View Full Version : Do you actually believe we can vote our way out of the mess the country is in?

10-28-15, 11:10
Exhibit A. If we just have the Republicans the house we could stop Obama. If we just have them the senate, we can stop Obama.

We give them both houses of Congress and its still business as usual?


10-28-15, 11:12
Half the country doesn't think we're in a mess. So...no.

10-28-15, 11:26
If you recall. Bush had the Oval Office and both houses AND the Supreme Court.

What did they do?

Did they kill the IRS and re-vamp the tax code? Nope.

Did they lower the US corporate tax rate? Nope.

Did they fix Social Security or Medicare? Nope.

Did they shrink government or remove any restrictions or crazy regulations? Nope.

They HAD all the offices....all of it....and did not do ONE conservative thing.

So why will this time be any different?

10-28-15, 11:47
Everything begins and ends with 'We the People'.

We only accept the governance we think we deserve.

10-28-15, 11:53
Remember that most of the country (sorry Hmac- I think it much more than half) does not see things the way many of us here do.

We are a distinct minority. Thank a teacher.

10-28-15, 12:48
Until very recently I believed we still had a chance to right the ship via the voting booth and grassroots efforts to oust bad politicians and educate the troglodyte masses.

The last few years have jaded the **** out of me. Here is my list of why we are too far down the rabbit hole to get out without refreshing the tree of liberty:

1) Drones, The NSA, License plate readers, etc- we live in a controlled, observed and non-private world 99% of the time; even when we should have expectation of said privacy.

2) SCOTUS- Holy **** have they shown they do not regard the Constitution as anything other than a piece of paper some old dudes wrote some shit on. See #1 above for the likely reason- .gov got the goods on SCOTUS. SCARY!

3) Most pro 2A people are all too happy to comply with unconstitutional laws- CCW permits, no open carry, can't have _ and _. Only police and military get those toys. When the pro 2A guys are infighting and throwing each other under the bus and don't even care that their right to keep and bear arms doesn't exist anymore without permission- well let's just say it's pathetic and leave it at that so I don't hurt too many peoples feelings...

4) We KNOW that Hilary and other politicians have broken TONS of laws- but we let them get off with it. We should be ****ing tarring and feathering politicians on a daily basis the way they are conducting themselves and ****ing us all over in an unconstitutional, illegal, immoral and unethical fashion-CONSTANTLY.

5) We have allowed the media to become a propaganda wing for the government. If it isn't obvious by now to everyone- we have no free press with the capability to get an honest and unbiased message to the people who need to hear it most. Peoples brains are so mushy they just believe whatever a news reporter tells them and starts parroting the same talking points passing it off as independent intellectual thought.

6) We allow our government/banking cabal to steal from us each and every day of our lives. It makes me sick to my stomach that we aren't rioting over what the FED does with our money and economy. What is happening is sickening and wrong and we just continue to feed the beast- "Have too much to lose". "I can't fight them, I'm just one man". "How else would our economy run but on debt?". Etc, etc, etc.

7) We have become reactionary. We no longer actively fight for our rights, we do not go on the offensive, we bitch and moan and then contribute some $ and make phone calls/emails. Its pathetic.

8) We've allowed a public sschool system to dumb down generation after generation of kids turning them into pussified little bitch slaves- sometimes BEGGING for their shackles (Like in the "Argument for a disarmed society thread...).

9) Oath's no longer mean anything to 90% of the people who take them. If the oath meant anything to them- politicians would not push for unconstitutional legislation, police would not enforce unconstitutional laws, .MIL wouldn't follow unconstitutional orders to confiscate weapons (Katrina) and SCOTUS would not uphold unconstitutional laws.

10) We just plain lost our will to fight for whats right regardless of what there is to be lost; we forgot how important our rights really are and why everything is worth being lost to keep men from taking them away.

There is not a pennies worth of difference between the Repub's and Demo's and thinking that voting a republican president in is going to change anything is naive and just plain ignorant of what our system has become. It may slow things from deteriorating a bit, but it aint changing the big picture.

Outlander Systems
10-28-15, 12:51
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


Amendment III

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.


Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


Amendment V

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.


Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.


Amendment VII

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.


Amendment VIII

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.


Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.


Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.


10-28-15, 13:13
^ Bravo sir.

10-28-15, 13:14
Remember that most of the country (sorry Hmac- I think it much more than half) does not see things the way many of us here do.

We are a distinct minority. Thank a teacher.

Yeah, I'd agree. This forum doesn't represent mainstream American thinking these days. And the disparity is inexorably becoming more pronounced.

10-28-15, 13:35
If you recall. Bush had the Oval Office and both houses AND the Supreme Court.

What did they do?

Did they kill the IRS and re-vamp the tax code? Nope.

Did they lower the US corporate tax rate? Nope.

Did they fix Social Security or Medicare? Nope.

Did they shrink government or remove any restrictions or crazy regulations? Nope.

They HAD all the offices....all of it....and did not do ONE conservative thing.

So why will this time be any different?

Pretty much. Most important issue they raised, defining marriage.

10-28-15, 14:43
If you recall. Bush had the Oval Office and both houses AND the Supreme Court.

What did they do?

Did they kill the IRS and re-vamp the tax code? Nope.

Did they lower the US corporate tax rate? Nope.

Did they fix Social Security or Medicare? Nope.

Did they shrink government or remove any restrictions or crazy regulations? Nope.

They HAD all the offices....all of it....and did not do ONE conservative thing.

So why will this time be any different?

Excellent points. I was 17 when Bush took office so........it took me awhile to come full circle back to where I originally started paying attention.

10-28-15, 14:57
The reset button in this country needs to be smacked with a fk'ing sledgehammer. Politicians are corrupt to the core on all sides. None of them give a rats ass about any of us or the problems the average American faces due to their actions, policies, deceptions, or lies. As long as they get theirs, they wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire.

I miss the days when I refused to follow politics. I was much less pissed off back then.

10-28-15, 15:23
So where do things go from here, and what should like-minded folks posting in this thread be doing to preserve freedom in any way we can?

Where is the reset button and how do we press it? I'd just like to know how to fight against the DOMESTIC threats to the Constitution. I'm am not suggesting armed insurrection, but what can we do?

10-28-15, 15:40
Until very recently I believed we still had a chance to right the ship via the voting booth and grassroots efforts to oust bad politicians and educate the troglodyte masses.

The last few years have jaded the **** out of me. Here is my list of why we are too far down the rabbit hole to get out without refreshing the tree of liberty:

1) Drones, The NSA, License plate readers, etc- we live in a controlled, observed and non-private world 99% of the time; even when we should have expectation of said privacy.

2) SCOTUS- Holy **** have they shown they do not regard the Constitution as anything other than a piece of paper some old dudes wrote some shit on. See #1 above for the likely reason- .gov got the goods on SCOTUS. SCARY!

3) Most pro 2A people are all too happy to comply with unconstitutional laws- CCW permits, no open carry, can't have _ and _. Only police and military get those toys. When the pro 2A guys are infighting and throwing each other under the bus and don't even care that their right to keep and bear arms doesn't exist anymore without permission- well let's just say it's pathetic and leave it at that so I don't hurt too many peoples feelings...

4) We KNOW that Hilary and other politicians have broken TONS of laws- but we let them get off with it. We should be ****ing tarring and feathering politicians on a daily basis the way they are conducting themselves and ****ing us all over in an unconstitutional, illegal, immoral and unethical fashion-CONSTANTLY.

5) We have allowed the media to become a propaganda wing for the government. If it isn't obvious by now to everyone- we have no free press with the capability to get an honest and unbiased message to the people who need to hear it most. Peoples brains are so mushy they just believe whatever a news reporter tells them and starts parroting the same talking points passing it off as independent intellectual thought.

6) We allow our government/banking cabal to steal from us each and every day of our lives. It makes me sick to my stomach that we aren't rioting over what the FED does with our money and economy. What is happening is sickening and wrong and we just continue to feed the beast- "Have too much to lose". "I can't fight them, I'm just one man". "How else would our economy run but on debt?". Etc, etc, etc.

7) We have become reactionary. We no longer actively fight for our rights, we do not go on the offensive, we bitch and moan and then contribute some $ and make phone calls/emails. Its pathetic.

8) We've allowed a public sschool system to dumb down generation after generation of kids turning them into pussified little bitch slaves- sometimes BEGGING for their shackles (Like in the "Argument for a disarmed society thread...).

9) Oath's no longer mean anything to 90% of the people who take them. If the oath meant anything to them- politicians would not push for unconstitutional legislation, police would not enforce unconstitutional laws, .MIL wouldn't follow unconstitutional orders to confiscate weapons (Katrina) and SCOTUS would not uphold unconstitutional laws.

10) We just plain lost our will to fight for whats right regardless of what there is to be lost; we forgot how important our rights really are and why everything is worth being lost to keep men from taking them away.

There is not a pennies worth of difference between the Repub's and Demo's and thinking that voting a republican president in is going to change anything is naive and just plain ignorant of what our system has become. It may slow things from deteriorating a bit, but it aint changing the big picture.

Dead balls on right. Not much more than I can add other than it will be up to us to take back our government for the people.

Outlander Systems
10-28-15, 15:52
So where do things go from here, and what should like-minded folks posting in this thread be doing to preserve freedom in any way we can?

Where is the reset button and how do we press it? I'd just like to know how to fight against the DOMESTIC threats to the Constitution. I'm am not suggesting armed insurrection, but what can we do?


10-28-15, 19:14
I think we've moved from a Republic to a democracy already. I think we are moving toward, globally, the post-democracy era. As you can see in country after country, the elected leaders ignore the electorate and do as they wish, but maintain the veneer of representative government. The voters grumble and complain, but do nothing to change the course of history.

What I think is happening is similar to the fall of Rome. At that time, a new era was dawning but it happened over the course of decades and it is only recognizable from the distance of time. I'm not saying we are Rome or an empire, what I am saying is the global order changed then and it may be changing now.

Show me how I'm wrong - I'm interested to know serious thoughts on the topic.

10-28-15, 19:44
This vote today won't help:

Propelled by a unanimous Democratic caucus, the House passed a bipartisan budget deal, moving the legislation that will avoid a default on federal debt and a government shutdown.

Seventy-nine Republicans joined with 187 Democrats in voting to pass the bill, which raises the debt ceiling through March of 2017 and increases spending caps on discretionary spending by $80 billion over two years.

Thieves they are...

Outlander Systems
10-28-15, 20:18
The can will continue to be kicked down the road...until it can't.

This vote today won't help:

Propelled by a unanimous Democratic caucus, the House passed a bipartisan budget deal, moving the legislation that will avoid a default on federal debt and a government shutdown.

Seventy-nine Republicans joined with 187 Democrats in voting to pass the bill, which raises the debt ceiling through March of 2017 and increases spending caps on discretionary spending by $80 billion over two years.

Thieves they are...

10-28-15, 21:31
The day that that can't kick the debt can down the road anymore will be the day that it resets.

That day is going to really really suck. When reset happens usually a shit ton of people wind up dead, history has proven this.

10-28-15, 21:56
"We've allowed a public school system to dumb down generation after generation of kids turning them into pussified little bitch slaves- sometimes BEGGING for their shackles."

Yes. A goddam sacred cow if there ever was one. And there's absolutely nothing accidental about it.

10-28-15, 22:13
Until very recently I believed we still had a chance to right the ship via the voting booth and grassroots efforts to oust bad politicians and educate the troglodyte masses.

The last few years have jaded the **** out of me. Here is my list of why we are too far down the rabbit hole to get out without refreshing the tree of liberty:

1) Drones, The NSA, License plate readers, etc- we live in a controlled, observed and non-private world 99% of the time; even when we should have expectation of said privacy.

2) SCOTUS- Holy **** have they shown they do not regard the Constitution as anything other than a piece of paper some old dudes wrote some shit on. See #1 above for the likely reason- .gov got the goods on SCOTUS. SCARY!

3) Most pro 2A people are all too happy to comply with unconstitutional laws- CCW permits, no open carry, can't have _ and _. Only police and military get those toys. When the pro 2A guys are infighting and throwing each other under the bus and don't even care that their right to keep and bear arms doesn't exist anymore without permission- well let's just say it's pathetic and leave it at that so I don't hurt too many peoples feelings...

4) We KNOW that Hilary and other politicians have broken TONS of laws- but we let them get off with it. We should be ****ing tarring and feathering politicians on a daily basis the way they are conducting themselves and ****ing us all over in an unconstitutional, illegal, immoral and unethical fashion-CONSTANTLY.

5) We have allowed the media to become a propaganda wing for the Left. If it isn't obvious by now to everyone- we have no free press with the capability to get an honest and unbiased message to the people who need to hear it most. Peoples brains are so mushy they just believe whatever a news reporter tells them and starts parroting the same talking points passing it off as independent intellectual thought.

6) We allow our government/banking cabal to steal from us each and every day of our lives. It makes me sick to my stomach that we aren't rioting over what the FED does with our money and economy. What is happening is sickening and wrong and we just continue to feed the beast- "Have too much to lose". "I can't fight them, I'm just one man". "How else would our economy run but on debt?". Etc, etc, etc.

7) We have become reactionary. We no longer actively fight for our rights, we do not go on the offensive, we bitch and moan and then contribute some $ and make phone calls/emails. Its pathetic.

8) We've allowed a public sschool system to dumb down generation after generation of kids turning them into pussified little bitch slaves- sometimes BEGGING for their shackles (Like in the "Argument for a disarmed society thread...).

9) Oath's no longer mean anything to 90% of the people who take them. If the oath meant anything to them- politicians would not push for unconstitutional legislation, police would not enforce unconstitutional laws, .MIL wouldn't follow unconstitutional orders to confiscate weapons (Katrina) and SCOTUS would not uphold unconstitutional laws.

10) We just plain lost our will to fight for whats right regardless of what there is to be lost; we forgot how important our rights really are and why everything is worth being lost to keep men from taking them away.

There is not a pennies worth of difference between the Repub's and Demo's and thinking that voting a republican president in is going to change anything is naive and just plain ignorant of what our system has become. It may slow things from deteriorating a bit, but it aint changing the big picture.

Excellent points. My only correction would be on point #5. The media is only very pro-gov when it's Democrats pushing crazy treason. They aren't too keen on States and other officials who actually support the Constitution, 2A, etc.

Amendment VI In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

Amendment VIII Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Great points, but I kind of disagree on the Gitmo thing regarding the 6th and 8th Amendments.
The Gitmo detainees are usually foreign enemies engaged in war, and not covered by any Prisoner Of War status, as they are out of uniform, trying to blend with civilians, and/or spies. The US born ones should be tried for treason and executed, but only after thoroughly and vigorously interrogated with zero legal assitance, or Red Cross/Red Crescent shenanigans.

War is a totally different ball game.

10-28-15, 22:57
Train is on rails and headed off the cliff.

Vote Democrat to proceed at 100 MPH, vote Republican to go 80 MPH.

10-28-15, 23:23
Train is on rails and headed off the cliff.

Vote Democrat to proceed at 100 MPH, vote Republican to go 80 MPH.


And sadly, true.

10-29-15, 00:09
or switch tracks but the repub track is also shorter and appears better to some :)
Train is on rails and headed off the cliff.

Vote Democrat to proceed at 100 MPH, vote Republican to go 80 MPH.

10-29-15, 02:55
Now the $18,000,000,000,000+ question is did we arrive at this juncture by accident or by design?

10-29-15, 03:07
How hard we crash land and how many people can walk away. Think French Revolution or Mao's China. Throw in a stop on the way down for Indian or Brazilian levels of corruption and general mistrust in the 'elites'.

Voting for Republicans is like putting on your life vest as the airplane goes down over the forest. It ain't going to stop the crash and it just makes it easier to find the bodies.

Outlander Systems
10-29-15, 06:40


Simply insist on the rule that you will not violate your principles AND be willing to lose a couple elections if the American public is too stupid to insist you do. Let the foolish American voting public vote in the socialists, vote in the democrats, jack up taxes, make everything "free," and let the American people get the government (and economy by the way) it so rightly deserves.

Then, and only then, like a spoiled girlfriend who stammers out the door, only to pay the price of her naivety in the real world, will you win these voters in the long run. The left will NOT be able to deliver what they promised, but more importantly you present a CLEAR and DISTINCT alternative in politics, rather a confused, amorphous, muddled one that looks nothing more than "wanna be democrat."

10-29-15, 07:47
Now the $18,000,000,000,000+ question is did we arrive at this juncture by accident or by design?

Pondering this distinction puts me into a very sour mood on each and every occasion that I take the time to do it...

10-29-15, 08:47
Amendment I


Amendment II


Amendment III


Amendment IV


Amendment V


Amendment VI


Amendment VII


Amendment VIII


Amendment IX


Amendment X



10-29-15, 08:51
I think its time to stick a fork in this country it's done

10-29-15, 09:24


That's not going to happen until the gov't can't print money and convince people it's worth something.. Considering ALL the debt this country has, that by this point, can NEVER be paid back, That day isn't too far off. It'll get real ugly real quick once the FSA figures out their EBT cards don't work no more.. They will learn a very brutal lesson..

10-29-15, 10:10
I think we've moved from a Republic to a democracy already. I think we are moving toward, globally, the post-democracy era. As you can see in country after country, the elected leaders ignore the electorate and do as they wish, but maintain the veneer of representative government. The voters grumble and complain, but do nothing to change the course of history.

What I think is happening is similar to the fall of Rome. At that time, a new era was dawning but it happened over the course of decades and it is only recognizable from the distance of time. I'm not saying we are Rome or an empire, what I am saying is the global order changed then and it may be changing now.

Show me how I'm wrong - I'm interested to know serious thoughts on the topic.

The fall of Rome analogy is very accurate. When the reset button finally gets hit it will get very ugly. Hopefully those of us that are more prepared than others will be able to make it through. I'd love to see the states call a "Continental Congress". To me, that's one of the few ways the federal government can be reeled in at this point. The problem with our government is there are very few if any "Patriots", just a bunch of career politicians lining their pockets. Rand Paul is one of the few who I think could fall under the "Patriot" category.

To me, the "Patriots" are going to end up being the everyday guys like the members of this and other related forums.

10-29-15, 10:30
The fall of Rome analogy is very accurate. When the reset button finally gets hit it will get very ugly. Hopefully those of us that are more prepared than others will be able to make it through. I'd love to see the states call a "Continental Congress". To me, that's one of the few ways the federal government can be reeled in at this point. The problem with our government is there are very few if any "Patriots", just a bunch of career politicians lining their pockets. Rand Paul is one of the few who I think could fall under the "Patriot" category.

To me, the "Patriots" are going to end up being the everyday guys like the members of this and other related forums.

The question is, when push comes to shove, how many guys who have something to lose (family, etc.) are going to go all in to defend the Constitution? Recent history says not nearly enough (exhibit a: the lines for CT registration). Add to that the problem of isolation and coordination between individual patriotic folks, and I think at best, you wind up with isolated pockets of resistance. More likely, we'll have isolated individuals who feel as though they are the only ones who still care about defending freedom and can't affect things on their own. Modern culture and technology have done an excellent job of breaking down the sense of community and promoting a sense of isolation.

Should a Patriot die in a shootout with the jackboot thugs, with their family potentially in harm's way, and then vanish into obscurity since the media won't report it? Or should a Patriot get his community on board and make a real, united stand that can't be ignored? The latter sounds a hell of a lot more effective, but how does one know their community will feel the same way? How does one know they won't be arrested for sedition by the regime during the coordination and planning stages, despite wanting only to defend the Constitution?

Dist. Expert 26
10-29-15, 10:37
I personally believe that a massive influx of Muslim immigrants (like Europe has had recently) will be the tipping point. They will tax our system and cause chaos in our cities, and one way or another the reset button will get pressed. What happens after that is anyone's guess, but its safe to say its going to be ugly. Lots of people are going to die in the process, and we can only hope that whatever government emerges is one that is in favor of the people.

10-29-15, 10:41
The fall of Rome analogy is very accurate. When the reset button finally gets hit it will get very ugly. Hopefully those of us that are more prepared than others will be able to make it through. I'd love to see the states call a "Continental Congress". To me, that's one of the few ways the federal government can be reeled in at this point. The problem with our government is there are very few if any "Patriots", just a bunch of career politicians lining their pockets. Rand Paul is one of the few who I think could fall under the "Patriot" category.

To me, the "Patriots" are going to end up being the everyday guys like the members of this and other related forums. I don't hold any confidence in state governments either. Mine, controlled by Republicans, hasn't done a thing to fix my state's fiscal crisis.

10-29-15, 10:43
I personally believe that a massive influx of Muslim immigrants (like Europe has had recently) will be the tipping point. They will tax our system and cause chaos in our cities, and one way or another the reset button will get pressed. What happens after that is anyone's guess, but its safe to say its going to be ugly. Lots of people are going to die in the process, and we can only hope that whatever government emerges is one that is in favor of the people.

I hope that isn't how it goes down, but it seems to fit the rumblings lately.

It seems as freedoms get eroded and things turn more and more against the people, there will be a point where direct action is necessary, but action will result in an arrest or execution by the state before any effective change can be made. So people in general will wait... and then it will be too late.

10-29-15, 11:45
For the most part I just look around me and laugh, this whole election is nothing but a dog and pony show, where you have nothing but mentally impaired baboons prancing about for banannas (your vote). My ONLY goal is to provide well for myself and my family. I have nothing in common with more than 95% of the population, nor do I really care about them either.

10-29-15, 12:08
The country is in a mess? I thought everything was headed in the right direction.

10-29-15, 12:31
For the most part I just look around me and laugh, this whole election is nothing but a dog and pony show, where you have nothing but mentally impaired baboons prancing about for banannas (your vote). My ONLY goal is to provide well for myself and my family. I have nothing in common with more than 95% of the population, nor do I really care about them either.

And therein lies the problem. People don't care about other people enough to try and band together, so we stay divided and conquered.

10-29-15, 13:04
This thread is depressing.

Outlander Systems
10-29-15, 13:10
Don't let it give you the blues, homie.

You live in the Republic of Texas. Ya'll will end up just fine.

This thread is depressing.

10-29-15, 13:18
Don't let it give you the blues, homie. You live in the Republic of Texas. Ya'll will end up just fine.

Don't be so sure, as Texas is slowly but surely turning blue with the big cities leading the way.

The only saving grace for me is I am way older that most here and I lived a very, very good life, but only expect 10, maybe 15 more years at most. Most here, however, are going to have to live with it way longer. Not sure what I would do if I was younger. As is, I'll just ride it out. Yippee ki-yay!

Edited to add: BTW, I voted for #3 in the poll.

10-29-15, 13:20
I'm going to stay the optimist and I voted that voting can make a difference. I think many people are slowly waking up and starting to realize how the ruling elites are ruining this country (Ruling elites: Political class in Washington, Wall Street, Large crony corporations, Entertainment/Media complex, and high level academia which all share a liberal, globalist, and statist view of governing). I think 2016 is going to be a pivotal year and if an outsider/non-establishment candidate wins America still has a chance of turning itself around. If an Establishment candidate wins ie Clinton or Bush then I think the age of voting may have passed. Even if we vote the right people in office in 2016, it is going to take a generation of pro freedom and pro-constitution political leaders to turn this country around.

10-29-15, 13:21
Don't be so sure, as Texas is slowly but surely turning blue with the big cities leading the way.

The only saving grace for me is I am way older that most here and I lived a very, very good life, but only expect 10, maybe 15 more years at most. Most here, however, are going to have to live with it way longer. Not sure what I would do if I was younger. As is, I'll just ride it out. Yippee ki-yay!

Edited to add: BTW, I voted for #3 in the poll.

Yeah, it's all those damned hippies from CA moving in. If you're in Austin, you've got the worst of it.

10-29-15, 13:25
And therein lies the problem. People don't care about other people enough to try and band together, so we stay divided and conquered.

To be fair, when half of the country thinks criticizing Obama is a default "racist action", thinks I need to respect Islam but openly hates Christians, participates in violent protests on behalf of Michael Brown but thinks I'm violent for owning guns, believes I'm "homophobic" because I don't want to watch men kiss (or worse) on TV and believes they are entitled to much of what I've worked my ass off for because they don't have as much...well why in the blue fuch should I care about any of them, let alone try and band together with them.

I don't think Neil Tyson needs to stop being so educated so that he can better relate to me.

10-29-15, 13:35
I personally believe that a massive influx of Muslim immigrants (like Europe has had recently) will be the tipping point. They will tax our system and cause chaos in our cities, and one way or another the reset button will get pressed. What happens after that is anyone's guess, but its safe to say its going to be ugly. Lots of people are going to die in the process, and we can only hope that whatever government emerges is one that is in favor of the people.

I think this will definitely happen if the American people don't elect the right leadership soon. I think at best the American people have 10 years to take back this country through the ballot box. After that, I think the reset button will be pressed which would bring unprecedented hardship on the American people and hopefully if we are lucky freedom will win and we come out ok on the other side.

10-29-15, 14:08
To be fair, when half of the country thinks criticizing Obama is a default "racist action", thinks I need to respect Islam but openly hates Christians, participates in violent protests on behalf of Michael Brown but thinks I'm violent for owning guns, believes I'm "homophobic" because I don't want to watch men kiss (or worse) on TV and believes they are entitled to much of what I've worked my ass off for because they don't have as much...well why in the blue fuch should I care about any of them, let alone try and band together with them.

I don't think Neil Tyson needs to stop being so educated so that he can better relate to me.

Don't worry Steyr. I'm definitely not suggesting you ally yourself with radicals, morons, or statists. But I do think the attitude of "I don't care about 95% of the country" is dangerous in that we can easily wind up with nobody actually fighting for freedom, because that kind of "F 'em all" attitude is really infectious. I'd like to see less infighting among ourselves (not directed at anyone on here, but toward pro-Constitution, freedom-loving Americans in general) and more cooperating in our fight against all the offensive cultures you outlined in your post.

As to Neil De-grasse Tyson, I am less impressed with him than most people seem to be. His "revelations" are typically nothing new, scientifically speaking. He is very smart, but not ground-breakingly so, at least in my opinion.

10-29-15, 15:46
well said :)

To be fair, when half of the country thinks criticizing Obama is a default "racist action", thinks I need to respect Islam but openly hates Christians, participates in violent protests on behalf of Michael Brown but thinks I'm violent for owning guns, believes I'm "homophobic" because I don't want to watch men kiss (or worse) on TV and believes they are entitled to much of what I've worked my ass off for because they don't have as much...well why in the blue fuch should I care about any of them, let alone try and band together with them.

I don't think Neil Tyson needs to stop being so educated so that he can better relate to me.

10-29-15, 19:04
As to Neil De-grasse Tyson, I am less impressed with him than most people seem to be. His "revelations" are typically nothing new, scientifically speaking. He is very smart, but not ground-breakingly so, at least in my opinion.

I wasn't trying to make him out to be the next Newton, my point was he is comparatively more knowledgeable than I am in his field of study, which shouldn't be surprising.

10-29-15, 19:16

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11-01-15, 14:08
Here's a recent interview with Noam Chomsky.


11-01-15, 18:16
In order to understand the truth, you must be willing to go outside your comfort zone. Thats Conspiracy Theory for most of the well indoctrinated sheep. Once your willing to accept different facts and evidence you will start to see things more clearly. But, WTF, I'm batshit crazy. I figured I'd just admit it now, before the insults start flying. In all seriousness, its like what a detective will say in a police drama. Follow the MONEY. Research Central Banking/Federal Reserve/Rothschilds. Its a beginning. Otherwise, you can mope around all dumbfounded as to why things just continually don't work. Thats my 2 cents. I await the insults.

Outlander Systems
11-01-15, 18:40
Banking Cartels aren't Conspiracy Theory; they are Conspiracy Fact.

In order to understand the truth, you must be willing to go outside your comfort zone. Thats Conspiracy Theory for most of the well indoctrinated sheep. Once your willing to accept different facts and evidence you will start to see things more clearly. But, WTF, I'm batshit crazy. I figured I'd just admit it now, before the insults start flying. In all seriousness, its like what a detective will say in a police drama. Follow the MONEY. Research Central Banking/Federal Reserve/Rothschilds. Its a beginning. Otherwise, you can mope around all dumbfounded as to why things just continually don't work. Thats my 2 cents. I await the insults.

11-01-15, 19:25
In order to understand the truth, you must be willing to go outside your comfort zone. Thats Conspiracy Theory for most of the well indoctrinated sheep. Once your willing to accept different facts and evidence you will start to see things more clearly. But, WTF, I'm batshit crazy. I figured I'd just admit it now, before the insults start flying. In all seriousness, its like what a detective will say in a police drama. Follow the MONEY. Research Central Banking/Federal Reserve/Rothschilds. Its a beginning. Otherwise, you can mope around all dumbfounded as to why things just continually don't work. Thats my 2 cents. I await the insults.

You'll get no insults from me...you're right.. Follow the money............. Hillary's money trail would be no doubt interesting.. With the Citizens United ruling a few years ago our gov't, both Democrat and Republican was for sale to the highest bidder. The reality is, the elections are almost meaningless. Whoever is elected president next year, will take his/her orders from those who bought and paid for them. It's really that simple.

11-03-15, 18:07
Banking Cartels aren't Conspiracy Theory; they are Conspiracy Fact.Thanks. Wish more people would get it. Private Central Banking is Evil. Debt is Servitude and servitude leads to Slavery, especially when you figure in compounding/never ending interest. Being in Debt to an Entity that creates wealth/money out of thin air and then charges you interest is insane. These banks are the Crack dealers to Governments and the masses. These banks over the centuries have purchased and therefore control everything. Seems most are willing to sell their souls for a few bucks.

11-03-15, 18:09
You'll get no insults from me...you're right.. Follow the money............. Hillary's money trail would be no doubt interesting.. With the Citizens United ruling a few years ago our gov't, both Democrat and Republican was for sale to the highest bidder. The reality is, the elections are almost meaningless. Whoever is elected president next year, will take his/her orders from those who bought and paid for them. It's really that simple.Indeed. And the Corporate money is just a cover for the hight tier/Central Bankers.

Outlander Systems
11-03-15, 18:29
Once the Governments are hooked, then every facet of said government, down to even the local level, becomes nothing more than a revenue collection op.

Thanks. Wish more people would get it. Private Central Banking is Evil. Debt is Servitude and servitude leads to Slavery, especially when you figure in compounding/never ending interest. Being in Debt to an Entity that creates wealth/money out of thin air and then charges you interest is insane. These banks are the Crack dealers to Governments and the masses. These banks over the centuries have purchased and therefore control everything. Seems most are willing to sell their souls for a few bucks.

11-03-15, 22:26
Indeed. And the Corporate money is just a cover for the hight tier/Central Bankers.

Right again. People forget when Obumbo ran for election in'12 he raised something like 1.2 BILLION dollars for his campaign fund.. Think about that for a minute, I can assure you that kind of money didn't come from grassroots DNC'ers setting up card tables at county fairs all over the country, and passing out Obumbo buttons. No, Obumbo made a beeline to Wall St.. The same Wall St he claims to hate, But yet he's fine with taking personal "donations" in the millions.. From the same people who nearly crashed the economy in '08 and put us in a 1930's style depression.. Notice too, that not one of those cocksuckers, not one, ever went to jail either.. And they were rewarded with a ZIRP from the Fed, that goes on to this day, making them even more wealthy..

11-04-15, 00:57
The United States in 18.5+ trillion in debt.
The younger generation votes on compassion and free shit.
Personal responsibility is dead.
No one reads or understands or even respects the constitution.
We are turning away from God.
Morals are non existent.

The list goes on and on.

This country for all intensive purposes is done.

Edit: I am a millennial.

Outlander Systems
11-04-15, 05:32
God Bless your parents.

Edit: I am a millennial.

11-04-15, 11:55
I've been thinking about this a lot as of late. Here's one of the thoughts that keeps coming up:

It took a VERY long time for bad voting to mess up the country. I just can't imagine we have enough time left before we implode that voting and slow change will do the trick.

Think about how long it took all of this BS legislation to get to the point we are at- we're in a hole we cannot get out of. Do those of you who believe voting will change this (The ones who voted yes in the above poll) actually believe we have enough time for voting responsible representatives, positive legislation and waiting for said changes to be implemented to really mend the nation before things go sideways in one fashion or another?

Serious question- If we got things going our way 100% (NOT GOING TO HAPPEN- but lets just say...) how long would it take to right the ship and do we actually have that time left before it all falls apart?

11-04-15, 12:09
Serious question- If we got things going our way 100% (NOT GOING TO HAPPEN- but lets just say...) how long would it take to right the ship and do we actually have that time left before it all falls apart?

It depends. Things really have gotten worse because supreme court justices have ruled outside of what the constitution really means. To fix anything, you need to get justices that will overturn all the unconstitutional decisions...

11-04-15, 12:14
As Reagan said, freedom is never more than a generation from extinction. We just have to keep voting, keep our thick skin, and keep refusing to give in. But one thing we really have to do is get rid of this anti-establishment, "**** everyone except me and mine, I'm taking my ball and going home" mentality. As I've said many times, we've been offered two, sometimes three, evils in every election since the ratification of the Constitution. It's just the way it is, and its the reason we have the Constitution and a representative government: Mutual distrust and an understanding that the leaders of the country are going to be corrupt no matter what.

Vote, vote, and vote some more. It's the only thing we can do to get the guy who is slightly more like minded than the other guy who is slightly less like minded.

11-04-15, 12:17
It depends. Things really have gotten worse because supreme court justices have ruled outside of what the constitution really means. To fix anything, you need to get justices that will overturn all the unconstitutional decisions...

I agree, and this is why I asked the question above. If we had things go 100% our way- how long would it realistically take to unfvck all the BS? Do we have that much time?

Then I think/ask: How realistic is it that we could even get 25% of the things to go the way they need to go to get the country going the right direction- let alone 100%. Do we have that much time?

Even the justices that are supposed to be conservative and put in by "our" guys- are voting like complete morons and couldn't care any less about our Constitution. How realistic is it that we will get justices that will "overturn" all the unconstitutional rulings? Even if we get the next few elections going all "R"?

I'm trying to really figure out the reality of if we do have time to change things via the system/voting or if we really are F'd in the A.

One of the biggest reasons I think we DO NOT- is the sheer amount of time it would take to implement the types of changes necessary to facilitate saving the Republic. I just can't see it happening before things get really bad. If anyone here really believes we do have time- please detail why/how.

11-04-15, 12:23
As Reagan said, freedom is never more than a generation from extinction. We just have to keep voting, keep our thick skin, and keep refusing to give in. But one thing we really have to do is get rid of this anti-establishment, "**** everyone except me and mine, I'm taking my ball and going home" mentality. As I've said many times, we've been offered two, sometimes three, evils in every election since the ratification of the Constitution. It's just the way it is, and its the reason we have the Constitution and a representative government: Mutual distrust and an understanding that the leaders of the country are going to be corrupt no matter what.

Vote, vote, and vote some more. It's the only thing we can do to get the guy who is slightly more like minded than the other guy who is slightly less like minded.

So if we keep vote, vote voting- how long do you think it would take to get the type of change implemented necessary to keep the ship from totally sinking so to speak?

I've been voting Republican/Libertarian all my life and even when we win the elections the Federal government increases in size, we spend more, tax more and go further into debt, we lose right after right after right. It just keeps feeding the monster, so how will voting these same idiots into office change anything in the future?

Bush with his 8 years and carte blanche with R controlled congress did nothing but give us some of the worst laws on the books (Patriot act, homeland security act, etc, etc) raise taxes, increase spending and raise debt.

I don't see anything changing before it is too late. If you do- please detail how and why this would/could happen. Especially given that fact that no matter who we vote for- it's business as usual and the business they are all in is bending us over.

11-04-15, 12:33
What I am getting at is this: if you voted yes above- that you believe we can vote our way out of this mess; please detail the "HOW" of it all for me.

How? Who? How long? Do we have that long?

We just got House & Senate to go R- what did that do for us?

Even if we get the next 8 years- all Republican Presidents, and we keep the house and senate R majority- will they do what needs to be done?

What will be different this time versus the last time we gave 8 years to a repub and he had majority R's in Congress?

Why do you believe it will be different this time?

11-04-15, 13:03

- Mail-order guns
- No NFA
- Anything-goes open and free markets with almost no regulation
- No social safety net
- Minimal federal government, just enough to "get by"
- No affirmative action
- Very limited immigration

Sound about right? That would make the year, oh, 1928 or thereabouts.

The question is: Why would you want to go back to 1928, and how do you keep 1929 from happening again?

11-04-15, 13:08
What is the difference between government and a cult?


11-04-15, 13:24
So if we keep vote, vote voting- how long do you think it would take to get the type of change implemented necessary to keep the ship from totally sinking so to speak?

I've been voting Republican/Libertarian all my life and even when we win the elections the Federal government increases in size, we spend more, tax more and go further into debt, we lose right after right after right. It just keeps feeding the monster, so how will voting these same idiots into office change anything in the future?

Bush with his 8 years and carte blanche with R controlled congress did nothing but give us some of the worst laws on the books (Patriot act, homeland security act, etc, etc) raise taxes, increase spending and raise debt.

I don't see anything changing before it is too late. If you do- please detail how and why this would/could happen. Especially given that fact that no matter who we vote for- it's business as usual and the business they are all in is bending us over.

Well, I would like to know what we SHOULD do then. Because just sitting and lamenting that we're ****ed and that it's game over is pathetic.

11-04-15, 13:43
Well, I would like to know what we SHOULD do then. Because just sitting and lamenting that we're ****ed and that it's game over is pathetic.

Well- one thing we could do is- stop giving them our money and start marching on Washington until we get what we want.

Another thing would be to get local LEO's to arrest any and every politician that has broken their oath to the Constitution or broken laws during their term.

Another thing would be to completely deny laws that are unconstitutional and disobey in MASS numbers so the laws have no value and are ditched.

Another thing would be to hold elected officials and LEO's accountable for their oaths and start tarring and feathering them when they do not.

There are lots of other options on the table as well, but I would like to see us all band together and go the peaceful protest route first.

So there is a quick response to your question- how about a response to my questions in previous posts...?

11-04-15, 14:10
You should NOT be "sitting around and lamenting" you should be saving money, buying guns and stocking up on supplies.

Keep voting but know that it probably won't do much good and we will implode at some time but the actual "implosion" will be a slow one and those that have prepared and are ready will weather it best.

11-04-15, 14:19
You should NOT be "sitting around and lamenting" you should be saving money, buying guns, stocking up on supplies,

eating right, working out, and training.

Tick-tock . . .

Outlander Systems
11-04-15, 17:11
PT. Live it.

eating right, working out, and training.

Tick-tock . . .

11-04-15, 17:21
God Bless your parents.

Thanks. They are the best. The value of hard work and personal responsibility is immeasurable and I am forever grateful to them for instilling those values along with many others.

11-04-15, 17:33
I worked for Reagan in the 1976 election while still a High School student. Reagan was booster and cheerleader for America. I am always the optimist and Americans aren't quitters. We do big things and when times get bad, we always manage to end up with a positive result. Even though the Country has shifted left, that shift is because of ignorance, not a real understanding of where that left path leads. On the other side, we have Conservatives who have become disillusioned about the political process and have stopped fighting. Winners don't quit and that attitude creates a political vacuum which is filled by the other side.

Look at the two candidates the Democrats have fielded. Two losers, and one is a Marxist and the other should be in jail right now. The Democrat Party is bankrupt of new ideas and a direction. Look at the Republican side. Although some I don't like, we still have a political party of diverse backgrounds and people who have actually succeeded in life. What did we start with, 17 or 18 candidates? That isn't a bad thing, even though a bit confusing. The Conservative Republican base is still kicking the tires while considering who they want to be our nominee. I think we actually have a good chance of winning the White House back.

Outlander Systems
11-04-15, 17:41
Values. That is the key word, and something this country needs more of.

Thanks. They are the best. The value of hard work and personal responsibility is immeasurable and I am forever grateful to them for instilling those values along with many others.

11-04-15, 17:44
Jury nullification would help rid us of a lot of unconstitutional laws.

But does the jury's power to veto bad laws exist under our Constitution?

It certainly does! At the time the Constitution was written, the definition of the term "jury" referred to a group of citizens empowered to judge both the law and the evidence in the case before it. Then, in the February term of 1794, the Supreme Court conducted a jury trial in the case of the State of Georgia vs. Brailsford1. The instructions to the jury in the first jury trial before the Supreme Court of the United States illustrate the true power of the jury. Chief Justice John Jay said: "It is presumed, that juries are the best judges of facts; it is, on the other hand, presumed that courts are the best judges of law. But still both objects are within your power of decision." (emphasis added) "...you have a right to take it upon yourselves to judge of both, and to determine the law as well as the fact in controversy".

As recently as 1972, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia said that the jury has an " unreviewable and irreversible power... to acquit in disregard of the instructions on the law given by the trial judge....2

Or as this same truth was stated in a earlier decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Maryland: "We recognize, as appellants urge, the undisputed power of the jury to acquit, even if its verdict is contrary to the law as given by the judge, and contrary to the evidence. This is a power that must exist as long as we adhere to the general verdict in criminal cases, for the courts cannot search the minds of the jurors to find the basis upon which they judge. If the jury feels that the law under which the defendant is accused, is unjust, or that exigent circumstances justified the actions of the accused, or for any reason which appeals to their logic of passion, the jury has the power to acquit, and the courts must abide by that decision."3


Dist. Expert 26
11-04-15, 19:00
Jury nullification would help rid us of a lot of unconstitutional laws.


That concept is so foreign to most Americans that they would probably think it's illegal. Yet another right lost to ignorance of what our country was founded on.

11-04-15, 20:03
Sadly, it's probably going to take a tragedy to make people wake up and take things seriously.

11-04-15, 20:37
Sadly, it's probably going to take a tragedy to make people wake up and take things seriously.

There have been quite a few tragedies of late. None of them have awoken the masses...not in the right direction anyway.

11-04-15, 21:00
That concept is so foreign to most Americans that they would probably think it's illegal. Yet another right lost to ignorance of what our country was founded on.

Most "champions of freedom" really have no idea what the word means.

11-05-15, 08:03
There have been quite a few tragedies of late. None of them have awoken the masses...not in the right direction anyway.

It's going to take something major like another great depression, revolution, collapse, etc...
People in my generation are accustomed to being handed everything and not working for it. Therefore, nothing is taken seriously. We tend to vote for who we think are the most fun or popular instead of focusing on real issues. Generation Y sucks.

Dist. Expert 26
11-05-15, 10:52
Most "champions of freedom" really have no idea what the word means.
Exactly. "Freedom" to most Americans means having the choice of what hamburger to eat while they watch their favorite reality show. As a country we've become far too comfortable in our sheltered little lives and lost sight of what's really at stake. I don't know what it's going to take to change that, but I'm guessing it's going to be ugly.

11-05-15, 11:35
This is the natural extension of Romney's point about the 47%. Given that 47% of the Electorate has the ability to vote themselves a raise, at what point can you roll that back?
You simply are not going to get people to not to vote for what is in their own self interest, that's not in human nature. You could individually sit these folks down, show them the perils of continuing down this path and even getting them to agree and nod North and South, when the curtain on the voting booth closes, they will vote for themselves.

The only way to do it would be a complete 180 first within the Republican Party and have a return to fiscal conservatism. Then you would have to be able to win a majority of true conservatives and agree to this path. All of this would have to take place in an environment where no disgruntled conservative would jump ship or have loose lips. At that point you're going to have to use the media to temper the message and accept the premise that this is what is best for our Nation and go along with it.
That sounds pretty damned far fetched to me and I would doubt that it could happen. The irony in saying that is that is exactly what the Democratic Party did when Roosevelt and then Johnson got the Socialist ball rolling in the Democratic party.

So No, I don't think so. The best we can hope for at this point is some sort of Benevolent Dictator who will rule with an iron fist and then return us to a Republic upon his death or resignation.

11-05-15, 16:40
The runaway train is plunging into the ravine.





11-05-15, 16:53
The runaway train is plunging into the ravine.





That went from zany 80s sex comedy to turbo creepy pretty fast.

11-05-15, 19:18
**** this. I'm starting the revolution. Tonight. Who is with me?

11-05-15, 19:29
**** this. I'm starting the revolution. Tonight. Who is with me?

I don't want to be "that guy", but I probably wouldn't even joke like that man

I will say that your frustration is very valid and not at all unjustified

11-05-15, 20:45

There are multiple elephants in the room we will not deal with.

A significant percentage of 13% of the population will not get with the program. Some have taken advantage of and soared with opportunities their ancestors could only have dreamed of. Some have become solid, productive citizens who grabbed ahold of their own boot straps. Some are blundering away in affirmative action and government service jobs they did not earn but are solid, law abiding, tax paying citizens. Some go to work and make it paycheck to paycheck and hope their kids have it better. Too many are a disproportionate drain of resources, prison space, medical care, violentcrime, benefits, etc.. Insted of cracking down, society has decided to back off and go from ignoring it to helping splash gas on the fire. This is a huge economic and quality of life burden on America.

About 15% of the population, one that is rapidly growing, is a crap shoot. Should be the perfect wave of immigrants. A Romance language speaking bunch of Christians with a work ethic. In proper amounts and the classic American environment, this would become a population of working, English speaking, productive citizens. Instead, numbers too large to assimilate flood in, disproportionally those that are illiterate in their own language and criminals. We have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory that could have been had here. Again, a huge economic and quality of life burden.

Education has, and medicine and the military will become, womanized. In addition to womanization, the talentless and incapable will further demand and continue to take over the management and handling of the talented and capable. America used to provide a commendable education. Now we have people in college that can't do basic algebra. People do college courses studying The Canterbury Tales or Hamlet at levels we used to do in the 7th and 8th grade. Some of the educational system issues result from the integration of the above two groups. But the result of womanly management, feel good, esteem building, I just can't go on. The combination of womanization and growth of talentless administration destroys institutions. We are importing engineers, medical residents, Ph.D. Candidates in hard sciences and the like because of our destroyed educational system. It seems that soon everyone will have a High School Diploma and a college degree, but for the most part be unskilled workers and laymen instead of mechanics, electricians, physicians, engineers, and researchers. Medicine will be ran by mediocre nurses and administrators as the actual capability and capacity of high quality medical care deteriorates. The military, already long in the tail to tooth ratio, will become a shell of its peak capability.

There seems to be a purposeful movement to destroy crime free, largely white suburban and rural bastions of the classic American way. Housing laws, refugee settlement, section 8, etc. The religious freedom of America was meant to prevent an official religion from being established. It was meant so that you could not go to church if you did not want to. The legal system and standards of society still required a European, Christian standard of morals and behavior for the Republic to function. There has been a purposeful movement to destroy this. Let's import huge amounts of people from savage cultures with serious religious issues as a cherry on the top of the shit sundae.

Every generation has been at odds with their parents. One generation came in such numbers they could affect serious change. The boomers took America, ripped off its clothes, bent it over a rusty barbed-wire fence, and no lube ass raped it almost to death. Yeah, not all boomers, but enough of those now senior citizens who have not realized the country is not their parents and they are not adolescents who get off on shocking their parents have brought us to a country that says your daughters have to shower with boys who have gender issues, you are racist if you don't let your kids go make friends and hang out in in Crackville, you are intolerant because while you were fine letting adults have sex with whatever adults in their home you are sick of being hammered and having rubbed in you face and being forced to have your kids taught it is a perfectly normal, fine way of life. They have taken away public shame and standards that are supposed to prevent people from wanting to go on welfare, cheat disability, father kids they won't support, and tax everyone that is productive to pay their way. And put in place a system that supports it. What parent of any race dreams their child will grow up to be transsexual drug addict living on public benefits? I want my kids to grow up, get married, have kids, and be educated, skilled, useful members of society that don't commit violent crimes or have a bunch of psychiatric issues. The people I associate with and have worked with, regardless of color and whether they habla ingles o espanol, want the same damn thing. Yet large portions of society hate us for it and want to see that society crushed.

This was supposed to be a Republic that offered freedom, a meritocracy that gave all equal opportunity. We got off to a slow start including women and a slower one with minorities. But instead of enjoying the admittedly late invite to the party and having a good time before it is over, it seems they not only failed to bring beer and chips, but think it best to drink and eat all the stuff there while concurrently smashing bottles, throwing food on the ground and stomping on it, and throwing your keys in the bushes and slashing your tires so you can't go get more beer and chips. And calling more friends to the party that will not only do the same, but flat out want to burn the house down.

Now, I have been swinging haymakers at the left. The right and the capitalists can stop looking so smug and rightous. Plenty of rich people that have produced nothing of value but reaped in piles of cash from the insurance industry, legal but shady sales, real estate, etc. have shit on the America the Left ass raped. You got too greedy. You let production and skilled jobs with benefits fall to more profits. You skimmed too much from the efforts of the talented and the workers. You are a multi-millionaire from profits from the cable industry? Big ****ing deal. You don't know how to install the infrastructure, can't run the equipment that did or the science that made it a possibility. If your net worth was 20 million instead of 120 million maybe there would still be a factory with good jobs in your county, a viable school system not filled with the illiterate kids of undocumented unskilled workers, and various other things that used to be common in America.

And for those of you still filling smug, was your last tool set a good, American made one, or some POS from China? Did you take your kids for a hike Sunday, or did you spend four plus hours watching some stupid shit on TV? Sports were what people used to do in school for fitness, learning team work, and recreation while they got an education. Not spending hours on their ass in awe of felons making millions. You have the highest standard of living in the world. Did you get that fishing boat, Harley, and big truck on your own? Or did you go the double income route taking Mom out of the kid's lives full time to have nicer shit?

And we have pretty much hit 50% of the country living on the other 50 percent's effort. It will continue to worsen. We all have some guilt in how things are now. Some of the population not only has some guilt. They have a lot. And some flat out want to do more to ruin things.

I don't think voting is going to change things.
I don' think most have the stomach to do so even if it would. People would be dying in the streets if education, benefits, and medicine got an overhaul.
I don't think the hard reset is coming. Many suited to the reset are no longer a young single guy. Some are old with a full life behind them and nothing to lose, but not exactly in a condition to get it on. Lot's have a family to take care off and won't risk it.
I think Balkanization would be coming, but efforts have been made to fundamentally change those areas that would be the issue.

11-05-15, 21:44
Every generation has been at odds with their parents.

This odd and rather modern claim is oft repeated, but I am honestly intellectually curious as to what peer reviewed scholarly research it is founded upon.

11-05-15, 22:04
This odd and rather modern claim is oft repeated, but I am honestly intellectually curious as to what peer reviewed scholarly research it is founded upon.

It's kinda true. Everybody gives their parents hell until they get put in the same spot. Then they realize what bastards they were as kids

Have you not heard Cats in the Cradle?

11-06-15, 04:36

- Mail-order guns
- No NFA
- Anything-goes open and free markets with almost no regulation
- No social safety net
- Minimal federal government, just enough to "get by"
- No affirmative action
- Very limited immigration

Sound about right? That would make the year, oh, 1928 or thereabouts.

The question is: Why would you want to go back to 1928, and how do you keep 1929 from happening again?

What's wrong with mail-order guns? That's how things were for a long time, and it wasn't murder and mayhem in the streets. That came with unrestricted immigration, the welfare state, and the laughably lax justice system.

What's wrong with free markets? Contrary to common misconceptions, crises are seldom caused by free market failure. 2008 was caused by a housing boom, which was precipitated by government policies protecting Fannie and Freddy from bad decisions, forcing institutions to give loans to people who could not afford them (in the name of equality, etc.), zoning restrictions in certain states (namely California) just to name a few. Entire books have been written on this.

Social safety nets come in many flavors. Some rudimentary one is one thing, but the welfare state is another.

No affirmative action? Damn right! Laws forcing people to hire based on skin color and gender are inherently racist and sexist, regardless of the supposedly noble intentions behind them.

Very limited production? Damn right again! Do I really need to go into this?

1929 happened for a lot of reasons, and the Great Depression that followed was as bad as it was because of government intervention.

11-06-15, 05:37

11-06-15, 10:01
It's kinda true. Everybody gives their parents hell until they get put in the same spot. Then they realize what bastards they were as kids

Have you not heard Cats in the Cradle?

"Kinda true"? Is that like being "kinda pregnant"? Or an AR-15 being "kinda an assault weapon"? Seriously, what does "kinda true" actually mean?

And again, upon what scholarly research are you basing your what seems like simply unscientific personal opinion?

Upon what exactly are you claiming the belief that "every generation has been at odds with their parents"?

I have honestly never heard of one single research study even investigating the issue, much less arriving at that conclusion, and yet for reasons I cannot begin to grasp, many feel the need to keep repeating it as if it was carved in stone.

11-06-15, 10:43
"Kinda true"? Is that like being "kinda pregnant"? Or an AR-15 being "kinda an assault weapon"? Seriously, what does "kinda true" actually mean?

And again, upon what scholarly research are you basing your what seems like simply unscientific personal opinion?

Upon what exactly are you claiming the belief that "every generation has been at odds with their parents"?

I have honestly never heard of one single research study even investigating the issue, much less arriving at that conclusion, and yet for reasons I cannot begin to grasp, many feel the need to keep repeating it as if it was carved in stone.

Not trying to get personal, but did you always get along with your old man when you were a teenybopper?

If you did, you're lucky and in the minority. I suppose it is part of trying to figure out one's own identity

11-06-15, 10:43

Its called the Federal Reserve

11-06-15, 11:25
Not trying to get personal, but did you always get along with your old man when you were a teenybopper?

If you did, you're lucky and in the minority. I suppose it is part of trying to figure out one's own identity

Feel free to get as personal as you like, but first stop deliberately avoiding answering the questions.

Just what exactly does "kinda true" mean? That it's true, but no, not really? Do you realise that then would mean that in fact it is not true? Is your AR "kinda an assault weapon"?

And still yet one more time, upon what exactly are you claiming as historically and sociologically accurate and definitively established by the social sciences the belief that "every generation has been at odds with their parents"?

Why do people keep repeating this as if they know it to be absolutely true when in fact not only is it certain that they don't know if it is true, but it is certain that they can't know?

Why make a statement asserting something as definitive when you know for absolute certainty that you can never know if it is even remotely true?

11-06-15, 11:40

First, I never forwarded the idea that every generation did that. I agreed with someone else and said "yeah it's kinda true".
I had a few growing pains and most people do. It's part of finding yourself.

I never claimed any research or Rand corp. Findings.

'Kinda true' is just how I talk, which is a mixture of Hillbilly, Ghetto, and Valley Girl. I'm a product of my environment.

If I had to be super technical over minutiae, in my agreement with another poster, I would've said 'This is not a wholly uncommon phenomenae, but not exclusively the rule'. But I talk in a mixture of Hillbilly, ghetto, and valley girl. So I say "yeah it's kinda true".

As for why people keep repeating stuff. I don't know. I don't really care, frankly. I'm not the king of the world. I'm but a small man.

11-06-15, 12:06

First, I never forwarded the idea that every generation did that. I agreed with someone else and said "yeah it's kinda true".
I had a few growing pains and most people do. It's part of finding yourself.

I never claimed any research or Rand corp. Findings.

'Kinda true' is just how I talk, which is a mixture of Hillbilly, Ghetto, and Valley Girl. I'm a product of my environment.

If I had to be super technical over minutiae, in my agreement with another poster, I would've said 'This is not a wholly uncommon phenomenae, but not exclusively the rule'. But I talk in a mixture of Hillbilly, ghetto, and valley girl. So I say "yeah it's kinda true".

As for why people keep repeating stuff. I don't know. I don't really care, frankly. I'm not the king of the world. I'm but a small man.

So you twice admit that you like to talk as if you were a "valley girl", but then say that you are "but a small man"?

Sorry, but why is that exactly? :confused:

11-06-15, 12:29
So you twice admit that you like to talk as if you were a "valley girl", but then say that you are "but a small man"?

Sorry, but why is that exactly? :confused:

I'm a mess.

11-06-15, 12:47
Its called the Federal Reserve

Federal taxes started in 1913, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution. I believe that's what the photo was referencing.

But, you're right about the Fed as well.

11-06-15, 12:54
Not trying to get personal, but did you always get along with your old man when you were a teenybopper?

If you did, you're lucky and in the minority. I suppose it is part of trying to figure out one's own identity

I didn't always get along with him, for the most part that was because he was trying to guide me and I was too blind to see it.
Some of the wisdom he imparted upon me as a teen didn't make any sense until I was in my twenties. Most of the frustration I felt at that age was trying to decode the keys to adulthood while being treated like a kid by the rest of the world. My Parents for the most part were stellar.
Beyond a Moral Compass and a work ethic some of the funniest things he said to me were in the frustration of him trying to impart adult wisdom on a knucklehead teen. I didn't learn until years later that karma has a unique way of getting you back with your own kids.

11-06-15, 17:00
We all of this finally comes crashing down, it's going to be of Biblical proportions.

CHRISTIAN DAYCARE WORKERS FIRED FOR REFUSING TO CALL A LITTLE GIRL A BOY http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2015/11/06/christian-daycare-worker-fired-refusing-call-little-girl-boy/

Dist. Expert 26
11-06-15, 18:15
We all of this finally comes crashing down, it's going to be of Biblical proportions.



I don't even have words. God help this generation of children, they're gonna be some incredibly screwed up adults. The psychiatric industry, on the other hand, will likely be the most profitable sector of the economy.

11-06-15, 18:18
I don't even have words. God help this generation of children, they're gonna be some incredibly screwed up adults. The psychiatric industry, on the other hand, will likely be the most profitable sector of the economy.

I doubt the latter. These aren't even viewed as psychiatric problems any more.

I would love to see stats on how many of these kids grow up wishing someone had given them a swift kick in the ass. Sadly that number will be low, because they aren't being brought up with a sense of personal accountability.

Dist. Expert 26
11-06-15, 18:22
I doubt the latter. These aren't even viewed as psychiatric problems any more.

I would love to see stats on how many of these kids grow up wishing someone had given them a swift kick in the ass. Sadly that number will be low, because they aren't being brought up with a sense of personal accountability.

I disagree. I think we'll see a lot of kids who were pressured into some bullshit "gender identity" as a child have serious issues when they grow up and realize they made a huge mistake.

Or maybe this is the way the human race goes extinct. We've reached our evolutionary peak and things are just downhill from here.

11-06-15, 18:24
Um...a child doesn't have the mental faculties to know if they are transgender. They still believe in Santa Claus.

Once you reach age of majority, you can do whatever. Until such time, no.

11-06-15, 18:32
We all of this finally comes crashing down, it's going to be of Biblical proportions.

CHRISTIAN DAYCARE WORKERS FIRED FOR REFUSING TO CALL A LITTLE GIRL A BOY http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2015/11/06/christian-daycare-worker-fired-refusing-call-little-girl-boy/

Why would a Christian even wish to work at a daycare that has a transgender program they don't agree with? Reminds me of the Muslim truck drivers who complained that they didn't want to transport alcohol. I also would probably have a hard time calling a transgender whatever a "boy" so I would either keep my mouth shut, just use the kids current name or get a job someplace else.

11-06-15, 18:34
Um...a child doesn't have the mental faculties to know if they are transgender. They still believe in Santa Claus.

Once you reach age of majority, you can do whatever. Until such time, no.

No shit.

What about the kids that want to be dinosaurs? Are they gonna shorten their arms, file their teeth and graft a tail on them so they can skulk about the room the like T Rex they honestly feel they identify with most?

11-06-15, 18:38
I disagree. I think we'll see a lot of kids who were pressured into some bullshit "gender identity" as a child have serious issues when they grow up and realize they made a huge mistake.

Or maybe this is the way the human race goes extinct. We've reached our evolutionary peak and things are just downhill from here.

Jimmy is gonna be pissed when he wakes up at 19 with 10 years of female hormone therapy having been shoved down his throat daily by freaky parents and an MD who is just as equally whacked out of his gourd.
These people are raising the next batch of folks who will go bat guano crazy and shoot up the room. Here's to hoping all the folks who enabled this to happen are in that room.

Dist. Expert 26
11-06-15, 18:51
Jimmy is gonna be pissed when he wakes up at 19 with 10 years of female hormone therapy having been shoved down his throat daily by freaky parents and an MD who is just as equally whacked out of his gourd.
These people are raising the next batch of folks who will go bat guano crazy and shoot up the room. Here's to hoping all the folks who enabled this to happen are in that room.

Exactly. If you're born with male parts, you're a male. Same goes for females obviously. If someone thinks that they have the wrong parts that's a mental illness.

A buddy of mine got into an argument with a college professor on the topic. He said that since people are now allowed to identify as whatever they please, he identifies as an astronaut and would like to be referred to as "commander Bob". Needless to say the professor wasn't happy, but he got the point across.

11-06-15, 18:56
Today, I got a free bumper sticker for supporting the Stop Hillary PAC. It looked as if it had been run over by the delivery truck. My mail deliveries are generally immaculate. Evidently her followers are as criminal as she is.

11-06-15, 19:10
I doubt the latter. These aren't even viewed as psychiatric problems any more.

I would love to see stats on how many of these kids grow up wishing someone had given them a swift kick in the ass. Sadly that number will be low, because they aren't being brought up with a sense of personal accountability.

According to what I read in the DSM V, this one still is. It is now called Gender Dysphoria. It is still considered a disorder, though they have PC'd it. The issue I see is that the "treatment" is to have the patient make the transition.
I know everyone hates the "slippery slope" argument, but in the world of precedents, I see this one being as dangerous as they come.

Outlander Systems
11-06-15, 19:25
How do you know the child doesn't have the mental faculties to know such things!?

I demand to see peer-reviewed papers!

I was a little shit, who deserved to get his ass kicked. Looking back, I WISH I had just listened to my old man more, and flapped my dick suckers less.

For real on the lunatics running the asylum. The new normal: Kids telling the parents what to do.

Speaking of voting...these people, both the victims and the enablers are able, or will eventually be able to, vote.

Bend over bitchez!!!!!

Um...a child doesn't have the mental faculties to know if they are transgender. They still believe in Santa Claus.

Once you reach age of majority, you can do whatever. Until such time, no.

11-06-15, 20:04
According to what I read in the DSM V, this one still is. It is now called Gender Dysphoria. It is still considered a disorder, though they have PC'd it. The issue I see is that the "treatment" is to have the patient make the transition.
I know everyone hates the "slippery slope" argument, but in the world of precedents, I see this one being as dangerous as they come.
This also coming from the folks who view the time when homosexuality was classified as a mental illness as the dark ages and now the profession is so much more enlightened, gag... I hated that about my professors.

Dist. Expert 26
11-06-15, 20:39
This also coming from the folks who view the time when homosexuality was classified as a mental illness as the dark ages and now the profession is so much more enlightened, gag... I hated that about my professors.
I never bought that argument either. Not trying to offend anyone here, but homosexuality is absolutely a mental illness. We're genetically engineered to be attracted to the opposite sex for the purpose of perpetuating the species. Individuals that don't fall into that category have something wrong. Unless of course it's a choice...but we're not allowed to say that.

11-06-15, 21:53
doctors kill 440,000 people per year that could have been avoided !!!!!
so them filling jack or jacky as its parents want to call him/her full of hormones its just another death/mess up many just don't care
and yes some docs are good people but sadly many are not anymore

blame the drug companies blame who ever but the prescription problem and lack of knowledge is scary anymore and hospitals are a place I like to avoid

11-07-15, 04:05
Um...a child doesn't have the mental faculties to know if they are transgender. They still believe in Santa Claus.

"Transgenderism" is a very real deep emotional and psychological disorder, which is rather altogether a different thing as a small child trying to keep their eyes open in the hopes of catching a glimpse of jolly old St. Nick on Christmas Eve.

11-07-15, 04:17
Why would a Christian even wish to work at a daycare that has a transgender program they don't agree with? Reminds me of the Muslim truck drivers who complained that they didn't want to transport alcohol. I also would probably have a hard time calling a transgender whatever a "boy" so I would either keep my mouth shut, just use the kids current name or get a job someplace else.

How exactly do you know that they had not already been employees of the center long before the "transgender" program was introduced? And if you had worked there for years and they then imposed a "why the 2nd Amendment does not grant a so-called right to keep and bear arms and all gun owners are misogynist, racist, neo-nazis rapists" program on the children, would you simply quit and/or "keep your mouth shut"?

11-07-15, 05:07
"Transgenderism" is a very real deep emotional and psychological disorder, which is rather altogether a different thing as a small child trying to keep their eyes open in the hopes of catching a glimpse of jolly old St. Nick on Christmas Eve.

I agree, to an extent, yet also disagree. No research has been able to pinpoint the exact cause of gender dysphoria either in children or adults. It goes back to the "nature vs nurture" argument, prevalent in most areas of psychology that I have seen. The same holds true for many other forms of childhood behaviors such as ADHD.

Most children are relatively oblivious to their "gender roles" while they are as young as the child in the article. Obviously, I cannot ascertain the degree with which she "feels like a boy" just from the article. Being that she is being raised by two men (regardless of their sexuality), I have a theory as to which side of said argument is more in play. I will leave that right there.

At some point (if it has not yet occurred), research will most likely [should] be done outlining the trend of sexuality and/or gender identity of children raised by homosexual parents of the opposite sex. My hypothesis is that they will, more often than not, follow suit. I guess we'll see.

ETA: I have to go dig out all the articles that I've used for reference.

11-07-15, 07:12
I agree, to an extent, yet also disagree. No research has been able to pinpoint the exact cause of gender dysphoria either in children or adults. It goes back to the "nature vs nurture" argument, prevalent in most areas of psychology that I have seen. The same holds true for many other forms of childhood behaviors such as ADHD.

Most children are relatively oblivious to their "gender roles" while they are as young as the child in the article. Obviously, I cannot ascertain the degree with which she "feels like a boy" just from the article. Being that she is being raised by two men (regardless of their sexuality), I have a theory as to which side of said argument is more in play. I will leave that right there.

At some point (if it has not yet occurred), research will most likely [should] be done outlining the trend of sexuality and/or gender identity of children raised by homosexual parents of the opposite sex. My hypothesis is that they will, more often than not, follow suit. I guess we'll see.

ETA: I have to go dig out all the articles that I've used for reference.

Based on the evidence, the theory presented here presents I think the best explanation for homosexual and "transgender" orientation disorders. http://thefederalist.com/2015/07/08/how-choice-and-emotion-can-influence-sexual-orientation/

11-07-15, 08:23
Good article;

"According to this contrary theory, the cause of sexual orientation is free will. That is, the sexual orientation of a particular individual is caused by choices made by that individual. Why is free will as the cause of sexual orientation rejected by the scientific community and our popular culture, even in the face of a dearth of evidence for any other cause? The reason is philosophical, not scientific."

I would have to agree with the above.

I think a lot of people find some sort of excuse or try to reason their behavior away in some rather extravagant ways when in reality it is a choice they made. I would imagine if they accepted that they would most likely be happier and could go on with their lives as they see fit.

Making that choice for a child or even influencing or promoting such behavior should be criminal.

We've lost our way and no longer recognize right and wrong, normal and deviant. It's clear, its fact, it is right before your eyes, but in the name of political correctness and not wanting to offend anyone we will ignore the facts.
If you want to live like one of Life's Special Snowflakes, go right ahead and do so, but lets just not BS each other about it. It is a choice you have made for yourself.

Our inability to be honest with ourselves and the people around us is what's killing this Nation.

11-08-15, 01:51
Remember that most of the country (sorry Hmac- I think it much more than half) does not see things the way many of us here do.

We are a distinct minority. Thank a teacher.

Which is amazing considering how we carefully elucidate our policy positions and philosophies and do not rely on layers of assumptions heralded as writ in various echo chambers.

11-15-15, 05:33
Everything begins and ends with 'We the People'.

We only accept the governance we think we deserve.

Why does that that deserve Liberty and Limited Government have to suffer for those that want to be ruled?

11-15-15, 05:42
If you recall. Bush had the Oval Office and both houses AND the Supreme Court.

What did they do?

Did they kill the IRS and re-vamp the tax code? Nope.

Did they lower the US corporate tax rate? Nope.

Did they fix Social Security or Medicare? Nope.

Did they shrink government or remove any restrictions or crazy regulations? Nope.

They HAD all the offices....all of it....and did not do ONE conservative thing.

So why will this time be any different?

That is why you do not elect Neo Cons/Cuckservatives. All the care about is cutting taxes for people who outsources jobs, want to increase mass immigration until the country is so 3rd world they can not get elected, start worthless wars to protect other nations, waste billions on foreign aid, and waste all the opportunities they are given to improve things.

We have to purge them.

11-15-15, 05:44
Good article;

"According to this contrary theory, the cause of sexual orientation is free will. That is, the sexual orientation of a particular individual is caused by choices made by that individual. Why is free will as the cause of sexual orientation rejected by the scientific community and our popular culture, even in the face of a dearth of evidence for any other cause? The reason is philosophical, not scientific."

I would have to agree with the above.

I think a lot of people find some sort of excuse or try to reason their behavior away in some rather extravagant ways when in reality it is a choice they made. I would imagine if they accepted that they would most likely be happier and could go on with their lives as they see fit.

Making that choice for a child or even influencing or promoting such behavior should be criminal.

We've lost our way and no longer recognize right and wrong, normal and deviant. It's clear, its fact, it is right before your eyes, but in the name of political correctness and not wanting to offend anyone we will ignore the facts.
If you want to live like one of Life's Special Snowflakes, go right ahead and do so, but lets just not BS each other about it. It is a choice you have made for yourself.

Our inability to be honest with ourselves and the people around us is what's killing this Nation.

Yep. Facts>/Feels and good things will happen.

11-15-15, 20:19
That is why you do not elect Neo Cons/Cuckservatives. All the care about is cutting taxes for people who outsources jobs, want to increase mass immigration until the country is so 3rd world they can not get elected, start worthless wars to protect other nations, waste billions on foreign aid, and waste all the opportunities they are given to improve things.

We have to purge them.


11-15-15, 22:39

Thank you, "compromise" means you lose everything, albeit at a slower rate. Those morons had the chance to make hay while the sun shined and what did they do?

They wasted it in the worse ways possible.

"Who cares if we are over run with immigration as to make sure the nation only elects Democrats, as long as we cut taxes to people who send industry overseas, cuck for other nations, waste trillions, and make sure not do anything that might offend groups that will never vote for us?

Lets not advance our interests and insure we are not replaced, that would be "offensive" and being called "racist" is the worse thing in the world, even worse then having your Liberty, Rights, Wealth, Future, and that of your Posterity stolen from you and given to people who have no right or claim it".

Those morons are done, GWB was the last hurrah of the Neo Con base. They are a cancer, Buckley style conservatism of valuing "respectability" (from sides, and groups that will never vote for us, that still hate us, and will always vote against and hate us) over victory has given us nothing while given our enemy massive gains. It is either a failed idea or method of controlled opposition.

The New Right is here, we will win, we will reclaim and restore Liberty lost, and work to insure it is never lost again.

We will ensure and secure the blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

11-16-15, 03:15
Why does that that deserve Liberty and Limited Government have to suffer for those that want to be ruled?

Agreed. The notion of collective responsibility is mixed in with this. It sounds plausible on the surface, but immediately is revealed to be nonsense when very simple and quite common scenarios are introduced.

This is why the Left (and some who claim to be on the Right) want to import en masse immigrants from 3rd world dictatorships. These people are used to being ruled and have become desensitized to it (the vast majority of them anyways). In the past, we took in immigrants, but those that fled on their own, took risks to get here, and whom worked their ass off to make it when here.
Those ones were more receptive to liberty as a foundational principle because those that were simply sheep were essentially screened out. They were screened out by the risk inherent in coming here. A sheep would have simply stayed in their home country, rather that go through the effort and risk to come here. That's the thing with sheep, they generally prefer the easy way.

11-16-15, 04:02
Agreed. The notion of collective responsibility is mixed in with this. It sounds plausible on the surface, but immediately is revealed to be nonsense when very simple and quite common scenarios are introduced.

This is why the Left (and some who claim to be on the Right) want to import en masse immigrants from 3rd world dictatorships. These people are used to being ruled and have become desensitized to it (the vast majority of them anyways). In the past, we took in immigrants, but those that fled on their own, took risks to get here, and whom worked their ass off to make it when here.
Those ones were more receptive to liberty as a foundational principle because those that were simply sheep were essentially screened out. They were screened out by the risk inherent in coming here. A sheep would have simply stayed in their home country, rather that go through the effort and risk to come here. That's the thing with sheep, they generally prefer the easy way.

They are sheep back home, they will be sheep here, what do you say they stay on their animal farmers where they belong.

11-16-15, 09:03
Great points, but I kind of disagree on the Gitmo thing regarding the 6th and 8th Amendments.
The Gitmo detainees are usually foreign enemies engaged in war, and not covered by any Prisoner Of War status, as they are out of uniform, trying to blend with civilians, and/or spies. The US born ones should be tried for treason and executed, but only after thoroughly and vigorously interrogated with zero legal assitance, or Red Cross/Red Crescent shenanigans.

Speaking of Gitmo... While the American people are sleeping Obama is releasing Gitmo prisoners to the UAE. (http://thehill.com/policy/defense/260226-pentagon-announces-five-guantanamo-transfers)

The Pentagon announced Sunday evening that it has transferred five Guantánamo detainees to the United Arab Emirates, just ahead of President Obama signing a defense bill that would place restrictions on moving prisoners from the facility...

It also comes before Obama signs the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act, which will make it harder to transfer the detainees...

If Obama closes the facility by executive order, he would do so in defiance of laws passed by Congress that explicitly bar him from transferring Guantánamo detainees into the country.

The fate of an executive action would come down to the courts, where Republicans and the White House would likely do battle over the Article II powers that the Constitution grants to the commander in chief.

11-16-15, 18:13
Literally everything Obama has done and said points to him being a Muslim operative. He has gone to great lengths to free terrorists, overthrow secular Arab governments and replace them with Islamist psychopaths, import as many Muslims as possible and weaken the US.
He does this and gets away with it by virtue of the Leftist media giving him a pass, him being black (if you criticize, you are a racist), and because most people don't pay attention for more than 5 seconds to the lamestream's headlines.

Democracy is done. It cannot survive a braindead majority.

11-16-15, 18:45
Literally everything Obama has done and said points to him being a Muslim operative. He has gone to great lengths to free terrorists, overthrow secular Arab governments and replace them with Islamist psychopaths, import as many Muslims as possible and weaken the US.
He does this and gets away with it by virtue of the Leftist media giving him a pass, him being black (if you criticize, you are a racist), and because most people don't pay attention for more than 5 seconds to the lamestream's headlines.

Democracy is done. It cannot survive a braindead majority.

Democracy is the God that failed.

Great thing we were never meant to be one, time to restore limited goverment which means limited control and limited elections.

Ever notice the more people could vote the more things went to shit?

Outlander Systems
11-16-15, 19:09
I'm starting to think that's not such a zany idea anymore...his reaction to the Paris attacks has been pathetic.

Literally everything Obama has done and said points to him being a Muslim operative. He has gone to great lengths to free terrorists, overthrow secular Arab governments and replace them with Islamist psychopaths, import as many Muslims as possible and weaken the US.
He does this and gets away with it by virtue of the Leftist media giving him a pass, him being black (if you criticize, you are a racist), and because most people don't pay attention for more than 5 seconds to the lamestream's headlines.

Democracy is done. It cannot survive a braindead majority.

11-16-15, 19:57
I'm starting to think that's not such a zany idea anymore...his reaction to the Paris attacks has been pathetic.

Indeed, if Lindsey Graham (http://www.vdare.com/posts/lindsey-graham-we-have-to-fight-them-there-and-bring-them-here) was actively a double agent working for ISIS what would he do differently? Let’s review his policies.

Accelerate attacks on the Assad regime, the number one enemy of the Islamic State.

Work to isolate and antagonize Russia, preventing any kind of an alliance against Islamic extremism.
Continue to bomb Syria, ensuring people fleeing from that country continue to blame the United States for their misfortune.

Bring tens of thousands of hostile refugees to the United States at taxpayer expense while working to discourage any efforts at enforcing immigration law.

Graham’s is either stupid, evil, or in the pay of an enemy of the United States. No matter what the explanation, the people of South Carolina have tolerated this dandified fiend for long enough. (http://www.vdare.com/posts/lindsey-graham-we-have-to-fight-them-there-and-bring-them-here)

11-16-15, 21:28
Lindsey Graham is a joke. The walking epitome of cuckservative

11-16-15, 22:28
Lindsey Graham is a joke. The walking epitome of cuckservative

You should here why we should like them in. "muh Statue of Liberty".






If a people said to you, "we use to have an immigration system but then we built a statue some socalists wrote some poem, so we can have one anymore" you would look at them like their were nuts, as they would be.

Time to take the poem off the statue and teach kids the real history of the statue.

She was never about those “huddled masses”

Lady Liberty not a welcome mat
The Dangerous Mythology of Immigration

11-17-15, 04:35
Indeed, if Lindsey Graham (http://www.vdare.com/posts/lindsey-graham-we-have-to-fight-them-there-and-bring-them-here) was actively a double agent working for ISIS what would he do differently? Let’s review his policies.

Accelerate attacks on the Assad regime, the number one enemy of the Islamic State.

Work to isolate and antagonize Russia, preventing any kind of an alliance against Islamic extremism.
Continue to bomb Syria, ensuring people fleeing from that country continue to blame the United States for their misfortune.

Bring tens of thousands of hostile refugees to the United States at taxpayer expense while working to discourage any efforts at enforcing immigration law.

Graham’s is either stupid, evil, or in the pay of an enemy of the United States. No matter what the explanation, the people of South Carolina have tolerated this dandified fiend for long enough. (http://www.vdare.com/posts/lindsey-graham-we-have-to-fight-them-there-and-bring-them-here)

Lindsey Graham is just a moron. Omao is the double agent, so to speak.

11-17-15, 04:56
Lindsey Graham is just a moron. Omao is the double agent, so to speak.

Both the Leftist and Neo Con/Cucks are the two sides of the same coin.

Outlander Systems
11-17-15, 05:59
Pro-State, Anti-You-and-Me.

Both the Leftist and Neo Con/Cucks are the two sides of the same coin.

11-17-15, 06:25
Pretty good list... (http://ncrenegade.com/editorial/it-is-time-for-a-frank-discussion/) Some snippets.

1. Culture

Our country’s strength has always been diversity that is united in a common set of beliefs and principles. A Divided States of America would never have achieved the success of the Great Experiment. But that is well know. In order to destroy the country, it must be divided. As our rulers are dividing our culture. Black against white. Poor against rich. Democrat against Republican. Muslim against Christian. An unending list promulgated daily to ensure our division and the destruction of our unified culture. Would anyone care to defend the administration’s two-tiered justice system? Would anyone care to defend the government’s support of Black Lives Matter?

2. Economy

Our economy and stock markets are manipulated by the Federal Reserve and the financial industry...

3. Military

Our military leadership has been gutted by the current administration. There are several explanations for this policy:

4. Religion

This country was founded on Judeo/Christian principles. The government has taken the Christian religion from every aspect of our lives. The pResident even vilifies Christians as bitter clingers. A planned Muslim invasion of our country is now exposed...

5. Morality

The republic is meant for a moral people. If we are not moral, the republic will fall. Consider the government’s positions on:

a. homosexuality

b. same sex marriage

c. underage sex education with parental permission

d. abortion

No moral nation would butcher their babies and sell the parts...

Outlander Systems
11-17-15, 06:35
David D is good people. And he's right.

Pretty good list... (http://ncrenegade.com/editorial/it-is-time-for-a-frank-discussion/) Some snippets.

11-17-15, 07:12
As outsider, (but 95% of my Twitter TL is from USA) I think you still can. Mostly because you still actually can vote. Europe is ruled by group of people who are not elected but appointed to their offices and they do it between themselves. They are called European Commission and can issue Directives, that are binding for every EU country and can basically cover every aspect of life. There is also European Council, also self appointed, but they can only debate and that is all. So called "European Parliament" has no practical power as well. This is elected, but it's nothing more that source of benefits for it's members.

USA is still long way from this model and as long as you can enforce your Constitution, you still have a chance (even if only so slight) to return from the edge.

Outlander Systems
11-17-15, 08:01
Thanks for the alternative perspective. Sometimes, on the inside, it's difficult to see the forest for the trees.

Our biggest problem, with voting, has been the political class absolutely failing in what they have been elected to do...

As outsider, (but 95% of my Twitter TL is from USA) I think you can still can. Mostly because you still actually can vote. Europe is ruled by group of people who are elected but appointed to their offices and they do it between themselves. They are called European Commission and can issue Directives, that are binding for every EU country and can basically cover every aspect of life. There is also European Council, also self appointed, but they can only debate and that is all. So called "European Parliament" has no practical power as well. This is elected, but it's nothing more that source of benefits for it's members.

USA is still long way from this model and as long as you can enforce your Constitution, you still have a chance (even if only so slight) to return from the edge.

11-17-15, 08:23
The only hope for America is the prompt return to its Christian roots.

11-17-15, 15:53
Pro-State, Anti-You-and-Me.

More reason why we can not take in more people who are pro state.


11-17-15, 15:54
Pretty good list... (http://ncrenegade.com/editorial/it-is-time-for-a-frank-discussion/) Some snippets.

You mean Unity, Diversity is strife and division.

Straight Shooter
11-17-15, 15:56
The only hope for America is the prompt return to its Christian roots.

THIS. It is NOT mathematically possible for this country to be financially solvent again, period. The racial divide has widened, and worsened.
The level of ignorance of students coming out of schools & universities is astounding. They don't even live in reality. There isn't one politician Id trust with anything. BOTH parties are corrupt, one more so than the other. We have, and have had too many immigrants now that are affecting the voting process, and mostly thru illegal voting.
The "media"..ahhh the media. The 5th Column has utterly destroyed America. MY worst enemy.
As a Christian..I also know without a return to His values we are doomed. But, that aint happening.
If someone see's a way for a return to greatness, please, by all means Id love to hear it. But the short answer to the OP's question: NO.

11-17-15, 19:12
You mean Unity, Diversity is strife and division.

I hear ya. "Diversity" just means anti-white.

11-17-15, 19:24
I hear ya. "Diversity" just means anti-white.

Damn right it.