View Full Version : The Auto Correct Thread

10-31-15, 21:37
I am simply amazed At the stuff the audio corvette my phot comes up with. I'm constantly having to go back and edit everything because the auto court changes the wrists on me. Half the time i can't figure out how it got that word from the one i typed in.

So, just for fun ,i thought I'd start a thread to birch and moan about the crazy things or phones come up with- andtrytotranslate. But there is s catch- you must post fromyour using the auto correct and cannot correct the auto correct. You have to post it just like it I'd- no editing

This should prove to be amusing

Mauser KAR98K
10-31-15, 21:39
Well this shkiid br awrdome.

10-31-15, 21:41
This is a bad ads ideas.

Alex V
10-31-15, 22:30
The one that upsets me the most is "ducking." No! It's supposed to have an F in it you stupid iPhone!!!

10-31-15, 22:35
The one that upsets me the most is "ducking." No! It's supposed to have an F in it you stupid iPhone!!!

Wait a minute- did toy type that without your auto correct screwing it up?- or did typy chat? Chat i mean chat chat- STUPID PHONE! CHAT! CHEAT! Did you cheat?

10-31-15, 22:37
My gf text her mom that I put her down for a HIV reference.

I was a job reference.

10-31-15, 23:26
I'll just put this right here.


10-31-15, 23:59
May I mambo dogface to the banana patch?

11-01-15, 00:12
What's worst than autocorrect is speech to text.
While driving I use blue tooth and the baby sitter sent me a text asking if she needed to watch the kid. I use Siri to read me the messages and to reply back. I said "No shouldn't need you." And Siri sent the message reading "no shit I need you."
Damn Siri can not understand my Texas accent.

Alex V
11-01-15, 08:44
Wait a minute- did toy type that without your auto correct screwing it up?- or did typy chat? Chat i mean chat chat- STUPID PHONE! CHAT! CHEAT! Did you cheat?

LOL. You can turn off autocorrect in Safari. Can't turn it on it the text messenger app.

There is a website dedicated to messed up and funny texts. Smartphowned dot com

11-01-15, 08:50
I'll just put this right here.

Most excellent contribution sir. Post of the day.....lol....

11-01-15, 08:56
This just printed what wrt already knew.that iPhone is the phone of the lgbt, swimger, and sexaholic community. My android world number let me write things like in tarkeg's link.(just kidding guys, but ios does seem moar perverted) That was funny as hell, I'm still laughing my danger as off. Just laid the baby sitter........hahaha

Danger zone! I had something for this.

11-01-15, 11:07
LOL. You can turn off autocorrect in Safari. Can't turn it on it the text messenger app.

There is a website dedicated to messed up and funny texts. Smartphowned dot com

So you DID chat! The sole idea of this thread is to posy using the auto correct without chowing the auto correct to see first hand what we come up with. While that Buzz Feed link is funny, you can tell most are not actual auto correct falls but settee were invented.

My phone is a Galaxy and the auto correct feature is built into swipe which i find easier to use than tapping each key.

So get with the program, mister! Turn your auto correct on and let the tips Cusack settee they may- let the cops fall sheets they may. Let the chips fall where they may

11-06-15, 00:42
I am now convinced that the auto correct in my phone is designed to prevent me from having an intelligent conversation. The more tsunami- I mean technical- the word, the heater- I mean harder it is to convince the auto correct that's what I want it to say. You'd think the phone was having to pay a tax for extra syllables