View Full Version : Interesting Article from a Strange Source...

11-28-15, 15:14
Intelligence agencies estimate that there are probably 20,000 jihadist and committed jihadist sympathizers in Europe, of which around 5,000 to 10,000 are in France. There is probably a comparable number in the United Kingdom. In the United States that number is believed to be between 1,000 and 2,000 militants.

In addition, there is a significant pool of sympathizers who identify with the jihadist movement, will support it financially, and are generally in agreement with their aims even though they themselves will not actively participate in jihadist violence. This is perhaps the hardest group to identify. A number of recent surveys suggest that this last group may amount to between 10% and 20% of the world's Muslim population.

It's hard to be entirely sure because it's impossible to know to what extent respondents game pollsters by giving politically correct answers depending on who they perceive the questioner to be. Assuming that the 10% to 20% figure is reliable, then these sympathizers represent a pool of supporters of between 150 million to 300 million people. It's possible that the number of sympathizers is greater but it's unlikely that the number is smaller

Mauser KAR98K
11-28-15, 16:58
Every now and then, Huffpo pulls their head out of their asses and get real air instead of their farts.

11-28-15, 17:01
Every now and then, Huffpo pulls their head out of their asses and get real air instead of their farts.

I had to go back to the top and make sure it was the HP about half way through the article.

11-29-15, 08:19
"The current impression of Russian ascendency and the restoration of a bipolar world is owed more to clever Russian diplomacy and the seeming paralysis, the less kind would call it incompetence, of the Obama White House than it does to a real restoration of Russian military power."

I absolutely can't believe that sentence made in into the Huffington Post.