View Full Version : So That Will Teach Both Of Us A Lesson I Guess...

10-08-15, 01:58
I have an ongoing battle with the fast food flunkies at my local McCrapburger. I try not to eat it at all because in addition to not being very healthy, it actually doesn't taste very good anymore. Amazingly when people try to improve the nutritional content of fast food it ends up tasting like an ass burger.

But I digress.

On nights when I train, I sometimes don't get a chance to eat a decent meal at dinner and when we conclude McFlunkies tends to be one of the few food options and given price and proximity sometimes I just go grab a cheeseburger and fries. Now in the best conditions, afternoons on a weekend, you can sometimes still get cold fries and a heat lamp warmed over burger, at night you can bank on it.

So I have a technique, I order the burger without pickles so they have to nuke one that hasn't been sitting there for two hours and I reject cold french fries. It's been sorta working and usually they tell me to pull ahead and wait for fresh fries.

But not tonight. I "very politely" asked window jockey if I could get some hot fries since the ones he gave me were cold. He took the bag back and told me to wait. Nobody was in line behind me and it took a couple minutes and he returned the bag with fries that "seemed" hot and I thanked him and pulled away.

But something was wrong. Usually fresh fries right out of the fryer burn your fingerprints off and that wasn't the case this time. They were "hottish" but not scorching. So I ate a couple. MOTHERFUUCKERS. They had just put my fries under a heat lamp for a couple minutes. The same effin fries, that tasted old and stale reheated under a heat lamp. I mean if I wanted reheated leftovers I could have done that at home. Annoyed at the new level of incompetence displayed by the night crew at "couldn't even get a job at Wal Mart" food industries I bit into the burger.

MOTHERFUUCKERS!!!!!! It tasted like pickle. It didn't have pickles but rather than simply nuke a special order cheeseburger, they just picked the pickles off of one that has been sitting there for god knows how long and nuked it.

My first instinct was to drive back, blow through the front door with my SUV and begin executing everyone responsible for this travesty like the scene from Terminator when the T-100 takes down the cop shop. I mean if you can literally **** up a sandwich do you really deserve to live?

But that couple possibly involve hours of paperwork as sympathetic cops try to figure out how the scenario qualifies as a "castle doctrine" certified defensive shoot and I know they are busy with more important things.

So I'm back in McDonalds parking lot. My first intention was to tell them the food was unacceptable and request a new cheeseburger and fries. After contemplating several negative possible outcomes of making lazy people do more work with access to food I would have to eat I quickly reject that plan. Then my plan was to request a manager refund my order, explain why I won't be eating there anymore and try my luck at Wendy's. I reject this plan when I conclude it was probably the manager at McFlunkies who suggested the heat lamp "fries" and they could give a damn if I threaten to take my $6 elsewhere.

I wanted them to be as frustrated as I am, and I wanted to target the people most responsible. So I did the only reasonable and logical thing I could think of that would cause them levels of frustration that I am experiencing.

With my "bite taken out of it" cheeseburger I walked up to the front door and removed the bun and wrote in big letters "COLD FRENCH FRIES." This ketchup / mustard / grease "graffiti" was the width of the glass door and about three feet tall. I'm hoping whoever heated up my french fries is the person who has to clean that door.

With no patrons inside, nobody noticed as the night shift employees were all huddled in the back of the kitchen area totally unconcerned about a person standing at the door. They probably assumed I was a customer hoping they might unlock the door and let me place an order. That is if they even noticed me at all.

So now I have a large order of cold fries. My first instinct was to get back in the drive through, place a bogus order and when they open the window to take the money I could then throw the french fries inside so they would have to sweep them up. But I thought that might be a bit beyond "civil protest" and these crybabies would probably call the police and claim they were assaulted by cold fries. So I reject that idea.

Then I notice the donation box for Ronald McDonald house looks like it has about .18 cents in it, a napkin and several drinking straws. Normally I would never mess with something that benefits kids but obviously they don't care, so I don't care. So I make my donation hoping somebody has to actually clean that up before morning. Despite standing right at the drive through window while I pack french fries into the slot, nobody notices me. Didn't notice any obvious cameras beyond the one inside watching the register.

Feeling somewhat vindicated and with a sense of accomplishment I return to my vehicle. I feel confident I have caused the responsible party at least $6 worth of the same quality frustration I was provided. And perhaps more importantly, I have finally weaned myself off of McCrapBurger because I can never go there again. At least not that location.

Came home and poured a bowl of cereal, I should have just done that in the first place. Because after 10pm, promises of "hot and fresh" are pretty dubious sometimes.

10-08-15, 02:40
That sounds like a dilly of a pickle.

Word to the wise, after 2100, that's 9 pm for those who don't habla, most fattyburgers have had less than pleasant things done to them and will be thrown away at midnight anyways.

Back inna day...a Whopper and a Big Mac were pretty good. People took pride in their work. But....naw. The Kid don't eat there no more.

This was for your own growth. You don't always get to choose your own karma

10-08-15, 03:03
That sounds like a dilly of a pickle.

Word to the wise, after 2100, that's 9 pm for those who don't habla, most fattyburgers have had less than pleasant things done to them and will be thrown away at midnight anyways.

Back inna day...a Whopper and a Big Mac were pretty good. People took pride in their work. But....naw. The Kid don't eat there no more.

This was for your own growth. You don't always get to choose your own karma

And that is what got me the most. When I was that age I worked the fast food stuff like every one else. Difference is we would never just pull crap like that on somebody for no reason. I remember several times being told the fries were cold and to toss them and make a new batch even though nobody was waiting for any. We'd never mess with anyone's food unless they gave us a damn good reason, and even then it was on the prank level because we knew we were messing with another guys livelihood if we went too far.

I just wish Chic Fil A didn't close at 10pm, I'd gladly give them the business. But they don't want their employees working late and I guess I understand and respect that. At least I swore off Taco Bell over 10 years ago, it just all tasted like horrible crap with a chemical aftertaste. Guess I'm done with McCrappies.

Could really use a Carls Jr. around here.

10-08-15, 06:12
Try ordering your burger without ketchup and ask for packets. It's way harder for them to pass off than just taking the pickle off. Granted they WILL try to send you away WITH ketchup applied, possibly during multiple trips back around the drive through. It's funny seeing the denial on their faces that they could have possibly screwed up even though you've pleaded for NO ketchup and verified it onscreen.

They aren't even that convincing anymore. At one point, a girl either couldn't lie with good conscience or just couldn't put her game face on. So I smiled and asked her not to lie to me anymore and tell me that hasn't been the same burger each time. We both laughed because she knew it was true. That's the most honesty I've ever gotten from them.

I get my vengeance during lobby hours by ordering the 99 cent sweet tea then going inside to the self-serve and filling my cup with Coke. They will feel my wrath pennies at a time.

10-08-15, 07:43
reasons among many why i havent eaten at a fast food place in over 4 years.

10-08-15, 07:49
You'll probably end up on the local news: "man terrorizes mcdonalds over fries" sorry about that. Sonic fubared my order 3x on free wing monday.

10-08-15, 08:26
Wendy's is much better than McDonalds any day of the week. From what I understand they never freeze their burger meat. It was actually rated one of the highest for fast food burgers. Sonic is usually open until around midnight as well and their burgers are always pretty good.

10-08-15, 08:35
Life is to short for that much drama over a $1.69 order.

I totally get you on the principal.

I sometimes have the craving for something like that and don't like it being messed up either.

But, just throw a few gatorades and protein bars in you bag.

For about the same price, hydrate and replenish on the drive home with no drama.

In interactions at places like this, I have long noticed some of the kids are fine, some are not.

Almost universally the adults in the entry level jobs are the total crap employees.

10-08-15, 08:36
I don't care for most fast food places--I like Taco Bell, Arby's and Bojangles from rare time to time--but on trips with the fam we invariably stop at McCrappy's. The kids love it. Ugh. I will take food on long trips and just eat a sandwich I make before I eat that stuff.

10-08-15, 08:59
I feel your pain.
I'm working out of state and I have few choices after 7pm for some sort of healthy choice. Lately I've been ordering the Chicken Ceasar Salads.
For whatever reason the grease they cook fries in now goes through me like a frieght train with Casey Jones at the throttle. I'm sure that has something to do with "healthy".

10-08-15, 09:18
You're better off not eating that shit anyhow. I don't see how people do it, especially on a regular basis. It ain't right.

10-08-15, 09:42
Stop eating mcdonolds. Problem solved.
Protein shakes, imo are filling and healthier than fast food. Granola bars are good too.

Just a thought that may not work for you, I make huge pots of stir fry and portion them so I just pull one out of the freezer and microwave it. After initial time investment, it's faster than fast food, tastes better and is healthier.

Good luck.

Edit, after working years in the food industry, I can suggest you not expect thought or effort put into the job. Most don't mean bad, they seriously are so burned out or stupid to realize that it won't taste good. I've seen people do some really stupid shit and not understand why I, their coworker was freaking on them.

10-08-15, 12:43
Make and pack your own eats like a hearty sandwich or ...?

If that's too much bother, bring a can of tuna, and whatever else you like that can simply be thrown in a bag without prep.

10-08-15, 13:30
At least they didn't put any "secret sauce" on your ammonia gassed pink slime patty.

Couldn't help but think of this scene as I read your post . . .


10-08-15, 13:46
I have skipped meals to avoid going to McDonald's. Wendy's is OK if I'm out of other options though- I eat them usually when I'm on the road and need something quick. Chick-Fil-A, Five Guys, and Chipotle are my kind of fast food. (Well OK, Five Guys isn't that fast, but it's GOOD.)

10-08-15, 13:56
Wendy's is much better than McDonalds any day of the week. From what I understand they never freeze their burger meat. It was actually rated one of the highest for fast food burgers. Sonic is usually open until around midnight as well and their burgers are always pretty good.

Granted, but their fries kinda suck.

10-08-15, 14:11
Granted, but their fries kinda suck.

Agree, which is why I don't eat there often. Chick-Fil-A and Five Guys fries are the best IMO.

10-08-15, 14:21
An email to corporate might have had some affect. At least if others are complaining of the same outlet. Fries in the donation box just says "Damn kids." Do like the cold fries beware scrawl.

Doc Safari
10-08-15, 15:06
I have dedicated my life to telling people how, when, where and why McDonalds SUCKS.

For example, in this town it's well known that the night shift doesn't want to clean the shake machine, so after about 8 pm all their outlets start telling people that the shake machines are broken.

10-08-15, 15:25
McDonald's sucks, true. But man back in the day those fajitas were delicious. I miss them.

10-08-15, 16:58
An email to corporate might have had some affect. At least if others are complaining of the same outlet. Fries in the donation box just says "Damn kids." Do like the cold fries beware scrawl.

I could have written a letter to corporate, that may have done little or nothing, my actions made me a little less frustrated by the whole situation. And I'm sure there were no mensa members working at the time, but even they can probably connect the dots.

10-08-15, 17:22

10-08-15, 17:23
At least they didn't put any "secret sauce" on your ammonia gassed pink slime patty.

Couldn't help but think of this scene as I read your post . . .

I'm going to have to watch this movie

10-08-15, 17:33
Falling Down is a classic.

The part about the Vietnam Jungle Boots is hilarious

10-08-15, 19:49
LOL... Used to work at McDonalds for a very short time. Hated customers who got in the drive thru to order XYZ with or without some shit or another. I'd just say NO when they asked to have an off menu item. Youd be surprised at how many people just said OK then take a standard menu item without complaint. To this day special orders in the drive through make me angry. Its fast food not a restaurant.

10-08-15, 19:54
LOL... Used to work at McDonalds for a very short time. Hated customers who got in the drive thru to order XYZ with or without some shit or another. I'd just say NO when they asked to have an off menu item. Youd be surprised at how many people just said OK then take a standard menu item without complaint. To this day special orders in the drive through make me angry. Its fast food not a restaurant.

The Soviet Union and Communist China is -------》

I still remember the song "Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce. Special orders don't upset us".

You dare defy that sacred Oath? It ain't just words man....

10-08-15, 20:46
LOL... Used to work at McDonalds for a very short time. Hated customers who got in the drive thru to order XYZ with or without some shit or another. I'd just say NO when they asked to have an off menu item. Youd be surprised at how many people just said OK then take a standard menu item without complaint. To this day special orders in the drive through make me angry. Its fast food not a restaurant.

It's not an "off menu" item, that is why the keyboard has little pictures of pickles and onions and when you press those buttons it magically says "No pickles" or "No onions." Yes it's fast food, but if I wanted extra cheese on my nachos I shouldn't need a table or waiter, just a regular high school kid who understands it's his job to sell the customer what they ask for.

It's not rocket science.

10-09-15, 00:08
I'm going to have to watch this movie

Yes, yes you will. I own it on VHS still even though I haven't owned a VHS player in over a decade. One of these days I'll get around to picking it up on BluRay. It's a cult classic for me.

Falling Down is a classic.

The part about the Vietnam Jungle Boots is hilarious

Another dark comedy that I laugh all the way through. Most people thinks it's a story about some crazy guy.

10-09-15, 00:34
Another dark comedy that I laugh all the way through. Most people thinks it's a story about some crazy guy.

It's amazing how well Michael Douglas can play two characters that I can identify with so well. The guy from "Falling Down" (at least until he starts threatening innocent people) and Remington from "The Ghost and the Darkness." Given what a complete anti gun POS he actually is, I must admit he's an amazing actor.

10-09-15, 00:59
California may suck politically, but at least we have In N Out Burger here.

I can't understand how Micky D's is even in business anymore. My kid won't even eat there and she loves crap food.

Glad to hear you gave them what for Steyr! That'll teach 'em to mess with you.

10-09-15, 01:20
It's amazing how well Michael Douglas can play two characters that I can identify with so well. The guy from "Falling Down" (at least until he starts threatening innocent people) and Remington from "The Ghost and the Darkness." Given what a complete anti gun POS he actually is, I must admit he's an amazing actor.

Yeah he really is under rated. Those are probably my two favorite films of his. Typical Hollywood anti-gun hypocrite making money off guns in movies.

Love this line . . .


10-09-15, 01:21
California may suck politically, but at least we have In N Out Burger here.

I can't understand how Micky D's is even in business anymore. My kid won't even eat there and she loves crap food.

Glad to hear you gave them what for Steyr! That'll teach 'em to mess with you.

In-N-Out has been here for at least the past five years.

10-09-15, 23:18
In-N-Out has been here for at least the past five years.

Well I sincerely hope that means you haven't eaten McDonalds for the past five years. When will In N Out make it to Steyr's neck of the woods?

10-10-15, 00:24
Well I sincerely hope that means you haven't eaten McDonalds for the past five years. When will In N Out make it to Steyr's neck of the woods?

Not sure, we have What-A-Burger here so I haven't eaten McPinkslime in decades. Shake Shack is moving here, they have two locals in Austin.

10-10-15, 14:21

I'm a big fan of WB.

Never heard of Shake Shack.


Better than WB?

10-10-15, 14:23
I forgot to mention, if McD's was giving away their gawd awful pseudo-food, I'd pay for a WB Burger and fries.

10-10-15, 14:32
Whataburger is alright. I always get the honey bbq chicken sandwich though. I'm not a fan of their burgers. Personally its hard to beat a Texas whopper. Five guys burgers are a mess. Cold buns, cold cheese and cold ass veggies. When you unwrap the tin foil its a soggy mess. Fuddruckers is pretty good. Jack in box used to have a really good #1 good buns and pickles were always crispy, patty was grilled. Veggies were crisp. But that was in 2009... Has anyone tried steak and shake? They recently opened one here.

10-10-15, 15:05
Red robin is the best. Close this thread.

All of the other burger guys, except in and out need to take a field trip to red robin and take notes.

For a simulated burger jack in the box probably wins. But, that's like being the smartest kid with Down syndrome.

Mauser KAR98K
10-10-15, 15:06
Hey, Steyr. Do you drive a yellow Prius with a doll seat belted in the front seat, and have a sticker that says "Ninjas do it harder"?

10-10-15, 15:08
PROTIP: If you want guaranteed fresh fries at McD's or any fast food place, just ask them to make you fries with no salt. They will always comply with the request and a fresh, unsalted batch will be made just for you while you wait. I'm guessing it's because they don't want to be liable for causing a person with hypertension to go to the hospital because they gave him some salty fries. ;)

You can always ask for some salt and season your fries in front of them as you leave lol.

10-10-15, 15:11
Hey, Steyr. Do you drive a yellow Prius with a doll seat belted in the front seat, and have a sticker that says "Ninjas do it harder"?

Don't own a prius, no shinobi related bumper sticker and I only have the real doll in the car when I need to use the HOV lane during rush hour.

10-10-15, 15:11
Whataburger is alright. I always get the honey bbq chicken sandwich though. I'm not a fan of their burgers. Personally its hard to beat a Texas whopper. Five guys burgers are a mess. Cold buns, cold cheese and cold ass veggies. When you unwrap the tin foil its a soggy mess. Fuddruckers is pretty good. Jack in box used to have a really good #1 good buns and pickles were always crispy, patty was grilled. Veggies were crisp. But that was in 2009... Has anyone tried steak and shake? They recently opened one here.

Steak and shake was good when I lived near one. I liked it because it was fresh beef and they cooked it fresh. We would hit them at like 11 a night after working. More of a dinner than a fast food. Burger. There cheese fries were alright too. They are five star compared to many others in this thread. Werent bad for breakfast in my opinion either. Or at least were when i last ate at them. Which has been years now.

10-10-15, 15:13
PROTIP: If you want guaranteed fresh fries at McD's or any fast food place, just ask them to make you fries with no salt. They will always comply with the request and a fresh, unsalted batch will be made just for you while you wait. I'm guessing it's because they don't want to be liable for causing a person with hypertension to go to the hospital because they gave him some salty fries. ;)

You can always ask for some salt and season your fries in front of them as you leave lol.

And thank you.

Though I probably can't go back to that particular McDonalds for awhile. Just as well, all their burgers are pretty horrid even when made recently. I used to get the chicken strips but they discontinued them and their chicken sandwich is awful.

Mauser KAR98K
10-10-15, 15:26
Don't own a prius, no shinobi related bumper sticker and I only have the real doll in the car when I need to use the HOV lane during rush hour.

Okay. Just making sure.

10-10-15, 16:58
Has anyone tried steak and shake? They recently opened one here.

Its not nicknamed Sit and Shit for no reason! Foods not bad though actually. Chili is real good usually too.

As far as In-N-Out...I dont get it. Ive eaten it 2 or 3 times and just have never been impressed. I mean its not BAD(the fries are nasty, always, and even devout In-N-Out eaters will admit that), but I dont get the cult status that it has. I mean unless Cali just has shit for burger places and that is what passes for a good burger in Cali.

I would rather eat Whataburger personally than In-N-Out.

Probably one of the "best" burger joints I ever ate at was when I lived in Austin, TX. Might Fine Burgers(I think there are 2 or 3 at least). ALWAYS a great burger. Great fries(hand cut crinkle fries). Great milk shakes. All around good. They did one thing and they did it well. I think they had hot-dogs too, but I never saw anybody eating one.

10-10-15, 20:22
Went to Burger King. A1 bacon cheeseburger is pretty tasty as always. Hot and crispy fries. Im pleased. Im not my arteries aren't though.. :sad:

26 Inf
10-10-15, 20:47
Five guys burgers are a mess. Cold buns, cold cheese and cold ass veggies. When you unwrap the tin foil its a soggy mess.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one, everyone on another site raved about Five Guys so I made it my business to hit the first one I saw. Underwhelmed to say the least.

I like dives with real greasy burgers and fries. We had a little shack here locally called B&D In and Out - nickname Bugs and Dirt - awesomeness. Another joint I used to hit in Wichita was Takhoma Burger (Take Home A Burger) - cheap and awesome, the running bet used to be if you could get to your car before the grease soaked through the bag. To bad places like that have mostly fallen by the wayside.

10-10-15, 23:31
I actually like five guys more than any other fast food burger place. Never had cold buns or cheese.

10-10-15, 23:42
Went to Burger King. A1 bacon cheeseburger is pretty tasty as always. Hot and crispy fries. Im pleased. Im not my arteries aren't though.. :sad:

Sadly our local BK went out of business. Decent enough burger and fries, but not worth driving a mile for.

10-10-15, 23:55
I'm a former health inspector and inspected fast food places including those mentioned here. The chains hire managers who are then worked until they are burned out and used up. The managers hire kids off the street who frequently have no work history and who sometimes are untrainable. The applicant pool has large numbers of attention deficit persons, afflicted individuals, addicted souls, sorry lazy mf's, and just plain stupid people. Many become employees and influence work place ethics and mindset. Some are bullies and will punish the guy who tries to do right. 75 per cent are nose pickers and butt scratchers. Enjoy your Big Mac.

10-11-15, 01:00

I'm a big fan of WB.

Never heard of Shake Shack.


Better than WB?

Never had it, heard about them from Anthony Bourdain. They started out as a food cart in NYC and have exploded in popularity now a growing chain.

10-11-15, 01:03
Fuddruckers is pretty good.

All I can say is watch the movie Idiocracy . . . :lol:

Has anyone tried steak and shake? They recently opened one here.

They moved into N TX about fourteen years ago. I like their chili mac, it's a Northern thing. Think chili with onions, cheese, crackers, on top of a bed of spaghetti. Their milk shakes are top shelf on par with Braum's (if you have those out West).

10-11-15, 01:10
I'm a former health inspector and inspected fast food places including those mentioned here. The chains hire managers who are then worked until they are burned out and used up. The managers hire kids off the street who frequently have no work history and who sometimes are untrainable. The applicant pool has large numbers of attention deficit persons, afflicted individuals, addicted souls, sorry lazy mf's, and just plain stupid people. Many become employees and influence work place ethics and mindset. Some are bullies and will punish the guy who tries to do right. 75 per cent are nose pickers and butt scratchers. Enjoy your Big Mac.

When I started working in LE, we would talk to the deep night guys about the restaurants they would go into on alarm calls, yikes! They found a cat slaughter house one night . . . :bad:

10-11-15, 03:40
All I can say is watch the movie Idiocracy . . . :lol:

They moved into N TX about fourteen years ago. I like their chili mac, it's a Northern thing. Think chili with onions, cheese, crackers, on top of a bed of spaghetti. Their milk shakes are top shelf on par with Braum's (if you have those out West).

We don't have Braum's around here, but ive been to several in Oklahoma.

10-11-15, 04:47
We don't have Braum's around here, but ive been to several in Oklahoma.

Same here. Been to Braums a whole lot while in OK, haven't seen any west of there.

10-11-15, 10:29
As far as In-N-Out...I dont get it. Ive eaten it 2 or 3 times and just have never been impressed. I mean its not BAD(the fries are nasty, always, and even devout In-N-Out eaters will admit that), but I dont get the cult status that it has.

I eat their burgers, usually a 3X3, "animal style" with chopped chiles, and I think that's the way to go. Also, ask for your fries well done and they're much better. Or, get 5000 more calories in your diet and get the fries animal style too. :) One thing I really like about In N Out is their customer service which is usually way, way better than any other fast food joint.

10-11-15, 11:57
I prefer locally owned diner/burger joints to chains, but when I eat a chain burger, it will normally be a Carls Jr, 5 Guys, or Wataburger. I'm not wasting my cash at McD's, BK, Wendys, etc.

Some good TX chain burgers are Chesters and Freddy's if you are ever in the S TX area...

10-11-15, 14:24
Freddy's if you are ever in the S TX area...

Freddy's is pretty good. You talking about about Freddy's Custard and Steakburgers right? Its not just in S. Texas, they are all over.


10-11-15, 16:23
I eat their burgers, usually a 3X3, "animal style" with chopped chiles, and I think that's the way to go. Also, ask for your fries well done and they're much better. Or, get 5000 more calories in your diet and get the fries animal style too. :) One thing I really like about In N Out is their customer service which is usually way, way better than any other fast food joint.

Double double, no tomatoes, grilled onions, fries well done. That's my order when I go lol.

10-11-15, 20:18
Freddy's is pretty good. You talking about about Freddy's Custard and Steakburgers right? Its not just in S. Texas, they are all over.


Did not know that. Yes, we live Freddy's. Their frozen custard is killer!