View Full Version : Conversation with a "Pro 2A" Attorney...

11-05-15, 14:14
I had beers with a colleague of mine yesterday evening. He is an attorney. He is Pro 2A, kind of, sort of, I thought he really was- IN HIS MIND HE IS...

Let me preface this story by saying this gentleman is incredibly intelligent, well read and knowledgeable on SCOTUS rulings- he knows his shit. He owns AR's, high cap mags, Handguns, Rifles, Shotguns, etc; he has a CCW.

We sit down to some beers, talk about business and life- then we get to talking guns as we often do. And then he drops a bomb on me out of nowhere...

He tells me that congress should push for another assault weapons ban!!! What?!?!?!?!

I calmly ask why- he says that; "no one needs a death machine that's only purpose is for killing people swiftly. High capacity magazines allow people to mow down as many people as they like, there is no "sporting" or "Hunting" use for these types of weapons".

I reply that who is anyone to dictate the needs of anyone else? Does he need the Big ass truck that he owns? Does he need a cell phone? Does he need ALL the money he has accumulated? I also mention that 2A has never been about sporting or hunting.

He reply's: "My truck and my cell phone aren't going to kill 30+ people- they are not dangerous and the government isn't going to enslave you even if they wanted to you couldn't stop them- they have all the guns, bombs, tanks, etc".

To that I reply: Well, you could easily kill many people with your truck, by accident, by negligence, etc. And that our govt/military can''t even keep a bunch of cave men with 50 year old AK's under control- how would they keep the most well trained and well armed people in the world under control? He says the military and LEO's would- I say maybe some, but most would grab gear and be fighting on MY side- not .gov side.

He says that is BS- his truck has many uses not just killing. I tell him my AR has many uses not just for killing- I've shot thousands of rounds through tens of rifles and they have never once been used to kill anything at all.

I go through the list of why he is wrong, how his logic is flawed and how he is ignorant of many facts; I provide him with said facts.

I tell him how the last AW ban did nothing to curb crime, I ask him if he believes mass shootings are on the rise, he says "DEFINITELY"; I show him they are not and they are flat, he says it doesn't matter, I tell him that an AR is actually one of the best SD & HD weapons available, and in my first choice.

HE says there is nothing I could do with an AR that I couldn't do with a shotgun- to that I ask- well should we outlaw shotguns as well then?

He says- no they are for hunting and sporting- I say that's not what 2A is about- he says the founding fathers could never have fathomed a device such as an assault rifle that could kill so easily and they didn't intend for 2A to protect anything other than muskets- they couldn't even comprehend automatic weapons he says- I tell him that there were rifles capable of multiple shots at the time and they were aware of them.

We go back and forth over every aspect of this debate for a few hours and more than a few beers.

Then I get into the intent of the Constitution, and he says "Bearing arms" doesn't mean to carry them, it just means to have them- I almost spit beer at this one. Keep and Bear arms is quite clear and the "And" was used to separate them as individual rights. He says- nope, that's not what it means and 2A really legally only applies to us keeping guns in our homes- open carry and CC are unconstitutional- WHAT?!?!?!?!

He says CCW laws are only 10 years old- I fill him in that carrying in whatever fashion you liked was a right for hundreds of years except in very limited cases up until anti CCW laws were passed- he says- nope.

We go back and forth for a long time- I finally ask him why he feels so strongly about this. "I changed my mind when I had a daughter- mI'm afraid of some whacko going to her school and shooting the place up with an Assault rifle..."

So we discuss protecting schools- I comment on how teachers should be armed and trained and he says that would be even more dangerous and I am crazy for thinking that.

I ask why we guard our money with guns and our children with "Gun free zones signs" how often do we see mass shootings happen at banks and areas where there are armed guards- he says we guard money with guns because bad guys try to steal the money- I ask well didn't you just say mass shootings are on the rise and obviously you are afraid of one happening at your daughters school- so would it be correct to say bad guys go to schools to kill kids as well? Yeah, but arming teachers won't stop them- that will just cause negligent deaths. The police are the ones there to stop mass shootings- we need to take the tools aaway from shooters that make it so easy to kill so quickly.

I show him how the only way to stop someone with a gun who is killing people is to have someone shoot at that person and kill them- so why would we not have someone trained and ready to do just that- who is on scene all day and there is not wait for police response and multiple children to die from said wait- he says I am repeating talking points from Fox new and I watch it too much. I say no I am not- these are real opinions I hold- I don't even watch the damn news. It is a fact that active shooters are only stopped when rounds get sent back there way- so logically wouldn't it make sense to have someone ON SITE to be able to get rounds on target quickly before said shooter has a chance to kill so many? He still maintains that it would be mor dangerous and we would see more deaths from such policies than the Mass shooters cause...

We finish our conversation with a discussion on SCOTUS and it's rulings as of late. I wanted to get away from the gun talk for a moment ass it was getting a bit heated; we were both very respectful and calm in our debate- but both are passionate and you know how that goes when booze is involved. We went back and forth and I killed every argument he made- so I figured lets just leave it at that and maintain our friendship and business relationship..

As we walk out the door- he says- you made some really good points; I enjoyed this conversation and I have to admit I am swayed by it a bit. I still think we should ban AW's because there is no use for them other than killing- but I don't think it would stop anyone from hurting a lot of people if they were banned.

I told him nothing is going to stop people from hurting others except for individuals who have the mindset, tools and proximity to stop it by force.

It was disheartening to learn this man has abandoned logic for emotion and holds these anit-gun opinions- being pro 2A but wanting to ban items he himself owns.

It was somewhat hopeful to have him admit to some of his ignorance, but he is still not abandoning his emotion/opinion of getting rid of High-Caps and AW's.

All in all it was a win for me due to the fact I was debating a man who debates for a living and cleaned the floor with him so to speak. But it really got me fired up at the same time- that even incredibly intelligent, erudite logical people- a gun guy no less; can fall for the emotional BS and hold anti-gun opinions.

Had to talk about it as it has been nagging on me all day.

11-05-15, 14:22
If AR's are only for killing and that's the major thrust of his argument, does he consider a concealed carry weapon something to mash potatoes with?

If he's married, is his wife a liberal?

If so, she may be clogging his brain with their emotional based anti-gun nonsense.

11-05-15, 15:11
I dislike your friend immensely

11-05-15, 15:17
I had beers with a colleague of mine yesterday evening. He is an attorney. He is Pro 2A, kind of, sort of, I thought he really was- IN HIS MIND HE IS...

Let me preface this story by saying this gentleman is incredibly intelligent......

You and I must have a very different definition of "incredibly intelligent".

11-05-15, 15:19
You and I must have a very different definition of "incredibly intelligent".

That's the thing; he is very intelligent in many focuses and disciplines; he is INCREDIBLY ignorant for holding these idiot opinions though.

That's also why it was so discouraging to hear the man spew this ignorance. I respect him, I can have very sophisticated conversations about complex issues and ideals with him and our conversations are quite in depth.

Yesterday definitely changed my overall opinion of the man...

11-05-15, 15:26
If AR's are only for killing and that's the major thrust of his argument, does he consider a concealed carry weapon something to mash potatoes with?

If he's married, is his wife a liberal?

If so, she may be clogging his brain with their emotional based anti-gun nonsense.

ARs are for killing, destroying, and practicing killing or destroying. It's their purpose in existence and they do a very good job of it.

The thing is, there are legal and moral uses for such a tool.

11-05-15, 15:28
Just another anti-gun douche-bag.

Dist. Expert 26
11-05-15, 15:39
I got into a similar argument a few weeks ago with a guy I served with (calling him a friend would be a stretch). He spouted off much of the same bullshit, AR's are only for killing, magazine size should be regulated and so on, but then he claimed to be on my side. I told him flat out that if you aren't 100% supportive of the 2nd amendment then you are the problem, and we are most definitely not on the same side. He got butthurt and defensive, but of course he couldn't logically negate a single one of my points.

I firmly believe that the greatest threat to our freedoms doesn't come from the leftists, but from those that pretend to be on our side and are willing to "compromise" our rights away.

11-05-15, 15:40
I am appalled but not surprised at all. Disgusting to think about.

I have these discussions with people on a regular basis. Same result as yours everytime.

11-05-15, 15:43
People despise lawyers for a reason.
Liars for Hire.

I have no friends in this godless world and am better off for it.

11-05-15, 15:49
He's not "intelligent". He's "educated". These two attributes don't always go hand-in-hand. Having a doctorate from every Ivy League school doesn't necessarily mean the person is able to pour piss out of a boot with instructions on the heel. There's no logic or actual reasoning to such people's mindset; just a bunch of quotes and statistics that, though they quote them at the drop of a hat, they don't even comprehend.

Straight Shooter
11-05-15, 16:02
Its my belief & experience that just the every day, non shooting, non gun owning public just want to see these mass shootings..especially the school shootings..to stop. And they really, ignorantly believe an AWB would be effective, cause the 5th Column..Im sorry, the "media" tell it to them all day, every day. They see the beautiful faces of these wee ones murdered so brutally that they just want..SOMETHING...done. My/our rights be damned. Most of them have never ever heard the other side of the story, our side, as OP so eloquently laid it on his friend. The man just had a child. Doesn't want anything to happen to her. Ok, love like that could be affecting his rational thought process. He may/may not come around in a bit. He is flat, 100% wrong and WE know it.
OP...keep up the facts & stats. Tell him and everybody-the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy or guys with a gun.
Outside of that..I wouldn't lose the friendship over it. Just my .02.

11-05-15, 16:31
You and I must have a very different definition of "incredibly intelligent".

That is very correct. He may be able to play a game well, law is a game with a set of rules that have nothing to do with knowledge, that doesn't make him any more intelligent then those in the NBA or NFL. They are good at games, most are not intelligent or even close to even being considered smart.

Intelligence is being able to look at information, process it, and understand it. It doesn't seem like he fits into that category.

The sad part it that I am sure that many people mistakingly think that he is intelligent much like NBA players are heroes.

11-05-15, 16:51
Another member sent the below link to me via PM- he doesn't have enough posts to post in the GD forum. He said it was okay for me to post in his place. Thanks Fledge!!


11-05-15, 17:23
He's not "intelligent". He's "educated". These two attributes don't always go hand-in-hand. Having a doctorate from every Ivy League school doesn't necessarily mean the person is able to pour piss out of a boot with instructions on the heel. There's no logic or actual reasoning to such people's mindset; just a bunch of quotes and statistics that, though they quote them at the drop of a hat, they don't even comprehend.

I deal with some very "Educated" people on occasion in my line of work. Most have zero common sense, live in lala land, and often times don't understand the english language or common terms, like gender(I had an "educated" individual argue with me about gender being nothing more than a social construct. That was interesting.), Pension(What is that? Is the most common response to that for those with Master's degrees and above), and bunches more. These "educated" people are generally about as bad to deal with when trying to get simple terms across as are those who have education before 6th grade levels, at least in so much as the questions I get from both groups are pretty similar. The entitlement mentality tends to be about the same too.

11-05-15, 17:24
That is very correct. He may be able to play a game well, law is a game with a set of rules that have nothing to do with knowledge, that doesn't make him any more intelligent then those in the NBA or NFL. They are good at games, most are not intelligent or even close to even being considered smart.

Intelligence is being able to look at information, process it, and understand it. It doesn't seem like he fits into that category.

The sad part it that I am sure that many people mistakingly think that he is intelligent much like NBA players are heroes.

Having been to law school, knowing a ton of lawyers my age, and knowing a ton of lawyers a generation older than I as my parents are lawyers and many of their friends are as well... to say that law is a game that doesn't require knowledge is very ignorant.

Many are good at the game that is the legal system, but most lawyers don't work in litigation nor prosecution/defense.

Are they intelligent? If intelligence is logic and reasoning, I'd say they are more logical than the population average. But they have a great memory as a general rule, as it requires remembering a ton of random things and they generally have a very good work ethic.

Are they vastly more intelligent? Not as a general rule, no. There are a spectrum of lawyers, like there are a spectrum of doctors, military members, LEOs, and everything else. Some are very intelligent, others are just enough to memorize a bunch of random information such that they can pass the bar exam. That does mean there is generally a cap at how low their intelligence can be while still being a lawyer, but many barely meet that bar.

However, I will say that many self-described logical and intelligent people have issues that are entirely emotional and illogical. That just means you're human. Gun control is one such issue. Religion is another.

11-05-15, 17:43
One can be intelligent and well educated without being wise. What we are seeing here is someone who has allowed their better judgement to be clouded by their fear

11-05-15, 17:45
I spoke to an Attorney during my divorce and he told me "You need the best Attorney that you cannot afford and I'm "that guy"." Brilliant Man, and he CC'ed a 1911 A1 in California. I knew this guy had some juice and wasn't just blowing smoke, get that gun inside an office building let alone a court room and obviously you have friends in high places.
I walked as unscathed as possible, but the learning point to me was, it's about connections and money.
My learning point on this was that money is the bottom line, or was the bottom line to this guy.
My learning point to this was influenced by three things;
1) His rabid dog defense when it counted.
2) A connected Uncle of mine told me "if you stack enough cash on the table, the bastards always see things your way."
3) A payment plan that I made ten payments to.
The point being so what does an Attorneys concise and values cost you?
If he suddenly had to defend you and there was X amount of dollars on that table, would he suddenly have a change of heart? Does his scale suddenly slide based upon another zero added to the check?
As many of these guys go in to the political arena, I'm guessing Yes.

11-05-15, 17:55

Recently had a prob. w/a contractor. Went to best law firm. Flat out told didn't take cases less than 50K. Pulled out wad of cash I had brought and lo and behold, firm took the case. WAY less than a 50K suit.

11-05-15, 18:11
I had beers with a colleague of mine yesterday evening. He is an attorney. He is Pro 2A, kind of, sort of, I thought he really was- IN HIS MIND HE IS...

Let me preface this story by saying this gentleman is incredibly intelligent, well read and knowledgeable on SCOTUS rulings- he knows his shit. He owns AR's, high cap mags, Handguns, Rifles, Shotguns, etc; he has a CCW.

We sit down to some beers, talk about business and life- then we get to talking guns as we often do. And then he drops a bomb on me out of nowhere...

He tells me that congress should push for another assault weapons ban!!! What?!?!?!?!

I calmly ask why- he says that; "no one needs a death machine that's only purpose is for killing people swiftly. High capacity magazines allow people to mow down as many people as they like, there is no "sporting" or "Hunting" use for these types of weapons".

If your recounting of the exchange is faithful (and I have no reason to doubt it isn't), then the problem with this "gentleman" is that he himself is a casualty of what I consider the great blight of this increasingly abhorrent age, that being the intellectual effeminization and perpetual emotional and psychological adolescence of the American "man", as blatantly evidenced in this particular case with his emotive and petulant disputation in using the phrase "death machine" as well as the rest of the reported verbal sequence in your exchange.

An increasing percentage of American adult males do not think like men. They do not reason like men. Nor do they even dress like they are adults. And they have absolutely no comprehension whatsoever, (much less devotion) to the cardinal virtues that were still recognised and practiced only two generations ago.

Those who neither reason nor behave as men, will little understand the tools of men.


11-05-15, 19:27
converstations with a non racist christian leader known as obama

sorry your buddy is a leftist and they lie and have no problem lying because they have no morals at all and no basis what a lie is as long as they are above you and get ahead

should say talking with my leftist buddy who wants gun control would be better

11-05-15, 19:36
Sad but this is the way most people like him think, especially those who practice law and work in government

11-05-15, 19:49
He might be very literate, and academically well-versed, but he is also incredibly intellectually dishonest (no wonder he's a good lawyer.)

Tell your "friend" that if he's serious about supporting another federal AWB, the first thing he needs to do is get rid of his ARs, all magazines >10rds, and anything with "evil gun" features.

I'm sure the very next thing he will do will be to turn them into local LE. :rolleyes:

11-05-15, 20:41
He owns AR's, high cap mags, Handguns, Rifles, Shotguns, etc; he has a CCW.

Rank Hypocrisy. Possibly of the version "I got mine so Screw You All!" Maintaining a calm and thoughtful composure while you demolish his arguments will make him far more receptive to changing his view. There are also firearm use statistics that you can bring up. Defensive Firearm Use vs. Firearms used in Criminal Homicides. Make him face the actual numbers of times a semi-auto rifle has been used to kill someone let alone be used in a hold up. In addition, bring up the fact that he (probably) lives an affluent lifestyle so his children's chances of ever being caught in a shooting event are incredibly low, much lower than dying in an automobile collision or dying from a fall.

11-05-15, 22:07
Having been to law school, knowing a ton of lawyers my age, and knowing a ton of lawyers a generation older than I as my parents are lawyers and many of their friends are as well... to say that law is a game that doesn't require knowledge is very ignorant.

I do not resort to name calling, did you learn that at law school. :jester:

You are correct in the fact that I should not have use the word knowledge, I should have used the word intellect.

I know many attorneys, most of my family are attorneys. It is a game, there are a set of rules and there is strategy to play it. Just because you are smarter or correct doesn't mean that you are going to win. There is also showmanship involved. Do you need to know law to play the game, yes. You also have to know the rules of the court to the game to play. The same can be said for the players in the NFL. Is that any form of intellect or is it just memorizing a set of plays. Remember that rote memorization is the lowest form of learning. Knowing information doesn't equate to intellect.

If you took offence to my post then I am sorry.

11-05-15, 23:30
I just took a class on reasoning and defense of positions. The key is to:

-Make them argue against their own positions but using the "Colombo tactic". Keep asking questions and make them have to give reasons for their view. Ask things like "What do you mean by that?" when the use catchphrases and soundbites. Avoid answering questions or giving facts and statistics, as they'll only counter with more illogical rhetoric.

-Take off the roof: Bring their points to extreme conclusions (ex. "So, you're saying if some home invader kicked down my door, and he was armed with an assault rifle, I would be evenly matched if I did NOT have an assault rifle?")

-Don't let them steamroll you. If they are constantly trying to change the subject, throw you off, interrupt, talk over you, etc, make sure you respectfully stand your ground. Walk away if they refuse to calm the hell down.

The key is to make them talk themselves out of their own position. If your position is one based on logic and reason the opposing opinion is not, your opponent will either have to be honest with himself and change his mind, attempt to shut you up by steamrolling you and turning to ad hominum attacks.

11-05-15, 23:39
I calmly ask why- he says that; "no one needs a death machine that's only purpose is for killing people swiftly. High capacity magazines allow people to mow down as many people as they like, there is no "sporting" or "Hunting" use for these types of weapons".

Sounds like somebody should take HIS guns away.

I don't hunt and my guns aren't for sport. They are defensive weapons and he can go **** himself as he is basically suggesting I am a killer for owning them.

I don't want any kind of limits on how many chances I get to defend myself, especially against criminals who don't follow the law.

I will consider having my rights restricted when he agrees to have his voting rights moderated and severe limits placed upon what kind of law he is allowed to practice. Lawyers have killed more people with their practice of law than all of my guns combined.

11-06-15, 00:46
Through out recorded history after the spark of revolution lit dark corners of the world, community members/citizens deemed enemies of the state were rounded up.

Once the US goes critical mass I surmise there will be a culling of attorneys, the judiciary, academia, journalists, and bankers.

11-06-15, 01:55
I thought you said he was Pro 2A and smart...sounds more like a liberal douche.

11-06-15, 06:18
Anyone who says they know the founders "Intent" on the Second Amendment had better be able to speak from the Federalist Papers. They are the record of public debate leading up to the constitutional convention:


11-06-15, 06:56
My wife and I were having a conversation recently on school shootings and what it means for our daughters. We did a bit of poking around about school shootings and if memory serves found first record of it in the 20s or 30s in the US. Then, again if memory serves, there were more school shootings in the 10 year Clinton ban window then there have been since its sunset to present day. Either we've forgotten about those as a society or they weren't publicized. Either way, statistically school shoots are not on the rise at least of yet.

Big A
11-06-15, 08:10
Tell your buddy to stop being a hypocrite and sell off all his guns that aren't O/U shotguns or bolt action deer rifles.

11-06-15, 09:32
I'm going with you liar friend sounds like a dill hole liberal hypocrite.

Owns them, but says others shouldn't.......... Mmkay......