View Full Version : Do You Prefer Bud Lite Or Miller Lite? Doesn't Matter Anymore...

Big A
10-13-15, 12:39
Apparently AB-InBev has bought SABMiller for $104B making them the worlds largest beer maker by volume.

Wonder what this will do for some NASCAR sponsorships...


10-13-15, 12:41
And this affects Rummies.....how?

10-13-15, 12:48
You mean by taste? Niether have any.

The cheapest/lightest beer I buy is Guinness or yuengling.
Sometimes milwake beast that a friend buys... it has more flavor than bud/miller.

Congrats to inbev. I'll continue to stick with domestic beer from founders and stone.

10-13-15, 12:48

Hey, I resemble that remark...

I don't drink lite beer.

If I want extra water in my beer, I'll slosh some in from the sink...

Don't have any interest in Nascar.

The only spectator sports I watch is boxing and since I saw Ronda Rousey in "The Expendables" and fell in love, my gawd she's gorgeous, I've started watching some of the women's MMA matches on Youtube. I'm not into pay per for view, too cheap.

10-13-15, 13:04
I prefer real beer. I don't drink any of that crap, beer is supposed to be alive.

Big A
10-13-15, 13:23
The question in the title was rhetorical...:rolleyes:.

10-13-15, 13:35
Big A,

Just reading the words lite beer reminds of the old Three Stooges sketch where Moe hears the words "Niagra Falls" and when he does he gets a crazed look in his eyes and says: Slowly I turned, (and he does) and step by step, ...and then he goes bonkers and beats up Curly.

Lite Beer: Slowly, I turned, and step by step...

10-13-15, 13:50
What is the "Bud" and "Miller" thing you speak of?


10-13-15, 14:50
It irks me that Bellator MMA calls Miller Lite the original pilsner. Bullshit

10-13-15, 14:55
I haven't drank a typical American beer, Bud, Miller, Coors etc, since I got back from Germany in 1989. I couldn't ever imagine doing so now either.

10-13-15, 14:57
Neither. I actually like beer. :sarcastic:

10-13-15, 15:05
What is the "Bud" and "Miller" thing you speak of?

With a handle like "Moose-Knuckle"... you can only drink:35410

10-13-15, 15:28
This sucks.... Dammit....

(In my best Hank Hill voice)

Please God, don't let those assholes screw up my Miller lite. It's literally one of the last fine joys in my life. Don't let them communist bastards screw up the taste like they did to bud light.

10-13-15, 16:01
They're both like screwing in a canoe so what's the difference?

10-13-15, 17:20
The only time I drink Miller is when it is free. Because free beer, is well.. free beer. Anheuser products? Not in a couple years, not much after inbev bought then in fact, and even then I didn't drink much of them. Otherwise I drink Yuengling or Shiner, or other real beers with flavor. I am currently unwinding with a Yuengling Octoberfest for example. That said, if Anheuser Busch is any example of the market share, or rather the collapse of market share, then chances are this will actually be good for the little guys since if memory serves when Anheuser was bought out their market share dropped something like 24%.

10-13-15, 17:23
Yuengling, Shiner and Abita are the only large breweries whose beer I buy when I'm in the States. Of course there are a lot of brewers now making beer in the Deep South so I usually buy local.

But to answer your question neither, Coors.

10-13-15, 17:42
I haven't drank a typical American beer, Bud, Miller, Coors etc, since I got back from Germany in 1989. I couldn't ever imagine doing so now either.

Add 17 years to this and ditto.

10-13-15, 18:17
The question in the title was rhetorical...:rolleyes:.

Sorry, I'm on Tapatalk so I can't tell, but is this a poll?


10-13-15, 18:46
That blows... I prefer miller lite to any other "lite" (cheap) beer.

10-13-15, 19:23
They're both like screwing in a canoe so what's the difference?
Effing near water....lol....

10-13-15, 19:37
I usually drink keystone so i doubt they can **** that up. If i was rich i would only have guiness or some style of shiner, but i am not :(

10-13-15, 20:05
I usually drink keystone so i doubt they can **** that up. If i was rich i would only have guiness or some style of shiner, but i am not :(

I do not consider myself rich, but Shiner Black is my house beer.

As a matter of fact, I am sipping one now.

10-13-15, 20:10
Oh, hi there...


10-13-15, 20:36
I do not consider myself rich, but Shiner Black is my house beer.

As a matter of fact, I am sipping one now.

Well my current definition of "rich" is when a six pack of guinness doesn't cost as much as an hours wage... lol

Beer fund is tapped until the weekend anyway :(

10-14-15, 09:01
I usually drink keystone so i doubt they can **** that up. If i was rich i would only have guiness or some style of shiner, but i am not :(

The older I get the more I'd rather have one good beer than a case of shitty ones. I drink beer because I like the flavor and what little flavor shitty beer has is bad....

10-14-15, 10:13
With the explosion of great micro-breweries around us in this city/state....there is no excuse for drinking Lite or Bud Light.

That is watered down crap for your lady that is watching her figure...not for grown ass men...sorry!

(ditto for Michelob Ultra....a ladies beer)

10-14-15, 10:23
Miller, Coors and Bud all suck donkey balls. Only one I can even stomach is miller lite- and that's if there are no real beers to drink.

I brew the vast majority of beer I drink.

I'd pay about the same amount for cheap ass schwill as I do to make great craft homebrew, sometimes less depending on the style, sometimes a bit more too.

Other than to hydrate there is really no reason for fizzy yellow piss "beer".

This merger is great for the craft beer industry- it shows the big guys making moves to try and keep up with their loss of market share to the little guys.

It's sad really, Coors has some of the most technologically advanced and awesome brewing equipment on the planet and they use it to brew absolute shit. What they could do if they weren't busy making pissy yellow alcohol water.

10-14-15, 10:28
Those mainstream beers are not drunk by those that really love beer.