View Full Version : (NSFW) Can we get something straight about "transgenders" and "transsexuals"? (NSFW)

11-07-15, 07:46

There, got that off my chest. So forget calling BRUCE Jenner "Caitlyn" or "she". He will ALWAYS be a "he". Chaz Bono will ALWAYS be a "she". Get it? Don't play along, buck the system 'cause it's wrong!

Mauser KAR98K
11-07-15, 09:08
Back in the day, we just called them crazy, or hookers.

11-07-15, 09:21
straight about "transgenders" and "transsexuals"

Ha, ha.

I don't spend any time thinking about these hormone hobbyists. You feel that way, fine, run with it. I. Don't. Care. Just stop trying to make me say that it is fine and a great idea. It's interesting to watch my kids, at the ages of around eight, start to see the edges of society and their innate, "What in the hell is that oddness". I just tell them that life in our society is like a crazy movie and they are just seeing the movie trailer right now.

11-07-15, 09:24
Crazy kids these days - they'll buy into anything for attention... Yes, it is disturbing.


11-07-15, 09:44
If that lifestyle floats your boat then go for it. Just don't expect me to embrace it and call a he a she or vice versa.

diving dave
11-07-15, 09:49
Im of the same opinion, if it makes them happy then go for it. Just dont expect me to say how fantastic it is. I about threw up when some in the media were fawning how brave Jenner was....Sorry, our troops downrange are the brave ones, why isnt the spotlight on them?

11-07-15, 10:50
Added NSFW label, one over the top post deleted with infraction, and this thread looks like it's doomed in another page or two.

Best hope: Hurriedly find some intelligent discussion on the topic to redeem it.

11-07-15, 11:11
Im of the same opinion, if it makes them happy then go for it. Just dont expect me to say how fantastic it is. I about threw up when some in the media were fawning how brave Jenner was....Sorry, our troops downrange are the brave ones, why isnt the spotlight on them?

One must be brave to let a scalpel near one's manhood.:stop:

26 Inf
11-07-15, 11:11
Added NSFW label, one over the top post deleted with infraction, and this thread looks like it's doomed in another page or two.

Best hope: Hurriedly find some intelligent discussion on the topic to redeem it.

Here is my best shot:

I've read several stories regarding transgender folks in the last couple of days. There doesn't seem to be any consistency across the board as to whether a 'transgender man' is a woman who identifies as a man, or a man who identifies as a woman. Are there any generally accepted rules?

For example - there was a story regarding a guy who kicked a transgender man out of his car late at night and then struck the transgender man as he drove away. So is this a closet gay who was cruising for another gay guy, who thought he found one, only to find out it was a girl making the transition? Or a guy who picked up a hooker only to find Brianna really meant Bruce?

In other news, a transgender student has sued a school district, which allowed the student full access to the restroom the student identified with, but asked the student to dress and undress in an isolated area or behind a privacy screen in the locker room. My take on the restroom thing is no big deal, stalls are enclosed, urinals have dividers and most guy don't turn away from the urinal until they are at least tucked, if not zipped, so no big deal.

But the locker room, that is different. Rights collide at that point. I can see the transgender student has a right to be themselves without being singled out, but my daughters also have the right to dress without being exposed to male sexual organs in a locker room setting. I'm sorry, but there isn't any way to get around it, in this case the rights of the majority trump the rights of the individual.

This is rapidly becoming a bigger deal than we need it to be.

11-07-15, 11:12
I think ABNAK is spot on.

No, his perspective isn't PC and I'm glad it isn't.

Everything he posted can't be honestly refuted.

DNA doesn't lie.

If we start accepting falsehoods as truth and vice versa, we're lost.

You can't make a man a woman or the other way around.

It's simply not possible.

You can inject me with Eagle hormones, but I'm still not a bird...

11-07-15, 11:21
Like it or not, criticizing these folks is in the same category as making insensitive racial remarks. Read: career suicide and social shunning by others. So get ready. If your date is a pretty girl with an Adam's apple, beware.

11-07-15, 11:29
Back in the day, we just called them crazy, or hookers.

So when did you give up the trans gender hookers? :dance3:

26 Inf
11-07-15, 11:40
I think ABNAK is spot on.

No, his perspective isn't PC and I'm glad it isn't.

Everything he posted can't be honestly refuted.

DNA doesn't lie.

If we start accepting falsehoods as truth and vice versa, we're lost.

You can't make a man a woman or the other way around.

It's simply not possible.

You can inject me with Eagle hormones, but I'm still not a bird...

Your talking about DNA and genetics. We see all kinds of physical and mental abnormalities in babies born to otherwise normal families - why does one of my daughter's friends have cystic fibrosis when no one in her family as far back as they've looked doesn't have the condition? Stuff happens.

I truly believe that many cases of homosexual identification are purely choice due to psychological trauma or drama. I also believe that very often, the wiring gets crossed and, in fact, it is not a choice the person makes. Whether we call it a mental illness, a disability, or a disease, makes no difference to me, it is not the normal state of affairs - the end result is the same it is an abnormality.

The problem, if there is one, is discerning homosexual by choice from homosexual by birth.

And I wonder what these DNA strands look like in these folks:

her·maph·ro·dite -hərˈmafrədīt/noun

noun: hermaphrodite; plural noun: hermaphrodites

1. a person or animal having both male and female sex organs or other sexual characteristics, either abnormally or (in the case of some organisms) as the natural condition.


ETA: Those folks in a previous thread that are giving their preschool daughter hormone therapy and making her identify as male should immediately have their parental rights severed. Parents don't make those decisions for kids. I've been known to endear myself to people in supermarket lines by sweetly saying 'Oh, your daughter is so cute, and how precious, what is she 3 months old, and she can already talk.' They answer 'Oh no she isn't talking yet.' And I say, 'Oh, I'm sorry, I just assumed she told you she wanted holes punched in her ears.' Same deal.

11-07-15, 11:51
I truly believe that many cases of homosexual identification are purely choice due to psychological trauma or drama. I also believe that very often, the wiring gets crossed and, in fact, it is not a choice the person makes. Whether we call it a mental illness, a disability, or a disease, makes no difference to me, it is not the normal state of affairs - the end result is the same it is an abnormality.

The cause of homosexual orientation disorder may be nothing other than free will. http://thefederalist.com/2015/07/08/how-choice-and-emotion-can-influence-sexual-orientation/

11-07-15, 12:31
This is a touchy subject.

Bruce Jenner has money. He is no hero not snowflake . There are people who, for whatever reason, have a hard time with their body. I don't mean kids. I mean full adults. Maybe something happened, maybe not.

It isn't as easy as just "being gay". They really feel trapped.
The worst is when they still don't feel any better about it after transitioning.

It's pretty sad. Like depressing. Sometimes they really do seem more female than female.

If they are adults trying to live normally, then I have no ire towards them. I think the frustration comes from a small minority of professional loudmouths who ram it down your throat.

And, I know that I wouldn't want to be judged by the actions of a few claiming to speak on my behalf if I were in that boat.

11-07-15, 12:46
Not my place to judge, to each their own, I'll leave it to the experts in genealogy, neuroscience or other applicable fields. Just as I don't want to be judged and/or labeled "Gun Nut" or anything else by the uninformed.

11-07-15, 12:48
Who gives a f*ck? Why do you care? How does this affect you in any way?

Let people be happy.

This is coming from one of the most politically incorrect people you will ever meet.

11-07-15, 12:54
This is a touchy subject.

Bruce Jenner has money. He is no hero not snowflake . There are people who, for whatever reason, have a hard time with their body. I don't mean kids. I mean full adults. Maybe something happened, maybe not.

It isn't as easy as just "being gay". They really feel trapped.

In the last month I read where a women intentionally poured drain cleaner into her own eyes because she "felt" that her "identity" was as a blind person, and another story where a man intentionally hacked off his right hand because he "felt" that his "identity" was as a "one handed person".

Homosexual orientation disorder, "transgender" orientation disorder, "able bodied person disorder", etc., it's all just part and parcel of a generation of self-absorded, emotionally and psychologically perpetually adolescent, vapid, self-centered and self-important neurotics who steadfastly refuse to ever grow the hell up.

11-07-15, 12:56
In the last month I read where a women intentionally poured drain cleaner into her own eyes because she "felt" that her "identity" was as a blind person, and another story where a man intentionally hacked off his right hand because he "felt" that his "identity" was as a "one handed person".

Homosexual orientation disorder, "transgender" orientation disorder, "able bodied person disorder", etc., it's all just part and parcel of a generation of self-absorded, emotionally and psychologically perpetually adolescent, vapid, self-centered and self-important neurotics who steadfastly refuse to ever grow the hell up.

Or maybe he feels more comfortable as a woman...

11-07-15, 13:15
Or maybe he feels more comfortable as a woman...
That's simply a form of cowardice in an adult, and lunatic leftist brainwashing in a child. "Feel" free to unsurprisingly defend it all you like, but feelings have nothing whatsoever to do with the objective reality of things.

11-07-15, 13:23
I know a trans person that did their time as a combat soldier during the invasion and a patrolman in a really shitty metro ghetto who just never felt like a man, but now is overall happier with their life and you wouldn't known they had transed. They hung up their spurs and left it all behind to be a working wife.

You may disagree with their life choice, but you may want to be more selective in your blanket use of the word "cowardice".

I get annoyed with people who get on TV and protest but this person, who I proudly call a friend, is nothing like those people.

Live and let live

11-07-15, 13:32
That's simply a form of cowardice in an adult, and lunatic leftist brainwashing in a child. "Feel" free to unsurprisingly defend it all you like, but feelings have nothing whatsoever to do with the objective reality of things.

I really feel sorry for you that you feel that way.

11-07-15, 13:56
I know a trans person that did their time as a combat soldier during the invasion and a patrolman in a really shitty metro ghetto who just never felt like a man, but now is overall happier with their life and you wouldn't known they had transed. They hung up their spurs and left it all behind to be a working wife.

You may disagree with their life choice, but you may want to be more selective in your blanket use of the word "cowardice".

I am selective, and the term is entirely accurate, individual cases of PTSD notwithstanding.

An adult male deliberately making a conscious choice to not conduct himself as a man, to in fact deliberately choose to behave and dress like a girl, is a form of cowardice, again, PTSD notwithstanding.

I really feel sorry for you that you feel that way.
Again, your personal feelings and emotions about objective reality are not relevant in the slightest, but I do feel sorry for you that you "feel" that they are.

11-07-15, 14:01
He didn't have PTSD.

Regardless, this isn't a pleasant topic and I'm out

11-07-15, 14:12
That's simply a form of cowardice in an adult, and lunatic leftist brainwashing in a child. "Feel" free to unsurprisingly defend it all you like, but feelings have nothing whatsoever to do with the objective reality of things.

this post is subjective

11-07-15, 14:19
Or maybe he feels more comfortable as a woman...

And that's fine, but HE will never be a woman. He will always have a X and a Y chromosome. That makes you male. I also would never address or refer to such a person in the female gender.

To be technically correct, it isn't DNA, it's chromosomes. XX is female (and will always be such) and XY is male (likewise). A hermaphrodite is the ONLY exception, and I truly feel sorry for those folks as they are freaks of nature, and that is not intended as an insult. People who identify as and want to be thought of as a gender they are not are also freaks, just not of nature. And yes, that is an insult. ;)

As I stated before, it's a free country so do as you wish. However, I do not have to either embrace nor recognize as fact such asinine thinking.

11-07-15, 14:23
I know a trans person that did their time as a combat soldier during the invasion and a patrolman in a really shitty metro ghetto who just never felt like a man, but now is overall happier with their life and you wouldn't known they had transed. They hung up their spurs and left it all behind to be a working wife.

You may disagree with their life choice, but you may want to be more selective in your blanket use of the word "cowardice".

I get annoyed with people who get on TV and protest but this person, who I proudly call a friend, is nothing like those people.

Live and let live

Oh absolutely. I just get irked when, for instance, I hear some TV show host refer to Jenner as "she said this" or "she feels that". That is inaccurate PC pandering. I wouldn't last long on TV.

11-07-15, 14:25
He didn't have PTSD.

What qualifies you to make that diagnosis, especially considering that on another thread you admitted that you are a man who deliberately talks and posts comments like, to use your exact term "a valley girl" because you yourself personally are, again to use your exact term, "a mess".

11-07-15, 14:29
this post is subjective
To be accurate, it is a subjective comment about an objective reality.

11-07-15, 15:05
That's simply a form of cowardice in an adult, and lunatic leftist brainwashing in a child. "Feel" free to unsurprisingly defend it all you like, but feelings have nothing whatsoever to do with the objective reality of things.

To be accurate, it is a subjective comment about an objective reality.

In the interest of accuracy, there is no "objective reality" in your statement "simply a form of cowardice in an adult". This is your subjective opinion as evidenced by the terminology used.

11-07-15, 15:08
In the interest of accuracy, there is no "objective reality" in your statement "simply a form of cowardice in an adult". This is your subjective opinion as evidenced by the terminology used.
In the interest of accuracy, that is simply nothing but your subjective opinion.

11-07-15, 15:29
I never understood why so many people have a hard time believing that as complex as human brains are, that things like gender identity can't malfunction or develop differently than most. We accept any number of physical ailments and disorders, but for some reason when the problem isn't immediately visible, people think it's all imaginary or up to the person's whim.

Trans people want their bodies to match their brains which house their identity. Most of them have tried for years to change their brains because they're told that's where the problem is. Once they accept who they are, some get surgery, to make their bodies more closely match how they identify internally. The transformation will never be 100%, but that's irrelevant because they want their bodies and brains to match and to be accepted for who they are, which is their gender identity, which doesn't match their "issued equipment". Some people just live as the gender with which they identify, and never get surgery. I imagine there's a wide degree of approaches to the matter of lifestyle.

I just don't see why so many people are against it.

11-07-15, 15:39
I never understood why so many people have a hard time believing that as complex as human brains are, that things like gender identity can't malfunction or develop differently than most. We accept any number of physical ailments and disorders, but for some reason when the problem isn't immediately visible, people think it's all imaginary or up to the person's whim.

Trans people want their bodies to match their brains which house their identity. Most of them have tried for years to change their brains because they're told that's where the problem is. Once they accept who they are, some get surgery, to make their bodies more closely match how they identify internally. The transformation will never be 100%, but that's irrelevant because they want their bodies and brains to match and to be accepted for who they are, which is their gender identity, which doesn't match their "issued equipment". Some people just live as the gender with which they identify, and never get surgery. I imagine there's a wide degree of approaches to the matter of lifestyle.

I just don't see why so many people are against it.

I'm not sure it's a matter of people being against it per se (yes there are those who are), but the demands of PC culture that we "celebrate" it and "accept" it. In other words cram it down our throats. It is deviant behavior and while you're free to do as you wish in America that doesn't necessarily mean everyone's gonna rejoice in your decision.

11-07-15, 15:49
The point is the fact that as you yourself admit, it is a disorder. And disorders are not good or healthy for those individuals who suffer from them, nor society as a whole.



And let's not simply ignore the fact that the very term "gender identity" is simply lunatic leftist orwellian goobblygook nonsense intended for the "useful idiots" of the ideological left who hold critical reasoning at least subconsciously in ernest contempt.

11-07-15, 15:53
I'm not sure it's a matter of people being against it per se (yes there are those who are), but the demands of PC culture that we "celebrate" it and "accept" it. In other words cram it down our throats. It is deviant behavior and while you're free to do as you wish in America that doesn't necessarily mean everyone's gonna rejoice in your decision.

But that's just it, the term "behavior" and "decision" implies that the person has control over their condition.

Why can't it be accepted that these people feel more comfortable as a certain gender? I don't see how that's threatening or deviant. It doesn't have a negative affect on society in any way. I think you'll find that most of them don't want to be "celebrated", but just not discriminated against or treated differently.

The media attention isn't necessarily driven by the LGBT community, people have a voyeuristic curiosity about the issue, and the media, being ever eager to inundate consumers with what they want, happily obliges. This raises the matter to a higher visibility which then attracts the attention of activists, attention seekers and opportunists who spin the controversy into high gear and make it appear much more divisive than it actually is.

11-07-15, 15:59
The point is the fact that as you yourself admit, it is a disorder. And disorders are not good or healthy for those individuals who suffer from them, nor society as a whole.



And let's not simply ignore the fact that the very term "gender identity" is simply lunatic leftist orwellian goobblygook nonsense intended for the "useful idiots" of the ideological left who hold critical reasoning at least subconsciously in ernest contempt.

How is society harmed by your neighbor's gender identity? The concept is far from "orwellian gobblygook", it's been studied for decades. The fact that you associate it with the tumblr SJW crowd is your problem, not anyone else's.

11-07-15, 16:12
How is society harmed by your neighbor's gender identity?
From your previous post:

I never understood why so many people have a hard time believing that as complex as human brains are, that things like gender identity can't malfunction or develop differently than most. We accept any number of physical ailments and disorders, but for some reason when the problem isn't immediately visible, people think it's all imaginary or up to the person's whim.
So now it is your contention that "disorders" and "malfunctions" are good for a person and society? :rolleyes:

The concept is far from "orwellian gobblygook", it's been studied for decades.
I see. So according to you nothing that has been "studied for decades" can ever be "orwellian gobblygook". Sure.

And so for you all the "studies" by researchers supporting national gun control over the past decades can't possibly be " leftist orwellian gobbledygook"


And 2+2=5, right? :rolleyes:


Am I going too far out on a limb to think that you were "educated" by the government?

11-07-15, 18:41
From your previous post:

So now it is your contention that "disorders" and "malfunctions" are good for a person and society? :rolleyes:

Intentional misrepresentation of what I said. Disorders have a variety of severity and social repurcussions. This is why we treat some with therapy, and some with meds, and some with just patience.

I see. So according to you nothing that has been "studied for decades" can ever be "orwellian gobblygook". Sure.

Intentional misrepresentation of what I said. I was referring to this case of gender identity, not everything ever. Please try harder to stay on topic.

And so for you all the "studies" by researchers supporting national gun control over the past decades can't possibly be " leftist orwellian gobbledygook"

Intentional misrepresentation of what I said, the two issues are separate and unrelated.


And 2+2=5, right? :rolleyes:


If you're going to use studies and articles to support your argument, at least link them from non-biased websites with an agenda. It trashes your credibility

Am I going too far out on a limb to think that you were "educated" by the government?

I'm sure that's meant to be a "burn", but it's really just lazy.

You're not interested in discussion, just attacks, straw men, etc.

You still never explained how your neighbor's gender conformity affects you or society as a whole.

11-07-15, 18:52
My brother was born as my sister.

When he made the decision to live his life as a man, it devastated my very liberal mother. My very conservative father took it more laconically - as the men on my dad's side of the family tend to take everything in life. For me, it came as no big surprise: I've known him his entire life and as long as I have known him he had been a "tomboy" - while he always had a significant amount of feminine or girls toys, his toys were almost always more masculine. When it came time to play with dolls/action figures, LEGOs, &c., he would invariably choose a male character. When we started playing video games in earnest, he would, almost without exception, choose a male avatar over a female avatar.

There was no traumatic incident in our lives, no real, world-shattering stressors - our parents never fought, never divorced (they are still, in fact, married to this day). We lived in a basically normal nuclear family, we never went hungry, never didn't have a roof over our heads or food in our stomaches, or gym shoes and clothes and pens and pencils and paper and crayons, and nothing horrible ever really befell us. The only remotely bad thing that happened was that we - like all military families - moved around every year or every other year until my father retired and my brother was once stood up by his date to the prom (we spent that evening watching A Knight's Tale).

If you want to look for cowards, I suggest you look at the men who murder transgendered and transsexual people.

11-07-15, 21:18
Those of you espousing the free will rationale make me chuckle. You guys have never actually worked with true mentally ill populations I take it.

I'm not saying it may not be an in active element in some cases but it certainly is not the only explanation in all cases.

26 Inf
11-07-15, 21:33
My brother was born as my sister.

When he made the decision to live his life as a man, it devastated my very liberal mother. My very conservative father took it more laconically - as the men on my dad's side of the family tend to take everything in life. For me, it came as no big surprise: I've known him his entire life and as long as I have known him he had been a "tomboy" - while he always had a significant amount of feminine or girls toys, his toys were almost always more masculine. When it came time to play with dolls/action figures, LEGOs, &c., he would invariably choose a male character. When we started playing video games in earnest, he would, almost without exception, choose a male avatar over a female avatar.

There was no traumatic incident in our lives, no real, world-shattering stressors - our parents never fought, never divorced (they are still, in fact, married to this day). We lived in a basically normal nuclear family, we never went hungry, never didn't have a roof over our heads or food in our stomaches, or gym shoes and clothes and pens and pencils and paper and crayons, and nothing horrible ever really befell us. The only remotely bad thing that happened was that we - like all military families - moved around every year or every other year until my father retired and my brother was once stood up by his date to the prom (we spent that evening watching A Knight's Tale).

If you want to look for cowards, I suggest you look at the men who murder transgendered and transsexual people.

Thanks for sharing that.

26 Inf
11-07-15, 21:41
Here is something that Karl Menninger wrote, I've always found it instructive:

When a trout rising to a fly gets hooked and finds himself unable to swim about freely, he begins a fight which results in struggles and splashes and sometimes an escape.... In the same way, the human stuggles ... with the hooks that catch him. Sometime he masters his difficulties; sometimes they are too much for him. The struggles are all that the world sees, and it usually misunderstands them. It is hard for a free fish to understand what is happening to a hooked one.

11-07-15, 21:58
Here is something that Karl Menninger wrote, I've always found it instructive:

When a trout rising to a fly gets hooked and finds himself unable to swim about freely, he begins a fight which results in struggles and splashes and sometimes an escape.... In the same way, the human stuggles ... with the hooks that catch him. Sometime he masters his difficulties; sometimes they are too much for him. The struggles are all that the world sees, and it usually misunderstands them. It is hard for a free fish to understand what is happening to a hooked one.
Popo-ness confirmed. You got soul.

11-08-15, 00:02
If there is a disconnect between the body and brain, you cannot change the body. They should be looking at mental health. Mutilating the body is unhealthy. You can't live and let live when they want to share a locker room with your little daughter or let 12yo make decisions about hormone thearapy. Life gives you a hand of cards, play them. Calling your jack an ace doesnt make it an ace.

There are no tansexuals, just people living as something they are not. I think most people are reasonable and dont mind until it starts getting injected into their life and shoved down their throats. I don't want to pay for it either.

Dist. Expert 26
11-08-15, 00:33
Regardless of any personal stories, I firmly believe that a person who believes that they are a member of the opposite sex is mentally ill. Genetics are genetics, and just because someone "feels" that they have the wrong body doesn't make it true. I can "feel" that I am a professional athlete at heart, but it changes nothing. I'm not suggesting the persecution of these people, but I would prefer that we seek a treatment rather than celebrating the idea and hailing those who mutilate their bodies as heroes.

11-08-15, 01:46
How you want them treated seems to differ from how they want to seek help. It isn't up to us. Really, the issue doesn't affect normal people much and certainly isn't the assault on our culture people seem to imagine.

11-08-15, 02:46
You're not interested in discussion, just attacks, straw men, etc.
That is simply a pathetically transparent desperate attempt to divert away from the blatant lunatic leftist bias and sheer stupidity of your ideological posturing.

You still never explained how your neighbor's gender conformity affects you or society as a whole.
"Gender conformity"? :rolleyes:

Maybe all of this is just going over your head. So let's simplify things.

In as much as you march in lunatic leftist ideological lockstep with the agenda this neo-marxist dingbat,


and any of the insensate leftist agenda of these socialist miscreants,
is the extent to which you are a wilful antagonist of the principles of American freedom and liberty.

11-08-15, 03:04
My brother was born as my sister.

When he made the decision to live his life as a man, it devastated my very liberal mother. My very conservative father took it more laconically - as the men on my dad's side of the family tend to take everything in life. For me, it came as no big surprise: I've known him his entire life and as long as I have known him he had been a "tomboy" - while he always had a significant amount of feminine or girls toys, his toys were almost always more masculine. When it came time to play with dolls/action figures, LEGOs, &c., he would invariably choose a male character. When we started playing video games in earnest, he would, almost without exception, choose a male avatar over a female avatar.

There was no traumatic incident in our lives, no real, world-shattering stressors - our parents never fought, never divorced (they are still, in fact, married to this day). We lived in a basically normal nuclear family, we never went hungry, never didn't have a roof over our heads or food in our stomaches, or gym shoes and clothes and pens and pencils and paper and crayons, and nothing horrible ever really befell us. The only remotely bad thing that happened was that we - like all military families - moved around every year or every other year until my father retired and my brother was once stood up by his date to the prom (we spent that evening watching A Knight's Tale).

If you want to look for cowards, I suggest you look at the men who murder transgendered and transsexual people.

A man putting on a dress does not suddenly make the man into a "girl". Neither does having himself surgically castrated.

And two men putting on dresses does not somehow magically make them into "a people" anymore than writing "assault weapon" on the stock of a .22. bolt action rifle then immediately somehow magically makes it so.

Claiming that your biological sister is somehow magically now your brother is as ridiculous as your previous stated assertion that animal "rights" activists are "not wrong" to call game hunters "murderers".

Not only is it wrong and shameful for a man to dress and act as if he were a girl, but it is also wrong shameful for anyone to cheer him for doing so.

11-08-15, 07:17
In general it really is none of our bloody business and nothing to get too worked up about really, since what most seem to object to is occurring in the 'liberal' media no?
Because if any of those vehemently opposed had any personal experience, say a friend or relative or whatever, it might change a few things.
From where im sitting, i dont care whether pecker or pussy, or what it prefers to be, if it watches my back when things go sieways im all with it.
Granted though, there are some issues to be worked out, once it affects those around you ( locker rooms etc).
But overall we have bigger fish to fry.
On a sidenote, it has been my observation that those moral crusaders and politicians most vocally opposed to sexuallly liberal issues (freedom of having it, gender issues, etc etc) quiet often turn out to be the biggest deviants, but in a deep state of denial about it.

11-08-15, 07:31
That is simply a pathetically transparent desperate attempt to divert away from the blatant lunatic leftist bias and sheer stupidity of your ideological posturing.

"Gender conformity"? :rolleyes:

Maybe all of this is just going over your head. So let's simplify things.

In as much as you march in lunatic leftist ideological lockstep with the agenda this neo-marxist dingbat,

and any of the insensate leftist agenda of these socialist miscreants,
is the extent to which you are a wilful antagonist of the principles of American freedom and liberty.

Ok, chief. If you say so. I always respect and consider the opinions of people who resort to name calling and insults rather than civil discussion.

11-08-15, 07:53
Ok, chief. If you say so. I always respect and consider the opinions of people who resort to name calling and insults rather than civil discussion.

It is sadly not really surprising how some in a debate begin sulking when it's pointed out that they are simply regurgitating verbatim the lunatic leftist ideological Orwellian terminology and insensate screeds of the likes of Melissa Harris Perry, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama.

11-08-15, 08:03
In general it really is none of our bloody business and nothing to get too worked up about really, since what most seem to object to is occurring in the 'liberal' media no?
If you really believe that it's no one's "bloody business" what others do, then you must also believe that it is none of your business what others say and believe concerning what others do. No?

Because if any of those vehemently opposed had any personal experience, say a friend or relative or whatever, it might change a few things.
So if you had say "a friend or relative or whatever" who was a serial pedophile, that would for you then "change a few things" concerning any moral objections you might or might not have about it?

You are really stating that your principles and convictions about what is right and wrong, moral and immoral, would be so easily and immediately swayed and manipulated by so light a breeze?

11-08-15, 08:52
If there is a disconnect between the body and brain, you cannot change the body. They should be looking at mental health. Mutilating the body is unhealthy. You can't live and let live when they want to share a locker room with your little daughter or let 12yo make decisions about hormone thearapy. Life gives you a hand of cards, play them. Calling your jack an ace doesnt make it an ace.

There are no tansexuals, just people living as something they are not. I think most people are reasonable and dont mind until it starts getting injected into their life and shoved down their throats. I don't want to pay for it either.

Pretty much how I feel about it.

11-08-15, 08:59
In general it really is none of our bloody business and nothing to get too worked up about really, since what most seem to object to is occurring in the 'liberal' media no?
Because if any of those vehemently opposed had any personal experience, say a friend or relative or whatever, it might change a few things.
From where im sitting, i dont care whether pecker or pussy, or what it prefers to be, if it watches my back when things go sieways im all with it.
Granted though, there are some issues to be worked out, once it affects those around you ( locker rooms etc).
But overall we have bigger fish to fry.
On a sidenote, it has been my observation that those moral crusaders and politicians most vocally opposed to sexuallly liberal issues (freedom of having it, gender issues, etc etc) quiet often turn out to be the biggest deviants, but in a deep state of denial about it.

It is a symptom (one of many) of the PC bullshit being foisted upon us and if allowed to continue will further cement the decay of this country. I'll be damned if I'm gonna be TOLD I have to revel in any of this PC crap. If left unchecked there will come a time when the Thought Police can actually charge you with a "hate crime" for somehow not rejoicing in the "diversity". Mark my words.

11-08-15, 09:39
I don't particularly care how my neighbor wants to dress or what pronoun they choose to use for themselves. I'm not saying I understand it, because I don't. But at the same time, I don't have to understand it in order to be respectful.

Issues with restrooms and locker rooms will sort themselves out sooner rather than later. Then maybe everyone can just STFU about it.

11-08-15, 10:09
The other thing is a man is a man, a woman is a woman, defined by sex. If your a guy, and want to be called a woman, that's fine, but I'm not doing it. I'm not gonna call a 25yd old "batman" either. Words have meanings and I use them at face value. I've experienced that this really drives certain people completely bananas, which I find funny.


11-08-15, 10:29
You know what, actually, I doubt anyone here would want to be told what guns they do or do not 'need'. I'm sure there are also guys here who are tatted and sleeved up.

Tattoos fall under self scarrification. Regardless if it is a unit emblem, a memorial, or just something you thought looked cool.

You wouldn't want to be treated poorly for that.

Just like, if you believe in a god. Which god? Has your god been peer reviewed? Isn't belief in a god insanity? Sure are a lot of insane people I guess.

Or maybe we get over ourselves and stop worrying about what other people do.
If you've always felt comfortable in your own body, congratulations.
Some people, really, really don't. If they are viable candidates for reassignment then have at it.

To get the go ahead requires vetting and can be unapproved if a psychologist deems it to be a rash decision.

So when a certain poster asked what made me qualified to say my good friend didn't have PTSD, in a snide smartass way, I didn't dignify it with a response because I learned bright, young, and early not to argue with children, Autistic people, drunks, or anyone else that just puts up the wall.

But in the interest of knowledge transfer, no...I'm not a psychologist, but my friend (combat vet and former policeman) had to see three over the course of two years before full conversion. If PTSD were a factor in his desire, it would've gotten vetoed. I won't go into his deal here but he always knew he just wasn't a man inside.

I would personally think it would be a living hell to not feel in tune with my body. The concept of the Berdache is nothing new and not confined to modern civilization.

For everyone frustrated with having it rammed down your throat, I fully agree and don't like it either. Neither do they. They just want a normal, quiet life.

If we had to judge people, we should do so on individual merit as opposed to blanket statements. No...I'm not liberal and not at all PC, but if you go outside your comfort zone and keep an open mind; you never know who you'll meet.

Or, you can just be right all the time and see what that does for you.

Me, well, I am at a point where I try to stay positive even if I'm really not. There are a lot more clear and present dangers in the world than someone else wanting to finally be at peace with themselves.

I'm surey post will be reworded and 'fisked' but, I don't care

11-08-15, 10:42
For everyone frustrated with having it rammed down your throat, I fully agree and don't like it either. Neither do they. They just want a normal, quiet life.

What I can't figure out is exactly how this issue is being rammed down anyone's throat. Aside from being trendy on television and social media these days, the issue of transgender acceptance isn't affecting anyone who doesn't want to be. I keep hearing "don't ram it down my throat", but it's really not. You have to go out and FIND it if you want to be exposed to it.

11-08-15, 10:52
Or maybe we get over ourselves and stop worrying about what other people do.

100% this. I don't want to live in Iran or Saudi Arabia.

11-08-15, 10:53
You know what, actually, I doubt anyone here would want to be told what guns they do or do not 'need'.
I somehow knew that you could not long resist the patently ridiculous and sadly all too oft regurgitated 'a grown man deliberately putting on a dress and acting as if he were a girl is like other men owning guns' idiotic comparison, at least not after you posted here that although you are a man, you very deliberately choose to express your comments as if you were a "valley girl", to again use your exact term.

There are a lot more clear and present dangers in the world than someone else wanting to finally be at peace with themselves.

We'll just have to agree to disagree about that.

"The issue of moral relativism is merely the single most important issue of our age, for no society in all of human history has ever survived without rejecting the philosophy that I am about to refute. There has never been a society of relativists. Therefore, our society will do one of three things: either disprove one of the most universally established laws of all history; or repent of its relativism and survive; or persist in its relativism and perish."

From: A Refutation of Moral Relativism http://www.peterkreeft.com/audio/05_relativism/relativism_transcription.htm
by Professor of philosophy Peter Kreeft

11-08-15, 10:54
What I can't figure out is exactly how this issue is being rammed down anyone's throat. Aside from being trendy on television and social media these days, the issue of transgender acceptance isn't affecting anyone who doesn't want to be. I keep hearing "don't ram it down my throat", but it's really not. You have to go out and FIND it if you want to be exposed to it.

Yep, but some people can't recuse themselves from TV and Internet.
I dunno.

I'm at a point in life where it takes a lot to get me 'outraged'.
The only TV I watch is retro 80s TV on the Antennae stations, cartoons, and Walking Dead. So if every day is gay pride burn a US flag and Bible day on TV, I am apparently 'missing out'.

To paraphrase Larry Flynt "If you don't like it, don't watch it"

11-08-15, 11:03
100% this. I don't want to live in Iran or Saudi Arabia.
Sorry, but unlike you I don't think the fact that the Founding Fathers supported and even wrong statutes criminalising homosexual acts means that they wanted the U.S. to be an Islamic theocracy.

We all know already that you don't believe homosexual behaviour to be objectively wrong or immoral, but i n the interest of full disclosure, you don't believe that even pedophilia is objectively wrong and immoral, because you in fact utterly reject the existence of objective morality.

Which also means that you actually don't believe in the existence of objective inalienable rights, such as the right to keep and bear arms.

As much as I try to give even a little intellectual weight to the comments of someone who honestly does not believe that pedophilia is objectively wrong or immoral, and that no living breathing human being has any objective inalienable right to keep and bear arms, I find I am not equal to the task.

11-08-15, 11:03
I somehow knew that you could not long resist the patently ridiculous and sadly all too oft regurgitated 'a grown man deliberately putting on a dress and acting as if he were a girl is like other men owning guns' idiotic comparison, at least not after you posted here that although you are a man, you very deliberately choose to express your comments as if you were a "valley girl", to again use your exact term.

I dunno. Why does a grown man need to dress up in fatigues and have a home defense carbine if he's in a decent neighborhood?

Why does a grown man care so much about what other people do?

Why don't you go run for office and 'fix' all of societies ills if it troubles you so? Surely an educated man such as yourself should have no troubles.

Before you keep going on, I said I talk in a mixture of Hillbilly, ghetto, and valley girl. Not just Valley girl. But I moved around a lot as a youth and work in a ghetto high crime area. So it all rubs off.

So to be accurate, don't forget that I also speak in Hillbilly and Ghetto, both at Idiomatic levels.

11-08-15, 11:07
What I can't figure out is exactly how this issue is being rammed down anyone's throat. Aside from being trendy on television and social media these days, the issue of transgender acceptance isn't affecting anyone who doesn't want to be. I keep hearing "don't ram it down my throat", but it's really not. You have to go out and FIND it if you want to be exposed to it.

That, my leftist friend, is simply a deliberate lie on your part.







11-08-15, 11:12
Before you keep going on, I said I talk in a mixture of Hillbilly, ghetto, and valley girl. Not just Valley girl.
I see. So not just as a "valley girl", but also as a "valley girl". Got it. I guess that makes it perfectly alright then. :rolleyes:

11-08-15, 11:14
What's your damage, dude?

Why do you care so much? Everyone else has gone from "Don't like it but whatever" to "oh well not my problem"

It's like, why do you care? Why does this bother you?
Did you have a bad experience or something?

11-08-15, 11:40
What I can't figure out is exactly how this issue is being rammed down anyone's throat. Aside from being trendy on television and social media these days, the issue of transgender acceptance isn't affecting anyone who doesn't want to be. I keep hearing "don't ram it down my throat", but it's really not. You have to go out and FIND it if you want to be exposed to it.

Aside from the Freudian issues with things being rammed down people's throats, the whole gay agenda was a fringe issue until it got foisted on us by SCOTUS. Progressives continue down the , for lack of a better all encompassing term, queer alphabet agenda.

We have traded in selected, unquestionable and unnaccountable men in robes for just another set. The idea that if some thing is bad it should be outlawed has been replaced with idea that if it legal, it can't be called bad.

The words 'good' and 'evil' were lost and now we are losing words like marriage, man, woman, citizen, vote, family, fair, work and service. You can't have a just society when you have no values.

We are setting rules and laws by exceptions and outliers. We are humans because we are not ruled by our instincts.

Dealing with these issues can't be easy and I am always respectful and deferential to people working out these issues.

We don't outlaw colors because some people are colorblind, we put in reasonable accommodations when possible and expect those people born that way to deal with the world as it is.

11-08-15, 11:46
What's your damage, dude?

Why do you care so much? Everyone else has gone from "Don't like it but whatever" to "oh well not my problem"

It's like, why do you care? Why does this bother you?
Did you have a bad experience or something?

Are you implying that he has PTSD?

11-08-15, 11:51
Are you implying that he has PTSD?

No way. I don't even joke like that. PTSD is totally off the table for lampooning.
I was actually serious if he got squicked out by seeing something.

11-08-15, 12:48
No way. I don't even joke like that. PTSD is totally off the table for lampooning.
I was actually serious if he got squicked out by seeing something.

So you weren't cognizant of the parallelism you are constructing about some event affecting people's thoughts on gender identity? Now that is interesting.

11-08-15, 12:51
The other thing is a man is a man, a woman is a woman, defined by sex. If your a guy, and want to be called a woman, that's fine, but I'm not doing it. I'm not gonna call a 25yd old "batman" either. Words have meanings and I use them at face value. I've experienced that this really drives certain people completely bananas, which I find funny.


You're echoing my sentiments exactly. I don't care if you want to be a woman but have an XY chromosome pair. Fine, have at it. However, I will NOT address you as a woman nor join in the chorus of how "cool" it is that they "found themselves". And yes, it is apparently getting under the skin of some on this board.

11-08-15, 12:57
What I can't figure out is exactly how this issue is being rammed down anyone's throat. Aside from being trendy on television and social media these days, the issue of transgender acceptance isn't affecting anyone who doesn't want to be. I keep hearing "don't ram it down my throat", but it's really not. You have to go out and FIND it if you want to be exposed to it.

Just turn on the f*****g TV, it's not that hard. And, like I mentioned before, it's one of a number of symptoms of the twisted, convoluted culture that we are becoming. Bend over backwards to appease and dare not upset Muslims (forget 9-11, it's ancient history); rejoice and celebrate a dude who thinks he is a she (why, he's even a friggin' hero for doing so); Black Lives Matter........shall I go on?

11-08-15, 13:01
100% this. I don't want to live in Iran or Saudi Arabia.

Nice try. No one here has suggested anything even REMOTELY resembling what you are alluding to, so spare us the hand-wringing okay? I don't particularly like my country becoming Bizarro World. If that's the kind of "change" you're cool with then make sure you vote "D" next November and you'll get it in spades.

11-08-15, 13:03
So you weren't cognizant of the parallelism you are constructing about some event affecting people's thoughts on gender identity? Now that is interesting.

Okay I get it now. Lol

11-08-15, 13:03
Well, in the interest of full disclosure, you also don't 'feel' that even pedophilia is objectively wrong and immoral, because you utterly reject the existence of objective morality.

Which also means that you actually don't believe in the existence of objective inalienable rights, such as the right to keep and bear arms.

As much as I try to give even a little intellectual weight to the comments of someone who honestly does not believe that pedophilia is objectively wrong or immoral, and that no living breathing human being has any objective inalienable right to keep and bear arms, I find I am not equal to the task.

I think you quoted the wrong guy. I have no idea what I've said that would even begin to approach what you just suggested.

11-08-15, 13:03
What's your damage, dude?
Why do you care so much? Everyone else has gone from "Don't like it but whatever" to "oh well not my problem"
It's like, why do you care? Why does this bother you?
Did you have a bad experience or something?

Many reasons. Perhaps number one being the increasing number of stories like these being reported.







And next in line, I actually really do believe that 100% of the neo-marxist, leftist, ideological agenda of these insensate gun-grabbing socialist lunatics is a threat to freedom and liberty.


And to whatever extent anyone supports any of their repugnant leftist ideological agenda is the extent to which that person is a wilful antagonist of American freedom and liberty.

All of that seems perfectly logical to me. I rather think however that you would have a much more difficult time explaining the logic behind your deliberate choice to post comments in the vernacular of a "valley girl", especially on a firearms forum. And yes, it is in fact a choice.

11-08-15, 13:10
I think you quoted the wrong guy. I have no idea what I've said that would even begin to approach what you just suggested.

Yep, that was my bad on the misattribution. It has been corrected. Sorry for my mistake.

11-08-15, 13:20
And to whatever extent anyone supports any of their repugnant leftist ideological agenda is the extent to which that person is a wilful antagonist of American freedom and liberty.

We have much to learn from you, Obergruppenführer.


11-08-15, 13:26
Yep, that was my bad on the misattribution. It has been corrected. Sorry for my mistake.

No problemo!

11-08-15, 13:30
We interrupt another devolving, contentious social issue internet debate to bring you a Beautiful Sunday Afternoon (tm). Go out and enjoy it.