View Full Version : CNN OP-ED calls for ban of firearms, including ALL handguns

10-06-15, 14:20
It's on now. With Obama in office for another 471 days, 9 hours, and some minutes, the Progressives are pulling no punches attacking our God-given RKBA, calling for bans of entire classes of firearms. On CNN right now:

Donald Trump's guns madness

And how often do we have to listen to crazy people (including members of the Supreme Court) telling us that the Second Amendment grants every American citizen the right to carry a weapon?

The only people who should be carrying military-style weapons are soldiers and police officers.

Handguns and assault rifles would be banned, period.

So let's get rid of guns in this country, once and for all, making it a felony to possess a handgun or assault rifle. Over a period of years, illegal guns will gradually disappear. Guns don't kill people, as they say. People who acquire guns -- legally or illegally -- do. And we should make it extremely difficult for them to get their hands on these weapons.


Doc Safari
10-06-15, 14:26
Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don't.

'Nuff Said.

10-06-15, 14:27
Oh blah blah blah blah blah…

These people are going to be sorry if they keep poking a stick at a lion. An armed lion…

It seems to me that this is eventually going to come down to a fight. Who is going to win? The guys who abhor weapons and self-defense, or the guys who are practitioners of weapons and self-defense? Hmm…

I hope that common sense will win out and such a day never comes.

10-06-15, 14:29
It's some libtard's opinion on gun control. Not worth my time to get cranked up about it.

10-06-15, 14:31
Gee, I didn't know gun ownership was about safety. I thought it was about freedom. Thanks for informing me, Mr. Parini. I will now sacrifice my freedom so you can feel better about yourself. :rolleyes:

10-06-15, 14:33
If we banned homosexuality, we could stop HIV from spreading
If we banned homelessness, we could stop vagrancy
If we banned communication, no feelings would get hurt
If we banned cars, no more car accidents
If we banned alcohol, nobody would get a DUI
If we banned war, we'd have world peace

IF is the middle word in life. So who would take any of these guns? Go door to door and take guns from armed men.

Not the author so....maybe, just maybe, he should sit his narrow behind down and do columns about fuzzy kittens instead of things he can not and would not change

10-06-15, 14:34
I wished we would ban CNN and execute all their staff (past and present) for sedition.

10-06-15, 14:34
Oh blah blah blah blah blah…

These people are going to be sorry if they keep poking a stick at a lion. An armed lion…

It seems to me that this is eventually going to come down to a fight. Who is going to win? The guys who abhor weapons and self-defense, or the guys who are practitioners of weapons and self-defense? Hmm…

I hope that common sense will win out and such a day never comes.
What worries me the most is that if it came down to a fight, how many would actually stand up when it was time to put foot to ass? This isn't directed at anyone here, but a sincere question.

It saddens me to see people take this lightly while the left and even some of the RINO's are so aggressive about gun control.

What will it take??

10-06-15, 14:41
What worries me the most is that if it came down to a fight, how many would actually stand up when it was time to put foot to ass? This isn't directed at anyone here, but a sincere question.

It saddens me to see people take this lightly while the left and even some of the RINO's are so aggressive about gun control.

What will it take??

Photo credit: WTNH

Outlander Systems
10-06-15, 14:44

10-06-15, 14:45
Photo credit: WTNH
Maybe I'm missing something here, can you explain that to me?

10-06-15, 14:48
Maybe I'm missing something here, can you explain that to me?

Dudes lining up to comply in CT

Outlander Systems
10-06-15, 14:50
Dudes lining up to comply in CT

Here's my compliance selfie:


10-06-15, 14:52
Here's my compliance selfie:

Weird, I snapped one too.


10-06-15, 14:59
How many more lives have to be runind by the libtard media.......when will we ban then?

10-06-15, 15:01
Dudes lining up to comply in CT

Comply with what? I do not pay much attention to those states up there.......

Outlander Systems
10-06-15, 15:04
That was the "Molon Labe" crowd lining up to register their rights.

Comply with what? I do not pay much attention to those states up there.......

10-06-15, 15:06
As I used up 3 minutes of my life I will never get back (by reading the article), I noted how illogical his arguments were. Then in the comments someone did a pretty good job of showing how illogical his keyboard diahrrea really is. Of course, the commenter was ridiculed, which shows the insanity loop of this stuff.

Even former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens wrote an op-ed about guns/2A, and while his legal intellect *may* be of historical note, his history of 2A is utterly...incredible.


My point: when the liberals offer arguments, they are so freaking off-base as to be in Wonderland, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to hold a logical, historically-astute argument.

10-06-15, 15:06
Comply with what? I do not pay much attention to those states up there.......

After Sandy Hook if you had an "assault rifle" you had to register it. If you didn't, it would be a felony. I think you even had to register/declare mags as well.

If you didn't register within the window, they were non registerable. You could turn them in on amnesty and I think if someone died, they take their stuff.

Mauser KAR98K
10-06-15, 15:26
The only people who should be carrying military-style weapons are soldiers and police officers

I saw a film where the government only had military weapons. It was called Schindler's List.

Mauser KAR98K
10-06-15, 15:28
That was the "Molon Labe" crowd lining up to register their rights.

Not so much. CT reported they had low registrations. Same with New York.

10-06-15, 15:47
Not so much. CT reported they had low registrations. Same with New York.

That's nice, but no registrations would've sent a message.

10-06-15, 15:51
That's nice, but no registrations would've sent a message.

That would be awesome, but there will always bee a few sheeple, even among citizen gun owners.

10-06-15, 15:58
That would be awesome, but there will always bee a few sheeple, even among citizen gun owners.

True. I can't fully fault them. A 40ish working man with a mortgage, wife, kids, and a life has a lot to lose from a hurt feelings felony.

It would literally destroy his life. Meanwhile, Tyrone knows that the jails are full, he'll get out, hos medicare and gibs fully intact, he'll get to get high on prison dope, catch up on his Tyler Perry stories, and be back out doing what he does and not even caring.

We have one part of the population that produces the most and therefore has the most to lose. Then we have another part that does nothing and loses nothing.

So it's easier to browbeat a working man into choosing between his family and home or his gun. Whereas Tyrone will have another heater within 48 hours of release.

10-06-15, 16:02
After Sandy Hook if you had an "assault rifle" you had to register it. If you didn't, it would be a felony. I think you even had to register/declare mags as well.

If you didn't register within the window, they were non registerable. You could turn them in on amnesty and I think if someone died, they take their stuff.

So let me get this straight........ All of those people have "assault rifles" and they are lining up to get their rights taken away? Does anyone else find that very difficult grasp? I am just sick even thinking about it.

10-06-15, 16:06
True. I can't fully fault them. A 40ish working man with a mortgage, wife, kids, and a life has a lot to lose from a hurt feelings felony.

It would literally destroy his life. Meanwhile, Tyrone knows that the jails are full, he'll get out, hos medicare and gibs fully intact, he'll get to get high on prison dope, catch up on his Tyler Perry stories, and be back out doing what he does and not even caring.

We have one part of the population that produces the most and therefore has the most to lose. Then we have another part that does nothing and loses nothing.

So it's easier to browbeat a working man into choosing between his family and home or his gun. Whereas Tyrone will have another heater within 48 hours of release.

I can completely blame them. They are just as bad as the assclowns making the law. They are willing to sell of their children's rights to not make any waves........again I am sick from this.

10-06-15, 16:06
When the CT styled laws go nation-wide....THEN we are in serious trouble.

If those standing in line in CT were THAT mad...they'd move. There are more jobs and cheaper costs of living in most states that do not register AR-15 rifles.

When this nonsense goes nation-wide....we will have nowhere else to move to.

10-06-15, 16:11
Meh. Even our local LE has already publicly stated they would not support such nationwide bans and would urge citizens to disregard them...

10-06-15, 16:14
Doc, I totally hear you.

I'm just saying they were pretty much extorted by elected fatasses who sit indoors and want to make a name for themselves because CNN was in their faces forever about it.

Me, personally, not much anybody can take from me at this point in life. So....if this were a Federal thing I'd have two naked Puerto Rican whores in each arm, sitting in a lazyboy next to my pile with my "F you" shades on and a Stogie done up as a postcard.

With Miami Vice cursive print saying "I'm keeping mine. Love and kisses"

10-06-15, 16:19
Funny thing in article was the guy painting his fantasy where logical debates take place in a classroom. I'm sure if a student disagreed he would be calm and logical.

Actually, he'd want to be violent. Thats why the left hates guns, because they can't be trusted with them, and they think no one can.

People can't refrain from sex so we need PP.
People can't handle criticism so eliminate it.
You can't win so no more competing.
People can't make money so welfare.
People can't handle money they make so SS.
The list goes on. **** you progressives.

10-06-15, 16:20
CT laws look like Alaska compared to NY. NY is the worst in the country.
I hear ya Doc, but as a new father, if I got caught and went to jail and it made no difference in changing our laws, what have I done to my family if I'm in jail, not around or lost my rights anyway.
It makes me absolutely furious as it does you but it's not an easy decision and if I decide to comply, don't lump me in with the libtards that made the law because that's a bullshit comparison.

10-06-15, 17:18
Same old play. "Give us most of what you have". To which someone that supposedly speaks for me will respond "No, but you can have this".

Gun control doesn't end with guns folks. Ever heard of "Save a life, surrender your knife"?.

10-06-15, 17:27
It simply shows how out of touch they are as polls show support for additional gun control is lower than ever. Yes, they may get a bump in support due to this latest gun free zone event, but it will not last as most people (mostly due to 'net) simply not falling for the gun bans = less crime BS. I think it's actually a good thing they are all doubling down on their anti 2A agenda. It will blow up (no pun intended) in their face. Now, if the GOP can present a candidate that does not scare off those on the fence or undecided, it's there's to win, just as the last election was there's to win or lose.

Outlander Systems
10-06-15, 17:27
The question I have for those who would turn in/register/etc...

..what happens after that?

What if Christian Churches are made illegal?

What if we get a non-closeted Muslim President and being gay is grounds for the death penalty?

What if getting an abortion gets you 15-years to life?

What if a blog, criticizing the government gets you a one-way ticket to an off-the-books, Homan Square facility?

Folks, we are, collectively armed to the ****ing teeth, and the government has mandated that we purchase a product, called Health Insurance, or-****ing-else.

Take away Liberty's teeth, and you will be praying to whatever God you believe in to either send rough-men to do violence on your behalf, or a ****ing air drop from the Russians of AK-47s.

10-06-15, 17:43
You want to see a tidal wave of crime in this country? Ban all firearms. The crop of scumbags we have in places like Chicago and Ferguson will be out of control. Home invasions, mugging, rape, you name it, they will all go insane bacause, who's going to stop them? The bad guys will travel in large packs and take what they want. Walking back to your car at the mall with a bunch of Christmas presents? Get jumped by 10 guys. 10 to 1 is long odds, even for one skilled in hand to hand. Bye bye stuff.

I wonder if this author is firm enough in their convictions as to be held financially and criminally responsible to those who become victims of crime in their little apogee of society?

10-06-15, 17:53
I'm afraid before all the crime happened, you would see something far worse and they understand that very well.

ETA: Let the author know your thoughts, I know I will. parini@middlebury.edu

Just keep it clean, to the point and don't resort to silly language or threats of any kind, please.

10-06-15, 17:57
I would LOOOOOOVE to drop these Cosmopolitan Metrosexual types and drop them off in a Christ forsaken project area and shout "G-G-G-G UNIT!" before peeling off.

Knew this one granola chick in college. She spent a year in Africa and came back with some very new and very strong opinions quite contrary to the ones she left with.

10-06-15, 17:59
It seems to me that this is eventually going to come down to a fight. Who is going to win? The guys who abhor weapons and self-defense, or the guys who are practitioners of weapons and self-defense? Hmm…

Don't fool yourself. Plenty of people who abhor guns have no problem paying other people to use guns in order to get their way. There is a reason they only want "police and soldiers" to have guns. Because that's the only way they'll be able to keep you from having one.

10-06-15, 18:01
I'm afraid before all the crime happened, you would see something far worse and they understand that very well.

ETA: Let the author know your thoughts, I know I will. parini@middlebury.edu


"Jesus succeeded [over other religions] because He 'synthesized' all of these great ideas..."

Guy is a tool.

10-06-15, 18:17

"Jesus succeeded [over other religions] because He 'synthesized' all of these great ideas..."

Guy is a tool.

Most certainly, but until he receives information to cleanse his ignorance, he will remain an ignorant tool. In addition, CNN is more than willing to use said tool as a tool in the fostering of their Communist agenda.

10-06-15, 18:17
Had a discussion with somebody today who is a gun grabber, yet they ended up semi-agreeing with me. I basically stated that the liberals are all for stomping one right(2a), but not another(privacy aka the mental health debate), and where does it stop? I said "better throw it all out or respect it all, you cant pick and choose what you follow and what you disregard". I then said "the 2a, IMO, is the linchpin of the whole document and without firearms the government is free to then systematically disassemble the rest of the Constitution and Bill of Rights because what do we have to fight back with? Spit and rocks? Name calling?"

The guy said "I hate to admit that you have a great point and I never thought about the 2a that way".

While I doubt I overall changed this guys mind on it, I think I made him think about things a little differently and WHY the Constitution has a few of the things in it that it does.

10-06-15, 18:18
Don't fool yourself. Plenty of people who abhor guns have no problem paying other people to use guns in order to get their way. There is a reason they only want "police and soldiers" to have guns. Because that's the only way they'll be able to keep you from having one.

I submit that LE and military successfully can't, and in many instances won't, go door-to-door to confiscate We The People's arms. There simply are too many firearms out there, and after a few ambushes, they'll pack it up and go home.

10-06-15, 18:24
It simply shows how out of touch they are as polls show support for additional gun control is lower than ever. Yes, they may get a bump in support due to this latest gun free zone event, but it will not last as most people (mostly due to 'net) simply not falling for the gun bans = less crime BS. I think it's actually a good thing they are all doubling down on their anti 2A agenda. It will blow up (no pun intended) in their face. Now, if the GOP can present a candidate that does not scare off those on the fence or undecided, it's there's to win, just as the last election was there's to win or lose.

Out of touch? The author is downright delusional.

10-06-15, 18:24
If I had Bill Gates money I would buy up all the property near him and move him some culture an shit in next door.

See if his tune changes.

10-06-15, 18:25
Had a discussion with somebody today who is a gun grabber, yet they ended up semi-agreeing with me. I basically stated that the liberals are all for stomping one right(2a), but not another(privacy aka the mental health debate), and where does it stop? I said "better throw it all out or respect it all, you cant pick and choose what you follow and what you disregard". I then said "the 2a, IMO, is the linchpin of the whole document and without firearms the government is free to then systematically disassemble the rest of the Constitution and Bill of Rights because what do we have to fight back with? Spit and rocks? Name calling?"

The guy said "I hate to admit that you have a great point and I never thought about the 2a that way".

While I doubt I overall changed this guys mind on it, I think I made him think about things a little differently and WHY the Constitution has a few of the things in it that it does.

That is "exactly" the approach to take with most of these people who just don't get it.

10-06-15, 19:02
They should just ban CNN's first amendment rights. They are clearly a threat to the country, the constitution and the citizenry.

10-06-15, 19:22
I can completely blame them. They are just as bad as the assclowns making the law. They are willing to sell of their children's rights to not make any waves........again I am sick from this.

Yep. I have nothing but disdain and contempt for someone who uses "but but my family" as an excuse. They're f*****g worthless as well as spineless. Great message to send to your kids. Knuckle under my children, 'cause the price ain't worth it. Maybe you can start your kids with small dog chains and incrementally increase them to heavy-duty ones as they get older so that those chains may rest upon them lightly (at least perception-wise).

10-06-15, 19:25
CT laws look like Alaska compared to NY. NY is the worst in the country.
I hear ya Doc, but as a new father, if I got caught and went to jail and it made no difference in changing our laws, what have I done to my family if I'm in jail, not around or lost my rights anyway.
It makes me absolutely furious as it does you but it's not an easy decision and if I decide to comply, don't lump me in with the libtards that made the law because that's a bullshit comparison.

No, it's not.


10-06-15, 19:28
The question I have for those who would turn in/register/etc...

..what happens after that?

What if Christian Churches are made illegal?

What if we get a non-closeted Muslim President and being gay is grounds for the death penalty?

What if getting an abortion gets you 15-years to life?

What if a blog, criticizing the government gets you a one-way ticket to an off-the-books, Homan Square facility?

Folks, we are, collectively armed to the ****ing teeth, and the government has mandated that we purchase a product, called Health Insurance, or-****ing-else.

Take away Liberty's teeth, and you will be praying to whatever God you believe in to either send rough-men to do violence on your behalf, or a ****ing air drop from the Russians of AK-47s.

They don't care, they'll respectfully acquiesce. It's all about their "family" but they fail to realize that guns is the most important step to removing any kind of resistance. What then (as another poster asked)?

There is a reason the Second Amendment is the one right after the First, which is the crux of the entire Constitution: FREEDOM to criticize and not be thrown into a gulag.

10-06-15, 19:31
Don't fool yourself. Plenty of people who abhor guns have no problem paying other people to use guns in order to get their way. There is a reason they only want "police and soldiers" to have guns. Because that's the only way they'll be able to keep you from having one.

What you presume to be their intent is correct. What the outcome in reality is might be a quite different story......:)

10-06-15, 20:35
Everyone wants to go full Gestapo and start raids on people's houses for guns, but they always seem to think that they get to wait in the warm staff car out front instead of being the first one in the stack. Here's your ballistic shield and a baton, have fun!

10-06-15, 20:51
Actually, he'd want to be violent. Thats why the left hates guns, because they can't be trusted with them, and they think no one can.


10-06-15, 21:08
Oh blah blah blah blah blah…

These people are going to be sorry if they keep poking a stick at a lion. An armed lion…

It seems to me that this is eventually going to come down to a fight. Who is going to win? The guys who abhor weapons and self-defense, or the guys who are practitioners of weapons and self-defense? Hmm…

I hope that common sense will win out and such a day never comes.

As others beat me to the punch have already said, they don't abhor weapons. They just abhor you and I, i.e. peasant, unwashed masses, scum, having weapons.
Them and their bodyguards? Weapons are just fine for them.

If we banned homosexuality, we could stop HIV from spreading
If we banned homelessness, we could stop vagrancy
If we banned communication, no feelings would get hurt
If we banned cars, no more car accidents
If we banned alcohol, nobody would get a DUI
If we banned war, we'd have world peace

Could not have said it better myself. Can I use this?

What worries me the most is that if it came down to a fight, how many would actually stand up when it was time to put foot to ass? This isn't directed at anyone here, but a sincere question.

It saddens me to see people take this lightly while the left and even some of the RINO's are so aggressive about gun control.

What will it take??

That is something I would like to know too.

Photo credit: WTNH

My stomach is turning.
The Founding Fathers would be disgusted.

I submit that LE and military successfully can't, and in many instances won't, go door-to-door to confiscate We The People's arms. There simply are too many firearms out there, and after a few ambushes, they'll pack it up and go home.

They wouldn't go door-to-door stupidly, while the owners were home. They'd wait and pounce when little Billy was home alone, use him as a hostage to get the owners to give up all their contraband goodies. Or they'd do it in the middle of the night, and shoot the dog while they're at it.
They aren't stupid - just evil.

Yep. I have nothing but disdain and contempt for someone who uses "but but my family" as an excuse. They're f*****g worthless as well as spineless. Great message to send to your kids. Knuckle under my children, 'cause the price ain't worth it. Maybe you can start your kids with small dog chains and incrementally increase them to heavy-duty ones as they get older so that those chains may rest upon them lightly (at least perception-wise).


10-06-15, 21:08
[QUOTE=ABNAK;2190498]No, it's not.

Leaving NY isn't feasible unless I leave my wife and my newborn. Every NYer that is crushed by the current laws can't just get up and leave. Many of us have shit that ties us here and Noone is more frustrated than us.
Saying we are equal to the tyrants here when we didn't ask for the law or vote for them is a bullshit comparison. Saying my friends and i who believe in the 2nd amendment as much as you (believe me) and fully understand why it is their and so powerful but being ****ed over by our laws and not able to leave here, is not the same as Cuomo etc. Don't compare me to him.

10-06-15, 21:11
They wouldn't go door-to-door stupidly, while the owners were home. They'd wait and pounce when little Billy was home alone, use him as a hostage to get the owners to give up all their contraband goodies. Or they'd do it in the middle of the night, and shoot the dog while they're at it.
They aren't stupid - just evil.

Hopefully you aren't referring to LEO and military as evil. With regard to anyone who would execute those tactics, I agree with you, but that isn't the military or LEO I am familiar with, nor one I would work for.

10-06-15, 21:42
Leaving NY isn't feasible unless I leave my wife and my newborn.

Bring your wife & newborn with you. I was born & raised in that cesspool, I did what I had to and left that state as an adult. I had "ties" there too, now the ties I had there have either left the state or are in the process of leaving the state.

10-06-15, 21:56
I went to school there and haven't been back since, not even for my 10 year reunion.

10-06-15, 22:05
Bring your wife & newborn with you. I was born & raised in that cesspool, I did what I had to and left that state as an adult. I had "ties" there too, now the ties I had there have either left the state or are in the process of leaving the state.

Just inherited a $700k piece of land from free. Right in the back of my wife's mom's house. My wife's father died suddenly 4 years ago and she is attached to here . I have no say. Permits and plans to build a house are done.

10-06-15, 22:07
The problem with packing up and leaving is that you concede the square on the chessboard to these morons. I can see the allure of leaving but I also stay stay and fight and take your state back from the political ass gaskets.

10-06-15, 22:29
The problem with packing up and leaving is that you concede the square on the chessboard to these morons. I can see the allure of leaving but I also stay stay and fight and take your state back from the political ass gaskets.

Another great point.

10-06-15, 22:38
Benito, you have right at it, my friend

10-06-15, 23:12
I submit that LE and military successfully can't, and in many instances won't, go door-to-door to confiscate We The People's arms. There simply are too many firearms out there, and after a few ambushes, they'll pack it up and go home.

They wouldn't go door-to-door stupidly, while the owners were home. They'd wait and pounce when little Billy was home alone, use him as a hostage to get the owners to give up all their contraband goodies. Or they'd do it in the middle of the night, and shoot the dog while they're at it.
They aren't stupid - just evil.

I know very few cops or soldiers who would do this. Very, VERY few. Yeah, there's a few who got into law enforcement or the military with the hope that someday they would be able to do something like this. There's also going to be a few of those who hate people anyway and don't care what they do so long as they get paid. But the vast majority of them realize that taking the rights of civilians means that they give up their rights as well. The vast majority want to take down real criminals and enemies rather than going after people who were never a problem before certain laws were passed. Plus, there's no way they would want to tear apart the country on behalf of the same people who have spent the last 8 years throwing them under the bus. They know that doing this means the end of our way of life.

10-06-15, 23:49
I submit that LE and military successfully can't, and in many instances won't, go door-to-door to confiscate We The People's arms. There simply are too many firearms out there, and after a few ambushes, they'll pack it up and go home.

BUT that doesn't mean that some won't give it the old college try . . .

Ruby Ridge
NOLA (Katrina)

10-07-15, 00:40
BUT that doesn't mean that some won't give it the old college try . . .

Ruby Ridge
NOLA (Katrina)

Or in congress...


10-07-15, 00:47
Just inherited a $700k piece of land from free. Right in the back of my wife's mom's house. My wife's father died suddenly 4 years ago and she is attached to here . I have no say. Permits and plans to build a house are done.

700K could buy you a mansion in a non-shit state, with attached range, golf course and helicopter pad. I saved my pathetic minimum wage income, packed my worthless pile of shit and moved out of the northeast 5 years ago due to the bullshit laws. My freedom is worth more to me than all the dollar signs in the world. I understand you have a wife and kid(s) but i saw the writing on the wall many years ago and decided that i was leaving and made 2 choices right then and there.

1. I was leaving ASAP.
2. I was not going to engage in any activity that would tie me down and prevent #1 from happening.

I do agree that we need people "behind the lines" to fight these asinine laws, but on the same token i don't have much sympathy for people who say they can't leave when their own life choices anchor themselves to a certain lifestyle/location.

Truly though, i wish you the best of luck.

10-07-15, 05:42
Leaving NY isn't feasible unless I leave my wife and my newborn. Every NYer that is crushed by the current laws can't just get up and leave. Many of us have shit that ties us here and Noone is more frustrated than us.
Saying we are equal to the tyrants here when we didn't ask for the law or vote for them is a bullshit comparison. Saying my friends and i who believe in the 2nd amendment as much as you (believe me) and fully understand why it is their and so powerful but being ****ed over by our laws and not able to leave here, is not the same as Cuomo etc. Don't compare me to him.

Perhaps a bit harsh on my behalf, but look at it this way: guns are a "hobby" to you then, as that's all they can be. When the discussion turns to non-compliance/relocating/resisting the tide any way you can then the "hobbyists" fall by the wayside.

10-07-15, 05:50
Just inherited a $700k piece of land from free. Right in the back of my wife's mom's house. My wife's father died suddenly 4 years ago and she is attached to here . I have no say. Permits and plans to build a house are done.

You're the man of the house but you have no say? I'd sell the house and relocate.

10-07-15, 05:51
700K could buy you a mansion in a non-shit state, with attached range, golf course and helicopter pad. I saved my pathetic minimum wage income, packed my worthless pile of shit and moved out of the northeast 5 years ago due to the bullshit laws. My freedom is worth more to me than all the dollar signs in the world. I understand you have a wife and kid(s) but i saw the writing on the wall many years ago and decided that i was leaving and made 2 choices right then and there.

1. I was leaving ASAP.
2. I was not going to engage in any activity that would tie me down and prevent #1 from happening.

I do agree that we need people "behind the lines" to fight these asinine laws, but on the same token i don't have much sympathy for people who say they can't leave when their own life choices anchor themselves to a certain lifestyle/location.

No kidding! $700k in some parts of Florida would buy you a damn ranch with a barn and a plantation style home.

10-07-15, 06:00
I have no say because the land was inherited on my wife's side of the family. She has a proud heritage. That was her father's land. She isn't going to leave it. So we decided to build on it. As years go by it'll be worth 3 or 4 times what we paid. We both have jobs we can't leave yet as well.
Someday we may leave and use that money elsewhere.
Abnak, I train, practice and take classes. I carry. I also have many friends who do as well. They are also stuck here for now. Some of them I'd definitely not call hobbyists. In a shooting situation I'd have them by my side as easily as I would anyone else I've shot with.
I want to leave this **** hole of a state so bad right and so do they. Sometimes you can't just load up a truck and go. I'll leave someday it just can't be right now.

10-07-15, 06:20
Perhaps a bit harsh on my behalf, but look at it this way: guns are a "hobby" to you then, as that's all they can be. When the discussion turns to non-compliance/relocating/resisting the tide any way you can then the "hobbyists" fall by the wayside.

Nothing harsh. You can say whatever you want man. Speak your mind. It just wasn't a comparison that actually worked. Them and I are not the same.
Deciding to register (I didnt) or obeying 10rd mags laws or whatever has nothing to do with whether you are trained to fight well, shoot well and/or have your head screwed on right when it's time to fight.

10-07-15, 06:29
I have no say because the land was inherited on my wife's side of the family. She has a proud heritage. That was her father's land. She isn't going to leave it. So we decided to build on it. As years go by it'll be worth 3 or 4 times what we paid. We both have jobs we can't leave yet as well.
Someday we may leave and use that money elsewhere.
Abnak, I train, practice and take classes. I carry. I also have many friends who do as well. They are also stuck here for now. Some of them I'd definitely not call hobbyists. In a shooting situation I'd have them by my side as easily as I would anyone else I've shot with.
I want to leave this **** hole of a state so bad right and so do they. Sometimes you can't just load up a truck and go. I'll leave someday it just can't be right now.

Letting your wife call the shots is never a good thing.

10-07-15, 06:42
Letting your wife call the shots is never a good thing.

Nope. It's why you date feminists.

10-07-15, 06:44
Quit digging holes in my corn patch....:laugh:

Here's my compliance selfie:


10-07-15, 07:05
Nothing harsh. You can say whatever you want man. Speak your mind. It just wasn't a comparison that actually worked. Them and I are not the same.
Deciding to register (I didnt) or obeying 10rd mags laws or whatever has nothing to do with whether you are trained to fight well, shoot well and/or have your head screwed on right when it's time to fight.

You mean to say you did register....

Outlander Systems
10-07-15, 07:09
You mean to say you did register...

Yeah dude, that was definitely a typo. For real.

Like, go back and fix that.

10-07-15, 08:16
Nothing harsh. You can say whatever you want man. Speak your mind. It just wasn't a comparison that actually worked. Them and I are not the same.
Deciding to register (I didnt) or obeying 10rd mags laws or whatever has nothing to do with whether you are trained to fight well, shoot well and/or have your head screwed on right when it's time to fight.

I wasn't comparing you or your views to Cuomo and his asshat crowd. You probably hold views like the rest of us. I'm sure you'd defend your family, but what we're talking about here isn't defense of family, hunting, etc. This thread concerns a call to ban firearms, not just an inconvenience. It is a gauntlet thrown down by the enemy (yes, they're the enemy) to infringe on our most basic of rights......bearing arms. Living where you live makes it damn near impossible to actively participate in any meaningful kind of "pushback" should the proverbial push come to shove. There are states where even if a federal ban were to be in place that it would likely not be enforced at a local level, let alone enacted at the local level like your state's encroachments were. You can't say that about NY.

Outlander Systems
10-07-15, 08:28
My advice to newyork is AS FOLLOWS:


10-07-15, 08:46
Maybe if we ban Toyota trucks, ISIS will cease to exist...

U.S. counter-terror officials have asked Toyota, the world’s second largest auto maker, to help them determine how ISIS has managed to acquire the large number of Toyota pick-up trucks and SUVs seen prominently in the terror group’s propaganda videos in Iraq, Syria and Libya, ABC News has learned.


ETA: ISIS has good taste in trucks.

10-07-15, 08:49
Well said ABNAK. Thank you.

10-07-15, 09:04
Can my state just go ahead and secede already from the rest of libtard progressive states? I know the surrounding states could forge one hell of a successful Confederate union.

The system is just too damn big to reasonably manage and represent the true interests of its citizens at the family/community level.

10-07-15, 11:34
The system is just too damn big to reasonably manage and represent the true interests of its citizens at the family/community level.

States rights and a smaller federal government is the answer to this. I think the states rights thing is doing semi ok, although the fed's keep sticking their nose in a few area's that they shouldnt be or have failed to carry out their duty(immigration and lack of a border). They also are shying away from things that they should be going after states for like marijuana, not that I agree with the overall drug laws of the USA, but as of right now, they are the law.

IMO the federal government SHOULDNT EVER be interested in any aspect of the citizens interests outside of those things laid out in the Constitution and we have gone so far away from that and stomped all over it. Most federal agencies are un-constitutional IMO. I would ask every federal agency to point out where in the Constitution they got their powers from? If they couldnt, they would be closed. And funny enough, the IRS, maybe not in its present form, is actually IMO a constitutional department of the federal government because the fed's have the power to tax(now what that tax money is currently used for is mostly bull shit IMO).

There are IMO, things the fed's should be involved in because of such things as interstate commerce, however they have been REALLY stretching "interstate commerce" in the past few years. I am ok with the DOT/highway department/NTSB/FAA, etc... type departments because they help set national standards for roads, bridges, airports, etc... in order to ensure you dont drive into a state and all the sudden are traveling 70mph on dirt roads. Or every airport you land at doesnt have their own set of standards for lights, radio systems, etc...

10-07-15, 17:38
ETA: ISIS has good taste in trucks.

And deep pockets from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

10-07-15, 22:49
I have no say because the land was inherited on my wife's side of the family. She has a proud heritage. That was her father's land. She isn't going to leave it. So we decided to build on it. As years go by it'll be worth 3 or 4 times what we paid. We both have jobs we can't leave yet as well.
Someday we may leave and use that money elsewhere.
Abnak, I train, practice and take classes. I carry. I also have many friends who do as well. They are also stuck here for now. Some of them I'd definitely not call hobbyists. In a shooting situation I'd have them by my side as easily as I would anyone else I've shot with.
I want to leave this **** hole of a state so bad right and so do they. Sometimes you can't just load up a truck and go. I'll leave someday it just can't be right now.

You have a say in everything you do my friend. Your wife has a proud heritage and that is great, I hope you have one as well.

If you are sincere in your beliefs I hope that you are not staying in that state just because it's going to be worth more in the future. Inflation says every property will be worth more "as years go by".

FYI, if you want to leave as bad as you say(calling it a shithole) and your wife refuses to move now because it's her land and she has a proud heritage, please don't fool yourself into thinking you will ever move. It can't be right now, later, or ever.

10-07-15, 22:53
Just inherited a $700k piece of land from free. Right in the back of my wife's mom's house. My wife's father died suddenly 4 years ago and she is attached to here . I have no say. Permits and plans to build a house are done.

Again, of course you have a say. Do you have any idea what 700k would buy you in Texas? FFS man, that is a real chunk of land and a brand new bad ass custom house(and more than likely you wouldn't even need a permit).

10-07-15, 23:20
Again, of course you have a say. Do you have any idea what 700k would buy you in Texas? FFS man, that is a real chunk of land and a brand new bad ass custom house(and more than likely you wouldn't even need a permit).

Can't speak for newyork, but in my family the family land is family land. It's not willed to be sold, nor should it be. The location of his wifes family land kind of sucks from a freedom standpoint but it is what it is.

10-08-15, 04:06
Hopefully you aren't referring to LEO and military as evil. With regard to anyone who would execute those tactics, I agree with you, but that isn't the military or LEO I am familiar with, nor one I would work for.

Not the vast majority of them. Most LEO and military are good people. However, this does not apply to the brass/political appointments.
Also, even at the frontline level, there are always statist bootlickers, guys who just follow orders. If there aren't a lot right now, they can always recruit more over time.
As the decent cops are forced out over time by zealous enforcement of SJW initiatives, appeasement of FSA/criminals, etc. the void will be filled by guys looking for a paycheque, and even worse, people looking to advance social justice causes via a badge.

I know very few cops or soldiers who would do this. Very, VERY few. Yeah, there's a few who got into law enforcement or the military with the hope that someday they would be able to do something like this. There's also going to be a few of those who hate people anyway and don't care what they do so long as they get paid. But the vast majority of them realize that taking the rights of civilians means that they give up their rights as well. The vast majority want to take down real criminals and enemies rather than going after people who were never a problem before certain laws were passed. Plus, there's no way they would want to tear apart the country on behalf of the same people who have spent the last 8 years throwing them under the bus. They know that doing this means the end of our way of life.

I agree for the most part. The American military and LE are changing, and for the worse. There's no shortage of politically appointed LE honchos who are anti-gun wannabe tyrants. The military is too busy doing outreach (and not the kinetic kind) to actually ice Islamists.
I could go on, but I am saying that the LE and military we know is not set in stone.

10-08-15, 07:13
Again, of course you have a say. Do you have any idea what 700k would buy you in Texas? FFS man, that is a real chunk of land and a brand new bad ass custom house(and more than likely you wouldn't even need a permit).

Not only that, Anything in NY not in the 5 boroughs, Long Island, Rockland or Westchester county it likely won't be increasing in value at all. In fact, the property may be assessed at 700k for tax purposes but outside of the places I listed, I doubt he'd be able to sell it for that. Upstate is dying & the real estate supply is like almost 24 months in most places, too many people wanting out and virtually nobody wanting in, big time lack of demand for existing supply.

10-08-15, 07:28
I'm on Long Island. Way east. In the hamptons. Vomit I know. An acre with no house on it was over a million bucks this summer. Citiots will pay. Even in bad times, 2 things always thrive out here...real estate and restaurants. Oh...plenty of asshole out here too, all year round.

10-08-15, 07:42
I agree for the most part. The American military and LE are changing, and for the worse. There's no shortage of politically appointed LE honchos who are anti-gun wannabe tyrants. The military is too busy doing outreach (and not the kinetic kind) to actually ice Islamists.
I could go on, but I am saying that the LE and military we know is not set in stone.

10,000 estimated KIA from the air campaign against ISIS so far and counting. It's amazing how much I run into this "military is like the red cross" sentiment, because the air campaign against ISIS simply isn't being reported on the news. Part of that is because there is nobody on the ground to do the reporting, and part of it probably political (the latter part I strongly disagree with.)

10-08-15, 10:10
10,000 estimated KIA from the air campaign against ISIS so far and counting. It's amazing how much I run into this "military is like the red cross" sentiment, because the air campaign against ISIS simply isn't being reported on the news. Part of that is because there is nobody on the ground to do the reporting, and part of it probably political (the latter part I strongly disagree with.)

The US military, and Western militaries in general, are very damn good in terms of avoiding civilians. In fact, if you are going to be bombed by anyone, you would be best of with a Western military bombing you. Just sayin'.

100s of thousands, if not millions of civilians were killed during the bombing of Germany and Japan. That doesn't mean those weren't justified.