View Full Version : To Fix Broken Welfare, Denmark Ad Asks Citizens to…

10-22-15, 09:21
Maybe the best commercial ever?


10-22-15, 09:35
That seems very "SNLish." But, damn, there were some fine looking womenfolk.

10-22-15, 09:53
This is going to sound harsh but thanks to certain people, we'll never have an underpopulation problem

10-22-15, 11:15
What a racist ad, I mean how dare they suggest white couples should procreate with all those poor disenfranchised Muslim men of military age seeking refuge in Europe. I mean just who are they supposed to rape oh I mean "marry"?!

Yeah the world is in for a real hurt unless things um figure themselves out. Two World Wars depleted the European and white population in general. Same with Japan, their birth rates are probably worse than most European nations.

10-22-15, 11:54
If europe is anything like the US, the only people who can afford to have kids are the ones already on welfare.

10-22-15, 12:32
You know that movie Idiocracy becomes more and more timely.

Educated people who want children work and work to afford a child but never actually have one because they are too busy working and paying taxes. If they just up and had a kid it would bankrupt them.

Meanwhile....there are segments of the population who literally defecate children every 9 months. Go to the projects. I defy you to find a single mother with fewer than three children. They whip out that SNAP or EBT or WIC and keep on trucking.

By the time the aforementioned educated couple can afford a child, they are too old. Yet there are literally 33 year old grandmothers out there.

Years ago, a traditional couple married after high school. There were decent paying jobs and you could have a career.

Now....I'm way overeducated for what I do(even though I like it) and I'm not alone. Lots of guys out there with legit degrees taking 'lesser' jobs because they were shipped off overseas.

But certain people in this country will never worry about homelessness despite not working.

And then guys like us...well...we better work and pay taxes lest we lose our houses.

So, there it is.

ETA I know a couple with kids whose main breadwinner got laid off.
He tried to apply for EBT as a stop gap until he could get more work. He was declined because he didn't qualify. Gee, I wonder why

10-22-15, 13:13
You know that movie Idiocracy becomes more and more timely.

Educated people who want children work and work to afford a child but never actually have one because they are too busy working and paying taxes. If they just up and had a kid it would bankrupt them.

Meanwhile....there are segments of the population who literally defecate children every 9 months. Go to the projects. I defy you to find a single mother with fewer than three children. They whip out that SNAP or EBT or WIC and keep on trucking.

By the time the aforementioned educated couple can afford a child, they are too old. Yet there are literally 33 year old grandmothers out there.

Years ago, a traditional couple married after high school. There were decent paying jobs and you could have a career.

Now....I'm way overeducated for what I do(even though I like it) and I'm not alone. Lots of guys out there with legit degrees taking 'lesser' jobs because they were shipped off overseas.

But certain people in this country will never worry about homelessness despite not working.

And then guys like us...well...we better work and pay taxes lest we lose our houses.

So, there it is.

ETA I know a couple with kids whose main breadwinner got laid off.
He tried to apply for EBT as a stop gap until he could get more work. He was declined because he didn't qualify. Gee, I wonder why

This is a spot on analysis, Mike Judge was on to something for sure.

10-22-15, 14:17
You know that movie Idiocracy becomes more and more timely.

Educated people who want children work and work to afford a child but never actually have one because they are too busy working and paying taxes. If they just up and had a kid it would bankrupt them.

Meanwhile....there are segments of the population who literally defecate children every 9 months. Go to the projects. I defy you to find a single mother with fewer than three children. They whip out that SNAP or EBT or WIC and keep on trucking.

By the time the aforementioned educated couple can afford a child, they are too old. Yet there are literally 33 year old grandmothers out there.

Years ago, a traditional couple married after high school. There were decent paying jobs and you could have a career.

Now....I'm way overeducated for what I do(even though I like it) and I'm not alone. Lots of guys out there with legit degrees taking 'lesser' jobs because they were shipped off overseas.

But certain people in this country will never worry about homelessness despite not working.

And then guys like us...well...we better work and pay taxes lest we lose our houses.

So, there it is.

ETA I know a couple with kids whose main breadwinner got laid off.
He tried to apply for EBT as a stop gap until he could get more work. He was declined because he didn't qualify. Gee, I wonder why

let us not forget that things are not absolute. The world will always need people like them. Who else is going to work entry level and low paying jobs besides teenagers? Idiots, thats who, People with no drive that can't see through all the BS. It's messed up, but it is what it is. It's messed up.

10-22-15, 14:27
let us not forget that things are not absolute. The world will always need people like them. Who else is going to work entry level and low paying jobs besides teenagers? Idiots, thats who, People with no drive that can't see through all the BS. It's messed up, but it is what it is. It's messed up.

I see your point, but I've known a few solid guys who are working below their level because they can't move or there are no openings.
These aren't history or philosophy majors either.

Then hope and change hit and they are still floundering.
A lot of people were cut thanks to Obamacare. Business folded and hours were cut viciously.

I know people working literally three jobs for the price of one.
If we could turn the clock back, ease all these laws, and not tax the shit out of them they could relax. Hell, I personally had to get violently injured at work in order to not be able to work extra jobs.

No....you really can't say it is a lack of ambition. There will always be hippies who are happy at bare minimum but I doubt you'll find many working people who are genuinely better off.

10-22-15, 14:36
I preface what I say with this: my wife an I are outliers. OK, that out of the way. We have 6 kids, ages almost-5 to 13 1/2. My wife does not work outside the home; she homeschools. I am a RN. We had no debt, having retired the mortgage. I say "had," we took out a HELOC to build an addition to our house. Which we will retire in a quarter the time the credit union expects.

Much of what has been said here is truth. But just as Ben Carson was a ghetto-rat he is most certainly inside the standard deviation given his outcome with regard to his upbringing. There are many families like ours, but while we toil away in obscurity and peace, we, too, are inside the standard deviation. It's everyone else that makes the news.

10-22-15, 15:36
I see your point, but I've known a few solid guys who are working below their level because they can't move or there are no openings.
These aren't history or philosophy majors either.

Then hope and change hit and they are still floundering.
A lot of people were cut thanks to Obamacare. Business folded and hours were cut viciously.

I know people working literally three jobs for the price of one.
If we could turn the clock back, ease all these laws, and not tax the shit out of them they could relax. Hell, I personally had to get violently injured at work in order to not be able to work extra jobs.

No....you really can't say it is a lack of ambition. There will always be hippies who are happy at bare minimum but I doubt you'll find many working people who are genuinely better off.


Most of the peole i know are "under employed" (myself included). Even the people i know that have jobs commensurate with thier education or skill set are not making the money they should be, as many of thier peers are themselves under employed. Those people took whatever job they could find at whatever salary just to try and stay afloat.

things seem to only be getting worse with employment growth largely being mcjobs and the continuing collapse of the "middle class".

10-22-15, 16:25
Guess I'd rather spend my hard earned cash giving my kid a summer vacation getting laid than spending it on some FSA asshat. Someone will sue them for racism or some such nonsense.