View Full Version : SXSW, GamergGate and threats

10-29-15, 12:17

Can someone explain this to me? How is the FBI not jumping up and down on peoples' heads?

Geeks are pissed that women play video games? Do they realize that their chances of getting laid go up exponentially if they actually have lines of communication with females?

These guys sound like E-Qaeda.

Be interesting to see a gamer try his hand at real world violence and get his ass handed to them by a real professional.

10-29-15, 15:53
useful idiots are good but once they start to do things they do not want then shut them down

why was the KKK formed and by who ? that alone says it all and look where the dems are today still controlling the repubs and blacks and other minority people and sadly they are playing into it
somehow I picture a gamer rushing at me with a shotgun and thinking OH I will just respawn :)

10-29-15, 17:53
You should really do more reading on what Gamergate was. Gamergate pretty much has nothing to do with these people making threats and such. Anita Sarkeesian (feminist freq on youtube) received death threats when she was going to speak at the University of Utah, and the feds did investigate it. She's a major C U Next Tuesday btw.

It all started with Zoe Quinn taking reviewer cock so her game could get better scores, and people in the gaming community wanted accountability in gaming journalism. Then it became something it's really not. It's not about bullshit feminism, it's not about Women's rights. As with any groups, there are extremists, like the ones who are threatening violence here.


10-29-15, 18:11
Holy cow......

How did it actually start?

This all kicked off on a very specific, if no less troubling, issue. In 2013, an independent game designer named Zoe Quinn released a free game called Depression Quest. Depression Quest isn’t a “game,” in the way we traditionally conceive of it: It’s more a story or a piece of interactive art, which as it unfolds, tells the story of a young adult’s depression.

I wonder if Hillary plays it.... she is fun, after all.

wow... makes you stop wondering...