View Full Version : Greatest Horror or Suspense Thriller movie of All time?

Doc Safari
11-09-15, 15:40
NOTE: I do NOT want movies that are nothing but gore. I consider those nothing more than murder and mutilation porn.

Example: the SAW movies.

I'm looking for movies that are scary without being unnecessarily gory.

We want movies that might be a little adult but that an eleven-year-old can watch without being permanently traumatized by limbs being lopped off, or guts exploding, or eyeballs being gouged out, etc.

A good example of a suspenseful but not excessively gory horror movie might be The Ring, Dark Water, or something along those lines.

Okay, so within those parameters, what is the greatest horror movie of all time?

11-09-15, 16:42
Sleeping with the Enemy

11-09-15, 17:08
Here it is;
Hitchcock got it right and made it a classic for all time.

There are a lot of great horror films, but all of them started with a premise of a bit of disbelief. Hitchcock took your crazy neighbor and made him bat guano crazy enough to kill Vivian Leigh if the shower.
He scared the crap out of me and my Dad, but that's another story...

11-09-15, 17:31
The Shining

Kubrick does so much to mess with your mind using every tool in the box to get it done. His film adaptation of Stephen Kings book is brilliant.

From the opening scene to the roll of the credits this one is creepy, suspenseful and inside your brain the entire time. Truly a masterpiece.

Outlander Systems
11-09-15, 17:37
Eyes Wide Shut.

That slasher/murderporn stuff is for the double-digit IQ set.

EWS gives me the mightiest case of the willies. It is the creepiest shit ever.

Not suitable for kids, though.

11-09-15, 17:39
Poltergeist. Perfect for an eleven year old.

11-09-15, 17:41
The Shining

Kubrick does so much to mess with your mind using every tool in the box to get it done. His film adaptation of Stephen Kings book is brilliant.

From the opening scene to the roll of the credits this one is creepy, suspenseful and inside your brain the entire time. Truly a masterpiece.

Poltergeist. Perfect for an eleven year old.

I remember as kid being scared shitless from both of those.

11-09-15, 17:51
The Strangers was one of the most intense and suspenseful movies I've seen.

I sould've read OP better... wouldn't watch that movie with an 11 year old.

11-09-15, 17:55
The Others , I think this a underrated movie, and a great suspense thriller.

The greats will get mentioned, the Shining, Alien, psycho ect, but I love a good psychological thriller where the audience doesn't know what is happening until the final moments when everyone has the "oh" (or "oh, sh^t!") moment.

11-09-15, 18:05
The Town that Dreaded Sundown. Supposedly based on events in Texarkana in the 40's.

11-09-15, 18:45
Mr. Frost

Like you, seeing the reaction of somebody to something you can't see is a far more effective and skilled act than torturee porn saw and hostel crap.

11-09-15, 18:47
To watch with a kid?


Absolutely no gore/blood and it will scare the shit out of them.

11-09-15, 18:49
The Innocents scared the crap out of me when I first saw it.
It still gives me chills.



The Dumb Gun Collector
11-09-15, 18:50
"It Follows was good." Maybe "Let the Right one In."--althought that last one has some gore

11-09-15, 19:02
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956). Especially if you can find it with the original ending.

EDIT: Looks like I need to see the 1978 remake. It seems like it might be better.

11-09-15, 19:13
The Innocents scared the crap out of me when I first saw it.
It still gives me chills.



The Others is in that same vein. The subtle almost unnoticeable events in a scene is what really makes the film creepy. +2 for Insidious (the first) and Let The Right One In. For a tv series I'd have to say about any original 63 - 65 Outer Limits episodes.

11-09-15, 19:28
Not so much a horror film, but I've never been more unsettled by a movie then when I saw Requiem for a Dream.

11-09-15, 19:45
Actually I want to change mine. Sleeping with the Enemy was an intelligent film about stalkers. But for suspense there was this movie I saw as a bastard kid that freaked me the hell out.

I can't remember the name but the plot is like there's this guy and he's a Sheriff's deputy. Well he has this house in the country. Well some friends come over to visit him and his wife. Well...his friends girlfriend is younger than his wife and they go to the barn and screw. Like outta nowhere. She has this farmers daughter look. Well dude goes off to go work on something while his friends girlfriend goes to help in the kitchen. The wife notices hay in her hair and dude's friend is playing with his son. Well...outta nowhere these biker types invade the house wanting to hide out and the guy doesn't know it until there is shooting.

Anyways his guns are in the house and the home invaders find them. Well the guy is in the barn and he welds together a suit of armor and a steel mask to be bullet proof and he kills off all the home invaders.

It was like the 80s since I saw it on VHS. To this day....I can't figure out the name of the movie or anything. The way it was done was so creepy. And the guy cheated on his wife...pretty graphically, girl got naked but was still the hero. And the way he made this crude suit of armor and mask seemed medieval.

That and one I DO remember called Deadly Harvest. It's about Global Cooling and global famine. The church scene still stands out as being vile.

11-09-15, 19:48
Not so much a horror film, but I've never been more unsettled by a movie then when I saw Requiem for a Dream.

Honest to god, I can only watch that movie once a decade.
It got passed around on VHS in college. It made everybody emo

11-09-15, 20:42
The Haunting- Not the remake, the original. It's a pure psychological ghost story from start to finish. No gore. The first time I saw it was as a kid and it's the only movie to ever give me goose bumps

11-09-15, 20:52
Serpent and the rainbow

11-09-15, 21:13
A newer flick that was really good was "It Follows". Very good watch.

11-09-15, 21:17
The video of me and my ex getting married.

Me and my friends still can't watch it without screaming "It's a trap!!!" :eek:

11-09-15, 22:05
The Exorcist (1973)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

ETA: Gunnar Hansen Dies (68) (http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/movies/gunnar-hansen-texas-chainsaw-massacre-villain-dies-68-article-1.2427257)

11-10-15, 00:26
Ghost Story (1981)
The Changeling (1980)
The Innocents (1961)
Rebecca (1940)

11-10-15, 00:28
A newer flick that was really good was "It Follows". Very good watch.

Not something I'd recommend for an 11 year old, and really it kinda sucked.

11-10-15, 00:40
I find most horror movies funny or just entertaining, none of them scare or frighten me. Some scenes might startle or surprise me but most of the time I am disappointed. I guess it is just me. I want a horror movie with crazy suspense and gore, where the villain is never or seldom seen; pure ominous and eerie tone. I have yet to see one.

Modern horror movies I like:
The Fourth Kind
The Ring
The Conjuring

One movie that I used to watch every now and then as a kid that did put me on edge was Creepshow. Now I just find it funny, but as a kid it was definitely creepy. "WHERE'S MY CAKE!?"

11-10-15, 01:00
That one movie I described, seriously does anyone remember it?

Thr only thing close was Sunday in the Country but that wasn't it. Like he builds a suit of armor out of metal plates.

11-10-15, 01:07


11-10-15, 01:10
That one movie I described, seriously does anyone remember it?

Thr only thing close was Sunday in the Country but that wasn't it. Like he builds a suit of armor out of metal plates.

Umm, Man of Steel with Shaq? HAHA

11-10-15, 01:46
Serpent and the rainbow

Real life zombies based upon Voodoo zombification. Watched this one when I was a kid, didn't scare me though.

11-10-15, 01:50
Modern horror movies I like:
The Fourth Kind
The Ring
The Conjuring

The Fourth Kind was on a different level for sure. Something original and haven't seen anything like it since. I let my wife watch it and she was really freaking out.

The Conjuring was great, I have intended to read a book about the couple that story is based upon. Apparently out of their entire paranormal science career that was their worst story. Have you seen Annabelle? It's another story based upon one of their cases.

If you like horror movies based upon real life investigations then give Deliver Us from Evil a whirl. Based upon the book of an NYPD Sergeant who left the force to pursue paranormal investigation full time after things he encountered on the job.

I haven't seen the rest of the franchise but the first Paranormal Activity was a real trip.

11-10-15, 02:00
The Fourth Kind was on a different level for sure. Something original and haven't seen anything like it since. I let my wife watch it and she was really freaking out.

The Conjuring was great, I have intended to read a book about the couple that story is based upon. Apparently out of their entire paranormal science career that was their worst story. Have you seen Annabelle? It's another story based upon one of their cases.

If you like horror movies based upon real life investigations then give Deliver Us from Evil a whirl. Based upon the book of an NYPD Sergeant who left the force to pursue paranormal investigation full time after things he encountered on the job.

I haven't seen the rest of the franchise but the first Paranormal Activity was a real trip.

I really liked The Fourth Kind. I was impressed with it and it did raise some hairs on my neck. Hard to do. I have not seen Annabelle yet but I have been meaning to. I will have to check that out. Do not bother, they just get worse as they go. The guys who did those also did an alien movie. I do not remember what it was called but it could have been really good but they dragged so much non-sense on and you have aliens for about five minutes; it also apparently got delayed for years by the studio or something.

11-10-15, 02:10
I really liked The Fourth Kind. I was impressed with it and it did raise some hairs on my neck. Hard to do. I have not seen Annabelle yet but I have been meaning to. I will have to check that out. Do not bother, they just get worse as they go. The guys who did those also did an alien movie. I do not remember what it was called but it could have been really good but they dragged so much non-sense on and you have aliens for about five minutes; it also apparently got delayed for years by the studio or something.

Only two films made a lasting impression on me, the original Exorcist and the original Texas Chainsaw. Obviously seeing them at the age of 13 was a big part of it, but Texas Chainsaw really did a number on me. I hadn't considered how deranged people really could be, the dinner table scene is what did it for me. Details like the arms of the chairs being made of human arms that had be repurposed. And of course the chick who got stored on the meat hook so leather face could continue processing her boyfriend.

Still not a huge fan of the genre today having read way too many accounts of real life serial killers and butchers.

11-10-15, 05:49

11-10-15, 05:55
I want to add Shutter Island.

11-10-15, 07:08
Yep-halloween, absolutely classic, total mind****, not showing anything but a long legged hot Jamie Curtiss.
Then there's ALIEN. Same thing, total mind****.
Something a bit more obscure-"Picknick at Hanging Rock" (Peter Weir).
Saw that as a kid and it kept me up for a while.....

11-10-15, 07:34
Almost anything by John Carpenter, especially The Prince of Darkness and Halloween. The story line are great. I love his work......and Escape from New York is great. ;)


11-10-15, 07:42
Alien. You just need to get passed the chest burster scene.

Styeyr mentioned Ghost Story which is very good. There's a little nudity though.

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11-10-15, 10:07
What about It?

11-10-15, 11:44

Great classic. I was pleasantly surprised with the Rob Zombie remake too.

11-10-15, 14:32
What about It?

One does NOT show "IT" to children. C'mon man. We're adults and we're still freaked out by Pennywise. When someone has graduated from college, and IF they sign an affidavit stating they really want to see "It" then a private screening can be provided.

11-10-15, 15:10
One does NOT show "IT" to children. C'mon man. We're adults and we're still freaked out by Pennywise. When someone has graduated from college, and IF they sign an affidavit stating they really want to see "It" then a private screening can be provided.

This works best if viewed in the dark and some alcohol is enjoyed.
Just break out last years Halloween Clown mask when you get up to use the bathroom. Come back in and don't say anything, just sit down and stare at them.

11-10-15, 15:29
One does NOT show "IT" to children. C'mon man. We're adults and we're still freaked out by Pennywise. When someone has graduated from college, and IF they sign an affidavit stating they really want to see "It" then a private screening can be provided.

I watched this when I was 8 when it first aired as a TV mini series...meh.

11-10-15, 15:40
I watched this when I was 8 when it first aired as a TV mini series...meh.

You either have the "Jeesus Christ Clowns Freak Me Out" gene or you do not.

11-10-15, 15:47
The Shining

Nicholson was brilliant as usual.

11-10-15, 15:49
I watched this when I was 8 when it first aired as a TV mini series...meh.

You either have the "Jeesus Christ Clowns Freak Me Out" gene or you do not.

Yeah I don't get it, my wife has the gene and is absolutely aghast by them. They have no effect on me. Then again her dead brain parents let her watch movies like It when she was a little girl. My parents never let watch that stuff, thankfully and now when I watch all those movies from that time everyone was so creeped out about I'm like meh.

Doc Safari
11-10-15, 15:56
Definitely a no-no on the C-L-O-W-N movies.

11-10-15, 15:58
I remember going to a birthday party as a wee lad. They had a clown. He was funny and made balloon animals. It didn't bother me.

Now I saw It as an older kid and it was just horrible.
I never really realized that Pennywise, the Sesame Cake guy, and Dr. Frank N Furter were the same guy.

THAT is acting.

11-10-15, 16:09
I liked Event Horizon.

Good mix of sci-fi and horror.

11-10-15, 19:59
Yeah I don't get it, my wife has the gene and is absolutely aghast by them. They have no effect on me. Then again her dead brain parents let her watch movies like It when she was a little girl. My parents never let watch that stuff, thankfully and now when I watch all those movies from that time everyone was so creeped out about I'm like meh.


11-10-15, 20:13
Clowns are just another reason I carry a spare magazine.

Okay, the main reason.

Alex V
11-10-15, 20:50
When I was like 8 or 9 The Blob scared the living poop out of me. I was afraid of the bathtub for weeks after that.

A few years later Fire In The Sky gave me many sleepless nights as well.

I can't remember any other movie since then that has actually "scared" me.

11-10-15, 21:01
When I was like 8 or 9 The Blob scared the living poop out of me. I was afraid of the bathtub for weeks after that.

A few years later Fire In The Sky gave me many sleepless nights as well.

I can't remember any other movie since then that has actually "scared" me.

Fire in the sky was scarier to me than IT and I watched them both at young age. Fire in the sky seemed more plausible...

Open water was suspenseful to me, especially being a diver.

11-11-15, 01:12
Open water was suspenseful to me, especially being a diver.

Same here, but it wasn't the sharks that were scary to me. It was the realization that many of the half assed dive trip coordinators really could leave you overnight and not notice. Been to too many parts of the Caribbean and seen too many people in charge of important details who shouldn't be trusted to keep french fries from burning.

11-11-15, 01:19

The irony being that Gacy used his clown persona to lure his child victims to him.

11-11-15, 01:20
Clowns are just another reason I carry a spare magazine.

Okay, the main reason.

And here I thought you did that in case you ran into your ex mother-in-law.

11-11-15, 01:21
A few years later Fire In The Sky gave me many sleepless nights as well.

I can't remember any other movie since then that has actually "scared" me.

If you have not seen The Fourth Kind then rush out and rent it.

11-11-15, 01:33

Inspiration for Captain Spaulding.

11-11-15, 02:03
Inspiration for Captain Spaulding.
I wasn't going to go that far and suggest House of 1,000 Corpses since we would be well over the threshold of LSV. It is an interesting if derivative movie though. Devil's Rejects is better IMO.

11-11-15, 03:10
I wasn't going to go that far and suggest House of 1,000 Corpses since we would be well over the threshold of LSV. It is an interesting if derivative movie though. Devil's Rejects is better IMO.

I wasn't going to mention those either for the same reasons but yeah, The Devil's Rejects kicked ass. I really enjoy Rob Zombie films but sadly haven't seen his latest. I really hope he goes through with and makes Werewolf Women of the SS.

Alex V
11-11-15, 06:05
If you have not seen The Fourth Kind then rush out and rent it.

I saw it. I liked it a lot. But it didn't scare me. Good movie tho. Cool idea.

11-11-15, 08:11
Honest to god, I can only watch that movie once a decade.
It got passed around on VHS in college. It made everybody emo

Lol. No joke, I called my mom and told her I loved her then took a shower. "Ass to ass!"

Burnt Offerings with Betty Davis scared me and is suitable for an 11 yo.


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11-11-15, 12:00
Them! (1954)


11-11-15, 12:05
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Black Dahlia. It came out almost 10 years ago and was kind of blink and you'll miss it.

It was like LA Confidential but creepy

Alex V
11-11-15, 12:11
Not so much a horror film, but I've never been more unsettled by a movie then when I saw Requiem for a Dream.

Awesome Movie!

Doc Safari
11-11-15, 12:58
Clowns are just another reason I carry a spare magazine.

Okay, the main reason.


11-11-15, 12:58
How about the cube? Border line for an 11 year old. Bit of obscure movie but decent.

11-11-15, 13:25
Not so much a horror film, but I've never been more unsettled by a movie then when I saw Requiem for a Dream.

Have you seen the other one he did, π?

11-11-15, 14:04
Have you seen the other one he did, π?
It's in the queue. Big fan of disturbing movies, I'll have to watch it.

Doc Safari
11-11-15, 14:08
I might mention: please refrain from suggesting things like "Men Behind the Sun" or "Irreversible," or "Evil that Men Do" or any movie that adults might be disturbed by, much less an eleven-year-old.

I was hoping the movies suggested would be all in good fun and that type of scary horror.

In my own mind, the ultimate style of movie that pops to mind would be the Johnny Depp "Sleepy Hollow".

It's scary without being gory--maybe kinda corny in spots--but safe for kids.

"The Ring" is another good one that sends chills up your spine, but nothing in it is really objectionable.

It's been a few years since I saw "Dark Water", but IIRC that one qualifies as well.

Keep the suggestions coming!

11-11-15, 14:29

That plate looks like it was made by some guy serving out a sentence for pedophilia.

11-11-15, 17:58
White noise....

11-11-15, 18:00
White noise....

Forgot about this one. Pretty good movie.

11-11-15, 18:07
They Live1

11-11-15, 20:20
And here I thought you did that in case you ran into your ex mother-in-law.

Same thing.

Hence the spare magazine. And a 33-round party stick in the driver's side door pocket.

Bubba FAL
11-11-15, 22:41
The Bad Seed - an oldie but goodie. Don't know if you should show an 11 year old a movie about a sociopathic child tho'.

11-11-15, 23:04
I was hoping the movies suggested would be all in good fun and that type of scary horror.

In my own mind, the ultimate style of movie that pops to mind would be the Johnny Depp "Sleepy Hollow".

I'll repeat my recommendation of The Haunting (1963). It uses good story telling to give you the willies. No gore, no language

I'd also recommend selections from "The Classic Monster Movies"- Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, Creature from the Black Lagoon, and The Mummy for starters.

More adventure than horror, the Mummy remakes by Steven Connors are a lot of fun and I think kids would enjoy them

11-12-15, 00:41
Did someone say The Others? I can't remember and don't feel like re-reading the thread in it's entirety. If not, it's a good suspense goose bump giving story with no gore.

11-12-15, 01:20
Did someone say The Others? I can't remember and don't feel like re-reading the thread in it's entirety. If not, it's a good suspense goose bump giving story with no gore.

Yep it was mentioned. Good flick, but then I could watch just about any with Nicole Kidman in it.

11-12-15, 10:04
"The Cottage"

It's a comedy/horror movie.

I watch it once a year.

It's absolutely the BEST comedy/horror movies in existence.

There's some rough language, but probably nothing an 11 year old hasn't already heard...

11-12-15, 10:14
In my own mind, the ultimate style of movie that pops to mind would be the Johnny Depp "Sleepy Hollow".

It's scary without being gory--maybe kinda corny in spots--but safe for kids.

Doc, excellent recommendation. For an 11 year old it's scary without being inappropriate.