View Full Version : The NRA will fall. It's inevitable.

10-19-15, 14:14

A little something special from another White apologist, bleeding heart, Progressive piece of shit for your reading pleasure. Why these people don't off themselves from their overwhelming white guilt is beyond me.

Make sure to donate to the NRA friends.

Outlander Systems
10-19-15, 14:20

10-19-15, 15:08
Hang out in a few trap neighborhoods in ATL.
That'll cure that white guilt pretty quick.

Why people can't sit back, relax, leave stuff alone, and chill is beyond me

Outlander Systems
10-19-15, 15:12
I posit that the Legacy/Leftover/Remnant media is fighting tooth-and-nail for relevance.

The incredible, and I mean that as "not-credible" media is dying. Shit like this is just proof of the disconnect from reality.

Hang out in a few trap neighborhoods in ATL.
That'll cure that white guilt pretty quick.

Why people can't sit back, relax, leave stuff alone, and chill is beyond me

10-19-15, 15:23
I posit that the Legacy/Leftover/Remnant media is fighting tooth-and-nail for relevance.

The incredible, and I mean that as "not-credible" media is dying. Shit like this is just proof of the disconnect from reality.
I don't know Outlander. There are more sheep than sheepdogs out there like baby birds with their mouths open waiting for their mama to regurgitate some food to fill their little bellies. Just look at who's "Running" the country at the moment? Credible or not, the impressionable/indoctrinated youth, brainwashed minorities, and guilt riddled apologists eat this stuff up like apple pie.

10-19-15, 15:25
Yep. "Notice me! Notice me!"

I know it's BS when they say Asians and Hispanics are anti-gun.

I know a spicy Latina who loves her AR like spoiled white girls love horses.

10-19-15, 15:27
"An overwhelming majority of African Americans say that gun control is more important than gun rights (72 percent to 24 percent). While the African American population shows signs of slow growth, other racial minority groups are growing more rapidly — and report even greater support for gun control."

Gun laws in the US were created to prevent free slaves from having guns and are racist in their very roots and design. Black Americans have been manipulated and fed a bag of false goods, and sadly, many buy into the tool used (guns in many cases) vs the tool user, as the "problem" that inflicts black people in the US.

Obviously, if their own (self elected) leaders in their community, and elected officials outside their community, keep telling them guns are the problem to be solved in the high rate of black on black crime, most will believe it. Those who take the time to do some actual research, change their mind quickly. I have a number of black friends, some LEO some not, who are shooters and know gun control is not the answer to the problems that face their community.

I recommend people read

The Racist Roots of Gun Control (https://www.firearmsandliberty.com/cramer.racism.html)

Will the NRA "fail" (which by default essentially means the destruction of a core part of the Liberty only the US enjoys via the 2A) due to changing demographics? Possible sure, as the machine that wishes to keep black Americans poor and unarmed will likely continue to make progress as Constitutional values are taken away for all but the top % of people, who don't care what color you are. A few famous black Americans "got it" like this guy:

"Finally, I contended that the debate over the question of self-defense was unnecessary since few people suggested that Negroes should not defend themselves as individuals when attacked. The question was not whether one should use his gun when his home was attacked, but whether it was tactically wise to use a gun while participating in an organized demonstration."

"As we have seen, the first public expression of disenchantment with nonviolence arose around the question of "self-defense." In a sense this is a false issue, for the right to defend one's home and one's person when attacked has been guaranteed through the ages by common law."


"Where Do We Go From Here:Chaos or Community?" by MLK Jr.

MLK applied for a gun license and was turned down..

10-19-15, 15:33
I used to read a LOT of Townhall and JWD back in the early 2000s and there was this one lady who wrote an article why these beta dudes hate guns so much.

It excused them from defending themselves while putting the moral onus on others.

Ever see the end of Hair the Musical? Yeah like that guy. Marching totally unprepared into that C-130 while someone else got to have wild hippie sex all during the 60s

Outlander Systems
10-19-15, 15:48
While it appears collectively, everyone is dumb and twitterized; think about where this perception comes from.

The left typically aggregates in certain areas, and turns into a self-affirming echo chamber. The washed-up old media is leftist/collectivist to its core. Always will be.

Maybe I'm old and cynical, but I've come to associate anyone who "believes" what they hear on the entertainment-news, including Faux News, as someone who is too lazy to do any analysis, or apply critical thinking to what "consensus reality" is being deposited down their throats like the mama bird.

There isn't a shortage of sheep, that's for sure. But what I'm seeing, at least in my circles, is that the sheep are:

1) Tired of being fleeced
2) Tired of being led to the slaughter

So while the left gives themselves a circle-jerk over Bruce Jenner, and uses weaponized propaganda like the coverage following the Charleston shooting, it turns a lot of sane folks off, and exposes what a sham it all is. Bear in mind, the sane folks are the ones keeping things running, so while the cultural marxists prance around on TV, the folks who offer humanity tangible benefits (plumbers, carpenters, entrepreneurs, etc.) are getting fed up.

Just because they believe it to be so, just because they want it to be so, doesn't make it so. Reality has a way of dealing with the short-sighted and the parasitical.

Either the host dies, or he finds a way to distance himself from the louses, ticks, and chiggers, and whips out some deet.

The further the left pushes, the further the pendulum will swing back the other way.

For me personally? I give the Journalism, Women's/Minority Studies, Poli"Sci" majors that dominate the old media all the seriousness they deserve: ****ing zero.

I don't know Outlander. There are more sheep than sheepdogs out there like baby birds with their mouths open waiting for their mama to regurgitate some food to fill their little bellies. Just look at who's "Running" the country at the moment? Credible or not, the impressionable/indoctrinated youth, brainwashed minorities, and guilt riddled apologists eat this stuff up like apple pie.

Outlander Systems
10-19-15, 17:03

Heavy Metal
10-19-15, 17:33
Oh, it's Adam Winkler trying to pretend to still be relevant....yawn....ya'll might want to google him.

10-19-15, 17:37
Few things are as unlikely to happen as something that is declared "inevitable" by the person who desires it.

Outlander Systems
10-19-15, 18:07
Dude's living proof that, being a "scholar" at UCLA isn't a very demanding task, intellectually.

That article came across as having been written by a teenager.

His opinion is worth what we paid for it.

Oh, it's Adam Winkler trying to pretend to still be relevant....yawn....ya'll might want to google him.

10-20-15, 00:32
They are gun'n (excuse the pun) for the NRA as it is their biggest hurdle.

Hollywood Takes Aim at Gun Rights
Harvey Weinstein plans to attack the NRA in his next film.

Harvey Weinstein says his next film is going to "take down" the National Rifle Association.

Speaking on the Howard Stern Show, and confirmed by the entertainment blog Deadline, the Hollywood super-producer said his upcoming film, titled "The Senator's Wife," "will expose the NRA for their behind the scenes machinations of what (President) Obama himself called 'intimidation' and 'lies' that ended up defeating legislation that would have expanded background checks on gun sales." According to the blog, the film, which will star Oscar-winner Meryl Streep and others on the film colony's A List, will be "a behind-the-scenes account of how the NRA used its influence with politicians to defeat the bill."


10-20-15, 01:39
If this was about any other civil rights group or any other race, it would be attacked faster than a confederate flag flying above a civil war memorial.

As an interesting thought experiment substitute "NAACP" for "NRA", "black ccommunity" for "firearms community" and "black race" for "white race." Never mind that the NRA protects a specific right that is meant for everyone regardless of race.

Outlander Systems
10-20-15, 05:17
Ask yourself, why is the narrative being spun up so heavily?

Why are they putting so much effort into this all of the sudden? Why are all the mouthpieces amped-up on this issue?

There is a certain aggressiveness in the propaganda surrounding this issue. The establishment has been working overtime to manufacture consensus, hammer the shit out of the issue, and marginalize anyone who supports the BoR.

If this was about any other civil rights group or any other race, it would be attacked faster than a confederate flag flying above a civil war memorial.

As an interesting thought experiment substitute "NAACP" for "NRA", "black ccommunity" for "firearms community" and "black race" for "white race." Never mind that the NRA protects a specific right that is meant for everyone regardless of race.

10-20-15, 09:12
NRA will fall? Wishful thinking on this guy's part. More and more people from all walks of life are realizing that the NRA is one of the main organizations that stand between us and the government that wishes to stomp our freedoms and rights.

How do I know these people are realizing this? Because they say so at the end of a long conversation with me on the subject. "Oh my god. I had no idea…", they say. Well I'm fixing that. I invite anyone else whose head is not in their ass to join me in getting the word out.