View Full Version : Stockholm Syndrome Epidemic

11-06-15, 03:39
The Sheeple have taken over. Look at how the Left has, yet again, made a victim and hero out of a Taliban terrorist.



So much to say about this.
a) Leftists love Muslim terrorist traitors.
b) Learn about this twat, Amanda Lindhout

Her beta boyfriend talking about things, including his wonderful praise towards Somalians, the Somalian community and how he harbors no hate toward his captors. He imagines "doing yoga" with his teenage captors:

The arrest of one of her captors/rapists, and possibly the father of her son (makes me sick to say that):
Abort that shit. ****ing rapists should not be allowed to infect the population with their vile genetic material.

This stupid cunt of a waitress (not knocking all waitresses, by the way) just got up and decided to become a "war correspondent", went with her boyfriend, and apparently some members of her family, got kidnapped, raped repeatedly (in front of said boyfriend and family) by Muslims savages, then bankrupted her and her boyfriend's families to pay ransom to said savages. Then came back, probably severely psychologically damaged, and is now on a crusade of forgiveness, compassion, and generally being a Sheeple twat.

On the one hand, I feel sorry for her and what she and her family went through.
On the other hand, **** her. **** forgiveness. The only cure for this savagery is a bullet to the head, or a JDAM to their house while they sleep.
The savages are LAUGHING at us while we pander, forgive, beg, hand over Millions of $, and over-complicate very simple situations.
People have forgotten that it's either us or them. Predator or prey.

These people are seriously mentally disturbed. I feel pity for them, but we should not be embracing and perpetuating their mental disorders as if they are healthy and desirable.

Feel free to discuss/vent. Holy shit this is unreal.

11-06-15, 05:37
I dont feel sorry for anyone who get themselves into the mess to begin with and then blames something else

this is the left we are talking about ? the same left that in past created the KKK put Americans into internment camps and got us into both world wars and have done so many other things ?
the same one who say there favorite person is someone who has killed over 50 million of there own people and they look up to that kinda leader OK so maybe only 40 million deaths ? but then again some say 70 million which I am sure gets some of the left all excited at the prospects of destroying anyone who does not drink the kool-aid they are serving !!!

sadly nothing shocks me anymore

11-06-15, 11:13
People think it is easier to give up

11-06-15, 15:49
I always look at many of the movies of the jews running into big pits to be shot and think what happened ?
are there movies of them say 30-40 in a truck jumping out and fighting ?
the sheer number at the train stations when you do know what is going to happen why not attack in mass give it a shot etc...

I can see the lead up to the control and things that happen as it seems to be happening here but there has to be a point you realize you have to fight ?

People think it is easier to give up

Dist. Expert 26
11-06-15, 18:29
I always look at many of the movies of the jews running into big pits to be shot and think what happened ?
are there movies of them say 30-40 in a truck jumping out and fighting ?
the sheer number at the train stations when you do know what is going to happen why not attack in mass give it a shot etc...

I can see the lead up to the control and things that happen as it seems to be happening here but there has to be a point you realize you have to fight ?

The short answer is no. I read a book about Auschwitz that was written by a Jewish doctor who worked in the camp. The sonderkommando, prisoners who worked in the crematoriums, were in a great spot to resist as they were well fed and relatively unsupervised. There was only one instance where it actually happened. The rest just allowed themselves to be killed.

11-06-15, 19:04
There was only one instance where it actually happened. The rest just allowed themselves to be killed.

Wrong, my NC brother.:D

There were over a hundred uprisings and the total is thought to be much higher. Germans couldn't have it get out that the pesky under humans could cause them problems. Had several relatives that participated.

Many acts of defiance and resistance by Jews against their oppressors; can't say Nazi's b/c the systematic mistreatment, cruelty, and death of Jews was carried out by multiple nationalities.

Jewish defiance and resistance is actually one of the greatest widely unknown stories still left about WWII.

11-06-15, 19:29
The movie Defiance comes to mind about Jewish resistance..

Dist. Expert 26
11-06-15, 19:31
Wrong, my NC brother.:D

There were over a hundred uprisings and the total is thought to be much higher. Germans couldn't have it get out that the pesky under humans could cause them problems. Had several relatives that participated.

Many acts of defiance and resistance by Jews against their oppressors; can't say Nazi's b/c the systematic mistreatment, cruelty, and death of Jews was carried out by multiple nationalities.

Jewish defiance and resistance is actually one of the greatest widely unknown stories still left about WWII.

I was referencing the sonderkommando at Auschwitz specifically, not the Jewish population as a whole.

That being said, while there were some acts of resistance, they weren't nearly as commonplace as they should have been, particularly in the camps themselves. The author of the book I referenced attributed this to the idea that people are extremely resistant to admit that their protective bubble has popped and they actually have to take action.

11-06-15, 19:43
Cognitive dissonance certainly played a role but to attribute that as the only reason is disingenuous.

Dist. Expert 26
11-06-15, 19:50
I never said it was the only reason, I simply referenced what the author of a book on the subject thought. It is the most viable explanation though, given that many Jewish inmates thought it more important to smuggle and hide jewelry than weapons or tools that might aid in escape.

11-06-15, 22:51
Disclaimer: I cannot view youtube at work. I have not read Lindhout's book, nor have I read the excerpt in NYT magazine.

While I feel no sympathy for her placing herself at risk, she did experience a lot of trauma on several different levels. Lindhout, no doubt, is/was seeking therapy. Depending on the therapist, she may simply be following the recommendation(s) of her therapist in helping her to cope. I can't presume what is going on in her mind. I probably wouldn't want to know. I wouldn't necessarily place her in the same group as sheeple for following the advice of someone who is "helping" her deal with the experiences she has faced [partially by her own hand, I might add].

As for the ex, I'll have to see the video to guess why he's referencing yoga. It's pretty obvious [to me] that he lacks any sort of resemblance to the "alpha male" mentality.

While I do place blame on her and whoever else accommodated their trip, I also understand the hatred for those particular Somalis. I detest everyone who intentionally harm those who are weaker than they.

Her forgiveness is her own choice. While I cannot fathom it, I can neither pass judgment on it. Would it be my course of action? Absolutely not; but I'm a man--and a man who values common sense and loyalty above my own life.

If, after I watch the videos, I feel differently; I will edit this post.

11-06-15, 23:05
Ever see them tattoos that say "Only God Can Judge"?

Well...sometimes only God can forgive. But if I were held and tortured....I'd get stronger and come back a whole world away wanting a little payback.

Some people may sip wine, do yoga, and say 'Namaste'.

And some people just get hard ons.

11-06-15, 23:09
I was referencing the sonderkommando at Auschwitz specifically, not the Jewish population as a whole.

That being said, while there were some acts of resistance, they weren't nearly as commonplace as they should have been, particularly in the camps themselves. The author of the book I referenced attributed this to the idea that people are extremely resistant to admit that their protective bubble has popped and they actually have to take action.
Yea, but when your malnourished to the extreme I can't imagine one has enough energy to do anything other than barely cling to life. Idk..

11-06-15, 23:21
Might be mean but "better them than somebody who did nothing to contribute to the situation."

Some people I will never understand.

11-06-15, 23:26
Well...sometimes only God can forgive.

I whole-heartedly agree.

Dist. Expert 26
11-07-15, 00:35
Yea, but when your malnourished to the extreme I can't imagine one has enough energy to do anything other than barely cling to life. Idk..

At that point its understandable, however when the roundups and deportations started that wasn't the case. I guess some people just don't have the will to fight.

11-07-15, 02:07
The radical left and radical Islam have history, during the Holy Land Foundation trial documents were discovered detailing the left's use of radial Islam to usher in the fall of the West, CAIR's use of the term "Islomaphobia" and the left's tactic of the use of "racism".

We are seeing that reality come to pass NOW in Europe as the latest Islamic conquest is right out of the Cloward-Piven strategy of orchestrated crisis. Again, who was promoting the Muslim Brotherhood's "Arab Spring" . . . Barry from Honolulu and Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's wife.

11-07-15, 02:17
At that point its understandable, however when the roundups and deportations started that wasn't the case. I guess some people just don't have the will to fight.

In fairness, I'm not sure they believed anything other than the stories of relocation and work camps. By the time they found out it was something else, well the time to do any meaningful fighting had largely come and gone.

And even in the camps, many still had loved ones they were trying to protect as long as possible.

So the lesson is to never permit the state to have authority over the individual in terms of rights and freedoms. Never get on the train, never get on the truck...it isn't going anyplace you really want to go.

When they start relocating people against their will, that is when it's time to start shooting.

Mauser KAR98K
11-07-15, 09:13
How do you kill 11 million people?

You lie to them.

Dist. Expert 26
11-07-15, 11:51
When they start relocating people against their will, that is when it's time to start shooting.

My thoughts exactly.

11-07-15, 19:23
In fairness, I'm not sure they believed anything other than the stories of relocation and work camps. By the time they found out it was something else, well the time to do any meaningful fighting had largely come and gone.

And even in the camps, many still had loved ones they were trying to protect as long as possible.

So the lesson is to never permit the state to have authority over the individual in terms of rights and freedoms. Never get on the train, never get on the truck...it isn't going anyplace you really want to go.

When they start relocating people against their will, that is when it's time to start shooting.

Things like this don't happen overnight. They come in stages. This is so that it doesn't feel sudden, and also so that in the final stages the victims are disarmed, isolated and morally broken.
Gun control, registration (both of guns and people), putting the squeeze on people slowly (people have mouths to feed, so threatening job loss if not compliant) are all examples of this.

All of this is of course cloaked in good intentions and pleasant sounding stated purposes. Register your guns for the safety of children, etc.
It's hard to simply not get on the train when you have a family, young children, old people, etc. that rely on you. Unless you literally bug out into the wilderness/forest (as a few did) you are screwed.

The Left is sick in the head, but they are slick, professional and dangerous sociopaths. They engineer crises to advance their agendas.
The swarming of the West by "refugees" from the Muslim world is textbook Cloward-Piven strategy.