View Full Version : Crash of Russian flight caused by ISIS-planted bomb, US intellegence suggests

11-04-15, 14:30
It appears an explosive device may have brought down the jet liner. A dirt nap is due those responsible.

The latest U.S. intelligence suggests that the crash of Metrojet Flight 9268 was most likely caused by a bomb on the plane planted by ISIS or an ISIS affiliate, according to a U.S. official familiar with the matter.


11-04-15, 15:05
See....you don't want to piss off the Soviets. They actually take threats and violence seriously. Unlike some countries which I won't name..

11-04-15, 15:46
I see some Sarin Gas in someones future.........

11-04-15, 16:31
Im adding popcorn to the grocery list!

Dist. Expert 26
11-04-15, 19:04
Tomorrows headline- "Russian airstrikes kill 150,000 in Syria, ISIS surrenders".

Seriously though, I hope Putin brings the wrath of god down on those heathens. They should know better than to mess with a country where the leadership still has a pair.

11-04-15, 20:00
LOL, that whacky ISIS, is there anything they won't do?

...or be conveniently blamed for...

11-04-15, 20:04
Tomorrows headline- "Russian airstrikes kill 150,000 in Syria, ISIS surrenders".

Seriously though, I hope Putin brings the wrath of god down on those heathens. They should know better than to mess with a country where the leadership still has a pair.
Normally I don't wish the Russian success on anything, but instead of the wrath of God on ISIS, I hope they rain the fires of Hell down on those savages.

11-04-15, 20:39
I thought our Intel said it was highly unlikely just 2 days ago, or yesterday?

Now we say it was them?

11-04-15, 21:00
Well if the US would get the f#ck out of the way, the Russians will happily slaughter ISIS. Instead the US is too interested in overthrowing Asad so that a natural gas pipeline to Europe can be put in place and to make life easier for Israel. Pretty messed up when Al Quida is the so called Moderates.

11-04-15, 22:30
ISIS is about to get Putinized. Hey Obozo, take notes.

11-04-15, 22:55
Were all fighting and aiding the same enemy/friend at the same time. Let Russia keep ISIS/L and Asad, let's go home.

Dist. Expert 26
11-04-15, 23:06
Were all fighting and aiding the same enemy/friend at the same time. Let Russia keep ISIS/L and Asad, let's go home.

That would be nice wouldn't it? Unfortunately our current interventions in the middle east have exactly nothing to do with freedom or American values, but everything to do with money and Israel. I'm just glad I'm out so it won't be my family that has to suffer in the name of the dollar.

11-04-15, 23:09
That would be nice wouldn't it? Unfortunately our current interventions in the middle east have exactly nothing to do with freedom or American values, but everything to do with money and Israel. I'm just glad I'm out so it won't be my family that has to suffer in the name of the dollar.

But, but, but, the terrorists hate us for our eagles, freedom, and country music! We have to fight them there so we don't fight them here! The terrorists!!!!!

11-04-15, 23:10
We're red blooded, right thinking Americans.....and we're cheering on the Soviets.

God we messed up fundamentally bad somewhere.
But, yeah. The Russians they tend to go all in. They have an Army, a leader, and no tolerance for the BS.

11-04-15, 23:11
But, but, but, the terrorists hate us for our eagles, freedom, and country music! We have to fight them there so we don't fight them here! The terrorists!!!!!

I despise Islamic terrorism but yeah, I think we got BS'ed somewhere

Dist. Expert 26
11-04-15, 23:19
But, but, but, the terrorists hate us for our eagles, freedom, and country music! We have to fight them there so we don't fight them here! The terrorists!!!!!

I say let them come here. No ROEs, no living in the desert, sounds like my kind of war!

11-05-15, 14:00
If we had an intelligent President, he would resolve himself to the Assad regime, realize it's just the way things are, and let Putin clean house. An offer of logistical support would be nice unless you want to just give Iraq to Russia as well.

Pains me to consider how many people died to secure Iraqi cities for the opportunity to have Iraq form a modern, civilized government, but sadly they lacked the will or means to hold on to it and expected us to provide "forever" security.

Now because of the ineptitude on one president, everything is at risk of being lost.

11-05-15, 14:26
It appears an explosive device may have brought down the jet liner. A dirt nap is due those responsible.


Who these guys?


11-05-15, 15:31
The Russians are dismissing the idea of a bomb at this point, at least pubicly -


11-05-15, 15:50
We're red blooded, right thinking Americans.....and we're cheering on the Soviets.

God we messed up fundamentally bad somewhere.
But, yeah. The Russians they tend to go all in. They have an Army, a leader, and no tolerance for the BS.
It's rather hard to "cheer" for something that doesn't even exist don't you think?

No one is more surprised than I am that I find myself agreeing with Piers Morgan about anything.

"Putin is not a man given to moments of weakness or hesitation in such a showdown.

The former KGB agent is a ruthless, hard, uncompromising character who only understands one response to being threatened in such a brazen way.

He fights fire with more fire, guns with more guns, bombs with more bombs.

I would imagine the Kremlin is ablaze itself right now - with indignant fury.

Putin will want ISIS blood, and he will want it now.

And frankly, who would begrudge him it?

Sometimes, sadly, that is the only correct response to such a threat.

I don’t agree with much that the Russian leader stands for, not least his disgraceful recent antics in Ukraine.

But when it comes to dealing with ISIS, I think he’s shown more clarity of thought than the rest of the world leaders put together.

Or as he put it himself last month: ‘I think some of our partners simply have mush for brains’


11-05-15, 16:42
I know what you're trying to say but they'll always be Soviets and them tankers on the Ukrainian border flapping hammer and sickle flags in a morbid attempt at cuteness shows their intent.

Now are they Communist anymore? No. And they won't ever make that mistake again.

Are they projecting force outside their borders like they did during the Cold War? Yes. Perhaps even moreso.

Either way....someone pissed them off and will die horribly for it.

11-05-15, 17:36
Are they projecting force outside their borders like they did during the Cold War? Yes. Perhaps even moreso.

Are they "projecting force outside their borders" more than the United States is doing, or even to the same degree of the U.S.? No. Not even close.

11-05-15, 17:40
Belloc- Good two previous posts.

11-05-15, 18:07
I believe that Putin has a better understanding of the problem and how to deal with it than most world leaders. He will definitely initiate an appropriate response for the attack.

The U.S. and Russia are fighting a common adversary and I believe that at some point in the future the two countries will work together. I do not see it happening within the next one to two years.

11-05-15, 18:12
You'll simply have to forgive me if I am leery of the Russians no matter what they do.

11-05-15, 18:44
Are they "projecting force outside their borders" more than the United States is doing, or even to the same degree of the U.S.? No. Not even close.

Exactly. I would love to know how many people even know the Russian Navy's largest base outside Russia is in Syria and why they would think the Russians would give it up because ...Obama.

11-05-15, 19:41
Exactly. I would love to know how many people even know the Russian Navy's largest base outside Russia is in Syria and why they would think the Russians would give it up because ...Obama.

The CIA and U.S. state department staged a bloody coup to overthrow the democratically elected president of Ukraine, threatening Russian access to it's naval base of over 200 years at Sevastopol.

Now the U.S. is trying to topple the government in Syria, and is actually training, funding, and heavily arming, fundamentalist Islamic Jihadists so as to accomplish the task, thus threatening Russia's naval base in Tartus, Syria.

The government in Libya under Gaddafi was offering to host a naval base for Russia at Benghazi. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/nov/01/libya-russia-gadafy-united-states
But then we decided to bomb Libya and yet again violently institute "regime change".

The U.S. government has been using military force 'outside our borders' literally non-stop for the past quarter century.

11-05-15, 19:48
Syria has been a Soviet/Russian proxy for decades (hell, half a century or more). Iraq was too but they pushed the envelope with the Gulf War and then despite GW's hard-on for them they still thumbed their noses at us. Syria has not been as "in your face" as Iraq was. Sure, behind the scenes they harbored Hezbollah and thereby deserve some blame in the subsequent Beirut tragedy as well as being a conduit for bad guys during OIF. Not clean by any means but not as openly defiant or a thorn as Iraq was. Let the Russians do what they must and scrap overthrowing Assad. Concentrate any efforts you reluctantly must on Iraq.

11-05-15, 20:12
You'll simply have to forgive me if I am leery of the Russians no matter what they do.
It's perfectly within your right to allow the Russians to give you the heebie-jeebies all you want, but again I ask you, are they "projecting force outside their borders" more than the United States is doing, or even to the same degree of the U.S.?

The problem with the U.S. is that we no longer value and follow the ideals of our Founding Fathers, and look with scorn and ridicule to the principles they repeatedly and emphatically proclaimed as necessary for freedom and liberty to come forth and long endure. And there is a world in desperate need of those very same once cherished principles, what used to be our greatest export. And if we started teaching them again, and then following them, then we could once again export them around the world, and it is my belief that if exported to Russia with the open hand of friendship and increased economic partnership, what a future we could build then. Together we could wipe the cancer of ISIS off the face of the earth without great difficulty. Get back to the moon sooner, and then sooner to Mars. Get the global economy again growing.

We are regrettably once again missing a real and even historical opportunity here, and instead putting ourselves upon a path from which nothing good will come.


11-05-15, 20:32
I'm not going to even pretend to be an expert on foreign affairs nor what is even best for the world.

I will say that I liked it when, for a time, the Russians were licking themselves after their collapse. It was a great big relief.

I have personal hangups. I've met and shared several classes with Russians, and as individuals, they are okay. They were friendly. They were good guys.

As a country, as a government, as a global power. No. They will always make me uneasy.
We will never be allies. Not any time soon. Not ever.

Yeah, one way or another America has its hands in too many pots. Yep, maybe we are Imperialistic and maybe we ate too meddlesome.
But...this is where I'm a hypocrite. This is where I buy into American Exceptionalism.
Rightly or wrongly so.

But so far, it seems like we are getting weaker and fatter and they are getting more focused and stronger.

It may benefit us short term. On some level, I think they would do a better job than us because they don't have a wishy washy leadership and they play for keeps.

But.....if we went back to the days of Brinksmanship, with Obama or worse Hillary....we would be done for. It would make Carter look like a hawk.

I express my bias and concern because, I live here. In America. And, the Russians are notorious for inscrutability.

You raise some points. But, there it is. I'm not in any position to change the gears of the world. I simply don't want to see the nightmares of my youth come true in my middle age.

Within the last 2 years the Russians have been buzzing the California coast, threatening NATO jets, rocketed a civilian Jetliner, venturing into the Ukraine(a sovereign nation) and now the Middle East.

It may be mild compared to us, but still...they are resolute.

So. That's just my deal. On paper, US and Russia as allies would make a helluva team.

But...we both know that won't happen.

11-05-15, 20:37
The U.S. government has been using military force 'outside our borders' literally non-stop for the past quarter century. Longer than that. In 1984 I flew an armed helicopter taxi service for Special Operators, and plain clothes "civilians" in and out of El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. The Contras we were aiding, arming and supporting generally turned out to be responsible for some pretty nasty atrocities themselves. Nothing is clean and neat in these 3rd World shitholes.

11-05-15, 20:49
Let's be careful not to confuse the Russian people with the Russian Military and Government.

It seems a bit silly to squabble over political differences, when our "freedoms" are squandered annually by our political class, who desire the same power and control exerted over the people of Russia. While we still have a Constitution, we no longer have a political class that considers it anything more than a document, in their actions.

I'm no longer certain a Marxist ideologist is any different than a corrupt, money grubbing, whore capitalist. They are both unprincipled and will do whatever is necessary to maintain power and control populations as they see fit. The main difference is one controls the population with fear and the other with hand-outs. All the while, eroding the freedoms with an ever burgeoning volume of law.

"Progressives" like Obama and his ilk are no longer hiding their Marxism. Look no further than the popularity of Bernie Sanders with the youngsters, who are no longer capable of thinking for themselves and are force fed the Marxist agenda from Universities and the public school systems.

In the end, they get the Government they deserve just like us. 18% voter turnout in the recent local elections in these parts.

11-05-15, 20:53
No. Russian people are some of the most beautiful and moral people in the world.

Russian government can be horrifying. And I, like most people here I'd wager, are very frustrated with our government.
Obamacare being the prime example

11-05-15, 20:57
I thought our Intel said it was highly unlikely just 2 days ago, or yesterday?

Now we say it was them?

IIRC, they said that a missile attack was not the cause, it does not rule out the on board bomb. Many would agree that if ISIS had the capability of taking out a passenger jet at cruising altitude these events would be more common. Thank god that they are lacking in this capability.

Also what do you want to bet that the Ruskies are going to turn a mountain into a plain (or a plain into a canyon) once they find the organizers training camp location.

11-05-15, 23:31
No. Russian people are some of the most beautiful and moral people in the world.

Russian government can be horrifying. And I, like most people here I'd wager, are very frustrated with our government.
Obamacare being the prime example

I have the exact same misgivings about Putin and his government. But in the meantime, I look forward to the slaughter of ISIS. I think they finally screwed with the wrong bull.

11-06-15, 05:54
But so far, it seems like we are getting weaker and fatter and they are getting more focused and stronger.

1) Stop listening to jingoistic American media hype about the Russians. They stand in the way of some pretty nasty people here who pull the strings at a very high level. Here's a hint: whenever the CNN expert is "former CIA" he isn't. He's current CIA and probably at the studio to tell one of the hosts what to say.
2) No one said they wanted you to be friends with the Russians or trust their government. All that was said was there is a bigger picture and you have to zoom out to see it. Google "F*ck the EU and Nuland."
3) There are very public plans - talked about by both (R) and (D) administrations to break up Syria, Iraq and Turkey into smaller states. Google Kurdistan and Biden, for example. Hence my earlier - much scoffed at thread - The End Game is War with Iran.

11-06-15, 08:08
Belloc- Good two previous posts.

Thanks. Reading more from Mr. Morgen in his commentary:


"We’ve been here before, in the late 1930s when Hitler and his Nazis reared their ugly, fascist heads.

Groups like this don’t go away if unchallenged, they expand and get worse.

ISIS, like Hitler, wants to rule the world.

But where are the Churchill, Roosevelt or Truman to stop them?

Obama’s pathetic dithering and lack of meaningful action - he sent 50 special forces troops to Syria last week, as if that’s going to make a blind bit of difference - has allowed ISIS to seize a disturbingly firm grip on power in the Middle East.

British Prime Minister, David Cameron, is another who is big on talk, small on walk.

And I don’t see any other European leaders racing to confront ISIS.

So we’re left with Vladimir Putin, the most unlikely of heroes but someone who we now must all support.

Putin’s response to this Russian plane bombing is perhaps the single most critical moment so far in the war with ISIS.

If he’s true to his track record then he will be swift, vicious, merciless and utterly resolute in his desire to win.

ISIS has poked the bear, and whether we like him or not, we should all support the bear as he exacts due justice for his slain countrymen, women and children.

I am reminded of this cover from National Review.


11-06-15, 08:08
Pardon my absolute disbelief but at a time when Putin seems more resolute in fighting the Syrian Rebels rather than ISIS, ISIS decides to take out a Russian Airliner?
Cutting ones nose off to spite ones face?
This whole thing has a very bad smell to it.

11-06-15, 10:54
How about "We'll see"?

Are the Russians a threat or just another part of the world community?
'We'll see'

Is everything in the world fine?
'We'll see'

11-06-15, 10:59
Pardon my absolute disbelief but at a time when Putin seems more resolute in fighting the Syrian Rebels rather than ISIS, ISIS decides to take out a Russian Airliner?
Cutting ones nose off to spite ones face?
This whole thing has a very bad smell to it.

It is weird, as it seems the bombing is in our best interest. Russia focusing on ISIS, instead of CIA backed rebels and other groups more directly threatening Assad would distract them from that end. This would be to the benefit of any one who wants to see Assad fall so the pipe line goes through.

11-06-15, 20:41
It is weird, as it seems the bombing is in our best interest. Russia focusing on ISIS, instead of CIA backed rebels and other groups more directly threatening Assad would distract them from that end. This would be to the benefit of any one who wants to see Assad fall so the pipe line goes through.

Hmmmmmm, yup, pretty much.

11-07-15, 07:10
It is weird, as it seems the bombing is in our best interest. Russia focusing on ISIS, instead of CIA backed rebels and other groups more directly threatening Assad would distract them from that end. This would be to the benefit of any one who wants to see Assad fall so the pipe line goes through.


LOL, ISIS. Even the name is Intelligence Service...

11-07-15, 10:40
It is weird, as it seems the bombing is in our best interest. Russia focusing on ISIS, instead of CIA backed rebels and other groups more directly threatening Assad would distract them from that end. This would be to the benefit of any one who wants to see Assad fall so the pipe line goes through.

Isn't that what the american govt wants ? How can the cia decide who placed the bomb on board this early in the investigation half a world away. and ISIS magically appears out of no where without them knowing ?

11-07-15, 14:38
Man, there are some conspiracy theorists on here! A blast was heard on the data recorder. It was a flight from, gee, the Middle East(!). Okay, maybe convenient to blame ISIS specifically but my next paycheck says it has SOME connection to radical Islam.