View Full Version : "Transable" woman's psychologist blinds her with drain cleaner . . .

10-16-15, 15:48
Woman desperate to be blind had drain cleaner poured in eyes, now happier than ever

A North Carolina woman says she is happier than ever after fulfilling her lifelong wish of becoming blind.

Jewel Shuping, 30, has Body Integrity Identity Disorder, which is a condition where able-bodied people believe they are meant to be disabled.

In 2006, Shuping found a psychologist who was willing to help her become blind. The psychologist began putting numbing drops in her eyes, followed by a couple of drops of drain cleaner.

“It hurt, let me tell you. My eyes were screaming and I had some drain cleaner going down my cheek burning my skin,” she told Barcroft TV. “But all I could think was ‘I am going blind, it is going to be okay.'”

“When there’s nobody around you who feels the same way, you start to think that you’re crazy. But I don’t think I’m crazy, I just have a disorder.”


At this point in the game I think the FDA should start passing out suicide kits complete with a body bag and an 800 number for collection.

10-16-15, 15:56
A North Carolina woman says she is happier than ever after fulfilling her lifelong wish of becoming blind.

Jewel Shuping, 30, has Body Integrity Identity Disorder, which is a condition where able-bodied people believe they are meant to be disabled.
In 2006, Shuping found a psychologist who was willing to help her become blind. The psychologist began putting numbing drops in her eyes, followed by a couple of drops of drain cleaner.

“It hurt, let me tell you. My eyes were screaming and I had some drain cleaner going down my cheek burning my skin,” she told Barcroft TV. “But all I could think was ‘I am going blind, it is going to be okay.'”

“When there’s nobody around you who feels the same way, you start to think that you’re crazy. But I don’t think I’m crazy, I just have a disorder.”

Every form of insanity, including being a cannibalistic, serial killer of children is technically a "disorder." But calling it a mental disorder rather than stating a person is dangerously batshit insane is really just semantics.

Selfish bitch should have donated her functional eyes to a person who is genuinely disabled.

10-16-15, 15:58
Wow. just Wow. I really have no words.

Well, now she doesn't have to work and can collect SSI!

10-16-15, 16:02
Why can't people be transemployed, trans-not a shitstick, or transdoing something with their lives?

10-16-15, 16:03
Good on her. We need more deluded Regressives doing this kind of thing, but trying to be trans-alive. Dead people are a disadvantaged group, ya know. You'd get even more sympathy and victim status street cred that way.

10-16-15, 16:05
Please Comet, hit us now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-16-15, 16:08
I'm pretty open minded, but this is just really f'd up. Probably needs some useful psychiatric care, not the BS enabling she got.

A relative has been seeing psychologists since basically forever, and it seems to be a lot of enabling and new-age BS. I am less and less convinced it should be viewed as scientific or medical.

10-16-15, 16:12
I'm pretty open minded, but this is just really f'd up. Probably needs some useful psychiatric care, not the BS enabling she got.

A relative has been seeing psychologists since basically forever, and it seems to be a lot of enabling and new-age BS. I am less and less convinced it should be viewed as scientific or medical.

I've heard more than one PhD recipient equate psychology to quackery.

10-16-15, 16:13
Please Comet, hit us now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not until I sleep with the girl in your avatar....

10-16-15, 16:14
Please Comet, hit us now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Hey man, I shouldn't get cometed for these other people.
Build a Space Ark of Tolerance and aim it toward the sun.

They're the ones who suck, not me

10-16-15, 16:20

10-16-15, 18:20
Hey man, I shouldn't get cometed for these other people.
Build a Space Ark of Tolerance and aim it toward the sun.

They're the ones who suck, not me

You could probably make money on that idea... :laugh:

10-16-15, 19:39
It is not medically recognized by the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-5.


Has anyone considered demon possession?

10-16-15, 19:59

10-16-15, 20:13
I am so ****ing sick of this crap. That quack shrink should lose his license.

10-16-15, 20:37
Sometimes...nature is wrong. Sometimes nature is a bitch. Sometimes nature gives you something that isn't right, and rather than give into it, you need to learn how to fight it.

That psychologist needs to be in prison. I'd imagine he will be.

10-16-15, 20:48
This guy related to the shrink that was in Dexter a few, or so seasons back who was convincing people to kill themselves? I mean, not to sound weird or anything, but I just get the vibe the shrink had to be getting off on this somehow. Besides, isn't this against what they are supposed to do? Like, aren't they supposed to help people?
**** it.

10-16-15, 21:13
This may be oversharing but I always felt like I was a sassy black lesbian with an acid tongue but heart of gold born in the wrong body.

Like Queen Latifah but a regular dude. So I just carry on because you can't have everything. But on dark nights....I be playing that TLC and Alicia Keyes.

I'll never be cured but it is liveable without mutilation or anything else.

10-16-15, 21:42

10-16-15, 22:27
I thought they found a medical doc to do it.

Heard about this last week, insane.

10-16-15, 22:44
Definitely taking the psychobabble bullshit a bit far. Years ago they both would have been locked up.

10-16-15, 23:00
So...does this woman collect some kind of disability pay? I'm serious...I would not be the least bit surprised to hear that collecting welfare or having a tax payer funded live in care taker is the next step to realize her dream of being the 'real her' her previously enabled self could never be.

10-17-15, 00:10
So...does this woman collect some kind of disability pay? I'm serious...I would not be the least bit surprised to hear that collecting welfare or having a tax payer funded live in care taker is the next step to realize her dream of being the 'real her' her previously enabled self could never be.

I wouldn't be surprised. In this new socialist America, everyone deserves everything they desire. The more disadvantaged you are to achieving your desire, the more help and handouts you are entitled to get in order to make you "equal" with everyone else. The worse shape you're in, the better shape you're in.

10-17-15, 01:20
This sow's "disorder" is her "disability" so I'm sure she started suckling from that teat many moons ago . . .

10-17-15, 08:36
Did we start with black out glasses or contacts or did we just go straight to drain cleaner? I do not understand people sometimes.

10-17-15, 08:49
I wouldn't be surprised. In this new socialist America, everyone deserves everything they desire. The more disadvantaged you are to achieving your desire, the more help and handouts you are entitled to get in order to make you "equal" with everyone else. The worse shape you're in, the better shape you're in.
Kurt Vonnegut wrote a short story to this effect. Attractive people wore masks, athletic people were loaded with weights, people with 20/20 vision were forced to wear glasses with mismatched lenses, etc, all so that people could be equal. The story pointed out the absurdity of government mandated equality, but it looks like society has come full circle and gotten totally regressive. How long before others with this so-called disorder start transabling themselves into amputees?

10-17-15, 09:32
That's already happened fwiw

10-18-15, 02:18
Kurt Vonnegut wrote a short story to this effect. Attractive people wore masks, athletic people were loaded with weights, people with 20/20 vision were forced to wear glasses with mismatched lenses, etc, all so that people could be equal. The story pointed out the absurdity of government mandated equality, but it looks like society has come full circle and gotten totally regressive. How long before others with this so-called disorder start transabling themselves into amputees?

Yep, already happend. The amputee BIID/Transable tards have actually freezed their offending limbs solid so that doctors are forced to surgically remove them to save their life. You can't make this s**t up.

Outlander Systems
10-18-15, 08:27
I've been "joking" with my wife that we are going to get to the point of "cannibalism acceptance."

We are in a state of full-throttle cultural collapse/implosion.

Boy Scout
10-19-15, 09:32

10-19-15, 14:54

LOL, exact movie that popped into my head hence my suicide kit reference!