View Full Version : Carson knocks off Trump

10-27-15, 12:17
Supposedly, Carson has dislodged Trump at the GOP front runner. News is trying to make more of it than it really is, but interesting to note. Carson is obviously a very smart man, but whether ready for prime time as POTUS? A Jeb B/Carson ticket could be interesting however.

Poll: Ben Carson knocks Donald Trump from top spot nationally

For the first time in months, a national poll shows Donald Trump is not leading the Republican 2016 primary race, and instead has Ben Carson in first place.

Carson won the support of 26% of Republican primary voters, compared to 22% who are backing Trump, according to CBS News/New York Times. Though within the poll's margin of error, it marks the first time since the billionaire businessman's dominant rise over the summer where he has been bumped from the top spot nationally.

The new numbers also represent a reversal from the last CBS/New York Times poll, taken more than a month ago, which saw Trump leading Carson 27%-23%.

Carson and Trump have been running consistently neck-and-neck since the start of September -- with other candidates struggling to keep pace.

The switch in the lead comes as Carson has taken a clear lead in the Iowa race, beating Trump in some polls by double-digits. Trump told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Tuesday morning "I don't get it."

CBS/New York Times pollsters found Carson outpacing Trump among women and evangelicals and running even with him among men. Trump performed better with moderate Republicans and voters without college degrees.

No other candidate cracked double-digit support in the latest poll. Marco Rubio won 8% support, Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina tied for fourth place with 7 percent and Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and John Kasich each got 4%.

The poll does carry an important caveat, however: 70% of respondents said they had not settled on a choice yet. Trump's supporters, however, are more locked in with their support.

The most recent CBS/New York Times poll surveyed 575 Republican primary voters and carries a 6-percentage-point margin of error.


10-27-15, 12:27
Hmmm. Could mean nothing. Could mean everything.

10-27-15, 12:29
The establishment does not want Trump or Carson.

They and their donors are currently meeting with the Bushes and are trying to figure out how they will force Jeb upon us as they forced Dole, McCain and Romney on us.

It would be great if someone like Carson would become the GOP nominee but you wait...the RNC biggies will somehow find a way to force Jeb upon us.

I hope I am wrong....I really do...but this is what I see happening.

The cycle is repeating itself....only with more interesting players like Trump and Carson.

10-27-15, 12:30
Impossible. Everyone knows that the reason conservatives don't like Obama is because he is black.

10-27-15, 12:33
At one point in the last election, Herman Cain was the front runner, so was Santorum.

Really doesn't mean a whole lot.

10-27-15, 12:35

...and look at what they did to Herman Cain. How the left took him out and how quickly they did it.

They will do the same to Carson if he gets closer to getting the nod - you hide and watch.

10-27-15, 12:46
It's still waay to early to try to guess who the GOP is going with.. But it's starting to look like Trump, and Carson may be at the top of the pile.. The last thing this country needs is another Bush..2 was more than enough, and I'm convinced that Jeb is dumber than his brother. If I had to choose between Bush, or Trump, I'd take my chances with Trump, At least he doesn't have that "dumber than a box full of hammers" look that Jeb has on his face all the time, and has actually done something outside of politics.

Mauser KAR98K
10-27-15, 14:02
Nevertheless, we need to defeat Bush!!

10-27-15, 14:36
I still think deez nutz should win. It's the only way to save America.

10-27-15, 14:57
It's still waay to early to try to guess who the GOP is going with.. But it's starting to look like Trump, and Carson may be at the top of the pile.. The last thing this country needs is another Bush..2 was more than enough, and I'm convinced that Jeb is dumber than his brother. If I had to choose between Bush, or Trump, I'd take my chances with Trump, At least he doesn't have that "dumber than a box full of hammers" look that Jeb has on his face all the time, and has actually done something outside of politics.

He doesn't have that look? Trump always looks like a clown to me. Not saying that JB doesn't, but Trump definitely does as well.

As for him doing something outside of politics, true. But he has done absolutely nothing inside of politics. Doesn't that worry anyone? That was a big complaint against Obama in 2008, he was too inexperienced to be in the top spot. Trump has even less experience than him. You wouldn't let someone who took a boxing class, once, thanks to groupon, climb into the ring with Mayweather, right?

Big A
10-27-15, 15:01
I still think deez nutz should win. It's the only way to save America.

10-27-15, 15:04
Sounds convenient IMO.

10-27-15, 15:31
Polls are intended to shape opinion. Carson is surely smart but Pres or even VP? I just wonder how he would be out of his environment. Also who would be or what type person will he choose as a running mate.

All I know is one thing... It's Hillary and some rabid gun grabber she can manipulate to any degree desired. I think of two options out of VA which if close would get her the swing state again.

10-27-15, 15:50
He doesn't have that look? Trump always looks like a clown to me. Not saying that JB doesn't, but Trump definitely does as well.

As for him doing something outside of politics, true. But he has done absolutely nothing inside of politics. Doesn't that worry anyone? That was a big complaint against Obama in 2008, he was too inexperienced to be in the top spot. Trump has even less experience than him. You wouldn't let someone who took a boxing class, once, thanks to groupon, climb into the ring with Mayweather, right?

The last time I looked there are NO courses one can take at any collage to prepare you for being president. Trump having considerable business experience, would probably be a better choice than dumbass Jeb. Obumbo's lack of experience stems from the fact that he's never done...anything.. At least Trump has done a few things, failed a few times, got back up, and tried again.. And was successful. Obumbo, our favorite choom gang member, outside of being a professional student/communist, never owned a business, never worked in the private sector, Has never gotten fired,/laid off, and the only experience he has was as a "community organizer/professional sponge". As senator, he was known as the "absentee senator" because he was too busy campaigning for president about 3-4 yrs before he actually ran. so, yeah you're right, he was, and still is, inexperienced, and because he's convinced himself that he knows better than anyone, he never learns from his mistakes. The M.E. is a glaring example of how well he understands things.. As far as letting someone climb into the ring with Mayweather, yeah, sure I'd let them, That's how you learn, If you're dumb enough to think you can match him, then you need to go find out if you can.. It would be a brutal lesson, but It'd be one you'd never forget.. That's how you learn.. Trump has in the past, had some of those brutal lessons, and learned from them, people like Obumbo, Jeb bush, never have, because somebody was always there to protect them.

At this point let me say I honestly don't know how Trump would be as president, he might be a failure. I don't know, I still have mixed feelings about him. But what we DO know, is what Jeb Bush would be like as president. We as a country have already had 2 prior examples, and both were abject failures. I can't see electing a 3rd. What I do like about Trump is he say what he wants, and let's the chips fall where they may, If he's done anything, he's shown the entire country what kind of mikquetoast, do as your told candidates, the Republican party wants to run. And that scares the shit out of them...

10-27-15, 16:14
It's still waay to early to try to guess who the GOP is going with.. But it's starting to look like Trump, and Carson may be at the top of the pile.. The last thing this country needs is another Bush..2 was more than enough, and I'm convinced that Jeb is dumber than his brother. If I had to choose between Bush, or Trump, I'd take my chances with Trump, At least he doesn't have that "dumber than a box full of hammers" look that Jeb has on his face all the time, and has actually done something outside of politics.

I don't see how anyone can support Jeb other than his family and close friends. I don't know anyone who thinks he is a good idea for a run.

As to him being dumber than his brother, George W. isn't dumb. For starters, you don't depart the earth's surface and return successfully multiple times in an F-102 as a dumb person. You aren't even allowed near the plane unless at an air show.

People close to George W. said he was frighteningly sharp, seemingly sharper than all his advisors combined during policy meetings, and already knew what they were going to say to him before they said, would speed it up by quickly saying what he thought they were about to tell him, and catch them off guard, especially early on.

Anyway, I really like Carson. He knows how to win a debate without being negative, and the audience can often sense it before the person he is debating can. He inspires a lot of people who are still hoping for the American dream, with his life story.

He would crush Hillary in debate.

10-27-15, 16:49
The establishment does not want Trump or Carson.

They and their donors are currently meeting with the Bushes and are trying to figure out how they will force Jeb upon us as they forced Dole, McCain and Romney on us.

It would be great if someone like Carson would become the GOP nominee but you wait...the RNC biggies will somehow find a way to force Jeb upon us.

I hope I am wrong....I really do...but this is what I see happening.

The cycle is repeating itself....only with more interesting players like Trump and Carson.

You know, I was never into conspiracy theories, and maybe I'm still not, but maybe there is something to that notion of both parties being controlled by the same "illuminati" or whatever. Could the Republican establishment really be so stupid as to choose Jeb Bush?? What else is at play here? First McCain, then Romney (not nearly as bad as McCain or Jeb), and now Jeb???

I don't see how anyone can support Jeb other than his family and close friends. I don't know anyone who thinks he is a good idea for a run.

As to him being dumber than his brother, George W. isn't dumb. For starters, you don't depart the earth's surface and return successfully multiple times in an F-102 as a dumb person. You aren't even allowed near the plane unless at an air show.

People close to George W. said he was frighteningly sharp, seemingly sharper than all his advisors combined during policy meetings, and already knew what they were going to say to him before they said, would speed it up by quickly saying what he thought they were about to tell him, and catch them off guard, especially early on.

Anyway, I really like Carson. He knows how to win a debate without being negative, and the audience can often sense it before the person he is debating can. He inspires a lot of people who are still hoping for the American dream, with his life story.

He would crush Hillary in debate.

I don't get it either. I don;t think W. was dumb. I just think he wasn't even really Conservative, and was not good on a lot of issues. Sure, Gore would have been worse, but we have to do better than merely not being as bad as Socialist garbage.

10-27-15, 16:59
He doesn't have that look? Trump always looks like a clown to me. Not saying that JB doesn't, but Trump definitely does as well.

As for him doing something outside of politics, true. But he has done absolutely nothing inside of politics. Doesn't that worry anyone? That was a big complaint against Obama in 2008, he was too inexperienced to be in the top spot. Trump has even less experience than him. You wouldn't let someone who took a boxing class, once, thanks to groupon, climb into the ring with Mayweather, right?

Honestly, I think some experience, such as being a Illinois Senator, should actually count against you.

10-27-15, 17:02
Honestly, I think some experience, such as being a Illinois Senator, should actually count against you.

I some parts it does.

10-27-15, 17:09
Anyway, I really like Carson. He knows how to win a debate without being negative, and the audience can often sense it before the person he is debating can. He inspires a lot of people who are still hoping for the American dream, with his life story.

He would crush Hillary in debate.

I disagree with so many of his policies and politics I don't know where to begin. But right now I'm looking at who can beat Hillary in a general election without being no better or worse. Right now that looks like two guys, Carson and Trump.

I don't want either of them for President, but I'd take both of them on the same ticket over Hillary.

Given the way the majority of this population votes, I'm tending to believe the only thing they'd vote for over the "first female President in history" (Fiorina won't be an option, they'll "bimbo" her like Palin if necessary) would be another "black President."

The only concerns Carson will have is not falling into "Uncle Tom" territory and his views on abortion, as well as the rest of his religious views, are going to hurt him. Hillary will make the election about "women's absolute right to an abortion" if she ends up going against Carson. Legions of idiots will automatically support her.

Also really disappointed that Katy Perry has decided to actively promote Clinton. Really used to like Katy Perry.

10-27-15, 17:15
I don't see how anyone can support Jeb other than his family and close friends. I don't know anyone who thinks he is a good idea for a run.

As to him being dumber than his brother, George W. isn't dumb. For starters, you don't depart the earth's surface and return successfully multiple times in an F-102 as a dumb person. You aren't even allowed near the plane unless at an air show.

People close to George W. said he was frighteningly sharp, seemingly sharper than all his advisors combined during policy meetings, and already knew what they were going to say to him before they said, would speed it up by quickly saying what he thought they were about to tell him, and catch them off guard, especially early on.

Anyway, I really like Carson. He knows how to win a debate without being negative, and the audience can often sense it before the person he is debating can. He inspires a lot of people who are still hoping for the American dream, with his life story.

He would crush Hillary in debate.

So, W could fly.. Big deal. If he was smart he would've taken that experience and got a job flying with a airline. Flying, and running a country are two entirely different things.(he should've stuck with what he was good at, and it wasn't president) As far as being sharp goes, that's debatable, We're STILL in that quagmire known as the M.E. that W got started, (and Obumbo expanded on).. Explain how exactly, this was a good idea... I'm not seeing it.

10-27-15, 17:26
He would crush Hillary in debate.

Operative word being "would". What makes anyone think she will debate? She will smile, preach, and cackle.

Hell will freeze over before she debates.

Which may again favor Trump... he knows he's not cut out for debates. She will be protected out of debates. So it will be a verbal exhibition of basically two carnival barkers trying to get the crowd into their respective tent.

I would love to see her forced to actually debate about something she can't lie about and every time she cackled her mic was cut. She is one bizarre scary lady. I can't believe she may actually have a chance. Part of me thinks it's just BS, I don't think many people really like her. I would love to see the nation painted red just to shut her up once and for all.

But.... Republicans aren't great at winning elections.

10-27-15, 19:33

...and look at what they did to Herman Cain. How the left took him out and how quickly they did it.

They will do the same to Carson if he gets closer to getting the nod - you hide and watch.

Ye, with accusations that turned out to be false. Carson is too much of a statist for me to support anyways, bit that's not the point.

10-27-15, 20:05
Between Trump and Hillary, Trump wouldn't hold back.

It wouldn't surprise me if he calls her an ironbox bitch to her face.
We need that. We really do. We need a worse evil.

Nobody hates women like other women. Women don't like bitched up dudes either. We don't need nice. We don't need civil.

We need like the Republican version of n.W.o

Because most grown women wouldn't vote for Hillary just because she's a woman. 18-25...yeah because it's 'feminist' but married, working, taxpaying women with grown kids in the military? NOOooo way!

Some of the WORST shit talking about Hillary I've heard lately was from older women and what they said rhymed with runt. Like several unrelated women of mature age (30 and up). I was like "maaaan"

10-27-15, 20:37
Between Trump and Hillary, Trump wouldn't hold back.

It wouldn't surprise me if he calls her an ironbox bitch to her face.
We need that. We really do. We need a worse evil.

I've got some bad news for you, this is from 2005.


10-27-15, 20:41
Operative word being "would". What makes anyone think she will debate? She will smile, preach, and cackle.

Hell will freeze over before she debates.

Which may again favor Trump... he knows he's not cut out for debates. She will be protected out of debates. So it will be a verbal exhibition of basically two carnival barkers trying to get the crowd into their respective tent.

I would love to see her forced to actually debate about something she can't lie about and every time she cackled her mic was cut. She is one bizarre scary lady. I can't believe she may actually have a chance. Part of me thinks it's just BS, I don't think many people really like her. I would love to see the nation painted red just to shut her up once and for all.

But.... Republicans aren't great at winning elections.

After seeing the retardation in Canada (silver-spoon-fed airhead and Islamophile Justin Trudeau elected PM), and in the US the last 2 elections (race-baiting Marxist Islamophile traitor elected POTUS twice), I am afraid that the tipping point has been reached where elections are unwinnable by anyone other than pro-Big Government, identity-politics-pandering, mainstream media supported, megalomaniacs.
For every person who sees Hitlery for what she is, there are at least as many who either see her as a women's rights champion, or who don't even think but vote Democrat automatically.

I would love to see her in a debate. But the chosen "moderator" would likely be someone like fellow Leftist cunt Candy Crowley, and the entire framing of questions would be in her favor. Trump is an oddball individual, but I think he is the only one who truly does not give a shit about being smeared, and that's his superpower if you will. He certainly won't win over any Democrats, but neither will pandering to Leftists.
I really want to see Trump as POTUS. I think he is the only way to roll back all the suicidal moves the US has been making the last, what, 20 years of so.

10-27-15, 20:47
I've got some bad news for you, this is from 2005.



10-28-15, 05:45
I think Trump is a clown. Look at where he's donated his money (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trumps-donation-history-shows-democratic-favoritism/2011/04/25/AFDUddtE_story.html).

The real estate mogul and “Celebrity Apprentice” host has made more than $1.3 million in donations over the years to candidates nationwide, with 54 percent of the money going to Democrats, according to a Washington Post analysis of state and federal disclosure records.

Recipients include Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.), former Pennsylvania governor Edward G. Rendell, and Rahm Emanuel, a former aide to President Obama who received $50,000 from Trump during his recent run to become Chicago’s mayor, records show...

The Democratic recipients of Trump’s donations make up what looks like a Republican enemies list, including former senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.), Sen. John F. Kerry (Mass.), Rep. Charles B. Rangel (N.Y.), Sen. Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) and the late liberal lion Edward M. Kennedy (Mass.).

The biggest recipient of all has been the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee of New York, which has taken in more than $125,000 from Trump and his companies. Overall, Trump has given nearly $600,000 to New York state campaigns, with more than two-thirds going to Democrats.

And more from D. Trump...

"I'm very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal health care. I believe in whatever it takes to make people well and better," Trump told Larry King on October 7, 1999. In his 2000 book, The America We Deserve, Trump wrote that America should "find an equivalent of the single-payer plan that is affordable, well-administered, and provides freedom of choice."

I long for a President like Grover Cleveland.

10-28-15, 07:13
I think Trump is a clown. Look at where he's donated his money (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trumps-donation-history-shows-democratic-favoritism/2011/04/25/AFDUddtE_story.html).

But he's a rich clown,,, and he get any of it from me. How exactly are you supposed to do business in Liberal Land without paying the Piper?

How do you know it's not payback time?

10-28-15, 09:05
I'd be happy to see trump and carson on a ticket together. I like Carson, trump is an ass clown, but not a threat to my way of life.

To me the idea of another Bush is as bad as Obama agin or Clinton. Other side of the same coin. Bush and Obama together destroyed freedom in America more than one of them could ever have dreamed of on their own.

I'd be as happy to hear about Bush dropping out of the race as I would Clinton. I got giddy the other day when I heard his campaign was doing badly.

10-28-15, 09:20
I'm hoping for a cruz or Carson ticket. I'm voting republican no matter what, though.

Big A
10-28-15, 09:59
But he's a rich clown,,, and he get any of it from me. How exactly are you supposed to do business in Liberal Land without paying the Piper?

How do you know it's not payback time?
Agreed. All those people are entrenched and not giving up their seats until death for the most part.

You gotta pay to play. I know this because I have a couple of uncles who lobby in both Tallahassee and D.C.. Both are republicans but their companies have donated to Dem candidates. That's just how it works.

Every capitol is a cesspool of corruption, a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Civil service my ass.

This is not an endorsement for Trump. If he is the only choice to beat hillary I may vote for him. I may stay home too. I'm tired of this shit.

10-29-15, 08:45
I've got reservations about Carson, namely his previous stances on guns (despite his Jews-and-the-Holocaust comment). He also has espoused some "positive" aspects of socialism......morning radio talk DJ here in Nashville was talking about it a week or two ago.

I still can't warm up to Trump.

Cruz is my preference, but he needs to drop the smarmy evangelical way he speaks at times.

10-29-15, 23:54
One poll in five, cherry picked to be able to contribute to the big story that Trump is in trouble when Trump is still five points up in the RCP average. In this case, I'd call it an equal mix of money driven sensationalism and anti-Trump sentiment. Carson isn't really taken seriously yet by the media and he'll be an easy target if and when the time comes to knock him down.

Seriously, only Trump got the internet-fact-check-rebuttal treatment in real time.