View Full Version : Gunman shoots Tulane med student, attempts execution, gun jams (UPDATE: Captured)

11-20-15, 18:40
First, this POS needs to die slowly, receiving the medieval treatment. Thankfully he carried a TEC-9.

Story: Man tries to intervene when a POS is dragging a woman to the car (to be raped/killed, most likely), and is subsequently robbed, shot, and almost executed. Med student is f****ng lucky to be alive.

New Orleans police released surveillance footage of Tulane University medical student Peter Gold being shot early Friday morning (Nov. 20) while trying to stop an apparent armed robbery at Magazine and St. Mary streets in the Lower Garden District.



11-20-15, 18:55
The med student shouldn't keep his hopes up for Obama to address his plight in the Rose Garden...


Outlander Systems
11-20-15, 19:03
What a miserable sumbitch.

Dude wasn't a threat, and that asshole was still gonna paint the sidewalk with his noodle?

No. Pit. In. Hell. Deep. Enough.

First, this POS needs to die slowly, receiving the medieval treatment. Thankfully he carried a TEC-9.

Story: Man tries to intervene when a POS is dragging a woman to the car (to be raped/killed, most likely), and is subsequently robbed, shot, and almost executed. Med student is f****ng lucky to be alive.

11-20-15, 19:22
If Obama had a son...

Who in their right mind intervenes in an 0'dark 30 kidnapping with nothing but a cell phone and words.

Medical student needs some common sense training.

11-20-15, 19:34
There are some ruthless people out there, let this be a reminder.

11-20-15, 19:46
If Obama had a son...

Who in their right mind intervenes in an 0'dark 30 kidnapping with nothing but a cell phone and words.

Medical student needs some common sense training.

Today's emasculated young males is who.

11-20-15, 19:47
Perhaps the victim will forgive the attacker; it's happened before.


A Georgetown University student was robbed at gunpoint while walking home — and later wrote that he doesn’t blame the purported thieves.

Oliver Friedfeld, a senior at the elite college, penned an op-ed in the school newspaper, The Hoya, titled “I Was Mugged, And I Understand Why” in which he explains why he wasn’t shocked by the scary incident.

11-20-15, 19:48
It's all part of 'the game' until some thug's ass gets blasted.

Then comes the calls for prayer, pleas for unity, the reminder that black lives matter.

But the poor mope in the video well he was just wrong place at the wrong time, did not mind his own business, had no right to intervene, blah blah blah minor blurb on page 3 of local crime.

And if he gets caught he'll show up in his church clothes saying how he got in with the wrong crowd, nobody helped, blah blah blah

Outlander Systems
11-20-15, 19:53
This video is a microcosm of Europe and Islam...

11-20-15, 19:56
I was just about to post this.

This literally occurred across the street from the bar I frequent almost weekly.

What would YOU do if you saw that happening?

11-20-15, 19:59
Kudos to the guy for intervening!! Most folks are cowards and would drive on.

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Mauser KAR98K
11-20-15, 20:10
I was just about to post this.

This literally occurred across the street from the bar I frequent almost weekly.

What would YOU do if you saw that happening?

One dead thug. Kidnapping/taken against someone's will is a forceable felony in many states.

11-20-15, 20:14
What would YOU do if you saw that happening?

Let the good people of H&K have their say

11-20-15, 20:15
I had some training with an FBI agent assigned to New Orleans. She invited everyone in the class to come and visit but cautioned "remember to bring a gun."

26 Inf
11-20-15, 20:40
If Obama had a son...

Who in their right mind intervenes in an 0'dark 30 kidnapping with nothing but a cell phone and words.

Medical student needs some common sense training.

Oh, I don't know, despite what you and 7.62 posted, a guy with some degree of courage.....unlike the EDC types who wont stop to help a woman........

26 Inf
11-20-15, 20:42
Perhaps the victim will forgive the attacker; it's happened before.


I really do not understand why you insist on denigrating this man's courage, at least he had the balls to try to intervene.

11-20-15, 20:50
having courage is not enough sadly guy should have more than courage and jumped the guy or something rather than just putting his hands up ?
sadly it might go worse for her now he is pumped on his crimes !

its a bad situation I can only hope he makes it and realizes he needs to be armed and also bad guys are bad guys

26 Inf
11-20-15, 21:17
having courage is not enough sadly guy should have more than courage and jumped the guy or something rather than just putting his hands up ?
sadly it might go worse for her now he is pumped on his crimes !

its a bad situation I can only hope he makes it and realizes he needs to be armed and also bad guys are bad guys

I agree. Nonetheless, he is a ballsy young man, I hope he makes a good doctor.

11-20-15, 21:18
If Obama had a son...

Who in their right mind intervenes in an 0'dark 30 kidnapping with nothing but a cell phone and words.

Medical student needs some common sense training.

A good guy. A good guy that gives a crap. A man with some balls.

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11-20-15, 21:47
yeah agree ! its just hope he comes out with a fresh look at what these punks really are !
and use his courage to say down with BLM cause all lives matter and these thugs are the ones doing bad things not white privilege folks etc.
can only hope this near death experience has wakened him with fresh eyes and he retains that courage and realizes I need to be packing and trained better :)

prayers for the kidnapped to ! and his speedy recovery !

I agree. Nonetheless, he is a ballsy young man, I hope he makes a good doctor.

11-20-15, 22:10
A few thoughts and observations:

-No matter how much pain you're in, you must fight. The thug kept trying to finish him off, and I wanted to shout "Damn it, Mr. Med Student! Suck it up, tackle the PODS, and save your life!" You can't just lie there wait for death.

-Second, one can be brave without being stupid. It's one thing to be apathetic to a person's plight. It's another to charge headlong into a situation without the plan or means to stop it. I don't usually like to MMQB people, but in a situation like this, observe, call the authorities, get the attention of anyone else in the area (for witnesses), get license plates and descriptions. Yes, the police are minutes away when seconds count, but what good can you do if you're dead? Don't confront an armed attacker unless you yourself are armed or have the ability to get to the attacker and disarm him.

-Third, case and counterpoint to the people who say "violence doesn't solve anything" and that every situation can be solved with words.

However, I will give it to him for his selflessness and for actually giving a crap. Thank God he survived!

11-20-15, 23:07
Kudos to the guy for intervening!! Most folks are cowards and would drive on.

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Oh, I don't know, despite what you and 7.62 posted, a guy with some degree of courage.....unlike the EDC types who wont stop to help a woman........

I really do not understand why you insist on denigrating this man's courage, at least he had the balls to try to intervene.

A good guy. A good guy that gives a crap. A man with some balls.

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You can have balls, and courage and all that jazz, but if you lack brains you become part of the problem not the solution more often than not.

Agree that its good that he did something, but the story had a happy ending (if you can call being gut shot happy) by mere happenstance. Had the guy not had a failure he most likely would have executed the good samaritan and the loose end witness. He was definitely NOT bashful about killing someone. If you intervene in a violent encounter (aggravated kidnapping is a violent encounter) you better be ready and willing to bring more to the table than kind words. I know I am being very critical, but IMO well intentioned recklessness is still recklessness.

11-20-15, 23:09
If I'm armed and can justify the shot, drop em. If there is any doubt in my mind I will be the world's best witness with video from my cell phone.

That med student is damned lucky to be alive right now. Had the bad dude had a better gun, his brain would have painted the sidewalk pink.

11-20-15, 23:35
Those that praise the student's decision to intervene must understand that we do NOT want to encourage unarmed, untrained individuals to take it upon themselves to intervene in violent encounters such as that which we witnessed in the CCTV footage. It's nothing short of a miracle that the student lived to tell the story. He should be dead. To encourage others to meet the same fate is foolish. BE A GOOD WITNESS.

Does any one have info. as to the fate of the female victim? Perhaps, NOLA LEOs can chime in.

11-21-15, 03:11
So I see a double hate crime here, where in the **** is the DOJ's civil rights Stassi as that African-American was about to violate the hell out of that European-American woman's civil rights. And he sure as s**t violated the civil rights of the guy he gut shot.

No news on the fate of the young white woman that was assaulted, kidnapped, and probably was sexually assaulted and murdered?

As for the medical student who stopped and to help the victim, he had been a victim before of an armed robbery and he sympathized with his attackers?! White guilt?

Dist. Expert 26
11-21-15, 09:32
As for the medical student who stopped and to help the victim, he had been a victim before of an armed robbery and he sympathized with his attackers?! White guilt?

Undoubtedly the result of 4+ years of marxist indoctrination at college. Academia is striving to create a generation of helpless, apologetic sheep and they're succeeding.

11-21-15, 10:12
Beta males think being reasonable with words or empathizing will win the day.

Gut shot for his words.

11-21-15, 10:16
Nice guys finish dead or colostomized

26 Inf
11-21-15, 10:20
Those that praise the student's decision to intervene must understand that we do NOT want to encourage unarmed, untrained individuals to take it upon themselves to intervene in violent encounters such as that which we witnessed in the CCTV footage. It's nothing short of a miracle that the student lived to tell the story. He should be dead. To encourage others to meet the same fate is foolish. BE A GOOD WITNESS.

Agree, it is a miracle he is alive because he, unfortunately, didn't drive to finish the fight. On the other hand, I think some of you guys are misunderstanding - most are simply acknowledging his courage and humanity, not saying he is a tactical wizard.

In the past you have quoted scripture, so I have to ask you, what would Jesus have done? Been a good witness?

Give the man his due.

And BTW, armed or unarmed, a man doesn't let a woman get raped or kidnapped.

11-21-15, 10:34
But was he shot?

Perhaps the victim will forgive the attacker; it's happened before.


26 Inf
11-21-15, 10:48
No news on the fate of the young white woman that was assaulted, kidnapped, and probably was sexually assaulted and murdered?

As for the medical student who stopped and to help the victim, he had been a victim before of an armed robbery and he sympathized with his attackers?! White guilt?

7.62NATO - Does any one have info. as to the fate of the female victim? Perhaps, NOLA LEOs can chime in.

Does anyone read anything before they post? From the story:

The gunman took the woman's purse and drove away in a gray or silver SUV, police said. She was not injured.

As for 'Tulane University medical student Peter Gold' being the victim of a previous robbery and sympathizing with his attackers:

Georgetown senior Oliver Friedfeld wrote an op-ed piece for the school newspaper explaining that he understood why he was mugged. He blamed the mugging on economic disparities in Washington, D.C.

11-21-15, 10:52
If someone is noticeably being kidnapped, raped, armed robbed, agg assaulted, etc. then their assailant needs to die.

If it is two hoodrats having a tiff with a lot of barking and no biting then that's one for someone 10-8.

I believe a shitstick with a TEC-9 would not be a waste of Gold Dots.
I only pray people like that can get killed off before they sire a litter

11-21-15, 10:53
No doubt the blame is on poverty.... Hell my city was named the most violent in texas last week... Oil went down, crackheads get desperate and start shooting and robbing left and right. Crime is pretty bad here. Police scanner lights up like chicago on the weekends. Unfortunately....

11-21-15, 11:06
I know, well, I used to know a lot of very poor people who never resorted to crime. Ever.

Thugs, dirtbags, yes, but not simply the poor.

11-21-15, 11:12
I know, well, I used to know a lot of very poor people who never resorted to crime. Ever.

Thugs, dirtbags, yes, but not simply the poor.

Yep. I have an uncle in Mexico whos poor as ****. Has a few head of cattle and farms. Goes home a happy man at the end of the day.. Ahh the simple life..

11-21-15, 11:25
Those that praise the student's decision to intervene must understand that we do NOT want to encourage unarmed, untrained individuals to take it upon themselves to intervene in violent encounters such as that which we witnessed in the CCTV footage. It's nothing short of a miracle that the student lived to tell the story. He should be dead. To encourage others to meet the same fate is foolish. BE A GOOD WITNESS.

Seriously? I think the guy should be commended for his bravery and taking a stand.

11-21-15, 12:16
Dang. Homie tried more than once to end the med student.

Big balls for sure. The camera footage shows him trying to talk to home boy.

Why is it that some people think shit can always be talked out.

Hopefully he will become a ccw extraordinaire from this experience.

Brave man, even if a bit reclkess.

11-21-15, 13:01
Confronting an "armed" (when you're not) obvious criminal isn't merely reckless, it's stupid.

11-21-15, 13:09
New Orleans... not surprised.

11-21-15, 13:12
Those that praise the student's decision to intervene must understand that we do NOT want to encourage unarmed, untrained individuals to take it upon themselves to intervene in violent encounters such as that which we witnessed in the CCTV footage. It's nothing short of a miracle that the student lived to tell the story. He should be dead. To encourage others to meet the same fate is foolish. BE A GOOD WITNESS.

Does any one have info. as to the fate of the female victim? Perhaps, NOLA LEOs can chime in.

His actions saved her life... Being a witness would have gotten her killed...

"The gunman took the woman's purse and drove away in a gray or silver SUV, police said. She was not injured."

11-21-15, 13:18
Confronting an "armed" (when you're not) obvious criminal isn't merely reckless, it's stupid.
Do we know he knew the perp was armed at the time he decided to act? Idk if that's been substantiated yet.

11-21-15, 13:40
Do we know he knew the perp was armed at the time he decided to act? Idk if that's been substantiated yet.

Are you saying we shouldn't make assumptions? ;)

11-21-15, 13:45
You guys from other states missed out on the fun we had in Houston when Katrina hit. All the NOLA trash came to us.. Good times.
A buddy of mine set me the link to the vid yesterday. After watching it I said the same thing. That guy was lucky the crook used a POS gun.

11-21-15, 13:56
Are you saying we shouldn't make assumptions? ;)
Shocking I know right.

11-21-15, 14:46
Confronting an "armed" (when you're not) obvious criminal isn't merely reckless, it's stupid.

If the only time you are willing to intervene is when you are armed, that's sad.

The guy probably saved her life, and did so at the very real and obvious risk of his own.

Then some people have the Internet audacity to armchair qb his decisions. It's laughable.

A gun shouldn't give you balls, it should give you options.

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11-21-15, 15:04
If the only time you are willing to intervene is when you are armed, that's sad.

The guy probably saved her life, and did so at the very real and obvious risk of his own.

Then some people have the Internet audacity to armchair qb his decisions. It's laughable.

A gun shouldn't give you balls, it should give you options.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


11-21-15, 15:05
That dude is very lucky Mr. Scumbag was packing a piece of shit and more important didn't know how to use it or they would have needed a mop to clean up the sidewalk. They should stake out the White House, maybe they'll catch Obama's son sneaking back in the window for turkey dinner. Bravo on saving victim #1.

11-21-15, 16:06
Do we know he knew the perp was armed at the time he decided to act? Idk if that's been substantiated yet.

I assume that everyone engaged in serious criminal activity is armed and on crack.

11-21-15, 16:24
I assume that everyone engaged in serious criminal activity is armed and on crack.

This one made me actually laugh out loud... You're not the only one.

We had a discussion around the office one day about having to shoot a home invader (clients home was broken into, they were away, nobody was harmed but the discussion went to defense). A colleague put it best with, "I don't know if they're high and armed, or stupid kids trying to grab some items to sell just to buy weed and beer. I can tell you that in defense of my family, I'll let them explain what they were doing to God Himself. I'm not going to bother finding out."

11-21-15, 16:43
I assume that everyone engaged in serious criminal activity is armed and on crack.
Ok, that's great. As do I and every other switched on person on this forum. But in the context of this discussion over why the guy who got shot and everyone dog piling on top of for doing what did and the reckless nature of it, well I'm curious to know if the guy (who got shot) knew or even had the wherewithal to assume the perp was armed be before he decided to act.

11-21-15, 18:31
The Rambos here think it wise to confront Obama's son wearing a hoodie, committing a felony, in NOLA, at 4AM, all whilst unarmed. Sounds like a great idea to create TWO victims for the price of one.

It has nothing to do with the size of your balls.

11-21-15, 18:51
The Rambos here think it wise to confront Obama's son wearing a hoodie, committing a felony, in NOLA, at 4AM, all whilst unarmed. Sounds like a great idea to create TWO victims for the price of one.

It has nothing to do with the size of your balls.

Personally I don't have to worry about the problem.

11-21-15, 18:52
If the only time you are willing to intervene is when you are armed, that's sad.

The guy probably saved her life, and did so at the very real and obvious risk of his own.

Then some people have the Internet audacity to armchair qb his decisions. It's laughable.

A gun shouldn't give you balls, it should give you options.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What he did was brave.

But the number of white knights that have stepped in to stop a woman's beat down that became a target of the woman after, or faced lying testimony against them from her after is a huge liability.
LE or citizen.

I am not LE. I am very selective of who I will stop and help with a break down or flat tire,
Let alone stepping into an alley at zero dark thirty for.

Was he saving some poor, innocent teen age girl with a flat tire from being kidnapped and raped and murdered,
Or did he take a bullet for an overdue crack whore about to get some pimp love, or a meth head whose husband just caught her cheating on him, either who would have stabbed him in the back if he got the jump on their hoodie man?

11-21-15, 18:52
I assume that everyone engaged in serious criminal activity is armed and on crack.

That ain't no bullshit.

11-21-15, 20:27
Ok, that's great. As do I and every other switched on person on this forum. But in the context of this discussion over why the guy who got shot and everyone dog piling on top of for doing what did and the reckless nature of it, well I'm curious to know if the guy (who got shot) knew or even had the wherewithal to assume the perp was armed be before he decided to act.

Probably not.

And honestly I can understand both sides.

I understand the guy who "can't just stand there and do nothing", some people wouldn't be able to live with themselves and in my younger days I've done some stupid shit that I thankfully got away with simply because I "couldn't just stand there and watch it happen."

I also understand the guy who says "not my chair, not my problem" and doesn't want to risk his life charging into a situation he doesn't fully understand and may not be adequately prepared for. Nobody has a civic obligation to risk their life for another.

And I won't fault either person for either point of view. I may question their methods even if I understand their motivations, but that's about it.

As for myself, I honestly don't know what I would do until I was in that situation. A lot of it would depend on variables such as "how the whole thing felt" and a ton of environmental issues that would have to be taken into account. I prefer not to let innocent people get hurt by bad people, but I can't help them if I'm injured or dead.

Of course not walking around NOLA during "goblin hours" is probably a good start.

11-21-15, 21:29
Can we agree to commend our med students bravery and condemn his stupidity?

Armed or not, its a damn good thing he chose to intervene. That woman might not still be alive if he hadn't. There are ways he could have intervened without putting himself at so much risk. I work in NOLA all the time and I know that area well. Personally, I would never be anywhere near there unarmed, but if I were and saw something like that going down I would stay in the damn car, honk, yell and scream and use my car as a weapon or a block to prevent him escaping with the woman.

He had so many chances to get out of the line of fire while Mr. Furtive Glances kept looking sideways…

11-21-15, 22:04
So, maybe outlawing 'Saturday Night Specials' was a bad idea? A crappy gun saved this guys life and the lives of the restaurant patrons in Paris. The inability to clear the jams speaks volumes about their skills too.

We still do not know who the woman was?

26 Inf
11-22-15, 00:10
So, maybe outlawing 'Saturday Night Specials' was a bad idea? A crappy gun saved this guys life and the lives of the restaurant patrons in Paris. The inability to clear the jams speaks volumes about their skills too.

We still do not know who the woman was?

The news story said she was unharmed/not injured. That would indicate to me that the police knew who she was - an assumption I know. Anyways, apparently she isn't MIA.

11-22-15, 01:59
The news story said she was unharmed/not injured. That would indicate to me that the police knew who she was - an assumption I know. Anyways, apparently she isn't MIA.

The report I saw said 'unnamed'. Which implies to me that she was the victim of a sexual assault, or that it was a domestic violence. What other reason would she be unnamed? She refuses to press charges?

11-22-15, 03:28
Does anyone read anything before they post?

Typically I do, however in this thread I merely watched the linked video which had no sound and or information and I was basing my comments on previous posters comments of the altercation.

11-22-15, 03:44
The Rambos here think it wise to confront Obama's son wearing a hoodie, committing a felony, in NOLA, at 4AM, all whilst unarmed. Sounds like a great idea to create TWO victims for the price of one.

It has nothing to do with the size of your balls.

What he did was brave.

But the number of white knights that have stepped in to stop a woman's beat down that became a target of the woman after, or faced lying testimony against them from her after is a huge liability.
LE or citizen.

I am not LE. I am very selective of who I will stop and help with a break down or flat tire,
Let alone stepping into an alley at zero dark thirty for.

Was he saving some poor, innocent teen age girl with a flat tire from being kidnapped and raped and murdered,
Or did he take a bullet for an overdue crack whore about to get some pimp love, or a meth head whose husband just caught her cheating on him, either who would have stabbed him in the back if he got the jump on their hoodie man?

And this is where I'm at. Right, wrong, indifferent doesn't really matter. Everyone one of us finding ourselves in a similar situation would have to make that decision right then and there based upon many factors to consider many of which are exclusive to the individual.

Again, from the video linked, how did the med student deduce that the woman was in fact a victim of a crime? Did he see/hear the perp threaten the woman with the gun? Maybe, but from the video we cannot tell. It appears he simply was driving by as the thug was putting her into his car so maybe there was screaming and the like. Had I been driving by that time of day in that particular city I would have assumed she was his stupid girlfriend and or a trick picked up at the bar across the street. Had I perceived she was being threatened in any way I would have called 911 and given a vehicle/suspect description, tag#, and followed keeping my distance until LE lit him up on the roadway. As we say here on M4C "you don't know what you don't know". To many variables and unknowns.

11-22-15, 09:51
Again, from the video linked, how did the med student deduce that the woman was in fact a victim of a crime? Did he see/hear the perp threaten the woman with the gun? Maybe, but from the video we cannot tell. It appears he simply was driving by as the thug was putting her into his car so maybe there was screaming and the like. Had I been driving by that time of day in that particular city I would have assumed she was his stupid girlfriend and or a trick picked up at the bar across the street. Had I perceived she was being threatened in any way I would have called 911 and given a vehicle/suspect description, tag#, and followed keeping my distance until LE lit him up on the roadway. As we say here on M4C "you don't know what you don't know". To many variables and unknowns.

There is more to this story. Somehow our med student had seen something prior to the video starting. He was looking for these two. At the top of the video you can see him speed by, hit the brakes, back up and rush toward the BG and victim with a cell phone call already in progress. He gets out of his car already talking on his phone. Perhaps to the police? I would speculate that he saw the girl get grabbed, maybe he saw the gun, maybe not, and decided to give chase.

I'd sure like to hear the rest of the story.

11-22-15, 10:16
Well....MMQB aside, he did it and got gutshot for it.

I'm sure any number of people would've loved to have jumped out with a well thought out AR or handgun and greased the sumbitch.

I do not know this man's leanings but he's not a gun toter and he still tried a cocky hero stunt and may potentially be crapping in a bag the rest of his life for it.

Yet he did thwart a rape/mugging.

Just be prepared next time you go diddly bopping out around hoods.

11-22-15, 13:54
The Rambos here think it wise to confront Obama's son wearing a hoodie, committing a felony, in NOLA, at 4AM, all whilst unarmed. Sounds like a great idea to create TWO victims for the price of one.

It has nothing to do with the size of your balls.

It has to do with doing the right thing... but hey, keep to yourself next time you are in a serious bind but don't be mad if someone just pulls out the camera and records instead of assisting.

11-22-15, 13:57
It has to do with doing the right thing... but hey, keep to yourself next time you are in a serious bind but don't be mad if someone just pulls out the camera and records instead of assisting.

"Hey sorry your daughter is dead/raped/kidnapped/missing, but hey... look what a great witness I am, I stood there and did nothing and just watched it all go down, but I'm such a great witness right???"

11-22-15, 14:04
I think the one key thing a lot of people are missing is that tense, dynamic, and rapidly evolving situations being what they are the decision to act or not act is a completely subjective and individual decision that is best left up to each person to make for themselves.

11-22-15, 14:14
I'm honestly surprised at the advocacy of "Choosing the Matrix" when faced with a "Lose/Lose".

Hope a member of my family doesn't need assistance from...well... basically anyone else.

11-22-15, 15:12
hey sorry your daughter is shot but I tried to step in and I got shot the guy got freaked and pissed and shot her to ?
turns out he said he just wanted her purse but I got her killed but I am a hero !

it can go both ways

"Hey sorry your daughter is dead/raped/kidnapped/missing, but hey... look what a great witness I am, I stood there and did nothing and just watched it all go down, but I'm such a great witness right???"

Outlander Systems
11-22-15, 15:15
All I know?

If I ever find myself getting a bag over my head, and being stuffed in a van, I would hope to God someone, even if armed with a pair of nail clippers, would interdict.

11-22-15, 15:21

D-bag named.

New Orleans police are searching for 21-year-old Euric Cain in connection with the shooting of Tulane medical school student Peter Gold last week.

Cain is described as a black man who was wearing a dark-colored hoodie.


Nice pic. I'm guessing he's in the system.

*** I still want to know more about the woman. Just because he picked up her purse doesn't mean that he's just a robber and she is some unrelated victim.

So the woman is white and you go all charging in and intervene. Then you find out she's drunk and they're married. Have fun with that.

This happened at 4am folks. I know it's NOLA, but that time of morning is going to make me wonder what the relationship is between the two.

Your daughter is out being stupid at 4am (and unless she is on her paper route, that is what was most likely going on) and I'm supposed to 'save' her while my two kids are home safe in bed. Maybe you ass should be out looking for your daughter at 4am....

11-22-15, 15:24
hey sorry your daughter is shot but I tried to step in and I got shot the guy got freaked and pissed and shot her to ?
turns out he said he just wanted her purse but I got her killed but I am a hero !

it can go both ways

Lol. That's your interpretation of this video??? He was just wanting her purse???
C'mon man.
If you don't want to intervene then so be it.
Just own it though, don't use the "maybe he was just taking her purse" excuse.

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Outlander Systems
11-22-15, 16:22

11-22-15, 16:39
The Rambos here think it wise to confront Obama's son wearing a hoodie, committing a felony, in NOLA, at 4AM, all whilst unarmed. Sounds like a great idea to create TWO victims for the price of one.

It has nothing to do with the size of your balls.

It has everything to do with being a man.

Aren't you a doctor?

11-22-15, 20:13
"Hey sorry your daughter is dead/raped/kidnapped/missing, but hey... look what a great witness I am, I stood there and did nothing and just watched it all go down, but I'm such a great witness right???"

You must be unaware of the many covert techniques available to informed individuals.

11-22-15, 20:16
It has everything to do with being a man.

Aren't you a doctor?

I would not have intervened in the manner the young man did, but I would have ensured that the young woman was not further victimized.

I don't discuss my occupation in a public forum.

11-22-15, 20:20
Yet he did thwart a rape/mugging.

Given that the attacker tried to execute the rescuer many times, I doubt he had any plans of leaving the original victim alive. Rape, robbery, head shot.

11-22-15, 20:27
Given that the attacker tried to execute the rescuer many times, I doubt he had any plans of leaving the original victim alive. Rape, robbery, head shot.

Now we're MMQBing the hood. It all worked out. Granted a lot of luck played a factor. Could've gone better, could've gome worse

11-22-15, 20:47
Now we're MMQBing the hood. It all worked out. Granted a lot of luck played a factor. Could've gone better, could've gome worse

I don't think there is really any debate between us, I was just pointing out the attacker in this case didn't seem to be the kind who left anyone alive. And yes, could have gone really, really bad.

11-22-15, 21:19
I agree. He was trying his hoodrat damndest to tap rack bang a likely 25 year old TEC 9 with god knows how old or crappy ammo.

I have no doubt he wanted cash and white girl booty. Definitely no doubt he was willing to kill someone who intervened.

I'm just saying that both victims got lucky. Would've preferred an outcome where hoodrat gives the asphalt a few pieces of his mind but here we are.

11-22-15, 22:39
it can go both ways ?
if you think thats not true and only your view is correct ? which it seems to be you might be young and not lived long enough yet :)
or realize that things can take a turn at a split second
maybe single no kids to come home to etc...

Lol. That's your interpretation of this video??? He was just wanting her purse???
C'mon man.
If you don't want to intervene then so be it.
Just own it though, don't use the "maybe he was just taking her purse" excuse.

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11-22-15, 23:10
it can go both ways ?
if you think thats not true and only your view is correct ? which it seems to be you might be young and not lived long enough yet :)
or realize that things can take a turn at a split second
maybe single no kids to come home to etc...

Nothing to get all hurt over.
Sounds a lot like you're projecting.
Since you hold no credibility here or with me, I don't feel any need to delve into my personal life other than to say your immature guesses are quite a ways off.
You're now way off topic.

Of course anything "CAN" happen, that doesn't seem like too great of an argument for just standing around doing nothing.

Are you spending all day in the basement because a meteor "CAN" hit in the driveway?

Are you avoiding all confrontations because you are scared of what "can" happen?

This thread is about what DID happen.

The end result is some people would act, some wouldn't. Some would only act if they had a gun, others would act even if they were unarmed.

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11-23-15, 01:11
Still nothing about the woman.

Why haven't we seen the start of the footage of the perp walking her down the street? That camera should have captured them as soon as they came around the corner.

11-23-15, 08:15
The perp is 5'5" and 130 lbs.

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11-23-15, 08:23
The perp is 5'5" and 130 lbs.

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Kevin Hart could soooo play that dude. He be perfect with a malfunctioning gun.

11-23-15, 08:25
Kevin Hart could soooo play that dude. He be perfect with a malfunctioning gun.

Haha!!! Very true!

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11-23-15, 09:25
Still nothing about the woman.

Why haven't we seen the start of the footage of the perp walking her down the street? That camera should have captured them as soon as they came around the corner.

According to LE sources: the woman, who was intoxicated, was grabbed by Obama's son whilst standing on a street corner alone; she's cooperating with LE. As to the suspect's intentions, they were mal.

The med student remains unconscious in ICU but is said to be doing a little better.

11-23-15, 09:59
Obama's sons were busy last night:

A shooting in a New Orleans park left 16 people injured, police said.

Several hundred people had gathered at Bunny Friend Playground for an impromptu music video filming late Sunday when two groups began firing on each other, the New Orleans Police Department said in a statement


Of course, law-abiding gun owners are to blame for the gun violence in NOLA.

11-23-15, 10:05
Obama's sons were busy last night:


Of course, law-abiding gun owners are to blame for the gun violence in NOLA.

I bet they got some good footage for their video....

Shots ring out and they all start screaming higher than the Ho's.

11-23-15, 10:09
Obama's sons were busy last night:


Of course, law-abiding gun owners are to blame for the gun violence in NOLA.

Of course.

Even more specifically media has been up to trying to gain traction with even more directness.

Since so many guns used in crime are stolen,
And most stolen guns are from legal, law abiding gun owners,
We are the evil source of guns used in crimes.

11-23-15, 13:16

New Orleans police have arrested Euric Cain, spokesman Tyler Gamble said Monday (Nov. 23). He is wanted in the Friday shooting of Tulane Medical School fourth-year student Peter Gold.

Police arrested Cain, 21, at a home in the 2200 block of Delachaise St. in the Milan neighborhood. He was wanted on charges of attempted first degree murder, second degree kidnapping and armed robbery.


11-23-15, 13:33
I'm actually pissed now.
We get to feed, house, and give health care to homeboy while he catches up on his BET and hangs out with his cellie friends.

If he were a real G he would've had his TEC 9 when the police showed up and then we could've spent a few dollars in ammo vs the thousands upon thousands we're going to spend.

11-23-15, 14:29
Hold on one second there fellas.

What if the perp posts encouraging messages on his facebook page? What if his mother says that he is a really good kid? What if the media only posts images of the perp from when he was 12? Those kinds of things far out weigh the faults of armed robbery AND attempted rape let alone a simple injury from a gunshot wound. Is it really that bad that he shot this guy? I mean he is going to recover, why hand out such a harsh sentence for a wound that will heal?

Justice should not be blind. It should be socially sensitive. After all, we are a government of men, not of laws.

Furthermore, we cannot know if the shooting was warranted without knowing the shooter's full race background and the content of his social media posts. What if he is a white-hispanic? Other questions need to be answered: Does the nosy man that was shot while harassing the shooter own any flags?

This whole thing could be the med student's fault. He likely would have to pay restitution to the shooter.

11-23-15, 19:22
According to the Tulane Hullabaloo, Cain was arrested in 2011 on charges of illegally carrying a weapon and illegal possession of a firearm. He was charged with theft of a motor vehicle in 2014.

Cain had recently been released from prison on the motor vehicle theft charges, according to WWL-TV.

Looks like we'll send him back for some post-graduate work.

Crow Hunter
11-24-15, 11:40
Hold on one second there fellas.

What if the perp posts encouraging messages on his facebook page? What if his mother says that he is a really good kid? What if the media only posts images of the perp from when he was 12? Those kinds of things far out weigh the faults of armed robbery AND attempted rape let alone a simple injury from a gunshot wound. Is it really that bad that he shot this guy? I mean he is going to recover, why hand out such a harsh sentence for a wound that will heal?

Justice should not be blind. It should be socially sensitive. After all, we are a government of men, not of laws.

Furthermore, we cannot know if the shooting was warranted without knowing the shooter's full race background and the content of his social media posts. What if he is a white-hispanic? Other questions need to be answered: Does the nosy man that was shot while harassing the shooter own any flags?

This whole thing could be the med student's fault. He likely would have to pay restitution to the shooter.


11-24-15, 15:47
Watch the charges get plea-bargained away.

12-11-15, 03:27
Man accused of raping couple day after shooting student

NEW ORLEANS — The man indicted in the shooting of a Tulane medical student has been accused of kidnapping and raping a couple.

Investigators tell news outlets that video and DNA evidence link Euric Cain to the couple’s kidnapping and rape, which took place less than 24 hours after student Peter Gold was shot. Gold survived, and has been released from the hospital.

Cain, who’s already jailed after an indictment for the shooting, was booked Wednesday on counts of rape, kidnapping, armed robbery and carjacking.

Arrest documents state the couple was entering a parked car on Nov. 21 when the armed suspect hopped in and demanded their money. The suspect then ordered the woman to drive to a parking lot, where police say Cain sexually assaulted them.

Cain’s bond was increased to $7 million. Online jail records do not list an attorney for him.


12-11-15, 04:20
why raise his bond just throw him in a cell and starve him to death