View Full Version : VA Gov. MCCauliffe Banning open carry and trying for concealed

10-15-15, 13:13

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe on Thursday banned the open carry of guns in some state-owned buildings and pledged to pursue a muscular and multifaceted strategy to combat gun violence in Virginia.

McAuliffe —flanked by U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring, law enforcement officers and parents of victims killed in high-profile gun-related crimes — indicated he would exercise as much executive authority as he could on gun control measures while also trying to pressure the Republican-controlled General Assembly to enact gun control legislation.

10-15-15, 13:26
I thought Open Carry was legal in Virgina? So, executive action strikes again by another lawless Progressive. These people should be dragged from office and hung from the nearest sturdy live oak tree.

10-15-15, 13:28
I thought Open Carry was legal in Virgina? So, executive action strikes again by another lawless Progressive. These people should be dragged from office and hung from the nearest sturdy live oak tree.

It is, and agreed.

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10-15-15, 13:34
The benevolent Governor should lead by example and replace his state police security detail's handguns with Gun Free Zone signs.

Then I'd might listen to what he has to say . . .

10-15-15, 13:50
The title of this post doesn't contain the whole story. It's for public buildings. Not the whole state. Say about that what you want.

10-15-15, 14:16
Does Virginia have any form of statewide preemption? In my state and some others with statewide preemption, the governor simply wouldn't have the power to make this sort of rule change. The legislature sets the law for the whole state, and that's final. We have two somewhat odd exceptions but they are limited and advertised.

10-15-15, 14:31
If his constituents don't need guns neither does he

10-15-15, 17:59
The title of this post doesn't contain the whole story. It's for public buildings. Not the whole state. Say about that what you want.

Which is why I posted a link.

and here's another... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GR-srEK7fHY

These lying crooks all run for office as being 2A type people... now they are all F rated once they get their jobs. The only person missing in that picture was Mark Warner. This was a Tim Kaine move... if you watch closely you see him standing behind McCauliffe making his mouth move at the podium.

10-15-15, 18:16
"He's my hero," Parker said.


10-15-15, 18:27
Which is why I posted a link.

and here's another... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GR-srEK7fHY

These lying crooks all run for office as being 2A type people... now they are all F rated once they get their jobs. The only person missing in that picture was Mark Warner. This was a Tim Kaine move... if you watch closely you see him standing behind McCauliffe making his mouth move at the podium.

If I remember right, a couple or so years ago when McCauliffe was running he was not considered pro-gun or 2A friendly. The reason I remember is that the Republican running against him was Ken Cuccinelli who was campaigning at a gun show I went to in Roanoke. I live in West Virginia, so I didn't have a dog in the hunt. The concensus that I saw and heard from the ordinary people there was that McCauliffe was your typical Democratic progressive socialist. Cuccinelli seemed earnest, but way too many liberals leaking down from the DC area trying to ruin a once proud and great state.

There's just not enough good folk with common sense to offset these liberal progressives. It's sad to say, but independent free thinkers are not in the majority anymore.

You look at McCauliffe's record and he strikes me as very much a Clinton wannabe. Then again, seeing that he's originally from New York, what would you really expect of him?


10-15-15, 18:38

Importance of the Issue:
Like too many communities around the nation, cities and counties across the Commonwealth have experienced the devastating effects of gun violence. While Virginians will never forget the tragic massacre of young promise that occurred at Virginia Tech in 2007, or the most recent murders of two young journalists on air in Roanoke, gun violence has tragically impacted families and communities from Lee County to the Eastern Shore, from Loudoun to Halifax in ways that have changed those communities forever.
Through the efforts of many Virginians within both the public and private sectors, our Commonwealth has taken great steps to limit access to guns to those who have mental health issues, previous felony convictions, or a current protective order. But, as events around our nation and Virginia’s own recent history show, more must be done.

It has been estimated that nearly 40% of all guns sold in America are sold by private, unlicensed sellers either online or through gun shows. These sellers are not required by federal or state law to perform any background checks before transferring a firearm. While law enforcement can appropriately monitor the compliance of Federal Firearm Licensees (“FFLs”), unlicensed sellers face little to no regulation in their selling of firearms. Without appropriate safeguards, this large gap in our firearm regulatory scheme gives criminals and other persons incapable of passing a background check easy access to firearms. In a state where open carry is lawful, our law enforcement personnel have no way to determine if a person openly carrying a firearm is in lawful possession or a convicted criminal taking advantage of a gap in our regulatory system.
The ease of access to firearms by criminals and others intent on harm is even more concerning when viewed in light of the general open access to our public facilities. Every day, over 60,000 Virginians report to work in state government buildings across the Commonwealth to provide services to their fellow Virginians. Our citizens rely on open access to these facilities to address their personal and professional needs. Whether it is to incorporate a business, renew a driver’s license, apply for a job, seek a permit, or just to attend a public hearing, our government facilities are essential to allowing our citizens access to their government representatives. Allowing open carry in these facilities by individuals who may not lawfully possess a firearm exposes our state employees and fellow citizens to unnecessary risk.

There is no magic solution to curbing gun violence. As the National Institute of Justice noted, no single approach will prevent gun violence: “To reduce gun violence, a sustained program that addresses both demand and supply is needed. A successful intervention will have elements of federal-local law enforcement collaboration, community involvement, targeted intervention tactics and continuous program evaluation.”

My administration, in consultation with the Office of the Attorney General, along with federal and local law enforcement, is committed to doing everything within our power to prevent gun violence in our communities. Accordingly, pursuant to my authority under Article V of the Constitution of Virginia and under the Code of Virginia, I am ordering the following:

I. Establish Joint Task Force to Prosecute Gun Crimes
There shall be established a Joint Task Force to Prosecute Gun Crimes (the “Task Force”), to be led by the Attorney General of Virginia and the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security. The Task Force shall be comprised of representatives from state and local prosecutors and law enforcement, the Virginia State Police, the Department of Criminal Justice Services, along with federal partners in order to develop strategies and coordinate efforts to strictly enforce existing gun laws under state and federal law. Following from successful law enforcement efforts in the past, the Task Force will put special emphasis on enforcing two key protections under the law:

1.) That only licensed firearms dealers engage in the business of selling firearms. This means what?

2.) That persons prohibited from owning firearms are prevented from obtaining them.
The Task Force will rely principally on the investigatory powers of state and federal law enforcement agencies, in partnership with local agencies, in order to pursue effective enforcement actions, using both criminal and civil proceedings, to enforce the gun laws.

Additionally, I am asking the Task Force to identify those areas within our regulatory system that significantly hamper law enforcement’s ability to effectively pursue illegal transfers of weapons and how our Commonwealth can be better situated to address these areas.

II. Authorize Attorney General to Coordinate and Bring Criminal Cases Against Firearms Law Offenders

In order to facilitate enforcement of the existing gun laws, I am invoking my authority under § 2.2-511 and asking the Attorney General to coordinate these prosecutorial efforts and bring such cases as he may deem most appropriate in order to protect the citizens of the Commonwealth from illegal firearms sales. I also reserve the right to initiate any other legal proceedings that may be necessary to protect the citizens of the Commonwealth from illegal firearms sales.

III. Establish Tip Line for Illegal Gun Activity

The Virginia State Police coordinates the criminal background checks used by licensed firearm dealers to confirm that prohibited individuals are not able to purchase firearms. To aid in enforcement of the gun laws already on the books, I hereby order the Virginia State Police to establish a Tip Line that will enable citizens to report violations of the gun laws and to collect a reward for any successful prosecutions flowing from the information provided.

IV. Trace Guns Used in Crime

Gun violence occurs every day in the Commonwealth, oftentimes by individuals who should never have had a gun in the first place. In order to aid in the Task Force’s work, I hereby direct the Virginia State Police to set a policy to request tracing of every gun used in the commission of a crime in the Commonwealth, working with local and federal law enforcement to accomplish this goal.
Obtaining this information will be critical to enforcing the gun laws already on the books in Virginia.

V. Encourage Judges and Prosecutors to Seek Gun Forfeiture in Felony and Other Cases

Cases of domestic violence in which there is access to firearms often ends in needless tragedy. The power to prevent gun purchases, however, is not effective when the domestic abuser or felon already has access to guns.

Accordingly, in consultation with the Office of the Attorney General, we will be working, through training and advocacy, to encourage prosecutors and judges to use their broad power in both criminal sentencing and in domestic violence protective orders to require persons prohibited from obtaining guns to forfeit guns they may already possess.

VI. Banning Firearms in State Government Buildings

We must take every precaution to protect our citizens and state employees from gun violence. We cannot wait until a tragedy occurs to decide to address it. Prevention requires us to address areas of concern before they are realized. Accordingly, I hereby declare that it is the policy of the Commonwealth that open carry of firearms shall be prohibited in offices occupied by executive branch agencies, unless held by law enforcement, authorized security, or military personnel authorized to carry firearms in accordance with their duties. Within 30 days of the date of this Executive Order, the Director of the Department of General Services (DGS) shall issue guidance prohibiting carrying weapons openly in offices occupied by executive branch agencies.

I further order the Director of DGS, within 30 days of the date of this Executive Order, to propose regulations to ban the carrying of concealed weapons in offices occupied by executive branch agencies, unless held by law enforcement, authorized security, or military personnel authorized to carry firearms in accordance with their duties.


All Virginians have the right to feel safe and secure in going about their daily lives. The Governor of Virginia has no more sacred responsibility than to see to it that the public is safe, using all legal means to secure this right. My administration, in partnering with the Attorney General of Virginia, along with federal and local law enforcement, today renews and re-emphasizes this commitment. Working together, it is my hope that these initiatives will help reduce senseless gun violence in Virginia so that we may all feel more safe and secure living in our great Commonwealth.

Effective Date of this Order

This Executive Order shall be effective upon its signing and shall remain in full force and effect, unless otherwise amended or rescinded by further executive order.
Statement from House Republican leaders:

Virginia House of Delegates Republican leaders responded Thursday to Executive Order 50, released by Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe.

“For years, we have consistently said the best way to keep Virginians safe is to enforce existing law,” said House Speaker William J. Howell (R-Stafford). “We will monitor the work of the task force. The Governor’s policy on firearms in state buildings will not apply to the State Capitol or the General Assembly Building. Most importantly, the House of Delegates will continue to focus on investing in mental and behavioral health care improvements that will have a meaningful impact on individual lives and our communities as a whole.”

“It is curious that the Governor and Attorney General are putting such special emphasis on enforcing Virginia’s gun laws when they have been so eager to ignore other laws in the past,” said House Majority Leader Kirk Cox (R-Colonial Heights).

“We are confident that our local law enforcement officers and Commonwealth’s Attorneys are enforcing all of Virginia’s laws to their full extent. The Governor and Attorney General should take extra care before interfering with their work.”

“The Governor’s decision to prohibit firearms in state buildings is shortsighted. As we have seen again and again, such policies leave law-abiding citizens vulnerable to acts of senseless violence rather than protecting people from such tragedies," said House Deputy Majority Leader Todd Gilbert (R-Shenandoah). “We will review this policy during the 2016 legislative session and take the appropriate action to protect the rights of law-abiding citizens.”


10-15-15, 19:06
Well, that's some BS.

10-15-15, 20:00
Come to New Mexico; it's a blue State with a Republican Governor, and she packs a pistol with her all the time since she is a former District Attorney. Our State Capital Building in Santa Fe allows open carry inside. A year ago we had a rally there and I saw dozens of AR types of weapons slung over shoulders inside, and I carried a Colt Single Action Army in a leather holster on my belt during the rally. State Police is on guard there but if you handle the weapon responsibly, everything is cool. I could not live ever again in Virginia (I was a Fort Belvoir for a while) due to the left wing politics.

10-15-15, 20:21
Does Virginia have any form of statewide preemption? In my state and some others with statewide preemption, the governor simply wouldn't have the power to make this sort of rule change. The legislature sets the law for the whole state, and that's final. We have two somewhat odd exceptions but they are limited and advertised.

Virginia does, and the VCDL has called many localities on their breach of preemption in making certain locations and buildings off limits that are not codified as such.

I have a feeling that McAuliffe might have enough cash to hold off an onslaught by VCDL, but I suspect VCDL will give it a go nonetheless.

10-15-15, 21:15
The title of this post doesn't contain the whole story. It's for public buildings. Not the whole state. Say about that what you want.

Still bullshit. If I want to use a "tax payer funded" building, I shouldn't have to disarm myself. Leaving a gun in your car makes it a target for theft and I shouldn't lose my rights if I decide to walk around town running my errands.

10-15-15, 21:39
The title of this post doesn't contain the whole story.

Original post edited to reflect content and context at the link. Members, please read and heed when posting links:

10-15-15, 21:43
If I remember right, a couple or so years ago when McCauliffe was running he was not considered pro-gun or 2A friendly. The reason I remember is that the Republican running against him was Ken Cuccinelli who was campaigning at a gun show I went to in Roanoke. I live in West Virginia, so I didn't have a dog in the hunt. The concensus that I saw and heard from the ordinary people there was that McCauliffe was your typical Democratic progressive socialist. Cuccinelli seemed earnest, but way too many liberals leaking down from the DC area trying to ruin a once proud and great state.

There's just not enough good folk with common sense to offset these liberal progressives. It's sad to say, but independent free thinkers are not in the majority anymore.

You look at McCauliffe's record and he strikes me as very much a Clinton wannabe. Then again, seeing that he's originally from New York, what would you really expect of him?


exactly... but in that election he told everyone... he 'had a gun'... that's what I mean.. .the non-thinkers... that's all they need to hear. Yes, he's a political whore that travels the country looking for a job and Tim Kaine is his daddy.

We had all but gotten rid of Kaine. He was Gov. then we had a good run and he was DNC chair. He failed at that... but in the Obama election he swam back in on the tide. When it all came down we ended up with Attn. Gen, Gov, Senator all rabid Libs that could show their true stripes. Pretty much because of Republicans 'teaching someone a lesson' and the Obama tide.

What concerns me is that VA has become so blue. IF it goes, the POTUS elections will be really tough to win and I don't care what State you live in after that.

Yeah, these guys are not our kind of 2A people but they line up at the starting gate with that attitude for the non-thinkers.

10-15-15, 22:05
Original post edited to reflect content and context at the link. Members, please read and heed when posting links:

Ok, my bad... I was in a hurry, and pasted the link from what looked like a Dem oriented site so as NOT to slant things in favor of 2A supporters.

I mean I get it, but damn, like Steyr says... I pay for those buildings and I have no idea which ones are State owned or not... I don't open carry but he has given 30 days to outlaw CCW...

At any rate, the info was breaking as I posted it. I was not trying to sensationalize it.

1.) That only licensed firearms dealers engage in the business of selling firearms. This means what?

These guys are "loopholers" ... Gun show loophole. They still get people to believe in that. So basically they will word a law that says you have get a BG check no matter what. then private citizens will be afraid to sell or transfer a gun. Then they will simply pass another law that says all guns go through FFL.... simples .. freedom... meet toilet.

10-15-15, 22:27
Warning: thread veer ahead

What concerns me is that VA has become so blue. IF it goes, the POTUS elections will be really tough to win and I don't care what State you live in after that.

Virginia, whatever its qualities used to be, has already become much like a northeast state in its authoritarian approach to government and what seems to be a general disregard of individual rights. Since Maryland has been that way for a while, and DC itself is essentially the definition of Mordor, we're now in a situation where a person who values what many of us consider ordinary and basic freedoms can't live within a realistic commute of DC.* That in turn means that the whole center of federal government and all its private hangers-on, both industry and lobbyists, is going to be further dominated by people who don't care about owning guns, driving without Big Brother over your shoulder, basic expectations of privacy, etc. This is a formula for very bad developments in the medium to long term.

*I realize there are parts of PA from which you could attempt a crazy commute to DC.

10-16-15, 00:28
Warning: thread veer ahead

Virginia, whatever its qualities used to be, has already become much like a northeast state in its authoritarian approach to government and what seems to be a general disregard of individual rights. Since Maryland has been that way for a while, and DC itself is essentially the definition of Mordor, we're now in a situation where a person who values what many of us consider ordinary and basic freedoms can't live within a realistic commute of DC.* That in turn means that the whole center of federal government and all its private hangers-on, both industry and lobbyists, is going to be further dominated by people who don't care about owning guns, driving without Big Brother over your shoulder, basic expectations of privacy, etc. This is a formula for very bad developments in the medium to long term.

*I realize there are parts of PA from which you could attempt a crazy commute to DC.

Right again... and I can not impress upon anyone how serious this is. Once VA falls, and once MD,DC,VA region becomes an immovable Liberal stronghold... then FLA will fall. Then the East and West coasts are gone and Texas will be flooded from the south, as it has been. Game over.

10-16-15, 02:25
This really does make me sad, I love VA.

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