View Full Version : Rant: Road Walkers

Outlander Systems
10-08-15, 17:04
What is up with this?

Look, I'm a pretty laid back, easy going fella, but...this really boggles my mind.

So, you're driving along, and you see a jogger running in the road, next to a perfectly good sidewalk.

You're cruising, peaceably about, and you see some walking...in the road...adjacent to a perfectly empty, accessible, inviting sidewalk.

I don't get it.

I say this as someone who often partakes in these activities who, USES THE ****ING SIDEWALK.

I don't understand. Help me understand!?!

10-08-15, 17:08
I guess they like the feels of the pavement.

10-08-15, 17:28
That's not as annoying as sag britches who mosey on down the street like you're supposed to stop for them.

Or they are diddybopping in a pack taking up the whole road.

THAT pisses me off. At lesst dudes jogging are exercising but homeboys cluttering up traffic is most bemusing

10-08-15, 17:31
I guess they like the feels of the pavement.

Or the feel of a hard bumper in their ass.

10-08-15, 17:32
I know what you mean & it pisses me off too. I get the impression that it's a "look at me" thing for some. Possibly even a control thing by making traffic slow/move for them.

I feel the same way about bicyclists riding 2+ abreast on roadways.

They're the same ones with a "share the road" bumper sticker on their Prius.

10-08-15, 17:40
How Bout when there's a bike event going on and like 50 bicycle riders are riding in the middle of the road and won't move? "You know what really grinds my gears?"

26 Inf
10-08-15, 17:42
Asphalt or concrete pavement? If it is asphalt the high mileage guys are doing it for their knees, it is softer than concrete. What shape are the sidewalks in? In some areas they are pretty broken up, and block to block there may be none.

Dude, share the planet man. We are all here on starship earth together. Ooooommmmmm

10-08-15, 17:46
I would also like to point out that blasting Enter Sandman instinctively gets people out your way.

10-08-15, 17:48
How Bout when there's a bike event going on and like 50 bicycle riders are riding in the middle of the road and won't move? "You know what really grinds my gears?"

Up in Moab, Utah where they have all the off road 4x4 trails and the Easter Jeep Safari, the refer to the skinny tire bicycle riders as: Spandex Speed Bumps. The locals up there don't care for the bicycle types because they don't spend any money and tip poorly at restaurants. You also find them washing themselves in the restaurant bathrooms.

10-08-15, 17:50
Haha! Oh that's nasty.

Outlander Systems
10-08-15, 17:54
Is that an Atlanta thing?

Because, dude, I swear, no shit, prior to seeing the road walkers today, I had to lock up my brakes because sag britches' cousin was jay walking, across a divided highway, while the light was green (Don't walk). Dude was walking like he WANTED to get hit.

I see saggy drawers, and all his buddies doing this CONSTANTLY everywhere I go in this city. ****ing everywhere. Straight up "zombie walking" across the road.

I. Do. Not. Understand.

That's not as annoying as sag britches who mosey on down the street like you're supposed to stop for them.

Or they are diddybopping in a pack taking up the whole road.

THAT pisses me off. At lesst dudes jogging are exercising but homeboys cluttering up traffic is most bemusing

Outlander Systems
10-08-15, 17:58
The incident that put me over the edge were the walkers in my subdivision today. Sidewalks are in excellent shape.

The metro Atlanta area has spent a king's ransom in recent years on "Safety and Operational Improvement" projects, which is governmentese for "building sidewalks."

The sidewalks in this town are top shelf.

Asphalt or concrete pavement? If it is asphalt the high mileage guys are doing it for their knees, it is softer than concrete. What shape are the sidewalks in? In some areas they are pretty broken up, and block to block there may be none.

Dude, share the planet man. We are all here on starship earth together. Ooooommmmmm

10-08-15, 18:01
It just has to be. Everywhere else people scurry across the road like they don't want to get hit, but here it's like "Hey, it's dark o' clock, I'm black. I can't possibly get hit by a car. Especially if I walk like there's no such thing as oncoming traffic."

Big A
10-08-15, 18:37
Is that an Atlanta thing?

Because, dude, I swear, no shit, prior to seeing the road walkers today, I had to lock up my brakes because sag britches' cousin was jay walking, across a divided highway, while the light was green (Don't walk). Dude was walking like he WANTED to get hit.

I see saggy drawers, and all his buddies doing this CONSTANTLY everywhere I go in this city. ****ing everywhere. Straight up "zombie walking" across the road.

I. Do. Not. Understand.

It just has to be. Everywhere else people scurry across the road like they don't want to get hit, but here it's like "Hey, it's dark o' clock, I'm black. I can't possibly get hit by a car. Especially if I walk like there's no such thing as oncoming traffic."
No, it happens here too. The worst are middle school kids that walk down the middle of the street 5+ abreast in a subdivision. When I had my GTO with loud exhaust, I would turn the corner on my street pull up behind said chilrens push in the clutch and stand on it.

It was funny watching them scurry for their lives.

10-08-15, 18:43
You want to talk about stupid people walking in the street? Go to any store parking lot... those are frustrating! :mad:

10-08-15, 19:33
No, it happens here too. The worst are middle school kids that walk down the middle of the street 5+ abreast in a subdivision. When I had my GTO with loud exhaust, I would turn the corner on my street pull up behind said chilrens push in the clutch and stand on it.

It was funny watching them scurry for their lives.

Now you can just drift your ass around them punks with your new ride. ;)

10-08-15, 20:14
Perhaps some of you are not bikers...designed for tailgaters but is considered a multi tool.


Ball Bearing Bettie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm4_-SNbWGM

10-08-15, 20:43
Perhaps some of you are not bikers...designed for tailgaters but is considered a multi tool.


Ball Bearing Bettie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm4_-SNbWGM

I don't have a motorcycle, but I like it!

10-08-15, 20:50
I bet y'all wouldn't be saying the same if it was a college age chick in tight ass yoga pants jogging down that road...

10-08-15, 20:55
I bet y'all wouldn't be saying the same if it was a college age chick in tight ass yoga pants jogging down that road...

No. We'd be courteous and honk in approval

Big A
10-08-15, 21:12
Now you can just drift your ass around them punks with your new ride. ;)
I haven't figured out how one drifts a fwd car yet. Though I have figured out how to understeer the **** out of it. Even scared a lady friend a few weeks ago :D

10-08-15, 21:16
I haven't figured out how one drifts a fwd car yet. Though I have figured out how to understeer the **** out of it. Even scared a lady friend a few weeks ago :D

Well, you've at least got a hand brake right?
Get on it! ;)

10-08-15, 23:52
I haven't figured out how one drifts a fwd car yet. Though I have figured out how to understeer the **** out of it. Even scared a lady friend a few weeks ago :D

E-Brake slides my man!

10-09-15, 00:32
That's not as annoying as sag britches who mosey on down the street like you're supposed to stop for them.

Or they are diddybopping in a pack taking up the whole road.

THAT pisses me off. At lesst dudes jogging are exercising but homeboys cluttering up traffic is most bemusing

Dude, it CAN be hilarious though . . .


10-09-15, 00:46
I know what you mean & it pisses me off too. I get the impression that it's a "look at me" thing for some. Possibly even a control thing by making traffic slow/move for them.

I feel the same way about bicyclists riding 2+ abreast on roadways.

They're the same ones with a "share the road" bumper sticker on their Prius.

This post is spot on.

I attribute this to the mentality that these jizz magicians possess. They believe that they are in fact the center of universe and that the rest of us simply orbit around them.

I walk my GSD at 0'dark thirty and we stick to the sidewalks and or the median on larger roadways. There is very little to no traffic at this time, I do this one for my own and my dogs well being but also to be considerate of my fellow man.

10-09-15, 00:53
I would also like to point out that blasting Enter Sandman instinctively gets people out your way.

True story . . . I drive a pick-up truck, my music of choice sounds like Satan is coming out of the speakers, and my beard would get me a casting call on the set of Vikings. The vast majority of folks remove themselves from my way.

Up in Moab, Utah where they have all the off road 4x4 trails and the Easter Jeep Safari, the refer to the skinny tire bicycle riders as: Spandex Speed Bumps. The locals up there don't care for the bicycle types because they don't spend any money and tip poorly at restaurants. You also find them washing themselves in the restaurant bathrooms.

I loathe cyclist, in fact anytime I'm feeling a bit blue I look at this image of a road race in Mexico where a herd of them got in the way of a sedan.


This was posted a while back as well . . .


10-09-15, 01:02
I would also like to point out that blasting Enter Sandman instinctively gets people out your way.

Or you can try one of my personal favorites:

The drive-by SHOUTING!!!

10-09-15, 01:04
Dude, it CAN be hilarious though . . .

By far the best laugh of the day for me. Thank you for this.

10-09-15, 01:29
By far the best laugh of the day for me. Thank you for this.

The healing power of laughter, glad I could help out friend.

10-09-15, 02:44
The only victim was that poor ice cream truck.

10-09-15, 03:39
What is up with this?

Look, I'm a pretty laid back, easy going fella, but...this really boggles my mind.

So, you're driving along, and you see a jogger running in the road, next to a perfectly good sidewalk.

You're cruising, peaceably about, and you see some walking...in the road...adjacent to a perfectly empty, accessible, inviting sidewalk.

I don't get it.

I say this as someone who often partakes in these activities who, USES THE ****ING SIDEWALK.

I don't understand. Help me understand!?!

I'm with you here, especially when I'm the one in the truck veering around people*. That said I'm one that avoids the cement sidewalk (or hops from sidewalk to road) for 2 reasons when I'm on foot for hikes or jogging:

1. sidewalk camber in the direction I'm traveling, really tears up my right knee
2. eyes on the vehs coming and going, I go against traffic

But mainly I toggle between road/sidewalk during activity for my knee. Musculoskeletal and running mechanic symmetry is a huge factor since breaking my neck/paralysis/learning to walk again/losing and arm and all that.

* Based on this, I think my opinion/attitude based on whatever position I happen to be standing in.

10-09-15, 04:10
i believe its time to remove the "pedestrians have right of way" and make it a more logical, dont walk in the street unless you want to be hit by a car. morons.

Big A
10-09-15, 06:31
Well, you've at least got a hand brake right?
Get on it! ;)

E-Brake slides my man!

Ah, Didn't think of that. I have done a couple of reverse doughnuts though :D

My next car has got to be RWD and preferably V8 powered because Throttle steer > Torque Steer. I miss my 06 GTO :(

10-09-15, 16:14
I'm with you here, especially when I'm the one in the truck veering around people*. That said I'm one that avoids the cement sidewalk (or hops from sidewalk to road) for 2 reasons when I'm on foot for hikes or jogging:

1. sidewalk camber in the direction I'm traveling, really tears up my right knee
2. eyes on the vehs coming and going, I go against traffic

But mainly I toggle between road/sidewalk during activity for my knee. Musculoskeletal and running mechanic symmetry is a huge factor since breaking my neck/paralysis/learning to walk again/losing and arm and all that.

* Based on this, I think my opinion/attitude based on whatever position I happen to be standing in.

You bring up an excellent point. Back in my former life I would awake and run at 03:30, I always ran to the side of the sidewalk on the grass so not to have a negative impact on my knees/ankles/spine/. Earth gives, concrete no so much.

10-09-15, 17:54
I am a cyclist. I move the **** over when cars are behind and if I am riding with a group make sure we go from 2+ to a single file line. Its common courtesy because we are generally moving slower than the speed limit(although the cop was pissed I was doing 25 in a 20 school zone the other morning). Its generally the law though that a bike can use the whole lane(or group of bikes) so before bashing cyclists for riding side by side or 3 or whatever(as long as they stay in one lane) make sure you understand the law(which DOESNT excuse common courtesy from the cyclists).

People on the road when they should be on a sidewalk, yea I dont get that.


Outlander Systems
10-09-15, 19:43
I love when assholes have their rear tires on the stop bar/fog line.

Had to make a run to the grocery store about an hour ago.

Empty subdivision sidewalks, two different walkers in the road.

Note: NOT previous perps.

My mind is boggled.

I am a cyclist. I move the **** over when cars are behind and if I am riding with a group make sure we go from 2+ to a single file line. Its common courtesy because we are generally moving slower than the speed limit(although the cop was pissed I was doing 25 in a 20 school zone the other morning). Its generally the law though that a bike can use the whole lane(or group of bikes) so before bashing cyclists for riding side by side or 3 or whatever(as long as they stay in one lane) make sure you understand the law(which DOESNT excuse common courtesy from the cyclists).

People on the road when they should be on a sidewalk, yea I dont get that.


10-10-15, 06:59
A couple months back, I was stuck in 5 mph traffic in a construction zone for about a mile behind a semi-tractor trailer. A high rise bridge over the ICW was at the end of the zone, with no traffic on the bridge in my direction of travel only. When I finally get about 100 yards from the bridge, I see a pack of cyclists beginning to pedal up the bridge. Oncoming traffic was very light and the cyclists were now doing about 3 mph due to the incline, so cars started passing them. When my turn finally comes and I'm about to pass, one of the bikers decides to pass the bike ahead of him and without signaling of even looking over his shoulder pulls in front of my F-150 no more than 10' away from my bumper. I slam on brakes and lay on the horn while he continues his pass without once even looking at the truck that nearly flattened him. And yes, the bridge has a walkway! Despite an overwhelming urge to throw him and his bike off the bridge, I focused on my breathing and went on with my business.

10-10-15, 10:26
I cycle a lot by myself.

I'm ALWAYS considerate of vehicles by staying as far to the right as is possible.

I too detest the crowd of cyclers road hogging.

I see it every week-end and think how much bad ju-ju they create for all cyclers.

Spandex uniform wearing Assholes.

10-10-15, 11:13
So now, "If you don't like the way I walk...get off the road!"?:D

This was posted a while back as well . . .



10-10-15, 13:22
I cycle also but hug the shoulder of the road. Where I live, there aren't many sidewalks but on a road bike with 90 PSI tires, the ride is brutal at speed so I stick to roads. When I run, I always use the sidewalk if available. My peave, whether on foot or bike, is since I'm on a lot of dirt/rock roads, the folks who don't slow down when passing me. They kick up a TON of dust and also kick up rocks. Some of these have hit me in the face and it doesn't make my day. Despite being courteous to them, I have some repeat offenders out to win the race of the day. Just more evidence of the fact that we live in a fallen world...

10-10-15, 17:38
I live near tourist area and I traverse it to get to points south. For some reason, if people (usually women) are on vacation or "out for the day" normal rules about using the crosswalk cease to apply. They stand in the intersection, cross against the lights, etc. I'll not be shocked when someone gets run over.

10-12-15, 10:33
Many of you guys are the exact reason why I am a mt biker and loathe to ride on any roads.

These days, drivers are either way too impatient or rude or too busy playing with their phones or touch screens in their vehicles to pay attention to anyone on a bike.

You road bikers that ride smack dab in the middle of the road and won't move over....you deserve what you get.