View Full Version : Aimpoint battery life

10-08-15, 13:02
Does anyone know the battery life of the Aimpoint PRO and H-1/T-1 on settings besides the ones that Aimpoint specifies in the manual? The PRO and Micro manuals give battery life at setting 7 and 8 respectfully. I have noticed that a PRO on setting 7 is not the same brightness as a micro on setting 8, which I prefer. I have kept the PRO at setting 8 for about a month now, but I am wondering what kind of impact this will have on battery life.

I tried contacting Aimpoint but received no response.

10-08-15, 15:17
If it is important enough for you to leave on it's probably important enough put a fresh $4 battery in twice a year.

10-09-15, 03:11
Does anyone know the battery life of the Aimpoint PRO and H-1/T-1 on settings besides the ones that Aimpoint specifies in the manual? The PRO and Micro manuals give battery life at setting 7 and 8 respectfully. I have noticed that a PRO on setting 7 is not the same brightness as a micro on setting 8, which I prefer. I have kept the PRO at setting 8 for about a month now, but I am wondering what kind of impact this will have on battery life.

I tried contacting Aimpoint but received no response.

Pick up a dozen or so batteries and post your findings, I'm sure someone will find interest.

10-09-15, 09:59
If it is important enough for you to leave on it's probably important enough put a fresh $4 battery in twice a year.

I'd recommend this approach to the issue. Change it when the time changes.

11-05-15, 13:30
I've had my T-1 Micro on for about a year now. Setting is on 4

Joe R.
11-06-15, 13:53
I recommend that people change out the batteries once a year. While the batteries will normally last much longer it's cheep insurance.

Full disclosure: I work for Aimpoint as a Prostaff member

11-06-15, 15:04
While I know it's not "recommended practice", I've got an M4s that I leave on 10 all the time. I think 12 out of the 16 settings is what Aimpoint tests theirs at for the claimed 8 year battery life. It has been on the same LiIon battery since 2012 and as a matter of fact, just a couple of days ago I took it out and tested it on a voltmeter out of curiosity and it showed zero signs of battery drainage.

Like everyone else has said, batteries are cheap and if it's something you stake your life on, on a daily basis, then why take the risk. For the record I keep spare batteries on hand at all times, I just figured I'd do what you are asking about to actually see how long it would go before I started to see it starts to show signs of draining. I don't think you need to change them every 6 months, that seems a little over the top. One of the main reasons people buy Aimpoints is because of their "always on, always ready" mantra, so take it all with a grain of salt but I think you'll be ok, especially if they've only been on for a month.

The one caveat to this is that if something like Ferguson or, god forbid, another Katrina happened around here (i.e. in the greater NOLA/Baton Rouge areas) I'd damn sure be popping a new battery in that thing. But as it stands, why not see how long it can go?

11-06-15, 20:14
I have one Aimpoint Pro that went out after 14 months set on a pretty low setting. My other one went 16 months. Both now get batteries every year (obviously). Essentially, I get half the life that Aimpoint said I would. One day I will spring for a T-1

11-07-15, 02:35
After I bought an H1, I left it on a setting between 5 & 8 so the dot was always visible for two years using the battery supplied by the factory. The dot never got dim. The H1 has an amazing battery life