a bad name.

Well what should gun forums being discussing then, man buns? Fashion? Maybe arts and crafts . . .

10-06-15, 14:46
I dunno.

Foreigners think our government is stupid and weak.
But they are scared shitless of actual Americans.

Like they think we are gun toting, acid popping, psychobillies who hate everything.

Obama and the gov might be a Britney to the world, but individual Americans are seen as horrible, violent, and religious fanatics.
Like Nazis with Gangster rap and Heavy metal. Waving a rebel flag and robbing people.

So our gangster rep is still up.

Outlander Systems
10-06-15, 14:51
Still legit! Streed-cred, son. Get you sum!

I dunno.

Foreigners think our government is stupid and weak.
But they are scared shitless of actual Americans.

Like they think we are gun toting, acid popping, psychobillies who hate everything.

Obama and the gov might be a Britney to the world, but individual Americans are seen as horrible, violent, and religious fanatics.
Like Nazis with Gangster rap and Heavy metal. Waving a rebel flag and robbing people.

So our gangster rep is still up.

10-06-15, 15:13

Yes, much of the world sees us as a paper tiger and they hate our guts. Many would relish the idea to occupy/rape/pillage CONUS.

If you watch the news, yeah, you could believe that. If you travelled around the world, no way. Most people are pretty ambivalent, just wanting to score some dinner and not go hungry. There are still a lot of pro-US folks out there, too. We just get so hung up here on those who hate us so much (and indeed they are many and multiple).

I think if Private Ramalamadingdong from Third World Country was assigned to the US as part of a UN force of whatever he would just do what he had to do to get back home.

10-06-15, 15:51
Private Ramalongadingdong would toss his shit, head to a good will and buy/steal a white t shirt, bucket hat, saggy pants, and Nikes trying to figure how "How da f--k do I get out THIS?!"

That's if he was willing to even get on the boat or plane.

10-06-15, 16:25
Still legit! Streed-cred, son. Get you sum!
7th letter of the alphabet my friend.

10-06-15, 16:40
If you watch the news, yeah, you could believe that. If you travelled around the world, no way. Most people are pretty ambivalent, just wanting to score some dinner and not go hungry. There are still a lot of pro-US folks out there, too. We just get so hung up here on those who hate us so much (and indeed they are many and multiple).

I think if Private Ramalamadingdong from Third World Country was assigned to the US as part of a UN force of whatever he would just do what he had to do to get back home.

Sure some people out there still put flowers on the graves of fallen USGIs in Europe and remember the day they were liberated. Others think we're all John Wayne riding around on horses still with Clint Eastwood riding shotgun. Then you have those that think Disney is a religion here.

Throw in good old fashioned jealousy and you still have a segment of the global population who want to take what we have built. People hate us because we are the "Golden Apple" of Western Civilization, or as Reagan put it "the Shining City on a hill". For every global citizen out there that listens to their favorite American rap/rock on their iPhone while wearing Levi's and eating a Big Mac you have another that wants to slit our throats and rape our women.

Outlander Systems
10-06-15, 16:55
G's as in Guerillas?

- or -

G's as in Scr8 da **** up Gangsta!?

; )

7th letter of the alphabet my friend.

10-06-15, 20:31
I like the South Park guy's version better....

10-06-15, 22:19
Obama's "Hope and Change" campaign has certainly left us hoping for change.