View Full Version : BOHICA: El Presidente preparing more executive orders on guns

Doc Safari
10-05-15, 14:59

The White House confirmed that President Obama was preparing a series of executive actions on gun control to match his recent passion on the issue after the latest mass shooting in Oregon.

“It’s a high priority and will continue to be until we start to see more progress on this issue in this town,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters today at the press briefing.

Earnest said he would “quibble” with anyone who criticized the president for not voicing any specific gun control proposals during his press conference, asserting that the White House was working behind the scenes for more executive actions on guns.

10-05-15, 15:04
Universal Background Checks = the end of deniability of owning a particular gun from that point forward (unless you had it before such legislation was enacted).

10-05-15, 15:09
Aside from imports and imported ammo, what can he really do?
It has to be constitutional, regardless. You can't miracle up a gun ban nor can you do anything else. The only thing he's been able to do is keep some Garands from coming home as well as 5.45 surp.

He's talking big but if he really could do anything he would have.

10-05-15, 15:09
Universal Background Checks = the end of deniability of owning a particular gun from that point forward (unless you had it before such legislation was enacted).

Unless you stole it, or imported it illegally from Mexico, or trafficked it illegally via whatever methods ISIS is currently using...

All solidly Democratic voting bases however.

Doc Safari
10-05-15, 15:14
Aside from imports and imported ammo, what can he really do?
It has to be constitutional, regardless. You can't miracle up a gun ban nor can you do anything else. The only thing he's been able to do is keep some Garands from coming home as well as 5.45 surp.

He's talking big but if he really could do anything he would have.

He couldn't legally modify Obamacare, either, yet he did several times IIRC.

10-05-15, 15:18
Aside from imports and imported ammo, what can he really do?
It has to be constitutional, regardless. You can't miracle up a gun ban nor can you do anything else. The only thing he's been able to do is keep some Garands from coming home as well as 5.45 surp.

He's talking big but if he really could do anything he would have.

And that is what he'll do, reach as far as he can with import bans, it's really his only card to play (and ensure 41p gets implemented).

10-05-15, 15:27
He couldn't legally modify Obamacare, either, yet he did several times IIRC.

From my cursory knowledge on how he did that, it was after it was deemed a tax.

Anything beyond imports, he can not touch without congress.
No background checks, no features bans, hell he can't even reclassify parts kits.

We may not see Wolf or Tulammo but, that's a stretch. Obamacare still had to pass congress. There's nothing earthshattering he can do without congress.

No UBC, no waiting periods, nothing. He can be an inconvenience, but he can't kill us.

10-05-15, 15:31
If he does something along the line of ammo import bans, I wonder how long it will take for more of the international ammo community to set up production within the USA. Firearm manufactures do it to get around the import laws, why not more ammo manufactures?

Outlander Systems
10-05-15, 15:33

10-05-15, 15:35
From my cursory knowledge on how he did that, it was after it was deemed a tax.

Anything beyond imports, he can not touch without congress.
No background checks, no features bans, hell he can't even reclassify parts kits.

We may not see Wolf or Tulammo but, that's a stretch. Obamacare still had to pass congress. There's nothing earthshattering he can do without congress.

No UBC, no waiting periods, nothing. He can be an inconvenience, but he can't kill us.

Now that I think about it, Barry said the other day something along the lines of, "it would be irresponsible of me to veto the continuing resolution & shut down the government until congress passes real gun control reform." I wouldn't put it past him to shut down the government next year and blame the republicans unless he gets gun control, in a game of chicken. As linguini spined as rhe R's are, I believe it is a game of chicken Barry will lose, but I don't doubt he is contemplating that veto next year.

10-05-15, 15:40
I don't even think he can ban import ammo.

A LOT of it meets 'sporting purpose'. Even Soviet carcinogenic TulAmmo wouldn't be considered military surplus.

This is likely his attempt to order the tide not to rise.
And....beyond that there really are more important things going on in the world. I'm sorry 9 college folks died, but like the church people; they weren't the last 9 people on earth. Folks going on sprees is national news. Genocide in the ME is sort of an everyday thing lately.

He blew his load with Sandy Hook and there really is no grand outrage on this one.

He's impotent.

10-05-15, 15:44
Now that I think about it, Barry said the other day something along the lines of, "it would be irresponsible of me to veto the continuing resolution & shut down the government until congress passes real gun control reform." I wouldn't put it past him to shut down the government next year and blame the republicans unless he gets gun control, in a game of chicken. As linguini spined as rhe R's are, I believe it is a game of chicken Barry will lose, but I don't doubt he is contemplating that veto next year.

Not going to happen. His side doesn't want the government shutdown. Or to take the blame for it.

All the Republicans have to do is send him a clean bill or blame the Senate Democrats for not letting it through and they take the blame for the government shutdown. It's really hard to have somebody take the blame for something that's not in there when you all you have to do is sign legislation to prevent a shutdown.

His only chance to get it done would be to do it after the primaries for house of reps and Senate seats. If you get this before that there's no Republican in his right mind would vote for it. Afterward you might get some to peel off- his only chance to get it done would be to do it after the primaries for house of rep and Senate seats.

There's little doubt that will fly to overreach right now. Almost no downside for him. Even if he does something that's patently illegal, we will have to wind its way through the courts. He seems to like his chances in front of Scotus lately.

10-05-15, 15:45
Now that I think about it, Barry said the other day something along the lines of, "it would be irresponsible of me to veto the continuing resolution & shut down the government until congress passes real gun control reform." I wouldn't put it past him to shut down the government next year and blame the republicans unless he gets gun control, in a game of chicken. As linguini spined as rhe R's are, I believe it is a game of chicken Barry will lose, but I don't doubt he is contemplating that veto next year.

He really doesn't have the balls. No matter how RINO, these chumps want to keep their seats. This isn't like 1994. People are still scarred from that. Dudes bought literally hundreds of AR mags in the months after the sunset. Mags they will never use or wear out.

Nobody is standing for a federal ban again.

This is less Spinning Piledriver and more temper tantrum.

The emperor has no clothes.

10-05-15, 15:47
He's pissed at Putin, so he'll just come after us.

10-05-15, 15:48
I don't even think he can ban import ammo.

A LOT of it meets 'sporting purpose'. Even Soviet carcinogenic TulAmmo wouldn't be considered military surplus.

This is likely his attempt to order the tide not to rise.
And....beyond that there really are more important things going on in the world. I'm sorry 9 college folks died, but like the church people; they weren't the last 9 people on earth. Folks going on sprees is national news. Genocide in the ME is sort of an everyday thing lately.

He blew his load with Sandy Hook and there really is no grand outrage on this one.

He's impotent.

All it takes is a phone call. 7N6 didn't take a act of congress

10-05-15, 15:49
He's pissed at Putin, so he'll just come after us.

Reminds me of a saying "A frightening leader attacks the enemy, a frightened leader attacks his own men"

10-05-15, 15:50
All it takes is a phone call. 7N6 didn't take a act of congress

7n6 technically didn't meet sporting purpose. Not agreeing withwhat happened, just saying.

10-05-15, 16:30
Perhaps he's looking at these five proposed EAs...

The gun control group run by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I) is pushing President Obama to issue new gun regulations in the absence of congressional action.

Everytown for Gun Safety released a list of five executive actions it says Obama could take to reduce gun violence. The recommendations build on the president’s call to action in the wake of the last week's mass shooting in Oregon.


This report recommends:

1. Issue guidance to ensure that dangerous people are not permitted to carry guns within 1,000 feet of a school;
2. Issue a regulation clarifying that high-volume gun sellers are “engaged in the business” of dealing firearms and must obtain dealer licenses and comply with applicable laws, including background checks on all gun sales;
3. Instruct federal law enforcement to identify and arrest dangerous criminals who try to buy illegal guns, and to notify and work with state and local authorities when these illegal purchases are attempted;
4. Assist states in enforcing their existing background check laws by publishing aggregate background check denial data for guns sold by unlicensed sellers; and
5. Protect victims of domestic abuse by clarifying that convicted abusers are prohibited from having guns regardless of marital status.

source: http://everytownresearch.org/reports/beyond-gridlock/

Doc Safari
10-05-15, 16:42
his report recommends:

1. Issue guidance to ensure that dangerous people are not permitted to carry guns within 1,000 feet of a school;
So we have to have checkpoints at every school to search everyone's vehicle. Did you hear about the UN assisting in "policing" troubled cities?
2. Issue a regulation clarifying that high-volume gun sellers are “engaged in the business” of dealing firearms and must obtain dealer licenses and comply with applicable laws, including background checks on all gun sales;
Make gun shows a living Hell for anyone attempting to sell a gun. Harass people who put ads in the paper or online.
3. Instruct federal law enforcement to identify and arrest dangerous criminals who try to buy illegal guns, and to notify and work with state and local authorities when these illegal purchases are attempted;
This is what the NRA has wanted since before even the Brady Bill was put on paper.
4. Assist states in enforcing their existing background check laws by publishing aggregate background check denial data for guns sold by unlicensed sellers;
And probably will end up publishing the names of anyone who purchases a gun just like some assholes published the names and addresses of the concealed carry licenseholders in some cities.
5. Protect victims of domestic abuse by clarifying that convicted abusers are prohibited from having guns regardless of marital status.
If I'm not mistaken, a mere restraining order is enough to get you a "no guns" status already.

My comments are in red.

10-05-15, 16:47
Obama Mocks Gun Rights Activist With All Kinds Of 'Crack Pot Conspiracy Theory'

Obama said, “And if we’re going to do something about that, the politics has to change. The politics has to change. And the people who are troubled by this have to be as intense and as organized and as adamant about this issue as folks on the other side who are absolutists and think that any gun safety measures are somehow an assault on freedom or communistic or a plot by me to, you know, take over. And stay in power for ever or something. I mean, there are all kinds of crack pot conspiracy theories that float around there. Some of which by the way are ratified by elected officials in the other party on occasion. So we’ve got to change the politics of this. And that requires people to feel — not just feel deeply.

10-05-15, 16:48
My comments are in red.

If I'm not mistaken #1 was already ruled unconstitutional (think about how many people live within 1,000 feet of a school, totally unenforceable at a minimum)

#2 could really back fire on them, if BATFE forces people to get an FFL I have no doubt a lot of people who say screw it, pay the SOT & have post sample full auto toys in their possession to play with while they are at it.

10-05-15, 17:40
If he does something along the line of ammo import bans, I wonder how long it will take for more of the international ammo community to set up production within the USA. Firearm manufactures do it to get around the import laws, why not more ammo manufactures?
Won't take long. Look at how there are now complete state side ak's being made.

They are running out of levers to pull, and they know it.

What the gun control folks don't realize it's that their strategy is back firing. Look at how many states have nfa, constitutional carry, conceal carry, and reciprocity now.

Twice now in the last two decades congress gets fliped in mid term with gun rights being a major catalyst. They are losing, they however are more vocal and more effective at delivering their message. It gives the appearance of a movement, when there really isn't any (having the msm as the delivery mechanism is their advantage).

If every gun owner would take some one new (who's never done it) out shooting once a year, just imagine the 2A supporters that would exist.

I give a lot of respect to Colion Noir. That guy kicks ass at what he does. I wished more 2A supporters were like him, and less were to themselves. Our culture is one of MYOB. I feel that needs to change.

It's not a guns issue. It's a be responsible as an American and protecting your rights issue.

2A is the only real insurance policy keeping tyrants and criminals from running rough shod over Americans.

10-05-15, 17:47
Won't take long. Look at how there are now complete state side ak's being made.

They are running out of levers to pull, and they know it.

What the gun control folks don't realize it's that their strategy is back firing. Look at how many states have nfa, constitutional carry, conceal carry, and reciprocity now.

Twice now in the last two decades congress gets fliped in mid term with gun rights being a major catalyst. They are losing, they however are more vocal and more effective at delivering their message. It gives the appearance of a movement, when there really isn't any (having the msm as the delivery mechanism is their advantage).

If every gun owner would take some one new (who's never done it) out shooting once a year, just imagine the 2A supporters that would exist.

I give a lot of respect to Colion Noir. That guy kicks ass at what he does. I wished more 2A supporters were like him, and less were to themselves. Our culture is one of MYOB. I feel that needs to change.

It's not a guns issue. It's a be responsible as an American and protecting your rights issue.

2A is the only real insurance policy keeping tyrants and criminals from running rough shod over Americans.

The purpose of the 2A, the ultimate check against state tyranny, is to facilitate a legitimate revolt against a tyrannical government; our Declaration of Independence is consistent with this notion, too.

10-05-15, 17:58
The purpose of the 2A, the ultimate check against state tyranny, is to facilitate a legitimate revolt against a tyrannical government; our Declaration of Independence is consistent with this notion, too.

And I think it's high time we, the people used it..

10-05-15, 18:06
Perhaps he's looking at these five proposed EAs...


source: http://everytownresearch.org/reports/beyond-gridlock/

I'm actually ok with #3.

3. Instruct federal law enforcement to identify and arrest dangerous criminals who try to buy illegal guns, and to notify and work with state and local authorities when these illegal purchases are attempted;

Not once has anyone done anything about a non approval attempt to purchase in all the years I've been a FFL.

10-05-15, 18:18
And I think it's high time we, the people used it..


10-05-15, 19:23
I'm actually ok with #3.

3. Instruct federal law enforcement to identify and arrest dangerous criminals who try to buy illegal guns, and to notify and work with state and local authorities when these illegal purchases are attempted;

Not once has anyone done anything about a non approval attempt to purchase in all the years I've been a FFL.

While I agree with this based on current definitions, I'm leary to agree with anything 'they' come up with. It merits thought and research into why. Lack of enforcing laws is why dirt bags like Eric Holder are not incarcerated.

They redefine words on a whim. "Dangerous Criminals" could easily encompass you or I in a future definition. "Illegal Guns" could easily involve firearms that you or I currently own.

Heck, I remember when the word "Marriage" had a definition.

10-05-15, 19:39
I'm actually ok with #3.

3. Instruct federal law enforcement to identify and arrest dangerous criminals who try to buy illegal guns, and to notify and work with state and local authorities when these illegal purchases are attempted;

Not once has anyone done anything about a non approval attempt to purchase in all the years I've been a FFL.

There is no such thing as illegal guns. There are people who illegally possess, transfer, or modify guns.

10-05-15, 19:45
There is no such thing as illegal guns. There are people who illegally possess, transfer, or modify guns.

Not to turn into a dictionary, but given they were talking about dangerous criminals, all purchase attempts would be illegal guns. And technically there are "illegal guns", a gun with a serial number that has been removed qualifies.

10-05-15, 19:50

What? Send LRRPs back in time to kill Union soldiers?
Interesting idea but I don't see how that will help right now?

10-05-15, 20:19
Obama Mocks Gun Rights Activist With All Kinds Of 'Crack Pot Conspiracy Theory'


The thing is, just repeating over and over that there is no conspiracy isn't going to change our minds. They have flat out admitted that they want a ban. Anyone can YouTube it: Feinstein said she wanted an outright ban "Mr. and Mrs. America: Turn 'em in!" We know that they want a total repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Only the politicians play the "I support hunting and clay shooting but just not scary guns" card. I have yet to meet a single non-politician liberal who is not for a total repeal of the 2nd Amendment and door-to-door confiscation. I refuse to believe that those same liberals suddenly become okay with hunting when they're elected.

10-05-15, 20:24
"This isn't an assault"
"Read my lips, no new taxes"
"You can keep your doctor"
"I'm on the pill"

Heard em all...

10-05-15, 21:16
Barry was against gay marriage at one time too.... anyone believe that?

10-05-15, 21:39
1. Issue guidance to ensure that dangerous people are not permitted to carry guns within 1,000 feet of a school;

Uhm, why would we allow them to carry guns at all???? A dangerous person at 1001 feet is OK? I'm guessing that they have in mind a definition of dangerous that would include CCW and anyone with a AR. Actually that might get some traction. I can see the ads "The NRA won't keep military guns out of school..."

4. Assist states in enforcing their existing background check laws by publishing aggregate background check denial data for guns sold by unlicensed sellers;

I don't know what this means???

10-05-15, 22:45

This doesn't go very far into depth, and any 'medical' model of gun violence reeks of the CDC stupidity, but this didn't sound as cra-cra as I thought it would. I still don't think it addresses the cause of the issues and dealing with lone wolf AS shooters is different than gang shooters, but I like the softer community approach versus the Progressives grab-em-all mentality. Even if it helped with the suicides and the gangbangers, that would solves the most deaths.

10-05-15, 23:39
Forgive me if I've forgotten the basics of US Civics, but if IIRC, the House can vote to overturn Executive Orders, in part or in whole, if the EO's are not directly related to a Constitutionally granted power of presidency. So, even if Bath House Barry* does wave his Wand of Power and create some EO's, a Republican led House should be able to nullify the EO. Didn't Barry face with impeachment for executive over reach last summer when he threatened to create an EO on immigration last year? I'd like to think the non-RINO's would sack up and do their jobs if Barry does indeed try some such nonsense again.

*props to whomever coined this name. I read it in another thread here and I haven't stopped chuckling since :jester:

10-06-15, 01:09
Uhm, why would we allow them to carry guns at all???? A dangerous person at 1001 feet is OK? I'm guessing that they have in mind a definition of dangerous that would include CCW and anyone with a AR. Actually that might get some traction. I can see the ads "The NRA won't keep military guns out of school..."

I'll do ya one better, why are "dangerous people" out walking anywhere with anything. If they have been identified as "dangerous people" you better hope they can't think of buying a gallon of gas and some matches. "Dangerous people", as in criminally dangerous, should be in some kind of supervised custody. They shouldn't be in an out patient facility, they shouldn't be at their parents house under "house arrest" and they sure as hell shouldn't be out walking around.

If we would focus on the "dangerous people" then guns wouldn't be such a problem. This is why those European countries they always name as having "no gun violence" don't have many problems is they tend to lock dangerous people up. Switzerland is awash in guns, but they don't let "dangerous people" run around loose.

10-06-15, 02:30
The amount of unrepentant gang members and sex offenders walking your streets at night is staggering.

Literally catch and release on dudes with crown tats, blooded tats, etc. You will die in prison over taxes but legit murderers can be out in 7 or 10.

Most chilling thing I heard while hooking up a person only a few years younger than myself at that time was "You motherf--kers can lock me up but I'll only do 10 years. I'll be 28 and STILL a young man. You f--kers ain't fading shit!"
And he meant it.

10-06-15, 02:34
Not much he can do and he knows it.

10-06-15, 05:52
Not much he can do and he knows it.

I think he is posturing for the Democrat base and trying to create (gin up, as it were) enthusiasm for the next election. It is a get out the vote exercise, probably. Everything he does publicly is political.

10-06-15, 06:25
I think he is posturing for the Democrat base and trying to create (gin up, as it were) enthusiasm for the next election. It is a get out the vote exercise, probably. Everything he does publicly is political.

That doesn't make sense, gun control is a losing issue for the dems, which is why after fast & furious blew up in their faces Obama waited until his second term and Sandy Hook was the perfect opportunity for him. Obama is a true gun grabber, it's the one thing he hasn't accomplished and I think he believes he will sway opinions on it, he's a narcissist.

Hillary Clinton is pushing gun control because she is holding on for dear life in the democratic primary and her handlers are telling her to move to the left to win the nomination.

10-06-15, 07:01
Barry had less than 400 days in office. He has major problems coming on the horizon (debt ceiling to name one). The reality that with a Republican controlled congress of getting any BS feel good gun control through is nil.

Outlander Systems
10-06-15, 07:10
GC would be the Dem's ticket to an utter 2016 Washout.

Ain't happenin.

10-06-15, 07:47
Here's one they could try. Now I know this is pretty far out which is why it hasn't been tried before. You know what they could do? Try enforcing the laws that we already have. I know, crazy.

Instead of letting that gang member with a jacket as thick as an issue of Recoil plea his illegal possession charge down to some bullshit misdemeanor, actually prosecute them and sentence them to a lengthy prison stay in the darkest shithole you can find. What a concept.

10-06-15, 08:43
Here's one they could try. Now I know this is pretty far out which is why it hasn't been tried before. You know what they could do? Try enforcing the laws that we already have. I know, crazy.

Instead of letting that gang member with a jacket as thick as an issue of Recoil plea his illegal possession charge down to some bullshit misdemeanor, actually prosecute them and sentence them to a lengthy prison stay in the darkest shithole you can find. What a concept.

Never going to happen. Cuz jonnie dent doo nuffin.

10-06-15, 22:32
Aside from imports and imported ammo, what can he really do?
It has to be constitutional, regardless. You can't miracle up a gun ban nor can you do anything else. The only thing he's been able to do is keep some Garands from coming home as well as 5.45 surp.

He's talking big but if he really could do anything he would have.

All it takes is 5 sympathetic activists, er... judges, on the Supreme Court.
After all, apparently, only these divine oracles can interpret the Constitution, which is ostensibly written in plain English.

He's pissed at Putin, so he'll just come after us.

Bingo! Obama bows to and hugs our enemies and rivals, and shows nothing but hostility towards pro-Constitution (the thing he swore an oath to defend and uphold) Americans and our allies.

Here's one they could try. Now I know this is pretty far out which is why it hasn't been tried before. You know what they could do? Try enforcing the laws that we already have. I know, crazy.

Instead of letting that gang member with a jacket as thick as an issue of Recoil plea his illegal possession charge down to some bullshit misdemeanor, actually prosecute them and sentence them to a lengthy prison stay in the darkest shithole you can find. What a concept.

That would be racist, or as "punching down" as Progressive retards like Gary Trudeau put it.

Doc Safari
10-09-15, 10:30
So it sounds like he's going to go rogue and declare you have to have a license if you sell over a certain number of guns from your private collection, and background check even to purchase from individuals who meet that criteria:


Obama is seriously considering circumventing Congress with his executive authority and imposing new background-check requirements for buyers who purchase weapons from high-volume gun dealers.

Under the proposed rule change, dealers who exceed a certain number of sales each year would be required to obtain a license from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and perform background checks on potential buyers.

10-09-15, 10:38
How will "high volume" be defined? And how will it be enforced?

10-09-15, 10:48
That crap is illogical at best.... Morons.

Big A
10-09-15, 10:57

10-09-15, 11:22
It's the same playbook the ATF and the collective federal agency horde uses: write their own definitions with every intention to redefine them every few years to suit their agenda. Then federal agencies enforce it as well. Undenibly, excessive power is consolidating in the executive. Our legislative branch desperately needs to exercise via constitutional muscle flexing.

How will "high volume" be defined? And how will it be enforced?

10-09-15, 11:52
Who want's to bet a high-volume seller is anyone who sells 1+ firearm per year?

10-09-15, 12:21
Who want's to bet a high-volume seller is anyone who sells 1+ firearm per year?

And you'll have to record all your sales to make sure you are not a high volume seller..... or something like that.

10-09-15, 12:38
I'll be sure to make all my future purchases from his buddy Eric Holder out of the back of his truck.

10-09-15, 12:45
So it sounds like he's going to go rogue and declare you have to have a license if you sell over a certain number of guns from your private collection, and background check even to purchase from individuals who meet that criteria:


And exactly how is he going to enforce that? someone sells to a friend/relative, how are you going to track that? Sounds like more feel good posturing from a man that knows he can't really do too much no matter how hard he stomps his feet and throws a tantrum, to me..

10-09-15, 13:03
And exactly how is he going to enforce that? someone sells to a friend/relative, how are you going to track that? Sounds like more feel good posturing from a man that knows he can't really do too much no matter how hard he stomps his feet and throws a tantrum, to me..

OK, so the guns being used in these recent "mass shootings" have by and large been legally purchased from a firearms dealer who has license and a background check has been performed on either the shooter or the family member who purchased it... None of them have been flagged and stopped. I can't recall a single shooting recently where the gun was bought via a private craiglist ad or gunshow sale from mom and pop selling their gun collections without a background check. Yet every single one of these shooters has had known mental health issues. Good grief, this last guy tried to kill himself during basic training in the army and was discharged???!!! How does that NOT come up during a background check? Maybe we should start banning psychiatrists who are administering these mind altering drugs to individuals which cause them to have violent and suicidal behavior?

I agree though. Feel good posturing and temper tantrums because NOTHING he is proposing will stop crazy people from committing these atrocities. And there's WAAAAAY too much money in pharmaceuticals for any politician to actually go after the common factor in these recent shootings....

Doc Safari
10-09-15, 13:26
And you'll have to record all your sales to make sure you are not a high volume seller..... or something like that.

BINGO. And that's the point: to force the underground firearms market into the open so that every serial number ends up on a new 4473. That way they can update their database that you know they're collecting and in 5-10 years they can confiscate all guns.

Doc Safari
10-09-15, 13:27
And exactly how is he going to enforce that? someone sells to a friend/relative, how are you going to track that? Sounds like more feel good posturing from a man that knows he can't really do too much no matter how hard he stomps his feet and throws a tantrum, to me..

He knows the law-abiding will comply. See, it's not about crime; it's about control.

10-09-15, 13:45
BINGO. And that's the point: to force the underground firearms market into the open so that every serial number ends up on a new 4473. That way they can update their database that you know they're collecting and in 5-10 years they can confiscate all guns.

And we have a winner - there are no instances of registration that have not led to de facto or de Jure bans.

10-09-15, 15:09
He knows the law-abiding will comply. See, it's not about crime; it's about control.

Well, about that part.........:rolleyes:

10-09-15, 15:30
So, more impotence.

Yawn. He really can not do anything. Nothing here is enforceable. There are not enough ATF agents to do anything.

We are BROKE. If they totally DESTROYED welfare, they could fund it maybe....maybe.

He's a martinet. Piss on his troopies' boots because he can't intimidate anyone else.

He's done. He's gone from 83 Motley Crue to 1989 Nelson. He was dangerous and different and a liberal wet dream. Middle aged black and "hip".

Now, nobody cares. Hell....people are more worried about Hitlerybat the ol' gun shack than the guy living in government housing in DC....what's his name....so and so

10-09-15, 16:11


10-09-15, 18:16
I'll bet he was a joy to have around the house as a kid...tantrums, door slamming, pouting, throwing stuff around...what a waste of oxygen.

10-09-15, 19:27
I think it is smoke and mirrors, they don't have a prayer of running this through the Legislative branch and it going anywhere, Executive Action? Nope, he doesn't want having his balls snipped off as part of his "Legacy".

Bubba FAL
10-09-15, 19:38
BINGO. And that's the point: to force the underground firearms market into the open so that every serial number ends up on a new 4473. That way they can update their database that you know they're collecting and in 5-10 years they can confiscate all guns.

So they can try to confiscate all guns. And who will do the confiscating? There are 300 million + guns out there - how they gonna get them all? How many "confiscators" need to die before they give up on this fool's errand? Those doing the confiscating have homes, families, etc. How many of them will want to continue their work after their homes are burned or their families are attacked? This will be war - the gloves will be off. Is this really what the progressive a-holes want?

10-09-15, 19:56
Yeah.....they'd literally need the military. Remember Waco? It took APCs, gas, and fire and that was just one Cult.

These congressbastards have NEVER done a High Risk Warrant or done ANY door kicking. That shit is dangerous as hell and you can do everything right and still die

Or you could rocket the house or burn it. Yeah....that'll look great.

Family of four AT4'd over personally owned AR15s because of freaking words some dude put on an unnecessary law. Ya know....for public safety.

Oh there will ALWAYS be zealots and bullies in the military and police. Rank chasers and brass kissers. But the ones who matter....no way in hell.

Outlander Systems
10-09-15, 20:07
Politicians should literally do the confiscations themselves.

Yeah.....they'd literally need the military. Remember Waco? It took APCs, gas, and fire and that was just one Cult.

These congressbastards have NEVER done a High Risk Warrant or done ANY door kicking. That shit is dangerous as hell and you can do everything right and still die

Or you could rocket the house or burn it. Yeah....that'll look great.

Family of four AT4'd over personally owned AR15s because of freaking words some dude put on an unnecessary law. Ya know....for public safety.

Oh there will ALWAYS be zealots and bullies in the military and police. Rank chasers and brass kissers. But the ones who matter....no way in hell.

10-09-15, 20:09
I'll bet he was a joy to have around the house as a kid...tantrums, door slamming, pouting, throwing stuff around...what a waste of oxygen.

If a brat throws a tantrum and a parent isn't around to hear it; is it still a tantrum??

10-09-15, 20:41
Politicians should literally do the confiscations themselves.

Then we'd really find out not only what kind of people we elect, but also what kind of people vote.....and how much they mean it