View Full Version : "...this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."- POTUS

10-22-15, 12:06
You may recall that Obama in his June 18, 2015, remarks from the White House said, "Now is the time for mourning and for healing. But let’s be clear: At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency. And it is in our power to do something about it."

Meanwhile, in Sweden: "Sword-wielding man kills 2 in Swedish school attack"

A masked man wielding a sword or a knife killed a teacher and a student in an attack at a school in the Swedish town of Trollhattan on Thursday before being fatally shot by police, authorities said.

Two other people -- another teacher and another student -- were wounded in the attack on the Kronan primary and middle school. The injured were reported to be in serious condition at the hospital in Trollhattan, hospital officials said.

"This is a dark day for Sweden," Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said. "My thoughts go out to the victims and their families, pupils and staff, and the entire community that has been affected. There are no words to describe what they are going through right now."


In the absence of guns, homicidal men will seek other means with which to perpetrate evil. Evil is. Evil is everywhere.

10-22-15, 12:13
How do you know when Barry lies? Every time his mouth is open . . .

Someone else post this but it fits and cannot be heard enough.


Dist. Expert 26
10-22-15, 12:40
How long until we have a Moms Against Sword Violence group?

10-22-15, 12:47
"The President's type of mass incompetence does not happen in other advanced countries" - OH58D

10-22-15, 12:53
So this guy walks into the school, poses for pictures with students, and THEN proceeds to hack and slash?! Situation awareness level = zero


The suspect, clad in black, apparently posed for photos with students ahead of the attack, in the western town of Trollhattan.

10-22-15, 12:55
Didn't a dude in Norway grease like 30 people with a mini 14 and some home made bombs?

And isn't Sweden like THE rape capital of the world right now?

And the Charlie Hebdo deal wasn't long ago. Instead of iPhones, a single guy with a bolt action could've unfornicated that to where an unarmed policeman didn't have to die.

And in China a guy with a knife killed some folks.

I'll take my chances in America, thanks.

ETA There's actually a place named Trollhattan. That's some wicked shit

10-22-15, 12:56
Didn't a dude in Norway grease like 30 people with a mini 14 and some home made bombs?

And isn't Sweden like THE rape capital of the world right now?

And the Charlie Hebdo deal wasn't long ago. Instead of iPhones, a single guy with a bolt action could've unfornicated that to where an unarmed policeman didn't have to die.

And in China a guy with a knife killed some folks.

I'll take my chances in America, thanks.

77 died.

10-22-15, 12:59
77 died.

That's even worse

10-22-15, 13:17
Com'on fella's we know the deal here...A. NEVER tell the truth, as it usually doesn't fit the narrative. B. NEVER let the truth get in the way of telling a good story. That's Obumbo in a nutshell.. I figure the man is a serial liar. As was pointed out above, if his lips are moving he's lying.

10-22-15, 13:36
Meanwhile in Switzerland, almost everyone has a true select fire assault weapon.




Of course they don't tolerate violent street gangs and don't have people with severe mental disorders walking around free.

10-22-15, 13:36
That's even worse

About three years ago, I had the opportunity to sit in a debrief by one of the senior guys who responded to this incident. Fascinating. They were just completely unprepared for a dynamic threat.

10-22-15, 13:43
How do you know when Barry lies? Every time his mouth is open . . .

Someone else post this but it fits and cannot be heard enough.

That should run on PBS every hour on the hour and be required viewing in public schools.

10-22-15, 13:44
That's doubly worse.
Even the most basic outfits have an active shooter/aggressor plan.
Or should.

10-22-15, 14:13
Hey, she's cute... do you have her number?? :-)

Meanwhile in Switzerland, almost everyone has a true select fire assault weapon.

Of course they don't tolerate violent street gangs and don't have people with severe mental disorders walking around free.

10-22-15, 14:22
That's doubly worse.
Even the most basic outfits have an active shooter/aggressor plan.
Or should.

This was a more complex situation than an active shooter scenario. Anders Behring Breivik was the perfect mix of amateur and dangerous, and was able to pull his terrorist attack off.

He first set off a homemade VBIED, targeting our main Government building, where our Prime Minister and his cabinet had their offices.
8 people died and 200 injured.


He did fail in his planning, and parked the car directly on top of the underground car park, which reduced the effectiveness of the bomb.
His timing was also off, choosing a date where many people working at the building were on summer leave.

As our first responders were dealing with this scenario, thinking muslim extremists (I did the same, as did most people) and as such fearing a secondary bomb, ABB was able to, pretty much unhindered get to his car, and drive 40 mins to Utøya, where the Labor Party Youth were holding their summer camp.

Wearing fake police clothing, he conned his way on board the ferry, citing a raised terror alert, and as soon as he was on land on the island, he started shooting people. The second attack happened about two hours after the bomb exploded - it went off 15.25 CET.

He killed 69 people on the island, most were shot with the rifle (Ruger Mini-14) and executed with a handgun (Glock 17). He shot 33 more, who were wounded. An additional 27 were injured, and of the 60 injured, 1 later died in the hospital.
Most of the casualties on the island were kids, teens.
His spree on the island went on for 70 minutes, before being apprehended by our national CT unit.


That day exposed a severe lack in police organization, training, mindset and equipment. This was attributed directly to the Labor party government under-funding our police (and military), for the previous 6 years (they came into government in 2005, and lost the election in 2013). It is now 4 years later, and few of the shortages identified by the 22 July Commission have been rectified - in typical bureaucratic fashion.

10-22-15, 16:52
This was a more complex situation than an active shooter scenario. Anders Behring Breivik was the perfect mix of amateur and dangerous, and was able to pull his terrorist attack off.

The Norwegians were amateurs, too, unfortunately for the kids on the island.


10-22-15, 17:48
These things are very hard to prevent. Terrorist attacks, especially solo terrorists, are exceedingly hard to stop before they happen.
And as I said, there were severe deficiencies in police organization, training, mindset and equipment.
Sadly, policy makers do not understand this until the consequences of budget cuts and reduction in staff, equipment and training days get very real.
Sometimes even not then.

Ideally, he should have been stopped long before he executed his plan. The cues were there, but at that time, not enough to act on (or even suspect).
After the fact (bomb explosion), we know that a suspicious individual was spotted leaving the area in a police uniform. This was reported to central police command in Oslo, but not communicated to other police units until 30-45 minutes after the observation was reported in.

There was no one who could have predicted that a strike on Utøya was a likely secondary target, seeing as everyone was going off of the assumption that this was an attack by muslim extremists. Nobody suspected that it was a native Norwegian, anti-islamist Christian who was the terrorist.

The guys on the ground on that day did the best they could with what they had. Unless you have walked in their shoes, I think it is poor form to call them amateurs. Without knowing your background, that is...

10-22-15, 18:39
Thanks for the impromptu AAR, Arctic.

That looks on par with the OKC bombing.
FUBAR all around. Sorry that happened in your country.

ETA Yeah calling them amateurs was harsh. If OKC happened again, I doubt we'd fare much better. That's just hell of a thing.

Mauser KAR98K
10-23-15, 01:09
Professional soldiers (or LE) are predictable; the world is full of dangerous amateurs. And they only have to get it right once.

Arctic: What sentence term did that PODS get?

10-23-15, 04:06
Professional soldiers (or LE) are predictable; the world is full of dangerous amateurs. And they only have to get it right once.

Arctic: What sentence term did that PODS get?

He is serving a special kind of penalty, called preventive detention. The max prison penalty in Norway is 21 years - using preventive detention means that we can keep in locked up beyond 21 years.
He is in solitary confinement, and is apparently struggling quite a bit....boo-****ing-hooo...

10-23-15, 09:03
He is serving a special kind of penalty, called preventive detention. The max prison penalty in Norway is 21 years - using preventive detention means that we can keep in locked up beyond 21 years.
He is in solitary confinement, and is apparently struggling quite a bit....boo-****ing-hooo...

Actions have consequences. He was "hardcore" enough to kill 70 people including children, he can handle solitary confinement for the rest of his life... struggling... give me a break.

Not directed at you arctic, just a general comment on the piece of shit.

10-24-15, 02:46
Back to the Swedish school slasher/stabber . . .

Police described the Thursday attack as a carefully organized, racist hate crime by a young man who methodically selected his victims in Trollhattan's Kronan school, where most of the students are foreign-born.

So native Swede kills some "immigrants" and it's a "hate crime". Immigrants gang rape Swedish girls and women and it's just unfortunate incidents.

I'm seeing a pattern here . . .

10-24-15, 05:30
Back to the Swedish school slasher/stabber . . .


So native Swede kills some "immigrants" and it's a "hate crime". Immigrants gang rape Swedish girls and women and it's just unfortunate incidents.

I'm seeing a pattern here . . .

People are very cognizant of what the issues are with the immigration situation in Sweden, at the moment.

10-28-15, 15:51
How do you know when Barry lies? Every time his mouth is open . . .

Someone else post this but it fits and cannot be heard enough.

This will get little play anywhere.

The problem is this video points out, but does not address, as it is taboo to do so-

The number one, regardless of population density, regardless of socioeconomic status, statistic that directly correlates to the level of violent crime/murder in a community.

10-28-15, 16:07
That phrase "Hate Crime".

As opposed to all the "I really, really like you" crimes

Mauser KAR98K
10-28-15, 21:22
That phrase "Hate Crime".

As opposed to all the "I really, really like you" crimes

Those are called stalkers.

10-29-15, 08:50
People are very cognizant of what the issues are with the immigration situation in Sweden, at the moment.

I hope they are...The Swede's need to start hanging these muslim ****s from lampposts, The only thing these bastards understand is massive overkill

10-29-15, 09:50
Meanwhile in Switzerland, almost everyone has a true select fire assault weapon.

Of course they don't tolerate violent street gangs and don't have people with severe mental disorders walking around free.

They are also much more homogeneous a population without any real number of self-entitled FSA members.

10-29-15, 11:07
I hope they are...The Swede's need to start hanging these muslim ****s from lampposts, The only thing these bastards understand is massive overkill

So, you not only condone the actions undertaken by people such as this kid, and Anders Behring Breivik, but you actually encourage it?!
Are you serious right now?

You do understand that one of the few who actually stood against the killer in Sweden, before the police arrived and killed the perp, was a 20 year old immigrant himself?
The other fatality, was a 15 year old kid named Ahmed Hassan - he had been living there for 3 years.

We are talking a failed (miserably) immigration and integration policy - not terrorists.
Yes, there are socio-economic issues that are affecting the Swedish society hard now, due to the extent of non-western immigration, and also Norway and Denmark to a lesser degree.

Talk about a lack of perspective on things.....friggin hell...

10-29-15, 13:16
They are also much more homogeneous a population without any real number of self-entitled FSA members.

But all my teachers told me diversity was more important than anything else. That and sharing.

Colt guy
10-30-15, 06:13
That phrase "Hate Crime".

As opposed to all the "I really, really like you" crimes

Loved this line

10-30-15, 11:10
Apparently POTUS has no clue what's going on in Mexico, how many non straight and non Muslims are beheaded, thrown off buildings in the middle East. The tribal pillaging and raping that still goes on in Africa today.