View Full Version : 5th Wave Trailer- Aliens, Chloe Moretz and Noveske ARs

10-28-15, 12:07

Chloe Moretz and guns. Usually a good combo. Maybe too close to Aliens meets HungerGames with some Divergent thrown in.

Noveske lower at 2:17.

10-28-15, 12:37
Chloe Moretz and guns.

Kick Ass!

10-28-15, 12:56
No creepo, but once she hits 18, she will be most eligible.

THIS is what we need. She can be girly with a butch streak. She will have a long career playing bad asses.

Like Sigourney Weaver. I don't count Angelina Jolie because she doesn't sell it, but Sigourney Weaver can be soooo ball busting.

She won't ever be the dykey Vasquez type that poor Michelle Rodriguez pigeonholed herself into.

I can see Chloe well into her 40s being able to play disgruntled cops, matriarchs, business women, and other intimidating people.
But still not being too off putting. She looks like she's naturally full of piss and vinegar.

ETA She is already 18 but still...
Again no creepo

10-28-15, 13:28
I'm game.

Hell guys it does me good to see so many new science fiction books/films/franchises geared towards the younger generations especially girls; Hunger Games, Divergent, Maze Runner, et al.

Great cast as well.

10-28-15, 13:54
No creepo, but once she hits 18, she will be most eligible.

THIS is what we need. She can be girly with a butch streak. She will have a long career playing bad asses.

Like Sigourney Weaver. I don't count Angelina Jolie because she doesn't sell it, but Sigourney Weaver can be soooo ball busting.

She won't ever be the dykey Vasquez type that poor Michelle Rodriguez pigeonholed herself into.

I can see Chloe well into her 40s being able to play disgruntled cops, matriarchs, business women, and other intimidating people.
But still not being too off putting. She looks like she's naturally full of piss and vinegar.

ETA She is already 18 but still...
Again no creepo

Check out "Let Me In." Probably the best film she has ever done.

10-28-15, 14:05
I will. Missed that one.

All I ask is that she doesn't turn on the slut switch. Part of her appeal is that she looks like the girl next door who has stuffed animals in her room and a hidden gun safe like from Commando.

Alex V
10-28-15, 14:10
She is supposed to be in Neighbors 2... in a bikini...

When I saw the preview a month or two ago, I saw the Noveske lower right away. I wonder if those are still the ones used on the original Expendables. Just sitting in the prop warehouse lol. I have seen em in other movies and the Lincoln Park music video for Medal of Honor (video game)

10-28-15, 14:16
As for Miss Moretz my wife and I really enjoyed her performances in Texas Killing Fields and the re-make of Stephen King's Carrie.

That young lady as a promising future in film.

10-28-15, 14:26
On topic of the trailer.....I object to MARPAT. As bad ass as she is she should be wearing Vietnam Tiger Stipes or M81 Woodland. Cook White woodlands. And at some point she needs to stab someone

10-28-15, 18:06
On topic of the trailer.....I object to MARPAT. As bad ass as she is she should be wearing Vietnam Tiger Stipes or M81 Woodland. Cook White woodlands. And at some point she needs to stab someone

It would be interesting to meet Mrs. Firefly...

10-28-15, 18:09
Wasn't that the name of an old sci fi show also about aliens?

Big A
10-28-15, 18:26
On topic of the trailer.....I object to MARPAT. As bad ass as she is she should be wearing Vietnam Tiger Stipes or M81 Woodland. Cook White woodlands. And at some point she needs to stab someone

10-28-15, 23:22
Wasn't that the name of an old sci fi show also about aliens?

First Wave.

10-29-15, 01:54
Not to be a Debby Downer but googling this story (which seems like a Red Dawn for Aliens), I came upon Chloe Moretz's twitter.

Apparently she's all for Hillary and retweeted Amy Schumer and Chuckles' demand for more 'background checks'.

So....now I don't enjoy Kick Ass as much anymore and I watched Let Me In which felt like it was made in the 80s. Not a period piece, but it really captured youth at that era. Especially the arcade scene.

See....this is what I'm talking about. These people make a living pretending with guns, solving problems with guns, and all that.

Like Ahnold. He portrays hardasses with guns and bans .50 cals. But he's rich so he buys a tank done up like his Austrian Army days.

I like to be entertained but I hate giving up money to people who are going to use it to help erode what few freedoms I try to hold on to.

Everybody is Jane Fonda

10-29-15, 02:35
I like to be entertained but I hate giving up money to people who are going to use it to help erode what few freedoms I try to hold on to.

I'll I'm going to say on this is that almost anything can be found on the internet for "free". This particular movie is what I consider a rental. My local video store, yes there still around rents two bluerays for $1 for five nights. They're not getting much out of me.

10-29-15, 03:42
I'll I'm going to say on this is that almost anything can be found on the internet for "free". This particular movie is what I consider a rental. My local video store, yes there still around rents two bluerays for $1 for five nights. They're not getting much out of me.

True. But it's hard to cheer on people who despise my way of life.
It's the Chinese Restaurant Paradigm.

If they would shut the f--k up about their unfounded, ill-informed little ideologies then I could enjoy their songs and dance.

Like Robert Smith of the Cure once said that he does not comment on politics because people just want to hear his songs and he does not want to upset anyone.

See....like, there are oodles of police officers who see blatant injustice everyday and corruption. They are chasing windmills.
It seems pointless but they keep going. Every dotted i and crossed t.
All these rules and policies and laws. And you can do everything right and still get hurt bad, killed, or crucified because of some cause of the week.

But Susie Highheels goes on a roaring rampage of revenge, tells the mayor or sheriff to get f--ked, kills up a weirdly racially diverse gang, and saves the day with no consequences. The actress gets an award but is pro gun control despite Glocking down those evil evil bad guys.

Just like all soldiers are ticking time bombs and are victims of war and all causes are futile. So they "honor" these guys by playing emo instrumental music and showing their vulnerability.

Because they understand the struggle. They kept a dream diary while undertaking their week long bootcamp. They have to support Democrats because they are all for peace and free kittens.


People like action and T&A because it's in our nature. But to "humor" us and stick it to us is an insult and patronizing.

Either you like money and don't care. Or you care and should recuse yourself from any film that shows any weapons use.

It's only socially responsible.

10-29-15, 08:37
These people, like Liam Nesson, playing action/tactical roles are like having Mel Gibson play Albert Einstien- wrong at a few levels.

Imagine someone playing an actor in 'Selma' and then saying he was in the KKK, the left would throw a fit.

10-29-15, 09:43
True. But it's hard to cheer on people who despise my way of life.
It's the Chinese Restaurant Paradigm.

If they would shut the f--k up about their unfounded, ill-informed little ideologies then I could enjoy their songs and dance.

Like Robert Smith of the Cure once said that he does not comment on politics because people just want to hear his songs and he does not want to upset anyone.

See....like, there are oodles of police officers who see blatant injustice everyday and corruption. They are chasing windmills.
It seems pointless but they keep going. Every dotted i and crossed t.
All these rules and policies and laws. And you can do everything right and still get hurt bad, killed, or crucified because of some cause of the week.

But Susie Highheels goes on a roaring rampage of revenge, tells the mayor or sheriff to get f--ked, kills up a weirdly racially diverse gang, and saves the day with no consequences. The actress gets an award but is pro gun control despite Glocking down those evil evil bad guys.

Just like all soldiers are ticking time bombs and are victims of war and all causes are futile. So they "honor" these guys by playing emo instrumental music and showing their vulnerability.

Because they understand the struggle. They kept a dream diary while undertaking their week long bootcamp. They have to support Democrats because they are all for peace and free kittens.


People like action and T&A because it's in our nature. But to "humor" us and stick it to us is an insult and patronizing.

Either you like money and don't care. Or you care and should recuse yourself from any film that shows any weapons use.

It's only socially responsible.

AGREED 100%.

These people, like Liam Nesson, playing action/tactical roles are like having Mel Gibson play Albert Einstien- wrong at a few levels.

Imagine someone playing an actor in 'Selma' and then saying he was in the KKK, the left would throw a fit.

The Left would be totally fine with a Selma actor being a Black Panther, though, or supporting BLM (same thing), "affirmative action" and the like, exactly like they do in real life.
Black racism = "progressive"
White racism = evil

10-29-15, 11:39
Either you like money and don't care. Or you care and should recuse yourself from any film that shows any weapons use.

I wholeheartedly agree with you.

It's only socially responsible.

But they aren't they're hypocritical whores. They bend over for money.

10-29-15, 13:41
Everybody is Jane Fonda

While I'm very, very disappointed that Katy Perry is actively working with the Clinton campaign, and while I'm saddened the Chloe doesn't get it and forwards "anti gun" nonsense, neither of them even begin to come close to being Jane Fonda.

They have the right to their political views as much as you and I. Jane Fonda on the other hand is a treasonous bitch who went to the enemy to provide support and did everything she could at home to undermine the war effort in this country.

10-29-15, 14:22
I'll keep my harsh opinion. Because I am sure if they thought it would get them somewhere they would campaign for ISIS.

Like Sean Penn going to Iraq and Martin Sheen and Susan Sarandon at their School of Americas protests.

I don't expect everyone to be a registered Republican(I'm not).
But...okay...if I said. "Abortion is murder, shame on you" they would go apeshit. If I said something perceived as sexist or racist, they would and do lampoon it and make a production out of it.

Yet, "You don't need guns you illiterate redneck" is fine.

No. For the record, people can say what they like, and abortion is a personal choice sometimes not explored or exercised enough by people blighting us with their future criminals.

If someone doesn't like guns, fine. Don't buy one.

But when you actively fund something that is eroding what few civil liberties I enjoy; then yeah...that's bad.

So...while I was enthused at first, I'll be skipping Fifth Wave and this is another starlet who won't see anymore money from me.
I doubt it will break her but, I'll spend my 20 bucks theater money on .22 and feel better about it.

10-29-15, 14:29
Independence Day meets Kick Ass. If it gets decent reviews I'll rent it, but wouldn't go to a theater to see kids as action figured personally. I always find kids/teens as the major characters in movies annoying with all but a few rare movies.

10-29-15, 14:51
I'll keep my harsh opinion. Because I am sure if they thought it would get them somewhere they would campaign for ISIS.

Like Sean Penn going to Iraq and Martin Sheen and Susan Sarandon at their School of Americas protests.

I don't expect everyone to be a registered Republican(I'm not).
But...okay...if I said. "Abortion is murder, shame on you" they would go apeshit. If I said something perceived as sexist or racist, they would and do lampoon it and make a production out of it.

Yet, "You don't need guns you illiterate redneck" is fine.

No. For the record, people can say what they like, and abortion is a personal choice sometimes not explored or exercised enough by people blighting us with their future criminals.

If someone doesn't like guns, fine. Don't buy one.

But when you actively fund something that is eroding what few civil liberties I enjoy; then yeah...that's bad.

So...while I was enthused at first, I'll be skipping Fifth Wave and this is another starlet who won't see anymore money from me.
I doubt it will break her but, I'll spend my 20 bucks theater money on .22 and feel better about it.

And I'm fine with that too. Won't be one I'll be seeing in the theater anyway.

Crow Hunter
10-29-15, 14:52
Check out "Let Me In." Probably the best film she has ever done.

The original, Let the Right One It was better.

It is in Swedish, but it is much creepier and more unsettling.

It is on Netflix instant.

As an aside, I have given up on trying to avoid movies with hypocrites.

You can't.

To me the biggest hypocritical thing they do is support "progressive" causes and push their "followers" to do the same while living the life of the upper .001% of all Americans.

Telling me I need to pay more in taxes and reduce my "carbon footprint" while owning several in 30,000 sq ft houses and jetting around all over the world and doing everything to avoid taxes.

10-29-15, 15:00
The original, Let the Right One It was better.
It is in Swedish, but it is much creepier and more unsettling.


10-29-15, 15:03
The original, Let the Right One It was better.

It is in Swedish, but it is much creepier and more unsettling.

It is on Netflix instant.

As an aside, I have given up on trying to avoid movies with hypocrites.

You can't.

To me the biggest hypocritical thing they do is support "progressive" causes and push their "followers" to do the same while living the life of the upper .001% of all Americans.

Telling me I need to pay more in taxes and reduce my "carbon footprint" while owning several in 30,000 sq ft houses and jetting around all over the world and doing everything to avoid taxes.

I have that one too. I actually enjoy the Hammer remake more though. Maybe it's because of Chloe, maybe because it was my fondness for Hammer films.

10-29-15, 16:11
It looks like like the original and the American version of the vampire movie was filmed in the same apartment complex?

10-29-15, 16:34
Check out "Let Me In." Probably the best film she has ever done.


10-29-15, 19:22
It looks like like the original and the American version of the vampire movie was filmed in the same apartment complex?

One was filmed in Sweden (the original) and the other in New Mexico.

05-06-16, 17:24
So I finally saw this one, if anyone involved is "anti gun" they sure as hell put out a "pro gun" message with "keep this with you always."

A little bit Independence Day, a little bit Invaders from Mars and a little bit Falling Skies. Thought it was well done and enjoyed it, not sure if the "thing on the back of the neck" is a reference to 1953 film Invaders from Mars but I suspect it is.

Now that Moretz is officially 19 years old, I will say she is absolutely stunning and by her teens you could tell she would mature nicely.

About my only complaint is the open ended ending. I guess this leave things open for a sequel.

05-07-16, 11:58
Telling me I need to pay more in taxes and reduce my "carbon footprint" while owning several in 30,000 sq ft houses and jetting around all over the world and doing everything to avoid taxes.this is another ridiculous one. They have a climate summit/party where they all fly their jets in and eat rare expensive cuisine while staying in 5 star hotels that use tons of energy. You can do sat calls from your parliamentary buildings.