View Full Version : 'White supremacists' shoot Black Lives Matter protesters . . .

11-25-15, 01:34
How convenient . . .

Suspects in custody after 5 shot at Black Lives Matter rally

MINNEAPOLIS — Protesters demanding justice for a black man fatally shot by Minneapolis police were settling in for their ninth night of demonstrations when something just didn’t seem right.

Lingering in the crowd were four people who seemed out of place. They were asked to leave. Moments later, shots rang out about a block away.

Authorities arrested a 23-year-old white man, who remained in custody Tuesday evening, and a 32-year-old Hispanic man, who was later released. Two more men — both white, ages 26 and 21 — turned themselves in Tuesday afternoon.


11-25-15, 04:12
A "hispanic" white supremacist?

Really, that is the story they are going with. How about an entire protest movement of BLACK RACISTS and some dissenters of various races.

Also what is "out of place" in a melting pot culture? If there were four black guys and a Chinese guy at civic homeowners meeting, would they be deemed "out of place", would the police be called?

I'm not sure what is more amazing. That the BLM movement has presented itself BLATANTLY as the Black KKK or that NOBODY is willing to call them on it. And if you do...instant racists, just like if you criticize the black President.

I was in Ft. Lauderdale (good parts and bad parts) growing up in the 80s and I won't say I never encountered racism, I did. I saw black people who were racist against whites and white who were racist against blacks. It absolutely existed.

But 30 years later I am stunned by the vicious and violently confrontation racism that I've seeing everywhere and the fact that it is uniformly supported as acceptable. It's amazing how much progress has been lost in what seems like a only a few years.

11-25-15, 06:22
NBC lead with a story about a Chicago shooting that happened some time ago, apparently a young man with a knife was shot by a Chicago cop. Turns out the guy was high on PCP. So 401 shot and killed in Chicago this year so far and they protest about this one years later because they just released the footage.
Then the next story was about the White Supremacists and of course they mentioned the Hispanic White Supremacist and managed it with a straight face.
Then they got on with the story about Turkey shooting down the Russian aircraft.

And there isn't a journalistic agenda in America?

11-25-15, 06:34
A couple of the articles I read mentioned "bulletproof vests".

Talk about convenient...

11-25-15, 07:16
Smells false flaggy.

Crow Hunter
11-25-15, 07:33
If you read the article it sounds like they were there at the protests, were chased by "security" (sounds like big black guys), they ran several blocks and then eventually fired at their pursuers.

Doesn't sound AT ALL like they are trying to spin it. I could see if I were being chased by large dudes saying they are going to pound the crap out of me how I might defend myself as well.

I agree with Steyr that the blatant racism displayed by the BLM group is astounding.

11-25-15, 07:46
Black lives only matter when the manner in which they are lost fits the narrative.

In Chicago, blacks are murdering each other daily and stacking the bodies like chord wood. No protest. A 9 year old black kid is lured into an alley and executed because 3 other black gang member scumbags thought he was a snitch. No protest.

In 2011 in Chicago blacks were something like 90% of murder victims and 70 some % of murder offenders, no protest.

This cop in Chicago has already been arrested and charged with murder, the system worked. But instead, we have the hate crime of the century and we gonna protest.

The only thing holding back the black community is the black community. They put their stock in so called "leaders" like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who have not once done anything to resolve any issue. Why? Because racism is big business and it keeps them rich and relevant.

As soon as black lives matter to the black community, then they have something to say.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-25-15, 08:36
I am pretty sure if three six foot tall 18 year old black guys with crack and hi points on them decide to mug you while you are lost and changing a flat tire and the average reader here defends himself the headlines will read something like "three black children shot in cold blood by racist gun nut"

11-25-15, 08:57
Everything and anything is racist if it upsets a certain group of people.

The irony is lost here

11-25-15, 10:18
Everything and anything is racist if it upsets a certain group of people.

The irony is lost here
At the near genocidal rate they are attempting to kill each other in Chicago, I'm hoping someone points this out during an upcoming debate.
I think BLM should have to answer for why it only matters if a Cop kills a black man in these cases, Ferguson would be a prime example. That was an example of a White Cop fighting for his life. During all of the Drama and goings on in Ferguson, how many Black on Black murders took place relatively unnoticed and defiantly unprotested in Chicago?

11-25-15, 10:41
NBC lead with a story about a Chicago shooting that happened some time ago, apparently a young man with a knife was shot by a Chicago cop. Turns out the guy was high on PCP. So 401 shot and killed in Chicago this year so far and they protest about this one years later because they just released the footage.
Then the next story was about the White Supremacists and of course they mentioned the Hispanic White Supremacist and managed it with a straight face.
Then they got on with the story about Turkey shooting down the Russian aircraft.

And there isn't a journalistic agenda in America?

They're charging the officer with 1st degree murder too. I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around how cops catch a call on a knife wielding PCP freak and it amounts to premeditated or depraved mind murder? :confused:

11-25-15, 10:44
What gets me is when they crucify these officers they show pictures of him in jail clothes but always post the perps picture of him graduating high school or something like he was the next Louis Pasteur or something.

Why not, for once, show a picture of the officer graduating academy and a picture of the hood sucking purple drank grabbing his crotch.

I understand the whe narrative spiel.

Yeah there are OODLES of A-hole cops out there. OODLES. But there sre still plenty that just show up, do their thing, and go home. It's not like they jump up everyday shouting "Oh BOY! I get to be involved in a shoot and get crucified by CNN!"

11-25-15, 10:55
They're charging the officer with 1st degree murder too. I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around how cops catch a call on a knife wielding PCP freak and it amounts to premeditated or depraved mind murder? :confused:

It's a pretty common prosecutorial tactic. Intentionally over charge then hope the suspect either plea bargains or the jury convicts on a lesser charge.

With this case I keep having flashbacks to Tennessee v Garner in various classes. Except Garner was unarmed. This guy was armed, had committed a felony armed robbery earlier, and was jacked on PCP. The "reasonable officer standard" will come into play heavily in this case too.

11-25-15, 11:13
It's a pretty common prosecutorial tactic. Intentionally over charge then hope the suspect either plea bargains or the jury convicts on a lesser charge.


"Well, your department has disowned you, we've stirred up public sentiment against you, and you have to beat a murder beef on an unemployed cop's pay. OR, you plead to manslaughter, do two years, serve the rest on probation, and it all goes away"

Because they don't want riots or controversy. They look like big heroes come election time.

Shit like this breeds a LOT of contempt for DAs and Defense alike.

11-25-15, 11:18

"Well, your department has disowned you, we've stirred up public sentiment against you, and you have to beat a murder beef on an unemployed cop's pay. OR, you plead to manslaughter, do two years, serve the rest on probation, and it all goes away"

Because they don't want riots or controversy. They look like big heroes come election time.

Shit like this breeds a LOT of contempt for DAs and Defense alike.

And did Rahm release it just in time for the election?

26 Inf
11-25-15, 11:33
A "hispanic" white supremacist?

Really, that is the story they are going with. How about an entire protest movement of BLACK RACISTS and some dissenters of various races.

Also what is "out of place" in a melting pot culture? If there were four black guys and a Chinese guy at civic homeowners meeting, would they be deemed "out of place", would the police be called?

I'm not sure what is more amazing. That the BLM movement has presented itself BLATANTLY as the Black KKK or that NOBODY is willing to call them on it. And if you do...instant racists, just like if you criticize the black President.

I was in Ft. Lauderdale (good parts and bad parts) growing up in the 80s and I won't say I never encountered racism, I did. I saw black people who were racist against whites and white who were racist against blacks. It absolutely existed.

But 30 years later I am stunned by the vicious and violently confrontation racism that I've seeing everywhere and the fact that it is uniformly supported as acceptable. It's amazing how much progress has been lost in what seems like a only a few years.

I grew up in Lincoln, NE in the late 60's early 70's and my experience was the same. However, I was surprised at the racist feelings and actions I found while stationed at Camp LeJuene. For a while I thought, 'hey, that's the south,' then I thought, hey that's the Marines, when I transferred to Pendleton the tone was much different and I came to believe, 'hey that's the south.'

In the ensuing 25 - 30 years I thought things had gotten much better, but you are right, damn, we are taking giant steps backward.

26 Inf
11-25-15, 11:46
It's a pretty common prosecutorial tactic. Intentionally over charge then hope the suspect either plea bargains or the jury convicts on a lesser charge.

It can work both ways, in several cases I've seen it appeared the prosecutor charged high intentionally, and the judge did not instruct the jurors they could find guilty on a lesser included offense, as a result the officers walked under pretty sketchy circumstances. I believe that is sometimes the prosecutorial intent.

I watched the tape, and although I'm pretty sure at some point the guy was probably going to do something to get himself shot, when they started shooting, I had an 'oh, fvck, not yet' moment. I also saw one hit the pavement well after he was down, with a knife I don't think you get to make that shot.

But, that's just what I saw in it.

11-25-15, 11:53
A Taser would've been nice. I don't think it was the heinous summary execution Don Lemon does, but a taser or bean bag would've been key on that one. However, I likewise don't see myself getting stabbed up either.

Technically this could be a good shoot. But most people won't see it that way. Officer likely panicked.

This is a thinking man's game. Not too soon, not too late.
Just how it is

11-25-15, 11:53
TIL Hispanics can be white supremacists.

11-25-15, 12:51
If you read the article it sounds like they were there at the protests, were chased by "security" (sounds like big black guys), they ran several blocks and then eventually fired at their pursuers.
Doesn't sound AT ALL like they are trying to spin it. I could see if I were being chased by large dudes saying they are going to pound the crap out of me how I might defend myself as well.

That's how I interpret it as well. Making an inference but I suspect the unwelcome people were being intimidated to leave, and were leaving, but at some point they thought they were being immediately threatened and shot in self-defense.

Oh, I just can't imagine that some protester thugs would turn more violent when outside the vicinity of the police station that they're protesting against! Impossible!

If it went down as I suspect, it may actually be a "hate crime" against the unwelcome people (white and/or hispanic), and probably also lawful self-defense. But that doesn't fit with the political narrative and with Minneapolis's ultra-leftist-idiot politics.

A "hispanic" white supremacist?

Oh, I'm sure he was a "white hispanic"!!!

Yes, this is absurd...

11-25-15, 16:16
If you read the article it sounds like they were there at the protests, were chased by "security" (sounds like big black guys), they ran several blocks and then eventually fired at their pursuers.

Doesn't sound AT ALL like they are trying to spin it. I could see if I were being chased by large dudes saying they are going to pound the crap out of me how I might defend myself as well.

I agree with Steyr that the blatant racism displayed by the BLM group is astounding.

This is where I'm at with this, spot on analysis.

Remember the Asian-American student journalist who was molested and intimidated at the black militant demonstration by black racists and their white apologists on the University of Missouri campus? They too have since told all the whites that were there in solidarity with them thanks but no thanks and to leave.

11-25-15, 16:34

11-25-15, 16:50
Reminds me of old Klan videos where they are bragging about attacking black folks.

11-25-15, 20:32
Oh, I'm sure he was a "white hispanic"!!!

Yes, this is absurd...

Hispanics have been white since Zimmerman/Martin.

11-26-15, 01:01
That was painful to watch, I don't think those two had an IQ of 20 between the two of them.

So while African-Americans are wearing masks they confront several European-Americans and one Hispanic-American who are also wearing masks, it's cold out right, and they demand they show their faces and won't allow them to film the "protest". Ironic, that is the same tactic that the black militants on campuses across the country are using. I guess they have never heard of "the freedom of the press" or perhaps they are afraid of their criminal actions being documented for future prosecutions.

It's also amusing that they sound shocked and play the victim when the mob started assaulting the European-Americans and their Hispanic-American amigo and were quit literally forced to defended themselves.