View Full Version : The younger generation (and America) is a lost cause

10-07-15, 09:09
This video jerks me the wrong way. WTF is wrong with the younger generation? There is a complete disregard and disrespect for others, especially the elders. Rewind 50 years, and IF some douche bag acted this way, his peers would square him away post-haste. Also, in the time it took LE to arrive at the scene, all kinds of mayhem could have occurred.


10-07-15, 09:25
I never even thought of some crap like that at 19, and that was only 30yrs ago.
As a parent, I can tell you that today's pc society has made discipline of children a nightmare. They grow up with little to no consequences for their actions. They get to do what they want, and laugh at teachers and parents alike because the hands of both are tied.

And the result is what you see here.

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10-07-15, 09:29
Just a reminder: 50 years ago, kids that age would be burning their draft cards in public and spitting on soldiers in uniform.

10-07-15, 09:54
Yeah that kid deserved a round house kick to the back of the face.
I'm 28 and I will not allow someone to group me into this "millennials" category. These kids are nothing but spoiled brats who got whatever the hell they wanted as kids because of soft parents who wouldn't discipline them when they mouthed off. If i did that as a kid, I'd have been met with a 2x4 to the backside.

10-07-15, 10:11
Because drunk 50 year olds never ever act like this.
Denali ain't just a river in Egypt.

10-07-15, 10:12
Hell...even when I was that age, back in the mid 80s, his peers would have hauled him off.

Something has happened to our younger people - they have little to no manners or patience at all. (if you are under the age of 30)

Partly this can be blamed on the withering of the nuclear family. Part of it can also be attributed to our "anything goes" society and it's non-judgmental nature these days.


10-07-15, 10:23
Because drunk 50 year olds never ever act like this.
Denali ain't just a river in Egypt.


While we're pretending that old people are the bastion of greatness, lets look over at the Social Security system, the current erosion of freedom, expansion of government and the economic situation THAT generation is responsible for. One of the fastest ways out of office is to mess with the entitlements of the older generation. The sub-30 generation's influence is infinitesimal by comparison.

10-07-15, 10:30
Because drunk 50 year olds never ever act like this.
Denali ain't just a river in Egypt.

Of course not... it's a newly renamed by Obama mountain in Alaska!


10-07-15, 10:36
Just a reminder: 50 years ago, kids that age would be burning their draft cards in public and spitting on soldiers in uniform.

Because drunk 50 year olds never ever act like this.
Denali ain't just a river in Egypt.


While we're pretending that old people are the bastion of greatness, lets look over at the Social Security system, the current erosion of freedom, expansion of government and the economic situation THAT generation is responsible for. One of the fastest ways out of office is to mess with the entitlements of the older generation. The sub-30 generation's influence is infinitesimal by comparison.

The disease of liberalism is ensuring a greater majority of the sub-30 generation grows up even more f***** up.

10-07-15, 10:46
Idiots everywhere. Too many brainwashed college kids in commiefornia..

10-07-15, 10:46
This is par for the course for angry drunks of all ages pretty much since the invention of alcohol. No liberal, conservative, young, old, or self-entitlement other than belligerent intoxicated behavior. Nothing to see here.

Idiots everywhere. Too many brainwashed college kids in commiefornia..

Connecticut in this case. This was at UConn. As liberal as California, but with colder, meaner people.

10-07-15, 10:50
Full nelson from behind. Great move.

10-07-15, 11:10
This is par for the course for angry drunks of all ages pretty much since the invention of alcohol. No liberal, conservative, young, old, or self-entitlement other than belligerent intoxicated behavior. Nothing to see here.

Connecticut in this case. This was at UConn. As liberal as California, but with colder, meaner people.


Full nelson from behind. Great move.

And this. That was classic. Then they pin his head to the floor just for good measure. :D

He got dealt with. Maybe not the way of years past with a punch in teeth but times are different.

I wouldn't doubt if incidents like this haven't been spiraling since the growth of Suburbia. There are so many spoiled kids and spoiled, temperamental adults as well. The elite and privileged that have never had to work a real job or behave themselves. Consequences have been eroding for decades.

Now there are just more cameras around so people are afraid to act. I applaud the manager of the cafeteria for keeping his hands off the little s**t stain. I can't say I would have had as much self control. If he had smacked the little punk, which he entirely had the right to do after the first time he was shoved, he would be made out to be the bad guy and the boy's parents would be on every news network and suing the school.

10-07-15, 11:11
Everyone whining about kids these days should lay with a husky maiden, bear a score of kinder and rear proud laconic warriors, if it bothers you so.

10-07-15, 11:14
LOL. So 1 drunk idiot is enough to call a generation a lost cause. Can you say BLM much? There are far better examples of stupidity in the younger generation than the ravings of a drunk kid.

EVERY generation thought the next one were a bunch of idiots. From hippies to bell bottoms to rock and roll. It's as hard a universal constant as taxes and death.

Raise your own kids to be better people and move on.

10-07-15, 11:30
Coming from working management in the food and beverage side of a high end hotel people like this are at all ages. The alcohol just exacerbates the entitlement they have.

10-07-15, 11:38

Denali ain't just a river in Egypt.



I tend to agree?

Seriously, how many ghetto superstars in the Ferguson riots could point out Munich if you gave them a globe, 20 minutes, and $50 incentive?

Made me "LOL"!

(And I don't "LOL" very often)

10-07-15, 11:42
This is par for the course for angry drunks of all ages pretty much since the invention of alcohol. No liberal, conservative, young, old, or self-entitlement other than belligerent intoxicated behavior. Nothing to see here.

Connecticut in this case. This was at UConn. As liberal as California, but with colder, meaner people.

I didn't even bother to watch it. Title says it all. All the Saturday night drunkies hang out at IHOP here lol...

10-07-15, 11:49
You old guys.....

Drunk and disorderly knows no age limits.

Apparently non of you guys have ever been to college, or even drank our partied.

They should have just fed the silly bastard. Not saying the kid was right, but instead of making a scene, the manager should have said to his buddies, "can you get him out of here, please. Here's the Mac and cheese to go. Have fun cleaning it up later."

Getting confrontational with drunk people is about the dumbest idea ever.

10-07-15, 12:15
Really, the bald guy (manager?) should have grabbed that punk by the ear and ran him out the door, giving him a swift kick in the ass after they got outside and told him to leave. Then, walked back in and said to the others, "anyone else want to try that shit?"

...that would have ended that in a hurry.

The other youngsters would have gotten the message. Most of these young punks are just all mouth - when you respond with physical efforts...most will crumble.

Also...you don't reason with a drunk person...please!

10-07-15, 12:23
The disease of liberalism is ensuring a greater majority of the sub-30 generation grows up even more f***** up.

What the **** is wrong with old guys these days? They are a lost cause.


10-07-15, 12:24
Oh and this...


And this old guy too...


10-07-15, 12:33
Yeah, old people these days....

Blasting their Nirvana, getting on the blue pill spreading old people clap, always calling me "Hey, dude".

Old people......::nono::

10-07-15, 13:04
What's the defining line between being classified as young or old? I'm trying to figure out if I'm at the age where I'm neither a snotty little kid nor a grumpy old man.

Shit, maybe I'm both... :(

10-07-15, 13:41
I won't say 50 years ago... but there sure as Hell were dicks like this kid around 30 years ago.

10-07-15, 13:43
Aside from this video and the drinking, you have to admit the younger generation as a whole is on a downward trend. How many teens / young adults do you see on a daily basis with their faces buried in their smart phone instead of conversing with the people they're with? Bunch of technology zombies. But that's a different topic all together...

10-07-15, 13:44
Well, I would look at the tree producing the rotten fruit.

Who is raising these people?

They have their faces in phones, their parents burned out on acid. It's been downward spiral since wwii vets were in their hayday.

On the upside, it makes it easy for some of us to thrive, as even an average person stands out, now.

10-07-15, 13:47
If I had a Delorean and bumped into my 19 year old self, one way or another I'd probably come out with a whuppin'.

Not a "whipping" but a good ol' country whuppin'. I was ornery then and have gotten ornery AND pissy in my aging.

10-07-15, 13:49
Aside from this video and the drinking, you have to admit the younger generation as a whole is on a downward trend. How many teens / young adults do you see on a daily basis with their faces buried in their smart phone instead of conversing with the people they're with? Bunch of technology zombies. But that's a different topic all together... That's the problem. Everything is videoed these days. It gives us the impression that things are way worse then they were "back in the day". Back in 1986 when my buddy knocked out a dude at McDonalds for harassing his mom, it wasn't recorded and spread to millions of people.

10-07-15, 14:00
That's the problem. Everything is videoed these days. It gives us the impression that things are way worse then they were "back in the day". Back in 1986 when my buddy knocked out a dude at McDonalds for harassing his mom, it wasn't recorded and spread to millions of people.

And thanks to world star hip hop and the knock out game, these wandering groups of "bored kids" don't even need a reason to knock out unsuspecting people who are minding their own business other than "how many shares / likes can we get if we knock this cracka out." Not going to lie, anytime I see a group of "urban youths" in my area that are snickering and quietly talking among themselves I immediately go condition orange and look for the nearest exit. We've had two incidents this past month where individuals were knocked out and hospitalized just for fun... I don't need to be in that kind of situation.

10-07-15, 14:06
Loved the part where just after calling the guy a "****ing idiot" he tries to go with "please just let me get some."

10-07-15, 14:14
"They should have just fed the silly bastard. Not saying the kid was right, but instead of making a scene, the manager should have said to his buddies, "can you get him out of here, please. Here's the Mac and cheese to go. Have fun cleaning it up later."

So, give in to drunken bully behavior by rewarding it?

So, acting with obnoxious, bullying, drunken behavior should have no negative consequences?


Put him jail, right now, no waiting.

The manager and other restaurant employees showed massive patience and restraint, but the drunk just had to escalate his stupidity by shoving the mgr. and got far less than he deserved.

The drunk got much, much, much less than he deserved...

10-07-15, 16:50
Aw come on the kid just needs...... his jaw broke...in a few places......more than once. I'm sure daddy and mommy are paying for the full ride he is getting and he is probably in a frat. That just my judgement from having graduated from a four year within the past decade. Too bad he is probably only going to campus lock up and not county. I blame this all on not letting kids get in fights at middle school and high school anymore. Smart ass punks aren't realizing they have to have the ass to back the mouth. And drink at the house not in public.

10-07-15, 16:58
Aw come on the kid just needs...... his jaw broke...in a few places......more than once. I'm sure daddy and mommy are paying for the full ride he is getting and he is probably in a frat. That just my judgement from having graduated from a four year within the past decade. Too bad he is probably only going to campus lock up and not county. I blame this all on not letting kids get in fights at middle school and high school anymore. Smart ass punks aren't realizing they have to have the ass to back the mouth. And drink at the house not in public.


Bubba FAL
10-07-15, 18:05
Aw come on the kid just needs...... his jaw broke...in a few places......more than once. I'm sure daddy and mommy are paying for the full ride he is getting and he is probably in a frat. That just my judgement from having graduated from a four year within the past decade. Too bad he is probably only going to campus lock up and not county. I blame this all on not letting kids get in fights at middle school and high school anymore. Smart ass punks aren't realizing they have to have the ass to back the mouth. And drink at the house not in public.

Agreed, a palm strike to the nose as soon as he laid his hands on the manager would have taken a lot of wind out of his sails. Really confuses drunks when blood starts gushing out of their nose.

10-07-15, 19:15
Aw come on the kid just needs...... his jaw broke...in a few places......more than once. I'm sure daddy and mommy are paying for the full ride he is getting and he is probably in a frat. That just my judgement from having graduated from a four year within the past decade. Too bad he is probably only going to campus lock up and not county. I blame this all on not letting kids get in fights at middle school and high school anymore. Smart ass punks aren't realizing they have to have the ass to back the mouth. And drink at the house not in public.

I blame it on parents not being allowed to be parents and discipline kids as needed. Talking works with some kids, some kids need their ass beat and a few...well nothing seems to work. But in the last several decades, if you do anything more than "time outs" and "productive discussions" the government can take your kids. And when kids raised that way become parents themselves, they have even fewer parenting skills. Plenty of kids turn into normal reasonable people without having to get into fights at school, quite honestly they shouldn't be encouraged, school is where you learn academics, you shouldn't have to put up with aggressive assholes.

But when you grow up getting everything you want and the worst that happens when you act out is a "time out", well this is the kind of emotionally adolescent adult that is the result.

10-07-15, 22:27
Kid is a shithead. Every generation has shitheads. It's just now we have video of our shitheads.

Hopefully he will grow wise enough to be ashamed of the stupid shit he did when he was younger, and pray his children never see the video (else he couldn't complain about 'kids these days')

10-08-15, 13:33
He may grow wise if he lives long enough.
Put a hand on some people, draw back a stump.

10-08-15, 14:11
So the white manager denied service to a white straight guy for being drunk and all of you agree with that? Thank all that is holy the douche bag was a white male, non-Muslim, and didn't try to order a gay wedding cake. Some here would be calling for the managers job or even his blood had he.

As for the video, yeah ****'en **** that cock holster. I was glad to see the older burly cook come up and full nelson his millenial ass. "You don't touch my boss!" That guy get's it. Beers on me friend.

This 19 year old "man" acts this way because he has never gotten his ass kicked. He has the audacity to make fun of a forty year old for working an honest job while he is running around in his ****'n pj's trying to get mac-n-cheese for his munchie fix while living off mom and dad's tit. He should have this cranium kicked in.

10-08-15, 19:39
Just a reminder: 50 years ago, kids that age would be burning their draft cards in public and spitting on soldiers in uniform.

Agreed. Nothing really changes except we get older and lose perspective.

10-08-15, 19:48
You know.....we focus on the negative.

What about our 22 year old cops who do a good job or our teenaged soldiers who do a good job?

People like that make it easier to handle

10-08-15, 22:16
I would very politely point out that it's those pesky Millennials who raised their right hands, and did the vast majority of fighting and dying in Afghanistan and Iraq for the past 14 years.

I have a new crew of minions in a new job. All of them are under 30, and all of them are superb. It is a true privilege to be their leader.

People is people. Some good, some bad. Age has very little to do with it.

I'll be stepping off my soapbox now to get some excellent Bourbon and an even better cigar.

10-08-15, 23:02
I would very politely point out that it's those pesky Millennials who raised their right hands, and did the vast majority of fighting and dying in Afghanistan and Iraq for the past 14 years.

I have a new crew of minions in a new job. All of them are under 30, and all of them are superb. It is a true privilege to be their leader.

People is people. Some good, some bad. Age has very little to do with it.

I'll be stepping off my soapbox now to get some excellent Bourbon and an even better cigar.

Thank you.

10-09-15, 00:38
I won't say 50 years ago... but there sure as Hell were dicks like this kid around 30 years ago.

There have always been horrible people. They may have hid it better with a polished public presentation, but there have always been really horrible people.

I don't think it's really this generation is worse than that generation, the only thing that has really changed is what has become acceptable in public. We currently tolerate really atrocious behavior so as a result we see it far more often.

10-09-15, 00:40
And thanks to world star hip hop and the knock out game, these wandering groups of "bored kids" don't even need a reason to knock out unsuspecting people who are minding their own business other than "how many shares / likes can we get if we knock this cracka out." Not going to lie, anytime I see a group of "urban youths" in my area that are snickering and quietly talking among themselves I immediately go condition orange and look for the nearest exit. We've had two incidents this past month where individuals were knocked out and hospitalized just for fun... I don't need to be in that kind of situation.

In the 90s it was called "Wilding" and in the 80s they were messing with everyone until they ran into Bernie Goetz.

10-09-15, 01:25
There have always been horrible people. They may have hid it better with a polished public presentation, but there have always been really horrible people.

I don't think it's really this generation is worse than that generation, the only thing that has really changed is what has become acceptable in public. We currently tolerate really atrocious behavior so as a result we see it far more often.

This and the fact that children are not spanked anymore, hoodlums are not thumped anymore, etc.

Beatings at regular intervals work wonders. My grandmother use to call ass whoopings "attitude adjustments" for a reason.

10-09-15, 02:39
Most problem kids are fruits anyways.

Go watch that movie Kids, if you dare. It was made in the height of total 90s nihilism. 1994 was literally like that in larger cities. Blight, disease, thrill violence, and it was grimy.

I call it the Hitler Effect. Ask most people who the most "evil" man ever was and they say Hitler. It is literally a punchline. A stock character. Yet, those who study know that what he did pales in comparison to a lot of atrocities committed in history. Just no video.

Everybody has a video recorder so catching people at stupid moments is a LOT easier. But young people today are more sensitive and nowhere near as callous as years back.

People harp on the 'Good ol' days', and yeah...every generation has its good moments. I loved that life was simpler, but I don't want to give up the stuff I have.

Just remember, RIGHT NOW, some kid born in 1997 is standing guard somewhere, some guy born in 1993 is patrolling a shit ghetto and making life and death decisions. Some more 1997 births are fighting fires. Guys born in 1992 are full paramedics. I'm willing to bet there are guys here who were in Vietnam. Hell of an age gap. But you were born in 1951. And dudes born in the 30s thought you were muppets.

We think because WE were young in whatever generation, WE were the best. Nope. We gotta pass the torch. There will always be some punk kid manning a post or building a house or fighting a war while an even punkier kid is doing something dumb.

Kids these days are more sheltered, but overall aren't as bad as they used to be.

Either raise good kids or mentor a younger person.

Outlander Systems
10-09-15, 07:42
We just hired a kid, with no experience in this field, former 11B.

Dude is showing up senior employees who've been doing this shit for decades.

****in' meat-eating champion.

Just sayin'.

10-09-15, 07:44
We just hired a kid, with no experience in this field, former 11B.

Dude is showing up senior employees who've been doing this shit for decades.

****in' meat-eating champion.

Just sayin'.

Ahhh get some!

Good to hear.

Outlander Systems
10-09-15, 07:47
Dude is straight tearing it up. Best hire we've made in the 2.5 years I've been here.

Ahhh get some!

Good to hear.

Big A
10-09-15, 07:56
I call it the Hitler Effect. Ask most people who the most "evil" man ever was and they say Hitler. It is literally a punchline. A stock character. Yet, those who study know that what he did pales in comparison to a lot of atrocities committed in history. Just no video.

I get you point, but to be fair there are still people alive today that saw what the Nazis and Japs did and plenty that learned about it directly form first hand sources.

You can't say that of the likes of Genghis Kahn or Nero, etc.

10-09-15, 10:21
I hate it when I find an interesting looking thread, click on it, and the video is unavailable...

10-09-15, 11:18
I get you point, but to be fair there are still people alive today that saw what the Nazis and Japs did and plenty that learned about it directly form first hand sources.

You can't say that of the likes of Genghis Kahn or Nero, etc.

Yeah but Hitler was an amateur compared to Mao Zadong and Joseph Stalin. But Nazis are everyone's favorite bad guys. I think it was the uniforms.

10-09-15, 12:57
Stalin, Mao, Hitler.

10-14-15, 04:43
Perhaps it's me, but I seem to see a great divide in every direction I care to look.

For example.

50 years ago most Americans attended Sunday services or Catholic Mass. Many that still do are the extremely religious type, and many if not most who now don't are openly hostile to the faith. The divide has perhaps never been stronger. In any case, it is growing.

When I was in high school most played one sport or another, but almost always only one, and there was pretty much no obesity. Now most kids who play sports play two if not three, while at the same time obesity among teenagers and even younger children has gone from almost non-existent to 30% or more. The divide between those kids that are in shape (and are perhaps in better physical condition than any kids their age probably in all of history), and those who are not in shape has never been greater.

20 years ago I knew a few people who had a tattoo. Now I don't know anyone, not a single person, who does not have at least 4. So again the great divide. Either a person has none or is plastering themselves with them.

The story came out last week that between 60-70% of Americans have less than $1000 in the bank. Has the divide between the average American and the top 1% of the top 1% ever been so extreme.

Has there ever been a time when so many Americans have had to work more than one job to make ends meet while at the same time so many Americans have decided to just sit at home and live off the hard working taxpayer?

At the exact same time functional illiteracy is going through the roof, more and more Americans are getting advanced degrees.

When has there been a time in our history when so many parents were actively daily involved in the lives of their children, while at the same time so many parents, especially fathers, have either nothing whatsoever or almost nothing ever to do with them, and never have so many outright abandoned them. How many of these mass shooting spree kids are the product of divorce and other forms of child abandonment? http://thefederalist.com/2015/07/14/guess-which-mass-murderers-came-from-a-fatherless-home/

And it seems to me that there has never been a time with so many pathetically shallow and self-obsessed narcissists, especially kids, http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2015/10/12/selfie-obsessed-millenials/ while at the same time also more like those SS mentioned in his post on page 5.

And bringing my theme to firearms. Has there ever been a time when so many Americans have had more than one firearm while at the same time there being so many Americans who believe that they should not have any?

I don't know what any of this means, but I know it is nothing good, and that these divisions are only increasing.

10-14-15, 09:03
Perhaps it's me, but I seem to see a great divide in every direction I care to look.

For example.

50 years ago most Americans attended Sunday services or Catholic Mass. Many that still do are the extremely religious type, and many if not most who now don't are openly hostile to the faith. The divide has perhaps never been stronger. In any case, it is growing.

When I was in high school most played one sport or another, but almost always only one, and there was pretty much no obesity. Now most kids who play sports play two if not three, while at the same time obesity among teenagers and even younger children has gone from almost non-existent to 30% or more. The divide between those kids that are in shape (and are perhaps in better physical condition than any kids their age probably in all of history), and those who are not in shape has never been greater.

20 years ago I knew a few people who had a tattoo. Now I don't know anyone, not a single person, who does not have at least 4. So again the great divide. Either a person has none or is plastering themselves with them.

The story came out last week that between 60-70% of Americans have less than $1000 in the bank. Has the divide between the average American and the top 1% of the top 1% ever been so extreme.

Has there ever been a time when so many Americans have had to work more than one job to make ends meet while at the same time so many Americans have decided to just sit at home and live off the hard working taxpayer?

At the exact same time functional illiteracy is going through the roof, more and more Americans are getting advanced degrees.

When has there been a time in our history when so many parents were actively daily involved in the lives of their children, while at the same time so many parents, especially fathers, have either nothing whatsoever or almost nothing ever to do with them, and never have so many outright abandoned them. How many of these mass shooting spree kids are the product of divorce and other forms of child abandonment? http://thefederalist.com/2015/07/14/guess-which-mass-murderers-came-from-a-fatherless-home/

And it seems to me that there has never been a time with so many pathetically shallow and self-obsessed narcissists, especially kids, http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2015/10/12/selfie-obsessed-millenials/ while at the same time also more like those SS mentioned in his post on page 5.

And bringing my theme to firearms. Has there ever been a time when so many Americans have had more than one firearm while at the same time there being so many Americans who believe that they should not have any?

I don't know what any of this means, but I know it is nothing good, and that these divisions are only increasing.

It is clear what this means. Our cultural rot will ensure there is an endless supply of young mass murderers at the door step, ready to take out their frustrations at society. The abandonment of the traditional family, and absence of moral Judaeo-Christian values, is ensuring that today's youth will be tomorrow's amoral young adults. The mass-shootings are the signs and symptoms of a disease.

10-14-15, 10:27
The erosion of the nuclear family and high divorce rate is also fueling this cultural rot.

When kids grow up in a home with both parents and more stability and positive role models...they don't go around hating others or shooting up schools.

10-14-15, 11:42
Ever notice how the "old guard" is the one you're not a part of?

10-14-15, 16:23
How many men no longer lead by example? My parents and grandparents instilled an excellent work ethic in me at the tip of a switch. I stay in excellent shape, great fiscal responsibility, love to read, watch little tv, etc. Maybe some here will understand what I mean when I say I was raised a Southern Gentleman. Laugh if you will, but I took/take this seriously.

How many of these issues we are seeing in younger generations is actually the fault of piss-poor fathering? Not an absent father, but fathers not doing the job. I see/hear many fathers complaining about kids when their own are little $h-ts. There are many reasons for the behavior of the younger generations, but in situations where the father is still in the picture, many times the blame falls to him.

The ability to make a baby does not make one a man.

10-14-15, 21:34
The erosion of the nuclear family and high divorce rate is also fueling this cultural rot.

When kids grow up in a home with both parents and more stability and positive role models...they don't go around hating others or shooting up schools.

It is clear what this means. Our cultural rot will ensure there is an endless supply of young mass murderers at the door step, ready to take out their frustrations at society. The abandonment of the traditional family, and absence of moral Judaeo-Christian values, is ensuring that today's youth will be tomorrow's amoral young adults. The mass-shootings are the signs and symptoms of a disease.


Both Columbine killers grew up with your "ideal" childhood. Eric's father was a USAF pilot (positive role model), and Dylan's family attended church regularly and had Jewish heritage (epitome of Judeo-Christian values). Neither set of parents were divorced.

Explanation? Did everyone else corrupt them?

You guys sound worse than the left. "Oh, it was their environment that made them that way. It wasn't their fault." The sooner you realize that some people are evil regardless of upbringing the sooner we can get to the root of the problem.

10-14-15, 21:56
Perhaps it's me, but I seem to see a great divide in every direction I care to look.

For example.

50 years ago most Americans attended Sunday services or Catholic Mass. Many that still do are the extremely religious type, and many if not most who now don't are openly hostile to the faith. The divide has perhaps never been stronger. In any case, it is growing.

When I was in high school most played one sport or another, but almost always only one, and there was pretty much no obesity. Now most kids who play sports play two if not three, while at the same time obesity among teenagers and even younger children has gone from almost non-existent to 30% or more. The divide between those kids that are in shape (and are perhaps in better physical condition than any kids their age probably in all of history), and those who are not in shape has never been greater.

20 years ago I knew a few people who had a tattoo. Now I don't know anyone, not a single person, who does not have at least 4. So again the great divide. Either a person has none or is plastering themselves with them.

The story came out last week that between 60-70% of Americans have less than $1000 in the bank. Has the divide between the average American and the top 1% of the top 1% ever been so extreme.

Has there ever been a time when so many Americans have had to work more than one job to make ends meet while at the same time so many Americans have decided to just sit at home and live off the hard working taxpayer?

At the exact same time functional illiteracy is going through the roof, more and more Americans are getting advanced degrees.

When has there been a time in our history when so many parents were actively daily involved in the lives of their children, while at the same time so many parents, especially fathers, have either nothing whatsoever or almost nothing ever to do with them, and never have so many outright abandoned them. How many of these mass shooting spree kids are the product of divorce and other forms of child abandonment? http://thefederalist.com/2015/07/14/guess-which-mass-murderers-came-from-a-fatherless-home/

And it seems to me that there has never been a time with so many pathetically shallow and self-obsessed narcissists, especially kids, http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2015/10/12/selfie-obsessed-millenials/ while at the same time also more like those SS mentioned in his post on page 5.

And bringing my theme to firearms. Has there ever been a time when so many Americans have had more than one firearm while at the same time there being so many Americans who believe that they should not have any?

I don't know what any of this means, but I know it is nothing good, and that these divisions are only increasing.

Can't speak for all of that but from what I see the $1000 in the bank is not from lack of work it's and proud Americans making ends meet ....although that exists too.....its from the gotta have it now, gotta look cool, if something is new then the previous version is trash no matter how new it was. This is what I see most often and it's usually with the lower class. I knew one guy who wouldn't let his kids be seen in school with last year's clothes style dispite the fact that he lived in the ghetto. Another guy at work just moved into his in laws (saving for a house) and his car lease is up but instead of buying something sensible he is looking at a new Infiniti all wheel drive something or other. He had a new IPhone and when the 6S came out he spent a ton of money to get one for him and his wife dispite having perfectly functional newer phones. When I was younger the guys I worked with ...almost none had bank accounts, they all cashed their checks on Fridays, and this was 14 years ago.

Of course there are hard working people who are down on their luck but too many times it's the mentality of gotta have it now

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

10-15-15, 10:59

Whoa there! I NEVER said it was their environment that made them do it!

We need not just the restoration of the nuclear family but parents that are involved in their kid's lives. One of the Columbine shooters had a photo of Hitler on their bedroom wall. Believe me...if my kid put that up on her wall - it would not only come down right away but we'd be having very long talks about what that man stood for and why he was not to be revered.

Parents not involved in their kid's lives is just as bad as no parents.

Still...the erosion of the nuclear family is a huge part of what is wrong with our society and goes farther than just these crazed shooting events.

10-15-15, 10:59
Can't speak for all of that but from what I see the $1000 in the bank is not from lack of work it's and proud Americans making ends meet ....although that exists too.....its from the gotta have it now, gotta look cool, if something is new then the previous version is trash no matter how new it was. This is what I see most often and it's usually with the lower class. I knew one guy who wouldn't let his kids be seen in school with last year's clothes style dispite the fact that he lived in the ghetto. Another guy at work just moved into his in laws (saving for a house) and his car lease is up but instead of buying something sensible he is looking at a new Infiniti all wheel drive something or other. He had a new IPhone and when the 6S came out he spent a ton of money to get one for him and his wife dispite having perfectly functional newer phones. When I was younger the guys I worked with ...almost none had bank accounts, they all cashed their checks on Fridays, and this was 14 years ago.

Of course there are hard working people who are down on their luck but too many times it's the mentality of gotta have it now

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

If people are happy living in the hood but having an iPhone6s and an Infinity...how does that bother you?

10-15-15, 11:06
Very true.

People should be free to spend money on whatever they want. Some will save and buy a house or BMW while others will blow their checks on Iphones and 2500 dollar wheels for their 1500 dollar Impala.

BFD....you are not their financial adviser.

10-15-15, 11:07
All I can tell you is that people work hard, doing their job...try to get a place and the Free Gibs locusts swarm in and bammo instant ghetto.
For every toy, I try to save. I only make so much.

I didn't want to live in a shithole, it moved in on me.
It's very disheartening....paying other people's gibs

10-15-15, 11:21
If people are happy living in the hood but having an iPhone6s and an Infinity...how does that bother you?
Doesn't bother me one bit. My reply was more to the fact that having a divide between the top 1% and the working class who only have $1000 in their savings is often a money management problem. How can you expect to save anything when all you do is spend.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

10-15-15, 11:23
Very true.

People should be free to spend money on whatever they want. Some will save and buy a house or BMW while others will blow their checks on Iphones and 2500 dollar wheels for their 1500 dollar Impala.

BFD....you are not their financial adviser.

Generally I agree; generally, I do not care. Except when the people spending 'their' money on the high-end shit really is 'my' money ('our' money). In that case I feel it is my duty to be their financial adviser.

10-15-15, 11:53
If people are happy living in the hood but having an iPhone6s and an Infinity...how does that bother you?

It bothers me when said people's iPhones are in fact "Obama phones", aka TAX PAYER funded.

AND why is someone who is receiving Section 8 funds, school grants, EBT, WIC, Medicaid, ect. driving around in a luxury sedan and talking on the latest iPhone?

10-15-15, 12:02
It bothers me when said people's iPhones are in fact "Obama phones", aka TAX PAYER funded.

AND why is someone who is receiving Section 8 funds, school grants, EBT, WIC, Medicaid, ect. driving around in a luxury sedan and talking on the latest iPhone?

I see this daily. Did I say 'daily?' I mean, multiple times a day. Part of my jobs is to interact with patients of our practice on the phone (triaging, answering questions, arranging consults, etc). A woman called me today, this morning, about 2 hours ago, with questions regarding her last procedure. She was sitting, getting her mani-pedi (how do I know? She told me). I was reading her chart. Her insurance? Yup. "None." Her employer? "None."

10-15-15, 12:07
The sooner you realize that some people are evil regardless of upbringing the sooner we can get to the root of the problem.

I can agree with this.

10-15-15, 12:40
I see this daily. Did I say 'daily?' I mean, multiple times a day. Part of my jobs is to interact with patients of our practice on the phone (triaging, answering questions, arranging consults, etc). A woman called me today, this morning, about 2 hours ago, with questions regarding her last procedure. She was sitting, getting her mani-pedi (how do I know? She told me). I was reading her chart. Her insurance? Yup. "None." Her employer? "None."

In the city I use to work for their was a small church that hosted an annual school supplies drive for poor kids. The pastor of the church got so tired of seeing these poor kids parents driving up in Cadillac Escalades, talking on the latest iPhone, etc. that he has since done away with the drive all together. His congregation, mostly working class folk would raise $25K in school supplies.


10-15-15, 14:02
I work in a very poor and mostly Hispanic part of East Houston.

When I go to the grocery store near our office, I see people with full carts of nice groceries (steaks, fresh fish, name brand cereals, etc.) paying with EBT cards then go out and put them in a car or truck that is maybe 1-2 years old. Many have kids with them that are wearing Nike shoes and have I-phones. Some of the cars are Escalades or fairly new pickups or Tahoes. Nice cars that you would not mind having.

Now not everyone is coming out of the stores like this but a large number fit this description to a T.

Seriously...the people in the poor part of Houston have the same damn items that people have in the upper middle class part of town I live in!

Don't tell me how the poor have it so bad in America...I am not buying that shit for one minute!

10-15-15, 14:10
Don't tell me how the poor have it so bad in America...I am not buying that shit for one minute!

I forget the author . . .

"Only in America do the poor drive themselves to a soup kitchen."

10-15-15, 15:04
That is why I just laugh at all of these leftist class warriors when they whine on about the "income gap" or the "wealth disparity" in America. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton...all of them.

What a damn joke!

Our poor mostly have roofs over their heads, air conditioning, televisions, cell phones, cars and a card that allows them to buy food for free. Many of our poor are also heavily overweight!

Sorry, but if you have all of those things, your ass is NOT poor!

Travel to Mexico, India or the Far East and see how REAL poor people live - it is very different than in America!

I am stymied at how many Americans fall for that "wealthy 1%" bullshit talk - it is very easy to dispel that nonsense.

10-15-15, 15:50
It bothers me when said people's iPhones are in fact "Obama phones", aka TAX PAYER funded.

AND why is someone who is receiving Section 8 funds, school grants, EBT, WIC, Medicaid, ect. driving around in a luxury sedan and talking on the latest iPhone?

And then complain about how it's not fair you make so much or have what you do.

As other said, if someone wants a nice car and shitty house, have at it. But if your in government housing and can afford a $50 car, you can afford a house, give me my money back.

I'm literally paying for people's housing and food who have cars that cost more than my condos puchase price.

And they arent millenials, I am. So don't lump us in the same basket. There's trash in every gen, some just come in bigger bags.

10-15-15, 16:13
It bothers me when said people's iPhones are in fact "Obama phones", aka TAX PAYER funded.

AND why is someone who is receiving Section 8 funds, school grants, EBT, WIC, Medicaid, ect. driving around in a luxury sedan and talking on the latest iPhone?

Because the do gooders and poor have figured out how to game the system.

10-15-15, 16:20
Because the do gooders and poor have figured out how to game the system.

The system should not even exist for them to take advantage of in the first place.

10-16-15, 11:54
The system should not even exist for them to take advantage of in the first place.

The "system" you speak of is fundamental to democracy.

Elected officials promise handouts. In turn, they get votes.

P.S. Why isn't 7.62NATO in here telling me why the Lutheran, non-divorced parents Columbine shooters didn't listen to his rules for good upbringing?

10-16-15, 12:18
We don't live in a democracy. Redistribution of wealth was never intended to be part of our government.

10-16-15, 12:33
The "system" you speak of is fundamental to democracy.

Well it's a good thing we are a Constitutional Republic then.

The system of wealth redistribution was brought about by progressives; FDR, LBJ, etc. and pushed by leftest radicals like Alinsky, Piven, and Cloward.

Elected officials promise handouts. In turn, they get votes.

I wished that was what it was really about.

10-16-15, 13:48
We don't live in a democracy. Redistribution of wealth was never intended to be part of our government.
We do live in a democracy, which is a form of government mostly loathed and held in contempt by the Founding Fathers and which was never intended by them to be our form of government, one reason being the it always leads to redistribution of wealth.


If you support democracy, then you support redistribution of wealth, because the latter always accompanies the former.

10-16-15, 14:09
Well it's a good thing we are a Constitutional Republic then.

The system of wealth redistribution was brought about by progressives; FDR, LBJ, etc. and pushed by leftest radicals like Alinsky, Piven, and Cloward.

I wished that was what it was really about.

LOL Constitutional Republic?

Well then, let me just go buy my full auto MP5-SD6...

I'm not speaking about how it is on paper, I'm speaking about how it is in practice. Unfortunately, the "Constitution" part of "Constitutional Republic" no longer applies because of the reasons you mentioned. Progressives being elected to office.

4 SC Justices dissenting with Heller
Patriot Act
NSA Spying
EBT/WIC/Section 8

10-16-15, 14:11
LOL Constitutional Republic?

Well then, let me just go buy my full auto MP5-SD6...

I'm not speaking about how it is on paper, I'm speaking about how it is in practice. Unfortunately, the "Constitution" part of "Constitutional Republic" no longer applies because of the reasons you mentioned. Progressives being elected to office.

4 SC Justices dissenting with Heller
Patriot Act
NSA Spying
EBT/WIC/Section 8

Correct, as Belloc said it above we're NOT SUPPOSED to be going about things the way we have been according to our founding documents.

10-16-15, 14:21
This generation is so selfish and entitled that they have the gall to believe they should be able to afford electricity and running water just because they work full time. What about all the poor slum lords who will only get to go to the bahamas once or twice this year ??

10-17-15, 09:43
This generation is so selfish and entitled that they have the gall to believe they should be able to afford electricity and running water just because they work full time. What about all the poor slum lords who will only get to go to the bahamas once or twice this year ??

Ah, wealth envy appears. Plenty of people worked and lived at home to save up enough to go out on their own. How it used to be.
These whiners can't afford the necessities b/c they spend their money on other non-essential items. If they are working full time and still can't afford a place and necessities, then they need to move home. If moving home is not viable, then they need to fit 4 people in a 2 bed apt. to make ends meet, be fiscally responsible, save up and move on.

No, they just want it all without going through the process as many have for generation upon generation.

Who gives a **** if the slum lords go to the Bahamas? What concern is it of yours how anyone else spends their own money? Wealth envy at it's finest.

Mauser KAR98K
10-17-15, 09:54
And our government is enabling this by screwing with the economy and throw out welfare.

10-17-15, 10:46
I live comfortably, have a professional career, and a second job that I kept after college to pay down student loans and pay off condo quickly. Gay guy at 2nd job always complains about money and I noticed his work shoes were falling apart and was going to buy him a pair to be nice... until I saw him walking in with his "street clothes" on which were all name brand, and $150 shoes. Then he told me about his $2k computer. People think entertainment is necessary and that they should have to budget what they want. It's ok though, I'll own my own place, have hard assets and retire at a decent age and they can work their whole life for a pile of worn out clothes and live paycheck to paycheck. Thats their choice, until they get gov assistence, then I get pissed.

After working my way through college, and eating eggs to afford college and other bills for 4 years because the govt decided I wasn't eligible for enough loans, and won't let banks give me any, I have no sympathy for complainers. Make it work or shut up.

Edit, and the idea that parents have to pay for college is absurd. You want it, buy it yourself.

26 Inf
10-17-15, 11:14
I live comfortably, have a professional career, and a second job that I kept after college to pay down student loans and pay off condo quickly. Gay guy at 2nd job always complains about money and I noticed his work shoes were falling apart and was going to buy him a pair to be nice... until I saw him walking in with his "street clothes" on which were all name brand, and $150 shoes. Then he told me about his $2k computer. People think entertainment is necessary and that they should have to budget what they want. It's ok though, I'll own my own place, have hard assets and retire at a decent age and they can work their whole life for a pile of worn out clothes and live paycheck to paycheck. Thats their choice, until they get gov assistence, then I get pissed.

After working my way through college, and eating eggs to afford college and other bills for 4 years because the govt decided I wasn't eligible for enough loans, and won't let banks give me any, I have no sympathy for complainers. Make it work or shut up.

Edit, and the idea that parents have to pay for college is absurd. You want it, buy it yourself.

I'm kind of the way you are, I got through college on the GI Bill though, working as the swing Sergeant on the PD for a couple years to be able to drive 100 miles each way two days a week. During the same time period I was in the Army Reserve, and had a family with two boys. Looking back I don't know how I did it, but I do know the boys suffered because I was never around during those years. And, although not as much they suffered throughout my Reserve career.

Where we differ is that I didn't and don't want my kids to have to do what I did. Neither son went to college, that was their choice. My mistake with them was I didn't raise them with the mindset they were going to college. Their sisters, who are 20 years younger, have been raised with that expectation since they could talk. I think both will get close to full ride scholarships, but if they don't, dad is paying. And I'll continue to gift my sons the amount I spend on the daughters until they are out of college.

My reason for existence is my family, why would I want to have them suffer just because I did? They have been raised to accept responsibility and have worked hard at academics, athletics, music, and chores, they don't need lessons in hardship.

I'll be 65 when the youngest heads off to college, still plenty of time to enjoy. And it's not like I don't have a good time now.

ETA: I reread your post and it seems to me we are far apart in age, cool. Advice - at about age 27 - still going to college - I began rolling most of my pay raises into my retirement account, this was on top of what I was required to put in. I don't do that any longer, because, dang about 10 years ago I maxed out. It did mean I didn't have a new car very often, and didn't do any cruises until I was in my late 30's, but dang, as soon as I pull the pin I'll be drawing more than I've ever taken home. Start as soon as you get your debt paid down, and keep at it. It adds up. And, once you have young ones, you might feel different. You may think I shelter mine, but if you raise them right, they don't need to be made to suffer hardship to learn lessons.

10-17-15, 14:11
I don't want to retire. I wanna go out like the Wild Bunch.

I don't even remember college. It felt like High School. Up until I got injured I worked craaaaaazy hours in some raunchy areas.

My biggest regret in life is not dropping out of High School and moving to Canada to start a Goth band. That's the singlemost point where it all turned to shit for me.

10-17-15, 15:08
Thanks for the advice, I've already started a 401k, and buying small amounts of metals. Once I get debt paid off, I'll be investigating other investments.

I don't think you shouldn't pay for college, but it's not necessary if you can't afford it. People my age complain they can't/couldnt go to college because mommy/daddy doesn't pay, and they are grown-ass men. Yes, it sucks to do it yourself, but if that's the only choice, you gotta sack up.

That said, college isn't even necessary, if it's not what you want to do. I'm a freak and knew what I wanted to do since I was 9yr old so maybe I just don't get it.

10-17-15, 16:03
Mega- are you eligible to join USAA?

10-17-15, 17:48
Ah, wealth envy appears. Plenty of people worked and lived at home to save up enough to go out on their own. How it used to be.
These whiners can't afford the necessities b/c they spend their money on other non-essential items. If they are working full time and still can't afford a place and necessities, then they need to move home. If moving home is not viable, then they need to fit 4 people in a 2 bed apt. to make ends meet, be fiscally responsible, save up and move on.

No, they just want it all without going through the process as many have for generation upon generation.

Who gives a **** if the slum lords go to the Bahamas? What concern is it of yours how anyone else spends their own money? Wealth envy at it's finest.

No, but you get an A anyway for the typical "conservative" talking points.

26 Inf
10-17-15, 18:16
That said, college isn't even necessary, if it's not what you want to do. I'm a freak and knew what I wanted to do since I was 9yr old so maybe I just don't get it.

Nope, some of us are lucky that way, I've also done what I've wanted to do my whole life.

Edited to add - LOL - I'm not brave enough to buy metals or commodities, two friends of mine lost their rears doing that. One bought gold in the 80's just as the bottom dropped then had to buy whole bunches in the hope it rebounded. Ultimately it did enough that he got out - my heart isn't that strong.

10-17-15, 20:16
No, but you get an A anyway for the typical "conservative" talking points.

And here is the closet socialist answer; wait, insult and not defend viewpoint.

10-17-15, 21:30
Both of my sons are in their mid-20s. The oldest worked his way through college and joined the Air force to gain more experience and pay off the loans he did take out. He hopes to cross train from Jet Engine Mechanic to Cyber Security.

The youngest joined the Air Force Reserves to pay for his college. He also served a two year mission for our church in Chile. He joined ROTC and graduates at the end of this year. He asked me to pin his LT bars in his shoulders and you better believe I'll be there to do just that! He has orders to report to Flight Training in March.

I've also met other outstanding members of their generation. We need to support them and let them know, they are the bright hope of our future

10-17-15, 22:46
26, I know what you mean, I'm not doing it for an investment(would not suggest that), more a security, it will always have value. Stock market up, keep it. If it tanks and you lose your shirt, you still can go buy a pair of pants, so to speak. I buy small enough amounts I don't feel it. Hopefully I never need it and can pass it on, but it's there if I need it.

Mega- are you eligible to join USAA?

I never served so I don't think so.

10-17-15, 23:04
And here is the closet socialist answer; wait, insult and not defend viewpoint.

You got me, guess i can quit hiding now.

I am Bernie Sanders and would appreciate your vote in 2016.

26 Inf
10-17-15, 23:08
You got me, guess i can quit hiding now.

I am Bernie Sanders and would appreciate your vote in 2016.

Bernie, if Trump is the Republican nominee, you will probably get mine, that is unless I write myself in for about the fifth time in a row.

10-17-15, 23:46
Bernie, if Trump is the Republican nominee, you will probably get mine, that is unless I write myself in for about the fifth time in a row.

I appreciate that. I'll make make sure you get a larger share of someone else's money due to your honesty.

26 Inf
10-18-15, 00:22
I appreciate that. I'll make make sure you get a larger share of someone else's money due to your honesty.

No need for that I just want to be able to drive in the special 'we are all equal conrades, but I'm a little more equal' lanes.