View Full Version : Strategy to defeat ISIS

11-16-15, 10:14
Kill, kill, kill.


Please discuss strategies that will rid our world of the Islamic disease.

11-16-15, 10:35

11-16-15, 10:48
"Weapons Free"

ROE have, imo, been the biggest issue in the GWOT, go all out or go home. If you don't have the stomach to do it right, don't.

We don't need JSOC operators in 'advising' roles working with worthless indigenous troops. We need to put them on target with only their piers and a "weapons free" roe. We have trained these men to be the best in the world and vetted them like no other, let them decide who gets smoked and let them do it with out fear of prosecution.

11-16-15, 10:52
Carpet bombing

Dist. Expert 26
11-16-15, 10:55
Military action is a good start, but what happens when little Achmed grows up and wants to avenge his father? Unless the entire world bands together to eradicate Islam entirely, we'll never see an end to the attacks. Sure, we might get a couple years of respite every decade or so, but the cycle will repeat itself.

11-16-15, 10:59
"Weapons Free"

ROE have, imo, been the biggest issue in the GWOT, go all out or go home. If you don't have the stomach to do it right, don't.

We don't need JSOC operators in 'advising' roles working with worthless indigenous troops. We need to put them on target with only their piers and a "weapons free" roe. We have trained these men to be the best in the world and vetted them like no other, let them decide who gets smoked and let them do it with out fear of prosecution.

Exactly. No more training of future terrorists. No more arming of future terrorist. Set JSOC loose and allow them to kill terrorist without any MMQBing anywhere outside of CONUS we find them. No questions, no press conferences, no political gloating, just a lot of face shooting. If they dare to set up a convoy carpet bomb the crap out of it.

No building schools, hospitals, water treatment, not one single $$ of aid. Let them live as they chose and kill each other at will in their own little shit pile. If the step off the pile and become a threat kill them in silence.

11-16-15, 11:13
Military action is a good start, but what happens when little Achmed grows up and wants to avenge his father? Unless the entire world bands together to eradicate Islam entirely, we'll never see an end to the attacks. Sure, we might get a couple years of respite every decade or so, but the cycle will repeat itself.

Unless we engage in genocide on a scale never seen before, this is the reality.

11-16-15, 11:15
Take whatever we've been doing and do the exact opposite. Obama looked weak and shameful at the G20 this morning. :(

11-16-15, 11:15
What, nothing about how it might also help if we actually stop overthrowing stable middle-eastern governments and spending American taxpayer's money to fund, train, and heavily arm Islamic jihadists?

11-16-15, 11:28
What, nothing about how it might also help if we actually stop overthrowing stable middle-eastern governments and spending American taxpayer's money to fund, train, and heavily arm Islamic jihadists?

I missed the part about meddling and toppling countries for shits and giggles.

Let them alone. We are NOT the worlds police, or nice nice maker. If they want to rule one another ruthlessly, who cares. If they want to be nice nice nice who cares. Leave them in the Stone Age and so long as they stay in their lanes they don't die. It's pretty simple.

11-16-15, 11:31
Unless we engage in genocide on a scale never seen before, this is the reality.

Unfortunately I'm afraid that may be what the world comes to one day. I'm not sure which side will be the killers and which side will be the victims but I don't see relations getting better, only worse....

11-16-15, 11:35
Make them police themselves or they get weekly Hiroshima's till they learn to play nice.

Dist. Expert 26
11-16-15, 11:37
Unfortunately I'm afraid that may be what the world comes to one day. I'm not sure which side will be the killers and which side will be the victims but I don't see relations getting better, only worse....

One side has the stomach for it and the other does not. Unfortunately for you and I, we're on the wrong side of that equation. The Islamists have absolutely zero qualms about killing every man, woman and child in this country, but we go out of our way to appease them and fight "fair".

11-16-15, 11:37
We have oodles of VX stockpiled. Push the button.

11-16-15, 11:44
One side has the stomach for it and the other does not. Unfortunately for you and I, we're on the wrong side of that equation. The Islamists have absolutely zero qualms about killing every man, woman and child in this country, but we go out of our way to appease them and fight "fair".

I think if we were pushed hard enough we might find our back bone again and go do what needs to be done, but it's going to take a lot more dead bodies to get there....

11-16-15, 11:53
Here would be my initial 6 step for the Middle East and ISIS.

1) Halt importation of all Muslim refugees and Muslim immigrants from Middle Eastern nations
2) Fast track the Keystone Pipeline and domestic energy production with the goal of completely weaning us from Saudi oil. Without oil, the importance of the Middle East to the U.S. becomes sub-Sahara Africa which means minimal.
3) Behind to the scenes give an ultimatum to the Saudi's and Gulf states who are the biggest source of funding from both ISIS and AQ on 9/11. Halt all funding of these groups within 30 days of face consequences. Initial consequence would be seize all Saudi assets in U.S. banks, etc...., would increase from there
4) No more foreign aid to countries that hate us.
5) Aggressive air campaign backed by ground troops with sole mission to hunt and kill ISIS. No more nation building.
6) Make it very clear behind the scenes that if any state who funds or supports terrorists like ISIS or AQ will receive punitive military action against them if there is a mass casualty attack on the U.S. (For example, let's say there is an attack similar to Paris in the U.S. and lets say it is found that the Saudi funding is involved, in response, perhaps the Kaaba or black cube in Mecca may be tomahawked or something similar.)

Dist. Expert 26
11-16-15, 12:04
I think if we were pushed hard enough we might find our back bone again and go do what needs to be done, but it's going to take a lot more dead bodies to get there....

There's only one scenario I can envision having such a result- terrorists detonating a nuclear device, dirty bomb or otherwise, in an American city. Beyond that the left will continue to find a way to blame us for the actions of our enemy.

11-16-15, 12:20
There's only one scenario I can envision having such a result- terrorists detonating a nuclear device, dirty bomb or otherwise, in an American city. Beyond that the left will continue to find a way to blame us for the actions of our enemy.

Not even 2 hours before the Paris mess started, I was reading an article about 4 attempts to sell highly enriched uranium being stopped in the last 10 years. 4 attempts by what appears to be the same unknown group. A group that is advertising enough HEU to build at least 2 devices, stolen from a Russian installation. My question is, if they've stopped 4 attempts, how many have they missed?

11-16-15, 12:22
Sadly, you'd need another 9/11 type incident, or several, to get the average citizen chomping at the bit for some retaliation. Most people are clueless about the invasion of Europe, the rapes, and the violence that have accompanied the breeding jihad. Until it hits our shores we'll be stuck spinning our wheels...

11-16-15, 12:25
#1: Just go and take it. Make then the 51st+ states.

Imperialism for the win. Problem solved. We'll be the world's energy producer. If were going to spend blood and treasure, just as well have something to show for it. People like hot places. Look at Az and Fl. Snow birdies and oil jobs galore.

Or just go home. Fight the battle in our malls and halls. Until enough people are sick of innocents and gay pride parades getting blown up, shot up and assaulted, followed by growing a set and a thirst for vengeance. Then see suggestion #1.

Or there's the nuclear option. Literally. The will of the Japanese were broken with only two. Problem is where do you uncork it? Now were back to the genocide thing........ Yeah that's not going to work. With touchy feely leaders.

So it's kinda do nothing or crusades: the next chapter.

One of these days isis will really up the ante with a wmd. Then we'll all get to feel pretty stupid about it.

Dist. Expert 26
11-16-15, 12:30
Not even 2 hours before the Paris mess started, I was reading an article about 4 attempts to sell highly enriched uranium being stopped in the last 10 years. 4 attempts by what appears to be the same unknown group. A group that is advertising enough HEU to build at least 2 devices, stolen from a Russian installation. My question is, if they've stopped 4 attempts, how many have they missed?

All it takes is one. There was a Tom Clancy book about this scenario, I can't remember the name, but it was a good read. One low-grade nuclear device detonated inside a private aircraft a few thousand feet above L.A. or Boston would kill tens of thousands. God forbid they manage to get a full power blast.

11-16-15, 12:35
I missed the part about meddling and toppling countries for shits and giggles.

Let them alone. We are NOT the worlds police, or nice nice maker. If they want to rule one another ruthlessly, who cares. If they want to be nice nice nice who cares. Leave them in the Stone Age and so long as they stay in their lanes they don't die. It's pretty simple.

Exactly. If only that was the consensus of our insensate interventionist leaders.

11-16-15, 12:41
All it takes is one. There was a Tom Clancy book about this scenario, I can't remember the name, but it was a good read. One low-grade nuclear device detonated inside a private aircraft a few thousand feet above L.A. or Boston would kill tens of thousands. God forbid they manage to get a full power blast.

The Sum of All Fears....

11-16-15, 12:52
A comprehensive strategy to defeat ISIS should also include campaign finance reform here. If politicians are making decisions to use US/NATO force in proxy wars on behalf of private interests, that doesn't create good strategy or allow for an honest assessment of what victory would be. We should also have psychological screening for politicians to root out the most psychotic, pathological, and sociopathic. Least we forget what this dalliance is all about:



11-16-15, 14:37
Unfortunately I'm afraid that may be what the world comes to one day. I'm not sure which side will be the killers and which side will be the victims but I don't see relations getting better, only worse....

Well as we stand right now ISIS is already committing genocide, so that question is answered.

11-16-15, 14:53
Well as we stand right now ISIS is already committing genocide, so that question is answered.

Until we are willing to admit that little fact there is little we can or will do. As of now the Western political leadership are junkies unwilling to admit they have a problem.

11-16-15, 15:08
Until we are willing to admit that little fact there is little we can or will do. As of now the Western political leadership are junkies unwilling to admit they have a problem.

Obama has claimed to be a Christian but yet he in every single instance he is on the the side of Islam. He will never admit there is an issue with Islam.

11-16-15, 16:36
did you not see what madona said we just need love !!!!

the left are so so so so smart wish I thought of that

26 Inf
11-16-15, 17:54
All it takes is one. There was a Tom Clancy book about this scenario, I can't remember the name, but it was a good read. One low-grade nuclear device detonated inside a private aircraft a few thousand feet above L.A. or Boston would kill tens of thousands. God forbid they manage to get a full power blast.

Note sure that was Clancy, pretty sure that book was by Stephen Coonts. Sum of All Fears was a device on the ground at the SuperBowl IIRC.

11-16-15, 17:59
did you not see what madona said we just need love !!!!

the left are so so so so smart wish I thought of that

I thought it was Beatles. Regardless, we can all have an epic Roman Orgy once these bastards are eradicated.

We are past the point of "I have a black friend.." or "I banged a Hindu kid in college". All well and good, but it doesn't make you worldly

These people do not care who they kill and if they suicide bombed one of HER concerts she would sing a different tune. It is western secularism that allows a 60 year old woman to dress up like a hoochie girl and lip sync her old songs without reprisal, NOT Islam.

I wonder if she would pull her skank show in Jalalabad or Tehran?

I'm not trying to sound like Wooly from Dawn of the Dead but no. Screw these people. They only understand brutality and death. Let 'em have it.

11-16-15, 18:13
hahahaha yeah its kinda like OK you have a bully just do what he wants every day :) NO you pound the crap out of him and make sure you break a few bones in a most horrid way and let him know if you think beating me up will work I will kill you so if you ever try anything again we both loose cause I will go to jail for murder or you will go to jail for murder cause that is what it will take ?

I do agree about her show in other parts even the force a bakery to bake a gay cake go do that to muslim bakeries and see how it goes :) then sue them

11-16-15, 18:29
Unless we engage in genocide on a scale never seen before, this is the reality.

Perhaps, but we didn't need to kill all Germans and Japs to put an end to fascism.
Like in WWII, we need to destroy all the Muslim symbols (that means all mosques, madrasas, etc.), humiliate the leadership, humiliate Mohamed for what he was.
Now, Germans had a long tradition of being compatible with the West prior to Hitler showing up, whereas the Arabs and Muslims in general do not. So that might not be possible.
At this point, I don't mind a genocide against Muslims. I really don't.

Make them police themselves or they get weekly Hiroshima's till they learn to play nice.

I think if we were pushed hard enough we might find our back bone again and go do what needs to be done, but it's going to take a lot more dead bodies to get there....
Most people didn't wake up even after 9/11, and if they did, they went back to sleep soon after.

Here would be my initial 6 step for the Middle East and ISIS.

1) Halt importation of all Muslim refugees and Muslim immigrants from Middle Eastern nations
2) Fast track the Keystone Pipeline and domestic energy production with the goal of completely weaning us from Saudi oil. Without oil, the importance of the Middle East to the U.S. becomes sub-Sahara Africa which means minimal.
3) Behind to the scenes give an ultimatum to the Saudi's and Gulf states who are the biggest source of funding from both ISIS and AQ on 9/11. Halt all funding of these groups within 30 days of face consequences. Initial consequence would be seize all Saudi assets in U.S. banks, etc...., would increase from there
4) No more foreign aid to countries that hate us.
5) Aggressive air campaign backed by ground troops with sole mission to hunt and kill ISIS. No more nation building.
6) Make it very clear behind the scenes that if any state who funds or supports terrorists like ISIS or AQ will receive punitive military action against them if there is a mass casualty attack on the U.S. (For example, let's say there is an attack similar to Paris in the U.S. and lets say it is found that the Saudi funding is involved, in response, perhaps the Kaaba or black cube in Mecca may be tomahawked or something similar.)

did you not see what madona said we just need love !!!!

the left are so so so so smart wish I thought of that

Yes, love stopped Hitler too if I recall correctly.

Dist. Expert 26
11-16-15, 19:19
Note sure that was Clancy, pretty sure that book was by Stephen Coonts. Sum of All Fears was a device on the ground at the SuperBowl IIRC.

Maybe it was Vince Flynn. Either way it pretty well outlined a plan to destroy an entire city, all that's required is the device and some willing martyrs.

11-16-15, 20:08
Here would be my initial 6 step for the Middle East and ISIS.

1) Halt importation of all Muslim refugees and Muslim immigrants from Middle Eastern nations Yes
2) Fast track the Keystone Pipeline and domestic energy production with the goal of completely weaning us from Saudi oil. Without oil, the importance of the Middle East to the U.S. becomes sub-Sahara Africa which means minimal. Yes
3) Behind to the scenes give an ultimatum to the Saudi's and Gulf states who are the biggest source of funding from both ISIS and AQ on 9/11. Halt all funding of these groups within 30 days of face consequences. Initial consequence would be seize all Saudi assets in U.S. banks, etc...., would increase from there. No. At-center-stage release the 28 Pages detailing the House of Saud's involvement in 9/11 based on the interrogation of Abu Z.
4) No more foreign aid to countries that hate us. Yes
5) Aggressive air campaign backed by ground troops with sole mission to hunt and kill ISIS. No more nation building. Yes
6) Make it very clear behind the scenes that if any state who funds or supports terrorists like ISIS or AQ will receive punitive military action against them if there is a mass casualty attack on the U.S. (For example, let's say there is an attack similar to Paris in the U.S. and lets say it is found that the Saudi funding is involved, in response, perhaps the Kaaba or black cube in Mecca may be tomahawked or something similar.)No. Not behind the scenes. Immediate war with the Monarchies- to punish the terror they have already funded and facilitated.


7) No aid to Israel.

8) Israeli nuclear disarmament and no bomb for Iran.

9) Expose Turkish collaboration with ISIS:
a- Deal to trade Kobane for diplomats/ stall Peshmerga
b- Inernational ISIS recruits transported on Turkish buses to the border (both masterminded and financed by Bandar Bush)
c- ISIS receives Turkish food
d- ISIS fighters in Turkish military hospital at Sanliurfa
e- Turkish Army trains ISIS at Duzce and Adapazari
f- Turkey supports ISIS financially through purchase of heavily discounted oil ($800M)

10) Support for secular governance. Rekindle the Ba'ath Party flame.

11) Throw in heavy behind Assad to take back Aleppo and some of what was lost.

12) New flags and new governments for:
a- "New Iraq" (currently IS territory)
b- Babylon (currently Iraq)
c- The Land of the Two Shrines (Currently Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, and Oman)
d- Kemalia (currently Turkey)
e- South Kurdistan (currently KRG)

13) Investigation into the road to war with Iraq followed by indictments, trials, and punishment for the architects of the war.

On Turkey:

11-16-15, 20:54
This is why Europe will be Muslim. The US is next, unless the southern border saves the Christian society.


11-16-15, 21:14
Thinking of the events over the last few weeks, the attack in France does raise the bar in the "global war on terror". It will be interesting to see how many or if other countries have attacks like the one in Paris. I am waiting to see what we, Russia and the UN decide to do.

Also, further attacks will solidify just how far the arm of ISIS does extend. If they are being bombed from all sides, they have nothing to loose by attacks in the US and Europe. The entire world will be confounded.

I believe we have tons of wwii ordinance left over, we give them a choice. Stop your terrorist crap or be carpet bombed every single day. If they did not stop and no one was left, then all the refugees could return to their home land and have there very own brand new country.

Dist. Expert 26
11-16-15, 23:30
13) Investigation into the road to war with Iraq followed by indictments, trials, and punishment for the architects of the war.

Really? We're back to going after Bush?

11-17-15, 01:34
Perhaps, but we didn't need to kill all Germans and Japs to put an end to fascism.

The Japanese at the time were a warrior class people. Not much had changed in the Japanese way of life for more than a thousand years. They lived by "Bushido", it took two nuclear bombs and burning 226,000 of their civilians to death with atomic fire to break their resolve. As for the Nazis the Allied Forces pretty much killed most of them except for the ones put on trial and hanged and then of course the ones that were smuggled to the US and given a new life in exchange for knowledge. Fewer still went off grid mostly to South America and died of old age. Mossad snuffed a few.

Point is during WWII the US was not allowing tens of thousands of Germans or Japanese into the country out of common sense. We're doing the exact opposite of that, Western leaders want this, they are making this happen.

ISIS is a construct, a by product of Barry's "arab spring".

11-17-15, 06:38
Here's our ****ing strategy. (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/17/world/middleeast/us-strikes-syria-oil.html?_r=0)

Intensifying pressure on the Islamic State, United States warplanes for the first time attacked hundreds of trucks on Monday that the extremist group has been using to smuggle the crude oil it has been producing in Syria, American officials said...

American officials have long been frustrated by the ability of the Islamic State to generate tens of million of dollars a month by producing and exporting oil...
LONG BEEN FRUSTRATED? Action beats reaction and who in their right mind wants these guys cashing in on 10's of millions to fund their jihad?

Until Monday, the United States refrained from striking the fleet used to transport oil, believed to include more than 1,000 tanker trucks, because of concerns about causing civilian casualties. As a result, the Islamic State’s distribution system for exporting oil had remained largely intact... To reduce the risk of harming civilians, two F-15 warplanes dropped leaflets about an hour before the attack warning drivers to abandon their vehicles, and strafing runs were conducted to reinforce the message.
You gotta be ****ing shitting me. You could've dropped your leaflets how long ago and got rid of how many millions in terrorist funding?

116 trucks out of 1000 observed? Way to go.

From the first Gulf War.

Between 1,400 and 2,000 vehicles were hit or abandoned on the main Highway 80 north of Al Jahra (the “actual” Highway of Death). Several hundred more littered the lesser known Highway 8 to the major southern Iraq military stronghold of Basra.

The offensive action for which Highway 80 is infamous became controversial with some commentators alleging disproportionate use of force, saying that the Iraqi forces were retreating from Kuwait in compliance with the original UN Resolution 660 of August 2, 1990; and the column allegedly included Kuwaiti hostages and civilian refugees...

11-17-15, 06:46
Are we even bombing the right country?


11-17-15, 08:55
Here's our ****ing strategy. (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/17/world/middleeast/us-strikes-syria-oil.html?_r=0)


LONG BEEN FRUSTRATED? Action beats reaction and who in their right mind wants these guys cashing in on 10's of millions to fund their jihad?

You gotta be ****ing shitting me. You could've dropped your leaflets how long ago and got rid of how many millions in terrorist funding?

116 trucks out of 1000 observed? Way to go.

From the first Gulf War.

Hot damn, we got 116 out of 1000? Pack it up and time to go home, work is done.

Sorry, if you are driving an ISIS oil truck and you get smoked tough titty. I wonder if we gave the German factory workers and train engineers warning before we bombed their shit?

11-17-15, 09:14
Rand Paul on arming "moderate" rebels. He seems the only one who understood the gravity of this. I hope given recent events, more will take note he seems to have a better handle on this than the other GOP or Dem candidates and DC regulars.


Big A
11-17-15, 09:40

He should make that his ringtone.

Outlander Systems
11-17-15, 09:55
Ron Paul is the closest thing we're ever going to get to a Political "savior".

The media hates him even more than they "hate" Trump.

Rand Paul on arming "moderate" rebels. He seems the only one who understood the gravity of this. I hope given recent events, more will take note he seems to have a better handle on this than the other GOP or Dem candidates and DC regulars.

11-17-15, 10:00
Are we even bombing the right country?

We've put all our eggs in Saudi Arabia's basket and the last thing we're going to do is break our own eggs, even if they're rotten to the core.

11-17-15, 10:00
Really? We're back to going after Bush?

Is Bush the one you feel is responsible for bringing about this catastrophe?

I'm not sure, personally... but I know we should investigate.

It's not like chasing some 80+ year old Nazi and trying to bring him to justice for actions taken during WWII.

It wasn't that long ago- most of the people responsible are still alive, and all of them walk free today.

Let's have accountability, and then justice. That's all.

Are we even bombing the right country?

No. We are not.

11-17-15, 10:09
Bush hasn't been president for literally 7 odd years.
IMHO it wasn't that he went too far, it's that he didn't go far enough.

11-17-15, 10:13
We've put all our eggs in Saudi Arabia's basket and the last thing we're going to do is break our own eggs, even if they're rotten to the core.

Yes, but it's not as if anyone else who is sitting on a bunch of oil (IRAN) is refusing to sell because of our support for the House of Saud.

Quite the opposite, actually...

11-17-15, 10:33
Military action is a good start, but what happens when little Achmed grows up and wants to avenge his father? Unless the entire world bands together to eradicate Islam entirely, we'll never see an end to the attacks. Sure, we might get a couple years of respite every decade or so, but the cycle will repeat itself.

Remember that Eric Clapton song "I Shot the Sheriff"? There is a line in it that is pertinent to the gist of what you mention: "....he said 'Kill it before it grows'....."

11-17-15, 10:44
Remember that Eric Clapton song "I Shot the Sheriff"?

Clapton dropped a cover, mon.

11-17-15, 10:49
Clapton dropped a cover, mon.

He made the song famous/well known, Marley not so much.

11-17-15, 10:54
He made the song famous/well known, Marley not so much.

Really? I can't even think of what Eric Clapton would sound like singing Marley's song.

...anyway interestingly enough, did you know "Kill it before it grows" was a reference to his opposition to birth control pills?

11-17-15, 10:55
Ron Paul is the closest thing we're ever going to get to a Political "savior".

The media/democrats/most republicans/gop establishment hates him even more than they "hate" Trump.

FIFY. He needs to start shouting from the rooftops if he wants to get his message across and for it to be heard.

11-17-15, 11:15
Really? I can't even think of what Eric Clapton would sound like singing Marley's song.

...anyway interestingly enough, did you know "Kill it before it grows" was a reference to his opposition to birth control pills?

The phrase serves dual purposes, no? It can also be construed (per the topic of defeating Islamic terrorism) as not worrying too much about little Achmed growing up to hate, 'cause he just might not make it to full-grown Islamist. That would, of course, be so very very sad. :rolleyes:

Kind of how I feel when I see those pics of Palestinian kids dressed up like and emulating their murderous adult icons. They're beyond "fixing" at that point, might as well "kill it before it grows".

11-17-15, 11:15
Our foreign policy has failed.

Our support for AQ and distortion of facts surrounding the Jihadis has been exposed.

1) LePen is a major voice of reason coming out of the Paris attacks- and people are listening. Last weekend she came out (pretty strongly) in support of secular Ba'athist governance for Syria under Assad.

2) Russia had more positive effect in the first 30 minutes of bombing than we had in over a year.

3) Australia supports secular governance as well: http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/sep/26/australia-set-to-abandon-opposition-to-assad-as-part-of-syria-settlement

If we don't make a drastic change and admit our mistakes, then we will fall on the wrong side of the alliances that are forming.

Russia is aligned with Iran, Assad, Australia, France, and the list is growing.

We are directly aligned with Saudi Arabia, the monarchies, and AQ, and Saudi Arabia funds and supports ISIS.

The reason why we ended up like this, even after we were attacked on 9/11 by AQ... and even after we butchered Iraq and served it to Iran as a gift (did not make SA happy)... is because of the CIA and their working relationship with AQ. They created them to fight the Soviets and they love working with them. They can use them to do "military things" like take down Qaddafi... which they seem to do of their own free will, and have no business doing anyway.

...and they have unlimited budgets to pursue these goals, which run counter to the national security.

If I were president, I'd pull the plug on the CIA right after the ATF.

Dist. Expert 26
11-17-15, 12:31
Is Bush the one you feel is responsible for bringing about this catastrophe?

I'm not sure, personally... but I know we should investigate.

It's not like chasing some 80+ year old Nazi and trying to bring him to justice for actions taken during WWII.

It wasn't that long ago- most of the people responsible are still alive, and all of them walk free today.

Let's have accountability, and then justice. That's all.

No. We are not.

It's EXACTLY like hunting Nazis. Will it make some people feel better? Sure. Will it have any impact on the current situation? Absolutely not.

11-17-15, 12:48
Is he right?


11-17-15, 13:47
The current strategy of ostrich and golf isn't working and your president doesn't have the leadership skills to do much more.

11-17-15, 15:01
The current strategy of ostrich and golf isn't working and your president doesn't have the leadership skills to do much more.

Anonymous got 800 ISIS affiliated social media accounts banned in the past 24 hours. They've effectively done more to combat ISIS that Ozero has. :(

11-17-15, 15:31
Ill go, just match my current salary.

11-17-15, 15:46
Anonymous got 800 ISIS affiliated social media accounts banned in the past 24 hours. They've effectively done more to combat ISIS that Ozero has. :(

The difference is that Anonymous has a clear will and a plan to stop it.
I'm not too keen on the tin foil hat theory of what our POTUS is up to, but if he isn't a part of the Muslim Brotherhood he's been their best friend in America going on 8 years now.

11-17-15, 16:26
The difference is that Anonymous has a clear will and a plan to stop it.
I'm not too keen on the tin foil hat theory of what our POTUS is up to, but if he isn't a part of the Muslim Brotherhood he's been their best friend in America going on 8 years now.
At some point one has to weigh all of the possible explanations for his motives and this wilful and intentional have to be right near or at the top of his list.

11-17-15, 16:34
still say any mosque that has any ties to a terrorist that mosque is destroyed and a park or something put in its place
all the staff of that church are deported along with any members who were not born citizens are deported
those who are born here citizens are now on a life long watch list
and all non born citizens that we have been warned about are gone from this country
if individuals travel to known terrorist supporting countries for more than a week or can not support what they were doing they loos there passport that moment and are turned around and put back on the next flight and told never to come back to the US
and any born here citizen we have been warned about as a threat is made to wear a monitor and on a watch list

dealing with prisons means they truly go to a prison not a training learning camp !

then just destroy any and all camps locations etc... over seas :) and allow no more people who are muslim or from muslim countries into our borders

11-17-15, 17:16
Here's our ****ing strategy. (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/17/world/middleeast/us-strikes-syria-oil.html?_r=0)


LONG BEEN FRUSTRATED? Action beats reaction and who in their right mind wants these guys cashing in on 10's of millions to fund their jihad?

You gotta be ****ing shitting me. You could've dropped your leaflets how long ago and got rid of how many millions in terrorist funding?

116 trucks out of 1000 observed? Way to go.

From the first Gulf War.

Barry didn't want to hurt any of his brothers in the process of making the world think he doing something about them.

If anyone can't see the big picture here after that then I don't know what . . .

Are we even bombing the right country?


No we're not, I bet on that map there was a large concentration emanating from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

None of the 9/11 hijackers were from Iraq or Afghanistan.

The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. 15 of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia. The others were from the United Arab Emirates (2), Egypt and Lebanon.

The NEOCONs/banking cabal have been in bed with the House of Saud since the discovery of oil in the region. Barry is in bed with Iran, it's loose . . . loose.

11-17-15, 18:55
Rand Paul on arming "moderate" rebels. He seems the only one who understood the gravity of this. I hope given recent events, more will take note he seems to have a better handle on this than the other GOP or Dem candidates and DC regulars.

Thanks for posting that.

“If you are a Muslim and you see that America twice elected an effeminate man with an Arabic name as president, why would you fear America?” - Concerned American

11-18-15, 15:01
Rand Paul on arming "moderate" rebels. He seems the only one who understood the gravity of this. I hope given recent events, more will take note he seems to have a better handle on this than the other GOP or Dem candidates and DC regulars.

We're in trouble, then, since everyone else in our government is chomping at the bit to send lethal arms to someone, anyone. The cries for boots on the ground are rising like a siren. We routinely call Obama the enemy of America for doing nothing and yet interventionist elites and rabid GOP candidates applaud when he does stupid things like arming rebels and demand incredibly stupid things like another interminable round of asymmetric warfare with ground troops getting ground up while the natives sit another one out- or frag us.

11-18-15, 15:45
Poland has it right. (http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/11/18/polands-new-right-wing-government-suggests-sending-syrians-back-to-liberate-their-country/)

Syrian refugees arriving in Europe should form an army which can be sent back to ‘liberate’ their home country, instead of ‘drinking coffee in the cafes of Berlin’ while western soldiers face ISIS, the Polish foreign minister has said...

Waszczykowski said: ‘Hundreds of thousands of Syrians have come to Europe recently. We can help them form an army.

‘Tens of thousands of young men disembark from their rubber dinghies with iPad in hand and instead of asking for drink or food, they ask where they can charge their cellphones.

‘They can go to fight to liberate their country with our help.’

Waszczykowski said he was trying to avoid a situation where ‘we send our soldiers to fight in Syria while hundreds of thousands of Syrians drink their coffee in (Berlin’s) Unter den Linden’ boulevard or in other European cities...

11-18-15, 16:12
Unless we engage in genocide on a scale never seen before, this is the reality.

Just had this discussion over a few beers with a friend. The reality is 10% plus of Muslims are radical and support killing infidels. There are around 1.8 billion muslims globally and growing faster than any other religion. Regardless of the % agreed upon this is a HUGE # of folks happy to chop your head off or detonate a vest at a mall near you. Anything short of global genocide of Islam will only be a containment philosophy and we are in for a VERY long war (once the majority wakes up and realizes we can't pacify or nation build our way out of this). There will continually be new sect to replace Al Quaeda, ISIS etc

See a mosque bomb a mosque, every Koran gets burned, open season

11-18-15, 16:24
%10 ? you mean that are doing it and the other %50 are OK with it and would join in if asked or needed and that %100 agree its just the way it is

Just had this discussion over a few beers with a friend. The reality is 10% plus of Muslims are radical and support killing infidels. There are around 1.8 billion muslims globally and growing faster than any other religion. Regardless of the % agreed upon this is a HUGE # of folks happy to chop your head off or detonate a vest at a mall near you. Anything short of global genocide of Islam will only be a containment philosophy and we are in for a VERY long war (once the majority wakes up and realizes we can't pacify or nation build our way out of this). There will continually be new sect to replace Al Quaeda, ISIS etc

See a mosque bomb a mosque, every Koran gets burned, open season

Dist. Expert 26
11-18-15, 16:26
Just had this discussion over a few beers with a friend. The reality is 10% plus of Muslims are radical and support killing infidels. There are around 1.8 billion muslims globally and growing faster than any other religion. Regardless of the % agreed upon this is a HUGE # of folks happy to chop your head off or detonate a vest at a mall near you. Anything short of global genocide of Islam will only be a containment philosophy and we are in for a VERY long war (once the majority wakes up and realizes we can't pacify or nation build our way out of this). There will continually be new sect to replace Al Quaeda, ISIS etc

See a mosque bomb a mosque, every Koran gets burned, open season

I'd argue that 10% is a low number. Either way, unless we get on board with Russia and China to wipe Islam out entirely, I fear that our grandchildren will still be fighting against the jihad. The Muslims aren't going to stop, ever, until every infidel is either dead or enslaved.

11-18-15, 16:39
Anything short of global genocide of Islam will only be a containment philosophy and we are in for a VERY long war (once the majority wakes up and realizes we can't pacify or nation build our way out of this)... See a mosque bomb a mosque, every Koran gets burned, open season

This is actually the problem I see with a number of issues in our society.

Because fringe radicals are able to voice their opinions freely on both sides of the spectrum, and nobody corrects them (vocally or violently), they become emboldened and will eventually act on their sick fantasies.

I've said it before- when the Revolution comes and it's time to grab your rifle and go to the street, a true American Patriot is not going to know who to shoot.

11-18-15, 16:49
Damn, it would be nice to discover a new continent and start over with the chosen few.

11-18-15, 17:17
I'd argue that 10% is a low number. Either way, unless we get on board with Russia and China to wipe Islam out entirely, I fear that our grandchildren will still be fighting against the jihad. The Muslims aren't going to stop, ever, until every infidel is either dead or enslaved.

I agree that 10% being radicalized is WAAAY low. That's a commonly reported # and I didn't want to argue the %. If only 10% were radicalized the other 90% wouldn't allow it to continue. Radical Islam is at war with Infidel's / western society / Christianity, etc and has a HUUUUGE guerilla Army imbedded in the US and all over Europe.

11-18-15, 18:26
I'd argue that 10% is a low number. Either way, unless we get on board with Russia and China to wipe Islam out entirely, I fear that our grandchildren will still be fighting against the jihad. The Muslims aren't going to stop, ever, until every infidel is either dead or enslaved.

There will still be Jihad in 100 years. There isn't much you can do about a small group of radicals being able to do a lot of damage. Some of them are crazies and that isn't going to stop any time soon.

Equally crazy is the idea that we can or should wipe out Islam entirely, which could involve the killing of 1.8 Billion or so people. Let's try to keep perspective. We don't get to do that just so that our CNN or FOX feed isn't a 24 hour stream of sky-is-falling sensationalism- which isn't going to change anyway.

The loony right is getting enough crap as it is without us tossing around trash like this.

Outlander Systems
11-18-15, 18:49




Damn, it would be nice to discover a new continent and start over with the chosen few.

11-18-15, 18:49
I call BS on his "news". If something does happen, black magic man will get his wish of a civilian army from the UN. What Europe does with LEO's will determine what we do I bet.

Dist. Expert 26
11-18-15, 19:14
There will still be Jihad in 100 years. There isn't much you can do about a small group of radicals being able to do a lot of damage. Some of them are crazies and that isn't going to stop any time soon.

Equally crazy is the idea that we can or should wipe out Islam entirely, which could involve the killing of 1.8 Billion or so people. Let's try to keep perspective. We don't get to do that just so that our CNN or FOX feed isn't a 24 hour stream of sky-is-falling sensationalism- which isn't going to change anyway.

The loony right is getting enough crap as it is without us tossing around trash like this.

I'm fully aware that it's insane to suggest genocide, but unfortunately that's the only way to truly defeat ISIS and their counterparts. As long as Islam exists there will be war and violence.

Of course if it were gone we would probably find something else to kill each other over.

Outlander Systems
11-18-15, 19:26
White privilege. Student loan forgiveness. Microaggressing. Etc, etc, ad infinitum.

Of course if it were gone we would probably find something else to kill each other over.

11-18-15, 20:02
Our Muslim-in-Chief wants ISIS in America.

President Obama threatened late Wednesday to veto legislation aimed at improving screening for Syrian refugees, potentially putting the White House and Congress on a collision course in a matter of days.


11-18-15, 20:05
Obama's sons are coming.

Police in Honduras caught five Syrians who were trying to make their way to the United States with stolen and doctored passports, a law enforcement spokesman for the Central American country said Wednesday.


11-18-15, 20:06
Trump: Secure the border.

Liberals: Trump is racist.

8 Syrians Caught at Texas Border in Laredo

Two federal agents operating under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are claiming that eight Syrian illegal aliens attempted to enter Texas from Mexico in the Laredo Sector.


11-18-15, 20:22
There will still be Jihad in 100 years. There isn't much you can do about a small group of radicals being able to do a lot of damage. Some of them are crazies and that isn't going to stop any time soon.

Equally crazy is the idea that we can or should wipe out Islam entirely, which could involve the killing of 1.8 Billion or so people. Let's try to keep perspective. We don't get to do that just so that our CNN or FOX feed isn't a 24 hour stream of sky-is-falling sensationalism- which isn't going to change anyway.

The loony right is getting enough crap as it is without us tossing around trash like this.

Fish unfortunately your passive approach wont fly with ISIS. They will happily lop your head off in the name of jihad whether you sympathize with them or not.

There are 20 something year old Muslim men in the US now planning the next attack - they don't have criminal records so there is no arresting them - just hope we catch some of their communication before they take action.

There are 2 choices and only 2 to deal with radical Islam:
1. A moderately effective global containment strategy which will still be ongoing when your grandkids are elderly
2. Global genocide of Islam

Dist. Expert 26
11-18-15, 20:22
White privilege. Student loan forgiveness. Microaggressing. Etc, etc, ad infinitum.

I somehow can't envision whiny college students strapping on a suicide vest for the jihad of political correctness :lol:

11-18-15, 20:27
Some might suggest the following: Kill all Muslim males over the age of 10. All males under the age of 10, and all females under the age of 18, receive a strong Christian education. All All Muslim females (>18) are forced to marry Christian men. Problem solved.

Wait, isn't that what the Muslims are doing, except there's no marriage involved.

11-18-15, 20:39
Wait, isn't that what the Muslims are doing, except there's no marriage involved.

Even if you were able to stand up a Christian version of ISIS to go commit ISIS-style terror attacks, it would likely be comprised of beer gut losers from trailer parks with Taurus pistols in universal nylon holsters and SKS's in Tapco stocks.

A revived Patriot movement in the spirit of the Framers would stomp that out in a weekend and then start brainstorming ways to actually finish ISIS.

Dist. Expert 26
11-18-15, 20:46
Even if you were able to stand up a Christian version of ISIS to go commit ISIS-style terror attacks, it would likely be comprised of beer gut losers from trailer parks with Taurus pistols in universal nylon holsters and SKS's in Tapco stocks.

A revived Patriot movement in the spirit of the Framers would stomp that out in a weekend and then start brainstorming ways to actually finish ISIS.

No sarcasm intended, what would you suggest for eliminating ISIS and preventing another group from springing up in its place?

11-18-15, 21:01
No sarcasm intended, what would you suggest for eliminating ISIS and preventing another group from springing up in its place?

I'm pretty sure I've already said it somewhere in here. I post the same crap every day...

Realign our foreign policy with the national interest.
Expose the enablers of ISIS and AQ and bring justice to them.
Appoint a successor ideology that the grandkids of TE Lawrence's revolting Arabs can follow.
Support secular governance. I like guys who wear pants.
Destroy extremism. "If it looks like a terrorist, if it talks like a terrorist, if it fights like a terrorist, it's a terrorist"
Let the former Ba'athists destroy ISIS from within, and reform old Iraq in the North.
Pursue energy independence with the goal of zero involvement.

11-18-15, 21:58
Fish unfortunately your passive approach wont fly with ISIS. They will happily lop your head off in the name of jihad whether you sympathize with them or not.

There are 20 something year old Muslim men in the US now planning the next attack - they don't have criminal records so there is no arresting them - just hope we catch some of their communication before they take action.

There are 2 choices and only 2 to deal with radical Islam:
1. A moderately effective global containment strategy which will still be ongoing when your grandkids are elderly
2. Global genocide of Islam

So, our best strategy to deal with 20 something men currently in the U.S. is to wage an expensive ground war in Syria or begin the process of eliminating 1.8 billion Muslims?

I respect that ISIS and radical Islam is a threat but I think you're engaging in wild threat inflation and some questionable strategy. Let's keep our eye on the ball, use our resources to find/incarcerate/kill the local threats. We can bomb all the strongholds and massed formations we want, but ground troops are a terrible mistake as has been shown time and again.

11-18-15, 22:46
It's all just limpstroking anyway.

Don't take it too seriously.

11-18-15, 23:11
I got dibs on being King of Saudi Arabia after they are all gone !! Free oil for everyone !!

11-19-15, 08:35
So, our best strategy to deal with 20 something men currently in the U.S. is to wage an expensive ground war in Syria or begin the process of eliminating 1.8 billion Muslims?

I respect that ISIS and radical Islam is a threat but I think you're engaging in wild threat inflation and some questionable strategy. Let's keep our eye on the ball, use our resources to find/incarcerate/kill the local threats. We can bomb all the strongholds and massed formations we want, but ground troops are a terrible mistake as has been shown time and again.

I'm not at all in favor of more ground troops to fight ISIS. I'm thinking more like simultaneous targeted drone, air and Tomahawk strikes on every mosque globally during the middle of Friday prayer. This would be a great start to reducing radical Islam. A coalition of NATO, Russia and China cleaning up the remaining mess over the next 2 to 3 years with an agreement to divide up the new energy rich formerly Muslim territories we now own seems like a winner.

11-19-15, 08:50
Tomahawk strikes on every mosque globally during the middle of Friday prayer. This would be a great start to reducing radical Islam.

LOL... just like getting railed by Charlie Sheen would be a great step towards healthy living!


A coalition of NATO, Russia and China cleaning up the remaining mess...

That's an odd group you just tossed out there. Let's think about it:

NATO - Is it real anymore? Turkey is in NATO. Turkey is part of ISIS. Does not make sense that they would fight themselves. Would NATO have to kick them out first?

Russia and China - Are allied with Australia and Iran in favor of secular governance for the region and no radical Islam. We are with the monarchies in supporting JaN/AQ against the secularists and ISIS (and worldwide in Libya and other places). Would require a major shift in foreign policy and a lot of embarrassing admissions.

11-19-15, 14:37
The Clinton Strategy to "intensify and broaden" US efforts to defeat the Islamic State and fight the spread of global Jihad.:

1) A no-fly zone with coalition forces to protect Syrians

2) expanding the deployment of Special Operations troops to assist local ground forces... the US should support a ground campaign made up of allied forces, especially Sunni Arab forces, in order to take back IS territory.

3) Clinton called out Turkey in particular, which she said "has been more focused on the Kurds than on countering ISIS." Instead, Turkey needs to do a better job of sealing its border in order to cut off the flow of fighters coming to Syria and stop killing Kurdish fighters that are battling IS.

4) Significantly stepping up airstrikes... more air power, but only in cooperation with Persian Gulf allies, and acknowledged, under questioning from Fareed Zakaria, the moderator of the event, that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates had halted their air attacks on the Islamic State

5) Refugees “We cannot allow terrorists to intimidate us into abandoning our values and our humanitarian obligations,”

6) In a remarkable break with the administration, Mrs. Clinton declared publicly what White House officials have privately said for months: that the fight in Syria is no longer about ousting President Bashar al-Assad. “We need people to turn against the common enemy of ISIS,”

7)"Disrupt and dismantle global terrorist infrastructure on the ground and online," beyond just Iraq, Syria and the Middle East. She emphasized the importance of fighting jihadi ideology that is disseminated through propaganda, message boards, and chatrooms and further facilitates the recruitment of young fighters. It is just as important to "deny them virtual territory just as we deny them actual territory,"

11-19-15, 17:57
I'm not at all in favor of more ground troops to fight ISIS. I'm thinking more like simultaneous targeted drone, air and Tomahawk strikes on every mosque globally during the middle of Friday prayer. This would be a great start to reducing radical Islam. A coalition of NATO, Russia and China cleaning up the remaining mess over the next 2 to 3 years with an agreement to divide up the new energy rich formerly Muslim territories we now own seems like a winner.

I think that's a great idea, except for the indiscriminate slaughter. Let's try to target actual ISIS militants. Make it extremely effing dangerous to gather anywhere, to mass people or equipment. This takes some work, isn't as quick and will, inevitably, allow many of them to live. It has the benefit of being a rational and effective approach likely to garner support and help build alliances to marginalize and defeat the terror group.

I know this makes me sound crazy, but committing large scale, deliberate mass-murder, usurping terrority and splitting up the spoils with two communist nations does not represent the idea of America as a shining beacon.

11-19-15, 18:30
I know this makes me sound crazy, but committing large scale, deliberate mass-murder, usurping terrority and splitting up the spoils with two communist nations does not represent the idea of America as a shining beacon.

That doesn't make you sound crazy, that makes you sound like a Patriot who understands what it means to be an American.

As I said in Post #71- whether it's the Storm Roofers or Islamic Radicals voicing their bigoted opinions or backward beliefs, it's on your honor as an American to make the correction, vocally or violently. I really believe that.

When the Revolution comes and it's time to grab your rifle and go to the street, we are not going to know who to shoot.

11-19-15, 19:30
That doesn't make you sound crazy, that makes you sound like a Patriot who understands what it means to be an American.

As I said in Post #71- whether it's the Storm Roofers or Islamic Radicals voicing their bigoted opinions or backward beliefs, it's on your honor as an American to make the correction, vocally or violently. I really believe that.

When the Revolution comes and it's time to grab your rifle and go to the street, we are not going to know who to shoot.

So, to extrapolate.......the Americans in WWII were not "patriots" because we bombed German and Japanese cities, right? Just thought I'd ask.

11-19-15, 19:34
Despite the BS peddled by Islam sympathizers, including the locals here at M4C, Muslims' end-goal is to eliminate Christianity, by any means possible. It is past due that Christians exercised their fundamental Right to self-defense, and eliminate the paedophile-worshipping enemy.

11-19-15, 19:35
So, to extrapolate.......the Americans in WWII were not "patriots" because we bombed German and Japanese cities, right? Just thought I'd ask.

There are a few differences between the total war of nation states in WWII and the current situation in the ME. Your extrapolation is misleading and inaccurate.

11-19-15, 19:40
So, to extrapolate.......the Americans in WWII were not "patriots" because we bombed German and Japanese cities, right? Just thought I'd ask.


WWII was a capture-the-flag/ color war.

Applying the rules of a flags-and-uniforms war to the GWOT is as foolish as digging a trench.

Armed Conflict has advanced way beyond that.

Have you considered that this may central to your lack of understanding of Warfare? Just asking...

11-19-15, 19:46

WWII was a capture-the-flag/ color war.

Applying the rules of a flags-and-uniforms war to the GWOT is as foolish as digging a trench.

Armed Conflict has advanced way beyond that.

Have you considered that this may central to your lack of understanding of Warfare? Just asking...

I've got a pretty good grasp of the history of warfare. It isn't , however, an apologist libtard one.

Oh, BTW, you are an expert on the understanding of warfare? 'Cause as I've mentioned before, there are many of your contemporaries that don't see it anywhere near the way you do.

11-19-15, 19:51
There are a few differences between the total war of nation states in WWII and the current situation in the ME. Your extrapolation is misleading and inaccurate.

And your statement is deliberately deceiving and wrong. Targeting civilians specifically in this age of "smart weapons" isn't necessary, but being overly concerned with "collateral damage" is quite often crippling in effectiveness. In a tooth-and-nail fight against muzzy fanatics if a few muzzy civvies get unintentionally whacked in the process who f*****g cares? I don't. This also opens the door wide for a discussion on what exactly is an "innocent civilian"? A hostile populace providing sanctuary, comfort, and support for a certain group bears culpability for their actions/feelings. I'll not shed a tear.

11-19-15, 20:01
Oh, BTW, you are an expert on the understanding of warfare?

By no means do I claim to be an "expert" but I am a student of warfare.

I'm not quite so sure you are, by the level of conversation we've been having... I'm not even sure you have an understanding of who the players in the game are or what the field looks like, and I'm not the only one in this thread who sees you as confused and angry.

...if a few muzzy civvies get unintentionally whacked in the process who f*****g cares?

The enablers you just converted to actors, sympathizers to enablers, fence sitters to sympathizers, bystanders to fence sitters...

3-24 ownz you, LOL.

11-19-15, 20:03
And your statement is deliberately deceiving and wrong. Targeting civilians specifically in this age of "smart weapons" isn't necessary, but being overly concerned with "collateral damage" is quite often crippling in effectiveness. In a tooth-and-nail fight against muzzy fanatics if a few muzzy civvies get unintentionally whacked in the process who f*****g cares? I don't. This also opens the door wide for a discussion on what exactly is an "innocent civilian"? A hostile populace providing sanctuary, comfort, and support for a certain group bears culpability for their actions/feelings. I'll not shed a tear.

Are you aware that you are arguing against a position completely unlike the one that I took? Please read my posts if you plan to respond to me directly. Otherwise, if you insist on replying to what you think I must be saying, then I'll have to disregard your arguments.

Specifically, in this case, I proposed using smart weapons on concentrations of ISIS troops and equipment and made no mention of collateral damage. The positions I was arguing against advocated specifically targeting massed groups that were not screened.

11-19-15, 20:10
Otherwise, if you insist on replying to what you think I must be saying, then I'll have to disregard your arguments.

That seems to be a problem with ABNAK... in the Paris Attack thread he inexplicably dragged George W. Bush into it for exactly the same reason.

I think he needs a drink of cold water and some fresh air.

11-19-15, 21:17
10,000 refugees....give them 10,000 WASRs and send them to handle their business. Atlantic Arms sells "Battle worn" WASRs for $399 with free shipping! Everybody wins!

Their problem. F the Middle East. Makes you miss Sadam and Kadafi.

11-19-15, 21:33
10,000 refugees....give them 10,000 WASRs and send them to handle their business. Atlantic Arms sells "Battle worn" WASRs for $399 with free shipping! Everybody wins!

Their problem. F the Middle East. Makes you miss Sadam and Kadafi.

Sadly, ISF gave ISIS much better stuff, including US tanks and weapons and I don't think small arms are going to do it. Things are pretty sad when you are hoping Russia and France will finally save the day, certainly Obama won't be doing anything meaningful.

11-20-15, 07:35
Despite the BS peddled by Islam sympathizers, including the locals here at M4C, Muslims' end-goal is to eliminate Christianity, by any means possible. It is past due that Christians exercised their fundamental Right to self-defense, and eliminate the paedophile-worshipping enemy.
BING We have a winner. Too many haven't woke up to the fact Islam is in a global war against Western Society and every other religion.

11-20-15, 12:57
By no means do I claim to be an "expert" but I am a student of warfare.

I'm not quite so sure you are, by the level of conversation we've been having... I'm not even sure you have an understanding of who the players in the game are or what the field looks like, and I'm not the only one in this thread who sees you as confused and angry.

Ah, but see I was careful not to claim to be an expert on the current ME wars as I've not been to the sandbox. I'm also not the only one in this thread who thinks you're coming across in your signature dismissive, all-knowing way that is also contrarian as usual. Again, some of your contemporaries (i.e. others who HAVE been to the sandbox in recent years) don't see it your way. Guess they're just not enlightened enough huh? I'm not confused about anything, I just don't agree with you. I don't cotton well to arrogance either. Take note because I'll point it out every time, count on it.

11-20-15, 12:59
Are you aware that you are arguing against a position completely unlike the one that I took? Please read my posts if you plan to respond to me directly. Otherwise, if you insist on replying to what you think I must be saying, then I'll have to disregard your arguments.

Specifically, in this case, I proposed using smart weapons on concentrations of ISIS troops and equipment and made no mention of collateral damage. The positions I was arguing against advocated specifically targeting massed groups that were not screened.

It seemed as though you were headed in that direction, but mea culpa if you weren't.

11-20-15, 13:03
That seems to be a problem with ABNAK... in the Paris Attack thread he inexplicably dragged George W. Bush into it for exactly the same reason.

I think he needs a drink of cold water and some fresh air.

It was a reference to your known disdain for Bush and since you alluded to an "entity" that would benefit from Hezbollah being specifically linked to the Beirut bombing in 1983 it seemed you were inferring Reagan. Bottom line you don't seem to like many Republicans so perhaps Ronnie was in the crosshairs? If not then I stand corrected.

11-21-15, 11:17
I like Putin's strategy. Russian cruise missiles hit ISIS from Mediterranean & Caspian; 600 killed in one strike. (https://www.rt.com/news/322881-russia-cruise-missiles-isis/) POTUS should be taking notes.

The Russian military has launched cruise missiles against Islamic State positions in Syria from both the Mediterranean and Caspian seas, one of which killed over 600 terrorists in the Deir Ex-Zor Province, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has said.

“On November 20, the warships of the Caspian Fleet launched 18 cruise missiles at seven targets in the provinces of Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo. All targets were hit successfully,” he reported to President Vladimir Putin...

Over the past four days, Russian air forces have conducted 522 sorties, deploying more than 100 cruise missiles and 1,400 tons of bombs of various types, the minister stated.

He added that a strike on a target in Deir ez-Zor utilizing multiple cruise missiles had killed more than 600 militants.


11-21-15, 11:20

11-21-15, 12:18
I like Putin's strategy. Russian cruise missiles hit ISIS from Mediterranean & Caspian; 600 killed in one strike. (https://www.rt.com/news/322881-russia-cruise-missiles-isis/) POTUS should be taking notes.

While I guess it's certainly possible I think that number might be just a smidge high. Reminds me of a supposed B-52 strike during the Kosovo conflict where we caught a Serbian battalion in the open and killed hundreds. I later read where that either never happened or was grossly inflated.

I might add that this an excellent opportunity for the Rooskies to test all their HSLD shit. Think about it: yeah, they've had internal strife like Chechnya the last 20+ years but as far as getting to play with naval cruise missiles and the like? We've had that shit down pat for decades, they're finally getting to use the stuff for real.

11-21-15, 12:33
From ISIS magazine Dabiq: On page 58 of Issue 11 are the following three paragraphs: (http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/11/uhoh_isis_seems_to_know_its_enemy_the_us.html)

In the face of IS’s substantial geographical and manpower expansion, U.S. leaders in both parties have maintained a basically law-and-order approach to the mujahedin and have downplayed — when not ignoring — IS capabilities, its motivation and intentions, and the religious war it is waging. They also have spent the last year wasting time on whining about IS beheadings, the nuclear weapon Iran cannot be prevented from attaining, and stoking war in Europe by aiding a Ukrainian government that cannot defend itself and uselessly sanctioning a Russian regime that will not return Crimea and knows that the term “paper tiger” has never been more applicable than when applied to the United States and NATO.

When the time comes — and it will — for U.S. leaders to look in the cupboard and find a tool with which to end the IS threat, they will find it bare. With two deliberately lost wars, a broken military, a governing elite and president unattached to reality, a bankrupt treasury, a political system corrupted by the U.S.-citizen agents of foreign powers, next-to-useless European allies, a Western world that prefers its own death to slaughtering its enemy, and an Islamist enemy far smarter and more talented than it is given credit for, the U.S. governing elite will have only one option.

Turning from the bare cupboard, these poor souls will know what commonsensical Americans untainted by Ivy League educations have known all along. Namely, that it is time to put America first and to return to General Washington’s foreign-policy legacy by immediately proclaiming the end of U.S. interventionism, the termination of support for all states and groups in the Middle East, the U.S. withdrawal from NATO, and the resumption of America’s most effective national security policy — strict neutrality.

11-21-15, 12:38
From ISIS magazine Dabiq: On page 58 of Issue 11 are the following three paragraphs: (http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/11/uhoh_isis_seems_to_know_its_enemy_the_us.html)
The irony is painful for sure.

11-21-15, 15:46
so I wonder if Russia is really targeting isis



I surely wont trust RT covering what Russia is doing :)

11-21-15, 17:37
so I wonder if Russia is really targeting isis



I surely wont trust RT covering what Russia is doing :)

Those reports are from the beginning of October, this happened yesterday. Several other news sites are covering what happened, here's one: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/russian-missile-fired-at-isis-inscribed-with-thats-for-paris-a6742596.html

I don't trust Kerry more than the RT. ;)

11-21-15, 18:10
yeah I know :) just makes me wonder what is really going on till we see actually see more video proof of spots hit etc..
again I don't trust our gov and what it is NOT doing and not sure I trust WHAT the Russian gov is doing ?

agree about kerry though as I say its become a sad place when I think Putin is a better leader but a lot more scary than ours but do not want either one want to get back to what we were as a country

Those reports are from the beginning of October, this happened yesterday. Several other news sites are covering what happened, here's one: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/russian-missile-fired-at-isis-inscribed-with-thats-for-paris-a6742596.html

I don't trust Kerry more than the RT. ;)

11-22-15, 02:34
I like Putin's strategy. Russian cruise missiles hit ISIS from Mediterranean & Caspian; 600 killed in one strike. (https://www.rt.com/news/322881-russia-cruise-missiles-isis/) POTUS should be taking notes.

I wonder if Putin had the Russian AF airdrop leaflets letting ISIS fighters know they should run before the attack commenced . . . :jester:

11-22-15, 02:39
From ISIS magazine Dabiq: On page 58 of Issue 11 are the following three paragraphs: (http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/11/uhoh_isis_seems_to_know_its_enemy_the_us.html)

In the face of IS’s substantial geographical and manpower expansion, U.S. leaders in both parties have maintained a basically law-and-order approach to the mujahedin and have downplayed — when not ignoring — IS capabilities, its motivation and intentions, and the religious war it is waging. They also have spent the last year wasting time on whining about IS beheadings, the nuclear weapon Iran cannot be prevented from attaining, and stoking war in Europe by aiding a Ukrainian government that cannot defend itself and uselessly sanctioning a Russian regime that will not return Crimea and knows that the term “paper tiger” has never been more applicable than when applied to the United States and NATO.

When the time comes — and it will — for U.S. leaders to look in the cupboard and find a tool with which to end the IS threat, they will find it bare. With two deliberately lost wars, a broken military, a governing elite and president unattached to reality, a bankrupt treasury, a political system corrupted by the U.S.-citizen agents of foreign powers, next-to-useless European allies, a Western world that prefers its own death to slaughtering its enemy, and an Islamist enemy far smarter and more talented than it is given credit for, the U.S. governing elite will have only one option.

Turning from the bare cupboard, these poor souls will know what commonsensical Americans untainted by Ivy League educations have known all along. Namely, that it is time to put America first and to return to General Washington’s foreign-policy legacy by immediately proclaiming the end of U.S. interventionism, the termination of support for all states and groups in the Middle East, the U.S. withdrawal from NATO, and the resumption of America’s most effective national security policy — strict neutrality.

Sadly they are spot on. But I wonder if they themselves realize they are mere pawns in the geopolitical game. The hierarchy will always require the services of despotic saber rattlers.

11-22-15, 02:49
As usual Bill Whittle hit it out of the park, it's refreshing to listen to someone who calls things for what they are and doesn't have a propaganda filter.

11-23-15, 04:23
I'm pretty sure I've already said it somewhere in here. I post the same crap every day...

Realign our foreign policy with the national interest.
Expose the enablers of ISIS and AQ and bring justice to them.
Appoint a successor ideology that the grandkids of TE Lawrence's revolting Arabs can follow.
Support secular governance. I like guys who wear pants.
Destroy extremism. "If it looks like a terrorist, if it talks like a terrorist, if it fights like a terrorist, it's a terrorist"
Let the former Ba'athists destroy ISIS from within, and reform old Iraq in the North.
Pursue energy independence with the goal of zero involvement.

I actually agree with most of those points. Must be a tear in the fabric of space-time or something.

The Clinton Strategy to "intensify and broaden" US efforts to defeat the Islamic State and fight the spread of global Jihad.:

1) A no-fly zone with coalition forces to protect Syrians

2) expanding the deployment of Special Operations troops to assist local ground forces... the US should support a ground campaign made up of allied forces, especially Sunni Arab forces, in order to take back IS territory.

3) Clinton called out Turkey in particular, which she said "has been more focused on the Kurds than on countering ISIS." Instead, Turkey needs to do a better job of sealing its border in order to cut off the flow of fighters coming to Syria and stop killing Kurdish fighters that are battling IS.

4) Significantly stepping up airstrikes... more air power, but only in cooperation with Persian Gulf allies, and acknowledged, under questioning from Fareed Zakaria, the moderator of the event, that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates had halted their air attacks on the Islamic State

5) Refugees “We cannot allow terrorists to intimidate us into abandoning our values and our humanitarian obligations,”

6) In a remarkable break with the administration, Mrs. Clinton declared publicly what White House officials have privately said for months: that the fight in Syria is no longer about ousting President Bashar al-Assad. “We need people to turn against the common enemy of ISIS,”

7)"Disrupt and dismantle global terrorist infrastructure on the ground and online," beyond just Iraq, Syria and the Middle East. She emphasized the importance of fighting jihadi ideology that is disseminated through propaganda, message boards, and chatrooms and further facilitates the recruitment of young fighters. It is just as important to "deny them virtual territory just as we deny them actual territory,"

The Clinton Strategy is actually to say and do anything she feels will get her into power. Once there, God only knows what kind of criminal and treasonous activity she will get up to.
This woman is all about "empathizing" with one's enemies, after all. Oh, what's that? Her advisors have informed her that being tough on ISIS is popular this week? Now she's a real hard-ass. **** her.
The Clintons are in bed with Saudis, helped radical Islamists in Bosnia, in Kosovo, both times throwing Christian Serbs under the NATO bus, and have zero concern for anything but themselves.

Despite the BS peddled by Islam sympathizers, including the locals here at M4C, Muslims' end-goal is to eliminate Christianity, by any means possible. It is past due that Christians exercised their fundamental Right to self-defense, and eliminate the paedophile-worshipping enemy.



WWII was a capture-the-flag/ color war.

Applying the rules of a flags-and-uniforms war to the GWOT is as foolish as digging a trench.

Armed Conflict has advanced way beyond that.

Have you considered that this may central to your lack of understanding of Warfare? Just asking...

The principles of war are the same. Tactics may change.
As far as Islam goes, that war has been going on for 1400 years, The end-game is the same. It is either us or them. It simply must be wiped out. Leaving even a sliver will mean it replicates and infects all over again. It is like a virus, or a cancer, that must be removed completely.


Great points.

From ISIS magazine Dabiq: On page 58 of Issue 11 are the following three paragraphs: (http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/11/uhoh_isis_seems_to_know_its_enemy_the_us.html)

It really is amazing that a bunch of bearded goat-rapists are so much smarter than the world's elite Ivy League over-educated sophisticate assclowns.

11-23-15, 11:40
Another great video from Bill Whittle.


t's so surreal that the POTUS is a Jihadi. Yes, I am dead serious.

11-23-15, 11:41
And one more.


11-23-15, 12:33
Another great video from Bill Whittle.


t's so surreal that the POTUS is a Jihadi. Yes, I am dead serious.

Yes, the POTUS is pro-Jihadi, without a doubt.

11-23-15, 15:26
Summary of what follows if you don't have time...


Didn't catch if this was posted here yet...

Well, here is how Putin decided to deal with ISIS. Hell yeah - cluster bombs.


And here is how the Muslim President decided to deal with ISIS. Hell NO - dropped leaflets and gave them a 45 minute heads up!


Barack Obama Dropped Leaflets- Gave ISIS 45 Minutes Before Bombing Them

Barack Obama gave ISIS 45 minutes to scamper before he bombed them.

You wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt now, would you?

It was part of Barack Obama’s “escalation” plan against the ISIS jayvee team.

The leaflets, which fluttered to the ground about 45 minutes before the strikes, simply said: “Get out of your trucks now, and run away from them. Warning: airstrikes are coming. Oil trucks will be destroyed. Get away from your oil trucks immediately. Do not risk your life.”

“We combine these leaflet drops with very low altitude passes of some of our attack aviation, which sends a very powerful message,” the colonel added.


11-23-15, 17:43
Why he has not been impeached yet is beyond me

11-23-15, 18:20
because it might offend someone ! and we cant have that BLM !!!!!

its so far down the toilet its that final swirl point !

Why he has not been impeached yet is beyond me

11-23-15, 18:24
Yeah...it's surreal cheering on Migs and Sukhois while being gravely disappointed with our own country's affirmative action hire.

11-23-15, 18:26
I'm just waiting for the pic to come out of him praying with the refugee's.......for solidarity of course. Now that he is back, will he go to New Orleans ?

Thanks for the cluster bomb vid, I love those things.

11-23-15, 21:36
Yeah...it's surreal cheering on Migs and Sukhois while being gravely disappointed with our own country's affirmative action hire.

It's even more surreal when you're a relic of the Cold War and remember playing very real "games" with TU-95 bombers and Victor class attack subs in the North Atlantic. :confused:

11-24-15, 03:56
That cluster bomb vid was great to watch. I would love to see an AAR with body parts of ISIS savages strewn about.

I am amazed at how the media will simply not utter a bad word about Obama - nay, nothing less than lavish praise.
This guy has set back racial relations in the US by a century, to say nothing of his outright treason.
That leaflet thing is un****ingreal.

11-24-15, 04:20
Turkish fighter jets shot down a warplane near the Syrian border after it violated Turkey’s airspace on Tuesday, a Turkish military official said, with Russia confirming one of its jets has gone missing.


hmmmm wonder how this will play out

11-24-15, 09:16
Turkish fighter jets shot down a warplane near the Syrian border after it violated Turkey’s airspace on Tuesday, a Turkish military official said, with Russia confirming one of its jets has gone missing.


hmmmm wonder how this will play out


11-24-15, 12:54


11-24-15, 14:44
I am amazed at how the media will simply not utter a bad word about Obama - nay, nothing less than lavish praise.
This guy has set back racial relations in the US by a century, to say nothing of his outright treason.
That leaflet thing is un****ingreal.

Because the fix is in, the MSM is really just state run media.

11-24-15, 14:44
Turkish fighter jets shot down a warplane near the Syrian border after it violated Turkey’s airspace on Tuesday, a Turkish military official said, with Russia confirming one of its jets has gone missing.


hmmmm wonder how this will play out

This is the kind of international incident that has the potential to escalate things rather quickly . . .

Outlander Systems
11-24-15, 14:52
Beyond any doubt, absolutely, positively, undeniably, yes.

Anderson "Green Screen" Cooper could not be reached for comment....

Because the fix is in, the MSM is really just state run media.

11-24-15, 16:47
It would not surprise me at all if this ended up being Obama's 'Girl you know it's--Girl you know it's--Girl you know it's--Girl you know it's'
moment where all he can do is run backstage embarrassed and a laughing stock

11-25-15, 15:12
Check out the new ISIS video at ZH: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-11-25/isis-releases-greatest-piece-terrorist-video-propaganda-history-tells-us-russia-brin

11-25-15, 17:23
if that does not let the world know their viewpoint and we go take the gloves off on them and just kill them all every last one then take over there lands and take the riches for ourselves is the only way we are going to win this thing ! any area where they are in numbers or that are sacred to them nuke it with ground strikes as to make the ground the hottest it can be and impossible to visit for generations of any of those that hide in the closet

sadly instead the powers will welcome them with open arms and give them housing money etc... and keep treating our vets like crap

Check out the new ISIS video at ZH: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-11-25/isis-releases-greatest-piece-terrorist-video-propaganda-history-tells-us-russia-brin

11-25-15, 19:23
The West is nearing a tipping point/point-of-no-return.

I am having trouble thinking of anything like this in human history. Usually, nations err on the side of nationalism, preferring their own citizens/members of their own tribe/religion/race, etc. to foreigners (especially hostile ones). But today, in Europe, North America, the OZ, etc. we have the exact opposite - prosperous peoples inviting savages, psychopaths at worst, and incompatible, arrogant and backwards cultures at best.
Socialists, feminists, progressives have gotten into bed with the Devil to stick it to whitey/males/capitalism/their perceived enemy. They have NO idea who they are dealing with. They think Muslims will play nice once the West as the know it is overthrown. History proves otherwise. Feminists will be in burqas, beaten into submission, and pregnant year-round, socialists will be dhimmis and/or beheaded, and I will feel ZERO pity.

11-25-15, 20:30
The West is nearing a tipping point/point-of-no-return.

I am having trouble thinking of anything like this in human history. Usually, nations err on the side of nationalism, preferring their own citizens/members of their own tribe/religion/race, etc. to foreigners (especially hostile ones). But today, in Europe, North America, the OZ, etc. we have the exact opposite - prosperous peoples inviting savages, psychopaths at worst, and incompatible, arrogant and backwards cultures at best.
Socialists, feminists, progressives have gotten into bed with the Devil to stick it to whitey/males/capitalism/their perceived enemy. They have NO idea who they are dealing with. They think Muslims will play nice once the West as the know it is overthrown. History proves otherwise. Feminists will be in burqas, beaten into submission, and pregnant year-round, socialists will be dhimmis and/or beheaded, and I will feel ZERO pity.

Here's the latest woman beaten into "permanent" submission.

Teenage Islamist 'poster girl' who fled Austria to join ISIS 'is beaten to death by the terror group after trying to escape from Syria'

A teenage Austrian girl who fled to Syria along with her friend is believed to have been beaten to death after being caught trying to flee the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa.

Samra Kesinovic, 17, and her friend Sabina Selimovic became 'poster girls' for ISIS after they arrived in Syria in April 2014.

A number of Austrian newspapers have reported that Samra has been beaten to death for attempting to leave Raqqa,


11-26-15, 20:36
Here's the latest woman beaten into "permanent" submission.


Oh, yes, I read that one.
You know, I love it when I see Western traitors shit their pants upon seeing the true nature of Islam, I really do.
It makes me laugh, and it fulfills some sort of just deserts.

When all these Westerners were pouring their hearts out in the 90's to the poor Bosnian Muslims, and later the "Kosovar Albanians" (i.e. Muslim invaders of Serbia) I was pretty pissed. Now the chickens come home to roost, so to speak, and everyone is acting surprised.
Look: you let in the enemy, and the enemy will not simply stop being the enemy. Their children will hate you, even if born and raised here, and their children's children will, to no end.
Most people just don't get it. Soft, pathetic creatures.

11-26-15, 21:24
feel sad for there parents !
also sad for the girls they did not get the TRUE education to what they were running into !

that said we need to get some pics of there dead beaten bodies and then make a poster saying something this is what your end will be when you run to islam or something like that and post them around schools !
but of course that would be insensitive !

11-28-15, 12:48
Oh, yes, I read that one.
You know, I love it when I see Western traitors shit their pants upon seeing the true nature of Islam, I really do.
It makes me laugh, and it fulfills some sort of just deserts.

When all these Westerners were pouring their hearts out in the 90's to the poor Bosnian Muslims, and later the "Kosovar Albanians" (i.e. Muslim invaders of Serbia) I was pretty pissed. Now the chickens come home to roost, so to speak, and everyone is acting surprised.
Look: you let in the enemy, and the enemy will not simply stop being the enemy. Their children will hate you, even if born and raised here, and their children's children will, to no end.
Most people just don't get it. Soft, pathetic creatures.

The scorpion and the frog. There's a reason its a timeless parable. :(

12-01-15, 18:55
Before & after.


12-02-15, 22:09
The scorpion and the frog. There's a reason its a timeless parable. :(

I've never heard of that before.
Thanks for broadening my horizons. Good and very apt parable.

Outlander Systems
12-03-15, 09:49

12-03-15, 09:57
^Google Translate? Nice work.

12-03-15, 11:29


STARTING with this one. :mad:

12-03-15, 11:55


STARTING with this one. :mad:

No matter how photoshopped that is.....it fits all too well