View Full Version : Here's the Statist/Socialist/Boot-Licking Response to America's "Gun Problem"

Outlander Systems
10-06-15, 11:27

Have fun with this one, fellas.

Sky News, another British channel, was even harsher. “Part of America is a third world country, isn’t it really. The middle bit of America. People don’t even know where the rest of the world is. I think America actually needs to brighten itself up a bit,” said broadcast James Whale. The rest of the panel was not much more generous.

Well golly gee, maybe someday we'll have toothbrushes, TEEVEEs, and them thar fancy auto mobiles like the rest of the world.

10-06-15, 11:36
I tend to agree?

Seriously, how many ghetto superstars in the Ferguson riots could point out Munich if you gave them a globe, 20 minutes, and $50 incentive?

Outlander Systems
10-06-15, 11:40
They're talking about flyover country.

How many of those people on the panel could locate Casper, Wyoming if put in a similar situation?

I tend to agree?

Seriously, how many ghetto superstars in the Ferguson riots could point out Munich if you gave them a globe, 20 minutes, and $50 incentive?

Pork Chop
10-06-15, 11:43
About as many ghetto superstars as could do the same from any urban area, like Miami or similar.

Low income, inner city ghetto stupidity being compared to "middle of the country" is pretty funny. Even the most redneck moron I know has 20 IQ points on the best example you can show me from the hood.

10-06-15, 12:04
Low income, inner city ghetto stupidity being compared to "middle of the country" is pretty funny. Even the most redneck moron I know has 20 IQ points on the best example you can show me from the hood.

How many examples from the hood do you know out there in flyover country?

Pork Chop
10-06-15, 12:08
How many examples from the hood do you know out there in flyover country?

I was a truck driver for 20 years. I saw enough to keep me and my family living in flyover country, that's for damn sure. Dealt with many, many high class individuals in parts of cities most care not go to, but thanks for the assumption.

10-06-15, 12:13
Those statements sound more ignorant than the people they are judging. Has that person calling the Midwest a "third world country" ever even been there? Do they really think that calling America insane and stupid is going to change anything in their favor? Perhaps they think we're crazy for having kitchen knives and baseball bats too.

Put me down for "not applicable", I don't think that article has any bearing on America whatsoever.

Mauser KAR98K
10-06-15, 12:35
Lol. British telling Americans what to do cause we're inferior.

Outlander Systems
10-06-15, 12:41
Now, now. Be fair. We're, "certifiably insane...neanderthals."


Lol. British telling Americans what to do cause we're inferior.

10-06-15, 12:47
I personally don't give a flying **** what other countries think about America and our " gun problem". Maybe they should focus on the invasion of " refugees and multiculturalism that is destroying Europe, instead of trying to restrict our rights

10-06-15, 13:12
Umm...didn't we fight a revolutionary war so we did not have to pay attention to what those people thought about us?

Also, wouldn't they be goose-stepping and speaking German right now if it were not for us?

One thing is for sure, from the conversations I have had with those that were from the UK or any British commonwealth - they have some very bizarre views on guns, gun ownership, criminals and self defense. You think the American left is wacky on these subjects....go talk to anyone from the UK or a British commonwealth country!

Alex V
10-06-15, 13:14
Screw those Limey bastards. They are going to wish they had guns when those towelhead "refugees" become enemy combatants over night.

Outlander Systems
10-06-15, 13:17
Nah. They'll ask our "certifiably insane...neanderthal" asses to bail 'em out.

Screw those Limey bastards. They are going to wish they had guns when those towelhead "refugees" become enemy combatants over night.

10-06-15, 13:24
Nah. They'll just accept Sharia law to avoid having their heads chopped off.

10-06-15, 13:24
I was a truck driver for 20 years. I saw enough to keep me and my family living in flyover country, that's for damn sure. Dealt with many, many high class individuals in parts of cities most care not go to, but thanks for the assumption.

No assumption here, I know for a fact you're not hanging out with 20-30 year old brothers on the reg.

It's actually quite common to assume because people look, talk, and act different they are dumber than people that look, talk, and act like you. Unfortunately, dumb hick white boys in Alabama aren't any smarter than dumb hoodlum black boys in downtown St. Louis regardless of how you want to spin it.

10-06-15, 13:27
Morons are morons, no matter where in the world you are. I think the point to be made here is that the morons in the UK can't find Madagascar on a map any more than the morons here in the USA. That "third world country" comment is just elitist bullshit, and discredits the commentator.

10-06-15, 13:41
We criticize those we do not fear, but merely disdain.

Just because one doofus says something about America, it doesn't bother me.

I could show you pictures Detroit, Montgomery, Atlanta, Monrovia, and Mogadishu and dare you to sort which from which.

Eh...but then, we also have a lot of stuff nobody else has.

If they got it better, they are welcome to it. But, I'm going to live where I'm going to live

10-06-15, 13:42
There are areas in CONUS that resemble Mogadishu, AND there are areas in every Western European nation that resemble Mogadishu as well.

10-06-15, 13:49
Also, I see no solutions to America's "gun problem" in that article, just a bunch of people blindly judging Americans and the country they live in.

10-06-15, 13:50
Eh, that British pheasant just wishes he lived in a fly over state.

10-06-15, 13:54
His limey little head would explode with all the wide open space and genuinely nice folk that live there. Nothing wrong with the Midwest.

10-06-15, 13:54
Morons are morons, no matter where in the world you are. I think the point to be made here is that the morons in the UK can't find Madagascar on a map any more than the morons here in the USA. That "third world country" comment is just elitist bullshit, and discredits the commentator.

Agreed. Idiots gonna idiot, whether they are in Montana or Miami or Manchester or redneck or hoodlum. We know some British don't like us, our laws, or our way of life. That's why we killed a whole bunch of them in the 1770s. Why is this even news?

Like brickboy said, UK is straight up backtarded stupid. I have a buddy who married an English girl who is proud to say that she'd rather let someone steal her child than use a gun to stop the abductor.

10-06-15, 14:02
I tend to agree?

Seriously, how many ghetto superstars in the Ferguson riots could point out Munich if you gave them a globe, 20 minutes, and $50 incentive?

I was walking by ASU a few years ago and crossed paths with a few students in front of a travel agent.

One student says, "Hey, Munich for $xxx."
Other student says," Where's Munich?"

The same day I relate the story to a friend of mine that was a HS teacher in Phoenix at the time. She says, "Where's Munich?"


10-06-15, 14:06
No assumption here, I know for a fact you're not hanging out with 20-30 year old brothers on the reg.

It's actually quite common to assume because people look, talk, and act different they are dumber than people that look, talk, and act like you. Unfortunately, dumb hick white boys in Alabama aren't any smarter than dumb hoodlum black boys in downtown St. Louis regardless of how you want to spin it.

Really depends on your definition of "dumb". Are you referring to actual intelligence or general understanding? There are a lot of factors to consider before you can make a statement lime that.

Or are you just making an emotional statement because you have been spending too much time with those loose libtard girl you like?......:jester:

And yes there are stupid people all over the place....I would say more in the large metropolitan areas than in Middle America based on their understanding of how the world works.

10-06-15, 14:23
There is a reason we revolted from these people in the first place. That reason has not gone away.

I'd really like to ask the guy if he's ever been to the region that he has such an opinion about. I have. Doesn't seem like he has...

Big A
10-06-15, 15:24
Nah. They'll ask our "certifiably insane...neanderthal" asses to bail 'em out.
And we'll collectively whisper "No."

(Or so I hope)

10-06-15, 15:28
There is a reason we revolted from these people in the first place. That reason has not gone away.

I'd really like to ask the guy if he's ever been to the region that he has such an opinion about. I have. Doesn't seem like he has...

Yea, a good number of British died trying to force gun control on America. Some things never change.

Pompous asses can screw themselves. At the end of the day, they won't do anything. They can talk all they want unless they want to watch a modern take of the Revolutionary War.

Big A
10-06-15, 15:54
Eh, that British pheasant.
? :jester:

10-06-15, 16:03
Like brickboy said, UK is straight up backtarded stupid. I have a buddy who married an English girl who is proud to say that she'd rather let someone steal her child than use a gun to stop the abductor.

Well that's great for her. Sucks for the kid who will likely be rape-killed.

But at least she has the moral high ground, pip pip

10-06-15, 16:32
I have a buddy who married an English girl who is proud to say that she'd rather let someone steal her child than use a gun to stop the abductor.

She should do her child (and the world) a favor and take her own life.

10-06-15, 16:52
I have a buddy who married an English girl who is proud to say that she'd rather let someone steal her child than use a gun to stop the abductor.

Of course, if that actually ever happened, she would probably change her mind in an instant.

26 Inf
10-06-15, 19:28
Eh, that British pheasant just wishes he lived in a fly over state.

Why? A pheasant flies over here and he lands pretty quickly, its what we do. Pheasants are actually a Chinese bird, regardless of what the Brits say.

Deduct 10 tiddlie wink spirit points from my score for being deliberately obtuse at pheasant versus peasant :)

ETA: Scrolled through and saw Styr's picture of a Ringneck. Novemebr 14th - if it flies it dies (cocks and quail).

10-06-15, 19:41
Steyr, I'm not so sure. This chick is certifiably bat shit insane.

Really depends on your definition of "dumb". Are you referring to actual intelligence or general understanding? There are a lot of factors to consider before you can make a statement lime that.

Or are you just making an emotional statement because you have been spending too much time with those loose libtard girl you like?......:jester:

And yes there are stupid people all over the place....I would say more in the large metropolitan areas than in Middle America based on their understanding of how the world works.

Certainly possible. You guys know what the deal is. Those lipstick feminists just want a man to put them in their place. I thought it was a bunch of BS that neanderthal troglodytes said, but I'll be damned if it isn't the truth. Why anyone bothers with "normal" chicks confuses me. That said, they do expose you to different POVs and while I'm not no liberal hippy I certainly see that the only people screaming louder than BLM about racism that exists are white people who say it doesn't.

Just to make a point about the ladies, I can put this phone down right now and get a mouth hug if I tell the chick on my couch to give me one. Been with plenty of gun carrying pro-Israel, pro-life, Marco Rubio volunteering chicks in my day...ain't a single one of them had it going on like that.

Still, my point wasn't that there are more or less stupid people in a given AO, but that it's quite foolish to assume that a "dumb redneck" is smarter than a "dumb hoodlum". Can't we just agree that there are equally dumb people of all colors and lifestyles?

Guess it's time to put the phone down... :)

Big A
10-06-15, 20:01
Steyr, I'm not so sure. This chick is certifiably bat shit insane.

Certainly possible. You guys know what the deal is. Those lipstick feminists just want a man to put them in their place. I thought it was a bunch of BS that neanderthal troglodytes said, but I'll be damned if it isn't the truth. Why anyone bothers with "normal" chicks confuses me. That said, they do expose you to different POVs and while I'm not no liberal hippy I certainly see that the only people screaming louder than BLM about racism that exists are white people who say it doesn't.

Just to make a point about the ladies, I can put this phone down right now and get a mouth hug if I tell the chick on my couch to give me one. Been with plenty of gun carrying pro-Israel, pro-life, Marco Rubio volunteering chicks in my day...ain't a single one of them had it going on like that.

Still, my point wasn't that there are more or less stupid people in a given AO, but that it's quite foolish to assume that a "dumb redneck" is smarter than a "dumb hoodlum". Can't we just agree that there are equally dumb people of all colors and lifestyles?

Guess it's time to put the phone down... :)
Pics or GTFO! [emoji14]

10-06-15, 22:56
Now, now. Be fair. We're, "certifiably insane...neanderthals."


Every one of the people on that panel would be dead within a week without electricity and running water. We're not watching Churchill's Britain here. :rolleyes:

10-07-15, 00:09
Every one of the people on that panel would be dead within a week without electricity and running water.

That is some truth right there.

We're not watching Churchill's Britain here. :rolleyes:

And even then it was us brutish Yanks who saved their tea drinking asses.

10-07-15, 00:23
Lol. British telling Americans what to do cause we're inferior.

Seriously. Didn't we just throw their ****ing tea in a harbor?

Talk about insane, they don't even trust people with pointed kitchen knives.




Clearly the English are so violent they can't be trusted with cutlery. If "they" were allowed to own guns, they'd probably mass murder themselves off the planet. Like most insane and violent people, they expect and believe everyone else has the same problems they do.

10-07-15, 00:23
Steyr, I'm not so sure. This chick is certifiably bat shit insane.

Certainly possible. You guys know what the deal is. Those lipstick feminists just want a man to put them in their place. I thought it was a bunch of BS that neanderthal troglodytes said, but I'll be damned if it isn't the truth. Why anyone bothers with "normal" chicks confuses me. That said, they do expose you to different POVs and while I'm not no liberal hippy I certainly see that the only people screaming louder than BLM about racism that exists are white people who say it doesn't.

Just to make a point about the ladies, I can put this phone down right now and get a mouth hug if I tell the chick on my couch to give me one. Been with plenty of gun carrying pro-Israel, pro-life, Marco Rubio volunteering chicks in my day...ain't a single one of them had it going on like that.

Still, my point wasn't that there are more or less stupid people in a given AO, but that it's quite foolish to assume that a "dumb redneck" is smarter than a "dumb hoodlum". Can't we just agree that there are equally dumb people of all colors and lifestyles?

Guess it's time to put the phone down... :)

You're meeting the wrong kind of gun toting chicks then. Must be a FL thing.

10-07-15, 00:29

Yeah those silly Brits and their "Save a life Bin that knife" bovine feces.

Too bad they didn't ban meat cleavers too, had they maybe that pious African Muslim fugee wouldn't have hacked that soldier to death outside his barracks.

10-07-15, 00:44
Steyr, I'm not so sure. This chick is certifiably bat shit insane.

Did you confuse me with BoringGuy45 again. I know I'm boring and we have similar avatars.

10-07-15, 00:48
ETA: Scrolled through and saw Styr's picture of a Ringneck. Novemebr 14th - if it flies it dies (cocks and quail).

Seriously? Now I'm Big A?!? Is this some kind of new "rick roll" thing? Have I become like Taco Bell from Demolition Man where I have posted so much crap on the internet that now everyone is "Steyr"?

10-07-15, 06:43
Did you confuse me with BoringGuy45 again. I know I'm boring and we have similar avatars.

****. Sorry...

Outlander Systems
10-07-15, 07:07
Nah. They'll just accept Sharia law to avoid having their heads chopped off.

Katana FTMFW

10-07-15, 14:08
****. Sorry...

Probably the meds.


Outlander Systems
10-07-15, 14:11
Probably the meds.


Dude, seriously? I Rickrolled the **** out of you with a bogus quote...and...nothin'?

10-07-15, 14:12
Katana FTMFW

And so it begins...

10-07-15, 14:15
Dude, seriously? I Rickrolled the **** out of you with a bogus quote...and...nothin'?

I can only type so fast.

10-07-15, 14:26
Katana FTMFW

Do you have a Katana, steyr?

Outlander Systems
10-07-15, 14:27
I can only type so fast.

; )

Gotta have some fun once in a while.

Big A
10-07-15, 14:30
Do you have a Katana, steyr?
Is a pigs ass pork...

10-07-15, 14:33
You are not Japanese! You are not a Tanaka!

Outlander Systems
10-07-15, 14:36
Gaijin Goblin.

You are not Japanese! You are not a Tanaka!

10-07-15, 15:54
Do you have a Katana, steyr?


10-07-15, 16:27
If you had a Seppuku dagger that would be hardcore

Outlander Systems
10-07-15, 16:57
If you had a Seppuku dagger that would be hardcore

That just LOL'd the shit outta me.

26 Inf
10-07-15, 17:00
Seriously? Now I'm Big A?!? Is this some kind of new "rick roll" thing? Have I become like Taco Bell from Demolition Man where I have posted so much crap on the internet that now everyone is "Steyr"?

Sorry, I thought it was you and the 'puter would have deleted my post had I left the page to check.

I hope that I did not cause you undo distress, please don't contact one of those attorneys advertising on TV.

10-07-15, 19:03
Sorry, I thought it was you and the 'puter would have deleted my post had I left the page to check.

I hope that I did not cause you undo distress, please don't contact one of those attorneys advertising on TV.

It was a joke. I am not in distress.

10-07-15, 19:05
If you had a Seppuku dagger that would be hardcore

I have a few tanto and even some aikuchi.

26 Inf
10-07-15, 20:50
It was a joke. I am not in distress.

I got that - should have hit an emoticon.

10-07-15, 20:58
A Samurai....who favors HK gear...and chooses SteyrAUG as his moniker.

I know who you really are....

Buckaroo Banzai

Mauser KAR98K
10-07-15, 21:53
I'm disappointed, Steyr. No nodachi? Not even a dotanuki?

10-07-15, 22:40
I'm disappointed, Steyr. No nodachi? Not even a dotanuki?

Well that isn't all of them, but no I don't have a Nodachi yet. Every time funds are available I buy something more practical. My core kenjutsu systems are heavily "iai" based and Nodachi don't lend themselves to those techniques very well. Eventually I'll get one for the sake of having one.

10-08-15, 03:52
Every one of the people on that panel would be dead within a week without electricity and running water. We're not watching Churchill's Britain here. :rolleyes:

Well said.

I love how there's an Arab on there to scold America for guns.
Muslim Arabs in a few of the oil rich countries (Yemen being the most notable I believe) have lots of guns. As do their militaries and terrorists.

These assclowns look down at Americans' love of their "rights". That is actually a pejorative to them. Incredible. No wonder we booted them from this land. Have fun living under Sharia. You'll be begging for your own rights then.

10-08-15, 13:01
Why pay them the slightest attention?

I can't even spare the energy to fart in their general direction...

Outlander Systems
10-08-15, 13:55
Ole Steyr's been working on a different kind of Iaido...

Draw stroke @ 1:37


Well that isn't all of them, but no I don't have a Nodachi yet. Every time funds are available I buy something more practical. My core kenjutsu systems are heavily "iai" based and Nodachi don't lend themselves to those techniques very well. Eventually I'll get one for the sake of having one.

10-08-15, 14:02
Ole Steyr's been working on a different kind of Iaido...

Draw stroke @ 1:37


Munden is a Kami.