View Full Version : Fly the Confederate flag and risk terrorism charges

10-15-15, 08:10
Confederate flag supporters are now considered members of a street gang engaged in terrorism. Dissenters are not allowed.

Months after a convoy of pickup trucks waving large Confederate flags rumbled past a birthday party in suburban Atlanta, a grand jury has indicted members of the group on terror-related charges.

The indictments charge 15 members of an organization known as Respect the Flag with violating Georgia's Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act and making terroristic threats. If convicted, they could face up to 20 years in prison.


10-15-15, 08:30
Yeah I saw this. Not sure the whole story but it seems like these guys are getting rail roaded. Even the possibility of facing 20 years is beyond retarded considering there was no physical altercation and I don't think the police even made any arrest at the time.

10-15-15, 08:47
I wear a hat with the Bonny Blue flag on it occasionally, the only responce I get is "How 'bout them Cowboys"?

10-15-15, 08:53
How long until NRA hats and stickers are considered a "Terrorist" threat to anyone whose eyes happen upon them?

I've never heard of anyone being arrested and charged for flying a Nazi, Hamas or ISIS flag. This is absurd. If they succeed in stomping all over the first amendment in this case, a whole lot of fence sitters are going to be very perturbed...

10-15-15, 08:55
Because flying that flag is the same as killing innocent people....or at least libs think so.

10-15-15, 08:56
These guys interrupted a child's birthday party, yelling racial slurs at the crowd. They aren't the martyrs you're looking for. My guess is that the local DA couldn't find anything else to charge them with and that statute was the only one that fit. Regardless, these guys won't be doing 20 years anywhere.

26 Inf
10-15-15, 09:25
These guys interrupted a child's birthday party, yelling racial slurs at the crowd. They aren't the martyrs you're looking for. My guess is that the local DA couldn't find anything else to charge them with and that statute was the only one that fit. Regardless, these guys won't be doing 20 years anywhere.

Pretty much - 'these are not the martyrs you are looking for'

Months after a convoy of pickup trucks waving large Confederate flags rumbled past a birthday party in suburban Atlanta, a grand jury has indicted members of the group on terror-related charges.

The indictments charge 15 members of an organization known as Respect the Flag with violating Georgia's Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act and making terroristic threats. If convicted, they could face up to 20 years in prison.

Melissa Alford, who hosted the July birthday party, where many of the attendees were black, said tensions flared when the trucks drove by the home in Douglasville, Georgia. The people holding the flags were also brandishing weapons, she said.

"They used the N-word and said they were going to kill people on my property," Alford told CNN affiliate WSB.

Members of Respect the Flag have described the day's events differently, telling the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that someone at the party threw rocks at them, triggering the altercation.

The group's leader, Levi Bush, who is among the people indicted, declined CNN's request for an interview. Other members of the group could not be reached for comment, and it was not clear whether they had legal representation.

The indictment alleges that Respect the Flag is a "criminal street gang," and that members of the group threatened "to commit a crime of violence" against people at the party, "with the purpose of terrorizing those individuals and in reckless disregard for the risks of causing such terror."

The prosecutor has said he won't discuss details of the case outside court.

So if we take this in context, it is literally 'he said, she said' The Grand Jury hearing the evidence agreed that there was enough to send the case to trial. This does not equal a conviction, it is how our system works.

10-15-15, 10:36
Yeah....Georgia also has a LOT of scrimscrabble bullshit that goes on here too.

Unless there is a video of these guys laying tracks and directing epithets and threats; I don't believe it.

Because, like it or not, The Confederate Flag is protected speech same as that oh so mystical, sacred, taboo N word.

Then again, cops are writing other police BS petty tickets down here (as well as soldiers) and this new breed is a total f_ck story.

And I wish to point out that I hear, whether I want to or not, that again....sacred, unmentionable, beyond redeemable, just totally magical N word.....that makes me feel like a jackass having to refer to it as such.....BLASTING AND BOOMING out of cars, driven by black males everywhere I go. And, no Virginia, those black guys wearing six pointed stars of David ARE NOT JEWISH. And, NO, those dreadheads with Escalades at age 22 don't have good jobs nor do they have rich parents.

Georgia is one of the top ten states where you stand a much better than average chance of getting gunned down, stabbed, or injured.
Yet...yet....we will also totally buddy f_ck other cops, KNOWING that every other week or so a dash cam snuff film gets put out on YouTube of a guy getting his fat ass whipped or shot off.


Jesus H. Christ, give me a break......

If I sound overpassionate, please bear in mind that I've been in the shit, been injured doing this bullshit job...to some degree permanently... been EXTREMELY BLUE FALCONED, and really, really get tired of people wanting to "make a name" for themselves.

Whatever I am getting constipated. Unable to give a shit anymore

10-15-15, 11:43
Here we go again. We all knew effectively banning the flag and making it taboo was going to bring out the ugliness on all sides.

As to this case, it is indeed a "he said/she said" and I wouldn't put it past either group to embellish the details, to put it mildly.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which is representing some of the people who attended the party, praised the prosecutor for pushing forward with the case.

"These cowards chose unarmed African-Americans enjoying a peaceful birthday party to vent their violent racist hatred," Morris Dees, the organization's chief trial counsel, said in a written statement. "This is reminiscent of the Ku Klux Klan -- modern-day night-riders terrorizing African-Americans in the name of Southern heritage."

If the plaintiffs have video evidence then I agree with Mr. Dees but I'm assuming they don't or they would've probably said so. So for this Mr. Dees to take their word on it and start stoking the fires of racism is ridiculous but I wouldn't expect anything less. Next we will see Sharpton, Jackson and convoy visiting to champion the cause. I get so sick of them fanning the flames.

10-15-15, 11:45
Anything Dees says is a goddamned lie.
Putting it out there.

10-15-15, 11:54
But remember it's a-okay to burn and or defecate on an American flag . . .

10-15-15, 11:56
But remember it's a-okay to burn and or defecate on an American flag . . .


10-15-15, 11:58
I think the headline is very misleading and is itelf incindiary. The fact they were flying a Confederate flag, or any flag, is immaterial if the article I read said they were threatening to kill the people at the party is correct. If this is true, they can be charged for that; again, the flag is immaterial and is part of bullshit political game. Kinda like the lable "hate crime." I hope they get a good defense attorney to shut this down.

10-15-15, 12:01
I think the headline is very misleading and is itelf incindiary. The fact they were flying a Confederate flag, or any flag, is immaterial if the article I read said they were threatening to kill the people at the party is correct. If this is true, they can be charged for that; again, the flag is immaterial and is part of bullshit political game. Kinda like the lable "hate crime." I hope they get a good defense attorney to shut this down.

Agreed. It's like they're automatically presumed guilty.

I get so tired of these shysters and hucksters pouncing on this crap as soon as news hits the streets.
It would be different if the people told them to GTFO and they aren't helping their case. It really weakens the peoples' credibility instantly.

...but they all want their 15 minutes of fame.

10-15-15, 12:42
My wife's family are all from the South. Her Dad's ancestors were Confederate Raiders (Guerrillas) in NW Arkansas and SW Missouri and her Mother's family made up part of Harrison's 3rd Louisiana Cavalry, Company K-The Prairie Rangers. My youngest son is a member of Son's of Confederate Veterans. I guess I raised a kid to join a Hate Group? My family were all Northern Civil War soldiers and even after the War to serve with the 3rd US Cavalry in New Mexico, Arizona and the northern plains during the Indian Wars. Lots of good soldiers served on the Confederate side, and their history should never be forgotten or put down. There would be Hell to Pay if anyone told me not to show or fly the Confederate Battle Flag.

10-15-15, 13:32
My wife's family are all from the South. Her Dad's ancestors were Confederate Raiders (Guerrillas) in NW Arkansas and SW Missouri and her Mother's family made up part of Harrison's 3rd Louisiana Cavalry, Company K-The Prairie Rangers. My youngest son is a member of Son's of Confederate Veterans. I guess I raised a kid to join a Hate Group? My family were all Northern Civil War soldiers and even after the War to serve with the 3rd US Cavalry in New Mexico, Arizona and the northern plains during the Indian Wars. Lots of good soldiers served on the Confederate side, and their history should never be forgotten or put down. There would be Hell to Pay if anyone told me not to show or fly the Confederate Battle Flag.

My great-great-great grandfather served in Company G of the 48th Arkansas Cavalry. I have actually spoke with my local SCV chapter and have considered joining. I actually had in the back of my mind that if I were to join I'd be flagged as a hate group member, no joke I actually thought that. This was about ten years ago.

Still might join one day, but first I'd like to finalize all my paperwork with the Sons of the American Revolution.

10-15-15, 13:36
My great-great-great grandfather served in Company G of the 48th Arkansas Cavalry. I have actually spoke with my local SCV chapter and have considered joining. I actually had in the back of my mind that if I were to join I'd be flagged as a hate group member, no joke I actually thought that. This was about ten years ago.

Still might join one day, but first I'd like to finalize all my paperwork with the Sons of the American Revolution.

My great-grandfather faught for NC. I have no clue what he did, nor how to find out. Family lore says he gave not a whit about slavery (he was a tenant farmer), but really disliked northerners.

10-15-15, 13:41
My great-great-great grandfather served in Company G of the 48th Arkansas Cavalry. I have actually spoke with my local SCV chapter and have considered joining. I actually had in the back of my mind that if I were to join I'd be flagged as a hate group member

You'd be in good company. My 16 year old son is the XO of his High School JROTC unit, and has written essays about his Confederate ancestors and his membership in the SCV. He's not worried one bit about this organization or his own family history.

10-15-15, 14:09
Regarding that flag, a friend of mine sent me this:

Thank God that damned Confederate Flag is finally being removed from the South Carolina capitol and elsewhere.

It's comforting to know that racism will finally be ended by pulling down this flag and blacks will now be free to live the MLK dream; free to keep their families together and have a Mother and Father as good role models; free to value education; free to stay fully employed; free to support their own children; free to stop murdering each other;
free to graduate from high school; free to get married before having babies; free to stop crime in their neighborhoods; instead of taking tax dollars, now free to pay income tax to support our Country.

Now we can all rest easier knowing that those problems caused by that damned flag have now ceased to exist.

10-15-15, 14:11
Oh Sam . . . :lol:

10-15-15, 16:19
I think the headline is very misleading and is itelf incindiary. The fact they were flying a Confederate flag, or any flag, is immaterial if the article I read said they were threatening to kill the people at the party is correct. If this is true, they can be charged for that; again, the flag is immaterial and is part of bullshit political game. Kinda like the lable "hate crime." I hope they get a good defense attorney to shut this down.

I agree. The flag is irrelevant. Threatening to kill people is something else.

10-15-15, 16:22
I agree. The flag is irrelevant. Threatening to kill people is something else.
Allegedly threatening...

Facts: The blacks do a great job killing each other.

Let's hand out Glocks and drugs so they can self-exterminate.

10-15-15, 16:45
Let's hand out Glocks and drugs so they can self-exterminate.

The crack epidemic was a CIA op. Check out the story of investigative journalist Gary Webb who exposed this, he committed suicide years later after his professional and personal life were destroyed by shooting himself in the head . . . TWICE.

10-15-15, 16:46
Regarding that flag, a friend of mine sent me this:

Thank God that damned Confederate Flag is finally being removed from the South Carolina capitol and elsewhere.

It's comforting to know that racism will finally be ended by pulling down this flag and blacks will now be free to live the MLK dream; free to keep their families together and have a Mother and Father as good role models; free to value education; free to stay fully employed; free to support their own children; free to stop murdering each other;
free to graduate from high school; free to get married before having babies; free to stop crime in their neighborhoods; instead of taking tax dollars, now free to pay income tax to support our Country.

Now we can all rest easier knowing that those problems caused by that damned flag have now ceased to exist.


10-15-15, 17:31
So much fail in this thread I dont know where to begin.

10-15-15, 18:08
Allegedly threatening...

Facts: The blacks do a great job killing each other.

Let's hand out Glocks and drugs so they can self-exterminate.

My bad. Yes *allegedly*
Its all good until a stray round hits lil Johnny Smith in the noggin..

10-15-15, 23:59
How long until NRA hats and stickers are considered a "Terrorist" threat to anyone whose eyes happen upon them?

I've never heard of anyone being arrested and charged for flying a Nazi, Hamas or ISIS flag. This is absurd. If they succeed in stomping all over the first amendment in this case, a whole lot of fence sitters are going to be very perturbed...

Don't worry, they've been working on that for the past several years.

Pretty much - 'these are not the martyrs you are looking for'

Months after a convoy of pickup trucks waving large Confederate flags rumbled past a birthday party in suburban Atlanta, a grand jury has indicted members of the group on terror-related charges.

The indictments charge 15 members of an organization known as Respect the Flag with violating Georgia's Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act and making terroristic threats. If convicted, they could face up to 20 years in prison.

Melissa Alford, who hosted the July birthday party, where many of the attendees were black, said tensions flared when the trucks drove by the home in Douglasville, Georgia. The people holding the flags were also brandishing weapons, she said.

"They used the N-word and said they were going to kill people on my property," Alford told CNN affiliate WSB.

Members of Respect the Flag have described the day's events differently, telling the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that someone at the party threw rocks at them, triggering the altercation.

The group's leader, Levi Bush, who is among the people indicted, declined CNN's request for an interview. Other members of the group could not be reached for comment, and it was not clear whether they had legal representation.

The indictment alleges that Respect the Flag is a "criminal street gang," and that members of the group threatened "to commit a crime of violence" against people at the party, "with the purpose of terrorizing those individuals and in reckless disregard for the risks of causing such terror."

The prosecutor has said he won't discuss details of the case outside court.

So if we take this in context, it is literally 'he said, she said' The Grand Jury hearing the evidence agreed that there was enough to send the case to trial. This does not equal a conviction, it is how our system works.

Yes, I'm sure these guys are dipshits.
But then again, I don't see criminal charges for New Black Panther protesters who openly call for killing police officers, and white people in general, nor for Hamas flag waving protestors calling for killing Jews.