View Full Version : Freedom of Religion Only Applies to Muslims

10-31-15, 09:48

A jury has awarded $240,000 to two Muslim men who say they were fired from an Illinois trucking company after refusing to deliver alcohol.

A judge found Morton-based Star Transport Inc. violated the religious beliefs of Mahad Abass Mohamed and Abdikarim Hassan Bulshale. A trial to determine whether they were entitled to damages ended Oct. 20 with the jury's judgment.

A 2013 lawsuit filed by U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said the men wouldn't deliver alcohol because it was against their religious values as practicing Muslims. The lawsuit claimed the company didn't provide them "with a reasonable accommodation and by terminating them because of their religion."

The Peoria Journal Star reports it's not clear whether the men will get the money because Star Transport has gone out of business.

So, if a person refuses to bake a cake for a gay wedding because of their Christian beliefs, they are NOT protected by the 1st Amendment, but if a Muslim refuses to drive a truck carrying alcohol he IS protected by the 1st Amendment?? The leftists are right: Our country does have a huge inequality problem, but it's the exact opposite of what they claim.

If you bring this up to a leftist, of course all they would say is, "Only a homophobic racist Nazi Islamophic inbred gun toting racist-y racist pig would ask such a racist-y Nazi racist question, you racist!"

10-31-15, 10:16
Am I "phobic" or racist" if something or someone disgusts me?

Answer: NO!

It's just another batch of BS labels the left uses as doing so doesn't require any thinking, just knee-jerk reaction...

10-31-15, 10:20
No standard like a double standard...

Dist. Expert 26
10-31-15, 10:32
I'm not even remotely surprised. The leftists here are doing the same thing their counterparts have done in Europe, bending over backwards to accommodate that backwards, cancerous religion. But you know what? I welcome it. Let them keep pandering to Islam. The chickens will come home to roost, and when they do it won't be pretty.

26 Inf
10-31-15, 10:50
I'll bet the Government didn't argue the case appropriately.

The prohibition is against consumption. They are likewise prohibited from consuming meat not killed in the name of Allah. Notice - consumption not delivery.

So these guys needed to be asked if they ever delivered meat, and if so only halal meat?

Ooops! Pretty sure a jury would see the implications and find the other way.

The meat thingie has always been there, the liquor thingie kind of snuck up on them 1) don't worship intoxicated; later 2) don't get intoxicated; and finally 3) don't drink intoxicating spirits.

All said and done, nothing against transport. In fact it should actually be encouraged to hasten the downfall of the non-Muslim. :p

I hate it when the allegedly Faithful of any Faith don't understand their Faith.

10-31-15, 11:00
I'll bet the Government didn't argue the case appropriately.

The prohibition is against consumption. They are likewise prohibited from consuming meat not killed in the name of Allah. Notice - consumption not delivery.

So these guys needed to be asked if they ever delivered meat, and if so only halal meat?

Ooops! Pretty sure a jury would see the implications and find the other way.

The meat thingie has always been there, the liquor thingie kind of snuck up on them 1) don't worship intoxicated; later 2) don't get intoxicated; and finally 3) don't drink intoxicating spirits.

All said and done, nothing against transport. In fact it should actually be encouraged to hasten the downfall of the non-Muslim. :p

This whole "can't even have it in the vehicle with you" is bullshit that American Muslims made up for no other reason than to be assholes. The serving of alcohol by Muslims is legal in many Muslim countries, so long as the alcohol is not served to other Muslims. This kind of stuff is the seeds of a American-born jihad: The enforcement of Sharia laws and Muslim practices on non-Muslims.

10-31-15, 11:16
Muslims in this country are nothing new. I'm sure Muslim truck drivers are nothing new. I find it "interesting" that this is just now becoming a problem.

I agree with the assessment that those guys are being assholes 100%.

10-31-15, 11:26
If they give a shit then why take these jobs?

I don't go to Mecca and beg for ham sandwiches.

Keep it in the Mosque, man.

10-31-15, 11:39
If they give a shit then why take these jobs?

I don't go to Mecca and beg for ham sandwiches.

Keep it in the Mosque, man.
You, sir, win the internet for the day.

10-31-15, 11:45
Bullshit. Get another ****ing job if you have an issue with completing the one you freely chose to work at.

I wonder if it was just a settlement in order to avoid an anti Muslim backlash.

Don't leave your shit country and come to mine and expect to make mine shitty like the one you escaped from.

26 Inf
10-31-15, 12:13
This whole "can't even have it in the vehicle with you" is bullshit that American Muslims made up for no other reason than to be assholes. The serving of alcohol by Muslims is legal in many Muslim countries, so long as the alcohol is not served to other Muslims. This kind of stuff is the seeds of a American-born jihad: The enforcement of Sharia laws and Muslim practices on non-Muslims.

This rolls right down the alley of my frustration. I work in an area of Amish folks. When I started working in the area 35 years ago the Amish folks drove buggies, and they farmed with either draft horses or tractors with steel wheels and rubber tread (to avoid tering up the roads). I was told that the steel wheels were used because God's spirit is in the air and they couldn't trap it. Alright, I could kind of understand that, I sing 'it's your breath in my lungs' at Church sometimes, so that is an extension. However, deer in the headlight look when I ask, if you cant put air into a tire, why is it okay to mix it with fuel, compress the mixture and burn it in your engines? I just accept that is their thing and it doesn't impact me.

About 15 years ago there was a schism between the Amish sect of non-air in tires and those that wanted air in the tires. They split and most of the non-air folks moved on. A new Bishop was appointed and this one told the folks essentially that you only have to drive buggies to worship, tractors, with air in the tires, are good to go for everything else.

So these folks are now driving their tractors like cars, to the local market, to the nearest larger town (15 miles - 30 round trip), hauling the boat to the lake, etc, except sometimes the driver is a 12 year-old, and sometimes they have kids in their lap, standing on the floorboards, or seated on the fenders of the tractor. Additionally, recently they have taken to either buying enclosed utility trailers or putting toppers on pickup bed trailers to haul passengers.

None of these tractors are registered/tagged, many of them aren't used for husbandry at all, they have tires mounted with the lugs running reversed for less road noise. On the highways they drive on the shoulder - you know where I am forbidden to drive. Kind of like I can't load the kids in my enclosed car hauler and head out, because, wait a minute, its illegal! I have a truck, how far do you think I'd get if I loaded the kids and grandkids in the back and took off down the highway, no tag, no insurance, driving on the shoulder at 35mph, with my four way flashers going? Not to ****ing far.

Like many states we have an implement of husbandry law - from the farmstead to the fields or between fields. But these Amish folks have local LE buffaloed, it's legal, it's their religion. Bullshit it's not their religion, it's their local Bishop.

My friends, there are bigger fish to fry then the Muslims!

On a serious note, this really does upset me, but at the same time I can understand how hard it is to try to be as disconnected as possible from the secular world. But dang, let them drive truck and cars they've taken the radio and a/c out of.

10-31-15, 12:55
The worst of the federal commissions and basically shake-down artists for "social change".

10-31-15, 13:14
If they give a shit then why take these jobs?

I don't go to Mecca and beg for ham sandwiches.

Keep it in the Mosque, man.

Yep, reminds me of the fat guy who tried to sue Hooters because they wouldn't hire him.

10-31-15, 13:19
Yep, reminds me of the fat guy who tried to sue Hooters because they wouldn't hire him.

To be fair, he did have the biggest boobs and best personality

10-31-15, 14:04
To be fair, he did have the biggest boobs and best personality
LOL :laugh:

10-31-15, 14:53
sadly the jury most likely left leaning loons who had no problem lying about who what they were to get in ?

but they(jury) would have then said OH they deserve a extra million for the meat they were forced to carry !

I'll bet the Government didn't argue the case appropriately.

The prohibition is against consumption. They are likewise prohibited from consuming meat not killed in the name of Allah. Notice - consumption not delivery.

So these guys needed to be asked if they ever delivered meat, and if so only halal meat?

Ooops! Pretty sure a jury would see the implications and find the other way.

The meat thingie has always been there, the liquor thingie kind of snuck up on them 1) don't worship intoxicated; later 2) don't get intoxicated; and finally 3) don't drink intoxicating spirits.

All said and done, nothing against transport. In fact it should actually be encouraged to hasten the downfall of the non-Muslim. :p

I hate it when the allegedly Faithful of any Faith don't understand their Faith.

11-01-15, 01:54

So, if a person refuses to bake a cake for a gay wedding because of their Christian beliefs, they are NOT protected by the 1st Amendment, but if a Muslim refuses to drive a truck carrying alcohol he IS protected by the 1st Amendment?? The leftists are right: Our country does have a huge inequality problem, but it's the exact opposite of what they claim.

If you bring this up to a leftist, of course all they would say is, "Only a homophobic racist Nazi Islamophic inbred gun toting racist-y racist pig would ask such a racist-y Nazi racist question, you racist!"

I wished I had Bill Gates money, I'd form a political sketch comedy troupe and have an army of attorneys on the payroll along with a professional film/production crew. I would go around the US with various actors pretending to be militant feminist going into muslim owned business and acting a fool and making demands. Then I'd pull the whole LGBT Trump card on them for various services. God, oops I mean allah I'd have so much fun.

I mean, I'm offended that I can't walk into a halal food mart and buy an issue of Hustler, a bottle of vodka, and some pork chops. But because I'm white, non-muslim, and straight that is not only okay it's L E G A L.

11-01-15, 06:21
Meanwhile, a Muslim owns the biggest liquor store in my hometown.

11-01-15, 20:37
How much more of this shit will we tolerate? How much more dimmi status will we accept in our own country?

11-01-15, 20:57
Meanwhile, a Muslim owns the biggest liquor store in my hometown.

Good business right there.

11-01-15, 22:12
Islam is not, nor should it ever be, considered special or unique.
It's just another religion among many others that, quite frankly, is most open to skepticism.

What makes Islam almost intolerable is their demands for special treatment and their rush to violence when they don't get their way.
Their fanatic, almost pathological, refusal to accept that people don't believe in their god and likely never will.

That other people should be beholden to their superstitions anywhere they decide to move. It's.....disheartening.

And acquiescence to their demands merely emboldens them.

And they are the only religion that does this. Christians show up do whatever and go home. Buddhists do whatever and go home. Hindus do whatever go home. Jews own the business but give you Christmas off do whatever and go home.

But dammit Muslims just don't seem to assimilate and won't as long as people appease them. Go to Mecca and do goofy shit. Have at it. But don't subject me to your goofy cults. I, like everyone else, got 99 problems

11-01-15, 23:08
Islam is not, nor should it ever be, considered special or unique.
It's just another religion among many others that, quite frankly, is most open to skepticism.

What makes Islam almost intolerable is their demands for special treatment and their rush to violence when they don't get their way.
Their fanatic, almost pathological, refusal to accept that people don't believe in their god and likely never will.

That other people should be beholden to their superstitions anywhere they decide to move. It's.....disheartening.

And acquiescence to their demands merely emboldens them.

And they are the only religion that does this. Christians show up do whatever and go home. Buddhists do whatever and go home. Hindus do whatever go home. Jews own the business but give you Christmas off do whatever and go home.

But dammit Muslims just don't seem to assimilate and won't as long as people appease them. Go to Mecca and do goofy shit. Have at it. But don't subject me to your goofy cults. I, like everyone else, got 99 problems

Christianity and Judaism, and most religions of the world for that matter, hold the expectation that they are going to be separate entities from the state. Most religions have the belief, often true, that they are or will be a persecuted minority. However, Islam is different; Muslims hold the belief that Islam is to be the dominant religion wherever it goes and has a holy mandate to seize power. As it is to be the dominant power, its laws and rules are expected to be followed by infidels as well as Muslims. Islamic religion and government are inseparable branches of system that are fused to one another. As such, anywhere they go, they'll expect us to follow their rules.

11-01-15, 23:57
And there is where we have problems.

Man, I don't gotta believe nothing. I have my own personal religious beliefs but one of my favorite radio shows was on a black Atlanta radio station (89.3) put on by this group called Black Non-believers. And they made a lot of cogent points about brainwash culture.

If your personal beliefs of faith cannot withstand harsh scrutiny then you are simply not so much having free faith but are effectively brainwashed.

11-02-15, 00:45
To be fair, he did have the biggest boobs and best personality

Still didn't look right in those orange shorts.

11-02-15, 00:50
Islam is not, nor should it ever be, considered special or unique.
It's just another religion among many others that, quite frankly, is most open to skepticism.

I don't even see it as a religion so much as a hateful ideology. Christian Identity is less violent and it is understood to be a racist group masking itself as a religion.

11-02-15, 12:33
The only people who truly understand Islam are Muslims and non-Muslims who have a problem with Islam. Religious freedom does not extend to controlling the actions of those who don't practice said religion. It's such a non-sequitur that I can't understand how even the most brain-dead liberals don't understand it. You're free to practice your religion in your mosque, your home, your business, etc. You are not free to exert your socio-religious form of control over those around you. The very idea of Dhimmitude is antithetical to the U.S. Constitution. If you believe in Dhimmitude, then you do not believe in religious freedom.

Until we have a national referendum that agrees Muslims are free to worship as they see fit, but they are not free to exercise the socio-political aspects of Islam outside their set (and are still subject to all applicable local, state and federal laws), then we will never have a grasp on the problem. :(

Dist. Expert 26
11-02-15, 16:35
Until we have a national referendum that agrees Muslims are free to worship as they see fit, but they are not free to exercise the socio-political aspects of Islam outside their set (and are still subject to all applicable local, state and federal laws), then we will never have a grasp on the problem. :(

Ummm excuse me? That would be OFFENSIVE! We can't do things that offend our Muslim friends, just ask the president.