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10-27-15, 12:34
Islamic Invasion Pulls Trigger: Europe Now Scrambles for Guns


Over the years, the US has been scrutinized for the 2nd Amendment. Well Europe, wish you had them now don't you?

10-27-15, 12:39
Yeah....it's easy to be up on that high horse until your Section 8 house opens up on your street. THEN attitudes change

10-27-15, 12:42
This is why I maintain gun control comes from people who are sheltered. They don't realize just how thin their little bubble is.

Dist. Expert 26
10-27-15, 12:50
It seems like things are about to get very bad in Europe. I wish them the best, and I pray that the imbeciles in charge here take note of what happens. Its too late for them, but we can still turn the tide back in our favor.

10-27-15, 12:50
That movie the Survivors was supposed to be Satire but no, that happens. I knew two chick roommates who were hipsters and bought a cheap AK each after some black dudes tried to break into their rented house. When threats of calling the police and pepper spray got laughs; they knew they were not faring well. Luckily a random patrol drove through and scared them off. There was a lag time and dude already put himself at scene before he could be dispatched. The very next day they bought WASR 10s and some mags. I only knew them through one of their boyfriends but their attitudes changed ricky tick

10-27-15, 13:07
Europe needs to stop being such racist Islamophobes and ban kitchen knives so nobody murders somebody simply because a loved one was raped and murdered. THAT IS WHAT THE COURTS ARE FOR.

It truly IS the Arab Spring and the conquest of Western Europe is going nicely.

10-27-15, 13:20
Haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa. Is all I can really manage at the moment.

10-27-15, 13:43
Europe needs to stop being such racist Islamophobes and ban kitchen knives so nobody murders somebody simply because a loved one was raped and murdered. THAT IS WHAT THE COURTS ARE FOR.

It truly IS the Arab Spring and the conquest of Western Europe is going nicely.

I really want to steal this quote.

10-27-15, 14:11
(Spits beer out of mouth very dramatically.....) what??? But you guys said guns where icky and the polezi would be there, when some moose limb isis dshk gunner dropout dude shows up with a meat cleaver......

Guns don't scare them guys though. There should be a run on swords and katanas.... Seasoned in bacon grease. That would would impress them more.

10-27-15, 14:44
That movie the Survivors was supposed to be Satire but no, that happens. I knew two chick roommates who were hipsters and bought a cheap AK each after some black dudes tried to break into their rented house. When threats of calling the police and pepper spray got laughs; they knew they were not faring well. Luckily a random patrol drove through and scared them off. There was a lag time and dude already put himself at scene before he could be dispatched. The very next day they bought WASR 10s and some mags. I only knew them through one of their boyfriends but their attitudes changed ricky tick

Same. Exact. Thing.

Know this chick. Total hippy. She was on snapchat daily posting pics of her blunts and weed...which attracted the attention of some undesirables that kicked her door in and held her and her BF at gunpoint while they stole all of her weed.

Now she carries a Glock. How odd.

Of course I know the opposite type too - been broken into multiple times, assaulted, vandalized, robbed at knifepoint - the works. She blames it all on income disparity or some shit.

10-27-15, 14:48
She now carries a Glock to defend her weed. I'm 100% sure the irony is lost on her.

10-27-15, 14:52
Islamic Invasion Pulls Trigger: Europe Now Scrambles for Guns


Over the years, the US has been scrutinized for the 2nd Amendment. Well Europe, wish you had them now don't you?

Gee it's almost like this was all done all on purpose, just almost . . .

10-27-15, 16:29
Same. Exact. Thing.

Know this chick. Total hippy. She was on snapchat daily posting pics of her blunts and weed...which attracted the attention of some undesirables that kicked her door in and held her and her BF at gunpoint while they stole all of her weed.

Now she carries a Glock. How odd.

Of course I know the opposite type too - been broken into multiple times, assaulted, vandalized, robbed at knifepoint - the works. She blames it all on income disparity or some shit.

Obviously she lied on the 4473 about being a prohibited person. Shining example of background check failure. Of course if she ever has a "bad shoot" situation, I'm sure the dealer will be blamed for not checking her online presence for evidence of illegal activity.

10-27-15, 16:41
Europe needs to stop being such racist Islamophobes and ban kitchen knives so nobody murders somebody simply because a loved one was raped and murdered. THAT IS WHAT THE COURTS ARE FOR.

It truly IS the Arab Spring and the conquest of Western Europe is going nicely.

Holy shit, congrats. You have achieved leftist cultural relativist mastery with that quote.
As silly as it obviously is to us, that is exactly how a shocking percentage of influential and powerful people think.

10-27-15, 17:44
Slightly more on topic, I utterly can NOT wait for the backlash.

Every so often people think the Germans are whipped, the Scandinavians are too nice, and that they are gonna just take over.

Historically NEEEEWWP.

With the Soviet Bear roaming outside his woods and Euros feeling put upon....well....

Let's just say it won't be pretty.
The day a bunch of Germans start marching with shovels in a right shoulder, singing loudly and in tune, and there is a line of them well...I know the worm will have turned.

Same with the people who fought back the Soviets during the Winter Wars.

Dist. Expert 26
10-27-15, 18:03
Slightly more on topic, I utterly can NOT wait for the backlash.

Every so often people think the Germans are whipped, the Scandinavians are too nice, and that they are gonna just take over.

Historically NEEEEWWP.

With the Soviet Bear roaming outside his woods and Euros feeling put upon....well....

Let's just say it won't be pretty.
The day a bunch of Germans start marching with shovels in a right shoulder, singing loudly and in tune, and there is a line of them well...I know the worm will have turned.

Same with the people who fought back the Soviets during the Winter Wars.

I've read some articles (which are extremely hard to find for some reason...) about Germans burning down refugee centers and the like. They might have become a country of socialist sheep over the past 70 years, but the fighting spirit is still there.

France, on the other hand, will probably surrender as soon as ISIS demands it. Maybe even before. They'll stand on the streets of Paris and cry while convoys of toyota pickups roll by.

10-27-15, 18:13
Gee it's almost like this was all done all on purpose, just almost . . .

Agree. I think the strategy is basically to let in just enough migrants to really get the "far right nationalists" into the spotlight. Cue a Nazi flag or kiddie porn ring and boom, "we'll have to crack down on these extremists for your safety, citizen."

All the while using the threat of migrant violence to crack down internally as well. It's a win-win for the elites and there's no chance the resettlement program will be anywhere near the chancellor's palace...

10-27-15, 18:28
Waiting for either:

a.) "America, come help us, please!"
b.) "Americans are a bunch of selfish pigs! They won't even help us!"

Followed by our delayed entry into a conflict which will ever after become known as WWIII.

The more things change, the more they remain the same... and it is my prediction that Islam will be the fuel for the next World War.

10-27-15, 18:29
Waiting for either:

a.) "America, come help us, please!"
b.) "Americans are a bunch of selfish pigs! They won't even help us!"

Followed by our delayed entry into a conflict which will ever after become known as WWIII.

The more things change, the more they remain the same...

I actual expect the MUSLIMS to be begging us for help like in Yugoslavia before it's over

10-27-15, 19:03
and it is my prediction that Islam will be the fuel for the next World War.

Well they had a lot to do with the first one. Check out the documentary "The First World War" and watch the episode "Jihad 1914 – 1916" - The Turkish Ottoman Empire proved a formidable foe, as Allies found to their cost at Gallipoli and in the Middle East.

10-27-15, 20:18
HMMMMMM...Didnt the Brits beg for guns to be sent over from the ole USA to help fend toff the Geri's during WW2? Had it no been for our lend and forget to lease (for the most part) they all be speaking Deutch right about now. Maybe this time we forget how to send guns, ammo and blood over there.

I truly hope those folks wake the hell up and perform a mass eviction of governmental progressives before they punt all the asshat migrants from their borders. Not holding my breath though. They will most likely a few nuts will try to spin up the ovens in Auschwitz and cause a massive government crackdown. All at the behest of liberal dipshits

10-27-15, 20:48
Slightly more on topic, I utterly can NOT wait for the backlash.

Every so often people think the Germans are whipped, the Scandinavians are too nice, and that they are gonna just take over.

Historically NEEEEWWP.

With the Soviet Bear roaming outside his woods and Euros feeling put upon....well....

Let's just say it won't be pretty.
The day a bunch of Germans start marching with shovels in a right shoulder, singing loudly and in tune, and there is a line of them well...I know the worm will have turned.

Same with the people who fought back the Soviets during the Winter Wars.

I certainly hope so. It's gonna happen anyway, so may as well be within my lifetime.

I actual expect the MUSLIMS to be begging us for help like in Yugoslavia before it's over

Excellent point. The West got played for suckers in the Yugoslavian and Kosovo Wars. Both times NATO members rushed to drop bombs and take in "refugees", citing a "genocide". Turns out, it wasn't a genocide. A civil war, yes, but not a genocide. They've had 16 years now to find all of the "mass graves" and "rape camps" that the NATO and CIA brass claimed the Serbs were responsible for. They've found graves from all sides, and the rape camp stories turned out to be wild exagerrations.

In the end, they carved out yet more footholds for Islam in Europe (Kosovo and Bosnia). If there is anything to be learned from this, it is to not trust Muslims. Period. How many times must we learn this.
Helped them in Afghanistan (80's), Yugoslavia (90's), "Kosovo" (late 90's, 2000's and through today), Afghanistan (2001-present), Iraq (2003-present), Libya (2011), Egypt (2011), Syria (2011)-present).
Every single time we plot against some strongman dictator, it turns out that it would have been better to leave said dictator in place to keep the Jihadi's under control. And what do we get in return? More Jihadis within our borders. More green on blue attacks abroad. Enough is enough. Come to grips with the reality that this is a war against an ideology (Islam), not against a tactic (terrorism).

Dist. Expert 26
10-27-15, 22:00
Come to grips with the reality that this is a war against an ideology (Islam), not against a tactic (terrorism).

The government can't admit that, not in today's politically correct society. Everyone knows the score, but coming out and saying it is a sure way to have every liberal from California to New York screaming to high heaven. Comparisons to Nazi Germany would be quick and numerous, and whatever official made the comments would be crucified. If things get bad enough in Europe, however, we may very well see their governments drawing such lines.

10-27-15, 22:00
I've been meaning to do some international travel, lately.

Dear Europe,
Have gun, will travel.
Email Fjallhrafn, Montana.

10-27-15, 23:00
The government can't admit that, not in today's politically correct society. Everyone knows the score, but coming out and saying it is a sure way to have every liberal from California to New York screaming to high heaven. Comparisons to Nazi Germany would be quick and numerous, and whatever official made the comments would be crucified. If things get bad enough in Europe, however, we may very well see their governments drawing such lines.

Liberals already scream to high heaven about women earning 72 cents what men earn (operative word here is earn), without even controlling for type of work, hours worked, etc.
They accuse people of being Nazis for everything anyways. There really isn't much to lost by offending the Left, as long as everybody does it together.

Dist. Expert 26
10-27-15, 23:11
Liberals already scream to high heaven about women earning 72 cents what men earn (operative word here is earn), without even controlling for type of work, hours worked, etc.
They accuse people of being Nazis for everything anyways. There really isn't much to lost by offending the Left, as long as everybody does it together.

Perhaps, but I can't see people here unifying against Islam. Even after 9/11 the majority of Americans still tried to find a difference between jihadis and "peaceful" Muslims. Its even worse today, with some Americans identifying with ISIS and attempting to support them, not realizing that they would likely end up on their knees in an orange jumpsuit.

10-27-15, 23:53
Yeah. All those white boy Canadians or whomever who 'found Allah' and go off to Syria or whatever to ISIS better know that is a one way trip. "Oh the West is evil and corrupt" Alright there Yussef. Just understand that this ain't cosplay or an exchange trip.
When they no longer have a propaganda use for you they will just kill you.

10-28-15, 02:07
But...but...they just poor helpless muslim families looking for a better life.

10-28-15, 07:33
Some are. But with the practical impossibility of telling the difference, and the fact that even if mommy and daddy Muhammad are pacifists, little Achmed often grows up to take a more literal interpretation of his religion's teachings.

Islam is a cancer.

Dist. Expert 26
10-28-15, 10:03
Yeah. All those white boy Canadians or whomever who 'found Allah' and go off to Syria or whatever to ISIS better know that is a one way trip. "Oh the West is evil and corrupt" Alright there Yussef. Just understand that this ain't cosplay or an exchange trip.
When they no longer have a propaganda use for you they will just kill you.

What really cracks me up is the women that try to go over there. Its like they have no idea how Islam views women, or what ISIS is going to do to them once they get there.

But hey, good riddance.

10-28-15, 10:14
HMMMMMM...Didnt the Brits beg for guns to be sent over from the ole USA to help fend toff the Geri's during WW2? Had it no been for our lend and forget to lease (for the most part) they all be speaking Deutch right about now. Maybe this time we forget how to send guns, ammo and blood over there.

I truly hope those folks wake the hell up and perform a mass eviction of governmental progressives before they punt all the asshat migrants from their borders. Not holding my breath though. They will most likely a few nuts will try to spin up the ovens in Auschwitz and cause a massive government crackdown. All at the behest of liberal dipshits

Actually the Brits did beg for guns because after Dunkirk, the British army was forced to leave most of their equiptment on the beach. There was a lot of concern after that that the Germans would invade, and the brits found themselves in a situation of having no practical way to arm the citizenry er, subjects with something in case of invasion. They put ads in American newspapers asking of any kind of firearm. The American responded with boat loads of rifles shotguns etc, they used some for the home guard, and some for training, the rest were dumped into the ocean.. There they were, looking at getting invaded any day, and the British gov't couldn't bring itself to pass out guns to the people who would help defend the country... The citizens/subjects. As far as Europe is concerned ****'em.. This is what you get with socialist communism that demands that the people be disarmed as they can't be trusted, and then invite literal hordes of savages in to rape and pillage...

10-28-15, 10:50
I thought guns in Europe were only for well heeled people, as only the very wealthy can afford to hunt there.

From what I have read, you just cannot go buy a gun just because you want to own one - you either have to have hunting land or membership in a target shooting club and that costs lots of money and there are waiting lists.

..maybe things have changed.

10-28-15, 11:03
They have not changed. Some of the countries are not as draconian as others. But still, arms are hard to come by.

The US provided lend/lease not only to the Brits, but the Russians as well. Both WWI and II.

10-28-15, 11:22
Savage Arms also built No4 Enfield rifles and "lend-leased" them to the Brits during the early years of WWII.

I have a 1942 dated Savage No4 Enfield.

10-28-15, 11:50
I expect to see a lively black market.

10-28-15, 12:45
I thought guns in Europe were only for well heeled people, as only the very wealthy can afford to hunt there.

From what I have read, you just cannot go buy a gun just because you want to own one - you either have to have hunting land or membership in a target shooting club and that costs lots of money and there are waiting lists.

..maybe things have changed.

About the only place in Europe that as a citizen, you can go buy a gun with out a huge hassle is Switzerland.. It's my understanding for example, (And I could be wrong on this but, it's what I read) you want a handgun, You go to the store and sign one simple form and plop down your cash and off you go.. But then again, every male over 18 has a selective fire weapon at home given to them by the Swiss govt, and they are expected to stay proficient with it.. And if you need ammo for it, just go down to the local Army depot, and they'll happily issue you more... I've also read I believe, on the Swissforums that for example the K-31's you see here, in the U.S. are available in Switzerland in a .308 conversion.. Sadly, Swiss law prevents that from being exported.. The only reason the K-31's are exported is that they are in a now obsolete caliber (7.5x55) that the Swiss military no longer uses.

10-28-15, 14:04
I don't know about the rest of Europe, but Italy is a pain in the ass to buy anything. You have to go through an arduous process to get a permit from the local police, there's limits as to what you can own, calibers, ammo quantity owned, transportation, carry is largely impossible with a permit that you can't get, etc. The state can inspect and confiscate your property without notice or compensation, since the underlying basis for rule of law is guilty until proven innocent (Feudal/Napoleonic Code). Basically the system there is Gavin Newsom's wet dream (http://www.mercurynews.com/california/ci_28974167/gavin-newsom-propose-sweeping-gun-control-ballot-measure)...

I have been told that enforcement of laws for "certain" people (meaning if you're family or friends with the local police, you're good to go) has become a bit more lax these days especially with stockpiling ammunition. It is also very well known but never discussed, that there are a huge amount of "black market" firearms left over from WW2 that have been passed down through families that have always been suspicious of statism. Since none can be used, trained with, repaired, etc. the functionality of them would be questionable and anything 9X19 cal. would be using ammo from the 1960's at the latest since there's been a ban on sales of it for many, many, years now.

Regardless, local stores are having a tough time keeping anything in stock. Here is a very large gun store that I know pretty well, that isn't far away from N.A.S. Sigonella (for anyone that knows the area): http://www.armeriagino.it/prodotti.php?categoria=510&sub_cat=8&marca=&ordina=&from=0, and they basically have very little in stock these days. The smaller shops are even worse off. I may go back with the wife to visit her family at Christmas, so I should be able to see how things actually are on the ground then. Back in May, when I was in the north of Italy, the migrant problem hadn't hit there yet.

Straight Shooter
10-28-15, 14:04
NO PITY for them..at all. Let them reap what their F-ING Liberalism has sown for them. Wallow in it, for all I care.

10-28-15, 14:10
IIRC the Finns took a page out of Israel's book and have set back enough CHICOM Kalashnikovs for every man, woman, and child "just in case" as they have not forgotten the past.

10-28-15, 14:51
NO PITY for them..at all. Let them reap what their F-ING Liberalism has sown for them. Wallow in it, for all I care.

In the case of Italy, WE (meaning the US and its allies) put the leftists in power since they were anti-fascist after WW2. WE (meaning the US under Truman, along with the IMF and World Bank) also helped fund and establish their welfare state as part of "reconstruction" with the Marshall Plan, and thusly enabled socialists to control the population. WE (meaning US Banks and hedge funds, i.e. Goldman Sachs) have enabled the EU to force massive debt with fraudulent business transactions (easy credit and derivatives) on local governments that have been taken on by national governments and the IMF as a bailout as well, and WE (meaning Obama admin's policies in Libya, Syria, etc.) have started this whole "migrant" crisis to begin with.

Now, having said that, you or I as individuals (as well as probably 90% of the other members on this site) don't support any of this and would hang the statist scum high, if given the opportunity. Most people I know in Italy (at least those over 30, since if you're under 30 you are probably unemployed (60%), living with parents (70%), and on the dole (65%)) would do the same and see a better life without the socialist system. That is why many who are educated and have the means to do so leave. What is missing from this is the catalyst for the summoning of twisted fibre justice.

The goal in it all is explained well here: http://www.pdfarchive.info/pdf/G/Gr/Griffin_G_Edward_-_The_Creature_from_Jekyll_Island.pdf (PDF of the book, Chapter 6 (pg. 63 of the pdf) is interesting in this context.

10-28-15, 14:54
IIRC the Finns took a page out of Israel's book and have set back enough CHICOM Kalashnikovs for every man, woman, and child "just in case" as they have not forgotten the past.

The Finns wisely do not trust the Russians or Europe/US since their territory ad second largest city (at the time) was given to the Soviets as a "settlement" when the maps were redrawn after WW2.

10-28-15, 15:03
My company's European office is in Trieste Italy. Lately there is a movement there that could be described as Libertarian in nature which calls for the region to break away from Italy. I took this back in April:


The Italian in the sign reads:"Trieste free from Italian taxes"

The main issue is their hatred of socialism and high taxes. One of the other key issues for the group is a right to bear arms... The group is funded by Generali insurance, who wants the side benefit of a tax haven to operate out of. They may have a valid claim on independence, since the Italy didn't properly ratify the annexation of Trieste after the US occupation in the 1950's. The case will end up in court in the next few years.

10-28-15, 16:18
The Finns wisely do not trust the Russians or Europe/US since their territory ad second largest city (at the time) was given to the Soviets as a "settlement" when the maps were redrawn after WW2.

The Finns agreed to cede Karelia to the Soviet Union as part of their separate peace/armistice. Territory that the Soviets were already occupying at the time the armistice was signed (Karelia was taken from Finland during the Winter War, liberated during the opening stages of the Continuation War, and ultimately lost again during the last stages of the same). An armistice both signed under significant secrecy, as the allies had agreed (at the behest of the Soviets) that there was to be no separate peace and the Finns needed the Germans to send tanks and Panzerfausts.

10-28-15, 17:21
Yes, but the Peace of Paris left the land with the Soviets; who likely couldn't have maintained the territory with force levels at the time, plus $300M in reparations due from Finland. This also put them in a tenuous position as beholden to the Soviets with many obligations that restrict their determination over their own future (neutrality, lack of territorial sovereignty from Soviet ingress, limits on military size, etc.), but with the ability to trade with both the Soviets and the West. If the Soviets had gained more territory, Finland would have likely been Eastern Bloc. Intervention from the Britain and the US could also have likely gained back the territory for additional reparations.