View Full Version : BLM Crowd in 4, 4, 3, 2...Oh Wait NEVER...

11-10-15, 02:25
Two MINORITY Police Officers fatally shoot Jeremy Davis Mardis, a 6 year old autistic child who was still strapped in his car seat after shots were fired into their vehicle at around 9:30 p.m. Tuesday in Marksville, after what officials described as a pursuit.


Derrick Stafford, 32, and Norris Greenhouse Jr., 23, were arrested and charged with second-degree murder and attempted second-degree murder, both officers were working side jobs as city marshals, authorities said.

The officers killed the boy and his father, Chris Few, was wounded. Details indicate there was no warrant for his arrest, there was no exchange of gunfire, and no gun was found in Few's sport-utility vehicle.


Change the race variables on this one and the country would explode. Where is Obama stating he will personally have Holder investigate the officers and agencies policies?

11-10-15, 02:42
The University of Missouri's president and chancellor resigned yesterday over something they didn't even do and for being white. A married couple who are professors at Yale are being stalked and harassed because they dared to suggest that politically incorrect Halloween costumes are an act of Freedom of Speech.

The myth of black victimization rages on, dead white children need not apply.

Reason #2 I don't visit NYC is that I have a pretty good chance of being shot as an innocent bystander by the only people professional enough to be allowed to carry firearms in NYC.

11-10-15, 03:30
If I ever ended up greasing a kid like that, suicide would most certainly be on the table. I know guys who ate their guns, mostly over depression, divorce, wasting their life in LE.

But speaking for myself, I would do it Buddhist Monk style. I simply don't see a way I could live with it.

That's why people bring babies to dope houses. But they'll show up to court with Bibles and some bullshit excuse.

11-10-15, 04:13
I wonder if they'll release the body cam footage? News reports are saying guy's hands were up prior to being shot. (http://www.thetowntalk.com/story/news/local/2015/11/07/deputy-marshal-charged-murder-son-assistant-da/75389768/) The "marshals" backgrounds and history aren't exactly inspiring.

From the Associated Press: Body camera video footage shows that the driver, Chris Few, had his hands up before marshals opened fire, killing Few's son...

11-10-15, 05:06
Not sure how common this is. (http://news.yahoo.com/funeral-planned-boy-killed-marshals-shooting-102538793.html#)

Judge William Bennett set the officers' bond during a hearing he held inside the jail after refusing media requests to open the proceedings. No transcripts were made available, and the judge later issued a sweeping gag order prohibiting anyone involved in the case, including potential witnesses and victims, from providing any information to the media.

11-10-15, 06:01
This crap infuriates me and the fact the "outcry" for it will never exist. Society is very disgusting.

11-10-15, 08:34
Here's another story on the incident:


It's not 100% clear but it sounds like the shooters had some sort of very limited legal role and qualification, not the same as regular police officers.

It also sounds like a case of outright murder. I know that often more facts come out and things aren't as black/white as they first look, but if the first look proves correct, I hope these guys are executed for their crimes.

11-10-15, 09:13
It's not 100% clear but it sounds like the shooters had some sort of very limited legal role and qualification, not the same as regular police officers.

They were regular Marksville Police Officers moonlighting as Marshals for overtime. Not uncommon.

That's why he's "Lt. Derrick Stafford" acting as "Deputy Marshal Stafford"

"The marshals work for the city courts and serve warrants, according to the Associated Press. They carry firearms and have police powers. Their boss is Ward 2 Marshal Floyd Voinche Sr., a local bus driver who was recently re-elected."

Also Stafford was previously indicted for raping two different women in assaults occurring in 2004 and 2011.

My guess is a lack of accountability/ standards and discipline kept this bad apple on the wrong side of the badge for years, he got a warrant to serve with his partner, and decided to do a little sport killing instead.

Despite the gag order it was leaked that the camera shows the victim pointing to his son like, "I don't know what you want me to do" with his hands up before they put him on blaze.

State Police Colonel Michael Edmonson said the body camera video was “the most disturbing thing I’ve seen.”

11-10-15, 10:26
some reports are saying the victims and one of the "officers" knew each other. sounds like murder.

On another note Louisiana is the most epically corrupt shit hole on the planet. That includes places like Washington, Chicago and New York.

11-10-15, 11:21
On another note Louisiana is the most epically corrupt shit hole on the planet. That includes places like Washington, Chicago and New York.

Lived there for four yrs., before, during, after, Katrina.

Unless one has lived there, the level of corruption is unfathomable. I mean, so bad as to be worse than Mexico, Sierra Leone, or even Zimbabwe.

I'm certainly not known for being anti-LE, but the joke in NOLA was, and is, it is better to be carjacked than pulled over by NOPD. The things LE did after Katrina were terrible. Just ask Sewell Cadillac.

11-10-15, 12:19
On another note Louisiana is the most epically corrupt shit hole on the planet.

I lived in NOLA pre-Katrina and found the whole moonlighting thing to be especially hilarious.

If you were having a party with more than 50 people, you were required to hire a cop off the "moonlighting roster" to stand at the end of your driveway. At the end of the night, you would pay cop directly and tip him out with $$$, weed, booze, whatever- and at that time he would usually hand over his personal business card so you could contact him directly for your next party.

With the right cop at the end of your driveway, you could literally do anything right on the front porch, neighbors be damned.

With the wrong cop off the roster, he would show up and try to shake you down for every little thing- music too loud, music too late, "other"... not carding your underage guests was a big one.

Looking back, it's like I can't even believe that shit actually happened, but it was perfectly normal, like, "Oohhhh, OK..."

11-10-15, 14:36
They were regular Marksville Police Officers moonlighting as Marshals for overtime. Not uncommon.

One was actually only a "reserve" officer, but as you noted functioning as a "Marshal" at the time.

11-10-15, 14:43
One was actually only a "reserve" officer, but as you noted functioning as a "Marshal" at the time.

Ah, I guess I was kind of zeroed in on the rapist one.

Do they have government employee unions out there, I wonder?

11-10-15, 17:12
The plot thickens. (http://www.katc.com/story/30481389/fews-fiancee-claims-one-of-the-marksville-officers-went-to-her-house-sent-her-messages)

The fiancée of the man shot by Marksville officers last week says one of the officers had been messaging her on Facebook and had come to her home, The Advocate reports.

Megan Dixon, Chris Few's fiancée, told The Advocate that Norris Greenhouse, Jr., one of two officers arrested in the shooting of Few and the shooting death of his 6-year-old son Jeremy Mardis, had been messaging her on Facebook.

Dixon said Greenhouse also stopped by Few and Dixon's house, prompting Few to tell Greenhouse that he would hurt him if Greenhouse ever came to their home again...
More than their fair share of civil suits (http://www.katc.com/story/30460349/katc-investigates-several-lawsuits-pending-against-officers-accused-in-shooting-death-of-6-year-old).

11-10-15, 18:25
The plot thickens. (http://www.katc.com/story/30481389/fews-fiancee-claims-one-of-the-marksville-officers-went-to-her-house-sent-her-messages)

More than their fair share of civil suits (http://www.katc.com/story/30460349/katc-investigates-several-lawsuits-pending-against-officers-accused-in-shooting-death-of-6-year-old).

Sounds like a "Training Day" just like in the Movie.
So Greenhouse Jr's Dad is an Assistant DA?

Well, surprise surprise, yes he is !
Norris Greenhouse Jr., one of the Marksville Ward 2 city deputy marshals charged Friday in the death of 6-year-old Jeremy David Mardis, is the son of Norris Greenhouse Sr., an Avoyelles Parish assistant district attorney.

It’s the reason District Attorney Charles Riddle III said that a motion to recuse the office would be filed soon.

“The community needs to know this, that our district attorney’s office and the State Police and our local police department, did not direct ... this investigation because of the relationship of one of the accused who was arrested tonight and one of our assistant district attorneys,” Riddle said Friday night.

Just a chip off the old Block???

11-10-15, 19:41
Sounds like a "Training Day" just like in the Movie.
So Greenhouse Jr's Dad is an Assistant DA?
Well, surprise surprise, yes he is !

Chances of a thorough and impartial investigation that we can all have confidence in seems to have just dropped to near zero, with or without recusal. In theory I think a federal agency should step in, but under the current administration I wouldn't have much if any confidence in impartiality given the circumstances and what seems to be the administration's political agenda. I don't know of any mechanism for another state's LE system to be brought in, but that would seem the best idea here if it were possible to do.

11-10-15, 19:50
Chances of a thorough and impartial investigation that we can all have confidence in seems to have just dropped to near zero, with or without recusal. In theory I think a federal agency should step in, but under the current administration I wouldn't have much if any confidence in impartiality given the circumstances and what seems to be the administration's political agenda. I don't know of any mechanism for another state's LE system to be brought in, but that would seem the best idea here if it were possible to do.

If Obama had a son who sometimes moonlighted as a US Marshal....

11-10-15, 20:40
So a "Cop" comes over to your house and hits on your Wife/Significant Other and then days later you threaten to give him a tune-up if he comes by your house again. He see's you on the street, pulls you over and shoots you and kills your Son.
All of this with a Senior Partner who well may be deserving of a long jail sentence for not one, but two rapes.

So Mike Brown deserved a Justice Department investigation, but this unmasked corruption and Police brutality that killed an innocent child, a child by the way that had a disability, will likely be swept under the rug if someone doesn't raise a bit of hell?
I would think, if I were governor I would step in right now and take a keen interest in unbiased parties taking this investigation immediately.
If we wait for this POTUS and this Justice Department to take action, it's just not going to happen.

11-10-15, 21:26

You wouldn't believe how many petty and stupid people get ahold of a badge and gun. There are certain segments of Law Enforcement who use it as a means to get ahead.

The more honest you are, the fewer friends you have. It's most depressing

26 Inf
11-10-15, 21:26
Chances of a thorough and impartial investigation that we can all have confidence in seems to have just dropped to near zero, with or without recusal. In theory I think a federal agency should step in, but under the current administration I wouldn't have much if any confidence in impartiality given the circumstances and what seems to be the administration's political agenda. I don't know of any mechanism for another state's LE system to be brought in, but that would seem the best idea here if it were possible to do.

I don't know about that, this guy is a pretty big wheel in the state LEO hierarchy:

“It was the most disturbing thing I’ve seen,” Col. Mike Edmonson, Louisiana State Police superintendent, said about the video taken from the incident. “I will leave it at that.” “We know a lot about it. This is a complex case. It’s got a lot of moving parts,” he said. “Nothing’s more important to me than the integrity of this case and that’s why I don’t want to go into details. We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us.”

Sure talks cheap, but that was on the record with a reporter.

Hope for the best, although 2nd Degree may be too low, if he intended to kill the father, that would be premeditated murder in commission of a felony and that should carry Murder 1.

11-10-15, 22:34
Corruption in any organization may start from the bottom up, but for it to continue to exist at any measurable level the top must be very, very corrupt.

I'm gonna tell you, if someone I worked with side by side every day was accused of two rapes, I would be damned before I would work with him or trust my life to his judgement. That doesn't occur unless someone is either committing those rapes or has such terrible judgement and professional ineptitude that they are a danger to those around them.

11-10-15, 23:26
If Obama had a son who sometimes moonlighted as a US Marshal....

City/County Deputy Marshal now.

11-10-15, 23:29
These thugs with badges are going to be burned down. That's my opinion.

11-11-15, 01:09
These thugs with badges are going to be burned down. That's my opinion.

Hopefully. But notice the glaring absence of their race and the race of the victims being pointed out by the MSM. It's almost as if race in this case isn't even an issue.

11-11-15, 01:42
These thugs with badges are going to be burned down. That's my opinion.

In the meantime I say we should burn down the neighborhood and loot the local Gander Mountain. :sarcastic:

11-11-15, 02:07
Hopefully. But notice the glaring absence of their race and the race of the victims being pointed out by the MSM. It's almost as if race in this case isn't even an issue.

It's not.

11-11-15, 02:30
It's not.

But why? You don't have to answer, we all know.

11-11-15, 03:07
But why? You don't have to answer, we all know.

LOL, exactly.

11-11-15, 03:19
It's almost as if race in this case isn't even an issue.

This is how much of an issue it is.


Investigators have not suggested that race is a factor in the shooting, which may not fit neatly into a national debate about race and policing. Booking records describe the officers as African-American; no available records describe the race of the father and son.

They just can't find any records! :agree:

11-11-15, 08:16
From the above article;
But Edmonson said there was no evidence of a warrant, nor any gun at the scene.

The officers were moved from the jail in Marksville to a lockup in the central Louisiana city of Alexandria after Monday's bond hearing, for reasons no one would explain, citing the gag order.

The possibility that they could post bond and remain free during the investigation didn't sit well with some townspeople who gathered outside the jail.

"The same day the boy is being buried," said Barbara Scott. "Shame, shame, shame."

"This child couldn't hurt a fly and his life is gone. I feel justice was not served," added Latasha Murray.

Jeremy Mardis was by all accounts a happy first-grader at Lafargue Elementary in Effie, Louisiana, where he attended school after his parents split and he moved to Marksville, where his father's family lives.

I'm speechless....