View Full Version : Alien 5 Pulse Rifle revealed

10-16-15, 12:09
Director Neill Blomkamp revealed the updated Pulse rifle for the upcoming Alien 5. It has a new rail interface system, as well as a DBAL and a badass airsoft holo-sight! Seriously, no one in props has firearm knowledge? :lol:



10-16-15, 12:28
I just hope they actually make the film.

There is some doubt now due to Ridley Scott going ahead with his Alien prequel trilogy.

I started a thread here.
Alien 5 is a go (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?166093-Alien-5-is-a-go)

10-16-15, 12:34
I just hope they actually make the film.

There is some doubt now due to Ridley Scott going ahead with his Alien prequel trilogy.

I started a thread here.
Alien 5 is a go (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?166093-Alien-5-is-a-go)

I apologize, I saw it but it said it was archived. They recently got the greenlight though, and Blomkamp said it was go.

10-16-15, 12:40
I apologize, I saw it but it said it was archived. They recently got the greenlight though, and Blomkamp said it was go.

No need to apologize, if the mods wish to they can simply merge the treads. I know I'm in the minority here but I'm a huge fan of Blomkamp's works and if he is picking up and essentially making an Aliens 3 with both Sigourney Weaver and Micheal Biehn then it's just that much better. I wonder who they will get to play Newt since the three of them were the only ones to make it off of LV-246.

10-16-15, 12:50
No need to apologize, if the mods wish to they can simply merge the treads. I know I'm in the minority here but I'm a huge fan of Blomkamp's works and if he is picking up and essentially making an Aliens 3 with both Sigourney Weaver and Micheal Biehn then it's just that much better. I wonder who they will get to play Newt since the three of them were the only ones to make it off of LV-246.

I am as well. District 9 is one of my favorite films, and I enjoyed Elysium more than most did. I have not got around to watching Chappie yet, however.

The story possibilities based off these characters though is so exciting. I am not sure who could play Newt though. I guess it will depend on the timeline and if the film starts from sleep or if it starts after several years.

10-16-15, 13:07
It's just a Pulse Rifle with RAS and AAC flash hider.
Why not a Surefire?

It's not even a flattop.

Aliens was pretty ahead of its time. The camo looks like weird faded multicam. They were using SBRs. Everybody had gopro. Glock 19s hadn't been invented so they used VP70s.

It was a classic film. Sigourney Weaver was fit, young, and badass.
She's like 70 now so....I dunno.

10-16-15, 13:27
So even in the future, with starships, we're stuck using the best of 2005 technology? Ugh.

10-16-15, 14:26
So even in the future, with starships, we're stuck using the best of 2005 technology? Ugh.

Democrat in the White House, yo.

10-16-15, 15:04
Those poor bastards in the Star Wars universe are stuck with a bunch of Broom Handle Mausers, Sterlings, and MG-34s.

10-16-15, 15:19
The new SW movie, which will suck probably, have Stormtroopers with M4 looking rifles this time.

10-16-15, 15:20
Those poor bastards in the Star Wars universe are stuck with a bunch of Broom Handle Mausers, Sterlings, and MG-34s.

BUT they get lightsabers. That trumps everything IMO

10-16-15, 15:20
The new SW movie, which will suck probably


10-16-15, 16:15
Those poor bastards in the Star Wars universe are stuck with a bunch of Broom Handle Mausers, Sterlings, and MG-34s.

But it was a long time ago, so really that was pretty advanced stuff.

10-16-15, 16:24

Negative, Ghostrider.

I can remember 1999 thinking "OH MAN THIS IS GONNA RULE!"
Then came midichlorians, "laser swords", "Yippee!", and Jar Jar as played by Chicken George.

So 2002 comes around....Natalie Portman is no longer forbidden fruit, there are promises of epic Black Hawk Down battles.

Then came the whining by whatshis face, Flirting in CGI Gardens, and Boba Fett...the badass mysterious loner with his own sense of right and wrong that even Darth Vader respects.....as a bratty kid.

Then comes 2005, ROTS and....after hearing M'Lady and them calling Christopher "Bad Ass WW2 SAS" Lee 'Dooku', I realized that this whole time.....I had all these hopes and longings. Dashed. Totally dashed.

Never again. Never ever again.

10-16-15, 17:49
Negative, Ghostrider.

I can remember 1999 thinking "OH MAN THIS IS GONNA RULE!"
Then came midichlorians, "laser swords", "Yippee!", and Jar Jar as played by Chicken George.

So 2002 comes around....Natalie Portman is no longer forbidden fruit, there are promises of epic Black Hawk Down battles.

Then came the whining by whatshis face, Flirting in CGI Gardens, and Boba Fett...the badass mysterious loner with his own sense of right and wrong that even Darth Vader respects.....as a bratty kid.

Then comes 2005, ROTS and....after hearing M'Lady and them calling Christopher "Bad Ass WW2 SAS" Lee 'Dooku', I realized that this whole time.....I had all these hopes and longings. Dashed. Totally dashed.

Never again. Never ever again.

If this one was handled by Lucas, I would agree with you. Even my 12 year old self was let down with The Phantom Menace and ensuing other two movies.

10-16-15, 17:58
I'll say I'm going to see it but I'm not getting my hopes up.

If it's all political bs with stupid crap...whatever.

But if it is epic wars in space with Stormtrooper legions laser gunning people up and dudes getting decapitated with lightsabers, and A-10 TIE Fighters proton napalming ewoks, and Han Solo busting in with a Space Mk. 18 and lasergunning a bunch of unarmed riff raff and then looking dead at the camera and saying "We're good now, right?"

THEN I will start to care again.

10-16-15, 18:08
I'll say I'm going to see it but I'm not getting my hopes up.

If it's all political bs with stupid crap...whatever.

But if it is epic wars in space with Stormtrooper legions laser gunning people up and dudes getting decapitated with lightsabers, and A-10 TIE Fighters proton napalming ewoks, and Han Solo busting in with a Space Mk. 18 and lasergunning a bunch of unarmed riff raff and then looking dead at the camera and saying "We're good now, right?"

THEN I will start to care again.

This is a fantastic summary :lol:

10-17-15, 02:05
JJ Abrams has my trust. Loved the new Star Treks (am a fan of the original tv series as well as movies) as well as my Father, who is a Hard Core closet Trekkie and notorious hard ass in general. Everything he's done I have liked like Fringe and Super 8. So, I have no fear for Star Wars anymore.

I was there, openning day of Episode one. Waited in line for hours with friends. Everyone there was excited, optimistic and friendly.
Then the movie started. The Cheering was deafening.
Then we began to watch.... Silence...
The Straw that broke the Camel's back was Darth Maul's spectacularly weak death... the entire theater erupted in boos and threw crap at the screen.
Arguments, and angriness is all that followed leaving the theater.

Blomkamp has done nothing I like. Everything he does is with one singular goal above all else; tell people that humans are shitbag scum. I have no hope for anything he comes near not being a guilt trip to the extreme.

Ridley Scott is losing me, Prometheus is really screwy if you attempt to break it down. Too many holes, though I do give him the benefit of the doubt that that is the reason he is sticking with that movie series, to flesh it out to accurately portray his true full vision.

ETA: On Topic, not impressed at all with the new pulse rifle.