View Full Version : P51 Ride (Brag time)

Crow Hunter
10-20-15, 15:38
Okay, time to brag.

I finally got to take my P51 this past weekend at the Balloons Over Mt Vernon festival.

It was INCREDIBLE. The most fun I have ever had in 40 min and something that I will never forget.

My pilot for my flight was the super awesome badass Maj Ray Fowler of the USAF ANG 100th Fighter Squadron (F16 driver). If you guys ever get a chance to fly, try to get Maj Fowler. (Youtube Ray Fowler F16 for some cool videos) Not only is he a great pilot but he is a really good guy and a lot of fun to talk to. If you can talk that is. I didn't say much because I was so overwhelmed with the incredible coolness of actually being in a P51.

The coolest part of the flight:

Me - "This is going to sound stupid but I have wanted to fly in a P51 Mustang since playing Aces over Europe in High School/College"

Maj Fowler - "I think I played that game too"

Me - "The only thing that would make this cooler was if we strafed some trains."

Maj Fowler - "We can take care of that, lets find some trains."

Me - ":dance3: (Well inside anyway since I was strapped into the plane and parachute"

Maj Fowler - "There is a juicy one, lets get it"

Where upon made a hard left turn and we literally dived down on and mock strafed a CN train heading to Chicago.

Me - "Oh my God that was great!!!!"

My apologies to any CN or IC engineers/conductors who may have thought they were under attack.:cool:

We did that a couple more times before the flight was over. However, due to oppressively silly FAA rules, no acrobatics.:mad:

Before you ask, unfortunately the borrowed GoPro apparently either malfunctioned/I screwed up/ate that part of the video. All I have is the last 2 minutes for the landing.:(

However, that means that I will have to do it again with a functioning GoPro.:secret:

Also, as an incredible bonus, there was a F4F Wildcat that someone had flown in for the show and while waiting for the P51 to arrive, my wife and I got to spend an hour talking to a local WWII veteran who was a F4F Wildcat pilot in the Pacific and he participated in 4 invasions while on the USS Steamer Bay. He told us of several harrowing and hilarious incidents that he had in training and also described some of the horrors that he faced. You could really tell that it bothered him that every night he slept in a clean bed on the escort carrier while the other young men were stuck on the beaches of Iwo Jima. Another time his carrier had switched places in line with another carrier and only a few hours later a kamikaze had punched through the deck and the carrier had gone down with all hands onboard. You could tell that it was something that was still real to him even today.

A real touching account spoke of was the "medal" that he was most proud of and that was the ring he had where he married his sweetheart between deployments, who he was still married to 72 year later. Along with several funny stories related to that. That gentleman gave me his personal card with phone number and address and told me next time I was in the area to call him and he would buy me lunch. I told him no, next time I will buy him lunch.

That, to me, was the actually coolest part of the trip and the P51 ride was just the icing on the cake.

10-20-15, 16:00
So post the last 2 minutes for the landing!!!

10-20-15, 17:37
I'd be funny if you flew in "Old Crow" ;)

My son's (10) science teacher has a blue nosed P51 model on his desk. First day of school my son saw it and went on and on about P51s and the details he remembered from the Dogfights TV show about the Blue Nose P51s.

Thanks for sharing!

10-20-15, 18:16
Very cool. The P-51 is hard to beat. My wife is now a retired AF pilot but 10 years ago I got her and hour of instruction in a dual control TP-51 for a wedding present. A dream come true for her. Jets are great and all, but the sound of that V-12 is just awesome.

10-20-15, 18:47
Way cool. My childhood ceiling was covered with pics of US military aircraft, half of which were WWII vintage. Passing obsession, but I'd love to participate in P51 resto.

Dist. Expert 26
10-20-15, 20:54
If I ever hit the mega millions I'm going to buy myself a P-51 and build my own airstrip to fly it out of. Probably a Corsair too. I've loved all those old WWII planes since I started watching the documentaries as a kid (something I wish was still a thing instead of the B.S. reality TV).

10-21-15, 00:50
If I ever hit the mega millions I'm going to buy myself a P-51 and build my own airstrip to fly it out of.

Same here, I've always wanted a P-51, a grass airstrip, and old red barn to store her in. IIRC both Tom Cruise and Michael Dorn have done something similar, must be nice.

Crow Hunter
10-21-15, 07:12
I'd be funny if you flew in "Old Crow" ;)

My son's (10) science teacher has a blue nosed P51 model on his desk. First day of school my son saw it and went on and on about P51s and the details he remembered from the Dogfights TV show about the Blue Nose P51s.

Thanks for sharing!

I thought about that. I flew in Red Nose though from the Dixie CAF wing.

Crow Hunter
10-21-15, 07:16
So post the last 2 minutes for the landing!!!

I'm still working on it. Apparently the GoPro hadn't had a firmware update in a WHILE so now I seem to be stuck in a limbo of I can see it and view it in while in the GoPro editing software but I can't get it onto my PC. Then I rebooted and now I can't get the damn GoPro to stay on or the GoPro software to recognize there is a mini-SD card in the GoPro.

I charged it overnight last night and I will try it again tonight. I knew better than to just believe "Oh it is just point and click...."

Dist. Expert 26
10-21-15, 18:57
Same here, I've always wanted a P-51, a grass airstrip, and old red barn to store her in. IIRC both Tom Cruise and Michael Dorn have done something similar, must be nice.

Your post just inspired me to an amazing idea- start an aircraft manufacturing company that specializes in making exact replicas of old WWII birds. Sell them to rich people for an obscene profit. I'll be taking investments if anyone is interested.

10-22-15, 07:34
That is awesome. Most definitely a bucket list liner item. The closest I ever got to anything like that was a ride in a Navy T28 Trojan. I would love to ride in one of the WWII fighters.

10-22-15, 09:34
The P51 is my absolute all time favorite aircraft! It has to be the most elegant and at the same time, deadly flying fighting machine period!

10-22-15, 20:10
Your post just inspired me to an amazing idea- start an aircraft manufacturing company that specializes in making exact replicas of old WWII birds. Sell them to rich people for an obscene profit. I'll be taking investments if anyone is interested.
Tragic as it is, I likely wont be rich enough to own and maintain a Mustang. Thus Ive "manufactured" my own substitute35574

10-23-15, 09:24
A P-51 ride is on my bucket list.

Very cool OP!

Crow Hunter
10-23-15, 09:34
Very cool. The P-51 is hard to beat. My wife is now a retired AF pilot but 10 years ago I got her and hour of instruction in a dual control TP-51 for a wedding present. A dream come true for her. Jets are great and all, but the sound of that V-12 is just awesome.

Your post got me to researching and I found a place in FL that lets non-pilots do that. They do the take off and landings but you get to fly the plane and they teach you basic aerobatics.:cool:

Guess what is on my bucket list now?


Crow Hunter
10-23-15, 09:34
A P-51 ride is on my bucket list.

Very cool OP!

Now you know that Aimpoint money went to good use. :)

10-23-15, 09:42
As an aside, the advances in RC aircraft along the lines of radios with batteries and electric motors are amazing.


Not expensive, not gas engines to trouble shoot and the 'AS3X' tech is make it easier to fly in the wind. There are models with versions that have 'panic' buttons to get you back to wings level and modes where you can't get yourself out of a control.

I've had two P51s and they were a hoot to fly. I even tried out some of the moves (reversing rudder and ailerons) just like they talked about in the P51 episode of 'Dogfights'.

For around $100 you can get into it this.


And learn how to fly. Crash and trash the foam? Use solventless superglue (special kind) and glue it all back up.

A great way to spend a few minutes at the park. You have to concentrate, so it takes away everything else on your mind. Great way to reset.