View Full Version : Democratic presidential debate

10-13-15, 20:01
On right now.

Watch it live on cnn.com - and afterwards, please vote in the poll.

10-13-15, 20:06

if you're catching up, you should have taken 5 drinks by now.

10-13-15, 20:08

if you're catching up, you should have taken 5 drinks by now.

Hah! I'd be unconscious in about 15..;)

10-13-15, 20:09

if you're catching up, you should have taken 5 drinks by now.

That'd be a dangerous game with this debate.

10-13-15, 20:13
That'd be a dangerous game with this debate.

A friend sent me that and I said "I don't want to die, bro" lol.

No other drinks from then to now, but they're starting to discuss guns.

10-13-15, 20:15
Bernie mentioned NRA. Shot!

Hillary mentioned NRA. Shot!

Bernie: expand and strengthen instant background checks, deal with straw man purchases, gunshow loophole, and mental illness.

10-13-15, 20:15
Hillary wants to sue the gun manufacturers.

10-13-15, 20:18
O'Malley mentioned NRA twice. Double tap!

Anyone dead yet?

Anderson Cooper mentioned the NRA twice. Double tap!

10-13-15, 20:18
Just took another drin k...

10-13-15, 20:18
My stomach churns listening to them tards.

10-13-15, 20:21
Webb is talking about not only defending hunting, but also defending people's right to defend themself.

He mentioned bodyguards and the double standard! Whaaaaaaaaaaat.

I guess since he's the only one with service and a son that fought in Fallujah...

Chafee mentioned Common Sense Gun Safety twice... double tap!

NRA was mentioned three more times. Mozambique drill!

Edit: I missed a "billionaires" by Sanders earlier and a "wallstreet" comment by someone else, so you should be at 18 drinks right now.

10-13-15, 20:30
Webb is talking about not only defending hunting, but also defending people's right to defend themself.

He mentioned bodyguards and the double standard! Whaaaaaaaaaaat.

I guess since he's the only one with service and a son that fought in Fallujah...

So far, Webb is the only that inched from the left on this.. This is really punishing to view..

Cooper? CNN Debate Moderator Was Member of Clinton Global Initiative

10-13-15, 20:35
Webb seems to be the most right leaning of the Democratic candidates. He has a similar view of China as Trump does.

10-13-15, 20:39
As entertaining as this would be, I would like to keep my dinner down. :)

Are the CNN moderators using the kid gloves? Have they let Hillary explain herself enough? Or are they actually asking pressing questions?

10-13-15, 20:40
Whoever is going to win this debate, Chafee and O'Malley lost it. They're just bad and boring.

10-13-15, 20:44
Are the CNN moderators using the kid gloves? Have they let Hillary explain herself enough? Or are they actually asking pressing questions?

When Webb went over his time, Anderson was arguing with him to stop. When Hillary went over her time, he meekly and quietly said "Ms. Secretary... Ms. Secretary..."

10-13-15, 20:44
Are the CNN moderators using the kid gloves? Have they let Hillary explain herself enough? Or are they actually asking pressing questions?

Nope and they won't, they are in her pocket. If I were a dem and only vote party line, it would be Webb right now that this moment. Bernie and the others are Bat Sh!t.

10-13-15, 20:51
Gee do you think the audience is stacked for that old witch? Side note, buddy of mine does investments and he's saying Hillary is going to be in and the people with $ are positioning for it.

10-13-15, 20:52
Oh shiiiit...

"Do black lives matter or do all lives matter?"
Bernie: black lives matter b/c institutional racism and needs major reforms in a broken criminal justice system.
O'Malley: we have under valued the lives of people of color. We buried 350+ men a year in Baltimore, most black. If they were white, we'd have an uproar. Black lives matter.
Webb: Every life in this country matters. Wants criminal justice reform because something about black people dying a lot.

10-13-15, 20:58
There haven't been drinks in a while. :(

Cooper said to Clinton: You and your husband are the 1%. How can you say you represent the middle class?

10-13-15, 21:03
They set this thing up as mutual masterbation, Webb seems to be the only one who got off the Socialist train tracks. It really pisses me off and shows CNN's bias, the very idea of Anderson Cooper, who is well in Hillary's pocket being a moderator says alot about the bias.
No way I would try that drinking game.

10-13-15, 21:05
Hillary: CLIMATE CHANGE x2. Double tap everyone!

Sanders: billionaire and wallstreet. Double tap.

I think I missed some "wall street"s :(

10-13-15, 21:20
god damn Hillary, interrupts Webb when hes talking about anti amnesty, pro immigration reform, defined borders talk for a cheap sound bite against Republicans

10-13-15, 21:23
Ironic: Hillary thinks Snowden should see jail time.

10-13-15, 21:27
Sanders: Wallstreet and billionaires. Double tap.

Q: How will you not be a third term Obama?
Hillary: I'm female.

Cooper: Climate change. Shot.

Bernie: Billionaires x2. Double tap.

Cooper: Climate Change. Shot.

28 so far.

10-13-15, 21:39
Webb is pro coal, pro drilling, pro keystone pipeline, pro nuclear power apparently.

Is he actually a Democrat?

Webb: Climate Change. Shot.
Cooper: Climate Change. Shot.
Bernie: Climate Change. Shot.
Hillary: Climate Change. Shot.

10-13-15, 21:46
take a shot for every minute they dont let Webb talk

10-13-15, 21:47
take a shot everytime Hillary uses the Im a Woman card.

like 3 times or so?

NRA mentioned, wow, a blast from the past. Shot!
Bernie mentioned wall street. Shot.

10-13-15, 21:55
Closing remarks.

10-13-15, 21:57
In the last question before closing remarks, the candidates were asked "what or who is your biggest enemy?" People answered NRA, the GOP, etc.

Webb answered, "the enemy soldier that threw a grenade and wounded me... but he isn't around anymore." Then Webb grinned.

10-13-15, 21:57
I understand these candidates are pandering to the progressives of the Democratic party, and hence all the progressive hype, but in 2016, we do not want any one of these individuals as POTUS, except for Webb maybe, but he will not get the Democratic nomination.

10-13-15, 22:00
Webb wrote the book "Born Fighting". I highly recommend it. I would vote for him over any of the current Republican front runners. I was shocked to learn he is a democrat.

10-13-15, 22:03
Webb seems very reasonable. I'd vote Webb over any current Republican candidate, including Trump.

10-13-15, 22:07
Webb wrote the book "Born Fighting". I highly recommend it. I would vote for him over any of the current Republican front runners. I was shocked to learn he is a democrat.

Webb seems very reasonable. I'd vote Webb over any current Republican candidate, including Trump.

Me too, Webb seems like my ideal Presidential candidate.

Too bad he won't win the Dem nomination :(

10-13-15, 22:17
Do you notice none of them attacked Hillary and that Bernie actually defended her?
I'm not sure if they have better discipline in that regard or that AC steered it away from that happening?
The GOP turns it in to a Gladiator drill and the Dem's protect their party at all costs...

10-13-15, 22:21


You have to vote to see the results.

Sanders is ahead at a commanding 59.5%.

Webb is SECOND at 24.6%.

Everyone else is around 5%.

VIP3R 237
10-13-15, 23:10
I honestly think Sanders is going to get the nomination. I've felt that for a few months now. Ugh but the #feelthebern shit is getting annoying AF.

10-13-15, 23:18
I honestly think Sanders is going to get the nomination. I've felt that for a few months now. Ugh but the #feelthebern shit is getting annoying AF.

If Webb got the nomination, he'd win the general election. I guarantee that.

VIP3R 237
10-13-15, 23:44
If Webb got the nomination, he'd win the general election. I guarantee that.

He is so far the only democratic nominee who doesn't terrify me. We're f*cked if hilldog or BSreport gets in.

10-14-15, 02:10
I can't believe people actually still pay for cable TV.

10-14-15, 02:30
I can't believe people actually still pay for cable TV.

I watched it online

10-14-15, 02:38
If Webb got the nomination, he'd win the general election. I guarantee that.

I did not see the debate nor care to. I live in VA. Webb quit politics because he hated the system. Don't let his Military career fool you. Tim Kaine told him he wasn't going to quit... he did anyway... Tim Kaine miraculously becomes a Senator during the Obama election. Somebody has a grasp on Webb's crotch for some reason. Not sure why. Webb is the guy that Bush asked "how's your son" after he got elected Senator and Webb said " none of your business"... his son is a soldier.. or was.

There is some serious funky shit going on with Webb and our elected representatives. Not sure what it is. Tim Kaine knows. Tim Kaine hates guns. See a picture here?

Webb on the face seems like he's ok... he also seems like someone owns him. He's a swing state candidate. I don't know what it all means but it smells like week old fish left in the shade.

He's probably an ok guy personally but he has made it clear beyond doubt that he does not want to be in politics.... yet out of the blue here he comes up as a Presidential candidate? Ain't no way... he's paying debts to somebody. Everybody in VA knows this. Ronald McDonald or Jim Webb.. same thing. Doesn't matter how rational he seems.

10-14-15, 08:53
I did not see the debate nor care to. I live in VA. Webb quit politics because he hated the system. Don't let his Military career fool you. Tim Kaine told him he wasn't going to quit... he did anyway... Tim Kaine miraculously becomes a Senator during the Obama election. Somebody has a grasp on Webb's crotch for some reason. Not sure why. Webb is the guy that Bush asked "how's your son" after he got elected Senator and Webb said " none of your business"... his son is a soldier.. or was.

There is some serious funky shit going on with Webb and our elected representatives. Not sure what it is. Tim Kaine knows. Tim Kaine hates guns. See a picture here?

Webb on the face seems like he's ok... he also seems like someone owns him. He's a swing state candidate. I don't know what it all means but it smells like week old fish left in the shade.

He's probably an ok guy personally but he has made it clear beyond doubt that he does not want to be in politics.... yet out of the blue here he comes up as a Presidential candidate? Ain't no way... he's paying debts to somebody. Everybody in VA knows this. Ronald McDonald or Jim Webb.. same thing. Doesn't matter how rational he seems.

I had this discussion with someone from Virginia, who clearly knows Virginia politics much better than I. He echoed some of your same points. Webb is left-mod/left-center.

I like Webb because of his service and the vision he had for a strong Navy/MC in the 80s. He is pro-military, and also very pro-2A. Aside from those issues, his politics are 180 degrees from mine. But it does seem that of all those goofballs running as a dem he is the most normal. Just from the "seems normal" perspective I could see him doing well in the general election.

10-14-15, 09:07
A criminal, a communist and some losers walk into a casino, it's not a joke, it's the Democratic debate....

10-14-15, 09:46
I'm still watching it but I would be very cautious about making a conclusion that any of these candidates including Webb sound good based on just one debate.
There's liberal lurking inside there somewhere. Maybe it hasn't been fully exposed yet, but it's there.

It reminds me of the way people were talking about Obama before the 2008 election and he won over some of the moderate voters.

10-14-15, 10:05
So what I got from the debate was that the NRA is responsible for killing 90 people a day because they allow 40% of gun purchases to go without a background check, that I have the right to sue fast food restaurants for making me fat or Jack Daniels when I get pulled over for a DUI, that #blacklivesmatter, the 1% is going to pay for everything, and no one cares about #thosedamnemails.

Did I miss anything?

10-14-15, 10:06
So what I got from the debate was that the NRA is responsible for killing 90 people a day because they allow 40% of gun purchases to go without a background check, that I have the right to sue fast food restaurants for making me fat or Jack Daniels when I get pulled over for a DUI, that #blacklivesmatter, the 1% is going to pay for everything, and no one cares about #thosedamnemails.

Did I miss anything?

It's still Bush's fault....

10-14-15, 10:30
Some of you really watched that thing?

Sorry...my work load gives me enough stress and situations where I deal with idiots during the day....I cannot handle an evening full of listening to morons after that! LOL

10-14-15, 10:59
Webb wrote the book "Born Fighting". I highly recommend it. I would vote for him over any of the current Republican front runners. I was shocked to learn he is a democrat.

Yeah, I was too.

10-14-15, 11:02
Yeah, I was too.


10-14-15, 11:41
I had this discussion with someone from Virginia, who clearly knows Virginia politics much better than I. He echoed some of your same points. Webb is left-mod/left-center.

I like Webb because of his service and the vision he had for a strong Navy/MC in the 80s. He is pro-military, and also very pro-2A. Aside from those issues, his politics are 180 degrees from mine. But it does seem that of all those goofballs running as a dem he is the most normal. Just from the "seems normal" perspective I could see him doing well in the general election.

Yes, of all those goofballs on that stage, he is probably the most normal. He would probably be a 'no big surprises' type POTUS.... except for wondering what type pressure could be brought to bear on him from the hard core Libs after he is in office.

Anyone who wanted to vote for Hillary but didn't trust her. He would be their guy.

I suppose if the right has to lose another election I would want to lose to him. It's possible he is being used as a stepping stone for Mark Warner... If he could win, and basically not rock the boat, that would pretty much assure VA goes all blue. It's been all red in the past and now it's split, if they can get VA all blue, then they can push someone like Mark Warner in and then it's full on Liberal express. I mean we are talking about a guy that was up for an easy re-election and said, nope, I want out, don't like the campaigning and social political scene...... then a few years later when the Dems have nobody.... he says... what the heck I want to be POTUS?

10-14-15, 12:25
Summary of debate from Taiwanese animation perspective:


10-14-15, 13:03
Webb may personally be pro-2A and pro-military, but you can guarantee that anyone he would appoint to the Supreme Court would not be.

At any rate, the Dems have not been concerned about nominating somebody that they think the other side will vote for since John Kerry ran as a "war hero" in 2004. They care about two things:

1) Getting the landmark elections (first black, first woman, first gay, first whatever)
2) Getting someone as far left as they can.

Radical professors and media types don't want to reach out to middle America, and they don't want someone like Webb who would likely work to preserve the country. The left wants the United States destroyed and replaced with a European-style socialist state. Only someone like Hillary or Bernie would do that.

10-14-15, 15:37
Had to stick an ice pick in my thigh every 10 minutes or so...and hid anything remotely throwable away from my TV.

Hillary said at least three times "Because I'm a woman"...yet she claims that she wants equal status..kinda hypocritcal. That witch would say ANYTHING...

Chaffee: Waste of air, he's going NOWHERE...

O'Malley: The ONLY thing he said that was right was the repeal of Glass-Stengel (pardon my spelling); a lot of conservatives agree that VC banks and retail banks should be separated. Oh, and he viscerally went after Trump...

Sanders: I was surprised when Sanders almost stood up for the 2A - or at least some parts of it, anyway..

Webb: Actually the only one not in full-kook mode. Rightly recognizes China as probably the greatest long-term security threat...

Hillary (again for effect): I'm a woman, what more do you need?

10-14-15, 15:39
Oh, PS...Ted Cruz would SMOKE any one of them. I'd really like to see him get a chance to debate Hillary on live TV...oh, and where was her loving Husband Bill last night..

10-14-15, 16:06
Food for thought...


10-14-15, 16:21
The talk about repealing Glass-Steagall was probably a jab at Clinton because her hubby repealed parts of this that played a huge part in the 2008 financial troubles.

Before that, a financial institution could be a commercial bank or a brokerage house...but not both at the same time.

10-14-15, 16:24
After listening to a montage of Bernie Sanders quotes from this staged event I have no doubt that his bid for the presidency is a construct of the Clinton Crime family. He is too over the top and is intended to make Hilary look more moderate and not the leftist radical that she is.

10-14-15, 16:26
The talk about repealing Glass-Steagall was probably a jab at Clinton because her hubby repealed parts of this that played a huge part in the 2008 financial troubles.

Before that, a financial institution could be a commercial bank or a brokerage house...but not both at the same time.

Thank you for correcting my spelling! Banks are too big...but who is the last person that broke up a monopolistic situation? Reagan...

10-14-15, 20:04
The talk about repealing Glass-Steagall was probably a jab at Clinton because her hubby repealed parts of this that played a huge part in the 2008 financial troubles.

Before that, a financial institution could be a commercial bank or a brokerage house...but not both at the same time.

Bill Clinton didn't repeal parts of Glass-Steagall, He, and congress repealed all of it.. You're right Glass-Steagall prevented a bank from working both sides of the street, and It wouldn't have prevented Lehman Bros from collapsing (as they were a investment bank) When that was voted on, (repealing G-S) there were only 3 no votes in the senate. one of these folks had the smarts to point out to the senate that they were creating banks that were too big to fail, and that the tax payer would be on the hook when they ****ed up. ...Everybody else voted yes.. As much as I can't stand the Clinton's I don't blame Bill entirely for that...

10-15-15, 01:00
After listening to a montage of Bernie Sanders quotes from this staged event I have no doubt that his bid for the presidency is a construct of the Clinton Crime family. He is too over the top and is intended to make Hilary look more moderate and not the leftist radical that she is.

I think you may be right. It makes since. the others don't have a flying chance in hell. So Bernie puts on a good show for a while. Jeeze, Hillary is so transparently wrapped up in her own mind it's scary. Can you imagine what that crazy woman would do after watching what Obama got away with.

I know people on the right get to fretting over which one of their possible candidates suits them.... but this time around if the left wins again..... I honestly can't imagine what this country will become. If there were ever an election for the right to pull together and just go all in for one guy it's this one.

10-15-15, 17:56
did anyone notice that Hillary basically called Republicans and the NRA enemies - basically half the country. Just goes to show how she really thinks about you. Not voting for someone is one thing but calling you an enemy is a whole new level. Just goes to show how vindictive and hateful she really is. Can you imagine if she was in the Oval Office? The only person that gave a genuine non political answer was - you guessed it Jim Webb. Someone on Politico actually criticized Webb for saying that :rolleyes:

Democratic debate: Which enemy are you most proud of?

Lincoln Chafee: I guess the coal lobby. I've worked hard for climate change and I want to work with the coal lobby. But in my time in the Senate, tried to bring them to the table so that we could address carbon dioxide. I'm proud to be at odds with the coal lobby.

Martin O'Malley: The National Rifle Association.

Hillary Clinton: Well, in addition to the NRA, the health insurance companies, the drug companies, the Iranians. Probably the Republicans.

Bernie Sanders: As someone who has taken on probably every special interest that there is in Washington, I would lump Wall Street and the pharmaceutical industry at the top of my life of people who do not like me.

Jim Webb: I'd have to say the enemy soldier that threw the grenade that wounded me, but he's not around right now to talk to.

10-15-15, 18:11
did anyone notice that Hillary basically called Republicans and the NRA enemies - basically half the country. Just goes to show how she really thinks about you. Not voting for someone is one thing but calling you an enemy is a whole new level. Just goes to show how vindictive and hateful she really is. Can you imagine if she was in the Oval Office? The only person that gave a genuine non political answer was - you guessed it Jim Webb. Someone on Politico actually criticized Webb for saying that :rolleyes:

Yep, I saw that... I thought, man , what a question... and yet they were all to eager to answer... Not just 'dis-agree with, or wish we could work it out, try to think of it this way'... but "enemy"... and Hillary was giddy in her response.

I haven't heard it but apparently they were also asked....

Black lives matter or all lives matter and the ones that answered 'all lives matter' are being called out for their wrong answer.

It's as though all rational thought has been removed from the Liberal mindset and we are faced with potentially ruining this country. It's beyond belief.

10-15-15, 18:14
Yep, I saw that... I thought, man , what a question... and yet they were all to eager to answer... Not just 'dis-agree with, or wish we could work it out, try to think of it this way'... but "enemy"... and Hillary was giddy in her response.

I haven't heard it but apparently they were also asked....

Black lives matter or all lives matter and the ones that answered 'all lives matter' are being called out for their wrong answer.

It's as though all rational thought has been removed from the Liberal mindset and we are faced with potentially ruining this country. It's beyond belief.

Trust in God and Keep your powder dry.

10-15-15, 21:30
How will you be different than Obama?



10-16-15, 09:24
Hillary seems to have the same messiah complex that Obama has...she really believes her own press. Put her in the WH - watch out...

10-16-15, 09:40
Hillary seems to have the same messiah complex that Obama has...she really believes her own press. Put her in the WH - watch out...

For sure, she'll be the DEM candidate. There is also a significant chance that she'll be standing in the WH on January 20, 2017.

10-16-15, 10:49
Jim Webb claims the debate was rigged... Gee, who would have guessed..:rolleyes:


10-16-15, 11:37
Jim Webb claims the debate was rigged... Gee, who would have guessed..:rolleyes:


I can't believe anyone would think that this was not a staged event.

10-16-15, 11:49
Everything Hillary does is a "staged event" even going to the crapper!

10-29-15, 20:09

Colt guy
10-29-15, 20:48
that's funny