View Full Version : Iran is already showing its color

10-17-15, 23:34
Nuclear arms deal has not even been signed, already the lies are thick.
"Ballistic mssile test not part of deal".......
Yeah, give it another week before they start spinning up the cenrifuges....if it stopped ever.

10-17-15, 23:49
Well I have no doubt that President Obama will fix this!

10-18-15, 00:20
Well I have no doubt that President Obama will fix this!

He won't stop until Israel is a smoking hole.

10-18-15, 01:18
They just looking for a better, more fair deal. I'm sure Obama will accommodate them.

10-18-15, 12:23
You guys are just pessimists, John "chamberlain " Kerry guarnties us that this agreement will give us peace.

10-18-15, 13:03
I know that decorated war hero John Kerry will get to the bottom of this!

Singlestack Wonder
10-18-15, 13:58
It was announced last week that the financial terms of the agreement violated federal law. Of course that never stopped obama before.....

26 Inf
10-18-15, 14:06
I know that decorated war hero John Kerry will get to the bottom of this!

There is enough to rag on Kerry about, without that, fact is he was there, fact is we know he took enemy fire, dislike his politics (I don't agree with them at all) but damn, remember at least he was there, unlike many of the Chickenhawks we have running the show.

10-18-15, 16:07
Very upsetting.
Today this miserable excuse for a deal actually goes in effect, with Iran clearly demonstrating how little it means to them. Totally perplexed but not surprised we're not willing to hold them to the spirit - let alone the letter of the "law".
Punching out an ICBM has only ONE purpose, and last time I checked they don't have a well-defined 'space-program'. This was NOT a systems/hardware test, but an 'inyourface' statement
Launching a nuclear payload launch vehicle, WHICH IS NOT EVEN DENIED!!!!!!!ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
Why would they launch one if there's no intended payload for it - as a show of goodwill?
WHAT THE F#@*K??????
After this I have ABSOLUTELY no doubt they will be up and spinning real soon, keep everyone on the leash so they can cash their check, after which we will see a significant increase of Iran financed activities. Think how much damage they were able to achieve with chump change. Now add a cool billion or so to that equation. The mullayatollahs are hi-fiving all the way to jihadi paradise.

On the other hand - we may finally get peace in the Middle East. Not much stirring in Chernobyl lately.
Yet one more time it's the Jewish population that will carry the burden.
Unforgivable, really.

10-18-15, 16:29
There is enough to rag on Kerry about, without that, fact is he was there, fact is we know he took enemy fire, dislike his politics (I don't agree with them at all) but damn, remember at least he was there, unlike many of the Chickenhawks we have running the show.

George Lincoln Rockwell was also there, he was also in harms way. Should we have elected him to political office, should his opinion have automatically received consideration?

10-18-15, 16:37
It was announced last week that the financial terms of the agreement violated federal law. Of course that never stopped obama before.....
Obama signed an order today for the Treasury dept to withdraw certain sanctions.

10-18-15, 18:28
There is enough to rag on Kerry about, without that, fact is he was there, fact is we know he took enemy fire, dislike his politics (I don't agree with them at all) but damn, remember at least he was there, unlike many of the Chickenhawks we have running the show.

True he was there.. And as a swift boat commander, (if the swiftboat folks are to be believed, and someone please correct me if I'm wrong) he was removed from command by the Navy.. To this day the reason why is being kept under wraps by Kerry himself, But judging by his performance as SOS, it isn't hard to figure out why. And let's not forget when he got back home he was all to happy to hook up with the "peace" movement (read filthy hippie communists) and threw every medal/award he got in the Navy on to the steps of the capital building.. He may have "been there" but he turned his back on this country a long time ago.

10-18-15, 19:09
Not to derail but I was just being sarcastic about the braintrust trying their darndest to start WW3.

Lots of guys have done one or two things in their life that ended up being total shitsticks.

Like the Generation Kill moooostache guy and the Grimesy guy (real soldier name Stebbins) are convicted child molesters.

Sick sad world.

10-18-15, 19:25
Did Iran ever stop showing its colors? If you negotiate with Iran you either want to help them in their existing goals or you're an abject moron. They have used the same playbook for decades.

Perpetuate violence. Secure capital in exchange for continuing negotiations. Use said capital to perpetuate violence. Repeat.

26 Inf
10-18-15, 23:00
George Lincoln Rockwell was also there, he was also in harms way. Should we have elected him to political office, should his opinion have automatically received consideration?

Where did I say that we should have elected Kerry on that he should have appointed him to public office? I just don't feel we should mock service in harm's way - there is enough other stuff to bang him on.

26 Inf
10-18-15, 23:23
True he was there.. And as a swift boat commander, (if the swiftboat folks are to be believed, and someone please correct me if I'm wrong) he was removed from command by the Navy.. To this day the reason why is being kept under wraps by Kerry himself, But judging by his performance as SOS, it isn't hard to figure out why. And let's not forget when he got back home he was all to happy to hook up with the "peace" movement (read filthy hippie communists) and threw every medal/award he got in the Navy on to the steps of the capital building.. He may have "been there" but he turned his back on this country a long time ago.

I don't see that anywhere, I vaguely remember the Swift Boaters For Truth Justice and the American Way as the same ilk as the folks who launched the smear campaign in South Carolina against John McCain in the 2004 elections.

Do some research, several of the SBFTJATAWOL's had signed the affidavits for Kerry's awards. Here, if you are curious read this - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kerry_military_service_controversy

I'm not a Kerry supporter, I'm just for basic honesty and respect.

And, have you really studied the VN conflict? Read Dereliction of Duty, it has nothing to do with Kerry, but everything to do about the piss poor way our Nation's leadership prosecuted the war.

10-19-15, 01:46
Where did I say that we should have elected Kerry on that he should have appointed him to public office? I just don't feel we should mock service in harm's way - there is enough other stuff to bang him on.

I won't mock his service, but I think his actions cancel out any consideration his service would otherwise earn him.


When he threw his decorations over the white house gate, and when he participated in the Hanoi sponsored VVAW, he lost any consideration he earned.

10-19-15, 08:34
Belay my last. Wrong thread.....

26 Inf
10-19-15, 08:48
I won't mock his service, but I think his actions cancel out any consideration his service would otherwise earn him.


When he threw his decorations over the white house gate, and when he participated in the Hanoi sponsored VVAW, he lost any consideration he earned.

I got no problems with the decorations over the gate, they were his (well, IIRC, the truth is someone gave him some to throw).

I tend to think this was not colluding with the enemy, but trying to stop the killing: https://americanpatriotsagainstkerry.wordpress.com/john-kerry-meeting-north-vietnamese-in-paris/

Do I think the honeymoon deal is truthful? No. On the other hand I do not believe Kerry was trying to help the VC/NVA win and kill more Americans.

Look at it this way - pretend that Audie Murphy turned out to be a pedophile (example guys - pretend) - does that mean his service was tainted?

I'm not saying vote for him, I wouldn't, and I have no problem with 'his actions cancel out any consideration his service would otherwise earn him.' I just don't believe we should mock service because of what happened after the fact.

I'm an idiot, I actually believe in fairness, if I was caging voters, I'd cage Democrats, Independents, and Republicans.

10-19-15, 10:02
I don't see that anywhere, I vaguely remember the Swift Boaters For Truth Justice and the American Way as the same ilk as the folks who launched the smear campaign in South Carolina against John McCain in the 2004 elections.

Do some research, several of the SBFTJATAWOL's had signed the affidavits for Kerry's awards. Here, if you are curious read this - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kerry_military_service_controversy

I'm not a Kerry supporter, I'm just for basic honesty and respect.

And, have you really studied the VN conflict? Read Dereliction of Duty, it has nothing to do with Kerry, but everything to do about the piss poor way our Nation's leadership prosecuted the war.

As I said in my post, if I'm wrong please correct me, Thanks for the correction. However, As far as I'm concerned, Kerry could have the MOH, and I still wouldn't have much respect for him beyond his military record.. The same holds true for me with John McCain.. They're both career politcians, and both lying pieces of shit. As far as how the Vietnam war went, I couldn't agree with you more, what's going on in the ME now is more of the same. I have several friends who were there,(in Vietnam) one of which was a Green Beret, They'd be the first to tell you(as they told me) how ****ed up Vietnam was...

10-19-15, 14:11
Look at it this way - pretend that Audie Murphy turned out to be a pedophile (example guys - pretend) - does that mean his service was tainted?

Actually yes, and that may be our disconnect. Nobody is completely good or evil, but there are some things that are so good they can offset the deeds of a bad person and some things so bad they can offset the deeds of a good person.