View Full Version : DeBlasio finally gain some common sense?

10-23-15, 14:19
"The death of Officer Randolph Holder was a clear and tragic signal that we must ensure dangerous individuals with long criminal histories do not walk our streets," de Blasio said.


The way I read the article was that DeBlasio is admitting laws don't work if they are not enforced. Hmmm.

But, just last week he pushed for this (from same article)

Last week, de Blasio announced creation of a "Bail Lab" to study ways to provide relief for defendants who remain in jail for months, or even years, because they cannot afford bail.

10-23-15, 15:32
DeBlasio and common sense are mutually exclusive terms.

10-23-15, 16:23
Progressives usually say things without even thinking.
This also means that sometimes they will say things that actually make sense. Doesn't mean they believe it, or that they see the contradiction between what they say one minute and what they do/say the next.

We see this on every issue.
e.g. Black Lives Matter, then go back to pushing gun control in black areas, funding African dictators with "foreign aid" and arms, and calling black Replublicans race traitors.
e.g.2. Women's rights matter, then go appeasing Islam, funding Muslim theocracies who make rape victims marry their rapists, make children marry 60 year old pedophiles, etc.
The list goes on.

26 Inf
10-23-15, 19:37

The way I read the article was that DeBlasio is admitting laws don't work if they are not enforced. Hmmm.

But, just last week he pushed for this (from same article)

These are also snippets from the article:

In addition, de Blasio said judges should be permitted to consider dangerousness when setting bail. New York is one of only three states that bars judges from doing so. Instead, they can only assess flight risk. WTF?

New York State's chief judge, Jonathan Lippman, has repeatedly called for changes to the bail statute, without success. He announced his own reforms on Oct. 1, including appointing special judges to review every misdemeanor case in which a defendant has not made bail.

Last week, de Blasio announced creation of a "Bail Lab" to study ways to provide relief for defendants who remain in jail for months, or even years, because they cannot afford bail.

Taken in tandem with Friday's proposals, the reforms would aim to avoid unnecessary detention for low-level defendants while helping to keep criminals deemed to be dangerous behind bars, de Blasio said.

I think the bail lab is a good thing - in a metropolis like NY the courts are so loaded that a guy with a shoplifting arrest may sit for several months before he goes to court for the actual hearing - if he is not dangerous, that is just costing the taxpayers 30 plus bucks a day (in our area).

10-24-15, 14:38
Hang on a sec. You mean if we put bad guys in prison then they can't commit further street crime? Holy shit, what a concept.

10-24-15, 14:56
Hang on a sec. You mean if we put bad guys in prison then they can't commit further street crime? Holy shit, what a concept.

Crazy, huh? You know what's even crazier? We have all sorts of laws already in place to do just that.

I wonder why our omnipotent leaders aren't enforcing these existing laws… Hmmm….

10-24-15, 15:19
I wonder why our omnipotent leaders aren't enforcing these existing laws… Hmmm….

No you don't. They count on the no information voter and the mentally lazy to simply accept the fact that some political hack says we need a new law to restrict X or Y. These are the same low foreheads who never stop and say, "Isn't that already illegal? Why do we need another law? Just enforce what we have."