View Full Version : National Gun Victims Action Council - An "argument" for a disarmed citizenry

10-27-15, 20:33
This is the craziest, most twisted and most evil thing I have read in a long time (although the ante keeps getting upped every day). These psychopaths are claiming that a country where only criminals have guns would be safer than what we have now.

a) The UK police/security forces do not have guns, never mind the military, bodyguards or even some citizens (albeit no semi-autos).
b) They ignore that historically the UK was less violent than the US even when the UK had zero gun control.
c) They ignore that all the countries where the government has massacred its people once they were legally disarmed.
d) Their claims that legal gun owners are committing most gun homicides are completely false.



by Elliot Fineman
CEO – Founder
National Gun Victims Action Council


Whenever laws are proposed that would regulate guns, the NRA and pro-gun extremists argue that only law-abiding citizens will be affected–not criminals. If tighter laws are passed, we will be living in a dangerous society and destined to be victims of gun violence because only criminals will have guns.

The facts are just the opposite. We would have a far safer society if only “criminals” had guns. How do we know this?

There is a country where only “criminals” have guns. In England, handguns have been outlawed—no one can own them. The only guns private citizens can own are long guns (the kind used for hunting or marksmanship that only shoot 2 bullets at a time) or collector guns.

Criminals, of course, can illegally get all the guns they want. They can get semi-automatic handguns that shoot 32 bullets in under 15 seconds—like the Tucson murderer. They can get assault rifles that shoot 50 to 100 bullets per minute like the Aurora murderer.

Demographically, England is similar to the US. It has serious drug and gang problems, poverty, mental illness and immigration issues. English citizens hunt, collect guns and enjoy the sport of marksmanship. Because this is a country where only criminals have guns–even police do not carry guns–shouldn’t there be rampant gun homicides and gun crime assaults? England has 45 gun homicides per year.

Since the US is 5 times the size of England–300 million vs. 60 million–we should expect 5 times the number of gun homicides or 225 a year. Instead, the US has an astounding 10,000 gun homicides a year because not only do criminals have all the guns they want, so do law-abiding citizens.

Clearly it is “law-abiding citizens” with guns, not criminals, who are committing the great majority of US gun homicides. In fact, each of the recent high-profile gun massacres (Tucson, Aurora, Charleston, Umpqua, Roanoke, Chattanooga) was committed by a “law-abiding citizen” who was a legal gun owner—none were from the hand of a criminal with an illegal gun.

The NRA and pro-gun extremists use the threat that “only the criminals will have guns” to fight gun laws. The truth is the US would have a fraction of the gun violence it now has if “only the criminals had guns” and there is every point in passing gun regulations.


Sign our petition telling President Obama to declare a national state of emergency.
Tags: Aurora, Charleston, Chattanooga, criminals, England, gun violence. crime, mental illness, NRA, Roanoke, Tucson

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10-27-15, 20:43
Well I guess if you want to call "defensive shootings" that protected the lives of innocent people "gun homicides" then technically they are correct.

Using the same logic, if we had no police, we'd have no convicted murderers in this country. That sounds like a "safe" place to live.

10-27-15, 20:55

THAT is what Salvia does to people, everybody.

10-27-15, 20:56
And if we outlawed cars there would be no DUIs. Crazy bitches couldn't run down a highschool parade, and so on.

Actually, one could argue, with their logic, that we should, since a majority of vehicular homicides are committed with legally owned cars. :rolleyes:

These people are fine example of how the internet and a little knowledge are very dangerous things.

Well I guess if you want to call "defensive shootings" that protected the lives of innocent people "gun homicides" then technically they are correct.

Using the same logic, if we had no police, we'd have no convicted murderers in this country. That sounds like a "safe" place to live.

Actually, most homicide statistics include justifiable as well as OISs at least as of last time I checked. I don't think I've ever seen the numbers weighed with officer involved shootings, suicides, and justifiable homicides not included. I have a feeling if one were to subtract those numbers, we would generally paint a different picture.

Oh, and that brings up back to the quote about three kinds of lies, "Lies, damn lies, and statistics."

10-27-15, 21:04
And then of course there are the actual numbers.


Dist. Expert 26
10-27-15, 21:41
Why does this kind of thing even surprise us anymore? The liberals have no problem skewing data or lying to get their agenda pushed through. This is just another sad attempt at the same.

10-27-15, 21:59
Actually, most homicide statistics include justifiable as well as OISs at least as of last time I checked. I don't think I've ever seen the numbers weighed with officer involved shootings, suicides, and justifiable homicides not included. I have a feeling if one were to subtract those numbers, we would generally paint a different picture.

Oh, and that brings up back to the quote about three kinds of lies, "Lies, damn lies, and statistics."

That is correct. We went over the way we compiled our statistics in a class a while back. It is dumb to say the least. We include all justified shootings (self defense), officer involved shootings, suicides, negligent discharges (people who shot themselves/someone else unintentionally) etc. In overall criminal statistics, we also include people who were acquitted, never formally charged (just arrested), found not guilty, etc. I am not positive on this one, but I think we also separate individuals shot as different shooting; e.g. a gang banger does a drive by, each person shot is a "shooting," not a shooting with multiple victims. For statistics at least, I could be wrong though.

It is always funny how people bring up other countries and compare them to ours, yet Britain compiles their statistics completely different. They do not include half the stuff we do.

10-27-15, 22:17
If people like Europe so much, go there.
The Muslims are doing just that.

Bleh, you can reason with these people all you like but they have emotions and feelings. They deal in money and politics. That's their weapon. They are afraid that they may have to do their own fighting.

And that's the smart ones. Most are just really sheltered.

Travis Haley had this video about a scenario. Like you're in a room with your wife and kids. There is a table with a note, a gun, and a cellphone. The note says in 5 minutes, armed men are coming for you and will kill you but not until they've raped and killed your family.

He said that people would STILL try to call 911 or say goodbye to their families. Anything but fight.

I, personally, would love every day on earth to be orgy night at the prom. Wine, women, and song.

But sadly....no...I'm here to tell you. That there are people who literally make it their life's work to step on people. They see any kind of decency and decorum as total weakness. They get off on it.

Oh yes, they'll be in court dressed up in gaudy church clothes clutching a bible. But they will brag about murdering someone who 'wasn't hard'.

Yeah ..you reason with them if you want. Waste of time.

10-27-15, 23:23
Firefly, any idea where to find that video? I could use it along with part of Jack Nicholson's speech in A Few Good Men.

10-27-15, 23:26
This is the craziest, most twisted and most evil thing I have read in a long time (although the ante keeps getting upped every day). These psychopaths are claiming that a country where only criminals have guns would be safer than what we have now.

a) The UK police/security forces do not have guns, never mind the military, bodyguards or even some citizens (albeit no semi-autos).
b) They ignore that historically the UK was less violent than the US even when the UK had zero gun control.
c) They ignore that all the countries where the government has massacred its people once they were legally disarmed.
d) Their claims that legal gun owners are committing most gun homicides are completely false.



10-27-15, 23:30
Firefly, any idea where to find that video? I could use it along with part of Jack Nicholson's speech in A Few Good Men.


It's towards the middle

10-27-15, 23:41
Awesome, thank you.

10-27-15, 23:51
Yeah ..you reason with them if you want. Waste of time.

The enlightening one for me was video of a trial where a POS gang banger shot a female police officer. When it came time for her testimony she berated him because he PROMISED he wouldn't shoot her if she just put down her gun. She put down her gun and he promptly shot her. Not long after her testimony she died of complications from the shooting.

She actually HAD a gun, she actually HAD IT OUT and she actually HAD IT POINTED AT A GENUINE THREAT and she still opted to believe a fantasy where "somebody who has just shot somebody else and is ready to shoot you can still be reasoned with and trusted to keep their word."

I will never understand some people, keep in mind this was a LEO, one of those people everyone else waits for when they call 911 to come and save the day. Sometimes they won't even save themselves, better have a Plan B ready.

10-28-15, 00:15
Steyr, I've known some 'diversity' hires that I have explicitly told not to come to my calls just for that reason.

Women think they can talk to everyone. Yeah...talking is good, reasoning is awesome. But when it's game time, it's game time.

Then I've seen dumbasses with an alligator mouth and a hummingbird ass.

You know what? These people, yes predominantly black, live in poverty because their mother has too many kids. They get free breakfast, free lunch, and everyone they know thinks the only way to get ahead is to steal. Or to rob. So they form little collectives. Strength in numbers. That whole bit. They are constantly reminded by their parent, friends, whatever how the world is so 'against' them. Anything is an insult. And if you aint 'hard', you aint shit.

Teachers....the police....counselors. See them for a short time. Their greatest influences are who they spend the most time with. There are 11 year olds getting high, screwing, and burglarizing.

And....they do it to themselves. Sad to say but that chick cop ALLOWED herself to die. She was not prepared to do her job that day.

People whine and cry and piss and moan over their 'plight". Yeah...but you get free education. Scholarships. I got a degree paid out of pocket. I didn't have all that but I worked for it. If I really want something, I'll work and hustle. And that used to be the standard.

But as for all THAT....like Ellen Ripley said, "They can bill me".
I don't feel sorry for any of these little shitsticks or anyone who seeks to emulate them. We can build more jails and execute more long timers.

I'm not a complete tightass. A few teenyboppers sneak a case of beer into the woods. Shenanigans. A talking to and maybe a call to parents if its outta hand.

Robbing a liquor store and killing a casher?
F--k 'em.

But I guess to understand boundaries and limits, they would have to be civilized and decent, huh?

Like I say...if you end up on one of those bullshit "In Loving Memory" T shirts that I see all the time....oh well.....

10-28-15, 00:53
Sad to say but that chick cop ALLOWED herself to die. She was not prepared to do her job that day.

Agreed. Horrible as it is, I think the gang banger had just shot and killed her partner prior to her Mexican standoff with the shooter. Giving hiring guidelines I'd have genuine concerns about a lot of partners these days and their ability to back me up if needed. Some of them are about as useful in a bad situation as "hippie draftees" and "jail or nam" options that Vietnam veterans were sometimes forced to depend on.

Years ago I was a PAL instructor in Hollywood, and not the best part of town. I have the satisfaction of actually contributing to the effort (and it wasn't just me doing it) that helped a lot of "decent kids" become "decent people" and get the hell out of the crap hole they were living in. But there were also kids who were already unreachable by age 11. I used to watch a few other individuals really knock themselves out trying to save kids that were already way over the line.

10-28-15, 01:21
The enlightening one for me was video of a trial where a POS gang banger shot a female police officer. When it came time for her testimony she berated him because he PROMISED he wouldn't shoot her if she just put down her gun. She put down her gun and he promptly shot her. Not long after her testimony she died of complications from the shooting.

She actually HAD a gun, she actually HAD IT OUT and she actually HAD IT POINTED AT A GENUINE THREAT and she still opted to believe a fantasy where "somebody who has just shot somebody else and is ready to shoot you can still be reasoned with and trusted to keep their word."

I will never understand some people, keep in mind this was a LEO, one of those people everyone else waits for when they call 911 to come and save the day. Sometimes they won't even save themselves, better have a Plan B ready.

Unacceptable. If not prepared to take the life of a perp who just killed someone and is now pointing a gun at you, and you are gullible enough to believe a promise of said perp, you have no business being a police officer/soldier. Even if she survived, I would take back all her pay, as she was not doing her job properly all that time. These people make me sick. Go work as a secretary (not saying that there's anything wrong with that). Cops aren't social workers.
I think we have outrun natural selection, and now it's coming back to bite us in the ass in nasty ways. There are literally 100's of millions of people in the US alone whose mentality precludes survival in anything outside of the coddled safe bubble created by hard men and women over the past 2,000+ years of civilizational progress. The soft and pathetic elements of our society have now risen to the top and condemn the very same mentality that allows their pathetic asses to exist.

Sorry if this sounds callous, but **** her.

Steyr, I've known some 'diversity' hires that I have explicitly told not to come to my calls just for that reason.

Women think they can talk to everyone. Yeah...talking is good, reasoning is awesome. But when it's game time, it's game time.

Then I've seen dumbasses with an alligator mouth and a hummingbird ass.

You know what? These people, yes predominantly black, live in poverty because their mother has too many kids. They get free breakfast, free lunch, and everyone they know thinks the only way to get ahead is to steal. Or to rob. So they form little collectives. Strength in numbers. That whole bit. They are constantly reminded by their parent, friends, whatever how the world is so 'against' them. Anything is an insult. And if you aint 'hard', you aint shit.

Teachers....the police....counselors. See them for a short time. Their greatest influences are who they spend the most time with. There are 11 year olds getting high, screwing, and burglarizing.

And....they do it to themselves. Sad to say but that chick cop ALLOWED herself to die. She was not prepared to do her job that day.

People whine and cry and piss and moan over their 'plight". Yeah...but you get free education. Scholarships. I got a degree paid out of pocket. I didn't have all that but I worked for it. If I really want something, I'll work and hustle. And that used to be the standard.

But as for all THAT....like Ellen Ripley said, "They can bill me".
I don't feel sorry for any of these little shitsticks or anyone who seeks to emulate them. We can build more jails and execute more long timers.

I'm not a complete tightass. A few teenyboppers sneak a case of beer into the woods. Shenanigans. A talking to and maybe a call to parents if its outta hand.

Robbing a liquor store and killing a casher?
F--k 'em.

But I guess to understand boundaries and limits, they would have to be civilized and decent, huh?

Like I say...if you end up on one of those bullshit "In Loving Memory" T shirts that I see all the time....oh well.....

Well said.

10-28-15, 01:36
Steyr, I've known some 'diversity' hires that I have explicitly told not to come to my calls just for that reason.

Women think they can talk to everyone. Yeah...talking is good, reasoning is awesome. But when it's game time, it's game time.

Then I've seen dumbasses with an alligator mouth and a hummingbird ass.

You know what? These people, yes predominantly black, live in poverty because their mother has too many kids. They get free breakfast, free lunch, and everyone they know thinks the only way to get ahead is to steal. Or to rob. So they form little collectives. Strength in numbers. That whole bit. They are constantly reminded by their parent, friends, whatever how the world is so 'against' them. Anything is an insult. And if you aint 'hard', you aint shit.

Teachers....the police....counselors. See them for a short time. Their greatest influences are who they spend the most time with. There are 11 year olds getting high, screwing, and burglarizing.

And....they do it to themselves. Sad to say but that chick cop ALLOWED herself to die. She was not prepared to do her job that day.

People whine and cry and piss and moan over their 'plight". Yeah...but you get free education. Scholarships. I got a degree paid out of pocket. I didn't have all that but I worked for it. If I really want something, I'll work and hustle. And that used to be the standard.

But as for all THAT....like Ellen Ripley said, "They can bill me".
I don't feel sorry for any of these little shitsticks or anyone who seeks to emulate them. We can build more jails and execute more long timers.

I'm not a complete tightass. A few teenyboppers sneak a case of beer into the woods. Shenanigans. A talking to and maybe a call to parents if its outta hand.

Robbing a liquor store and killing a casher?
F--k 'em.

But I guess to understand boundaries and limits, they would have to be civilized and decent, huh?

Like I say...if you end up on one of those bullshit "In Loving Memory" T shirts that I see all the time....oh well.....

People who live and or work in such communities "get it".

Still there are more out their that understand. But it never gets old hearing from those who haven't a clue as to what is out there. The whole "they have the life expectancy of an ant, their high, armed, and just don't plain give a ****" does not resonate with many. I remember during the Baltimore riots I had to show some folks this video as they have no idea that there are communities right here in CONUS that when you seen them on CNN you would swear you were watching footage of sectarian violence in some far flung dung heap.


10-28-15, 01:47
but my boy is a good boy he would never do anything bad !
you know just having fun being kids !

People who live and or work in such communities "get it".

Still there are more out their that understand. But it never gets old hearing from those who haven't a clue as to what is out there. The whole "they have the life expectancy of an ant, their high, armed, and just don't plain give a ****" does not resonate with many. I remember during the Baltimore riots I had to show some folks this video as they have no idea that there are communities right here in CONUS that when you seen them on CNN you would swear you were watching footage of sectarian violence in some far flung dung heap.

10-28-15, 01:57
People who live and or work in such communities "get it".

Still there are more out their that understand. But it never gets old hearing from those who haven't a clue as to what is out there. The whole "they have the life expectancy of an ant, their high, armed, and just don't plain give a ****" does not resonate with many. I remember during the Baltimore riots I had to show some folks this video as they have no idea that there are communities right here in CONUS that when you seen them on CNN you would swear you were watching footage of sectarian violence in some far flung dung heap.

While that video should be damning evidence, millions of American's would declare it "poignant", "hopeful", "inspiring" and "humbling." They would drone on and on about how the human spirit can endure despite impossible oppression (ignoring the fact that most of it is self imposed), a hostile quasi police state, an indifferent country that ignores their basic needs and similar bullshit.

I'm amazed it didn't win best film at Cannes and become required viewing at public schools.

10-28-15, 02:23
but my boy is a good boy he would never do anything bad !
you know just having fun being kids !

You joke, but just listen to his mother "Coco Brown" here in a local news interview after Baltimore PD tagged him on his bike with a Dodge Charger and Tazed him.


So in review not only did the police almost kill him (lol) he didn't do noting wrong and they need to build a park so these innocent kids have a safe place to ride their bikes/quads. I guess she has never heard of the concept of parenting, much less things like traffic laws, helmet laws, motor vehicle registration, motorcycle insurance, state inspections, oh and a little thing called the public domain.

10-28-15, 03:25
hahhaahahah OH and that momma is kinda what I thought it would look like ;) hahahaahahahh

sadly sometimes you can predict things with accuracy :)

as I say our country needs a cleansing big time sadly

10-28-15, 08:39
A few years ago I took the Florida and Utah non resident CCW class at a LGS.

It was a pretty good crown including about 3 or 4 married couples. As an exercise in mindset the instructor had several people including the married couples close their eyes and respond to a series of yes or no questions by raising your hand for yes and leaving it down for no. The eyes were closed to keep the spouses from knowing the others answer.

I don't remember all the questions but I remember these 3.

Would you kill to save your spouse?
Would you kill to save your kids?
Would you to save your own life?

Guess how many married couples answered yes to any of these 3 questions?

None. Zero.

I know what my answer is to those 3.

We're not all hopeless, but an alarming number are.....

10-28-15, 09:25
declare a national state of emergency

Not that doesn't have any scary implications....

So if Britian has no guns and the equivilent of 225 gun murders, and we have 300 million guns, doesn't that mean, for some reason, guns are that much more dangerous in Britain?

If guns were the problem, we would have WAYYY more gun deaths than we do.

If you are a gang member, living in a city run by a democratic mayor, you have an expiration date shorter than yogurt. Everyone else is living on Twinkie time.

10-28-15, 09:48
Well I guess if you want to call "defensive shootings" that protected the lives of innocent people "gun homicides" then technically they are correct.

Using the same logic, if we had no police, we'd have no convicted murderers in this country. That sounds like a "safe" place to live.

I believe gun use by police on criminals are also factored into homicide rates and only a tiny % of extreme anti gun nut bags favor disarming the po po in the US.

10-28-15, 09:50
And if we outlawed cars there would be no DUIs. Crazy bitches couldn't run down a highschool parade, and so on.

A classic:

SUV Hits Several Outside California Middle School

Thursday, May 03, 2007

May 2: An SUV sits outside the Ralston Middle School in Belmont.

BELMONT, Calif. — A sport utility vehicle jumped a curb and plowed into a group of California middle school students waiting for a bus, authorities said. Three teenagers were in intensive care Thursday.

About half a dozen children were hit, including several who were trapped under the SUV when it struck a tree outside Ralston Middle School on Wednesday, Police Lt. Dan DeSmidt said. Parents and staff used a jack and collective muscle to lift the SUV and rescue the trapped children, he said.

Fire Chief Doug Fry said 13 children and the SUV's driver were taken to hospitals. Seven went to trauma centers with problems ranging from broken bones to internal injuries, he said.


Later one person said "Nobody needs a vehicle that massive. It can only cause horrific damage with such momentum. It is a terrible public health hazard. If it saves just one life it will be worth it. Think of the children!"

Yah, it's like that....

10-28-15, 10:01
When Chicago banned guns in the early 80's, what impact did that have on safety in the city? None. Chicago either led the way in murder or was way up the list. This notion is asinine at best, flat out criminal at worst. These Democrat controlled bastions of paradise would literally eat themselves if this were to happen. Who's going to stop these guys?

10-28-15, 10:02
This is the craziest, most twisted and most evil thing I have read in a long time (although the ante keeps getting upped every day). These psychopaths are claiming that a country where only criminals have guns would be safer than what we have now.

a) The UK police/security forces do not have guns, never mind the military, bodyguards or even some citizens (albeit no semi-autos).
b) They ignore that historically the UK was less violent than the US even when the UK had zero gun control.
c) They ignore that all the countries where the government has massacred its people once they were legally disarmed.
d) Their claims that legal gun owners are committing most gun homicides are completely false.

What all anti gun types have in common:

• Don't know a thing about guns
• Ignore history
• Ignore the data
• Prefer emotions over objective discussions.

10-28-15, 10:06
When Chicago banned guns in the early 80's, what impact did that have on safety in the city? None. Chicago either led the way in murder or was way up the list. This notion is asinine at best, flat out criminal at worst. These Democrat controlled bastions of paradise would literally eat themselves if this were to happen. Who's going to stop these guys?

To play devils advocate of their thought process, the response to that fact is that it didn't work because the evil guns simply come from areas where guns are easy to obtain, which simply reinforces their commitment that guns should be banned on a national scale. Boston, DC, NYC, etc, etc all blame their "gun violence" on outside sources of gun vs any failed policies/laws on their end.

You have to know thy enemy to defeat him.

10-28-15, 10:07
To play devils advocate of their thought process, the response to that fact is that it didn't work because the evil guns simply come from areas where guns are easy to obtain, which simply reinforces their commitment that guns should be banned on a national scale. You have to know thy enemy to defeat him.
I agree. But if we banned criminals, we'd all be safer.

10-28-15, 10:09
I agree. But if we banned criminals, we'd all be safer.

Nah, just make murder illegal. Wait, wut?

10-28-15, 10:23
Bunch of punk as* bit**es in those vids.

10-28-15, 10:56
To play devils advocate of their thought process, the response to that fact is that it didn't work because the evil guns simply come from areas where guns are easy to obtain, which simply reinforces their commitment that guns should be banned on a national scale. Boston, DC, NYC, etc, etc all blame their "gun violence" on outside sources of gun vs any failed policies/laws on their end.

You have to know thy enemy to defeat him.

Then why aren't the murder rates as high in those areas where the guns come from than in the inner cities? Shouldn't the gun murder rate be even higher in the outlying suburbs/counties since the guns are even easier to obtain there?

All you need to do is sit down with a Progressive and get about 2 layers into their argument, and they will not be able to answer your questions rationally, as seen by third party people. You may never be able to get the Programmed Progressive to change their mind, but you can influence the people that haven't drank the gluten-free, GMO-free, skinny latte.

Eventually the Progressive will get mugged and shift the two brain cells.

10-28-15, 11:00
Wrong. Only the very wealthy in England have guns and can hunt.

they make it sound as if every man can do those things in the UK but nope...they are very expensive and are hard to do.

10-28-15, 11:07
Then why aren't the murder rates as high in those areas where the guns come from than in the inner cities? Shouldn't the gun murder rate be even higher in the outlying suburbs/counties since the guns are even easier to obtain there?

All you need to do is sit down with a Progressive and get about 2 layers into their argument, and they will not be able to answer your questions rationally, as seen by third party people. You may never be able to get the Programmed Progressive to change their mind, but you can influence the people that haven't drank the gluten-free, GMO-free, skinny latte.

Eventually the Progressive will get mugged and shift the two brain cells.

Page 127 of the Progressive handbook states the reason is racism.

10-28-15, 11:39
First off, those kids in that video are total, ignorant bitches.

Second, I don't think most people honestly have a real grasp of what racism really is. Go be a jew or something in certain parts of the world. You won't be alive for very long.

Nobody in this world has to like or tolerate you, but until you start getting beheaded or lined up and shot; I will be finding your racism claims more and more dubious.

10-28-15, 12:18
People who live and or work in such communities "get it".

Still there are more out their that understand. But it never gets old hearing from those who haven't a clue as to what is out there. The whole "they have the life expectancy of an ant, their high, armed, and just don't plain give a ****" does not resonate with many. I remember during the Baltimore riots I had to show some folks this video as they have no idea that there are communities right here in CONUS that when you seen them on CNN you would swear you were watching footage of sectarian violence in some far flung dung heap.


Listen to the white-guilt-ridden hipster beta's gush verbal diarrhea to describe this propaganda film: "magical", "dreamlike", "poetic", "this is what immortality looks like".

These pasty assclowns are living their ghetto fetishes vicariously through these degenerates. These beta's encourage this kind of activity, and cries "racist!!!" at anyone who criticizes or tries to stop it.

I find it so absurd that so many groups of sheeple seem to love their natural enemies. It's like Stockholm Syndrome.
White beta's love ghetto thugs. Feminists love radical Islamists. Poor people love their Democrat masters. The list goes on.

10-28-15, 12:48
What all anti gun types have in common:

• Don't know a thing about guns
• Ignore history
• Ignore the data
• Prefer emotions over objective discussions.
This. I've witnessed this many times. Even in my own family with some libtard aunts and uncles.

They can't fathom the need for defense. No self accountability. "Call the cops...." is what is usually said......

10-28-15, 13:36
This. I've witnessed this many times. Even in my own family with some libtard aunts and uncles.

They can't fathom the need for defense. No self accountability. "Call the cops...." is what is usually said......


Denial is a defense mechanism' postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence...

10-28-15, 13:47
A Word About Calling The Police

Most police departments are understaffed.
Most peak times are undermanned
Other people have problems and call the police too.
Underpaid, usually female, dispatchers have to decipher your anguished calls for help.
She must then prioritize your call.
If not enough manpower, the patrol supervisor prioritizes who gets sent where.
No respectable Police squad is going to send one officer to a dangerous call alone (i.e. Home Invasion, large fight, Robber in Progress).
Even on a good day you have a 20 minute wait. A bad day, over an hour.
Taxpayer though you may be, the police are simply not your private army.
When the Officer gets there, they will likely be a rookie given the turnover and current anti-police sentiment.

So...yeah. Roll them dice on those odds if you like.

Mauser KAR98K
10-28-15, 15:21
Listen to the white-guilt-ridden hipster beta's gush verbal diarrhea to describe this propaganda film: "magical", "dreamlike", "poetic", "this is what immortality looks like".

These pasty assclowns are living their ghetto fetishes vicariously through these degenerates. These beta's encourage this kind of activity, and cries "racist!!!" at anyone who criticizes or tries to stop it.

I find it so absurd that so many groups of sheeple seem to love their natural enemies. It's like Stockholm Syndrome.
White beta's love ghetto thugs. Feminists love radical Islamists. Poor people love their Democrat masters. The list goes on.

We are living in the Dark Ages of Modern Times.

Oh shit, was that racist?

10-28-15, 15:30
Seems like we're all in agreement here. Why can't we organize and mount a counter-offensive propaganda campaign?

Oh yeah, we're too busy working and contributing to society.

10-28-15, 16:37
Well I guess if you want to call "defensive shootings" that protected the lives of innocent people "gun homicides" then technically they are correct.

Using the same logic, if we had no police, we'd have no convicted murderers in this country. That sounds like a "safe" place to live.

Don't forget the police shootings that they count too.

10-28-15, 16:48
Seems like we're all in agreement here. Why can't we organize and mount a counter-offensive propaganda campaign?

Oh yeah, we're too busy working and contributing to society.

Too busy working our collective asses off, unlike the good is evil and evil is good crowd.

Dist. Expert 26
10-28-15, 17:17
Seems like we're all in agreement here. Why can't we organize and mount a counter-offensive propaganda campaign?

Oh yeah, we're too busy working and contributing to society.

We need a conservative George Soros. Without people like him the left wouldn't be nearly as effective at getting their points heard on the national level.

10-28-15, 18:04
We need a conservative George Soros. Without people like him the left wouldn't be nearly as effective at getting their points heard on the national level.

But they won't get invited to the swanky parties, or worse, will have Code Pink or Wall Street Vandals outside their houses. Those lefties can get away with low level terrorism, but if a TEA party guy litters at a rally, the whole world goes a Twitter.

Dist. Expert 26
10-28-15, 18:36
But they won't get invited to the swanky parties, or worse, will have Code Pink or Wall Street Vandals outside their houses. Those lefties can get away with low level terrorism, but if a TEA party guy litters at a rally, the whole world goes a Twitter.

This is true. The only way I see to truly combat the left is to fight fire with fire; unfortunately, most of us are responsible adults with jobs and families to support, so that's never going to happen.

I have a solution. Starting today, I will be accepting donations for the goal of becoming said influential billionaire. I will masquerade as a leftist prick until I gain enough power to make real changes, then come out of the woodwork like a right wing Tanzanian devil. I will stand at the head of a movement for true Americans and watch as the liberals turn tail and run.

For information on how to contribute, send me a PM ;)

10-28-15, 23:29
The only way I see to truly combat the left is to fight fire with fire; unfortunately, most of us are responsible adults with jobs and families to support, so that's never going to happen.

Well . . . there is another way, but alas it isn't time for that just yet.

Dist. Expert 26
10-28-15, 23:45
Well . . . there is another way, but alas it isn't time for that just yet.

True enough. If we follow Europe down the path of accepting Muslim "refugees", however, we very well may get to that point in just a couple of years. I hope it doesn't to be honest, as thousands will die on every side, but we'll just have to wait and see.

10-29-15, 01:21
This is true. The only way I see to truly combat the left is to fight fire with fire; unfortunately, most of us are responsible adults with jobs and families to support, so that's never going to happen.

Additionally, we don't want to lose our right, we have lives of value with something to lose, we are responsible for other people in many cases...and perhaps most importantly, we aren't trying to destroy anything.

Professional activists have nothing to lose, they are in no way invested in this country in terms of property ownership, respect for society or anything else. Getting arrested gives them "street cred" and let's them reinforce to themselves and others that "this is a police state."

At the end of the day they will just get handouts in the form of social services and if they really make a name for themselves, they might get a job as a professor at a major university.

The fact that all of the members of the Weather Underground weren't all executed for treason is baffling. Not only did they actually declare war on the United States, they were specific enough to state they are at war with every man, woman and child in the United States and were willing to kill any of them.

10-29-15, 01:29
Lowest Common Denominator.
We'll never be as free as our forebearers.
Our kids will never be free as us.

10-29-15, 02:50
Lowest Common Denominator.
We'll never be as free as our forebearers.
Our kids will never be free as us.

Luckily, some guys around in 1776 disagreed with you. Freedom surges and wanes based on people's aversion to difficult and deadly outcomes. When tyranny pushes hard enough, it gets its head handed to it, literally. When people forget the costs of freedom they start take it for granted and only when they start to lose it again, try to stave off with rationalizations and denial about the decline in the state of things and the inevitable carnage to come. Evil greater than now will be met by even greater heros. That's just human nature and history.

We can't even fix the business/inflation cycle, there is no hope for the other baser functions of our humanity.

Civilization has been in decline ever since it moved from the first group of peoples' ideal thoughts of a better way to live than as mere savages.

10-29-15, 03:07
When tyranny pushes hard enough, it gets its head handed to it, literally. When people forget the costs of freedom they start take it for granted and only when they start to lose it again, try to stave off with rationalizations and denial about the decline in the state of things and the inevitable carnage to come. Evil greater than now will be met by even greater heros. That's just human nature and history.

While I understand where you are coming from and agree with you in premise, things ended pretty well for old Joseph Stalin as he died of natural causes. There was never a great peasant uprising. Genghis Khan pretty much went unopposed as well. My European forebears toiled as serfs under feudalism.

The wildcard is the American people, we're the Browncoats in Firefly. Unpredictable, maverick, with a general Don't Tread on Me aka don't **** with me attitude. There is hope.

10-29-15, 03:10
I didn't say it was fast, only inevitable.

10-29-15, 03:21
Those guys in 1776 are just "dead white guys".
There's taxes to pay and welfare to hand out.
SOMEBODY has to feed these single mothers' kids and leave them enough money to get their hair did.

10-29-15, 08:02
Those guys in 1776 are just "dead white guys".
There's taxes to pay and welfare to hand out.
SOMEBODY has to feed these single mothers' kids and leave them enough money to get their hair did.

And Obama phone. I wouldn't mind it so much if they named it after the people who actually paid for them.